Re: Help me to build a fileserver!!!

1997-06-04 Thread Kevin Traas
>   I want to build a small network using Linux as the fileserver and 
> windows 95 computers as the clients. What I have in mind is something 
> similar to what novell network do, but using Linux in the place of the 
> novell server. I want to be able to map a linux partition in the server 
> to work as a directory in the windows 95 computers. I tried to do that 
> using the tcp/ip protocol but then I got realized that windows 95 do not 
> have a client for UNIX networks using the tcp/ip protocol so, I have 
> been unable to map.  

Actually, you can do everything using TCP/IP - which is what I'd recommend.
 Rather than having the Linux box emulate a Netware server (which I think
is possible, but not sure), set it up with SAMBA.  This will allow peer
sharing just about like things work in a typical Windows workgroup
environment.  There is a HOWTO on this (see /usr/doc/HOWTO or )
>   I heard that Linux can to use  the IPX protocol. I think that maybe I 
> can to configure  Linux to emulate a novell network server and then 
> configure the windows 95 computers as novell network clients. I'm 
> writing this letter because I want to know how to configure Linux as a 
> novell server or any other server that windows 95 has client for. If 
> that is not possible I will appreciate if you email me telling that is 
> not possible. I will also thank any other suggest of how to use Linux as 
> a fileserver for windows 95 computers. The only think I do not want to 
> hear is that I have to open a UNIX shell in the windows computers in 
> order to have access to Linux server. 

As I suggested, don't go the Novell route.  Things'll be *much* easier
using SAMBA.  And, no, you won't require a Linux shell to access things. 
Using SAMBA is pretty much just like sharing between other Win computers in
a workgroup.

>   If you help me to learn how to configure the fileserver with Linux 
> then I will write a howto under the terms of GNU to help others newbies 
> like me to that.

See the HOWTO I mentioned above.  Someone's already done this for you


Kevin Traas
Systems Analyst
Edmondson Roper CA

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Re: Help me to build a fileserver!!!

1997-06-03 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Eliezer Figueroa Puello wrote:
>   I want to build a small network using Linux as the fileserver and
> windows 95 computers as the clients. What I have in mind is something
> similar to what novell network do, but using Linux in the place of the
> novell server. I want to be able to map a linux partition in the server
> to work as a directory in the windows 95 computers. I tried to do that
> using the tcp/ip protocol but then I got realized that windows 95 do not
> have a client for UNIX networks using the tcp/ip protocol so, I have
> been unable to map.

It is true, Windows 95 does not have a built-in NFS client. NFS is
the unix standard for network file sharing. However, Linux *can* 
act as a "Windows Networking" (aka "Lan Manager") file/print server.
For this you would install SAMBA, which is available as a debian
package. SAMBA will allow you to create Win95 "shares" and networked
printers which your Win95 clients can use.

We use this technology heavily here at my office. As a print server,
SAMBA is rock-solid. We've never had a problem with it. As a file
server, we have had a few problems. I believe, though, that they 
are isolated to locking issues. Which is to say: you won't run into
these problems unless you are put database (Microsoft Access) files
in the shares. These problems may have been fixed in a recent release.
There may also be work-arounds. I don't know because I didn't have the
time to work through the problems.

The ideal, of course, would be to put an NFS client on the Win95 box.
However, there are no share/free-ware clients available as far as I
know and the recent review I read in the June '97 Unix Review article
by Steven Baker about commercial implementations indicate that the
software out there is not-yet-ready for primetime.

To summarize: Try SAMBA. It will most likely provide a reliable and
convenient means of running a file/print server for your Win95 clients.
As an added benefit, your Linux box can be an Internet firewall/
gateway, a DHCP server, email gateway/server, etc., etc. etc.

Jens B. Jorgensen

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Re: Help me to build a fileserver!!!

1997-06-03 Thread J . R . Blaakmeer
On Tue, 03 Jun 1997 13:36:03 PDT , Eliezer Figueroa Puello wrote:
>   I heard that Linux can to use  the IPX protocol. I think that maybe I 
> can to configure  Linux to emulate a novell network server and then 
> configure the windows 95 computers as novell network clients. I'm 
> writing this letter because I want to know how to configure Linux as a 
> novell server or any other server that windows 95 has client for. If 
> that is not possible I will appreciate if you email me telling that is 
> not possible. I will also thank any other suggest of how to use Linux as 
> a fileserver for windows 95 computers. The only think I do not want to 
> hear is that I have to open a UNIX shell in the windows computers in 
> order to have access to Linux server. 
You could try to set up a Novell emulator under Linux but setting up Samba
is much easier. Just install Samba on the Linux machine and instal the
'Client for Microsoft Networks' on the Win95 machine. Also install the
tcp/ip protocol in Win95 and you are all setup. You now only need to
configure the server and you are ready.

Note that this works both ways. Win95 also has a server and there is a
Samba client for Linux.
>   If you help me to learn how to configure the fileserver with Linux 
> then I will write a howto under the terms of GNU to help others newbies 
> like me to that.

You don't need to. There already is a SMB-HOWTO and Samba comes with some


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Re: Help me to build a fileserver!!!

1997-06-03 Thread J.P.D. Kooij

On Tue, 3 Jun 1997, Eliezer Figueroa Puello wrote:

>   I want to build a small network using Linux as the fileserver and 
> windows 95 computers as the clients. What I have in mind is something 
> similar to what novell network do, but using Linux in the place of the 
> novell server. I want to be able to map a linux partition in the server 
> to work as a directory in the windows 95 computers. I tried to do that 
> using the tcp/ip protocol but then I got realized that windows 95 do not 
> have a client for UNIX networks using the tcp/ip protocol so, I have 
> been unable to map.  

Are you _very_ sure that there exists no nfs client for win95?

Anyway, what you want can be done in other ways, novell/ipx being one of 
them. As I understand you can even have your linux box act as a novell 
server using the mars suite. I have no experience with it though.

I suggest you have a look at the samba suite, which does the SMB protocol 
- the "microsoft networking" protocol. You can mount windows (3.11, 95 
and NT) diskshares on the network on your linux box with
smbmount //doze-box/sharename /mountpoint -n
and reversely you can export linux filesystems (requires a little setup.) 
Also you can let linux be a "windows-nameserver" and - if I'm 
well-informed - maybe soon there will be support for NT-style 
authentification services.
Printers can be shared both ways as well.

Good luck,


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Re: Help me to build a fileserver!!!

1997-06-03 Thread Thomas Baetzler

Eliezer Figueroa Puello wrote: 
>   I want to build a small network using Linux as the fileserver and
> windows 95 computers as the clients. 

This is covered in the SMB-HOWTO. Check /usr/doc/HOWTO for it.

Thomas Baetzler, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]";>thb's Homepage

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Re: Help me to build a fileserver!!!

1997-06-03 Thread Leslie Mikesell
>   I want to build a small network using Linux as the fileserver and 
> windows 95 computers as the clients. What I have in mind is something 
> similar to what novell network do, but using Linux in the place of the 
> novell server. I want to be able to map a linux partition in the server 
> to work as a directory in the windows 95 computers. I tried to do that 
> using the tcp/ip protocol but then I got realized that windows 95 do not 
> have a client for UNIX networks using the tcp/ip protocol so, I have 
> been unable to map.  

You just need to start the samba server on the Linux box and set up
accounts for the users.  Win95 will be able to link to the user's
home directories with the appropriate permissions by default and
there are configuration options to create shared areas.

>   I heard that Linux can to use  the IPX protocol. I think that maybe I 
> can to configure  Linux to emulate a novell network server and then 
> configure the windows 95 computers as novell network clients.

You can do that too: that's the mars_nwe server but I don't know
how they compare.  If you want to work over internet routers the
tcp based samba would be better.

Les Mikesell

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Help me to build a fileserver!!!

1997-06-03 Thread Eliezer Figueroa Puello

  I want to build a small network using Linux as the fileserver and 
windows 95 computers as the clients. What I have in mind is something 
similar to what novell network do, but using Linux in the place of the 
novell server. I want to be able to map a linux partition in the server 
to work as a directory in the windows 95 computers. I tried to do that 
using the tcp/ip protocol but then I got realized that windows 95 do not 
have a client for UNIX networks using the tcp/ip protocol so, I have 
been unable to map.  

  I heard that Linux can to use  the IPX protocol. I think that maybe I 
can to configure  Linux to emulate a novell network server and then 
configure the windows 95 computers as novell network clients. I'm 
writing this letter because I want to know how to configure Linux as a 
novell server or any other server that windows 95 has client for. If 
that is not possible I will appreciate if you email me telling that is 
not possible. I will also thank any other suggest of how to use Linux as 
a fileserver for windows 95 computers. The only think I do not want to 
hear is that I have to open a UNIX shell in the windows computers in 
order to have access to Linux server. 

  If you help me to learn how to configure the fileserver with Linux 
then I will write a howto under the terms of GNU to help others newbies 
like me to that.

Thanks You.
Eliezer Figueroa Puello
Student of  Electronic Communications 

Unapec University
Sto. Dgo. Dominican Republic

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