Re: How to make apt-cdrom read Flashdisk?

2023-04-11 Thread David Wright
On Tue 11 Apr 2023 at 16:00:22 (+0700), SteffenTAN wrote:
> so I got a Last School Work but, They didn't give Me a CD/DVD to Install
> Debian 10.4, Samba and isc-dhcp-server
> They only give Me 3 files with name of DVD 1, 2 and 3
> so, I searching for answer then, I use rufus to Install the 1st DVD (Debian
> OS) it's work. not work for CD 2 and 3 because the format then, I think I
> need to extract the files into flashdisk.
> but, I can't install samba because the "apt-cdrom" stay read from CDRom
> while the File was on Flashdisk

apt-cdrom has a number of switches, documented in   man apt-cdrom
and it sounds like you may need:

  apt-cdrom --no-auto-detect -m -d /mnt add

--no-auto-detectDon't mess with the optical drive
-m  Assume the flashdrive has been mounted
-d /mnt /mnt is where the flashdrive is mounted

You might need to mount the stick first, in your usual manner,
and use -d to tell apt-cdrom where it is mounted.

If you have an automounter, then you should just determine
where it got mounted, and use that mountpoint name instead.
It might be automounted under /media.


Re: How to make apt-cdrom read Flashdisk?

2023-04-11 Thread Thomas Schmitt

SteffenTAN wrote:
> They only give Me 3 files with name of DVD 1, 2 and 3
> so, I searching for answer then, I use rufus to Install the 1st DVD (Debian
> OS) it's work.

I guess you could install a base system from the "DVD-1" stick and then
put the mount point addresses of the two other "DVD" images into
of the installed system before you install more packages.
But that's Debian sysadmin work which others can explain better.

(I see that Timothy M Butterworth proposes a similar approach in
  "Can't you install software from the online repos?"
I.e. you ignore DVD-2 and 3 and rather use Debian's normal way of
installing additional packages from the internet repositories by
help of "apt" or "apt-get". The matching entry in sources.list gets
created by the installation from DVD-1.
Better ask your teacher first, whether this method is ok.)

Alternative approaches:

Possibility 2 would be the one which Pete Batard, the author of Rufus,
defends with great emphasis every time that it gets broken by distro ISOs.
Recently in
he wrote
  "In short, the expectation of many UEFI users -- [...]
   -- is that they should be able to [format] a USB media to FAT32 and
   then extract the full content from the Debian ISO there, to end up
   with a media that they can use to both boot and install Debian."
I would bet that this works for multiple ISOs, too.
When trying i would first unpack DVD-2 and DVD-3 to the freshly formatted
FAT32 on the USB stick and only then DVD-1. So if any files are on DVD-1
and another DVD image, then the ones from DVD-1 would survive.


A third possibility would be to ask the teacher for permission to use
which you can get from
and is supposed to contain what DVD-1 to 3 contain plus some more.
You'd need the program "jigdo-lite" which is available as MS-Windows
version from Steve McIntyre, a main Debian Developer of the installation
ISO images at
See also the "Downloads" paragraph on
Instructions how to use it are at "4.2" and "4.3" of

Possibility 3 1/2 would be to follow
which explains how to use a Debian Live system (from USB stick) to
download the ISO by help of Debian's package "jigdo-file".
This wiki age also gives a more recent example on how to use program
jigdo-lite. See
I assume that this example works with the MS-Windows binary too.


Possibility 4 would be to merge the three DVD images into one. See
This needs a Unix-like shell environment (CygWin ?) and program xorriso,
of which .exe binaries exist in the web.
The resulting ISO will not have a Joliet tree and thus MS-Windows will show
only its dull ISO 9660 names when you inspect the result. This will not
hamper installation by Debian because as a GNU/Linux it will perceive the
Rock Ridge names which are even better than Joliet.
(The script "merge_debian_isos" can be modified to add Joliet.)

Have a nice day :)


Re: How to make apt-cdrom read Flashdisk?

2023-04-11 Thread Timothy M Butterworth
On Tue, Apr 11, 2023 at 5:18 AM SteffenTAN <> wrote:

> so I got a Last School Work but, They didn't give Me a CD/DVD to Install
> Debian 10.4, Samba and isc-dhcp-server

Debian 10.4 is pretty old. Is there a reason why you have to use that

> They only give Me 3 files with name of DVD 1, 2 and 3
> so, I searching for answer then, I use rufus to Install the 1st DVD
> (Debian OS) it's work. not work for CD 2 and 3 because the format then, I
> think I need to extract the files into flashdisk.

Are the three files iso images. Do they end in .iso?

> but, I can't install samba because the "apt-cdrom" stay read from CDRom
> while the File was on Flashdisk
> please help Me

Can't you install software from the online repos?

> I'm very frustated

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