Re: PCI graphics cards recommendations

2003-02-16 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Sun, Feb 16, 2003 at 08:01:40PM +1300, Haralambos Geortgilakis wrote:
> Hi All & Norman,

My name is Nathan.  I don't mess with your name, please return the
favour.  Also, please learn to quote.  I've fixed your quoting below.

> whom typed

"who" typed ... sheesh.
>> Michael Moore, right?  He doesn't have an axe to grind ...
> Prey tell, do you have a point of view, axe to grind or did God/Alah 
"pray", "allah".  Spelling does denote some form of intelligence.

> tell you to type your stuff? Is your line of reasoning beyond critique?

This is basically where I decided to plonk you, since I don't recall
injecting religion of any sort in to the debate.  However ...

[ snip ]

>> Please direct further replies _off list_.
> No thanx, I would rather not carry on this discussion with you on or off 
> list.

Then what the hell was this post all about?  *plonk*

Good day, sir.  Apologies to the denizens of debian-user.

Nathan Norman - Incanus Networking mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Q:  What's tiny and yellow and very, very, dangerous?
  A:  A canary with the super-user password.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: PCI graphics cards recommendations

2003-02-15 Thread Haralambos Geortgilakis

Hi All, and Daniel Santamaria,

who typed,

Greek Geek???

that would have to be the BEST example of an oxymoron I have ever 
heard!  From your silly comments below, i think you should change 
your signature to dumbGreek!, just to be consistent ;)



Argumentum ad hominem?

No thanx, I prefer some thing more reasonable.

Greek Geek

Mountain Dew and doughnuts... because breakfast is the most important 
meal of the day.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: PCI graphics cards recommendations

2003-02-15 Thread Haralambos Geortgilakis

Hi All & Norman,

whom typed

Michael Moore, right?  He doesn't have an axe to grind ...

Prey tell, do you have a point of view, axe to grind or did God/Alah 
tell you to type your stuff? Is your line of reasoning beyond critique?

Say, you're quite adept at non-sequiters!  That was obvious given your
initial fallacious argument, but more evidence never hurts.  I fail to
see what the right to bear arms has to do with this discussion, but
thank you for baring your bias.

How can you know everyone in the USA supports the right to bear arms, if 
everyone does not vote? Odd claim to make & trivially false.

Bias? Again, do you think your point of view, is given from on high? 
Others are biased, you are not?

Also, notice I said it *might* follow, not that it *does* follow, in 
regards to gun control legislation. Ergo not a non-sequiter. Do you 
follow? Distinguish necessary vs contingent conclusions. All black cats 
are black, is necessary. This cat is black, is contingent on the colour 
of this cat.


It's the conversational equivalent of the 30-second sound-bite, something abhorrent to politics and knowledge in general.

Really, I must have missed that in my Philosophy degree! I would have 
thought a line of reasoning, for a conclusion, is only reasonable. 
Abhorrent? Spare me the pompous, self righteous drivel.

The reason voter turnout hovers around 40% is because the other 60%
can't be troubled to take the time to educate themselves on what is
going on.  Personally, I am glad these people don't vote; the American
founding fathers desired an "informed electorate".  Uninformed voters
are not unlike guns with irresponsible owners, to borrow from your
bizarre analogy.

Platonic reasoning at its finest; to wit, an argument for elitism. I 
guess you think your on the Right side of that line?

Your argument for "responsible gun owners," is called the "all true 
Scotsman ploy;" and yes, it is fallacious.

A claim that the American democracy is the longest active democracy, 
would seem to ignore black people, indigenous Americans and women? An 
odd position for Powell to take, indeed an absurd one. No Nathan, if you 
mean democracy in the modern sense of it, America is not the oldest. 
Clearly, some Americans believe it, but they would be wrong.

Democracy is a word.  Words mean things.  We're arguing about
something Colin Powell said, not something I said.  If you have a tape
of me stating that the United States is the world's oldest democracy,
please bring it forth.  Otherwise, I suggest you not attribute
statements to me until I've said them.

Yes, you are right, democracy is a word.

Your getting muddled. I am pointing out here, that the American 
"democracy," when it started off, only had a very limited franchise and 
is not a "democracy," as we use the term in The West *now*. In the 
latter modern sense, America only became a "democracy," when black 
people & women got the vote.

Regarding your other points, do you claim that the ancient Greeks did
not keep slaves?  Did they allow their slaves a vote?  Did the citizens
of Sparta get a vote?  Isn't it a fact that Socrates and Plato
despised the democratic government?

Exactly! The ancient Hellenic/Greek democracy, was of a very limited 
sort, compared to the modern instances. Plato & Aristotle, were not 
democratic, but Socrates, I dunno.

Ah, but you did use the existence of the "Ancient Hellenic Democracy"
as "proof" that Colin Powell does not understand history.  Either you
meant that Colin Powell didn't know that no-one had attempted a
democratic government before the formation of the United States, or
you meant that the "Ancient Hellenic Democracy" is still in
existence, or you claim that the United States is not a democracy at
all.  If that is your claim (as it appears to be), then trotting forth
the "Ancient Hellenic Democracy" serves no purpose and is superfluous.
I tried pointing this out to you twice now.

Wrong analysis, ergo two false consequences drawn. See the above, where 
I draw a distinction, between different *types* of democracy. To repeat...

I am pointing out here, that the American "democracy," when it started 
off, only had a very limited franchise and is not a "democracy," as we 
use the term in The West *now*. In the latter modern sense, America 
only became a "democracy," when black people & women got the vote.

As for the treatment of Indigenous Americans, that is literally 
criminal. Read "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee", by Dee Brown & weep.

Personally, I know for a fact that the United States is not a
democracy; it's a representative republic where the representatives
are (purportedly) elected in a democratic fashion.  It drives me crazy
when people say the United States is a "democracy"; the only
democracies I am aware of today are Iceland and Switzerland (and
there's some question if the recent changes to the Swiss constitution
leave the Swiss democracy intact).

Eh? You 

Re: PCI graphics cards recommendations

2003-02-15 Thread Mark L. Kahnt
On Sat, 2003-02-15 at 20:31, Nathan E Norman wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 16, 2003 at 01:31:01PM +1300, Haralambos Geortgilakis wrote:
> > 
> > "Mr Powell said he was representing "the newest country and the oldest 
> > democracy","-Apparently Mr Powell is not aware of the Hellenic/Greek 
> > Democray, dated around 300 BCE; when "we" coined the term. His grasp of 
> > history, is as poor as his American argument for a war, against Iraq. --GG
> I recently heard a term for this kind of political attack: "drive-by
> political commentary".
> I think it's fairly obvious that Mr. Powell meant the United States is
> the world's oldest _active_ democracy as it's been in existence since
> 1787 or 1789 depending on whether you consider the current government
> to begin with the signing of the Constitution or the first election of
> a president.  Your argument is rather like claiming that the Guiness
> Book of World records is incorrect when it names the "oldest living
> human" since the Bible says Methuselah lived to the age of 969.  Of
> course, if you have evidence that Greece has been under a democratic
> government since 300 BC, I'm sure many historians would be ecstatic to
> hear your evidence.
> Have a nice day.
> -- 
> Nathan Norman - Incanus Networking mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Profanity is the one language all programmers know best.

While this is not the place for such a discussion, the Icelandic Althing
(Parliament) dates back, with a temporary suspension in the 19th
century, to 870. England's Parliament traces back to the Magna Carta,
and has had substantive control over the administration of the nation
since the English Civil War. The franchise (right to vote) was of
moderately comparable grounds to that of the United States at the time
of secession, but was expanded under organised acts of reform that
voting rights prior to the American Civil War were quite broad relative
to significant areas of the 1859 United States.

That said, the issue is a pissing match that is inappropriate for here
and that we should all be above. For those that feel it difficult to be
above that, there are alt.* discussion groups on Usenet where such
pissing is appropriate.
ML Kahnt New Markets Consulting
Tel: (613) 531-8684 / (613) 539-0935

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: PCI graphics cards recommendations

2003-02-15 Thread Daniel Santamaria

Greek Geek???

that would have to be the BEST example of an oxymoron I have ever
heard!  From your silly comments below, i think you should change
your signature to dumbGreek!, just to be consistent ;)





Re: PCI graphics cards recommendations

Haralambos Geortgilakis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sun, 16 Feb 2003 16:41:13 +1300

Debian User Listie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi All & Nathan, 
who typed 
  On Sun, Feb 16, 2003 at 01:31:01PM +1300,
Haralambos Geortgilakis wrote: 

"Mr Powell said he was representing "the
newest country and the oldest democracy","-Apparently Mr Powell is not
aware of the Hellenic/Greek Democray, dated around 300 BCE; when "we"
coined the term. His grasp of history, is as poor as his American
argument for a war, against Iraq. --GG 

I recently heard a term for this kind of political attack: "drive-by 
political commentary". 

I think it's fairly obvious that Mr. Powell meant the United States is 
the world's oldest _active_ democracy as it's been in existence since 
1787 or 1789 depending on whether you consider the current government 
to begin with the signing of the Constitution or the first election of 
a president.  Your argument is rather like claiming that the Guiness 
Book of World records is incorrect when it names the "oldest living 
human" since the Bible says Methuselah lived to the age of 969.  Of 
course, if you have evidence that Greece has been under a democratic 
government since 300 BC, I'm sure many historians would be ecstatic to 
hear your evidence. 

Have a nice day. 

"Drive-bye?" Why of course, just like "Bowling for Columbine," and the
American obsession with gun-culture? No. Of course political argument is
older than that. Have a look at some "Old Europe" texts, like
Aristotle, Plato or Aristophanes. 
It is a shame, that your (the American) gun laws are so loose; 11,000
Americans being shot dead every year. You guys have a weird notion of
"freedom." I would recommend the above movie, "Bowling for Columbine."
If more of you guys voted (less than 50%, nearer to 40%?), then maybe
your obsession with guns would end 
A claim that the American democracy is the longest active democracy,
would seem to ignore black people, indigenous Americans and women? An
odd position for Powell to take, indeed an absurd one. No Nathan, if you
mean democracy in the modern sense of it, America is not the oldest.
Clearly, some Americans believe it, but they would be wrong. 
Your strawman argument, in regards the oldest living person, is cute,
but false. 
Nor did I make the claim, that the Ancient Hellenic Democracy, has been
around since 300 BCE, so again your strawman argument is false. Are you
aware, that The CIA helped undermine the Greek Democracy in 1967 and
replaced it with a dictatorship? I think that is what you might call an
own goal? 
I am having a nice day thanks, but I am sun burnt, from going on the
Anti-War march yesterday. Aloe Vera is good! :-) 
I hope you are too! :-) 
Did someone mention Debian Tux? 
Greek Geek :-) 
President Johnson summoned the Greek ambasidor..."fuck your Parliament
and your ConstitutionWe pay a lot of good American dollars to the
Greeks, Mr. Ambassador. If your Prime Minister gives me talk about
Democracy Parliament and Constitutions, he, his Parliament and his
Constitution may not last very long." LBJ. 1964-66. In April 1967, ...,
George Papadopoulos seized power in a military coup. He had been on the
CIA payroll since 1952. The catchword amongst old hands at the US
military mission in Greece was that Papadopoulos was " the first CIA
agent to become Premier of a European country". 

Re: PCI graphics cards recommendations

2003-02-15 Thread Pigeon
On Fri, Feb 14, 2003 at 07:03:08PM +, Jonathan Matthews wrote:
> Hi everyone.
> Can anyone recommend/warn me off any PCI graphics cards that 
> are still available at retail?
> I've googled a bit, but can't find any info written in the last year or 
> so, or any relevant to X4.x
> FWIW I'm running X4.2, with a 15" CRT and a K6-III/550Mhz.
> I'd be looking to try Quake I/II/III (or as far as the K6 will let me
> go), and general desktoppy stuff.  I'd like to have the facility to run 
> in as high a resolution as possible at a reasonable refresh rate (where 
> reasonable is, I spose, >65Hz).

WAY too slow for me... :-)

Dunno about its gaming compatibility, cos I don't have any games, but
PCI cards with the SiS 6326 chipset still seem to be around, and are
pretty cheap. The dot clock goes up to 175MHz so refresh rates can be
pretty fast. It does 1280x1024 @ 24bpp which is (surely) as fine as
you'll want on a 15" monitor, haven't tried anything finer but I
believe it is capable of more. Generally I run it at 800x600, 24bpp,
100Hz on a 17" CRT, which works fine for web browsing, word processing
and stuff.

It's also good in text mode as it can do fast text mode dot clocks -
the spec doesn't say how fast, but I wouldn't be too surprised if it
was the same as in graphics mode; you program the registers in exactly
the same way. So you can construct fine, fast-refresh screens with
svgatextmode (and my ClockProg hack).


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: PCI graphics cards recommendations

2003-02-15 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Sun, Feb 16, 2003 at 04:41:13PM +1300, Haralambos Geortgilakis wrote:
> Hi All & Nathan,
> who typed
> >On Sun, Feb 16, 2003 at 01:31:01PM +1300, Haralambos Geortgilakis wrote:
> > 
> >
> >>"Mr Powell said he was representing "the newest country and the oldest 
> >>democracy","-Apparently Mr Powell is not aware of the Hellenic/Greek 
> >>Democray, dated around 300 BCE; when "we" coined the term. His grasp of 

democracy; "apt-get install ispell"

> >>history, is as poor as his American argument for a war, against Iraq. --GG
> >>   
> >>
> >
> >I recently heard a term for this kind of political attack: "drive-by
> >political commentary".
> >
> >I think it's fairly obvious that Mr. Powell meant the United States is
> >the world's oldest _active_ democracy as it's been in existence since
> >1787 or 1789 depending on whether you consider the current government
> >to begin with the signing of the Constitution or the first election of
> >a president.  Your argument is rather like claiming that the Guiness
> >Book of World records is incorrect when it names the "oldest living
> >human" since the Bible says Methuselah lived to the age of 969.  Of
> >course, if you have evidence that Greece has been under a democratic
> >government since 300 BC, I'm sure many historians would be ecstatic to
> >hear your evidence.
> >
> >Have a nice day.
> >
> "Drive-bye?" Why of course, just like "Bowling for Columbine," and the 
> American obsession with gun-culture? No. Of course political argument is 
> older than that. Have a look at some "Old Europe" texts, like Aristotle, 
> Plato or Aristophanes.
> It is a shame, that your (the American) gun laws are so loose; 11,000 
> Americans being shot dead every year. You guys have a weird notion of 
> "freedom." I would recommend the above movie, "Bowling for Columbine." 

Michael Moore, right?  He doesn't have an axe to grind ...

> If more of you guys voted (less than 50%, nearer to 40%?), then maybe 
> your obsession with guns would end

Say, you're quite adept at non-sequiters!  That was obvious given your
initial fallacious argument, but more evidence never hurts.  I fail to
see what the right to bear arms has to do with this discussion, but
thank you for baring your bias.
The reason it's a "drive-by" is because you insert political diatribe
into a conversation where it was absent.  This seems to be a favorite
tactic of the political left (though I'm sure you can find examples
from the other side).  It's the conversational equivalent of the
30-second sound-bite, something abhorrent to politics and knowledge in

The reason voter turnout hovers around 40% is because the other 60%
can't be troubled to take the time to educate themselves on what is
going on.  Personally, I am glad these people don't vote; the American
founding fathers desired an "informed electorate".  Uninformed voters
are not unlike guns with irresponsible owners, to borrow from your
bizarre analogy.

> A claim that the American democracy is the longest active democracy, 
> would seem to ignore black people, indigenous Americans and women? An 
> odd position for Powell to take, indeed an absurd one. No Nathan, if you 
> mean democracy in the modern sense of it, America is not the oldest. 
> Clearly, some Americans believe it, but they would be wrong.

Democracy is a word.  Words mean things.  We're arguing about
something Colin Powell said, not something I said.  If you have a tape
of me stating that the United States is the world's oldest democracy,
please bring it forth.  Otherwise, I suggest you not attribute
statements to me until I've said them.

Regarding your other points, do you claim that the ancient Greeks did
not keep slaves?  Did they allow their slaves a vote?  Did the citizens
of Sparta get a vote?  Isn't it a fact that Socrates and Plato
despised the democratic government?
> Your strawman argument, in regards the oldest living person, is cute, 
> but false.

It's not a straw man argument at all; It's an analogy to point out the
fallaciousness of your argument.  Let's try another way:  You assert a
"fact" which is not in fact true, nor is it relevant.  Yet you then
draw a "conclusion" based on this "fact".
> Nor did I make the claim, that the Ancient Hellenic Democracy, has been 
> around since 300 BCE, so again your strawman argument is false. Are you 
> aware, that The CIA helped undermine the Greek Democracy in 1967 and 
> replaced it with a dictatorship? I think that is what you might call an 
> own goal?
Ah, but you did use the existence of the "Ancient Hellenic Democracy"
as "proof" that Colin Powell does not understand history.  Either you
meant that Colin Powell didn't know that no-one had attempted a
democratic government before the formation of the United States, or
you meant that the "Ancient Hellenic Democracy" is still in
existence, or you claim that the United States is not a democracy at
all.  If that is your claim (as it ap

Re: PCI graphics cards recommendations

2003-02-15 Thread Haralambos Geortgilakis

Hi All & Nathan,

who typed

On Sun, Feb 16, 2003 at 01:31:01PM +1300, Haralambos Geortgilakis wrote:

"Mr Powell said he was representing "the newest country and the oldest 
democracy","-Apparently Mr Powell is not aware of the Hellenic/Greek 
Democray, dated around 300 BCE; when "we" coined the term. His grasp of 
history, is as poor as his American argument for a war, against Iraq. --GG

I recently heard a term for this kind of political attack: "drive-by
political commentary".

I think it's fairly obvious that Mr. Powell meant the United States is
the world's oldest _active_ democracy as it's been in existence since
1787 or 1789 depending on whether you consider the current government
to begin with the signing of the Constitution or the first election of
a president.  Your argument is rather like claiming that the Guiness
Book of World records is incorrect when it names the "oldest living
human" since the Bible says Methuselah lived to the age of 969.  Of
course, if you have evidence that Greece has been under a democratic
government since 300 BC, I'm sure many historians would be ecstatic to
hear your evidence.

Have a nice day.

"Drive-bye?" Why of course, just like "Bowling for Columbine," and the 
American obsession with gun-culture? No. Of course political argument is 
older than that. Have a look at some "Old Europe" texts, like Aristotle, 
Plato or Aristophanes.

It is a shame, that your (the American) gun laws are so loose; 11,000 
Americans being shot dead every year. You guys have a weird notion of 
"freedom." I would recommend the above movie, "Bowling for Columbine." 
If more of you guys voted (less than 50%, nearer to 40%?), then maybe 
your obsession with guns would end

A claim that the American democracy is the longest active democracy, 
would seem to ignore black people, indigenous Americans and women? An 
odd position for Powell to take, indeed an absurd one. No Nathan, if you 
mean democracy in the modern sense of it, America is not the oldest. 
Clearly, some Americans believe it, but they would be wrong.

Your strawman argument, in regards the oldest living person, is cute, 
but false.

Nor did I make the claim, that the Ancient Hellenic Democracy, has been 
around since 300 BCE, so again your strawman argument is false. Are you 
aware, that The CIA helped undermine the Greek Democracy in 1967 and 
replaced it with a dictatorship? I think that is what you might call an 
own goal?

I am having a nice day thanks, but I am sun burnt, from going on the 
Anti-War march yesterday. Aloe Vera is good! :-)

I hope you are too! :-)

Did someone mention Debian Tux?


Greek Geek :-)

President Johnson summoned the Greek ambasidor..."fuck your Parliament 
and your ConstitutionWe pay a lot of good American dollars to the 
Greeks, Mr. Ambassador. If your Prime Minister gives me talk about 
Democracy Parliament and Constitutions, he, his Parliament and his 
Constitution may not last very long." LBJ. 1964-66. In April 1967, ..., 
George Papadopoulos seized power in a military coup. He had been on the 
CIA payroll since 1952. The catchword amongst old hands at the US 
military mission in Greece was that Papadopoulos was " the first CIA 
agent to become Premier of a European country".

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: PCI graphics cards recommendations

2003-02-15 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Sun, Feb 16, 2003 at 01:31:01PM +1300, Haralambos Geortgilakis wrote:
> "Mr Powell said he was representing "the newest country and the oldest 
> democracy","-Apparently Mr Powell is not aware of the Hellenic/Greek 
> Democray, dated around 300 BCE; when "we" coined the term. His grasp of 
> history, is as poor as his American argument for a war, against Iraq. --GG

I recently heard a term for this kind of political attack: "drive-by
political commentary".

I think it's fairly obvious that Mr. Powell meant the United States is
the world's oldest _active_ democracy as it's been in existence since
1787 or 1789 depending on whether you consider the current government
to begin with the signing of the Constitution or the first election of
a president.  Your argument is rather like claiming that the Guiness
Book of World records is incorrect when it names the "oldest living
human" since the Bible says Methuselah lived to the age of 969.  Of
course, if you have evidence that Greece has been under a democratic
government since 300 BC, I'm sure many historians would be ecstatic to
hear your evidence.

Have a nice day.

Nathan Norman - Incanus Networking mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Profanity is the one language all programmers know best.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: PCI graphics cards recommendations

2003-02-15 Thread Haralambos Geortgilakis

Hi All & Paul, who typed,

A. Because it's backwards.

On Sat, Feb 15, 2003 at 04:44:15PM +1300, Haralambos Geortgilakis wrote:

I killed the motherboard (FIC 503, *sobs*), with a 7200 rpm kooler 
plugged into it & not directly to the power supply. Doh!

Aww, you're going about it all wrong!  Just go straight to water
cooling if you want to overclock.  It's cheap enough and even a shitty
water heatsink rig will kick the crap out of the best air heatsink.

Q. Why is top posting bad?


Message received  :-)

Greek Geek

"Mr Powell said he was representing "the newest country and the oldest 
democracy","-Apparently Mr Powell is not aware of the Hellenic/Greek 
Democray, dated around 300 BCE; when "we" coined the term. His grasp of 
history, is as poor as his American argument for a war, against Iraq. --GG

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: PCI graphics cards recommendations

2003-02-15 Thread Paul Johnson
A. Because it's backwards.

On Sat, Feb 15, 2003 at 04:44:15PM +1300, Haralambos Geortgilakis wrote:
> I killed the motherboard (FIC 503, *sobs*), with a 7200 rpm kooler 
> plugged into it & not directly to the power supply. Doh!

Aww, you're going about it all wrong!  Just go straight to water
cooling if you want to overclock.  It's cheap enough and even a shitty
water heatsink rig will kick the crap out of the best air heatsink.

Q. Why is top posting bad?

 .''`. Baloo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :proud Debian admin and user
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than to fix a system

Description: PGP signature

Re: PCI graphics cards recommendations

2003-02-14 Thread Hugh Saunders
On Fri, Feb 14, 2003 at 05:02:05PM -0800, Paul Johnson wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 14, 2003 at 07:03:08PM +, Jonathan Matthews wrote:
> > FWIW I'm running X4.2, with a 15" CRT and a K6-III/550Mhz.  I'd be
> > looking to try Quake I/II/III (or as far as the K6 will let me go),
> > and general desktoppy stuff.  I'd like to have the facility to run 
> You won't be running Quake II, or at least at a comfortable framerate,
> on a PCI graphics adapter.  You won't be doing Quake III at all.
hmm have only attempted GL on one pci graphics card, was an ati rageII+
nastyness.  what i have found is that old graphics cards that hardcore
gaming people throw out are perfectly good for people like me who only
play occasionally. I use a 32mb gf2mx [agp] that my friend was getting
rid of and that runs halflife-cstrike|q3 fine [dont like q3 though.]

so yeah PCI does lack bandwith but you dont need to spend ££ on a
superwizzy swineforce4[1] in order to play games! just find someone who
does, and use their old one!

[1] :-)


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: PCI graphics cards recommendations

2003-02-14 Thread Haralambos Geortgilakis

Hi Yall & Johnathan,

yo man, I've got one of those cpu's also (K6-3-400-+), mine will OC to 
600  :-)

I killed the motherboard (FIC 503, *sobs*), with a 7200 rpm kooler 
plugged into it & not directly to the power supply. Doh!

If you can afford it, the Radeon 7500 64mb, will do what you want, but 
Quake 3 will be slow, if at all


Greek Geek  :-)

10,000 plus marched in Auckland, New Zealand; against an illegitimate US 
Presidents Immoral war mongering, today-GG, 16-2-2003.

nate wrote:

Jonathan Matthews said:

Hi everyone.

Can anyone recommend/warn me off any PCI graphics cards that
are still available at retail?

I've googled a bit, but can't find any info written in the last year or
so, or any relevant to X4.x

FWIW I'm running X4.2, with a 15" CRT and a K6-III/550Mhz.
I'd be looking to try Quake I/II/III (or as far as the K6 will let me go),
and general desktoppy stuff.  I'd like to have the facility to run  in as
high a resolution as possible at a reasonable refresh rate (where
reasonable is, I spose, >65Hz).

insight doesn't always have the best prices but they have great service, and
a huge selection. I haven't tried the above cards but they should work fine
just like their AGP counterparts, perhaps just a bit slower. I have a matrox
g450 dual head PCI from insight in my redhat box(intel l440gx+ motherboard,
no AGP), works great. Haven't tried any 3d stuff but I think it's too slow
for 3d games, the nvidia would probably be best, ati should work too.

looks like maybe the geforce2 MX from the list above would be the fastest,
anything faster probably wouldn't make much difference on a k6-3 550,
you sure thats not a k6-2? or maybe it's overclocked? fastest k6-3 I've
seen I think is 450(I have a 400 in one of my boxes, love it).



with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: PCI graphics cards recommendations

2003-02-14 Thread Paul Johnson
On Fri, Feb 14, 2003 at 07:03:08PM +, Jonathan Matthews wrote:
> FWIW I'm running X4.2, with a 15" CRT and a K6-III/550Mhz.
> I'd be looking to try Quake I/II/III (or as far as the K6 will let me
> go), and general desktoppy stuff.  I'd like to have the facility to run 

You won't be running Quake II, or at least at a comfortable framerate,
on a PCI graphics adapter.  You won't be doing Quake III at all.

 .''`. Baloo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :proud Debian admin and user
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than to fix a system

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Re: PCI graphics cards recommendations

2003-02-14 Thread nate
Jonathan Matthews said:
> Hi everyone.
> Can anyone recommend/warn me off any PCI graphics cards that
> are still available at retail?
> I've googled a bit, but can't find any info written in the last year or
> so, or any relevant to X4.x
> FWIW I'm running X4.2, with a 15" CRT and a K6-III/550Mhz.
> I'd be looking to try Quake I/II/III (or as far as the K6 will let me go),
> and general desktoppy stuff.  I'd like to have the facility to run  in as
> high a resolution as possible at a reasonable refresh rate (where
> reasonable is, I spose, >65Hz).

insight doesn't always have the best prices but they have great service, and
a huge selection. I haven't tried the above cards but they should work fine
just like their AGP counterparts, perhaps just a bit slower. I have a matrox
g450 dual head PCI from insight in my redhat box(intel l440gx+ motherboard,
no AGP), works great. Haven't tried any 3d stuff but I think it's too slow
for 3d games, the nvidia would probably be best, ati should work too.

looks like maybe the geforce2 MX from the list above would be the fastest,
anything faster probably wouldn't make much difference on a k6-3 550,
you sure thats not a k6-2? or maybe it's overclocked? fastest k6-3 I've
seen I think is 450(I have a 400 in one of my boxes, love it).


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PCI graphics cards recommendations

2003-02-14 Thread Jonathan Matthews
Hi everyone.

Can anyone recommend/warn me off any PCI graphics cards that 
are still available at retail?

I've googled a bit, but can't find any info written in the last year or 
so, or any relevant to X4.x

FWIW I'm running X4.2, with a 15" CRT and a K6-III/550Mhz.
I'd be looking to try Quake I/II/III (or as far as the K6 will let me
go), and general desktoppy stuff.  I'd like to have the facility to run 
in as high a resolution as possible at a reasonable refresh rate (where 
reasonable is, I spose, >65Hz).

Thanks in advance,



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