Re: naming convention question

1997-07-24 Thread jghasler
manoj writes:
> I, on behalf of the Debian developers, apologize for the inconvenience
> caused.

Thank you for admitting that the inconvenience exists.  Perhaps the
developers could make an effort to avoid using the names outside the
developer list?  It's not clear to me that anyone but the site maintainers
need to use the names, but it is clear that you want to do so and are not
about to be talked out of it.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
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Re: naming convention question

1997-07-24 Thread jghasler
Antti-Juhani writes:
> No. The name of the current product is bo.

Then why is it not being labeled and advertised as such?

> If stable pointed to unreleased, it would make people confused.

Why would casual visitors ever notice that "stable" and "internal-1.3.1"
point to the same directory?

Let's drop this thread.  It is clear that nothing is being accomplished.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

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Re: naming convention question

1997-07-24 Thread Manoj Srivastava
>>"Dave" == Dave Restall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Dave> This is essentially the point.  As an end user I find the names
Dave> confusing.  It would help me as an end user if instead of
Dave> posters saying :-

Dave> "I'm using package XYZ from bilbo(or whatever the codename of
Dave> the release is) and problem such-and-such arises"

Dave> they would say :-

Dave> "I'm using package XYZ from the latest stable release etc.."

I see your point. You are correct in the sense that just
 specifying a codename does not adequately specify which version of a
 package is being talked about (espescially when one is talking about
 the development versions, since the version numbers of packages are
 in a state of flux there). I generally say I am using version XYZ of
 package MMM.

For the most part, when talking about a package, the version
 number of the package is important. When talking about
 releases, one uses numbers. Like Debian 1.3.1 rather than whatever it
 is called now (bo-updates??)

Manoj> Yup. Though of course, the general public knows stable,
Manoj> unstable, and Debian 1.1.3, for example. You don't *have* to
Manoj> know the names.

Dave> Exactly, therefore why have names ?  Forget I asked that :-), I
Dave> can understand the reasons for names and the like, I just have
Dave> problems dealing with them and trying to keep track of them,
Dave> especially when a name can relate to several different release
Dave> numbers.  Surely the numbers are more important than the names
Dave> and with the packages being dynamic even in 'stable' releases,
Dave> then numbers assume even more importance.

You are correct. Stable releases should be identified by the

The names are used while the release is under development (we
 have been burned once by an over-eager CD retailer, we really don't
 need that kind of PR), and an artifact of mirroring technology that
 make renaming directories at release a bad idea for the mirrors.

Also, it does give us some freedom in version numbers of the
 distribution (we can slip in a version 1.4 next, or go to 2.0), which
 of course means little to the end users.

Dave> I also run 1.2 something or other which I've built via ftp (Yes
Dave> I know it take ages but I got fed up with waiting for the CD
Dave> which when it did arrive had 1.1.16 on it instead of 1.2 - but
Dave> that's another story), every fortnight or so I run dselect and
Dave> download upgraded packages. This means that I have the 'stable'
Dave> release but my 'stable' release of is possibly quite different
Dave> from somebody elses 'stable' release of 1.2.  What I'm aiming at
Dave> here is that names are quite meaningless and numbers aren't that
Dave> much better, however you can uniquely identify a system using
Dave> numbers, you can't using names UNLESS you release a new name for
Dave> the release whenever some package in it changes.

Quite so. Unfortunately, I think that the codenames offer
 enough technical benefits to the Debian support organizations that
 the (IMHO minor) irritation caused to the users is deemed

I, on behalf of the Debian developers, apologize for the
 inconvenience caused.


 "The only way for a reporter to look at a politician is down."
 H.L. Mencken
Manoj Srivastava   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Re: naming convention question

1997-07-24 Thread Dave Restall

firstly :-

Sorry about perpetuating this thread.

Secondly :-

Thanks for a well cool system to all the people who made it possible
whatever the name is :-)

>   I have yet to hear a developer say they are confused. In fact,
>  this is the first time I have heard *anyone* say they are
>  confused. You have, then, this dubious distinction.

This is essentially the point.  As an end user I find the names
confusing.  It would help me as an end user if instead of posters
saying :-

  "I'm using package XYZ from bilbo(or whatever the codename
  of the release is) and problem such-and-such arises"

they would say :-

"I'm using package XYZ from the latest stable release etc.."

I use stable version 1.1.16, I do not know what it's codename is or was
and I couldn't give a flying fig to be honest.  I'm not even sure if
1.1.16 is the correct number, I'd have to check the "documentation".

>  Another criteria for code names - they should be short enough to
>  be quick and easy to type, thus minimizing typos.  IMNSHO hamm is at
>  least one letter too long.

Perhaps the name is supposed to be hmm from "hmm do you think woody is a
good name ?".

>   An american, heh? It has some rather, ... umm.., unwholesome
>  connotations in other English speaking parts of the world.

Speaking as an Englishman, I'd never heard the term "woody" used in that
context before.  See how wonderful this list is, it not only helps you
with Debian problems but sexual problems as well, now I've got these
spots.. :-)

>   Yup. Though of course, the general public knows stable,
>  unstable, and Debian 1.1.3, for example. You don't *have* to know the
>  names.

Exactly, therefore why have names ?  Forget I asked that :-), I can
understand the reasons for names and the like, I just have problems
dealing with them and trying to keep track of them, especially when a
name can relate to several different release numbers.  Surely the
numbers are more important than the names and with the packages being
dynamic even in 'stable' releases, then numbers assume even more

I also run 1.2 something or other which I've built via ftp (Yes I know
it take ages but I got fed up with waiting for the CD which when it did
arrive had 1.1.16 on it instead of 1.2 - but that's another story),
every fortnight or so I run dselect and download upgraded packages.
This means that I have the 'stable' release but my 'stable' release of
1.2 is possibly quite different from somebody elses 'stable' release of
1.2.  What I'm aiming at here is that names are quite meaningless and
numbers aren't that much better, however you can uniquely identify a
system using numbers, you can't using names UNLESS you release a new
name for the release whenever some package in it changes.


Dave Restall
+ Dave Restall[EMAIL PROTECTED] +
+ Tel +31 (0) 40 2756438  +

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Re: naming convention question

1997-07-24 Thread Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho
On Jul 23, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
> I thought that the name of the current "product" was Debian 1.31.

No. The name of the current product is bo. It is also known as Debian
1.3.1 (there is no such thing as Debian 1.31).  It's like my name is
Antti-Juhani, but some people have the (irritating) habit of calling
me "young man".

> To repeat my previous proposal, call it "unreleased-2.0" or something
> similar which makes it clear that you shouldn't mess with this unless you
> know what you are doing.  When it is released, just add the symlinks as you
> would if it was called "woody".  Nothing will be harmed if the name
> "unreleased-2.0" is allowed to hang around.  Those in the know will
> understand that it is vestigial, while those who are not will have no
> reason to touch it.

Can't you see? If stable pointed to unreleased, it would make people
confused. They would probably think that the Debian ftp site is
screwed.  They would go, never to return. I know I would.


That is the true beginning of our end.
   ... All for your delight
   We are not here.
  (Peter Quince in William Shakespeare's /A Midsummer Night's Dream/)

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Re: naming convention question

1997-07-24 Thread jghasler
Robert D. Hilliard writes:
> Another criteria for code names - they should be short enough to be quick
> and easy to type, thus minimizing typos.  IMNSHO hamm is at least one
> letter too long.

Ah.  Well, that's easy, then.  Just call them "a", "b", "c", 
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

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Re: naming convention question

1997-07-24 Thread David M
Well since this seems to be such a "hot topic" ;) I felt I should give my

Well here it goes

I think the current naming convention is fine. :-)  

Of course the symlinks *have* to be there to make things clear to everyone. 
And despite not being a developer I still love to know what is happening
in the future releases and hence I would not like it to be "top secret".

Well that's *my* opinion on the subject...

Maybe, and for those who might be confused by the namings a README file 
that addresses this should be in place at the sites (well maybe it is 
already I don't know...)



PS. One further note... I would really prefer Web browsers such as
Netscape to actually tell you where Symlinks point to (knowing it points
to "bo" does help not wondering what is in "bo" or what is it for).  But
this is for Netscape to solve/improve... 

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Re: naming convention question

1997-07-24 Thread jghasler
> How about Taurus, Accord, or Jetta?  Do they mean anything about cars?
> No... They're just names of products.

> It's the same for Debian.

I thought that the name of the current "product" was Debian 1.31.

> Not to mention that the codenames used in Debian are supposed to keep
> people away from accessing the development distributions.

And yet on this list I regularly see people being instructed to "get
such-and-such from hamm" or some such.

> I'll tell you what.  Instead of complaining about the current system,
> why don't you propose a solution?  Here are the design criteria:
> 1) Conceal development code from users and overzealous CD manufacturers.
> ...

Just keep everything secret until it is ready for public release.  After
all, "most people in the software world think it's a good idea".  Or at
least refrain from using the "codenames" outside the developer list.

To repeat my previous proposal, call it "unreleased-2.0" or something
similar which makes it clear that you shouldn't mess with this unless you
know what you are doing.  When it is released, just add the symlinks as you
would if it was called "woody".  Nothing will be harmed if the name
"unreleased-2.0" is allowed to hang around.  Those in the know will
understand that it is vestigial, while those who are not will have no
reason to touch it.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: naming convention question

1997-07-24 Thread Robert D. Hilliard
 Another criteria for code names - they should be short enough to
be quick and easy to type, thus minimizing typos.  IMNSHO hamm is at
least one letter too long.


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Re: naming convention question

1997-07-23 Thread Manoj Srivastava
>>"Alex" == Alex Yukhimets <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> There was some brief discussion of calling Debian 2.0 "woody",
>> after the main character of the movie, but we quickly realized the
>> possible unwanted confusion that would result.

>>  An american, heh? It has some rather, ... umm.., unwholesome
>> connotations in other English speaking parts of the world.

Alex> Would you care to enlighten us, please?  (And not only
Alex> Americans, I still have Ukrainian citizenship, for example)

 Oh, I couldn't. Umm, it kinda involves blood flow into
 porous muscular tissue, causing, umm, turgidity, and is, well,
 associated with male mammals, and is kinda liked to the kind of
 things that the american congress does not want us to talk about.

 The whole earth is in jail and we're plotting this incredible
 jailbreak. Wavy Gravy
Manoj Srivastava   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mobile, Alabama USA>

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Re: naming convention question

1997-07-23 Thread Alex Yukhimets
> >> There was some brief discussion of calling Debian 2.0 "woody",
> >> after the main character of the movie, but we quickly realized the
> >> possible unwanted confusion that would result.
> jghasler> Doesn't seem any more or less confusing than "bo", "rex",
> jghasler> etc.  
>   An american, heh? It has some rather, ... umm.., unwholesome
>  connotations in other English speaking parts of the world.


Would you care to enlighten us, please? 
(And not only Americans, I still have Ukrainian citizenship, for example)

Thank you.

Alex Y.
>   manoj
> -- 
>  "It's curtains for you, Mighty Mouse!  This gun is so futuristic that
>  even *I* don't know how it works!" from Ralph Bakshi's Mighty Mouse
> Manoj Srivastava   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Mobile, Alabama USA>

 _( )_
( (o___   +---+
 |  _ 7   |Alexander Yukhimets|
  \(")|  |
  / \ \   +---+

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Re: naming convention question

1997-07-23 Thread Behan Webster
> I wrote:
> > But why is it good to choose names that don't reflect *anything*?
> Scott K. Ellis writes:
> > They do, they are the codename for the version,...
> What secrets are being protected by this code?

And since when does a name have to reflect anything?  Does Rhapsody,
Memphis or Warp say anything or mean anything about operating
systems?  Yet they are names used respectively by Apple, Microsoft
and IBM to name releases of their respective operating systems.
Are they hiding any secrets?  No... They're just names of products.

How about Taurus, Accord, or Jetta?  Do they mean anything about cars?
No... They're just names of products.

It's the same for Debian.

> > ...similar to the codenames that Microsoft...
> Oh.  Well, if *Microsoft* does it, it *must* be a good idea.

Not that this cheap shot needs a response, but since most of the
software industry uses codenames for their projects and/or products,
I'd say most people in the software world think it's a good idea.

> Obscure code names are ok in closed development where the only people who
> need to know the names deal with them all day every day and so will learn
> them quickly.  In open development, they are confusing.

And yet all the trade mags spout off about the "internal code names"
of operating systems from other companies.  I'd say people aren't
too confused about that.

Not to mention that the codenames used in Debian are supposed to
keep people away from accessing the development distributions.
There are obvious links to the released distribution, whether
it's "stable" or "Debian-1.3.1".

> > The sequence (buzz, rex, bo, hamm) follows names of characters in the
> > Pixar animated movie, "Toy Story".
> Cartoon character names are somehow supposed to be mnemonics for Debian
> releases?

Why not?  The Engineering computers at my university were named
after Mathematicians, the first year computer lab machines were named
after star trek characters, our computers where I work are named
after mythical characters?  What's the difference?

> > There was some brief discussion of calling Debian 2.0 "woody", after the
> > main character of the movie, but we quickly realized the possible
> > unwanted confusion that would result.
> Doesn't seem any more or less confusing than "bo", "rex", etc.

Think about it.  In a lot of Western countries, (not to offend
anyone, but) "getting a woody" has other conotations.  Personally
I think if Disney can use it, we can us it, but c'est la vie.

I'll tell you what.  Instead of complaining about the current system,
why don't you propose a solution?  Here are the design criteria:

1) Conceal development code from users and overzealous CD manufacturers.
2) Not cause undue stress on the mirrors (i.e. the directory in which
 a version is kept cannot change names)
3) Keep the design simple


Behan Webster mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: naming convention question

1997-07-23 Thread Manoj Srivastava
>>"jghasler" == jghasler  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

jghasler> What secrets are being protected by this code?

If I told you that, I would have to kill you ;-)

>> ...similar to the codenames that Microsoft...

jghasler> Oh.  Well, if *Microsoft* does it, it *must* be a good idea.

Gak! A hit! A palpable hit!

jghasler> Obscure code names are ok in closed development where the
jghasler> only people who need to know the names deal with them all
jghasler> day every day and so will learn them quickly.  In open
jghasler> development, they are confusing.

I have yet to hear a developer say they are confused. In fact,
 this is the first time I have heard *anyone* say they are
 confused. You have, then, this dubious distinction.

>> The sequence (buzz, rex, bo, hamm) follows names of characters in
>> the Pixar animated movie, "Toy Story".

jghasler> Cartoon character names are somehow supposed to be mnemonics
jghasler> for Debian releases?

Yup. Though of course, the general public knows stable,
 unstable, and Debian 1.1.3, for example. You don't *have* to know the

>> There was some brief discussion of calling Debian 2.0 "woody",
>> after the main character of the movie, but we quickly realized the
>> possible unwanted confusion that would result.

jghasler> Doesn't seem any more or less confusing than "bo", "rex",
jghasler> etc.  

An american, heh? It has some rather, ... umm.., unwholesome
 connotations in other English speaking parts of the world.

 "It's curtains for you, Mighty Mouse!  This gun is so futuristic that
 even *I* don't know how it works!" from Ralph Bakshi's Mighty Mouse
Manoj Srivastava   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mobile, Alabama USA>

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Re: naming convention question

1997-07-23 Thread Manoj Srivastava
>>"jghasler" == jghasler  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

jghasler> Buddha Buck writes:
>> Thus there are two good reasons why the distribution _name_ (be it
>> rex or bo or unreleased-1.3) shouldn't change.
>> Because of that, it is good to choose names that don't reflect the
>> release status of the distribution.

jghasler> But why is it good to choose names that don't reflect
jghasler> *anything*?  

 a) So that no one makes any assumptions about the release, apart
from what the symlinks say
 b) Because we feel the names do reflect something (not necessarily
technical), and this bit of whimsy pleases my muse.
 c) why not?
 d) We like Toy story, Pixar, and our fearless leader
 e) We had other pressing concerns than endlessly arguing about names
 f) just because.

 No matter how much you do, you'll never do enough.
Manoj Srivastava   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mobile, Alabama USA>

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Re: naming convention question

1997-07-23 Thread Buddha Buck
> I wrote:
> > But why is it good to choose names that don't reflect *anything*?
> Scott K. Ellis writes:
> > They do, they are the codename for the version,...
> What secrets are being protected by this code?

None.  Codes don't exist just to make things secret.  Code names can 
and do exist for other reasons as well.  Codes serve to prevent 
problems that occur when the "proper" name is used instead.  Commercial 
codes aren't secret, but cut down on the time it takes to transmit 
information.  Similarly, code names for software in development help 
keep different versions and products separate in the developers minds.

In this case, code names are used to prevent problems which we've run 
into in the past, with people grabbing the wrong distributions, with 
thrashing mirrors, and so on.

> > ...similar to the codenames that Microsoft...
> Oh.  Well, if *Microsoft* does it, it *must* be a good idea.
> Obscure code names are ok in closed development where the only people who
> need to know the names deal with them all day every day and so will learn
> them quickly.  In open development, they are confusing.

To a large degree, there are only 2 or 4 names most Debian users need 
be aware of: stable and unstable, and possibly contrib and non-free.  
Two of these are symbolic links to the code-named versions.  These -do 
not change- name, although they change in contents.

Unstable was deliberately named that to -discourage- people from using 
it.  When J. Random Linuxer comes to the Debian FTP site, we want him 
to look at stable or possibly Debian-1.3.1.  If they are scared that 
"unstable" will crash their system (and at times, it will crash your 
system, if you aren't careful), and avoid it, then Debian won't end up 
looking bad for having systems that will crash your system.

Yes, we want people to use unstable (be it buzz, rex, bo, hamm, or 
whatever the next code name is), because that way we can catch bugs 
before they end up in a released version.  But we also want those that 
do to know what they are getting into -- that there are risks in using 
potentially buggy software.  By choosing names that don't imply 
versioning or quality of release, that are intentionally meaningless, 
we effectively require people to go to an effort to use it, and that 
keeps people who aren't paying attention safe.

I am not a Debian developer -- I have not submitted any packaged for 
the Debian system -- but I do know how fast info like the new codenames 
becomes known.  Some names, like hamm, were the topic of discussion 
when they were chosen (as mentioned elsewhere, "woody" was thought of, 
but rejected).

To a certain degree, Debian is a more open development system than the 
Linux Kernel.  No single person is responsible for what goes into the 
system -- that is divided up amongst nearly 200 developers -- whereas 
with the kernel, Linus himself says yea or nay to every patch 
submitted.  Out works-in-progress are open to all to look at or use, 
for good or worse.
> > The sequence (buzz, rex, bo, hamm) follows names of characters in the
> > Pixar animated movie, "Toy Story".
> Cartoon character names are somehow supposed to be mnemonics for Debian
> releases?

No, they are supposed to be names of Debian releases.  Names don't 
necessarily mean anything about the object named.  That you are named 
"John" tells me very little about you.

So far, the only name I've seen you suggest was "unreleased-1.3" and 
"unreleased-2.0" for what is currently called "bo" and "hamm".  Can you 
come up with better names than bo and hamm that meets all of the 
following criteria:

1) the name cannot be changed once decided, since this will cause
   unwanted thrashing of mirror sites.  this means:

   1a) It can't refer to release status, since a change in release 
   would cause a change in the appropriate name.
   1b) It can't refer to a date, since dates tend to be too variable in
   Debian anyway.

2) the name must not encourage people to use it directly, since we have
   run into problems in the past of people publishing releases that
   weren't ready for release, because the name made people think it
   was ready (the Debian-1.0 fiasco).  This means that the name
   most definitely can't refer to 

"Just as the strength of the Internet is chaos, so the strength of our
liberty depends upon the chaos and cacaphony of the unfettered speech
the First Amendment protects."  -- A.L.A. v. U.S. Dept. of Justice

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Re: naming convention question

1997-07-23 Thread jghasler
I wrote:
> But why is it good to choose names that don't reflect *anything*?

Scott K. Ellis writes:
> They do, they are the codename for the version,...

What secrets are being protected by this code?

> ...similar to the codenames that Microsoft...

Oh.  Well, if *Microsoft* does it, it *must* be a good idea.

Obscure code names are ok in closed development where the only people who
need to know the names deal with them all day every day and so will learn
them quickly.  In open development, they are confusing.

> The sequence (buzz, rex, bo, hamm) follows names of characters in the
> Pixar animated movie, "Toy Story".

Cartoon character names are somehow supposed to be mnemonics for Debian

> There was some brief discussion of calling Debian 2.0 "woody", after the
> main character of the movie, but we quickly realized the possible
> unwanted confusion that would result.

Doesn't seem any more or less confusing than "bo", "rex", etc.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

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Re: naming convention question

1997-07-23 Thread Scott K. Ellis

On 22 Jul 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Buddha Buck writes:
> > Thus there are two good reasons why the distribution _name_ (be it rex or
> > bo or unreleased-1.3) shouldn't change.
> Nor did I suggest that it should.
> > Because of that, it is good to choose names that don't reflect the
> > release status of the distribution.
> But why is it good to choose names that don't reflect *anything*?

They do, they are the codename for the version, similar to the codenames
that Microsoft or IBM use for their new products under development.  The
sequence (buzz, rex, bo, hamm) follows names of characters in the Pixar
animated movie, "Toy Story".  There was some brief discussion of calling
Debian 2.0 "woody", after the main character of the movie, but we quickly
realized the possible unwanted confusion that would result.

- -- 
 |If you will practice being fictional for a while,
   Scott K. Ellis|you will understand that fictional
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]|  characters are sometimes more real than
 |people with bodies and heartbeats.
 |   -- Illusions

Version: 2.6.3a
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Re: naming convention question

1997-07-23 Thread jghasler
Buddha Buck writes:
> Thus there are two good reasons why the distribution _name_ (be it rex or
> bo or unreleased-1.3) shouldn't change.

Nor did I suggest that it should.

> Because of that, it is good to choose names that don't reflect the
> release status of the distribution.

But why is it good to choose names that don't reflect *anything*?
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

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Re: naming convention question

1997-07-23 Thread Buddha Buck
John Hasler writes:
> Buddha Buck writes:
> > It was seen that one reason for this was that someone looking at the FTP
> > site, seeing a directory with a numbered version would think that that
> > version was ready for release.  A policy decision was made to name
> > releases while in development, and only number them when released.
> "unreleased-1.3" and "unreleased-2.0" would be more useful and less
> confusing.

Maybe, but it makes life hard on mirror sites.

Before we went to the current scheme, there was a time when the main 
directories were "stable" (i.e., released, ready to go, and in theory, 
unchanging), and "unstable" (i.e., a moving target, a future release, 
not yet fully ready).  When "unstable" got renamed "stable", all hell 
broke loose at mirror sites.

Mirror software can't tell the difference between a renamed directory 
and a new directory with new files in it.  So when "unstable" vanished 
and "stable" changed drastically, the mirror sites dutifully downloaded 
all the new stuff under stable (which was already under unstable, but 
the mirror sites couldn't tell), and then deleted the files it already 
had under unstable.  This tied up a tremendous amount of network 
bandwidth, and everybody involved complained bitterly (and for good 

Now we use symbolic links to manage the release names (stable currently 
points to bo, and unstable points to hamm).  When we release hamm, 
stable will change to point to hamm, and the mirror sites only have to 
deal with one or two small symbolic link changes, not downloading the 
entire distribution again.

Symbolic links are crucial for managing the distribution.  A month ago 
or so, we had three distributions on rex, bo , and 
hamm.  Since hamm is bigger than bo, and bo was the first distribution 
to require 2 CD's to distribute, without symbolic links between the 
three distributions the whole mirror site would be over 1.5GB in size.  
By using symbolic links, we can usually eliminate a major chunk of that 
-- when a new distribution is created, it is initially populated with 
symbolic links to the old distribution (which makes the new 
distribution quick to mirror, and small in size), and as the packages 
are upgraded, the new distribution fills up.  If we renamed the base 
directories (as we would when "unreleased-1.3" became "Debian-1.3"), a 
lot of symbolic links would break.

Thus there are two good reasons why the distribution _name_ (be it rex 
or bo or unreleased-1.3) shouldn't change.  Because of that, it is good 
to choose names that don't reflect the release status of the 

> One question though: Why's hamm called hamm/hamm/ on the ftp archives?
> What for? 

In addition to the main distributions (rex, hamm, bo) Debian has also 
packaged programs which don't meet our free software guidelines.  Those 
are placed in the "non-free" and "contrib" directories, which is 
outside of rex or bo.

When bo was nearing release, while rex was "stable", some people 
complained that some of the non-free and contrib packages had 
dependencies on things in unstable.  This was threatening to force 
people into using unstable when they wanted to remain in stable.  So 
with hamm, it was decided to move non-free and contrib under hamm (in 
hamm/non-free and hamm/contrib) so that non-free packages that depended 
on hamm main packages could be kept separate from non-free packages 
that were safe to use with bo.  what would have been the hamm main 
distribution became hamm/hamm.  Offhand, I don't know why it wasn't 

"Just as the strength of the Internet is chaos, so the strength of our
liberty depends upon the chaos and cacaphony of the unfettered speech
the First Amendment protects."  -- A.L.A. v. U.S. Dept. of Justice

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Re: naming convention question

1997-07-23 Thread Buddha Buck
John Hasler writes:
> Buddha Buck writes:
> > It was seen that one reason for this was that someone looking at the FTP
> > site, seeing a directory with a numbered version would think that that
> > version was ready for release.  A policy decision was made to name
> > releases while in development, and only number them when released.
> "unreleased-1.3" and "unreleased-2.0" would be more useful and less
> confusing.

Maybe, but it makes life hard on mirror sites.

Before we went to the current scheme, there was a time when the main 
directories were "stable" (i.e., released, ready to go, and in theory, 
unchanging), and "unstable" (i.e., a moving target, a future release, 
not yet fully ready).  When "unstable" got renamed "stable", all hell 
broke loose at mirror sites.

Mirror software can't tell the difference between a renamed directory 
and a new directory with new files in it.  So when "unstable" vanished 
and "stable" changed drastically, the mirror sites dutifully downloaded 
all the new stuff under stable (which was already under unstable, but 
the mirror sites couldn't tell), and then deleted the files it already 
had under unstable.  This tied up a tremendous amount of network 
bandwidth, and everybody involved complained bitterly (and for good 

Now we use symbolic links to manage the release names (stable currently 
points to bo, and unstable points to hamm).  When we release hamm, 
stable will change to point to hamm, and the mirror sites only have to 
deal with one or two small symbolic link changes, not downloading the 
entire distribution again.

Symbolic links are crucial for managing the distribution.  A month ago 
or so, we had three distributions on rex, bo , and 
hamm.  Since hamm is bigger than bo, and bo was the first distribution 
to require 2 CD's to distribute, without symbolic links between the 
three distributions the whole mirror site would be over 1.5GB in size.  
By using symbolic links, we can usually eliminate a major chunk of that 
-- when a new distribution is created, it is initially populated with 
symbolic links to the old distribution (which makes the new 
distribution quick to mirror, and small in size), and as the packages 
are upgraded, the new distribution fills up.  If we renamed the base 
directories (as we would when "unreleased-1.3" became "Debian-1.3"), a 
lot of symbolic links would break.

Thus there are two good reasons why the distribution _name_ (be it rex 
or bo or unreleased-1.3) shouldn't change.  Because of that, it is good 
to choose names that don't reflect the release status of the 

> One question though: Why's hamm called hamm/hamm/ on the ftp archives?
> What for? 

In addition to the main distributions (rex, hamm, bo) Debian has also 
packaged programs which don't meet our free software guidelines.  Those 
are placed in the "non-free" and "contrib" directories, which is 
outside of rex or bo.

When bo was nearing release, while rex was "stable", some people 
complained that some of the non-free and contrib packages had 
dependencies on things in unstable.  This was threatening to force 
people into using unstable when they wanted to remain in stable.  So 
with hamm, it was decided to move non-free and contrib under hamm (in 
hamm/non-free and hamm/contrib) so that non-free packages that depended 
on hamm main packages could be kept separate from non-free packages 
that were safe to use with bo.  what would have been the hamm main 
distribution became hamm/hamm.  Offhand, I don't know why it wasn't 

"Just as the strength of the Internet is chaos, so the strength of our
liberty depends upon the chaos and cacaphony of the unfettered speech
the First Amendment protects."  -- A.L.A. v. U.S. Dept. of Justice

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Re: naming convention question

1997-07-23 Thread jghasler
I wrote:
> "unreleased-1.3" and "unreleased-2.0" would be more useful and less
> confusing.

Rick Hawkins writes:
> but not nearly so cool :)

If you say so.  I just find them obscure.

> besides, this way they stay buzz, bo, hamm, etc. after release, and the
> symlinks for stable & unstable are just changed.

What do the names have to do with that?

John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

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Re: naming convention question

1997-07-22 Thread Rick Hawkins

> "unreleased-1.3" and "unreleased-2.0" would be more useful and less
> confusing.

but not nearly so cool :)

besides, this way they stay buzz, bo, hamm, etc. after release, and the
symlinks for stable & unstable are just changed.


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Re: naming convention question

1997-07-22 Thread jghasler
Buddha Buck writes:
> It was seen that one reason for this was that someone looking at the FTP
> site, seeing a directory with a numbered version would think that that
> version was ready for release.  A policy decision was made to name
> releases while in development, and only number them when released.

> The current naming schema we are using is the names of characters from
> the Pixar computer animated feature film "Toy Story".

"unreleased-1.3" and "unreleased-2.0" would be more useful and less

John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

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Re: naming convention question

1997-07-22 Thread Shaleh
Having missed the movies I missed the joke.  Thanks for the explanation.

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Re: naming convention question

1997-07-22 Thread Buddha Buck
> What is bo? hamm?  Could someone explain these naming conventions to me,
> please.

Bo is a code name for the Debian 1.3 release.  Hamm is a code name for 
the Debian 2.0 release, currently in development.

Some time ago, Debian ran into a problem when a not-quite-ready 
development version of the distribution was downloaded and sold on CD.  
It was seen that one reason for this was that someone looking at the 
FTP site, seeing a directory with a numbered version would think that 
that version was ready for release.  A policy decision was made to name 
releases while in development, and only number them when released.

The current naming schema we are using is the names of characters from 
the Pixar computer animated feature film "Toy Story".

> --
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"Just as the strength of the Internet is chaos, so the strength of our
liberty depends upon the chaos and cacaphony of the unfettered speech
the First Amendment protects."  -- A.L.A. v. U.S. Dept. of Justice

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Re: naming convention question

1997-07-22 Thread Rick Hawkins

> What is bo? hamm?  Could someone explain these naming conventions to me,
> please.

Look at where Bruce Perens works, and think about children's movies . .

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naming convention question

1997-07-22 Thread Shaleh
What is bo? hamm?  Could someone explain these naming conventions to me,

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