Re: presentation graphics

1999-11-25 Thread Russell Coker
On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Peter S Galbraith wrote:
 I want to produce some simple bar charts showing the difference between
 different products.  Gnuplot doesn't seem to be able to do what I want (just
 nice clean bars with numbers at the tops and descriptions at the bottom).

Ok, here's my shoot at it using `gri' 

Excellent!  Thanks a lot!

I spent some time last night learning how to hack your code to do mostly what
I want.  GRI seems to be a very powerful and useful tool!

Now could you please suggest how I could get it to display a block of each
color followed by the label for it at the top right corner of the graph... 
I'm sure I can work this out given enough time, but the presentation is in 4
hours time...

What I want to do is have the labels at the bottom attach to groups of 3 or 4
columns.  For each group have 3 or 4 colors used.  Each group will compare
the performance of different file systems for a particular test.

Russell Coker

Electronic information tampers with your soul.

presentation graphics

1999-11-24 Thread Russell Coker
I want to produce some simple bar charts showing the difference between
different products.  Gnuplot doesn't seem to be able to do what I want (just
nice clean bars with numbers at the tops and descriptions at the bottom).

Is there a good program to do this easily?  Preferrably something I can run
from a makefile...


Electronic information tampers with your soul.

presentation graphics

1999-11-24 Thread joost witteveen
 I want to produce some simple bar charts showing the difference between
 different products.  Gnuplot doesn't seem to be able to do what I want
 nice clean bars with numbers at the tops and descriptions at the bottom).

 Is there a good program to do this easily?  Preferrably something I can
 from a makefile...

Well, I'm not claiming the stuff below is good:). But is is
easy, and you can generate it from a makefile (just make the
makefile insert your own table where I now got that postscript


/width 10 def

/r{( run} def

[10 (foo)]
[20 (bar)]
[30 (foobar)]
[29 (fooba)]
[50 (fbfb)]
[20 (bar)]

/bar {
aload pop
/title exch def
/y exch def
0.5 setgray
width 0 rlineto
0 y rlineto
width -1 mul 0 rlineto
width 2 div y width 2 div add rmoveto 90 rotate title show
} def

/Times-Roman findfont 10 scalefont setfont
100 100 moveto
width 0 rmoveto
} forall


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presentation graphics

1999-11-24 Thread joost witteveen
 I want to produce some simple bar charts showing the difference between
 different products.  Gnuplot doesn't seem to be able to do what I want
 nice clean bars with numbers at the tops and descriptions at the bottom).

 Is there a good program to do this easily?  Preferrably something I can
 from a makefile...

Well, I'm not claiming the stuff below is good:). But is is
easy, and you can generate it from a makefile (just make the
makefile insert your own table where I now got that postscript


/width 10 def

/r{( run} def

[10 (foo)]
[20 (bar)]
[30 (foobar)]
[29 (fooba)]
[50 (fbfb)]
[20 (bar)]

/bar {
aload pop
/title exch def
/y exch def
0.5 setgray
width 0 rlineto
0 y rlineto
width -1 mul 0 rlineto
width 2 div y width 2 div add rmoveto 90 rotate title show
} def

/Times-Roman findfont 10 scalefont setfont
100 100 moveto
width 0 rmoveto
} forall


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RE: presentation graphics

1999-11-24 Thread Ted Harding
On 24-Nov-99 joost witteveen wrote:
 I want to produce some simple bar charts showing the difference
 between different products.  Gnuplot doesn't seem to be able to do
 what I want (just nice clean bars with numbers at the tops and
 descriptions at the bottom).
 Is there a good program to do this easily?  Preferrably something I
 can run from a makefile...
 Well, I'm not claiming the stuff below is good:). But is is
 easy, and you can generate it from a makefile (just make the
 makefile insert your own table where I now got that postscript
 /width 10 def
 /r{( run} def
 [10 (foo)]
 [20 (bar)]
 [30 (foobar)]
 [29 (fooba)]
 [50 (fbfb)]
 [20 (bar)]
 /bar {
 aload pop
 /title exch def
 /y exch def
 0.5 setgray
 width 0 rlineto
 0 y rlineto
 width -1 mul 0 rlineto
 width 2 div y width 2 div add rmoveto 90 rotate title show
 } def
 /Times-Roman findfont 10 scalefont setfont
 100 100 moveto
 width 0 rmoveto
 } forall

Nice PS, Joost!

Folks, don't forget the power of PIC. It's sitting there as part
of groff.

Example: make a file called barchart with the following contents:
8--- cut here -
vscale = 4
define bar {
x = $1
y1 = $2/vscale
ylabel = $2
line from x,0 to (x+0.25),0 to (x+0.25),y1
line from (x+0.25),y1 to (x-0.25),y1 sprintf(%0.2f,ylabel) above
line from (x-0.25),y1 to (x-0.25),0 to x,0
line from (x-0.2,-0.2) to (x,0) invis $3 rjust aligned

define barchart {
y = $2

copy bar.dat thru barchart

8--- cut here -

and a data file called bar.dat with contents:

8--- cut here -
widget 15.0
bidget 13.5
squidget 18.0
midget 5
didget 10.2
8--- cut here -

Then run

  groff -Tps -p -ms barchart

and see what you get. (One advantage of doing it this kind of way
is that it's much easier to add complications to the figure using
PIC than it is by modifying PostScript such as Joost's).

Best wishes,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 24-Nov-99   Time: 13:34:47
-- XFMail --

Re: presentation graphics

1999-11-24 Thread Oleg Krivosheev
On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, Russell Coker wrote:

 I want to produce some simple bar charts showing the difference between
 different products.  Gnuplot doesn't seem to be able to do what I want (just
 nice clean bars with numbers at the tops and descriptions at the bottom).
 Is there a good program to do this easily?  


 Preferrably something I can run
 from a makefile...



troff/pic (check



Re: presentation graphics

1999-11-24 Thread Peter S Galbraith

Russell Coker wrote:

 I want to produce some simple bar charts showing the difference between
 different products.  Gnuplot doesn't seem to be able to do what I want (just
 nice clean bars with numbers at the tops and descriptions at the bottom).

Ok, here's my shoot at it using `gri'

(See for a pointer to a slink version)

Note that gri, like gnuplot I assume, doesn't have the concept of a
bar chart.  Yet you can easily program it to do what you want (and
further customize fonts, line widths, colours, etc)

Assume the two data files:

--- bar.dat ---
--- bar.dat ---

--- bar.labels ---
--- bar.labels ---

Run the following bar.gri file like so:

$ gri bar.gri

to produce

--- bar.gri ---
set x margin 5
set y margin 8
set x axis 0 10 
set y axis 0 20
set x size 10
set y size 15

.xLeft. = 1
.toggle. = 0
open bar.dat
open bar.labels
while 1
read from bar.labels
read \label
if ..eof..
end if
read from bar.dat
read .val.
set color hsb {rpn .xLeft. 1 - 6 /} 1 1 
draw box filled .xLeft. 0   {rpn .xLeft. .9 +} .val.
set color black
draw box.xLeft. 0   {rpn .xLeft. .9 +} .val.
sprintf \.val. %.1lf .val.
draw label \.val. centered at \
{rpn .xLeft. .45 + xusertocm} \
{rpn .val. yusertocm .2 +} cm
if .toggle.
draw label \label centered at \
{rpn .xLeft. .45 + xusertocm} \
{rpn ..ymargin.. .7 -} cm
.toggle. = 0
draw label \label centered at \
{rpn .xLeft. .45 + xusertocm} \
{rpn ..ymargin.. 1.2 -} cm
.toggle. = 1
end if
.xLeft. += 1
end while
--- bar.gri ---

Peter Galbraith, the Debian maintainer for gri.

Re: presentation graphics

1999-11-24 Thread Peter S Galbraith

I put the resulting PostScript file from my gri example on


Re: Help! Any presentation graphics program in Debian Linux?

1997-10-20 Thread tibor simko
 WZ == W Zabolotny [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

WZ preparing small presentation about application of Linux in
WZ digital signal processing. I wouldn't like to have to present
WZ transparencies prepared with M$ PowerPoint...

have a look at root does look like to be suitable well
for presentations.  it's not debianised, but compiles cleanly under bo

a note: i like to use gnuplot+latex+foiltex+color to do my
transparencies, anyway...


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Help! Any presentation graphics program in Debian Linux?

1997-10-19 Thread W. Zabolotny
I'd like to know if there is any good free application for preparing
of presentation graphics available in Debian distribution.
Such functions as bar charts, pie charts, scatter plots, line charts,
whisker box (for presentation os standard deviation) and so on are
I'm just preparing small presentation about application of Linux in
digital signal processing. I wouldn't like to have to present
transparencies prepared with M$ PowerPoint...

If someone knows about such package, or could suggest another solution
(maybe a set of macros for Scilab, or Latex???) - please let me know.

Thank you in advance
Wojciech Zabolotny

PS. May be there is a need to write such a package? I'm considering
doing of it, after I finish my PhD thesis...

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Re: Help! Any presentation graphics program in Debian Linux?

1997-10-19 Thread Brandon Mitchell
On Sun, 19 Oct 1997, W. Zabolotny wrote:

 I'd like to know if there is any good free application for preparing
 of presentation graphics available in Debian distribution.
 Such functions as bar charts, pie charts, scatter plots, line charts,
 whisker box (for presentation os standard deviation) and so on are
[ anti-M$ snip ]
 If someone knows about such package, or could suggest another solution
 (maybe a set of macros for Scilab, or Latex???) - please let me know.

The program you are looking for is gnuplot.  If you use latex, there are
even some features to include the results in a latex file.  Here's a quick
start (since it took me way to long to figure this out):

[ Note, file.dat is usually 2 points on each line.  I haven't tried the 3d
stuff yet. ]
1) gnuplot - takes yo into an interactive mode to do the following
2) plot 'file1.dat', 'file2.dat' with style num
  where style can be any of the following:
   `lines`, `points`, `linespoints`, `impulses`, `dots`, `steps`,
   `fsteps`, `histeps`, `errorbars`, `xerrorbars`, `yerrorbars`,
   `xyerrorbars`, `boxes`, `boxerrorbars`, `boxxyerrorbars`,
   `financebars`, `candlesticks` or `vector`
  and num effects the color

For latex:
3) set terminal latex- make latex compatable output
4) set output 'filename.tex' - don't make the visual plot
5) plot ...  - send stuff to the file
6) In latex, use: \input{filename}


P.S. gnuplot has excellent online help, type 'help' at the prompt to step
through everything.

Brandon Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED]   We all know linux is great... it
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Phone: (757) 221-4847  --Linus Trovalds

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