1.1 -> 1.2 dselect/dpkg breaks

1997-03-19 Thread Nathan O. Siemers

After a trouble-free complete 1.2 install on a new laptop, I began the
process of upgrading my 1.1 box. dpkg and dselect have broken after
the list of available packages is updated:

... done.
Replacing available packages info, using packages-main.
Information about 716 package(s) was updated.
... done.
Updating available packages info, using packages-ctb.
Information about 37 package(s) was updated.
... done.
Updating available packages info, using packages-nf.
Information about 108 package(s) was updated.
Update OK.  Hit RETURN.  
dselect: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line
15778 package `zlib1':
 empty value for version

There's no big syntax error that I can see (with my uneducated eyes)
in that area of "available", and now dpkg won't run because of the
problem.  How do I work around this? Delete available for now? Thanks
for any help!



Nathan Siemers - Research Investigator, Bioinformatics
Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute
K14-06, P.O. Box 4000, Princeton, NJ 08543-4000; (609) 252-6568

Re: 1.1 -> 1.2 dselect/dpkg breaks

1997-03-19 Thread J.H.M.Dassen
On Mar 19, Nathan O. Siemers wrote
> There's no big syntax error that I can see (with my uneducated eyes)
> in that area of "available",

The section before it most likely has an entry with a ':' in the version
numbering. This is a use of the new "epoch" feature in dpkg (to deal with
packages whose version numbering scheme has changed), which causes problems
with older dpkgs.

> and now dpkg won't run because of the problem.  How do I work around this?
> Delete available for now? Thanks for any help!

I recently did an 1.1->1.2 upgrade. When I encountered this problem, I
removed the offending entries in available, installed the new dpkg, and
asked dselect to update the list of available packages again.

PATRIOTISM  A great British writer once said that if he had to choose 
between betraying his country and betraying a friend he hoped he would
have the decency to betray his country.  
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

1.1 -> 1.2

1997-03-12 Thread jghasler
Well, I upgraded, from 1.1 to 1.2 (Cheap Bytes CDROM).  I did the base
first, and that worked fine.  The rest, however, did not go quite so well.
Tcsh refused to upgrade: I'll figure out what's wrong there one of these
days.  I'm fairly sure I did not mark maelstrom for removal, but it's just
a game.  I'm certain, however, that I did *not* mark popclient for removal.
I restored it from tape.  My customized mail crontab was replaced, though I
answered N to all requests for permission to alter configuration files.  I
suppose I'd better look through all the crontabs to see what else changed.
Smail choked on a "checkpaths" command in the stock directors file.  I
suppose I should report that as a smail bug.  The first time I tried to use
"most" in an xterm, I was told "Terminal not powerful enough for SLang".
SLang is undocumented.  I restored "most" from tape.

John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: Curious thing about 1.1 -> 1.2 upgrade problems

1997-01-08 Thread Daniel S. Barclay


> While I'm at it, XF86Config -- I've notice this odd behavior while configuring
> X windows, if I specify the memory of the video card as it should be, the
> screen is all screwed up for all resolutions. However, if I specify the memory
> at twice what it is, then all screen look beautiful. I tried this on two
> different machines. Each machine has a different video card with different
> amounts of memory. And both machines displayed this odd behavior. One has a
> generic VGA card with 256K, and the other has a Trident 9440 w/512K memory.
> I configured & reconfigured a dozen times trying to figure out what was wrong.
> 8-) On the last try, I "lied" to the config program and specified twice the
> memory. Lo and behold. 8-)

Hmmm...I wonder if that is related to something strange I saw:  Something I
ran to auto-detect the amount of video reported twice the amount I thought
I had (1MB vs. 2MB).  

(Sorry I don't recall if it was SuperProbe I ran manually or something run
in the and package configuration--probably the latter.)

By the way, for me X works fine with the correct value in XF86Config.


Daniel S. Barclay  Compass Design Automation, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Suite 100, 5457 Twin Knolls Rd.  Columbia, MD 21045 USA

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Re: Curious thing about 1.1 -> 1.2 upgrade problems

1997-01-07 Thread tomk
Rick Macdonald writes:
> I've been living off the unstable tree for almost a year. Back when the
> version was 0.95r6 or something like that.

I believe this is a problem. People, who have "fat pipes" to get their 
upgrades from the FTP sites, can live off of the "unstable" tree and have 
their systems incrementally upgraded. Those of us with "thin pipes" have to 
either make do with long download times or use CDROMs to do our incremental 
upgrade. The difference is the size of the increment.
> I really haven't had any problems to speak about, and certainly
> not all the problems that people are writing about when upgrading
> 1.1 -> 1.2.

Keeping in step with the development team has it's advantages 8-)
> One reason may be that I just don't have as many packages installed,
> but I was wondering if anybody had any other explainations as to why many
> small incremental upgrades over the months seems to be more stable (in the
> sense of installations not breaking) than making larger leaps from
> point release to point release.

I agree, stable only from the point of view of less dependency problems. 
IMHO, grabbing from the unstable tree has a higher _risk_ of bugs in the 

I believe that, prior to official release, the "frozen" tree should be tested 
in two ways: 1) complete load from scratch (looking for breakage) 2) complete 
upgrade from an existing older release (again, looking for breakage). It is
hard to sell someone on the "professional" aspects of Debian Linux, when it
breaks at installation time (not to mention the "egg on face").

While I'm at it, XF86Config -- I've notice this odd behavior while configuring
X windows, if I specify the memory of the video card as it should be, the
screen is all screwed up for all resolutions. However, if I specify the memory
at twice what it is, then all screen look beautiful. I tried this on two
different machines. Each machine has a different video card with different
amounts of memory. And both machines displayed this odd behavior. One has a
generic VGA card with 256K, and the other has a Trident 9440 w/512K memory.
I configured & reconfigured a dozen times trying to figure out what was wrong.
8-) On the last try, I "lied" to the config program and specified twice the
memory. Lo and behold. 8-)

-= Sent by Debian 1.2 Linux =-
Thomas Kocourek  KD4CIK

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Re: Curious thing about 1.1 -> 1.2 upgrade problems

1997-01-05 Thread Shaya Potter
At 07:06 PM 1/4/97 -0500, Daniel S. Barclay wrote:
>> From: Rick Macdonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> I've been living off the unstable tree for almost a year. Back when the
>> version was 0.95r6 or something like that.
>> I really haven't had any problems to speak about, and certainly
>> not all the problems that people are writing about when upgrading
>> 1.1 -> 1.2.
>> One reason may be that I just don't have as many packages installed,
>> but I was wondering if anybody had any other explainations as to why many
>> small incremental upgrades over the months seems to be more stable (in the
>> sense of installations not breaking) than making larger leaps from
>> point release to point release.
>> I'd really like to hear that my observation is indeed false, since
>> upgradability is, of course, one of our major claims for Debian.
>I wonder:  Was the Debian 1.2 release ever tested?  That is, did anyone
>at Debian try installing it from scratch?

Yes, I installed the whole system from scratch, however, Bruce did make a
few changes to the disks after I had used them so that may be what is
catching a few people. I also had to use the ftp install method, and if I
remember correctly an ftp binary was included on the disks.


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Re: Curious thing about 1.1 -> 1.2 upgrade problems

1997-01-05 Thread Mark W. Blunier

> One reason may be that I just don't have as many packages installed,
> but I was wondering if anybody had any other explainations as to why many
> small incremental upgrades over the months seems to be more stable (in the
> sense of installations not breaking) than making larger leaps from
> point release to point release.

A lot of the problems seem to be dependency related.  By upgrading, we
need to install packages A, B, C, and D, but C needs to be installed
before B, and D before C.  So but if some of the depends don't catch it,
the installation may fail the first (or second times) until D is install,
and then C is installed.  I had a problem with tcsh and csh.  Both were
scheduled for upgrade, but the old versions conflicted with the new.  I
ended up deinstalling tcsh, so that csh would upgrade, then reselecting
tcsh to be installed, which seemed to work.

In addition, by upgrading slowing, you would have installed D when it came
along, around the same time as the package maintainer of C installed on
his machine to make the new package for C.  You won't run into this
problem since by the time C comes out, you had already installed D.

> I'd really like to hear that my observation is indeed false, since
> upgradability is, of course, one of our major claims for Debian.

This is one of the biggest problems with Debian, but it is inherent with
any system with interactive programs, especially with the large number of
different people working on packages that affect several other packages.
Some of this can be fixed with beta upgrades, but hopefully the xxx-fixed
will be able to help keep it staight(er).

One other reason, by upgrading slowly, if a package fails, the error
and what has changed may be a little more obvious.  With a large upgrade,
the interaction be less obvious.  Also, some of the 'obvious' errors are
less obvious when other errors are concurrent.  Hence some of the 'Never
mind, I answered my own stupid question posts'.   

Mark W. Blunier

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Re: Curious thing about 1.1 -> 1.2 upgrade problems

1997-01-05 Thread Daniel S. Barclay

> From: Rick Macdonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I've been living off the unstable tree for almost a year. Back when the
> version was 0.95r6 or something like that.
> I really haven't had any problems to speak about, and certainly
> not all the problems that people are writing about when upgrading
> 1.1 -> 1.2.
> One reason may be that I just don't have as many packages installed,
> but I was wondering if anybody had any other explainations as to why many
> small incremental upgrades over the months seems to be more stable (in the
> sense of installations not breaking) than making larger leaps from
> point release to point release.
> I'd really like to hear that my observation is indeed false, since
> upgradability is, of course, one of our major claims for Debian.

I wonder:  Was the Debian 1.2 release ever tested?  That is, did anyone
at Debian try installing it from scratch?

Of the problems I've hit, I don't really know which are because of InfoMagic's
bad CD-ROM, but a lot seem to be from the Debian release itself.  

(For example, at least from my CD-ROM, Netscape wrapper package depends on 
but there is no package X11R6, and no package provides X11R6.)


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Curious thing about 1.1 -> 1.2 upgrade problems

1997-01-04 Thread Rick Macdonald

I've been living off the unstable tree for almost a year. Back when the
version was 0.95r6 or something like that.

I really haven't had any problems to speak about, and certainly
not all the problems that people are writing about when upgrading
1.1 -> 1.2.

One reason may be that I just don't have as many packages installed,
but I was wondering if anybody had any other explainations as to why many
small incremental upgrades over the months seems to be more stable (in the
sense of installations not breaking) than making larger leaps from
point release to point release.

I'd really like to hear that my observation is indeed false, since
upgradability is, of course, one of our major claims for Debian.


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Re: My upgrade 1.1->1.2

1997-01-01 Thread tomk
Daniel S. Barclay writes:
> > I'm using the InfoMagic CDrom set (Dec 96) to upgrade. Here are some notes:
> > 3) several packages have 2 versions and "dselect" happily installs both
> > versions without trying to distinguish between them. And because of the
> > directory order (checked with 'ls -U'), the older version gets installed 
> > last 8-( & the newer version is purged. These offenders are:
> > ...
> > If you need any of these packages, I'd recommend installing these packages 
> > by hand.
> If you return to dselect to install other things, will it leave these
> packages alone, or will it try to upgrade/downgrade these?

Once installed by hand, dselect does leave the packages alone.

-= Sent by Debian 1.2 Linux =-
Thomas Kocourek  KD4CIK

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Re: My upgrade 1.1->1.2

1996-12-31 Thread Dale Scheetz
On Mon, 30 Dec 1996, Daniel S. Barclay wrote:

> If you return to dselect to install other things, will it leave these
> packages alone, or will it try to upgrade/downgrade these?
You can insure that dselect leaves them alone, by marking them with an
"H". This will hold off any action on those packages.




aka   Dale Scheetz   Phone:   1 (904) 656-9769
  Flexible Software  11000 McCrackin Road
  e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tallahassee, FL  32308

 If you don't see what you want, just ask --

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Re: My upgrade 1.1->1.2

1996-12-31 Thread Daniel S. Barclay

> I'm using the InfoMagic CDrom set (Dec 96) to upgrade. Here are some notes:
> 3) several packages have 2 versions and "dselect" happily installs both
> versions without trying to distinguish between them. And because of the
> directory order (checked with 'ls -U'), the older version gets installed 
> last 8-( & the newer version is purged. These offenders are:
> ...
> If you need any of these packages, I'd recommend installing these packages 
> by hand.

If you return to dselect to install other things, will it leave these
packages alone, or will it try to upgrade/downgrade these?


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Re: Upgrade questions 1.1->1.2

1996-12-30 Thread tomk
To answer myself and inform the folks on this list

> I'd like to suggest that an option be added to the conflict list of dselect.
> This option would allow one to pull-up the "Packages" description on a

After digging around, I found the "I/i" key did the trick for above! A big
_thanks_ to the "dselect" maintainer. 

-= Sent by Debian Linux =-
Thomas Kocourek  KD4CIK

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Re: upgrade from 1.1 -> 1.2, some minor problems

1996-12-30 Thread Martin Stromberg
I didn't see any follow-ups on this one so here I go...

[Klippa, klapp, kluppit]

> 4) In the configuration mode of dselect, I needed to use the 'Z'
>parameter to move to the background and examine configuration
>files.  The first package I tried this on was 'xntp'.  After I was
>finished I typed 'fg' and the system got really confused.  This
>never happened to me before!  I basically had to start all over
>with the configuration phase. 
>I got around this problem by using another console window to look
>at configuration files.  I didn't trust the 'fg' command anymore.

I got bitten by this one too.

[Klippa, klapp, kluppit]

Additionaly I've noticed that telinit -t 20 0 (as root) in an xterm sometimes
doesn't wait the specified 20 seconds.

Just anoying, except for the time directly after the upgrade, when the machine
locked up: red button time!

> /--\
> | James D. Freels, P.E._i, Ph.D.  | Phone:  (423)576-8645  |   | L |
> | Oak Ridge National Laboratory   | FAX:(423)574-9172  | H | I |
> | Research Reactors Division  | Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | F | N |
> | P. O. Box 2008  | Reactor Technology | I | U |
> | Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6392 | world's best neutrons! | R | X |
> \--/

Gott nytt år!


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Re: My upgrade 1.1->1.2

1996-12-28 Thread Santiago Vila Doncel

On Fri, 27 Dec 1996 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> 5) mail/smartlist*.deb depends on base >= 1.2.0-3  My system is being upgraded
> and base = 1.1.0-14 ! So, where is the upgrade package for "base"?  I haven't
> been able to find it on the CDROM 8-(

Accoring to smartlist's changelog...

smartlist (3.10-8) stable unstable; urgency=low

  * Made dependant on base-passwd instead of base
  * fixed postinst dependance on homedirectory of user list
  * fixed postrm removal of group/userid

 -- Christoph Lameter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Tue, 17 Dec 1996 05:28:41 -0800

... this will be fixed in Debian 1.2.1.

[ base-passwd is now the package containing /etc/passwd and /etc/group ].


Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: latin1


Santiago Vila <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Upgrade questions 1.1->1.2

1996-12-28 Thread tomk
I broke down and got Debian on CD (InfoMagic Dec 96 issue). In trying to
install/upgrade, I ran into trouble 8-). Some of it was covered by the
messages from this list (hurray!) However, I'm not familar enough with the
programming tools to make an intellegent decision as to what to select in the
I'd like to suggest that an option be added to the conflict list of dselect.
This option would allow one to pull-up the "Packages" description on a
selected item. Thus, a newby like myself can make an "informed" decision and
resolve a conflict 8-) Another "nice to have" option for the conflict list -
flag an item for an "override" of the dependencies (along with appropriate
warnings 8-) 

Ilu depends on python
python conflicts with python-base
(all python-* depend on python-base)
Question - Do I give up on "ilu & python" in favor of python-* ? What's the
difference between python and python-base? Do I need to do an override on

-= Sent by Debian Linux =-
Thomas Kocourek  KD4CIK

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My upgrade 1.1->1.2

1996-12-28 Thread tomk
I'm using the InfoMagic CDrom set (Dec 96) to upgrade. Here are some notes:

1) I installed dpkg*.deb and ldso*.deb by hand (per messages from this list)

2) Xlib6 and xlib have conflicts which cause problems in dselect. I remember a
fix for this, but I can't find the message(s). Would someone please repost the
fix for xlib dependencies.

3) several packages have 2 versions and "dselect" happily installs both
versions without trying to distinguish between them. And because of the
directory order (checked with 'ls -U'), the older version gets installed 
last 8-( & the newer version is purged. These offenders are:


If you need any of these packages, I'd recommend installing these packages 
by hand.

4) /etc/group somehow managed to get buggered up. A quick edit fixed it.

5) mail/smartlist*.deb depends on base >= 1.2.0-3  My system is being upgraded
and base = 1.1.0-14 ! So, where is the upgrade package for "base"?  I haven't
been able to find it on the CDROM 8-(

-= Sent by Debian Linux =-
Thomas Kocourek  KD4CIK

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upgrade from 1.1 -> 1.2, some minor problems

1996-12-20 Thread James D. Freels

I have 3 Intel machines running Debian 1.1.  I have just upgraded
one of them to Debian 1.2.  These are the minor problems I had

1) netstd and gcc required cpp, but did not tell me up front in dselect, but
   at the time it tried to install.  I fixed it with a manual dpkg -i
   of cpp, then a manual install of netstd and gcc.

2) I had some problems installing gs, but I did not pursue it on this
   machine since I decided I didn't really need it.  I will need it on
   my other machines.  I think it has to do with the newer version
   from Alladin.

3) I decided to remove gpm after I upgraded it.  I could not and still
   cannot remove it. dpkg gives me an error on pre-installation script.
   I'm still stuck on this one.

4) In the configuration mode of dselect, I needed to use the 'Z'
   parameter to move to the background and examine configuration
   files.  The first package I tried this on was 'xntp'.  After I was
   finished I typed 'fg' and the system got really confused.  This
   never happened to me before!  I basically had to start all over
   with the configuration phase. 

   I got around this problem by using another console window to look
   at configuration files.  I didn't trust the 'fg' command anymore.

5) I tried to create a new boot floppy for kernel 2.0.27, and could 
   not issue

   dd if=vmlinuz of=/dev/fd0 bs=80k conv=sync

   due to a 'read-only' error message.  The usually change to rw to
   all for /dev/fd0 did not fix the problem.  I do have fdutils
   installed, but don't have time to learn how to use them.  I'm 
   stuck on this one also (i.e., it boots from the hard drive via
   lilo, but I can't create a new boot floppy at this point, sort
   of fundamental stuff here).

That's about all of my problems now.  I'm a little reluctant to
upgrade my main machine(s) which have X, TeX, and alot of other
software packages which this system does not.  However, the print
server I just upgraded is running fine now.  The entire upgrade took
about 1-2 hours.  Really nice as usual from the Debian team!!!  I am
looking forward to trying some of the new packages.

I'd be glad to post one or more of the above items as bugs unless
someone points out that I have made some other mistake I'm not aware

| James D. Freels, P.E._i, Ph.D.  | Phone:  (423)576-8645  |   | L |
| Oak Ridge National Laboratory   | FAX:(423)574-9172  | H | I |
| Research Reactors Division  | Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | F | N |
| P. O. Box 2008  | Reactor Technology | I | U |
| Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6392 | world's best neutrons! | R | X |

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Debian 1.1 -> 1.2 update

1996-12-19 Thread Simon Martin
Ok, I'm back on-line.

I completely obliterated my debian installation through not reading the 
documentation, but that's my problem. I am now working on 1.2 and would like to 
thank everyone involved. It looks brilliant. I might even try and get X to 

A couple of little things

1) /dev/MAKEDEV no longer supports the option loop. I remembered something about
major 7 when I ran this on 1.1 and it seems to be working.

2) the install disks say Welcome to Debian 1.1

3) When I tried to configure modules from the install disks, it failed saying 
the kernel was the wrong version (see point 2)

Apart from this it was quite painless, once I got over the fact that I had 
completely obliterated my existing installation. The good thing about this is 
that I only took about 2 days to get everything up and running, from scratch. 
Somebody has put a lot of good work into the packaging system. Once again 

Simon Martin

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Re: Need 1.1 -> 1.2 upgrade instructions

1996-12-18 Thread Dale Scheetz
On Tue, 17 Dec 1996, Matthew Swift wrote:

> I have searched the Debian web page and the ftp hierarchy and been
> unable to find any instructions on upgrading to 1.2 from 1.1, except
> for a cryptic sentence in the README in the upgrades directory -- the
> rest of the documentation there is outdated.  What to do with the
> files mentioned in the README as relevant to this upgrade is unclear.
> The mail archives of debian-user are broken or at least out of date,
> so please pardon me if this is a recent FAQ.

I'm sorry I had no time to update the manual upgrade instructions. The
README points out that the new upgrade programs now include: DoList,
base.list-1.2 and devel.list-1.2. The base list has been updated to match
current 1.2, although the devel.list is still a pre-release list and may
need minor modification to get all the devel packages upgraded properly.

Once you have upgrade the base files, you should have no trouble using
dselect to upgrade the rest of your system, or you can build your on list
to drive DoList.

Hope this helps,



aka   Dale Scheetz   Phone:   1 (904) 877-0257
  Flexible Software  Fax: NONE 
  Black Creek Critters   e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 If you don't see what you want, just ask --

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1.1 -> 1.2 upgrade

1996-12-17 Thread Rich Deighton
I was greatly impressed with the relatively painless upgrade from 1.1 to
1.2. Good job, guys! However I did notice a couple of things which I
feel should be mentioned here:

  1) The modules package overwrites /sbin/request-route without checking
to see if it has been modified by the user.

  2) I used dpkg-ftp to do the upgrade, which I did in small groups due
to my reliance on a slow modem. Having retrieved groups of packages
which together met the dependencies imposed I was surprised to see that
they were not installed in any order. Quite a few of the new packages
relied on the libc that comes with 1.2, as this was about the last thing
to unpack and install some packages wouldn't install the first time
through easy to fix but a tad messy.

  3) Why does my UK keymap no longer work under X (it's imposed a US one
on me!!)?? I though XFree3.2 used the kernel keymap, which is definately
UK on my machine.

Many thanks,


| Rich Deighton   | 79 Radcliffe Road, West Bridgford |
|   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | Nottingham, England. NG2 5HE. |

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Need 1.1 -> 1.2 upgrade instructions

1996-12-17 Thread Matthew Swift

I have searched the Debian web page and the ftp hierarchy and been
unable to find any instructions on upgrading to 1.2 from 1.1, except
for a cryptic sentence in the README in the upgrades directory -- the
rest of the documentation there is outdated.  What to do with the
files mentioned in the README as relevant to this upgrade is unclear.
The mail archives of debian-user are broken or at least out of date,
so please pardon me if this is a recent FAQ.

Is there a way to use dpkg-ftp to do the upgrade?  An older version of
dpkg-ftp than is now available used to work with 1.1, but it broke
itself by unpacking of a newer version of itself (1.4.5).  I could
raid my backups for the old dpkg-ftp that works, but perhaps there is
an easier way.  The new dpkg-ftp requires an updated dpkg, which
requires an updated libc5 and ldso, which is getting too dangerous, so
I won't attempt this by hand without instructions.  I realize it would
be safe to download all of the base dir and manually install it, but
again this is surely more work than necessary.

I don't think I am on this mailing list, so please reply accordingly.

Matt Swift

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