Re: ReiserFS + 2.4.4

2001-05-04 Thread Oki DZ
Ilya Martynov wrote:
 It is called read-only because user programs that work at level of
 files and directories can't write on mounted filesystem. Tools that
 mount filesystem work on lower level.

I have visited the web page you pointed out the other day; I have no
conclusion (neither did they, and if they didn't, why would I?).

BTW, the following is a must read, I believe. I copied it from (the URL has changed, I believe). Recently, one of my
systems gets kernel panics much more often than usual. Usually, the
system runs peacefully even after weeks or months (they get rebooted due
to some peripheral), but lately I have to reboot it in about every week.
I don't know yet what the problem is. If I remember correctly, the
problem occurs after I have changed _all_ the filesystems to reiserfs
(well, I did add some other stuff too). I have another system that has
root partition using ext2fs; it runs without problem (well, its load is
a bit lighter, if that helps).

Anyway, the following would be good for preparing reiserfs partitions:
 ReiserFS supports crude form of bad block handling. To use it
 you should apply one of the following patches corresponding to
 your kernel version: 
 linux-2.4.2-badblocks-1.a.diff for 2.4.2 and 2.4.3. 
 linux-2.4.4-badblocks-1.a.diff for 2.4.4 
 Above patches provide new ioctl()
 commands for ResierFS files, that allow to mark given block as
 used or free in block allocation bitmap without unmounting
 Sad news are that ReiserFS utils currently don't support this
 style of bad block handling in any way. So typical scenario to
 create and use ReiserFS file-system on device with bad blocks
 is as follows: 
  1.Find list of bad block (by /sbin/badblocks for example). Save it
  2.Create ReiserFS file-system by /sbin/mkreiserfs 
  3.Create dummy file on the file-system (to exercise ioctl()
 on). Let's suppose it's /mnt/reiserfs-mount-point/foo, name is
  4.Mark each bad block as used through simple utility. For example as
 while read
 add-bad-block /mnt/reiserfs-mount-point/foo $REPLY used
 done  path-to-file-with-list-of-bad-blocks
  5.Before running /sbin/reiserfsck on this file-system, mark all
 bad-blocks as free again: 
 while read
 add-bad-block /mnt/reiserfs-mount-point/foo $REPLY free
 done  path-to-file-with-list-of-bad-blocks

mkreiserfs runs pretty fast; I didn't know that it doesn't check for bad
blocks, and I thought that on every write, it checks for the bad ones
first. According to the above, unfortunately, it doesn't. 

It's also possible that my system gets kernel panics due to the bad
blocks that showed up long after the filesystem got created. I have to
check it out, though (and for reminding you, the tool is


Re: ReiserFS + 2.4.4

2001-05-03 Thread Ilya Martynov

 I'm not sure about reiserfs but at least ext3 does replays logs on
 read only filesystem. I'm going to check if it so with reiserfs.
 Here you can
 find some discussion why on jornaling filesystems log can be replayed
 even if filesystem is mounted as read only.

OD Thanks; I'll check it out.
OD If it really does, then my system is okay now.
OD BTW, if it's read-only and you can still write something on the
OD filesystem, why is it called read-only...? (I'm a bit dazed and
OD confused...)

It is called read-only because user programs that work at level of
files and directories can't write on mounted filesystem. Tools that
mount filesystem work on lower level.

| Ilya Martynov (|
| GnuPG 1024D/323BDEE6 D7F7 561E 4C1D 8A15 8E80  E4AE BE1A 53EB 323B DEE6 |
| AGAVA Software Company (  |

Re: ReiserFS + 2.4.4

2001-05-03 Thread Oki DZ
Ilya Martynov wrote:
 It is called read-only because user programs that work at level of
 files and directories can't write on mounted filesystem. Tools that
 mount filesystem work on lower level.

I guess the guys at should create a better startup
message; currently, it says (approx.): warning... replaying transaction
log on read-only filesystem. It should have been: replaying
transaction log. So that the faint of hearts would be sleeping well
during the nights.


Re: ReiserFS + 2.4.4

2001-05-02 Thread Oki DZ
William Leese wrote:
 oh, i didn't backup /proc and /tmp because tar spewed out a few error
 messages. but from what i can recall /proc is created by the kernel(?) and
 for /tmp the directory just needs to be recreated, correct?

You'd need to recreate the /proc directory; the system uses it as the
mount point (of  the proc filesystem). You can safely recreate the /tmp
directory; its content is always deleted on reboot.

BTW, I have all my partitions running on reiserfs; problem is, when the
system booted up, / partition is always mounted read-only, so that the
transaction log is always replayed on, well, read-only filesystem. I
have done update-rc.d -f remove, so that fsck wouldn't be
done on the system. But that doesn't make the root partition mounted
read-write on boot. The question is, how can I set the system so that
the / partition mounted read-write?


Re: ReiserFS + 2.4.4

2001-05-02 Thread Ilya Martynov

OD BTW, I have all my partitions running on reiserfs; problem is, when the
OD system booted up, / partition is always mounted read-only, so that the
OD transaction log is always replayed on, well, read-only filesystem. I
OD have done update-rc.d -f remove, so that fsck wouldn't be
OD done on the system. But that doesn't make the root partition mounted
OD read-write on boot. The question is, how can I set the system so that
OD the / partition mounted read-write?

I'm sorry but what is the problem with replaying log on read only
filesystem? It should be readonly only for user's programs that use
mounted filesystem.

| Ilya Martynov (|
| GnuPG 1024D/323BDEE6 D7F7 561E 4C1D 8A15 8E80  E4AE BE1A 53EB 323B DEE6 |
| AGAVA Software Company (  |

Re: ReiserFS + 2.4.4

2001-05-02 Thread Andrew Pollock
On Wed, 2 May 2001, Oki DZ wrote:

 William Leese wrote:
  oh, i didn't backup /proc and /tmp because tar spewed out a few error
  messages. but from what i can recall /proc is created by the kernel(?) and
  for /tmp the directory just needs to be recreated, correct?
 You'd need to recreate the /proc directory; the system uses it as the
 mount point (of  the proc filesystem). You can safely recreate the /tmp
 directory; its content is always deleted on reboot.
 BTW, I have all my partitions running on reiserfs; problem is, when the
 system booted up, / partition is always mounted read-only, so that the
 transaction log is always replayed on, well, read-only filesystem. I
 have done update-rc.d -f remove, so that fsck wouldn't be
 done on the system. But that doesn't make the root partition mounted
 read-write on boot. The question is, how can I set the system so that
 the / partition mounted read-write?

Using LILO?


Lose the read-only directive.


Re: ReiserFS + 2.4.4

2001-05-02 Thread Oki DZ
Ilya Martynov wrote:
 I'm sorry but what is the problem with replaying log on read only
 filesystem? It should be readonly only for user's programs that use
 mounted filesystem.

Well, my understanding is that if you have a read-only filesytem, then
you wouldn't be able to write anyting to it. Having a transaction log
replayed on a read-only filesystem would mean that the transactions are
not written. If none is written, then you can say that the journalling
filesystem is not working. If it's not working, well, your system would
be left in a not-quite-good state.


Re: ReiserFS + 2.4.4

2001-05-02 Thread Oki DZ
Andrew Pollock wrote:
 Using LILO?

I use Grub.
Thanks for the info, I'm going to lookup the man page for the identical


Re: ReiserFS + 2.4.4

2001-05-02 Thread Ilya Martynov

 I'm sorry but what is the problem with replaying log on read only
 filesystem? It should be readonly only for user's programs that use
 mounted filesystem.

OD Well, my understanding is that if you have a read-only filesytem, then
OD you wouldn't be able to write anyting to it. Having a transaction log
OD replayed on a read-only filesystem would mean that the transactions are
OD not written. If none is written, then you can say that the journalling
OD filesystem is not working. If it's not working, well, your system would
OD be left in a not-quite-good state.

I'm not sure about reiserfs but at least ext3 does replays logs on
read only filesystem. I'm going to check if it so with reiserfs.

Here you can
find some discussion why on jornaling filesystems log can be replayed
even if filesystem is mounted as read only.

| Ilya Martynov (|
| GnuPG 1024D/323BDEE6 D7F7 561E 4C1D 8A15 8E80  E4AE BE1A 53EB 323B DEE6 |
| AGAVA Software Company (  |

Re: ReiserFS + 2.4.4

2001-05-02 Thread mdevin
Here is what I did step by step on 2 separate computers to change over to

First of all you must have a partition large enough to hold everything.  Lets
say you have 4 partitions and part4 is big enough to hold everything.
Lets say the 4 partitions are mounted as /boot, swap, /, /var.   You may have
more that this but you can just extrapolate from this.  So here is what the
partition table would look like:
part1  /boot
part2  swap
part3  /
part4  /var
The first thing to do is copy the /var partition over to the / partition so that
you get a spare partition.  (hopefully you have enough space to do this on /).
Then you will be able to make part4 spare.
So here is what you would do:
stop the daemons which are accessing /var - sysklogd etc.  Then unmount /var.  I
had trouble finding all the necessary daemons to stop to do this so what I did
was edit /etc/fstab and make part4 mount on /newdisk instead of /var, make a dir
called /newdisk and then reboot.  Now this will cause all the logging daemons
etc. to complain at startup but the system will still boot and you will still be
able to login OK and all the /var stuff will be mounted as /newdisk.
then copy over the /newdisk stuff onto /var  (Nb. you have to copy over each of
the separate subdirectories in /newdisk separately otherwise you will end up
with something like /var/newdisk/subdirectories when what you want is
So you just do:
cp -avx /newdisk/backups /var/
cp -avx /newdisk/cache /var/
cp -avx /newdisk/lib /var/
. you get the idea.
You now have a spare partition (part4) which you can umount and mkreiserfs.
umount /newdisk
mkreiserfs /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part4  (if you use devfs notation)
edit /etc/fstab and change it so that part4 mounts as reiserfs, something like:
/dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part4 /newdisk reiserfs defaults0  0
mount /newdisk  (now reiserfs)
Now since part4 is large enough to hold everything you can just copy everything
over to it.
cp -avx / /newdisk
Edit /newdisk/etc/fstab and change things so that / mounts on part4 as reiserfs
and part3 is left unmounted.
Edit /newdisk/etc/lilo.conf
change root to: /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part4
Don't need to change the other stuff cause it is better to leave /boot as is
Update the mbr and map etc for lilo (for the new boot configuration) with this:
/sbin/lilo -C /newdisk/etc/lilo.conf
Then reboot
Now running reiserfs with partitions as follows:
/boot on part1  (ext2)
swap on part2
/ on part4  (reiserfs)
Then you can
mkreiserfs /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part3
edit /etc/fstab and change it so that part3 mounts as reiserfs on /newdisk
mount /newdisk
then copy over the /var stuff onto /newdisk  (Nb. you have to copy over each of
the separate subdirectories in /var separately again as explained above.
cp -avx /var/backups /newdisk/
cp -avx /var/cache /newdisk/
cp -avx /var/lib /newdisk/
. and so on.
Then just do rm -rf /var
mkdir /var
edit /etc/fstab and change the part3 line so that it mounts as /var instead of

Now you should have:
part1  /boot (ext2)
part2  swap
part3  /var (reiserfs)
part4  / (reiserfs)

You will probably have other partitions than this, eg /home, /usr.  If your /var
partition is not big enough to hold everything then perhaps one of these other
ones is.  Just change the above so that you use this other one instead.

Hope that helps a little.



Re: ReiserFS + 2.4.4

2001-05-02 Thread Oki DZ
Ilya Martynov wrote:
 I'm not sure about reiserfs but at least ext3 does replays logs on
 read only filesystem. I'm going to check if it so with reiserfs.
 Here you can
 find some discussion why on jornaling filesystems log can be replayed
 even if filesystem is mounted as read only.

Thanks; I'll check it out.
If it really does, then my system is okay now.
BTW, if it's read-only and you can still write something on the
filesystem, why is it called read-only...? (I'm a bit dazed and


Re: ReiserFS + 2.4.4

2001-05-01 Thread Ron Bettle
You will need the reiserFS utils, get these rom reisers site.

Its not difficult more time consuming than anything. What needs to happen is 
this. Say your /usr is it own partition. You need a 'spare' partition that is 
as big as /usr. Then you unmount the 'spare' format it as reiser (mkreiserfs 
/dev/hda5 for instance). This will create a reiserFS on hda5. Now, mount hda5 
to say /mnt/tmp or something. Copy all the files in /usr (cp -R /usr/* 
/mnt/tmp) this takes awhile. After that is done and you HAVE VERIFIED that all 
the data coppied correctly, rm -fr /usr/*. after that, umount /dev/hda5, then 
mount -t reiserfs /dev/hda5 /usr.

wash rinse repeat for the rest of your parts.

This is what i did on one of my systems and it worked great. I have yet to 
succesfully umount / on a running box though. Hmm maybe i should try your boot 
floppy aproach.

William Leese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm considering moving my partitions to ReiserFS. I'll not be using lilo, 
 instead I'm using boot floppies. So, I can safely move all my partitions over 
 to ReiserFS. 
 I'm aware that I have to compile a kernel with ReiserFS support but apart 
 from that I have no clue how to create the ReiserFS partitions or what 
 alterations need to be made for everything to work properly. I'm sure theres 
 some documentation somewhere about this, but i've been unable to find any. 
 Can someone refresh my memory or give me a description of what needs to be 
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: ReiserFS + 2.4.4

2001-05-01 Thread William Leese
On Tuesday 01 May 2001 19:54, Ron Bettle wrote:
 You will need the reiserFS utils, get these rom reisers site.

is there any reason why i should not use the packaged reiserFS utils in Sid?

also, is it 'safe' to use hdparm when having reiserfs partitions?

I'll be doing the following:

1) backup each dir and its subdirs with tar (tar cf /usr, tar cf /lib etc.. 
etc..) onto an unused vfat partition

2) rebooting the comp with a bootfloppy containing a kernel with reiserfs 
support compiled in.

3) rm -rf /usr, /lib.. etc after mounting the vfat partition which also 
contains a copy of /sbin and /bin untarred.

4) with fdisk remove /dev/hda5 (current / partition) and recreate it. 
mkreiserfs /dev/hda5

5) mount and untar the made tarballs onto the new reiserfs partition

6) cleanup fstab 

current partitioning has /home and /var on different partitions, with the 
move to reiserfs i'll first put everything on one partition to keep things 
simple and shortly after mkreiserfs the /var and /home partitions, and move 
/var and /home to their previous partitions

not exactly efficient, but simple enough to not make any large mistakes.. (i 
hope, but if something goes seriously wrong i still have everything in 
tarballs on the vfat partition)

any flaws in this game plan?

Re: ReiserFS + 2.4.4

2001-05-01 Thread William Leese
 not exactly efficient, but simple enough to not make any large mistakes..
 (i hope, but if something goes seriously wrong i still have everything in
 tarballs on the vfat partition)

oh, i didn't backup /proc and /tmp because tar spewed out a few error 
messages. but from what i can recall /proc is created by the kernel(?) and 
for /tmp the directory just needs to be recreated, correct?

Re: ReiserFS + 2.4.4

2001-05-01 Thread DvB

William Leese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm considering moving my partitions to ReiserFS. I'll not be using lilo, 
instead I'm using boot floppies. So, I can safely move all my partitions over 
to ReiserFS. 

I'm aware that I have to compile a kernel with ReiserFS support but apart 
from that I have no clue how to create the ReiserFS partitions or what 
alterations need to be made for everything to work properly. I'm sure theres 
some documentation somewhere about this, but i've been unable to find any. 
Can someone refresh my memory or give me a description of what needs to be 


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Re: ReiserFS + 2.4.4

2001-05-01 Thread Ron Bettle
Sounds fool proof(your plan that is).

hdparms and reiser, havent done this yet myself. I would think it would work 
fine though. I dont think hdparms cares whats actually on the disk.

heh rm -fr the directories before copyin, even with a tar backup would scare me 
=). Hope it works for you let us all know how it goes.
William Leese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  not exactly efficient, but simple enough to not make any large mistakes..
  (i hope, but if something goes seriously wrong i still have everything in
  tarballs on the vfat partition)
 oh, i didn't backup /proc and /tmp because tar spewed out a few error 
 messages. but from what i can recall /proc is created by the kernel(?) and 
 for /tmp the directory just needs to be recreated, correct?
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Re: ReiserFS + 2.4.4

2001-05-01 Thread William Leese
On Tuesday 01 May 2001 21:38, Ron Bettle wrote:
 Sounds fool proof(your plan that is).

 hdparms and reiser, havent done this yet myself. I would think it would
 work fine though. I dont think hdparms cares whats actually on the disk.

i think the same, but better safe than sorry :)

 heh rm -fr the directories before copyin, even with a tar backup would
 scare me =). Hope it works for you let us all know how it goes.

well, i have a day off tomorrow and this is a home computer so if i mess up 
i'll have enough time to fix it. anyhow, after reinstalling windows +20 times 
i've become slightly numb to the fear of dataloss ;)


cheers, however its rather basic to say the very least.

off to kill my HD :)

Re: ReiserFS + 2.4.4

2001-05-01 Thread Osamu Aoki
On Tue, May 01, 2001 at 03:38:54PM -0400, Ron Bettle wrote:
 Sounds fool proof(your plan that is).

This depends on how much disk spaces you have.

If you do not install X programs, 500MB is sufficient for Linux.

I would rather make 500MB worth extra space by reorganizing current
system and do not erase at all.  Then play with new FS and make sure it
works.  Dual/triple boot system is the way to test new system.  (I am not
skilled enough to do chroot. :-)  

If you need to do major reorganization involving root, booting with
single floppy Linux and mounting HD may be a way to avoid problem you

~\^o^/~~~ ~\^.^/~~~ ~\^*^/~~~ ~\^_^/~~~ ~\^+^/~~~ ~\^:^/~~~ ~\^v^/~~~ 
+  Osamu Aoki [EMAIL PROTECTED], GnuPG-key: 1024D/D5DE453D  +
+  My debian quick-reference,

Re: ReiserFS + 2.4.4

2001-05-01 Thread Ethan Benson
On Tue, May 01, 2001 at 01:54:58PM -0400, Ron Bettle wrote:
 You will need the reiserFS utils, get these rom reisers site.
 Its not difficult more time consuming than anything. What needs to happen is 
 this. Say your /usr is it own partition. You need a 'spare' partition that is 
 as big as /usr. Then you unmount the 'spare' format it as reiser (mkreiserfs 
 /dev/hda5 for instance). This will create a reiserFS on hda5. Now, mount hda5 
 to say /mnt/tmp or something. Copy all the files in /usr (cp -R /usr/* 
 /mnt/tmp) this takes awhile. After that is done and you HAVE VERIFIED that 
 all the data coppied correctly, rm -fr /usr/*. after that, umount /dev/hda5, 
 then mount -t reiserfs /dev/hda5 /usr.

cp -R is a horribly wrong thing to use for this task, it will destroy
symlinks and hardlinks.  turning them into duplicate files.  use
cpio or tar. 

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: ReiserFS + 2.4.4

2001-05-01 Thread Brian May
 Ethan == Ethan Benson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Ethan cp -R is a horribly wrong thing to use for this task, it
Ethan will destroy symlinks and hardlinks.  turning them into
Ethan duplicate files.  use cpio or tar.


cp -a

will preserve everything, too, I think. I often use the -x parameter,
too (stay on one file system).

Re: ReiserFS + 2.4.4

2001-05-01 Thread Matthew Dalton
William Leese wrote:
 also, is it 'safe' to use hdparm when having reiserfs partitions?

If you used it with ext2 partitions, I don't see why using it with
reiserfs would be a problem. It's all disk access.

 I'll be doing the following:
 1) backup each dir and its subdirs with tar (tar cf /usr, tar cf /lib etc..
 etc..) onto an unused vfat partition


 2) rebooting the comp with a bootfloppy containing a kernel with reiserfs
 support compiled in.


 3) rm -rf /usr, /lib.. etc after mounting the vfat partition which also
 contains a copy of /sbin and /bin untarred.

Hmmm... aren't there important things in /lib, namely libc?

I'm also not convinced that running /sbin and /bin binaries from a vfat
partition is a good idea. I would instead make a few large files on the
vfat partition, format them ext2, mount them via loopback and then copy
/sbin and /bin to them. At least then you'll have proper permissions and
symlinks etc will work.

 4) with fdisk remove /dev/hda5 (current / partition) and recreate it.
 mkreiserfs /dev/hda5

It shouldn't be necessary to remove and recreate the partition with
fdisk (unless you're planning to resize it, I guess). Just run
mkreiserfs over it and see what happens.


Re: ReiserFS + 2.4.4

2001-05-01 Thread William Leese
  3) rm -rf /usr, /lib.. etc after mounting the vfat partition which also
  contains a copy of /sbin and /bin untarred.

 Hmmm... aren't there important things in /lib, namely libc?

would that be needed for running mkreiserfs, tar and perhaps a few other gnu 
tools? because thats all that is needed really, just to make the reiser 
partition and use tar to untar the system backup.

 I'm also not convinced that running /sbin and /bin binaries from a vfat
 partition is a good idea. I would instead make a few large files on the
 vfat partition, format them ext2, mount them via loopback and then copy
 /sbin and /bin to them. At least then you'll have proper permissions and
 symlinks etc will work.

well, to play it safe i've copied them both into /home so that i can safely 
restore the / partition to its original and have all the basic file utils 
available while i switch /home and /var to reiserfs also. once again, very 
unefficient, but i want to keep things very simple :)

  4) with fdisk remove /dev/hda5 (current / partition) and recreate it.
  mkreiserfs /dev/hda5

 It shouldn't be necessary to remove and recreate the partition with
 fdisk (unless you're planning to resize it, I guess). Just run
 mkreiserfs over it and see what happens



Re: ReiserFS + 2.4.4

2001-05-01 Thread Matthew Dalton
William Leese wrote:
   3) rm -rf /usr, /lib.. etc after mounting the vfat partition which also
   contains a copy of /sbin and /bin untarred.
  Hmmm... aren't there important things in /lib, namely libc?
 would that be needed for running mkreiserfs, tar and perhaps a few other gnu
 tools? because thats all that is needed really, just to make the reiser
 partition and use tar to untar the system backup.

On an old redhat system here (I don't have access to a Debian system
ATM), tar is dynamically linked:

$ which tar
$ ldd /bin/tar
/lib/ = /lib/ (0x40015000) = /lib/ (0x4001f000)
/lib/ = /lib/ (0x4000)

Debian is probably similar, so most likely /lib and its contents will be

Re: ReiserFS + 2.4.4

2001-05-01 Thread William Leese
 $ which tar
 $ ldd /bin/tar
 /lib/ = /lib/ (0x40015000) = /lib/ (0x4001f000)
 /lib/ = /lib/ (0x4000)

 Debian is probably similar, so most likely /lib and its contents will be

mm, thanks you mentioning.. it would have been a nasty surprise to find that 
i could not untar the backup. 

Re: ReiserFS + 2.4.4

2001-05-01 Thread Peter Schüller
Hash: SHA1

 hdparms and reiser, havent done this yet myself. I would think it would
 work fine though. I dont think hdparms cares whats actually on the disk.

I've been doing hdoarm -d 1 on my disk holding a couple of heavily-used 
ReiserFS partitions. No troubles so far.

- -- 
/ Peter Schuller, InfiDyne Technologies HB

PGP userID: 0xE9758B7D or 'Peter Schuller [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
Key retrival: Send an E-Mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: ReiserFS + 2.4.4

2001-05-01 Thread Brandon High
On Wed, May 02, 2001 at 09:06:04AM +1000, Brian May wrote:
  Ethan == Ethan Benson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Ethan cp -R is a horribly wrong thing to use for this task, it
 Ethan will destroy symlinks and hardlinks.  turning them into
 Ethan duplicate files.  use cpio or tar.
 cp -a
 will preserve everything, too, I think. I often use the -x parameter,
 too (stay on one file system).

There are porblems with symlinks in the target location using cp... the best
way is to do something like:
# tar cf - /usr | ( cd /new_partition ; tar xf - )


I'm not a complete idiot; some parts are missing!