Re: Administration question

1997-08-18 Thread Paul
Hi David,  I work at Western university and we added a user shutdown.  We
told it when you log in to execute shutdown -h now and that is it.  That
might be the easiest way to do it.  A little time consuming but other then
that not the headaches that you could get if the system were to go down.
If you need anymore info, email me.

On Fri, 15 Aug 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am running a Debian system right now as a web development staging server.  
 present, it is only on a local network, but could conceivably become a gateway
 to the Internet as well.  So for the time being, it is basically a two-user
 system (me and my wife).
 I am teaching my wife to do web development, and would like her to be able to
 use the Linux system.  This includes having her be able to shut the system 
 when she's done using it (we can't afford to leave this old 486 system running
 without a pretty heavy subsidy from the electric co!).  My wife is not a real
 experienced computer user in general, and she has NO UNIX experience 
 Needless to say, I'm not really crazy about the idea of giving her root 
 lest some simple mistake hose the system completely.
 What would be the best way to enable her to run the shutdown command, without
 creating a giant security hole which might bite me in the @*% should this
 machine ever become a gateway?  My thoughts up to this point:
 1)  Creating a group consisting of my wife and myself, and doing a setuid and
 chmod 710 on the shutdown command itself, and changing group ownership to the
 group with me and her in it.
 2)  Creating a group consisting of my wife and myself, and writing a script
 which executes the shutdown command, then setting the ownership for the script
 to root, group ownership on the script to our group, and doing a setuid on 
 the script.
 It seems to me that the second option is the best as I don't have to monkey
 around with the permissions on the command.  Is the second any more of a
 security concern than the first, or, as I assume, less?  Say my wife's user
 password is ridiculously easy to guess; do these give the same amount of 
 access to the person who cracks into her account?
 Does anyone know of a better way to do this?
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Re: Administration question

1997-08-17 Thread Shaya Potter

If she has access to the system, just tell her to do a ctrl-all-del, and
then when the machine reboots turn it off during the memory check.


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Re: Administration question

1997-08-16 Thread Ralph Winslow
 I am running a Debian system right now as a web development staging server.  
 present, it is only on a local network, but could conceivably become a gateway
 to the Internet as well.  So for the time being, it is basically a two-user
 system (me and my wife).
 I am teaching my wife to do web development, and would like her to be able to
 use the Linux system.  This includes having her be able to shut the system 
 when she's done using it (we can't afford to leave this old 486 system running
 without a pretty heavy subsidy from the electric co!).  My wife is not a real
 experienced computer user in general, and she has NO UNIX experience 
 Needless to say, I'm not really crazy about the idea of giving her root 
 lest some simple mistake hose the system completely.
 What would be the best way to enable her to run the shutdown command, without
 creating a giant security hole which might bite me in the @*% should this
 machine ever become a gateway?  My thoughts up to this point:
 1)  Creating a group consisting of my wife and myself, and doing a setuid and
 chmod 710 on the shutdown command itself, and changing group ownership to the
 group with me and her in it.
 2)  Creating a group consisting of my wife and myself, and writing a script
 which executes the shutdown command, then setting the ownership for the script
 to root, group ownership on the script to our group, and doing a setuid on 
 the script.

I prefer #1 because setuid scripts are always a poor idea.  If the
script is
in suidperl (or is it perlsuid?), I'd object less (and in a pinch I
might even
do #2 for quickness, given proper signal handling at the top of the
In short, I guess I'm saying Do it the way you know best; just make sure
handle all interupts at the top of your code and THINK about what you're
doing and the order you do it in.
 It seems to me that the second option is the best as I don't have to monkey
 around with the permissions on the command.  Is the second any more of a
 security concern than the first, or, as I assume, less?  Say my wife's user
 password is ridiculously easy to guess; do these give the same amount of 
 access to the person who cracks into her account?
 Does anyone know of a better way to do this?
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The IQ of the group is that of the member
whose IQ is lowest  divided by the number
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Re: Administration question

1997-08-16 Thread Rob MacWilliams
 Why not just tell her to use Control-Alt-Delete to shut down the system?
 Debian will perform an orderly shutdown and reboot the machine, at which
 time it can be safely powered off.
 No magic necessary.
 Make it idiot-proof, and someone will breed a better idiot.
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I changed the ctrlaltdel line in /etc/inittab to:

# What to do when CTRL-ALT-DEL is pressed.
ca:12345:ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t1 -h now

This gives me a clean shutdown without trying to hit the power button on time.
I suppose there is a security issue, but this machine is for home use only.



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Re: Administration question

1997-08-15 Thread Jeff Noxon
Why not just tell her to use Control-Alt-Delete to shut down the system?
Debian will perform an orderly shutdown and reboot the machine, at which
time it can be safely powered off.

No magic necessary.



Make it idiot-proof, and someone will breed a better idiot.
PGP mail welcome! Visit for my PGP key.

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Re: Administration question

1997-08-15 Thread Will Lowe
On Fri, 15 Aug 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What would be the best way to enable her to run the shutdown command, without
 creating a giant security hole which might bite me in the @*% should this
 machine ever become a gateway?  My thoughts up to this point:

Why don't you use sudo?  It allows you to execute root commands as a
normal user.  I believe you can (as root) specify which users are allowed
to do which commands in the /etc/sudoers file.  We have a .deb of sudo
someplace ... hit and find it. 

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Re: Administration question

1997-08-15 Thread stick
 What would be the best way to enable her to run the shutdown command, without
 creating a giant security hole which might bite me in the @*% should this
 machine ever become a gateway?  My thoughts up to this point:
 1)  Creating a group consisting of my wife and myself, and doing a setuid and
 chmod 710 on the shutdown command itself, and changing group ownership to the
 group with me and her in it.
Not a bad idea - though anyone who can crack into the system *could* gain
access to this one commend.

 2)  Creating a group consisting of my wife and myself, and writing a script
 which executes the shutdown command, then setting the ownership for the script
 to root, group ownership on the script to our group, and doing a setuid on 
 the script.
Linux doesn't support suid on scripts - it's *that* big of a security hole!
A wrapper program would be more like it.

 It seems to me that the second option is the best as I don't have to monkey
 around with the permissions on the command.  Is the second any more of a
 security concern than the first, or, as I assume, less?  Say my wife's user
 password is ridiculously easy to guess; do these give the same amount of
 system access to the person who cracks into her account?
 Does anyone know of a better way to do this?
Yes!  Try using sudo or super.  They allow ordinary users to have access to
specific system level programs without monkeying around with permissions.
I've used sudo for a long time and am happy with the access it allows.
Super may be even easier to use, I'm not sure.

Another way that I've seen systems handle this - not advocating it - just
mentioning... is to have a shutdown user (w/ a password of course) that
runs the shutdown command upon login.  If this user has root equivalent
authority (the SCO systems I've seen with this are user=0, group=0...
shudder...) then just logging in will bring the system down.  It's an
option - not a very good one, but an option.


Chuck Stickelman, Owner E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Practical Network DesignVoice:  (419) 529-3841
9 Chambers Road FAX:(419) 529-3625
Mansfield, OH 44906-1302 USA

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