Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-17 Thread A. Ben Hmeda

I have searched ubuntu forums to no avail. My network connection has
slowed down considerably since I installed Ubuntu Dapper (6.06.1 LTS) I
have disabled ipv6 in /etc/aliases and Firefox, still slow by about 50%.

My machine AMDSMP is dual boot w2k/ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS (2xAthlon 2000+ 512
RAM), network is at full speed with win2k and Fedora Core 5 (now
deleted) on this machine.

I have another Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS machine SERVER (2xP3-500 256RAM) and a
Win2k KIDPC (P3-866 512RAM) on the same home network that do not have
this problem with the network slowdowns.

My benchmark is website. Every machine on the
network has been tested separately, while other machines were turned off.

Didn't matter whether the connection was static or dhcp.
I have also noticed slowdowns (high latency) while playing on-line games
like bzflag
My /etc/network/interfaces :
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

ifconfig output:

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:04:5A:9A:8C:6E
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:46508 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:31020 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
  RX bytes:43829777 (41.7 MiB)  TX bytes:4368831 (4.1 MiB)

loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
  UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
  RX packets:9 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:9 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
  RX bytes:472 (472.0 b)  TX bytes:472 (472.0 b)

What went wrong?

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-17 Thread Thomas Jollans
On Saturday 17 March 2007 20:31, A. Ben Hmeda wrote:
> I have searched ubuntu forums to no avail.

Why don't you ask there ? debian mailing lists have nothing to do with ubuntu 

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-17 Thread Marty

A. Ben Hmeda wrote:

I have searched ubuntu forums to no avail. My network connection has
slowed down considerably since I installed Ubuntu Dapper (6.06.1 LTS) I
have disabled ipv6 in /etc/aliases and Firefox, still slow by about 50%.

My machine AMDSMP is dual boot w2k/ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS (2xAthlon 2000+ 512
RAM), network is at full speed with win2k and Fedora Core 5 (now
deleted) on this machine.

I have another Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS machine SERVER (2xP3-500 256RAM) and a
Win2k KIDPC (P3-866 512RAM) on the same home network that do not have
this problem with the network slowdowns.

My benchmark is website. Every machine on the
network has been tested separately, while other machines were turned off.

Didn't matter whether the connection was static or dhcp.
I have also noticed slowdowns (high latency) while playing on-line games
like bzflag
My /etc/network/interfaces :
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

ifconfig output:

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:04:5A:9A:8C:6E
   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
   RX packets:46508 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:31020 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
   RX bytes:43829777 (41.7 MiB)  TX bytes:4368831 (4.1 MiB)

loLink encap:Local Loopback
   inet addr:  Mask:
   UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
   RX packets:9 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:9 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
   RX bytes:472 (472.0 b)  TX bytes:472 (472.0 b)

What went wrong?

Since You are omitting some crucial details, such as the details of your LAN
and your internet connection, for the purposes of this message I will assume 
that your local LAN speed vastly exceeds the speed of your internet connection 
and you are using at least 100Mb ethernet (i.e.the typical case).  Please 
correct me if I'm wrong.

First I would determine if you have local throughput reduction to the
machine in question.  You could try testing the throughput between machines. 
Unless you are using gigabit, these tests should easily saturate your local LAN 
and leave no doubt about the integrity of the local LAN.

If it turns out to be an ethernet issue, then given the lack of RX errors on 
your system, I would suspect a problem on the TX side, either in the cable or 
the hub/switch/router on the other end.  100mb ethernet uses two twisted pairs 
of wires, and problem on only the TX pair would be typically caused by a bad 
connection or a miswired cable (e.g. incorrectly pairing the conductors in a 
hand-crimped cable).  Another cause is damage to RJ-45 sockets caused by 
plugging RJ-11 or RJ-14 plugs into RJ-45 sockets.  This can bend and permanently 
damage some of the conductors in RJ-45 sockets.

If you find that it's not a physical layer (ethernet) issue, then it's probably 
an IP stack or applications bug, which would make it an extremely rare and 
interesting problem.   I'm not a developer, but I think the developers would be 
be very interested in such a problem.  Incidently I think you can disregard the 
claim, from another list member, that this is not a Debian issue.  Since Ubuntu 
is based on Debian, any problem there could very easily apply to Etch, the next 
stable Debian release.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-17 Thread A. Ben Hmeda

Marty wrote:

A. Ben Hmeda wrote:

I have searched ubuntu forums to no avail. My network connection has
slowed down considerably since I installed Ubuntu Dapper (6.06.1 LTS) I
have disabled ipv6 in /etc/aliases and Firefox, still slow by about 50%.

My machine AMDSMP is dual boot w2k/ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS (2xAthlon 2000+ 512
RAM), network is at full speed with win2k and Fedora Core 5 (now
deleted) on this machine.

I have another Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS machine SERVER (2xP3-500 256RAM) and a
Win2k KIDPC (P3-866 512RAM) on the same home network that do not have
this problem with the network slowdowns.

My benchmark is website. Every machine on the
network has been tested separately, while other machines were turned off.

Didn't matter whether the connection was static or dhcp.
I have also noticed slowdowns (high latency) while playing on-line games
like bzflag
My /etc/network/interfaces :
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

ifconfig output:

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:04:5A:9A:8C:6E
   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
   RX packets:46508 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:31020 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
   RX bytes:43829777 (41.7 MiB)  TX bytes:4368831 (4.1 MiB)

loLink encap:Local Loopback
   inet addr:  Mask:
   UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
   RX packets:9 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:9 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
   RX bytes:472 (472.0 b)  TX bytes:472 (472.0 b)

What went wrong?

Since You are omitting some crucial details, such as the details of your 
and your internet connection, for the purposes of this message I will 
assume that your local LAN speed vastly exceeds the speed of your 
internet connection and you are using at least 100Mb ethernet (i.e.the 
typical case).  Please correct me if I'm wrong.

First I would determine if you have local throughput reduction to the
machine in question.  You could try testing the throughput between 
machines. Unless you are using gigabit, these tests should easily 
saturate your local LAN and leave no doubt about the integrity of the 
local LAN.

If it turns out to be an ethernet issue, then given the lack of RX 
errors on your system, I would suspect a problem on the TX side, either 
in the cable or the hub/switch/router on the other end.  100mb ethernet 
uses two twisted pairs of wires, and problem on only the TX pair would 
be typically caused by a bad connection or a miswired cable (e.g. 
incorrectly pairing the conductors in a hand-crimped cable).  Another 
cause is damage to RJ-45 sockets caused by plugging RJ-11 or RJ-14 plugs 
into RJ-45 sockets.  This can bend and permanently damage some of the 
conductors in RJ-45 sockets.

If you find that it's not a physical layer (ethernet) issue, then it's 
probably an IP stack or applications bug, which would make it an 
extremely rare and interesting problem.   I'm not a developer, but I 
think the developers would be be very interested in such a problem.  
Incidently I think you can disregard the claim, from another list 
member, that this is not a Debian issue.  Since Ubuntu is based on 
Debian, any problem there could very easily apply to Etch, the next 
stable Debian release.

I have an Internet router for sharing cable Internet connection. 3 PCs 
plugged into this router, class C network, I think. All with static IPs,3 and 4. Gateway (router) is DNS is my ISP's I am using 100Mb Ethernet and 10/100Mb router. My Internet 
connection speed is only 1Mbps (max) My internet download speeds range 
from 90kB/s to 114kB/s. Under Ubuntu, they crawl at 15kB/s to 25kB/s 
max! under static IP setup or dhcp setup.

The machine with the problem is my AMDSMP. I have had absolutely no 
problem with network speed (internal and external) until I installed 
Dapper. As it is now, it is a dual booting machine (win2k and ubuntu)

Previously, it ran Debian Sarge, Fedora Core 4 and 5, alongside win2k 
without any problems. Presently, my network speed is fine under windows, 
was fine under Sarge, Fedora 4 and 5 on the same machine, except for ubuntu.

As I was poking around, trying to figure this out, I noticed that 
network speed is drastically improved, back to 90kB to 114kB under 
Ubuntu when, in GNOME, I open the System>>Administration>>Networking and 
just click OK, without actually changing anything! This makes no sense 
to me and I have no explanation for it, it certainly does not change the 
content in my /etc/network/interfaces but I was able to duplicate the 
steps with same results every time. Is the 

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-17 Thread Joe Hart
Hash: SHA1

A. Ben Hmeda wrote:
> Marty wrote:
>> A. Ben Hmeda wrote:
>>> I have searched ubuntu forums to no avail. My network connection has
>>> slowed down considerably since I installed Ubuntu Dapper (6.06.1 LTS) I
>>> have disabled ipv6 in /etc/aliases and Firefox, still slow by about 50%.
>>> My machine AMDSMP is dual boot w2k/ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS (2xAthlon 2000+ 512
>>> RAM), network is at full speed with win2k and Fedora Core 5 (now
>>> deleted) on this machine.
>>> I have another Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS machine SERVER (2xP3-500 256RAM) and a
>>> Win2k KIDPC (P3-866 512RAM) on the same home network that do not have
>>> this problem with the network slowdowns.
>>> My benchmark is website. Every machine on the
>>> network has been tested separately, while other machines were turned
>>> off.
>>> Didn't matter whether the connection was static or dhcp.
>>> I have also noticed slowdowns (high latency) while playing on-line games
>>> like bzflag
>>> My /etc/network/interfaces :
>>> auto lo
>>> iface lo inet loopback
>>> auto eth0
>>> iface eth0 inet static
>>> address
>>> netmask
>>> gateway
>>> ifconfig output:
>>> eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:04:5A:9A:8C:6E
>>>inet addr:  Bcast: 
>>> Mask:
>>>RX packets:46508 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>>>TX packets:31020 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>>>collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
>>>RX bytes:43829777 (41.7 MiB)  TX bytes:4368831 (4.1 MiB)
>>> loLink encap:Local Loopback
>>>inet addr:  Mask:
>>>UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
>>>RX packets:9 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>>>TX packets:9 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>>>collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
>>>RX bytes:472 (472.0 b)  TX bytes:472 (472.0 b)
>>> What went wrong?
>> Since You are omitting some crucial details, such as the details of
>> your LAN
>> and your internet connection, for the purposes of this message I will
>> assume that your local LAN speed vastly exceeds the speed of your
>> internet connection and you are using at least 100Mb ethernet (i.e.the
>> typical case).  Please correct me if I'm wrong.
>> First I would determine if you have local throughput reduction to the
>> machine in question.  You could try testing the throughput between
>> machines. Unless you are using gigabit, these tests should easily
>> saturate your local LAN and leave no doubt about the integrity of the
>> local LAN.
>> If it turns out to be an ethernet issue, then given the lack of RX
>> errors on your system, I would suspect a problem on the TX side,
>> either in the cable or the hub/switch/router on the other end.  100mb
>> ethernet uses two twisted pairs of wires, and problem on only the TX
>> pair would be typically caused by a bad connection or a miswired cable
>> (e.g. incorrectly pairing the conductors in a hand-crimped cable). 
>> Another cause is damage to RJ-45 sockets caused by plugging RJ-11 or
>> RJ-14 plugs into RJ-45 sockets.  This can bend and permanently damage
>> some of the conductors in RJ-45 sockets.
>> If you find that it's not a physical layer (ethernet) issue, then it's
>> probably an IP stack or applications bug, which would make it an
>> extremely rare and interesting problem.   I'm not a developer, but I
>> think the developers would be be very interested in such a problem. 
>> Incidently I think you can disregard the claim, from another list
>> member, that this is not a Debian issue.  Since Ubuntu is based on
>> Debian, any problem there could very easily apply to Etch, the next
>> stable Debian release.
> I have an Internet router for sharing cable Internet connection. 3 PCs
> plugged into this router, class C network, I think. All with static IPs
>,3 and 4. Gateway (router) is DNS is my ISP's
> I am using 100Mb Ethernet and 10/100Mb router. My Internet
> connection speed is only 1Mbps (max) My internet download speeds range
> from 90kB/s to 114kB/s. Under Ubuntu, they crawl at 15kB/s to 25kB/s
> max! under static IP setup or dhcp setup.
> The machine with the problem is my AMDSMP. I have had absolutely no
> problem with network speed (internal and external) until I installed
> Dapper. As it is now, it is a dual booting machine (win2k and ubuntu)
> Previously, it ran Debian Sarge, Fedora Core 4 and 5, alongside win2k
> without any problems. Presently, my network speed is fine under windows,
> was fine under Sarge, Fedora 4 and 5 on the same machine, except for
> ubuntu.
> As I was poking around, trying to figure this out, I noticed that
> network speed is drastically improved, back to 90kB to 114kB under

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-18 Thread Freddy Freeloader

Joe Hart wrote:

Hash: SHA1

A. Ben Hmeda wrote:

Marty wrote:

A. Ben Hmeda wrote:

I have searched ubuntu forums to no avail. My network connection has
slowed down considerably since I installed Ubuntu Dapper (6.06.1 LTS) I
have disabled ipv6 in /etc/aliases and Firefox, still slow by about 50%.

My machine AMDSMP is dual boot w2k/ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS (2xAthlon 2000+ 512
RAM), network is at full speed with win2k and Fedora Core 5 (now
deleted) on this machine.

I have another Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS machine SERVER (2xP3-500 256RAM) and a
Win2k KIDPC (P3-866 512RAM) on the same home network that do not have
this problem with the network slowdowns.

My benchmark is website. Every machine on the
network has been tested separately, while other machines were turned

Didn't matter whether the connection was static or dhcp.
I have also noticed slowdowns (high latency) while playing on-line games
like bzflag
My /etc/network/interfaces :
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

ifconfig output:

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:04:5A:9A:8C:6E
   inet addr:  Bcast: 

   RX packets:46508 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:31020 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
   RX bytes:43829777 (41.7 MiB)  TX bytes:4368831 (4.1 MiB)

loLink encap:Local Loopback
   inet addr:  Mask:
   UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
   RX packets:9 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:9 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
   RX bytes:472 (472.0 b)  TX bytes:472 (472.0 b)

What went wrong?

Since You are omitting some crucial details, such as the details of
your LAN
and your internet connection, for the purposes of this message I will
assume that your local LAN speed vastly exceeds the speed of your
internet connection and you are using at least 100Mb ethernet (i.e.the
typical case).  Please correct me if I'm wrong.

First I would determine if you have local throughput reduction to the
machine in question.  You could try testing the throughput between
machines. Unless you are using gigabit, these tests should easily
saturate your local LAN and leave no doubt about the integrity of the
local LAN.

If it turns out to be an ethernet issue, then given the lack of RX
errors on your system, I would suspect a problem on the TX side,
either in the cable or the hub/switch/router on the other end.  100mb
ethernet uses two twisted pairs of wires, and problem on only the TX
pair would be typically caused by a bad connection or a miswired cable
(e.g. incorrectly pairing the conductors in a hand-crimped cable). 
Another cause is damage to RJ-45 sockets caused by plugging RJ-11 or

RJ-14 plugs into RJ-45 sockets.  This can bend and permanently damage
some of the conductors in RJ-45 sockets.

If you find that it's not a physical layer (ethernet) issue, then it's
probably an IP stack or applications bug, which would make it an
extremely rare and interesting problem.   I'm not a developer, but I
think the developers would be be very interested in such a problem. 
Incidently I think you can disregard the claim, from another list

member, that this is not a Debian issue.  Since Ubuntu is based on
Debian, any problem there could very easily apply to Etch, the next
stable Debian release.


I have an Internet router for sharing cable Internet connection. 3 PCs
plugged into this router, class C network, I think. All with static IPs,3 and 4. Gateway (router) is DNS is my ISP's I am using 100Mb Ethernet and 10/100Mb router. My Internet
connection speed is only 1Mbps (max) My internet download speeds range
from 90kB/s to 114kB/s. Under Ubuntu, they crawl at 15kB/s to 25kB/s
max! under static IP setup or dhcp setup.

The machine with the problem is my AMDSMP. I have had absolutely no
problem with network speed (internal and external) until I installed
Dapper. As it is now, it is a dual booting machine (win2k and ubuntu)

Previously, it ran Debian Sarge, Fedora Core 4 and 5, alongside win2k
without any problems. Presently, my network speed is fine under windows,
was fine under Sarge, Fedora 4 and 5 on the same machine, except for

As I was poking around, trying to figure this out, I noticed that
network speed is drastically improved, back to 90kB to 114kB under
Ubuntu when, in GNOME, I open the System>>Administration>>Networking and
just click OK, without actually changing anything! This makes no sense
to me and I have no explanation for it, it certainly does not change the
content in my /etc/network/interfaces but I was able 

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-18 Thread A. Ben Hmeda

Joe Hart wrote:

Hash: SHA1

A. Ben Hmeda wrote:

Marty wrote:

A. Ben Hmeda wrote:

I have searched ubuntu forums to no avail. My network connection has
slowed down considerably since I installed Ubuntu Dapper (6.06.1 LTS) I
have disabled ipv6 in /etc/aliases and Firefox, still slow by about 50%.

My machine AMDSMP is dual boot w2k/ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS (2xAthlon 2000+ 512
RAM), network is at full speed with win2k and Fedora Core 5 (now
deleted) on this machine.

I have another Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS machine SERVER (2xP3-500 256RAM) and a
Win2k KIDPC (P3-866 512RAM) on the same home network that do not have
this problem with the network slowdowns.

My benchmark is website. Every machine on the
network has been tested separately, while other machines were turned

Didn't matter whether the connection was static or dhcp.
I have also noticed slowdowns (high latency) while playing on-line games
like bzflag
My /etc/network/interfaces :
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

ifconfig output:

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:04:5A:9A:8C:6E
   inet addr:  Bcast: 

   RX packets:46508 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:31020 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
   RX bytes:43829777 (41.7 MiB)  TX bytes:4368831 (4.1 MiB)

loLink encap:Local Loopback
   inet addr:  Mask:
   UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
   RX packets:9 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:9 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
   RX bytes:472 (472.0 b)  TX bytes:472 (472.0 b)

What went wrong?

Since You are omitting some crucial details, such as the details of
your LAN
and your internet connection, for the purposes of this message I will
assume that your local LAN speed vastly exceeds the speed of your
internet connection and you are using at least 100Mb ethernet (i.e.the
typical case).  Please correct me if I'm wrong.

First I would determine if you have local throughput reduction to the
machine in question.  You could try testing the throughput between
machines. Unless you are using gigabit, these tests should easily
saturate your local LAN and leave no doubt about the integrity of the
local LAN.

If it turns out to be an ethernet issue, then given the lack of RX
errors on your system, I would suspect a problem on the TX side,
either in the cable or the hub/switch/router on the other end.  100mb
ethernet uses two twisted pairs of wires, and problem on only the TX
pair would be typically caused by a bad connection or a miswired cable
(e.g. incorrectly pairing the conductors in a hand-crimped cable). 
Another cause is damage to RJ-45 sockets caused by plugging RJ-11 or

RJ-14 plugs into RJ-45 sockets.  This can bend and permanently damage
some of the conductors in RJ-45 sockets.

If you find that it's not a physical layer (ethernet) issue, then it's
probably an IP stack or applications bug, which would make it an
extremely rare and interesting problem.   I'm not a developer, but I
think the developers would be be very interested in such a problem. 
Incidently I think you can disregard the claim, from another list

member, that this is not a Debian issue.  Since Ubuntu is based on
Debian, any problem there could very easily apply to Etch, the next
stable Debian release.

I have an Internet router for sharing cable Internet connection. 3 PCs
plugged into this router, class C network, I think. All with static IPs,3 and 4. Gateway (router) is DNS is my ISP's I am using 100Mb Ethernet and 10/100Mb router. My Internet
connection speed is only 1Mbps (max) My internet download speeds range
from 90kB/s to 114kB/s. Under Ubuntu, they crawl at 15kB/s to 25kB/s
max! under static IP setup or dhcp setup.

The machine with the problem is my AMDSMP. I have had absolutely no
problem with network speed (internal and external) until I installed
Dapper. As it is now, it is a dual booting machine (win2k and ubuntu)

Previously, it ran Debian Sarge, Fedora Core 4 and 5, alongside win2k
without any problems. Presently, my network speed is fine under windows,
was fine under Sarge, Fedora 4 and 5 on the same machine, except for

As I was poking around, trying to figure this out, I noticed that
network speed is drastically improved, back to 90kB to 114kB under
Ubuntu when, in GNOME, I open the System>>Administration>>Networking and
just click OK, without actually changing anything! This makes no sense
to me and I have no explanation for it, it certainly does not change the
content in my /etc/network/interfaces but I was able to duplicate the
steps with sam

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-18 Thread A. Ben Hmeda

Freddy Freeloader wrote:

Joe Hart wrote:

Hash: SHA1

A. Ben Hmeda wrote:

Marty wrote:

A. Ben Hmeda wrote:

I have searched ubuntu forums to no avail. My network connection has
slowed down considerably since I installed Ubuntu Dapper (6.06.1 
have disabled ipv6 in /etc/aliases and Firefox, still slow by about 

My machine AMDSMP is dual boot w2k/ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS (2xAthlon 
2000+ 512

RAM), network is at full speed with win2k and Fedora Core 5 (now
deleted) on this machine.

I have another Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS machine SERVER (2xP3-500 256RAM) 
and a

Win2k KIDPC (P3-866 512RAM) on the same home network that do not have
this problem with the network slowdowns.

My benchmark is website. Every machine on the
network has been tested separately, while other machines were turned

Didn't matter whether the connection was static or dhcp.
I have also noticed slowdowns (high latency) while playing on-line 

like bzflag
My /etc/network/interfaces :
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

ifconfig output:

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:04:5A:9A:8C:6E
   inet addr:  Bcast: 

   RX packets:46508 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:31020 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
   RX bytes:43829777 (41.7 MiB)  TX bytes:4368831 (4.1 MiB)

loLink encap:Local Loopback
   inet addr:  Mask:
   UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
   RX packets:9 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:9 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
   RX bytes:472 (472.0 b)  TX bytes:472 (472.0 b)

What went wrong?

Since You are omitting some crucial details, such as the details of
your LAN
and your internet connection, for the purposes of this message I will
assume that your local LAN speed vastly exceeds the speed of your
internet connection and you are using at least 100Mb ethernet (i.e.the
typical case).  Please correct me if I'm wrong.

First I would determine if you have local throughput reduction to the
machine in question.  You could try testing the throughput between
machines. Unless you are using gigabit, these tests should easily
saturate your local LAN and leave no doubt about the integrity of the
local LAN.

If it turns out to be an ethernet issue, then given the lack of RX
errors on your system, I would suspect a problem on the TX side,
either in the cable or the hub/switch/router on the other end.  100mb
ethernet uses two twisted pairs of wires, and problem on only the TX
pair would be typically caused by a bad connection or a miswired cable
(e.g. incorrectly pairing the conductors in a hand-crimped cable). 
Another cause is damage to RJ-45 sockets caused by plugging RJ-11 or

RJ-14 plugs into RJ-45 sockets.  This can bend and permanently damage
some of the conductors in RJ-45 sockets.

If you find that it's not a physical layer (ethernet) issue, then it's
probably an IP stack or applications bug, which would make it an
extremely rare and interesting problem.   I'm not a developer, but I
think the developers would be be very interested in such a problem. 
Incidently I think you can disregard the claim, from another list

member, that this is not a Debian issue.  Since Ubuntu is based on
Debian, any problem there could very easily apply to Etch, the next
stable Debian release.


I have an Internet router for sharing cable Internet connection. 3 PCs
plugged into this router, class C network, I think. All with static IPs,3 and 4. Gateway (router) is DNS is my ISP's I am using 100Mb Ethernet and 10/100Mb router. My Internet
connection speed is only 1Mbps (max) My internet download speeds range
from 90kB/s to 114kB/s. Under Ubuntu, they crawl at 15kB/s to 25kB/s
max! under static IP setup or dhcp setup.

The machine with the problem is my AMDSMP. I have had absolutely no
problem with network speed (internal and external) until I installed
Dapper. As it is now, it is a dual booting machine (win2k and ubuntu)

Previously, it ran Debian Sarge, Fedora Core 4 and 5, alongside win2k
without any problems. Presently, my network speed is fine under windows,
was fine under Sarge, Fedora 4 and 5 on the same machine, except for

As I was poking around, trying to figure this out, I noticed that
network speed is drastically improved, back to 90kB to 114kB under
Ubuntu when, in GNOME, I open the System>>Administration>>Networking and
just click OK, without actually changing anything! This makes no sense
to me and I have no explanation for it, it certainly does not change the
content in my /etc/ne

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-18 Thread Marty

A. Ben Hmeda wrote:

I have an Internet router for sharing cable Internet connection. 3 PCs 
plugged into this router, class C network, I think. All with static IPs,3 and 4. Gateway (router) is DNS is my ISP's I am using 100Mb Ethernet and 10/100Mb router. My Internet 
connection speed is only 1Mbps (max) My internet download speeds range 
from 90kB/s to 114kB/s. Under Ubuntu, they crawl at 15kB/s to 25kB/s 
max! under static IP setup or dhcp setup.

I forgot to mention before, that details about your NIC and kernel may also be 
relevant.  See below.

The machine with the problem is my AMDSMP. I have had absolutely no 
problem with network speed (internal and external) until I installed 
Dapper. As it is now, it is a dual booting machine (win2k and ubuntu)

The point I was trying to make is to determine whether the problem (with Ubuntu) 
exists in the LAN traffic as well as in the internet connection traffic. 
Whether the slowdown also occurs in LAN traffic, or alternatively, only with 
internet traffic, this information would tend to narrow down the problem a great 
deal and could help point to the cause.

Previously, it ran Debian Sarge, Fedora Core 4 and 5, alongside win2k 
without any problems. Presently, my network speed is fine under windows, 
was fine under Sarge, Fedora 4 and 5 on the same machine, except for ubuntu.

Although that makes physical layer issues less likely, it doesn't eliminate 
them.  The only way to completely eliminate physical layer issues is to swap 
cables, router ports, and (lastly) NICs.  These kinds of tests should probably 
be the first things to try because they are so easy to do, although they have a 
very low probability of being the cause.

As I was poking around, trying to figure this out, I noticed that 
network speed is drastically improved, back to 90kB to 114kB under 
Ubuntu when, in GNOME, I open the System>>Administration>>Networking and 
just click OK, without actually changing anything! This makes no sense 
to me and I have no explanation for it, it certainly does not change the 
content in my /etc/network/interfaces but I was able to duplicate the 
steps with same results every time. Is the 
System>>Administration>>Networking>>OK the same as 
/etc/init.d/networking restart?

I don't know, but you could find out by executing the command on the CLI as 
root.  If it fixes the problem then it could be a NIC driver initialization 
issue.  Then you should start experimenting with different drivers and NICs to 
narrow down the cause.  Otherwise we may not be able to exclude the "ghosts" 
hypothesis proposed by another list member.  :O

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Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-18 Thread Joe Hart
Hash: SHA1

A. Ben Hmeda wrote:
> I have been using Linux as my main os since Caldera, then
> RedHat 5.2 in 1999, I used Mandrake (3 versions) and FC1, FC2, Potato,
> Sarge, FC 4/5. I found that this Debian variant (Ubuntu) is the only
> version under which my new Logitech web cam and all my other new
> peripherals worked out of the box ( perhaps due to inclusion of
> restricted modules). I also believe (with no evidence) that Debian has
> the most intelligent package management among the above mentioned
> distros. This quirk is the only issue I have and if I have to do
> /etc/init.d/networking restart every time, then I will. It just bugs me
> that I don't know what is going on inside my machine.

I am not suggesting that Ubuntu is a bad distribution.  If it is good
for you, that's fine.

As for your having to reissue that command, it seems strange.  Like
Marty said, see if you can isolate where the problem is coming from.

It is very strange indeed that restarting the networking solves the
issue.  It sounds to me like something is not right in your init
scripts, or your nic needs more time to "wake up".  Very strange indeed.

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Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-18 Thread Douglas Allan Tutty
On Sun, Mar 18, 2007 at 12:20:01PM -0400, A. Ben Hmeda wrote:
> Freddy Freeloader wrote:
> >Joe Hart wrote:

I've been following this thread but not commenting since I don't do

Do I understand correctly that you boot stright to gnome, start a
download and get poor network components but if you do a gnome network
setup thingy it improves?  I'm also not clear if it improves if you do
/etc/initd./networking restart?

I would be curious to eliminate gnome as a problem.  What happens if you
turn off gdm and reboot.  This should take you to a normal CLI login.
Login, and start a download and note the speed.  If its still slow, try
restarting networking and try again, then either way restart gnome

Assuming that the problem isn't gnome, I'll tell you a problem I have
and see if it points anywhere.  My new box has a 10/100/1000 ethernet,
whereas the other end of the crossover cable (no switch) is to my 486
with 10 ethernet.  If I start the 486 before the new box, when the
kernel on the new box initializes the ethernet port, it freezes the
486's NIC.  I wonder if there's something like this going on.

If networking starts out OK then degrades when something later starts up
in the init scripts, you could put your own initscript to run last that
restarts networking.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-18 Thread Thilo Six
Douglas Allan Tutty wrote the following on 18.03.2007 20:24:

> Ben,
> I've been following this thread but not commenting since I don't do
> gnome.
> Do I understand correctly that you boot stright to gnome, start a
> download and get poor network components but if you do a gnome network
> setup thingy it improves?  I'm also not clear if it improves if you do
> /etc/initd./networking restart?
> I would be curious to eliminate gnome as a problem.  

hmm wait
may it be network manager?

What when you stop it Ben?

sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/26NetworkManagerDispatcher stop
sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/25NetworkManager stop

> Doug.

bye Thilo
i am on Ubuntu 2.6 KDE
- some friend of mine

gpg key: 0x4A411E09

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-18 Thread Thilo Six
Thilo Six wrote the following on 18.03.2007 20:43:

> hmm wait
> may it be network manager?
> What when you stop it Ben?
> sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/26NetworkManagerDispatcher stop
> sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/25NetworkManager stop

But this would only apply to releases after dapper afaik.

what gives you

$ cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_window_scaling


It should be 0

>> Doug.

bye Thilo
i am on Ubuntu 2.6 KDE
- some friend of mine

gpg key: 0x4A411E09

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-18 Thread Joe Hart
Hash: SHA1

Thilo Six wrote:
> Douglas Allan Tutty wrote the following on 18.03.2007 20:24:
>> Ben,
>> I've been following this thread but not commenting since I don't do
>> gnome.
>> Do I understand correctly that you boot stright to gnome, start a
>> download and get poor network components but if you do a gnome network
>> setup thingy it improves?  I'm also not clear if it improves if you do
>> /etc/initd./networking restart?
>> I would be curious to eliminate gnome as a problem.  
> hmm wait
> may it be network manager?

You mean network mangler.  That's what it is to a desktop gateway.

> What when you stop it Ben?
> sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/26NetworkManagerDispatcher stop
> sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/25NetworkManager stop
>> Doug.
> bye Thilo

i am on Ubuntu 2.6 KDE
- - some friend of mine

What is this supposed to mean?

- --
Registerd Linux user #443289 at
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-18 Thread Marty

Thilo Six wrote:

what gives you

$ cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_window_scaling


It should be 0

It's 1 on my system.

From ip-sysctl.txt:
tcp_window_scaling - BOOLEAN
   Enable window scaling as defined in RFC1323.

This seems like a good thing.  Why do you say it should be 0?

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-18 Thread Thilo Six
Marty wrote the following on 18.03.2007 21:22:
> Thilo Six wrote:
>> what gives you
>> $ cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_window_scaling
>> ?
>> It should be 0
> It's 1 on my system.
> From ip-sysctl.txt:
> tcp_window_scaling - BOOLEAN
>Enable window scaling as defined in RFC1323.
> This seems like a good thing.  Why do you say it should be 0?

yap it is supposed to be a good thing but some router do not play well with it.

bye Thilo
i am on Ubuntu 2.6 KDE
- some friend of mine

gpg key: 0x4A411E09

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-18 Thread Thilo Six
Joe Hart wrote the following on 18.03.2007 21:11:
> Thilo Six wrote:
>> Douglas Allan Tutty wrote the following on 18.03.2007 20:24:
>>> Ben,
>>> I've been following this thread but not commenting since I don't do
>>> gnome.
>>> Do I understand correctly that you boot stright to gnome, start a
>>> download and get poor network components but if you do a gnome network
>>> setup thingy it improves?  I'm also not clear if it improves if you do
>>> /etc/initd./networking restart?
>>> I would be curious to eliminate gnome as a problem.  
>> hmm wait
>> may it be network manager?
> You mean network mangler.  That's what it is to a desktop gateway.

sorry never heard of network mangler.
what i mean is:

>> What when you stop it Ben?
>> sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/26NetworkManagerDispatcher stop
>> sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/25NetworkManager stop
>>> Doug.
>> bye Thilo
> i am on Ubuntu 2.6 KDE
> - some friend of mine
> What is this supposed to mean?

Ubuntu 2.6 KDE
is like a smart way of saying Ubuntu GNU/Linux
2.6 refers to linux kernel and kde is obviously not ubuntu

although when it was "created" it was a mistake by a newcomer
i like the "deeper" meaning behind it

> Joe

bye Thilo
i am on Ubuntu 2.6 KDE
- some friend of mine

gpg key: 0x4A411E09

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-18 Thread Freddy Freeloader

Thilo Six wrote:

Marty wrote the following on 18.03.2007 21:22:

Thilo Six wrote:

what gives you

$ cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_window_scaling


It should be 0

It's 1 on my system.

From ip-sysctl.txt:
tcp_window_scaling - BOOLEAN
   Enable window scaling as defined in RFC1323.

This seems like a good thing.  Why do you say it should be 0?

yap it is supposed to be a good thing but some router do not play well with it.

bye Thilo
Very true.  The NOAA website for Spokane, WA will not respond if 
tcp_window_scaling is enabled. 

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-18 Thread Freddy Freeloader

Thilo Six wrote:

Joe Hart wrote the following on 18.03.2007 21:11:

Thilo Six wrote:

Douglas Allan Tutty wrote the following on 18.03.2007 20:24:

I've been following this thread but not commenting since I don't do

Do I understand correctly that you boot stright to gnome, start a
download and get poor network components but if you do a gnome network
setup thingy it improves?  I'm also not clear if it improves if you do
/etc/initd./networking restart?

I would be curious to eliminate gnome as a problem.  

hmm wait

may it be network manager?

You mean network mangler.  That's what it is to a desktop gateway.

sorry never heard of network mangler.
what i mean is:

I'd have to agree.  I think network-manager does more harm than good 
many times.  I installed and configured some servers for a small 
business that wanted gui's on their servers so network manager was 
installed by default.  The servers were multi-homed and I only 
configured one interface to begin with.  It was pointed to one of the 
two gateways, but when I started the server after installation it kept 
insisting on using the other gateway and obtaining an address via dhcp, 
even though I had given the one interface I configured a static 
address.  Turns out n-m was using one of the non-configured, and 
unlisted in /etc/network/interfaces nic's to access the internet as n-m 
will not use a manually configured interface.  I had to uninstall n-m to 
get the machine to access the correct gateway. 


What when you stop it Ben?
sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/26NetworkManagerDispatcher stop

sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/25NetworkManager stop


bye Thilo

i am on Ubuntu 2.6 KDE
- some friend of mine

What is this supposed to mean?

Ubuntu 2.6 KDE
is like a smart way of saying Ubuntu GNU/Linux
2.6 refers to linux kernel and kde is obviously not ubuntu

although when it was "created" it was a mistake by a newcomer
i like the "deeper" meaning behind it



bye Thilo

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-18 Thread A. Ben Hmeda

Joe Hart wrote:

Hash: SHA1

A. Ben Hmeda wrote:

I have been using Linux as my main os since Caldera, then
RedHat 5.2 in 1999, I used Mandrake (3 versions) and FC1, FC2, Potato,
Sarge, FC 4/5. I found that this Debian variant (Ubuntu) is the only
version under which my new Logitech web cam and all my other new
peripherals worked out of the box ( perhaps due to inclusion of
restricted modules). I also believe (with no evidence) that Debian has
the most intelligent package management among the above mentioned
distros. This quirk is the only issue I have and if I have to do
/etc/init.d/networking restart every time, then I will. It just bugs me
that I don't know what is going on inside my machine.

I am not suggesting that Ubuntu is a bad distribution.  If it is good
for you, that's fine.

As for your having to reissue that command, it seems strange.  Like
Marty said, see if you can isolate where the problem is coming from.

It is very strange indeed that restarting the networking solves the
issue.  It sounds to me like something is not right in your init
scripts, or your nic needs more time to "wake up".  Very strange indeed.

- --
Registerd Linux user #443289 at
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


I will certainly examine my setup and init scripts. Thanks.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-18 Thread A. Ben Hmeda

Marty wrote:

A. Ben Hmeda wrote:

I have an Internet router for sharing cable Internet connection. 3 PCs 
plugged into this router, class C network, I think. All with static 
IPs,3 and 4. Gateway (router) is DNS is my 
ISP's I am using 100Mb Ethernet and 10/100Mb router. My 
Internet connection speed is only 1Mbps (max) My internet download 
speeds range from 90kB/s to 114kB/s. Under Ubuntu, they crawl at 
15kB/s to 25kB/s max! under static IP setup or dhcp setup.

I forgot to mention before, that details about your NIC and kernel may 
also be relevant.  See below.

2.6.15-28-k7 #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Feb 1 16:36:09 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux

The machine with the problem is my AMDSMP. I have had absolutely no 
problem with network speed (internal and external) until I installed 
Dapper. As it is now, it is a dual booting machine (win2k and ubuntu)

The point I was trying to make is to determine whether the problem (with 
Ubuntu) exists in the LAN traffic as well as in the internet connection 
traffic. Whether the slowdown also occurs in LAN traffic, or 
alternatively, only with internet traffic, this information would tend 
to narrow down the problem a great deal and could help point to the cause.

It exists on both lan and wan. I tested using file transfer (smb) 
between my machine and kidpc (win2k) and found that by re-issuing the 
command /etc/init.d/networking restart, the transfer speed within LAN 
almost doubled.

Previously, it ran Debian Sarge, Fedora Core 4 and 5, alongside win2k 
without any problems. Presently, my network speed is fine under 
windows, was fine under Sarge, Fedora 4 and 5 on the same machine, 
except for ubuntu.

Although that makes physical layer issues less likely, it doesn't 
eliminate them.  The only way to completely eliminate physical layer 
issues is to swap cables, router ports, and (lastly) NICs.  These kinds 
of tests should probably be the first things to try because they are so 
easy to do, although they have a very low probability of being the cause.

As I was poking around, trying to figure this out, I noticed that 
network speed is drastically improved, back to 90kB to 114kB under 
Ubuntu when, in GNOME, I open the System>>Administration>>Networking 
and just click OK, without actually changing anything! This makes no 
sense to me and I have no explanation for it, it certainly does not 
change the content in my /etc/network/interfaces but I was able to 
duplicate the steps with same results every time. Is the 
System>>Administration>>Networking>>OK the same as 
/etc/init.d/networking restart?

I don't know, but you could find out by executing the command on the CLI 
as root.  If it fixes the problem then it could be a NIC driver 
initialization issue.  Then you should start experimenting with 
different drivers and NICs to narrow down the cause.  Otherwise we may 
not be able to exclude the "ghosts" hypothesis proposed by another list 
member.  :O

Re-issuing the command fixes the problem, I will live with it as I have 
no more PCI slots left to install another NIC.

Thank you all so much for the help.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-18 Thread A. Ben Hmeda

Thilo Six wrote:

Douglas Allan Tutty wrote the following on 18.03.2007 20:24:

I've been following this thread but not commenting since I don't do

Do I understand correctly that you boot stright to gnome, start a
download and get poor network components but if you do a gnome network
setup thingy it improves?  I'm also not clear if it improves if you do
/etc/initd./networking restart?

I would be curious to eliminate gnome as a problem.  

hmm wait
may it be network manager?

What when you stop it Ben?

sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/26NetworkManagerDispatcher stop
sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/25NetworkManager stop


bye Thilo

sudo: /etc/dbus-1/event.d/26NetworkManagerDispatcher: command not found
sudo: /etc/dbus-1/event.d/25NetworkManager: command not found

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Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-18 Thread A. Ben Hmeda

Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:

On Sun, Mar 18, 2007 at 12:20:01PM -0400, A. Ben Hmeda wrote:

Freddy Freeloader wrote:

Joe Hart wrote:

I've been following this thread but not commenting since I don't do

Do I understand correctly that you boot stright to gnome, start a
download and get poor network components but if you do a gnome network
setup thingy it improves?  I'm also not clear if it improves if you do
/etc/initd./networking restart?

Yes, it also improves when I issue /etc/init.d/networking restart, 
either one will work

I would be curious to eliminate gnome as a problem.  What happens if you
turn off gdm and reboot.  This should take you to a normal CLI login.
Login, and start a download and note the speed.  If its still slow, try
restarting networking and try again, then either way restart gnome

I thought Gnome had something to do with it initially, but it doesn't. I 
am experiencing the same under WindowMaker and gftp-test mode.

Assuming that the problem isn't gnome, I'll tell you a problem I have
and see if it points anywhere.  My new box has a 10/100/1000 ethernet,
whereas the other end of the crossover cable (no switch) is to my 486
with 10 ethernet.  If I start the 486 before the new box, when the
kernel on the new box initializes the ethernet port, it freezes the
486's NIC.  I wonder if there's something like this going on.

If networking starts out OK then degrades when something later starts up
in the init scripts, you could put your own initscript to run last that
restarts networking.

Networking starts slow, it improves drastically after I restart it! 
Thanks for your input.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-18 Thread A. Ben Hmeda

Thilo Six wrote:

Thilo Six wrote the following on 18.03.2007 20:43:

hmm wait
may it be network manager?
What when you stop it Ben?

sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/26NetworkManagerDispatcher stop
sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/25NetworkManager stop

But this would only apply to releases after dapper afaik.

what gives you

$ cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_window_scaling


It should be 0


bye Thilo

It gives me a one (1)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-18 Thread Greg Folkert
On Sat, 2007-03-17 at 15:31 -0400, A. Ben Hmeda wrote:
> I have searched ubuntu forums to no avail. My network connection has
> slowed down considerably since I installed Ubuntu Dapper (6.06.1 LTS) I
> have disabled ipv6 in /etc/aliases and Firefox, still slow by about 50%.
> My machine AMDSMP is dual boot w2k/ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS (2xAthlon 2000+ 512
> RAM), network is at full speed with win2k and Fedora Core 5 (now
> deleted) on this machine.
> I have another Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS machine SERVER (2xP3-500 256RAM) and a
> Win2k KIDPC (P3-866 512RAM) on the same home network that do not have
> this problem with the network slowdowns.
> My benchmark is website. Every machine on the
> network has been tested separately, while other machines were turned off.

First off, why the heck are you using 6.06.1?

Stop being a fuddy. Upgrade to Edgy and the newer kernel and init

Then come back here.

Until you at least become current on you workstation, stop asking

I don't really care to support an OLD version of a Debian derivative,
that isn't really Debian in the first place. Do us THAT before we

Novell's Directory Services is a competitive product to Microsoft's
Active Directory in much the same way that the Saturn V is a competitive
product to those dinky little model rockets that kids light off down at
the playfield. -- Thane Walkup

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Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-18 Thread Joe Hart
Hash: SHA1

Thilo Six wrote:
>>> may it be network manager?
>> You mean network mangler.  That's what it is to a desktop gateway.
> sorry never heard of network mangler.
> what i mean is:

Network-manager is a daemon that will re-enable a network connection
when it detects that it goes down.  It also allows one to change
connections on the fly through interfaces such as KNetworkManager.

However, it can only handle one network connection at a time, thus on a
gateway machine that has 2 nics, it must be removed.  Historically it
has also brought down network connections that were working fine,
therefore inherited the pun, network mangler.

>>> What when you stop it Ben?
>>> sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/26NetworkManagerDispatcher stop
>>> sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/25NetworkManager stop
>>> bye Thilo
>> i am on Ubuntu 2.6 KDE
>> - some friend of mine
>> What is this supposed to mean?
> Ubuntu 2.6 KDE

> is like a smart way of saying Ubuntu GNU/Linux
> 2.6 refers to linux kernel and kde is obviously not ubuntu
> although when it was "created" it was a mistake by a newcomer
> i like the "deeper" meaning behind it

Ubuntu has never been anything but 2.6.  Wouldn't 2.6.17 Kubuntu be more
accurate, but then again, you could just say (K)ubuntu Dapper or Edgy
and be done with it.

I don't get the humor, and IMO, it just makes you seem even more of a novice

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Registerd Linux user #443289 at
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-19 Thread A. Ben Hmeda

Greg Folkert wrote:

On Sat, 2007-03-17 at 15:31 -0400, A. Ben Hmeda wrote:

I have searched ubuntu forums to no avail. My network connection has
slowed down considerably since I installed Ubuntu Dapper (6.06.1 LTS) I
have disabled ipv6 in /etc/aliases and Firefox, still slow by about 50%.

My machine AMDSMP is dual boot w2k/ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS (2xAthlon 2000+ 512
RAM), network is at full speed with win2k and Fedora Core 5 (now
deleted) on this machine.

I have another Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS machine SERVER (2xP3-500 256RAM) and a
Win2k KIDPC (P3-866 512RAM) on the same home network that do not have
this problem with the network slowdowns.

My benchmark is website. Every machine on the
network has been tested separately, while other machines were turned off.

First off, why the heck are you using 6.06.1? is the currently supported version for 3 years.

Stop being a fuddy. Upgrade to Edgy and the newer kernel and init

fuddy? mamma mia please don't get too technical with me.

Then come back here.

Until you at least become current on you workstation, stop asking

Do you honestly think that everyone here is using Etch? or Sarge?

I don't really care to support an OLD version of a Debian derivative,
that isn't really Debian in the first place. Do us THAT before we
If you are so pissed off that I'm not using 6.10, why are you replying 
in the first place? and Ubuntu isn't really Debian? what do you call a 
distro that uses apt, aptitude, deborphan, dpkg, etc and claims to be 
based on Debian? do you call it Yoper?

Thankfully, others have been very helpful here. The correct way to say 
the above is to use "ME" instead of "US", unless ,of course, it is 
planted in your head that you are a spokesperson for "all".

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-19 Thread Joe Hart
Hash: SHA1

A. Ben Hmeda wrote:
> Greg Folkert wrote:
>> On Sat, 2007-03-17 at 15:31 -0400, A. Ben Hmeda wrote:
>>> I have searched ubuntu forums to no avail. My network connection has
>>> slowed down considerably since I installed Ubuntu Dapper (6.06.1 LTS) I
>>> have disabled ipv6 in /etc/aliases and Firefox, still slow by about 50%.
>>> My machine AMDSMP is dual boot w2k/ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS (2xAthlon 2000+ 512
>>> RAM), network is at full speed with win2k and Fedora Core 5 (now
>>> deleted) on this machine.
>>> I have another Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS machine SERVER (2xP3-500 256RAM) and a
>>> Win2k KIDPC (P3-866 512RAM) on the same home network that do not have
>>> this problem with the network slowdowns.
>>> My benchmark is website. Every machine on the
>>> network has been tested separately, while other machines were turned
>>> off.
>> First off, why the heck are you using 6.06.1?
> is the currently supported version for 3 years.
>> Stop being a fuddy. Upgrade to Edgy and the newer kernel and init
>> system.
> fuddy? mamma mia please don't get too technical with me.
>> Then come back here.
>> Until you at least become current on you workstation, stop asking
>> questions.
> Do you honestly think that everyone here is using Etch? or Sarge?
>> I don't really care to support an OLD version of a Debian derivative,
>> that isn't really Debian in the first place. Do us THAT before we
>> continue.
> If you are so pissed off that I'm not using 6.10, why are you replying
> in the first place? and Ubuntu isn't really Debian? what do you call a
> distro that uses apt, aptitude, deborphan, dpkg, etc and claims to be
> based on Debian? do you call it Yoper?
> Thankfully, others have been very helpful here. The correct way to say
> the above is to use "ME" instead of "US", unless ,of course, it is
> planted in your head that you are a spokesperson for "all".
You're going to hit my ban list if you keep up that attitude.

Ubuntu != Debian no matter which utilities it uses.  Don't believe me?
Change your repos from the ubuntu ones to the debian ones and try an
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade and watch your system die.

The reason people here are helping you is because they are nice people.
 They won't keep being so if you have an attitude problem.  Perhaps Greg
was a bit out of line, but he's like that.  So am I, sometimes.

Go bug the people on the ubuntu mailing list.  There are plenty.


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Registerd Linux user #443289 at
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-19 Thread Greg Folkert
On Mon, 2007-03-19 at 09:22 -0400, A. Ben Hmeda wrote:
> Greg Folkert wrote:
> > On Sat, 2007-03-17 at 15:31 -0400, A. Ben Hmeda wrote:
> >> I have searched ubuntu forums to no avail. My network connection has
> >> slowed down considerably since I installed Ubuntu Dapper (6.06.1 LTS) I
> >> have disabled ipv6 in /etc/aliases and Firefox, still slow by about 50%.
> >>
> >> My machine AMDSMP is dual boot w2k/ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS (2xAthlon 2000+ 512
> >> RAM), network is at full speed with win2k and Fedora Core 5 (now
> >> deleted) on this machine.
> >>
> >> I have another Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS machine SERVER (2xP3-500 256RAM) and a
> >> Win2k KIDPC (P3-866 512RAM) on the same home network that do not have
> >> this problem with the network slowdowns.
> >>
> >> My benchmark is website. Every machine on the
> >> network has been tested separately, while other machines were turned off.
> > 
> > First off, why the heck are you using 6.06.1?
> > 
> is the currently supported version for 3 years.

Yep, but you are trying to get support for it from HERE. If you want
support for 3 years goto the COMMERCIAL place that supports it.

> > Stop being a fuddy. Upgrade to Edgy and the newer kernel and init
> > system.
> > 
> fuddy? mamma mia please don't get too technical with me.
> > Then come back here.
> > 
> > Until you at least become current on you workstation, stop asking
> > questions.
> > 
> Do you honestly think that everyone here is using Etch? or Sarge?

All I see is many struggling to help you on a system that is not Debian.

> > I don't really care to support an OLD version of a Debian derivative,
> > that isn't really Debian in the first place. Do us THAT before we
> > continue.
> If you are so pissed off that I'm not using 6.10, why are you replying 
> in the first place?

I am not PISSED, if I were pissed and I had the gumption to reply, you'd
get a seriously LONG e-mail. Not just a 2-3 pager, a novel.

>  and Ubuntu isn't really Debian?

Nope it has diverge significantly that many Debian packages will not
install on Ubuntu's Edgy.

>  what do you call a 
> distro that uses apt, aptitude, deborphan, dpkg, etc and claims to be 
> based on Debian?

Lets see, off hand:
Admanix, APLINUX, ASLinux, AbulEdu, Formerly Demudi now ANGULA,
ANTEMIUM Linux, Arrabix, Augustux, Backtrack, B2D Linux, BenHUr,
BEERnix, Biadix, BIG LINUX, Bioknoppix, BlackRhino, BRLSpeak,
Bonzai Linux, ClusterKnoppix, Catix, CensorNet, Clusterix,
Condorux, Corel Linux, Danix, Demolinux, DebXPde, Dizinha Linux,
Debian JP, Debian-BR-CDD, DeveLinux, Damn Small Linux(DSL), DCC,
ESware Linux, eduKnoppix, ERPOSS, Evinux, Euronode, Engarde,
emdebian, Ebuntu, FAMELIX, FeatherLinux, FoRK (Vital Data
Forensic or Rescue Kit), Freeduc-cd, Freeduc-Sup, Finnix,
Familiar, GEOLivre Linux, Gibraltar, GNIX-Vivo, Kinneret,
GNUstep Live, grml, GuadaLinex, Gnoppix, Hiweed Linux, Helix,
Hikarunix, IndLinux,  Impi Linux, Julex, K-DeMar, Kaella,
Knoppix Linux Azur, Kanotix, KlusTriX, knopILS, Knoppel,
Knoppix64, KnoppixSTD, KNOPPIX, KnoppiXMAME, KNOSciences,
Kurumin, Kalango Linux, Kunbuntu, KnoppMyth, LAMPPIX, LIIS
Linux, Libranet, LinEspa, Linspire, Linux-YeS, Linux Live Game
Project, Linux Loco, LinuxDefender Live! CD, Linux Router
Project, LiVix, Local Area Security Linux (L.A.S.), Luinux, Luit
Linux, Linex, Linuxin, Libranet(though now part of Mandriva),
MAX: Madrid Linux, MediainLinux, MEPIS, Metadistro-Pequelin,
MIKO GNYO/Linux, MoLinux, Munjoy Linux, Morphix, MeNTOPPIX,
Nature's Linux, NordisKnoppix, NepaLinux, NUbuntu, Knoppix CD, OverclockIX, Oralux, PAIPIX,
ParallelKnoppix, Parsix GNU/Linux, Penguin Sleuth Bootable CD,
PHLAK, PilotLinux, PingOO, Progeny Linux, Prosa, Quantian, RAYS
LX, Salvare, Santa Fe Linux, Slavix, Slix, Slo-Tech Linux,
Soyombo Mongolian Linux, SphinxOS, Stonegate, Stromix
Tecnologies' Storm Linux, Symphony OS, Skolelinux, Tablix on
Morphix, TelemetryBox, Tilix Linux, TupiServer Linux, Ubuntu,
User Linux, Ubuntu Lite X-evian, Xandros, Xfld, Xarnoppix,
Xebian, Zen Linux, ZoneCD, Zopix, zUbuntu

>  do you call it Yoper? ?

> Thankfully, others have been very helpful here. The correct way to say 
> the above is to use "ME" instead of "US", unless ,of course, it is 
> planted in your head that you are a spokesperson for "all".

I guess, since we are now supporting Ubuntu, we now get to support all
those other one. Thanks Ben, you've just opened a can of worms.

Novell's Directory Services is a competitive product to Microsoft's
Active Directory in much the same way that the Saturn V is a competitive
product to those dinky little model rockets that kids light off down at
the playfield. -- Thane W

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-19 Thread Thilo Six
Joe Hart wrote the following on 19.03.2007 07:30:

>>> What is this supposed to mean?
>> Ubuntu 2.6 KDE
>> is like a smart way of saying Ubuntu GNU/Linux
>> 2.6 refers to linux kernel and kde is obviously not ubuntu
>> although when it was "created" it was a mistake by a newcomer
>> i like the "deeper" meaning behind it

that´s no problem.
just think of it as an "insider"

> Ubuntu has never been anything but 2.6.  Wouldn't 2.6.17 Kubuntu be more
> accurate, but then again, you could just say (K)ubuntu Dapper or Edgy
> and be done with it.
> I don't get the humor, and IMO, it just makes you seem even more of a novice

I don´t have a problem with being a novice.
That means there still a lot things to learn which (is mostly) fun or at last

> Joe

bye Thilo, unique novice as his sig.
i am on Ubuntu 2.6 KDE
- some friend of mine

gpg key: 0x4A411E09

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-19 Thread Joe Hart
Hash: SHA1

Greg Folkert wrote:
>> Do you honestly think that everyone here is using Etch? or Sarge?
> All I see is many struggling to help you on a system that is not Debian.

Agreed.  This is the Debian User's mailing list.

>>> I don't really care to support an OLD version of a Debian derivative,
>>> that isn't really Debian in the first place. Do us THAT before we
>>> continue.
>> If you are so pissed off that I'm not using 6.10, why are you replying 
>> in the first place?
> I am not PISSED, if I were pissed and I had the gumption to reply, you'd
> get a seriously LONG e-mail. Not just a 2-3 pager, a novel.
>>  and Ubuntu isn't really Debian?
> Nope it has diverge significantly that many Debian packages will not
> install on Ubuntu's Edgy.

See my other post in this thread.

>>  what do you call a 
>> distro that uses apt, aptitude, deborphan, dpkg, etc and claims to be 
>> based on Debian?
> Lets see, off hand:
> Admanix, APLINUX, ASLinux, AbulEdu, Formerly Demudi now ANGULA,
> ANTEMIUM Linux, Arrabix, Augustux, Backtrack, B2D Linux, BenHUr,
> BEERnix, Biadix, BIG LINUX, Bioknoppix, BlackRhino, BRLSpeak,
> Bonzai Linux, ClusterKnoppix, Catix, CensorNet, Clusterix,
> Condorux, Corel Linux, Danix, Demolinux, DebXPde, Dizinha Linux,
> Debian JP, Debian-BR-CDD, DeveLinux, Damn Small Linux(DSL), DCC,
> ESware Linux, eduKnoppix, ERPOSS, Evinux, Euronode, Engarde,
> emdebian, Ebuntu, FAMELIX, FeatherLinux, FoRK (Vital Data
> Forensic or Rescue Kit), Freeduc-cd, Freeduc-Sup, Finnix,
> Familiar, GEOLivre Linux, Gibraltar, GNIX-Vivo, Kinneret,
> GNUstep Live, grml, GuadaLinex, Gnoppix, Hiweed Linux, Helix,
> Hikarunix, IndLinux,  Impi Linux, Julex, K-DeMar, Kaella,
> Knoppix Linux Azur, Kanotix, KlusTriX, knopILS, Knoppel,
> Knoppix64, KnoppixSTD, KNOPPIX, KnoppiXMAME, KNOSciences,
> Kurumin, Kalango Linux, Kunbuntu, KnoppMyth, LAMPPIX, LIIS
> Linux, Libranet, LinEspa, Linspire, Linux-YeS, Linux Live Game
> Project, Linux Loco, LinuxDefender Live! CD, Linux Router
> Project, LiVix, Local Area Security Linux (L.A.S.), Luinux, Luit
> Linux, Linex, Linuxin, Libranet(though now part of Mandriva),
> MAX: Madrid Linux, MediainLinux, MEPIS, Metadistro-Pequelin,
> MIKO GNYO/Linux, MoLinux, Munjoy Linux, Morphix, MeNTOPPIX,
> Nature's Linux, NordisKnoppix, NepaLinux, NUbuntu,
> Knoppix CD, OverclockIX, Oralux, PAIPIX,
> ParallelKnoppix, Parsix GNU/Linux, Penguin Sleuth Bootable CD,
> PHLAK, PilotLinux, PingOO, Progeny Linux, Prosa, Quantian, RAYS
> LX, Salvare, Santa Fe Linux, Slavix, Slix, Slo-Tech Linux,
> Soyombo Mongolian Linux, SphinxOS, Stonegate, Stromix
> Tecnologies' Storm Linux, Symphony OS, Skolelinux, Tablix on
> Morphix, TelemetryBox, Tilix Linux, TupiServer Linux, Ubuntu,
> User Linux, Ubuntu Lite X-evian, Xandros, Xfld, Xarnoppix,
> Xebian, Zen Linux, ZoneCD, Zopix, zUbuntu

You left out Sidux.  Shame on you :)  At least Sidux is Sid, just like
Kanotix was.

>> Thankfully, others have been very helpful here. The correct way to say 
>> the above is to use "ME" instead of "US", unless ,of course, it is 
>> planted in your head that you are a spokesperson for "all".
> I guess, since we are now supporting Ubuntu, we now get to support all
> those other one. Thanks Ben, you've just opened a can of worms.

Somehow I get the feeling that Ben won't be getting a lot of support in
the future.  At least not from you or me.

A real good test to see what one's distribution is:
cat /etc/apt/sources.list

If you don't see the word debian there, and the site you're using isn't
listed on the official Debian mirrors
(, then you're not running Debian.

- --
Registerd Linux user #443289 at
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-19 Thread Kamaraju S Kusumanchi
A. Ben Hmeda wrote:

>> Until you at least become current on you workstation, stop asking
>> questions.
> Do you honestly think that everyone here is using Etch? or Sarge?

On a Debian user mailing list, I expect people to use Debian. Not Ubuntu,
not kanotix, not Xandros  Though all these are based on Debian, they
are not Debian and there are crucial differences.

>> I don't really care to support an OLD version of a Debian derivative,
>> that isn't really Debian in the first place. Do us THAT before we
>> continue.
> If you are so pissed off that I'm not using 6.10, why are you replying
> in the first place? and Ubuntu isn't really Debian? what do you call a
> distro that uses apt, aptitude, deborphan, dpkg, etc and claims to be
> based on Debian? do you call it Yoper?

Yes. Ubuntu is NOT Debian. It is BASED on Debian. That is a big difference.
The fact that you are getting any replies (and not being flamed so far)
just shows how helpful+knowledgeable the community is. It does not mean
that you can ask your  Ubuntu related issues on this list. There are
enough Ubuntu forums, mailing lists out there. They are set up for a
reason. If you cannot find an answer there, it is YOUR problem to keep
running Ubuntu.


Kamaraju S Kusumanchi

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-19 Thread Paul E Condon
On Mon, Mar 19, 2007 at 03:58:04PM -0400, Kamaraju S Kusumanchi wrote:
> A. Ben Hmeda wrote:
> >> 
> >> Until you at least become current on you workstation, stop asking
> >> questions.
> >> 
> > 
> > Do you honestly think that everyone here is using Etch? or Sarge?
> > 
> On a Debian user mailing list, I expect people to use Debian. Not Ubuntu,
> not kanotix, not Xandros  Though all these are based on Debian, they
> are not Debian and there are crucial differences.
> >> I don't really care to support an OLD version of a Debian derivative,
> >> that isn't really Debian in the first place. Do us THAT before we
> >> continue.
> > If you are so pissed off that I'm not using 6.10, why are you replying
> > in the first place? and Ubuntu isn't really Debian? what do you call a
> > distro that uses apt, aptitude, deborphan, dpkg, etc and claims to be
> > based on Debian? do you call it Yoper?
> Yes. Ubuntu is NOT Debian. It is BASED on Debian. That is a big difference.
> The fact that you are getting any replies (and not being flamed so far)
> just shows how helpful+knowledgeable the community is. It does not mean
> that you can ask your  Ubuntu related issues on this list. There are
> enough Ubuntu forums, mailing lists out there. They are set up for a
> reason. If you cannot find an answer there, it is YOUR problem to keep
> running Ubuntu.

In another thread, a poster who claims to be Ian Murdock said that Ubuntu is
considered to be Debian. I say Debian is the 'One True Way', but that Ubuntu
is a 'Lesser Way' that can lead to Debian ;-)

Paul E Condon   

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-19 Thread Andrei Popescu
Paul E Condon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In another thread, a poster who claims to be Ian Murdock said that
> Ubuntu is considered to be Debian. I say Debian is the 'One True
> Way', but that Ubuntu is a 'Lesser Way' that can lead to Debian ;-)

H.S. is not claiming to be Ian Murdock, he is just quoting him.

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-19 Thread H.S.

Paul E Condon wrote:

In another thread, a poster who claims to be Ian Murdock said that Ubuntu is

I think you are referring to a post I made regarding his quote in one of 
his interviews.

I *never* claimed to be Ian Murdock. What is the world gave you that 
impression? What you wrote above is grossly wrong.

considered to be Debian. I say Debian is the 'One True Way', but that Ubuntu
is a 'Lesser Way' that can lead to Debian ;-)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-19 Thread Paul E Condon
Top post public apology: I acknowledge my error. I make no excuse. I am sorry.

On Mon, Mar 19, 2007 at 05:00:05PM -0400, H.S. wrote:
> Paul E Condon wrote:
> >In another thread, a poster who claims to be Ian Murdock said that Ubuntu 
> >is
> I think you are referring to a post I made regarding his quote in one of 
> his interviews.
> I *never* claimed to be Ian Murdock. What is the world gave you that 
> impression? What you wrote above is grossly wrong.
> >considered to be Debian. I say Debian is the 'One True Way', but that 
> >Ubuntu
> >is a 'Lesser Way' that can lead to Debian ;-)
> >
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact 

Paul E Condon   

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-20 Thread A. Ben Hmeda

Joe Hart wrote:

Hash: SHA1

A. Ben Hmeda wrote:

Greg Folkert wrote:

On Sat, 2007-03-17 at 15:31 -0400, A. Ben Hmeda wrote:

I have searched ubuntu forums to no avail. My network connection has
slowed down considerably since I installed Ubuntu Dapper (6.06.1 LTS) I
have disabled ipv6 in /etc/aliases and Firefox, still slow by about 50%.

My machine AMDSMP is dual boot w2k/ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS (2xAthlon 2000+ 512
RAM), network is at full speed with win2k and Fedora Core 5 (now
deleted) on this machine.

I have another Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS machine SERVER (2xP3-500 256RAM) and a
Win2k KIDPC (P3-866 512RAM) on the same home network that do not have
this problem with the network slowdowns.

My benchmark is website. Every machine on the
network has been tested separately, while other machines were turned

First off, why the heck are you using 6.06.1? is the currently supported version for 3 years.

Stop being a fuddy. Upgrade to Edgy and the newer kernel and init

fuddy? mamma mia please don't get too technical with me.

Then come back here.

Until you at least become current on you workstation, stop asking

Do you honestly think that everyone here is using Etch? or Sarge?

I don't really care to support an OLD version of a Debian derivative,
that isn't really Debian in the first place. Do us THAT before we

If you are so pissed off that I'm not using 6.10, why are you replying
in the first place? and Ubuntu isn't really Debian? what do you call a
distro that uses apt, aptitude, deborphan, dpkg, etc and claims to be
based on Debian? do you call it Yoper?

Thankfully, others have been very helpful here. The correct way to say
the above is to use "ME" instead of "US", unless ,of course, it is
planted in your head that you are a spokesperson for "all".

You're going to hit my ban list if you keep up that attitude.

You're gonna plonk me despite your opinion that Greg was a bit out of line?

Ubuntu != Debian no matter which utilities it uses.  Don't believe me?
Change your repos from the ubuntu ones to the debian ones and try an
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade and watch your system die.

I have done that twice before, back when Sarge became stable. Granted 
that I didn't do apt-get update && apt-get upgrade. I just changed 
repositories in Synaptic and opted for Debian packages, a few at a time.

The reason people here are helping you is because they are nice people.

Yes they are, lest you note that I was and still very thankful to those 
who offered their help.

 They won't keep being so if you have an attitude problem.  Perhaps Greg
was a bit out of line, but he's like that.  So am I, sometimes.

Go bug the people on the ubuntu mailing list.  There are plenty.

I have, I think that people on this list are much more experienced.


- --
Registerd Linux user #443289 at
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-20 Thread A. Ben Hmeda

Greg Folkert wrote:

On Mon, 2007-03-19 at 09:22 -0400, A. Ben Hmeda wrote:

Greg Folkert wrote:

On Sat, 2007-03-17 at 15:31 -0400, A. Ben Hmeda wrote:

I have searched ubuntu forums to no avail. My network connection has
slowed down considerably since I installed Ubuntu Dapper (6.06.1 LTS) I
have disabled ipv6 in /etc/aliases and Firefox, still slow by about 50%.

My machine AMDSMP is dual boot w2k/ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS (2xAthlon 2000+ 512
RAM), network is at full speed with win2k and Fedora Core 5 (now
deleted) on this machine.

I have another Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS machine SERVER (2xP3-500 256RAM) and a
Win2k KIDPC (P3-866 512RAM) on the same home network that do not have
this problem with the network slowdowns.

My benchmark is website. Every machine on the
network has been tested separately, while other machines were turned off.

First off, why the heck are you using 6.06.1? is the currently supported version for 3 years.

Yep, but you are trying to get support for it from HERE. If you want
support for 3 years goto the COMMERCIAL place that supports it.

3 year security support, not commercial.

Stop being a fuddy. Upgrade to Edgy and the newer kernel and init

fuddy? mamma mia please don't get too technical with me.

Then come back here.

Until you at least become current on you workstation, stop asking

Do you honestly think that everyone here is using Etch? or Sarge?

All I see is many struggling to help you on a system that is not Debian.

I don't really care to support an OLD version of a Debian derivative,
that isn't really Debian in the first place. Do us THAT before we
If you are so pissed off that I'm not using 6.10, why are you replying 
in the first place?

I am not PISSED, if I were pissed and I had the gumption to reply, you'd
get a seriously LONG e-mail. Not just a 2-3 pager, a novel.

 and Ubuntu isn't really Debian?

Nope it has diverge significantly that many Debian packages will not
install on Ubuntu's Edgy.

 what do you call a 
distro that uses apt, aptitude, deborphan, dpkg, etc and claims to be 
based on Debian?

Lets see, off hand:
Admanix, APLINUX, ASLinux, AbulEdu, Formerly Demudi now ANGULA,
ANTEMIUM Linux, Arrabix, Augustux, Backtrack, B2D Linux, BenHUr,
BEERnix, Biadix, BIG LINUX, Bioknoppix, BlackRhino, BRLSpeak,
Bonzai Linux, ClusterKnoppix, Catix, CensorNet, Clusterix,
Condorux, Corel Linux, Danix, Demolinux, DebXPde, Dizinha Linux,
Debian JP, Debian-BR-CDD, DeveLinux, Damn Small Linux(DSL), DCC,
ESware Linux, eduKnoppix, ERPOSS, Evinux, Euronode, Engarde,
emdebian, Ebuntu, FAMELIX, FeatherLinux, FoRK (Vital Data
Forensic or Rescue Kit), Freeduc-cd, Freeduc-Sup, Finnix,
Familiar, GEOLivre Linux, Gibraltar, GNIX-Vivo, Kinneret,
GNUstep Live, grml, GuadaLinex, Gnoppix, Hiweed Linux, Helix,
Hikarunix, IndLinux,  Impi Linux, Julex, K-DeMar, Kaella,
Knoppix Linux Azur, Kanotix, KlusTriX, knopILS, Knoppel,
Knoppix64, KnoppixSTD, KNOPPIX, KnoppiXMAME, KNOSciences,
Kurumin, Kalango Linux, Kunbuntu, KnoppMyth, LAMPPIX, LIIS
Linux, Libranet, LinEspa, Linspire, Linux-YeS, Linux Live Game
Project, Linux Loco, LinuxDefender Live! CD, Linux Router
Project, LiVix, Local Area Security Linux (L.A.S.), Luinux, Luit
Linux, Linex, Linuxin, Libranet(though now part of Mandriva),
MAX: Madrid Linux, MediainLinux, MEPIS, Metadistro-Pequelin,
MIKO GNYO/Linux, MoLinux, Munjoy Linux, Morphix, MeNTOPPIX,
Nature's Linux, NordisKnoppix, NepaLinux, NUbuntu, Knoppix CD, OverclockIX, Oralux, PAIPIX,
ParallelKnoppix, Parsix GNU/Linux, Penguin Sleuth Bootable CD,
PHLAK, PilotLinux, PingOO, Progeny Linux, Prosa, Quantian, RAYS
LX, Salvare, Santa Fe Linux, Slavix, Slix, Slo-Tech Linux,
Soyombo Mongolian Linux, SphinxOS, Stonegate, Stromix
Tecnologies' Storm Linux, Symphony OS, Skolelinux, Tablix on
Morphix, TelemetryBox, Tilix Linux, TupiServer Linux, Ubuntu,
User Linux, Ubuntu Lite X-evian, Xandros, Xfld, Xarnoppix,
Xebian, Zen Linux, ZoneCD, Zopix, zUbuntu

WOW, thats a lot of Debian, did you go through the trouble of noting 
that Libranet is now part of Mandriva? Impressive.

 do you call it Yoper? ?

Thankfully, others have been very helpful here. The correct way to say 
the above is to use "ME" instead of "US", unless ,of course, it is 
planted in your head that you are a spokesperson for "all".

I guess, since we are now supporting Ubuntu, we now get to support all
those other one. Thanks Ben, you've just opened a can of worms.

No, Greg, you (again with the collective WE) don't have to support 
anything, you could have easily ignored this thread, it is not like I 
was gonna comeback and cry about it.


Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-20 Thread A. Ben Hmeda

Joe Hart wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Greg Folkert wrote:

Do you honestly think that everyone here is using Etch? or Sarge?

All I see is many struggling to help you on a system that is not Debian.

Agreed.  This is the Debian User's mailing list.

I don't really care to support an OLD version of a Debian derivative,
that isn't really Debian in the first place. Do us THAT before we
If you are so pissed off that I'm not using 6.10, why are you replying 
in the first place?

I am not PISSED, if I were pissed and I had the gumption to reply, you'd
get a seriously LONG e-mail. Not just a 2-3 pager, a novel.

 and Ubuntu isn't really Debian?

Nope it has diverge significantly that many Debian packages will not
install on Ubuntu's Edgy.

See my other post in this thread.

 what do you call a 
distro that uses apt, aptitude, deborphan, dpkg, etc and claims to be 
based on Debian?

Lets see, off hand:
Admanix, APLINUX, ASLinux, AbulEdu, Formerly Demudi now ANGULA,
ANTEMIUM Linux, Arrabix, Augustux, Backtrack, B2D Linux, BenHUr,
BEERnix, Biadix, BIG LINUX, Bioknoppix, BlackRhino, BRLSpeak,
Bonzai Linux, ClusterKnoppix, Catix, CensorNet, Clusterix,
Condorux, Corel Linux, Danix, Demolinux, DebXPde, Dizinha Linux,
Debian JP, Debian-BR-CDD, DeveLinux, Damn Small Linux(DSL), DCC,
ESware Linux, eduKnoppix, ERPOSS, Evinux, Euronode, Engarde,
emdebian, Ebuntu, FAMELIX, FeatherLinux, FoRK (Vital Data
Forensic or Rescue Kit), Freeduc-cd, Freeduc-Sup, Finnix,
Familiar, GEOLivre Linux, Gibraltar, GNIX-Vivo, Kinneret,
GNUstep Live, grml, GuadaLinex, Gnoppix, Hiweed Linux, Helix,
Hikarunix, IndLinux,  Impi Linux, Julex, K-DeMar, Kaella,
Knoppix Linux Azur, Kanotix, KlusTriX, knopILS, Knoppel,
Knoppix64, KnoppixSTD, KNOPPIX, KnoppiXMAME, KNOSciences,
Kurumin, Kalango Linux, Kunbuntu, KnoppMyth, LAMPPIX, LIIS
Linux, Libranet, LinEspa, Linspire, Linux-YeS, Linux Live Game
Project, Linux Loco, LinuxDefender Live! CD, Linux Router
Project, LiVix, Local Area Security Linux (L.A.S.), Luinux, Luit
Linux, Linex, Linuxin, Libranet(though now part of Mandriva),
MAX: Madrid Linux, MediainLinux, MEPIS, Metadistro-Pequelin,
MIKO GNYO/Linux, MoLinux, Munjoy Linux, Morphix, MeNTOPPIX,
Nature's Linux, NordisKnoppix, NepaLinux, NUbuntu, Knoppix CD, OverclockIX, Oralux, PAIPIX,
ParallelKnoppix, Parsix GNU/Linux, Penguin Sleuth Bootable CD,
PHLAK, PilotLinux, PingOO, Progeny Linux, Prosa, Quantian, RAYS
LX, Salvare, Santa Fe Linux, Slavix, Slix, Slo-Tech Linux,
Soyombo Mongolian Linux, SphinxOS, Stonegate, Stromix
Tecnologies' Storm Linux, Symphony OS, Skolelinux, Tablix on
Morphix, TelemetryBox, Tilix Linux, TupiServer Linux, Ubuntu,
User Linux, Ubuntu Lite X-evian, Xandros, Xfld, Xarnoppix,
Xebian, Zen Linux, ZoneCD, Zopix, zUbuntu

You left out Sidux.  Shame on you :)  At least Sidux is Sid, just like
Kanotix was.

Thankfully, others have been very helpful here. The correct way to say 
the above is to use "ME" instead of "US", unless ,of course, it is 
planted in your head that you are a spokesperson for "all".

I guess, since we are now supporting Ubuntu, we now get to support all
those other one. Thanks Ben, you've just opened a can of worms.

Somehow I get the feeling that Ben won't be getting a lot of support in
the future.  At least not from you or me.

A real good test to see what one's distribution is:
cat /etc/apt/sources.list

If you don't see the word debian there, and the site you're using isn't
listed on the official Debian mirrors
(, then you're not running Debian.

Ok Joe, here is my repo
When I did a Sarge net install, dselect fetched me the York university 
mirror, I was certainly running DEBIAN 
Sarge on two machines back then. I use this mirror for my other machine, 
2xP3500 currently running Sarge. Somehow I get the feeling that despite 
your knowledge, you're full of hot air. But thanks all the same for all 
the support that you WERE GONNA give me.

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with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-20 Thread Greg Folkert
On Tue, 2007-03-20 at 18:37 -0400, A. Ben Hmeda wrote: 
> Greg Folkert wrote:
> > On Mon, 2007-03-19 at 09:22 -0400, A. Ben Hmeda wrote:
> >> Greg Folkert wrote:
> >>> On Sat, 2007-03-17 at 15:31 -0400, A. Ben Hmeda wrote:
>  I have searched ubuntu forums to no avail. My network connection has
>  slowed down considerably since I installed Ubuntu Dapper (6.06.1 LTS) I
>  have disabled ipv6 in /etc/aliases and Firefox, still slow by about 50%.
>  My machine AMDSMP is dual boot w2k/ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS (2xAthlon 2000+ 512
>  RAM), network is at full speed with win2k and Fedora Core 5 (now
>  deleted) on this machine.
>  I have another Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS machine SERVER (2xP3-500 256RAM) and a
>  Win2k KIDPC (P3-866 512RAM) on the same home network that do not have
>  this problem with the network slowdowns.
>  My benchmark is website. Every machine on the
>  network has been tested separately, while other machines were turned off.
> >>> First off, why the heck are you using 6.06.1?
> >>>
> >> is the currently supported version for 3 years.
> > 
> > Yep, but you are trying to get support for it from HERE. If you want
> > support for 3 years goto the COMMERCIAL place that supports it.
> > 
> 3 year security support, not commercial.

But it is STILL a commercial entity that does the 3 years support. You
are a few pancakes short of a short stack.

Read it again, 3 year security support from UBUNTU, not DEBIAN. UBUNTU 3
Security Year Support. NOT 3 year support of Dapper From DEBIAN. Read it
again, 3 year security support from UBUNTU, not DEBIAN. UBUNTU 3
Security Year Support. NOT 3 year support of Dapper From DEBIAN. Read it
again, 3 year security support from UBUNTU, not DEBIAN. UBUNTU 3
Security Year Support. NOT 3 year support of Dapper From DEBIAN. Read it
again, 3 year security support from UBUNTU, not DEBIAN. UBUNTU 3
Security Year Support. NOT 3 year support of Dapper From DEBIAN. Read it
again, 3 year security support from UBUNTU, not DEBIAN. UBUNTU 3
Security Year Support. NOT 3 year support of Dapper From DEBIAN.

> >>> Stop being a fuddy. Upgrade to Edgy and the newer kernel and init
> >>> system.
> >>>
> >> fuddy? mamma mia please don't get too technical with me.
> >>
> >>> Then come back here.
> >>>
> >>> Until you at least become current on you workstation, stop asking
> >>> questions.
> >>>
> >> Do you honestly think that everyone here is using Etch? or Sarge?
> > 
> > All I see is many struggling to help you on a system that is not Debian.
> > 
> >>> I don't really care to support an OLD version of a Debian derivative,
> >>> that isn't really Debian in the first place. Do us THAT before we
> >>> continue.
> >> If you are so pissed off that I'm not using 6.10, why are you replying 
> >> in the first place?
> > 
> > I am not PISSED, if I were pissed and I had the gumption to reply, you'd
> > get a seriously LONG e-mail. Not just a 2-3 pager, a novel.
> > 
> >>  and Ubuntu isn't really Debian?
> > 
> > Nope it has diverge significantly that many Debian packages will not
> > install on Ubuntu's Edgy.
> > 
> >>  what do you call a 
> >> distro that uses apt, aptitude, deborphan, dpkg, etc and claims to be 
> >> based on Debian?
> > 
> > Lets see, off hand:
> > Admanix, APLINUX, ASLinux, AbulEdu, Formerly Demudi now ANGULA,
> > ANTEMIUM Linux, Arrabix, Augustux, Backtrack, B2D Linux, BenHUr,
> > BEERnix, Biadix, BIG LINUX, Bioknoppix, BlackRhino, BRLSpeak,
> > Bonzai Linux, ClusterKnoppix, Catix, CensorNet, Clusterix,
> > Condorux, Corel Linux, Danix, Demolinux, DebXPde, Dizinha Linux,
> > Debian JP, Debian-BR-CDD, DeveLinux, Damn Small Linux(DSL), DCC,
> > ESware Linux, eduKnoppix, ERPOSS, Evinux, Euronode, Engarde,
> > emdebian, Ebuntu, FAMELIX, FeatherLinux, FoRK (Vital Data
> > Forensic or Rescue Kit), Freeduc-cd, Freeduc-Sup, Finnix,
> > Familiar, GEOLivre Linux, Gibraltar, GNIX-Vivo, Kinneret,
> > GNUstep Live, grml, GuadaLinex, Gnoppix, Hiweed Linux, Helix,
> > Hikarunix, IndLinux,  Impi Linux, Julex, K-DeMar, Kaella,
> > Knoppix Linux Azur, Kanotix, KlusTriX, knopILS, Knoppel,
> > Knoppix64, KnoppixSTD, KNOPPIX, KnoppiXMAME, KNOSciences,
> > Kurumin, Kalango Linux, Kunbuntu, KnoppMyth, LAMPPIX, LIIS
> > Linux, Libranet, LinEspa, Linspire, Linux-YeS, Linux Live Game
> > Project, Linux Loco, LinuxDefender Live! CD, Linux Router
> > Project, LiVix, Local Area Security Linux (L.A.S.), Luinux, Luit
> > Linux, Linex, Linuxin, Libranet(though now part of Mandriva),
> > MAX: Madrid Linux, MediainLinux, MEPIS, Metadistro-Pequelin,
> > MIKO GNYO/Linux, MoLinux, Munjoy Linux, Morphix, MeNTOPPIX,
> > Nature's Linux, NordisKnoppix, NepaLinux, NUbuntu,
> > Knoppix CD, OverclockIX, Oralux, PAIPIX,
> > ParallelKnop

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-20 Thread Marty

Greg Folkert wrote:

Even though Ian Murdock says so. He is saying it is Debian, because it
is spawned by Debian... it is related, but has diverged significantly
from Debian. It has especially change in the "init" sections of the OS,
which is where YOUR problem exists.

I don't think that's been established, and I've been following this
thread from the start.  Until the problem is identified, it's not
clear that it doesn't also exist in Debian.  If it's a driver initialization
issue (as I suspect) then it could affect all distributions.

Furhermore, like Murdock, I see the proliferation of debian-based distros as
a positive thing, rather than some type of subversive threat, or a cause for
circling the wagons.

If in the future I decide to use a spinoff distribution, it's valuable to know
that I can still get support from Debian users.  Of course, this would be
done only after seeking support from uses of the spinoff distro, as the OP in 
this thread did.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-20 Thread Greg Folkert
On Tue, 2007-03-20 at 22:18 -0400, Marty wrote:
> If in the future I decide to use a spinoff distribution, it's valuable to know
> that I can still get support from Debian users.  Of course, this would be
> done only after seeking support from uses of the spinoff distro, as the OP in 
> this thread did.

Okay, he is trying to get support for an older version of Ubuntu. Dapper
is not the current version of Ubuntu. Init system drives the driver
initialization. Drivers not properly being loaded is exactly in the init

I can't seem to find any references to [EMAIL PROTECTED] on any,
including or or

Original message say he searched and found nothing.

To quote:
I have searched ubuntu forums to no avail. My network connection
has slowed down considerably since I installed Ubuntu Dapper
(6.06.1 LTS) I have disabled ipv6 in /etc/aliases and Firefox,
still slow by about 50%.

What does that tell you? No he never asked the questions. I find no
references to his e-mail address on lists.u.c or any "*hmeda" user or
any signatures in ubuntuforums. Not to mention I've found several
threads that address this specific issue. I don't think he has good
faith when telling us he looked.

I think this comes down to the fact that he is a bad question asker and
not even in the proper venue. Doesn't know how to search and I believe
his real problem comes down to DNS resolution issues or /var issues or

So, AFAIC, we have been duped and he garners nothing more than a "Hey
install Edgy, until then don't come back" pretty soone if he waits long
enough, it'll be a "Hey install Fiesty, until then don't come back"

His excuse is "3 years of security support". Big deal, Woody had nearly
4.5 years of security support. The LTS releases from Ubuntu are
supported by Ubuntu, not Debian. I am not at all ready to support some
thing foreign to Debian for 3 years. Unless he pays cash on the barrel
head. Then I will fix the problem.

And last but far from least, Ubuntu has a significantly different init
system than Debian right now. PLUS they install zeroconf by default and
causes headaches every where.

One other thing, *IF* he changed /var to a separate filesystem after the
install, there are some significant problems that will occur. Like; a
network interface not coming up properly, or a DNS resolution issue to
name a couple. These come back to the divergence of Ubuntu from Debian
as the Debian helpers don't know about the /var/run and /var/lock
issues. I've dealt with this problem numerous times with Ubuntu Dapper.

I know more about Ubuntu Dapper and Edgy than I'd like to admit, but
still he is not asking in the right venue.

I think it's a mistake to ever look for hope outside of one's self. One
day the house smells of fresh bread, the next of smoke and blood. One
day you faint because the gardener cuts his finger off, within a week
you're climbing over corpses of children bombed in a subway. What hope
can there be if that is so? I tried to die near the end of the war. The
same dream returned each night until I dared not to go to sleep and grew
quite ill. I dreamed I had a child, and even in the dream I saw it was
my life, and it was an idiot, and I ran away. But it always crept onto
my lap again, clutched at my clothes. Until I thought, if I could kiss
it, whatever in it was my own, perhaps I could sleep. And I bent to its
broken face, and it was horrible...but I kissed it. I think one must
finally take one's life in one's arms.

Arthur Miller
from the play After the Fall

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-20 Thread A. Ben Hmeda

Greg Folkert wrote:

On Tue, 2007-03-20 at 22:18 -0400, Marty wrote:

If in the future I decide to use a spinoff distribution, it's valuable to know
that I can still get support from Debian users.  Of course, this would be
done only after seeking support from uses of the spinoff distro, as the OP in 
this thread did.

Okay, he is trying to get support for an older version of Ubuntu. Dapper
is not the current version of Ubuntu. Init system drives the driver
initialization. Drivers not properly being loaded is exactly in the init

I can't seem to find any references to [EMAIL PROTECTED] on any,
including or or

It is a fake e-mail address.

Original message say he searched and found nothing.

To quote:
I have searched ubuntu forums to no avail. My network connection
has slowed down considerably since I installed Ubuntu Dapper
(6.06.1 LTS) I have disabled ipv6 in /etc/aliases and Firefox,
still slow by about 50%.

What does that tell you? No he never asked the questions. I find no
references to his e-mail address on lists.u.c or any "*hmeda" user or
any signatures in ubuntuforums. Not to mention I've found several
threads that address this specific issue. I don't think he has good
faith when telling us he looked.

At Ubuntu forums, I found at least 8 different threads around the same 
subject (Slow Ubuntu) spanning about 3 versions of the distro. Did the 
same on Google. All suggestions were pretty much the 
same:disable/blacklist ipv6, which I have. What do you think the answer 
would have been if I had asked the same question again? Probably 
something along the lines of "This question has already been answered a 
million times, why don't you search...etc." or "Disable ipv6". I asked 
the question here because I know that the wealth and depth of 
information on this list is great. FYI, I have been lurking here for 
years and got my Sarge support here, without asking a single question. 
So you can guess how desperate I was by subscribing to the list and 
daring to ask...eek, I'll stick to lurking.

I think this comes down to the fact that he is a bad question asker and
not even in the proper venue. Doesn't know how to search and I believe
his real problem comes down to DNS resolution issues or /var issues or

So, AFAIC, we have been duped and he garners nothing more than a "Hey
install Edgy, until then don't come back" pretty soone if he waits long
enough, it'll be a "Hey install Fiesty, until then don't come back"

His excuse is "3 years of security support". Big deal, Woody had nearly
4.5 years of security support. The LTS releases from Ubuntu are
supported by Ubuntu, not Debian. I am not at all ready to support some
thing foreign to Debian for 3 years. Unless he pays cash on the barrel
head. Then I will fix the problem.

But my webcam, for example, didn't work on woody, Sarge nor FC5 (for 
obvious reasons). Enter Ubuntu, IMO, a fully functional desktop, based 
on my favorite distro, except for this tiny quirk that only exists in 
one out of two machines running the same distro. So, I think that 
picking LTS was damn good excuse.

And last but far from least, Ubuntu has a significantly different init
system than Debian right now. PLUS they install zeroconf by default and
causes headaches every where.

One other thing, *IF* he changed /var to a separate filesystem after the
install, there are some significant problems that will occur. Like; a
network interface not coming up properly, or a DNS resolution issue to
name a couple. These come back to the divergence of Ubuntu from Debian
as the Debian helpers don't know about the /var/run and /var/lock
issues. I've dealt with this problem numerous times with Ubuntu Dapper.

I know more about Ubuntu Dapper and Edgy than I'd like to admit, but
still he is not asking in the right venue.

I'm also asking in comp.os.linux.networking, the suggestions over there 
are actually quite interesting. Thanks.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-20 Thread Joe Hart
Hash: SHA1

>> I can't seem to find any references to [EMAIL PROTECTED] on any,
>> including or or
> It is a fake e-mail address.

Another reason for banning you.

Seriously though, your problem is Dapper.  If you want a Dapper that
works properly, perhaps Mepis will work.  It's Dapper, fixed (almost).
On the other hand, maybe the nic in your machine has problems?  How are
we to know?

The point is that we cannot replicate your problem because we don't use
the same software.  Incedently, my ipv6 is enabled and I don't have any
slowdowns.  I did when I ran Dapper.

This is the last message in this thread I am going to post.  I am done
with it.


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Re: Very slow network - Ubuntu

2007-03-21 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
On Wed, Mar 21, 2007 at 02:46:22AM -0400, A. Ben Hmeda wrote:

[snipped ridiculous flamage]

> At Ubuntu forums, I found at least 8 different threads around the same 
> subject (Slow Ubuntu) spanning about 3 versions of the distro. Did the 
> same on Google. All suggestions were pretty much the 
> same:disable/blacklist ipv6, which I have. What do you think the answer 
> would have been if I had asked the same question again? Probably 
> something along the lines of "This question has already been answered a 
> million times, why don't you search...etc." or "Disable ipv6". I asked 

[more flamage]

jumping in here because this caught my eye. There was a thread here
just a couple weeks ago -- someone was having similar trouble with
ipv6 and konquerer (I think). I'm not going to dig into the archives,
but it might be a lead for you. good luck.


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