iptables: Logging auf z.B. /dev/tty4

2004-03-22 Thread Thilo Engelbracht
Hallo Liste!

Die letzten Zeilen in meinem Firewall-Skript sehen so aus:

[ ... ]

# Pakete, die es bis zu dieser Stelle geschafft haben,
# werden mitprotokolliert

iptables -A OUTPUT -j LOG --log-prefix Nicht raus: 
iptables -A INPUT -j LOG --log-prefix Nicht rein: 
iptables -A FORWARD -j LOG --log-prefix Nicht weitergeleitet: 

[ ... ]

Das führt aber dazu, dass alle Pakete auf der aktuellen Konsole
ausgegeben werden. Wenn ich auf eine andere Konsole umschalte, werden
die Log-Informationen hier angezeigt.
Meiner Ansicht nach ist so kein vernünftiges Arbeiten möglich.

Ist es möglich, die Log-Zeilen auf z.B. /dev/tty4 auszugeben? Das habe
ich bereits probiert, in dem ich mein FW-Skript so modifiziert habe:

iptables -A OUTPUT \
-j LOG --log-prefix Nicht raus:  1 /dev/tty4 21
iptables -A INPUT \
-j LOG --log-prefix Nicht rein:  1 /dev/tty4 21
iptables -A FORWARD \
-j LOG --log-prefix Nicht weitergeleitet:  1 /dev/tty4 21

Leider bringt das nichts, die Ausgabe wird nicht auf eine spezielle
Konsole umgeleitet...

Kann mir jemand eine Lösung aufzeigen?

Vielen Dank für Eure Mühe!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,


Registered Linux user #348074 with the Linux counter

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Re: iptables: Logging auf z.B. /dev/tty4

2004-03-22 Thread Uwe Kerstan
* Thilo Engelbracht [EMAIL PROTECTED] [22-03-2004 15:25]:

 Das führt aber dazu, dass alle Pakete auf der aktuellen Konsole
 ausgegeben werden. Wenn ich auf eine andere Konsole umschalte, werden
 die Log-Informationen hier angezeigt.

Das ist eine FAQ dieser Liste.

 Ist es möglich, die Log-Zeilen auf z.B. /dev/tty4 auszugeben?

Ich schiebe die Logs per syslog-ng in eine Logdatei.
Anzeige danach z.B. per tail auf /dev/ttyX

Gruss Uwe

Description: PGP signature

Re: iptables + logging

2003-12-04 Thread Frank Tammer
Am Do, den 04.12.2003 schrieb Bernhard Gerg um 14:20:
 Hallo zusammen,
 ich verwende woody und sobald ich mein Firewall-Script starte bekomme ich
 alle Log-Meldungen sowohl ins syslog geschrieben (was auch Sinn macht)
 jedoch bekomme ich jede Log Meldung auch auf die aktive Konsole. Wie kann
 ich das ausschalten? Habe an der Standard syslog.conf noch nichts gendert

Ersetze in /etc/init.d/klogd
#  Use KLOGD=-k /boot/System.map-$(uname -r) to specify System.map


#  Use KLOGD=-k /boot/System.map-$(uname -r) to specify System.map
KLOGD=-c 1

Natuerlich /etc/init.d/klogd neustarten 
eventuell auch /etc/init.d/sysklogd


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iptables + logging

2003-12-04 Thread Bernhard Gerg
Hallo zusammen,
ich verwende woody und sobald ich mein Firewall-Script starte bekomme ich
alle Log-Meldungen sowohl ins syslog geschrieben (was auch Sinn macht)
jedoch bekomme ich jede Log Meldung auch auf die aktive Konsole. Wie kann
ich das ausschalten? Habe an der Standard syslog.conf noch nichts geändert


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Re: iptables + logging

2003-12-04 Thread Bernhard Gerg
Danke fr die rasche Hilfe


Am Do, den 04.12.2003 schrieb Bernhard Gerg um 14:20:
 Hallo zusammen,
 ich verwende woody und sobald ich mein Firewall-Script starte bekomme ich
 alle Log-Meldungen sowohl ins syslog geschrieben (was auch Sinn macht)
 jedoch bekomme ich jede Log Meldung auch auf die aktive Konsole. Wie kann
 ich das ausschalten? Habe an der Standard syslog.conf noch nichts gendert

Ersetze in /etc/init.d/klogd
#  Use KLOGD=-k /boot/System.map-$(uname -r) to specify System.map


#  Use KLOGD=-k /boot/System.map-$(uname -r) to specify System.map
KLOGD=-c 1

Natuerlich /etc/init.d/klogd neustarten
eventuell auch /etc/init.d/sysklogd


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Re: iptables + logging

2003-12-04 Thread Heiko Schlittermann
On Thu, Dec 04, 2003 at 03:13:42PM +0100, Peter Blancke wrote:
 viel mehr Logmeldungen auf der Konsole erhaeltst, die Du auch nicht
 haben moechtest.
 Soll diese Zeile einen Systemstart ueberleben, empfehle ich
 ,---[ /etc/init.d/localconfig ]
 | #!/bin/bash
 | echo 2 4 1 7  /proc/sys/kernel/printk
 zusammen mit einer passenden Verlinkung am besten in /etc/rcS.d/,
 beispielsweise als S99localconfig.

Oder ein Eintrag in /etc/sysctl.conf

Best regards from Dresden
Viele Gruesse aus Dresden
Heiko Schlittermann
 SCHLITTERMANN.de -- internet  unix support -
 Debian GNU/Linux Woody + KDE 3.1 + Bunk -- DVD / CD -
 Heiko Schlittermann HS12-RIPE ---
 pgp: A1 7D F6 7B 69 73 48 35  E1 DE 21 A7 A8 9A 77 92 ---
 gpg: 3061 CFBF 2D88 F034 E8D2  7E92 EE4E AC98 48D0 359B -

Description: Digital signature

Re: iptables + logging

2003-12-04 Thread Thomas Braun
Am Donnerstag, 4. Dezember 2003 15:13 schrieb Peter Blancke:
 Du kannst die Konsolen-Ausgabegeschwaetzigkeit mit

   echo 2 4 1 7  /proc/sys/kernel/printk

 auf ein ertraegliches Masz reduzieren.


ich habe in /etc/sysctl.conf folgendes reingeschrieben:

kernel.printk = 2 4 1 7

Das sollte den gleichen Effekt haben.

Thomas Braun

PS.: Sorry für die PM

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Re: iptables + logging

2003-12-04 Thread Peter Blancke
Thomas Braun [EMAIL PROTECTED] dixit:

 ich habe in /etc/sysctl.conf folgendes reingeschrieben:
 kernel.printk = 2 4 1 7

War neu fuer mich. Danke fuer den Hinweis.

Bei mir hat es hier noch einen anderen Hintergedanken: Die von mir
angegebene Vorgehensweise erledigt noch einige andere Sachen; ich
sehe beispielsweise, dass dort auch hdparm aufgerufen wird.


Peter Blancke

Hoc est enim verbum meum!

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Re: iptables + logging

2003-12-04 Thread Peter Blancke
Bernhard Gerg [EMAIL PROTECTED] dixit:

 ich verwende woody und sobald ich mein Firewall-Script starte
 bekomme ich alle Log-Meldungen sowohl ins syslog geschrieben (was
 auch Sinn macht) jedoch bekomme ich jede Log Meldung auch auf die
 aktive Konsole. Wie kann ich das ausschalten? Habe an der Standard
 syslog.conf noch nichts geändert

Du wirst vermutlich auch recht bald hier berichten, dass Du noch
viel mehr Logmeldungen auf der Konsole erhaeltst, die Du auch nicht
haben moechtest.

Du kannst die Konsolen-Ausgabegeschwaetzigkeit mit

  echo 2 4 1 7  /proc/sys/kernel/printk

auf ein ertraegliches Masz reduzieren.

Soll diese Zeile einen Systemstart ueberleben, empfehle ich

,---[ /etc/init.d/localconfig ]
| #!/bin/bash
| echo 2 4 1 7  /proc/sys/kernel/printk

zusammen mit einer passenden Verlinkung am besten in /etc/rcS.d/,
beispielsweise als S99localconfig.


Peter Blancke

Hoc est enim verbum meum!

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Re: iptables logging to console (all basic solutions have failed)

2001-06-18 Thread Miquel Mart?n L?pez
Hey Adam!
I was right about to reply to that message, but you were faster at reposting
my old reply to it! LOL it's great fun seeing your messages recycled :)
Hope it helped (again) :)

On Thu, Jun 14, 2001 at 09:55:28PM +1200, Adam Warner wrote:
 This looks extremely fruitful. If it DOESNT work I'll let the list know:
 ---Begin Quote---
 Hi there!
 Sorry to bring up such an old threat, but I didn't see any solutions posted,
 and I just found the cause.
 The problem was ipchains (or iptables) printing messages on the console no
 matter how much you tried to make it shut up :) Well, I had the problem also
 with smbmount.
 Anyway, the problem was that klogd is displaying on the console all the
 messages with any priority greater than debug (7) (see man klogd). To keep
 it from doing that, load it with klogd -c 5 for example. That will log
 only errors or highr priorities and will prevent the flooding!
 If you use debian, edit /etc/init.d/klogd and edit the line where it says:
 to be
 KLOGD=-c 4
 Have fun!
 ---End Quote---
 And the follow up post was:
 ---Begin Quote---
 Thank you, thank you.
 I just checked to see if you had filed a bug report and found that the bug
 (and the fix) had been filed 11 days ago.
 One good thing about this bug is that all those console messages about my
 ipchains REJECTs and DENYs resulted in a better firewall.
 But why did it affect (apparently) only a handful of people?
 ---End Quote---
 -Original Message-
 From: Adam Warner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, 14 June 2001 7:33 p.m.
 To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Subject: iptables logging to console (all basic solutions have failed)
 Hi all,
 I'm running Debian testing with a custom compiled 2.4.5 kernel. Since I've
 enabling logging with my iptables rules (at info and warn levels) every
 single log is being output to the current console.
 At no point in /etc/syslog.conf do I have any logging to /dev/console. And
 attempts to log to, say, /dev/tty8 work but continue to log to the current
 Yes, I used apt-get install klogd after searching archives and finding that
 this should be installed (I initially started a while ago with a floppy
 install of 2.2r3).
 I've tried rebooting, restarting syskogd and klogd and finding messages in
 the archives that go along the line of yeah, this appears to be happening
 to some people.
 As you can imagine, it's very easy for iptables logs to flood the console in
 a second.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

iptables logging to console (all basic solutions have failed)

2001-06-14 Thread Adam Warner
Hi all,

I'm running Debian testing with a custom compiled 2.4.5 kernel. Since I've
enabling logging with my iptables rules (at info and warn levels) every
single log is being output to the current console.

At no point in /etc/syslog.conf do I have any logging to /dev/console. And
attempts to log to, say, /dev/tty8 work but continue to log to the current

Yes, I used apt-get install klogd after searching archives and finding that
this should be installed (I initially started a while ago with a floppy
install of 2.2r3).

I've tried rebooting, restarting syskogd and klogd and finding messages in
the archives that go along the line of yeah, this appears to be happening
to some people.

As you can imagine, it's very easy for iptables logs to flood the console in
a second.


Re: iptables logging to console (all basic solutions have failed)

2001-06-14 Thread John R Lenton
On Thu, Jun 14, 2001 at 07:32:46PM +1200, Adam Warner wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm running Debian testing with a custom compiled 2.4.5 kernel. Since I've
 enabling logging with my iptables rules (at info and warn levels) every
 single log is being output to the current console.

set your debug level to 0. This can be done at boot (iirc
debug=0), or alt-sysrq-0.

 At no point in /etc/syslog.conf do I have any logging to /dev/console. And
 attempts to log to, say, /dev/tty8 work but continue to log to the current

I'm not sure, but wouldn't the line about 'emerg' apply?

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
O cigarro disse ao fumante: Hoje você me acende, amanhã eu te apago.

Description: PGP signature

RE: iptables logging to console (all basic solutions have failed)

2001-06-14 Thread Adam Warner
Thanks John,

OK I appended debug=0 to /etc/lilo.conf (append=debug=0), re-run lilo and

And the outcome was not good. No services run.

All I get is lots of errors:
/etc/init.d/rc: 0: command not found
/etc/init.d/rc: 0: command not found
/etc/init.d/rc: 0: command not found
/etc/init.d/rc: 0: command not found
/etc/init.d/rc: 0: command not found
/etc/init.d/rc: 0: command not found
/etc/init.d/rc: 0: command not found
/etc/init.d/rc: 0: command not found
/etc/init.d/rc: 0: command not found
/etc/init.d/rc: 0: command not found
/etc/init.d/rc: 0: command not found
/etc/init.d/rc: 0: command not found
/etc/init.d/rc: 0: command not found
/etc/init.d/rc: 0: command not found
/etc/init.d/rc: 0: command not found
/etc/init.d/rc: 0: command not found
/etc/init.d/rc: 0: command not found
/etc/init.d/rc: 0: command not found
/etc/init.d/rc: 0: command not found

Anyway, why would setting the level of debugging (which certainly didn't
work here) have anything to do with whether messages go to the console or

Thanks for trying.


-Original Message-
From: John R Lenton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of John R Lenton
Sent: Thursday, 14 June 2001 8:08 p.m.
To: Adam Warner
Cc: Debian User Mailing List
Subject: Re: iptables logging to console (all basic solutions have failed)

On Thu, Jun 14, 2001 at 07:32:46PM +1200, Adam Warner wrote:
 Hi all,

 I'm running Debian testing with a custom compiled 2.4.5 kernel. Since I've
 enabling logging with my iptables rules (at info and warn levels) every
 single log is being output to the current console.

set your debug level to 0. This can be done at boot (iirc
debug=0), or alt-sysrq-0.

 At no point in /etc/syslog.conf do I have any logging to /dev/console. And
 attempts to log to, say, /dev/tty8 work but continue to log to the current

I'm not sure, but wouldn't the line about 'emerg' apply?

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
O cigarro disse ao fumante: Hoje você me acende, amanhã eu te apago.

RE: iptables logging to console (all basic solutions have failed)

2001-06-14 Thread Adam Warner
This looks extremely fruitful. If it DOESNT work I'll let the list know:

---Begin Quote---

Hi there!
Sorry to bring up such an old threat, but I didn't see any solutions posted,
and I just found the cause.

The problem was ipchains (or iptables) printing messages on the console no
matter how much you tried to make it shut up :) Well, I had the problem also
with smbmount.

Anyway, the problem was that klogd is displaying on the console all the
messages with any priority greater than debug (7) (see man klogd). To keep
it from doing that, load it with klogd -c 5 for example. That will log
only errors or highr priorities and will prevent the flooding!

If you use debian, edit /etc/init.d/klogd and edit the line where it says:
to be
KLOGD=-c 4

Have fun!

---End Quote---

And the follow up post was:

---Begin Quote---
Thank you, thank you.

I just checked to see if you had filed a bug report and found that the bug
(and the fix) had been filed 11 days ago.

One good thing about this bug is that all those console messages about my
ipchains REJECTs and DENYs resulted in a better firewall.

But why did it affect (apparently) only a handful of people?


---End Quote---

-Original Message-
From: Adam Warner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 14 June 2001 7:33 p.m.
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: iptables logging to console (all basic solutions have failed)

Hi all,

I'm running Debian testing with a custom compiled 2.4.5 kernel. Since I've
enabling logging with my iptables rules (at info and warn levels) every
single log is being output to the current console.

At no point in /etc/syslog.conf do I have any logging to /dev/console. And
attempts to log to, say, /dev/tty8 work but continue to log to the current

Yes, I used apt-get install klogd after searching archives and finding that
this should be installed (I initially started a while ago with a floppy
install of 2.2r3).

I've tried rebooting, restarting syskogd and klogd and finding messages in
the archives that go along the line of yeah, this appears to be happening
to some people.

As you can imagine, it's very easy for iptables logs to flood the console in
a second.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

iptables logging?

2001-04-11 Thread Adam James
Hi all,

This is just something that's getting slightly annoying - iptables is refusing
to log to /var/log/*. Runnning dmesg I can see all the iptables reports, so its
logging to the kernel, just syslog is ignoring it (?).

My /var/log/messages entry in /etc/syslog.conf is as follows:

mail,news.none  -/var/log/messages

What do I need to add so syslog passes the iptables messages into the log?

Many thanks for any help,

Adam James

The true Southern watermelon is a boon apart, and not to be mentioned with
commoner things.  It is chief of the world's luxuries, king by the grace of God
over all the fruits of the earth.  When one has tasted it, he knows what the
angels eat.  It was not a Southern watermelon that Eve took; we know it because
she repented.
-- Mark Twain, Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar

Re: iptables logging?

2001-04-11 Thread Gregory T. Norris
If you're tracking unstable, make sure you have the klogd package
installed. It was recently split out from sysklogd, and since apt-get
doesn't handle Recommends...

On Thu, Apr 12, 2001 at 12:22:57AM +0100, Adam James wrote:
 Hi all,
 This is just something that's getting slightly annoying - iptables is refusing
 to log to /var/log/*. Runnning dmesg I can see all the iptables reports, so 
 logging to the kernel, just syslog is ignoring it (?).
 My /var/log/messages entry in /etc/syslog.conf is as follows:
   mail,news.none  -/var/log/messages
 What do I need to add so syslog passes the iptables messages into the log?
 Many thanks for any help,
 Adam James

Description: PGP signature