Re: Migrating Debian installation to a new motherboard

2018-11-02 Thread mick crane

On 2018-11-02 11:15, Michael Stone wrote:

On Fri, Nov 02, 2018 at 07:58:23AM +, mick crane wrote:

The 0 with a line through it helps but l still looks like 1.

That's still a font selection issue--in the font I'm using it's hard
to confuse the two. (l has an arc of stem to the bottom right, 1 has
straight bilateral serifs. l has a straight left serif on the
ascender, 1 has an angled serif.)

well I don't know.
what font you use then. ?
what I do is paste into a text editor and compare fonts if think that is 
why not working because I confused my "O"s with my "l"'s


Re: Migrating Debian installation to a new motherboard

2018-11-02 Thread mick crane

On 2018-11-02 07:37, Felix Miata wrote:

mick crane composed on 2018-11-02 07:22 (UTC):

I have to do a double check with "l" and "1" and "0" and "O", there
ought to be some way to avoid that.

Font selection can make a big difference:

The 0 with a line through it helps but l still looks like 1.
maybe if l at the end of a filename use L

Re: Migrating Debian installation to a new motherboard

2018-11-02 Thread mick crane

On 2018-11-01 17:57, Michael Stone wrote:

On Thu, Nov 01, 2018 at 05:43:56PM +0100, local10 wrote:

Under enp3so I see only BROADCAST and MULTICAST, no UP or DOWN. Thanks

That means it's down. Note that you said enp3so above, that should be
enp3s0 (zero); which did you put in interfaces? Also, there should be
either "auto enp3s0" or "allow-hotplug enp3s0". Assuming that's all
right, try manually running "ifup -v enp3s0".

I have to do a double check with "l" and "1" and "0" and "O", there 
ought to be some way to avoid that.


Re: firefox palemoon waterfox baselisk problem, not on chromium

2018-10-20 Thread mick crane

On 2018-10-20 07:22, Reco wrote:


On Sat, Oct 20, 2018 at 02:16:57AM +0200, arne wrote:

By-passed my proxies, did not help.

Those sites all load OK in Chromium, but I do not like this browser.

Strange thing, when I retry 2-80 times the pages get loaded.

I use Tab Mix Plus Mozilla add-on to reload every 2 seconds until the
pages load.

In short:
Secure Connection Failed

Any ideas what can be the solution?

A better question would be - what's the actual problem.
'Secure Connection Failed' can refer to many things, such as
certificate/domain mismatch, certificate expiration, wrong TLS protocol
version etc.
Any Modern Browser™ hides these details from you, so Firefox (for
instance) itself is hardly suited for the troubleshooting.

So I propose this for starters:

openssl s_client -connect


Is this something about google enforcing https everywhere ?


Re: basilisk-browser

2018-10-19 Thread mick crane

On 2018-10-19 11:23, Reco wrote:


On Fri, Oct 19, 2018 at 08:26:20AM +0100, mick crane wrote:

On 2018-10-19 07:58, Dominik George wrote:
> > > > [1]
> Seriously? They forbid linking against libraries if their code is not
> shipped with their sources?
> That also seems like a security nightmare in the making.
> Mozilla themselves weren't even *that* ridiculous, were they?

I'm not understanding what "Official branding" refers to in that 

If anyone has the time to explain.

It's the same as Mozilla's branding - [1].
Either you build the software the way upstream wants, or you lose the
right to call resulting software its official name (Palemoon in this
Debian project was able to negotiate this with Mozilla some years ago.
In the case of Palemoon - well, OpenBSD project won't a Palemoon port 

a foreseable future.



that's what -ESR is about then



Re: portable CD players

2018-11-09 Thread mick crane

On 2018-11-10 06:52, Brad Rogers wrote:

On Sat, 10 Nov 2018 06:11:34 +
mick crane  wrote:

Hello mick,

If I put them on a CD will Discman play them, with a menu selection ?

Portable CD players of that type are usually audio CD players, they 

play .mp3, .ogg, or any other file type, for that matter.  Insert a
non-audio disc and most simply report 'no disc'.

that's what I wondered and what exactly is an "audio disc" ?
Can I make one from mp3 ?
I'm not very good at audio.



portable CD players

2018-11-09 Thread mick crane

Does anybody know about these portable CD players like Sony Discman ?
On the PC I
"play stories.m3u"
where "stories.m3u" is just a list of mp3 files from

If I put them on a CD will Discman play them, with a menu selection ?
Are they ATRAC or something ?
Any particular format needed ?
Any recommendations for CD player ?



Re: portable CD players

2018-11-10 Thread mick crane

On 2018-11-10 08:16, Thomas Schmitt wrote:


mick crane wrote:

> Does anybody know about these portable CD players like Sony Discman ?

Only from times when music CDs were to be bought in real shops.

> "stories.m3u" is just a list of mp3 files from
> If I put them on a CD will Discman play them

Brad Rogers wrote:
Portable CD players of that type are usually audio CD players, they 

play .mp3, .ogg, or any other file type, for that matter.

The old non-computer CD drives expect CD-DA sectors, which hold 2352 
each (in contrast to 2048 bytes with CD-ROM). The data format of CD-DA 

similar to Microsoft's WAV with parameters:
  44100 Hz sampling rate
  16 bits per sample
  big endian (i.e. MS-WAV bytes need to be swapped)
  stereo (2 channels)

CD burn programs can take such .wav files, strip them of their headers,
and copy them on CD as CD-DA tracks. Tracks are usually numbered in the
range of 1 to 99.

A modern drive might be already a computer in disguise, be able to read
from CD-ROM (aka "data CD"), and to play the popular audio file format
 of the computer world. (A quick look by google shows a CD-DA-only 

for 20+ USD and a MP3 capable "Hott" for 60+ USD.)

with a menu selection ?

The popular GUI programs (K3B, Brasero, Xfburn, ...) recognize other
audio file formats and employ conversion software like Gstreamer to 

the prescribed file format.
With the command line burn backends (cdrdao, cdrecord, wodim, cdrskin)
you will have to provide readily converted .wav files.

Menu information beyond the track number is stored as CD-TEXT.

K3B and Brasero are said to produce it from playlists or from 

which they find in the original non-WAV files or in public data bases.
At least K3B offers the opportunity to edit track titels

Xfburn probably does not support CD-TEXT because its development froze
before libburn offered this feature.

The backends offer various ways to define CD-TEXT. The most popular one
is the .cue file format, which all the mentioned backends accept.
It does not cover all possible CD-TEXT attribute types but should 

for normal needs.
See "Example of a CDRWIN cue sheet file" at the end of

The professional way is/was obviously the Sony Input Sheet. See
"Sony Text File Format" in doc/cd_text.txt. Amon the mentioned 

only cdrskin can read it.

There is also the opportunity to re-use a binary copy of the CD-TEXT 

from an existing CD-DA medium. (Beware of copyright ...)

Have a nice day :)


Thanks for comprehensive information.



Re: portable CD players

2018-11-10 Thread mick crane

On 2018-11-10 12:11, songbird wrote:

mick crane wrote:

Does anybody know about these portable CD players like Sony Discman ?
On the PC I
"play stories.m3u"
where "stories.m3u" is just a list of mp3 files from

If I put them on a CD will Discman play them, with a menu selection ?
Are they ATRAC or something ?
Any particular format needed ?
Any recommendations for CD player ?

  you will likely do much better getting a solid state
device of some kind instead of a CD player.

I've had a solid state thing and I've got a (smart)phone
It has to be CD as a person doesn't have access to a computer or 
anything so I thought about sending them a cd player and story discs.


Re: How to Fix ACPI Error : Namespace lookup failure

2018-11-11 Thread mick crane

On 2018-11-10 19:31, finn wrote:

Whenever I boot up my PC I'm getting this error
`sudo dmesg`

[   12.432182] ACPI Error: [\_SB_.PCI0.LPCB.H_EC.ECAV]
Namespace lookup failure, AE_NOT_FOUND (20160831/psargs-359)
[   12.432241] ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed
[\_SB.PCI0.B0D4._TMP] (Node 9de85a1f4410), AE_NOT_FOUND

It seems like something is missing (for ex. library, package etc).
I'm ignoring this error from 7-8 months because it has no bad effect
on PC my but I'm more interested in why am I getting this error? And
if possible, How can I fix this issue?

online search for error message appears to suggest it is a BIOS problem 
which you can ignore or perhaps update the BIOS


Re: buster upgraded postgresql

2018-11-11 Thread mick crane

On 2018-11-11 13:40, Georgi Naplatanov wrote:

On 11/11/18 1:00 PM, mick crane wrote:

but how to find out what is this "cluster-name" for pg_ctlcluster,
pg_dropcluster and pg_upgradecluster ?

"pg_dropcluster [--stop] cluster-version cluster-name"

"pg_upgradecluster oldversion name [newdatadir]" ?

OK from the conf files assume cluster-name is '10/main' and '11/main'
respectively ?

default cluster name for both clusters should be "main".

yes I got there eventually
so is
"pg_ctlcluster 11 main stop"
"pg_dropcluster 11 main"
"pg_upgradecluster 10 main /var/lib/postgresql/11/main"
"pg_dropcluster 10 main"

"sudo -u postgres psql"
"SHOW data_directory;"

nothing seems to be broken




buster upgraded postgresql

2018-11-11 Thread mick crane


this last upgrade buster upgraded postgresql-10 to 11
I'm not sure what uses postgresql.
during upgrade think there was a message about pg_upgradecluster or I 
may have read that in manpage.

:~# ps -ef | grep postgre
postgres   599 1  0 09:36 ?00:00:00 
/usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/10/main -c 
postgres   600 1  0 09:36 ?00:00:00 
/usr/lib/postgresql/11/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/11/main -c 

shows postgresql-10 and -11 both running after reboot ( I thought reboot 
might dump 10 if not needed )

should I do "pg_upgradecluster" ?
how to find out if 10 is needed and if not needed stop it ?

please bear in mind I don't know what I'm doing.



Re: buster upgraded postgresql

2018-11-11 Thread mick crane

On 2018-11-11 10:00, Georgi Naplatanov wrote:

On 11/11/18 11:52 AM, mick crane wrote:


this last upgrade buster upgraded postgresql-10 to 11
I'm not sure what uses postgresql.
during upgrade think there was a message about pg_upgradecluster or I
may have read that in manpage.

:~# ps -ef | grep postgre
postgres   599 1  0 09:36 ?    00:00:00
/usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/10/main -c
postgres   600 1  0 09:36 ?    00:00:00
/usr/lib/postgresql/11/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/11/main -c

shows postgresql-10 and -11 both running after reboot ( I thought 

might dump 10 if not needed )

should I do "pg_upgradecluster" ?
how to find out if 10 is needed and if not needed stop it ?

please bear in mind I don't know what I'm doing.


Hi Mick,

I think that you should the following:

 - drop existing cluster of PostgreSQL 11
 - upgrade existing PostgreSQL 10 cluster to 11
 - drop existing PostgreSQL 10
 - remove PostgreSQL 10 packages

You have to use commands:



Kind regards

Why do I get the feeling I'm going to break something ?

with "pg_ctlcluster" assume cluster-version is "11" and action is "stop"
but how to find out what is this "cluster-name" for pg_ctlcluster, 
pg_dropcluster and pg_upgradecluster ?

"pg_dropcluster [--stop] cluster-version cluster-name"

"pg_upgradecluster oldversion name [newdatadir]" ?



Re: buster upgraded postgresql

2018-11-11 Thread mick crane

but how to find out what is this "cluster-name" for pg_ctlcluster,
pg_dropcluster and pg_upgradecluster ?

"pg_dropcluster [--stop] cluster-version cluster-name"

"pg_upgradecluster oldversion name [newdatadir]" ?

OK from the conf files assume cluster-name is '10/main' and '11/main' 
respectively ?


Re: dovecot/RPi problem

2018-11-11 Thread mick crane

On 2018-11-06 16:53, Glenn English wrote:

there: RaspianStretch, Dovecot v 2.2.27, RPi3
here: Buster, Thunderbird, Supermicro box

Dovecot, from here to there, answers as expected, then immediately
closes the connection.

I'm trying to replace a low-end Dell server running Wheezy with an
RPi3 (significant space savings in a very small server 'room' and fast
enough for a T1). This is a new install.

I can't find the dovecot logs on the 'Pi. I can't find anything
relevant on the web. The Dovecot config is the one from the install --
I've also tried the big one in /usr/save. Dovecot worked fine on the
Wheezy server (I don't remember if I modified the config from the
default, but it's very different anyway).

Telnet to port 143 answers, but closes the connection:

root@sbox:~# telnet srv 143
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.

(bottomPi is it's real name (there are two); srv is what it's called in 

Ping works. FTP works. There's no HTTP server. I can SSH into it from
the LAN or from a server in another domain. BIND works asking on the
'Net for an IP in NewYork.

Telnet to 25 (Postfix) works. Sending to Postfix by manually entering
SMTP commands and data works.

Telnet to 110 gets the same reaction that 143 does.

Thunderbird just says it can't contact my IMAP server.


maybe dovecot's not running ?


Re: buster upgraded postgresql

2018-11-12 Thread mick crane

On 2018-11-12 13:44, Greg Wooledge wrote:

> > > but how to find out what is this "cluster-name" for pg_ctlcluster,
> > > pg_dropcluster and pg_upgradecluster ?
> >
> > OK from the conf files assume cluster-name is '10/main' and '11/main'
> > respectively ?
> default cluster name for both clusters should be "main".
yes I got there eventually

You could also try reading the README.Debian.gz file in

In stretch, this is /usr/share/doc/postgresql-9.6/README.Debian.gz
and it contains the exact steps needed to upgrade from 9.1 to 9.4.
Just replace the version numbers with whatever you have.

In my defence I've used msql but have no idea about postgresql and 
thinking there's probably a few things use it I asked.
Looked later but didn't know about "zless" and as it was working didn't 
bother to extract it. I did now so next time I'll be less nervous.



Re: debian-9.5.0-amd64-xfce-CD-1.iso missing files for install without mirror

2018-11-06 Thread mick crane

On 2018-11-06 09:03, Curt wrote:

On 2018-11-05, Michael Stone  wrote:

On Mon, Nov 05, 2018 at 09:11:46PM +0100, Pascal Hambourg wrote:

PS : aren't you confusing "netinst" with "netboot", which requires a
network connection to a mirror ?

There used to be bootable business card netinst images that had almost
nothing other than the kernel and the installer, and needed a mirror 
get even a minimally functional system. I think the kernel+installer 

too porky for those images in the last couple of releases.

I never knew what a bootable business card was so I avoided those.

they are a little less bulky than a USB stick, CD drives have the 
smaller ledge they fit but at 32Mb small for something that works. 
Slitaz still fits on one I think


Re: More info - was [Re: Synaptic fails to fix broken packages]

2018-10-04 Thread mick crane

On 2018-10-04 18:27, Glenn English wrote:
On Thu, Oct 4, 2018 at 2:06 PM Richard Owlett  

Just did a fresh install to another partition of the machine on which 

observed the current problem.
Installation was from DVD 1 of Debian 9.1.0

Again LibreOffice Writer would not launch.
Attempted complete removal. This time the LibreOffice meta-package was
identified as broke.
[I did _something_ ???]

If I may suggest, skip Stretch and install Buster. I had problems
(don't remember what they were) with Stretch too, and everything's
working fine on Buster.

I've never used anything but Stable, but this time it seemed to be
bent. The updates are massive on Testing, but it works.


I agree Buster / apt is working well.
Spent ages messing with different distributions in the past.
Really these days there seems to be no need.



Re: Scribus has stopped importing PDF files - repost - original thread was hijacked

2018-10-01 Thread mick crane

On 2018-09-26 19:45, Gary Dale wrote:

For the last few days, some Scribus documents I work with have stopped
accepting PDF files within image frames. Prior to this, they would
display a preview. Now new image frames that I create show just the
file name, but some older frames within the document still show the

When I export the document as a PDF, the frames that just display the
file name export as empty/blank. The older frame that shows a preview
causes the export to stop with an error saying it was unable to load
the image.

I'm not sure if this is related to something in the PDFs or not.
However it is happening on two documents I am working on.

problems with PDFs come up occasionally on the scribus list.
Did you have a look through archives there ?

Scribus Mailing List:
Edit your options or unsubscribe:
See also:



twitter videos not playing

2018-10-11 Thread mick crane

basically default Buster install
pepperflash is there and youtube videos play
twitter videos do not play
"can't play video please use another browser" or something.

probably is well known issue but not immediately finding it
tried html5 plugin but it doesn't seem to be that.

anything obvious I should do apart from not go on twitter ?



Re: twitter videos not playing

2018-10-11 Thread mick crane

On 2018-10-11 11:03, Brad Rogers wrote:

On Thu, 11 Oct 2018 10:42:23 +0100
mick crane  wrote:

Hello mick,

anything obvious I should do apart from not go on twitter ?

It's nothing to do with twitter, per se.  The problem is that Ff-esr in
Buster has no H.264 support (thanks to Sven Joachim for pinpointing the
exact problem for me), so can't play some videos.

Solution is to install Firefox-esr from Sid, unless you're happy to 

for it to migrate.  Note: Migration might take some time, despite the
usual migration waiting period being expired.

Ok cheers, I can wait.


Re: Syncing GnuPG between 2 system

2018-10-03 Thread mick crane

On 2018-10-02 17:09, wrote:

You have the revocation key, don't you?

somewhere safe hopefully


Re: Syncing GnuPG between 2 system

2018-10-02 Thread mick crane

On 2018-09-30 18:39, deloptes wrote:

Here is something I do not get - to encrypt I am asked for password - I
guess it is for my secret key, no?

with the mail GPG plugin I never use but tested between 2 email 

you can choose to generate a passphrase when you first make key pair
to encrypt you use the recipient public key and to decrypt they enter 
their passphrase



Re: Problem updating to Buster - gparted effectively MIA

2018-10-07 Thread mick crane

On 2018-10-07 19:23, Brian wrote:

On Sun 07 Oct 2018 at 15:33:09 +0100, Brian wrote:

On Sun 07 Oct 2018 at 08:14:05 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:

Does gparted run from a terminal?

It does?

A missing menu entry is hardly a show-stopper.

I never made a menu entry, it looks a bit complicated.
The desktop is handy for accessing the software but sometimes it is 
difficult to start a program say over ssh if you don't know the precise 

A list of the real names of what is on the desktop would be handy.
for example I didn't know the file browser thing was called thunar until 
noticing it somewhere.



Re: Problem updating to Buster - gparted effectively MIA

2018-10-07 Thread mick crane

On 2018-10-07 20:12, Linux-Fan wrote:

mick crane writes:

On 2018-10-07 19:23, Brian wrote:

On Sun 07 Oct 2018 at 15:33:09 +0100, Brian wrote:

On Sun 07 Oct 2018 at 08:14:05 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:

Does gparted run from a terminal?

It does?

A missing menu entry is hardly a show-stopper.

I never made a menu entry, it looks a bit complicated.
The desktop is handy for accessing the software but sometimes it is 
difficult to start a program say over ssh if you don't know the 
precise name.

A list of the real names of what is on the desktop would be handy.
for example I didn't know the file browser thing was called thunar 
until noticing it somewhere.



there are multiple ways of finding out the program's "real" names, but
here are some ideas:

* Use `xprop` and click on a program's window.
  For instance, if I click on a terminal window, I get (among other
  things) this output from `xprop`:

$ xprop
WM_COMMAND(STRING) = { "/usr/bin/urxvt", "+sb", "+bc", [...]

  Thus I know the command is `urxvt` and some parameters (one can also
  try and see what happens without the parameters to check if they are
  really needed).

* Use Help > About menu entries, they at least often have the program's
  name (which need not be equal to the command but often is).
  For the `thunar` command, you get ``Thunar 1.6.11'' under Help > 

* Locate the .desktop files of your application (might work for desktop
  icons in some Desktop Environments). They sometimes have an `Exec=` 

  which identifies the command used to start the application.


thank you for these useful tips.
for me I wouldn't mind a text file that was updated when software was 
installed with a desktop item to show its actual run command and perhaps 
a brief description of what its purpose is.



Re: Are these instructions meant to be executed on Debian 9.5.0?

2018-10-08 Thread mick crane

On 2018-10-08 13:47, Dan Ritter wrote:
On Mon, Oct 08, 2018 at 10:27:17AM +, Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En 
Ming wrote:
Good afternoon from Singapore, I came across this Linux Journal 
article titled "DIY: Build a Custom Minimal Linux Distribution from 
Source", written by Petros Koutoupis. Link: 
Are the instructions in this article meant to be executed with ease on 
Debian 9.5.0 or perhaps easier on other Linux distros? Please advise. 
Thank you.

The instructions are for building your own distro. They will
work, with minor adaptations, from nearly any existing distro,
and will produce something which is independent of that distro.

If you are interested in a more complete guide, you should
look at Linux From Scratch. If you are interested in a
customized distro but with real support, you might consider
building a Debian variant instead.

If it's small size wanted Slitaz is like 32 Mb and fits on one of those 
credit sized CDs


Re: Strange Network Problem

2018-09-02 Thread mick crane

On 2018-09-02 19:39, David Christensen wrote:

On 09/02/2018 05:48 AM, mick crane wrote:

On 2018-09-02 13:16, Stephen P. Molnar wrote:

The Firewall Passthrough is set to Allocation Mode set to 

with the Passthrough Mode set to 'DHCPS-dynamic '.

It's my intention to change the Allocation Mode to 'Off', as soon as 

talk to AT Tech Support to make sure that doesn't mess things up.

I'm not quite understanding how one PC is going straight through the 
router to the ISP's network whereas you have other PCs with private 

In my case as I understand it the ISP's router redirects from its 
external network to internal private.
PC with say 2 NICS one to the router and one to a switch whereby 
connect the local machines using PC with 2 NICS as gateway doing DHCP, 
firewall and all that.


The OP appears to have the third option enabled on his gateway.

the ISP router maybe has NAT ( that's what it's called isn't it ) on 
some of the ports that things with the private 192.168 block connect to 
but seems to have a DMZ on one of the ports.

I dunno



Re: Why does Debian allow all incoming traffic by default

2018-09-22 Thread mick crane

On 2018-09-21 18:29, Subhadip Ghosh wrote:
 Debian is a Universal OS.

I wouldn't say whatever you said, doesn't make sense. I wish there
were an easier way to know about it when I started using the OS,
something to warn me that I need to configure the firewall to suit my
needs. Maybe because I came from a different OS where the defaults
were stricter, my expectations about the defaults were different.

fell foul of this years ago. installed OS, naively went on IRC while 
looking about at what was installed.

"oh, I seem to have ports open"
20 seconds later somebody took over my account"
Rapidly pulls cable and reinstalls.

Some sort of a warning during installation.
"there is no firewall running, You should probably set up some rules"

would be helpful.



Re: Distinguish instances of GUI file manager by color

2018-09-26 Thread mick crane

On 2018-09-26 10:52, Richard Owlett wrote:

I'm setting up a new machine and copying files from the old machine's
home directory. At the same time I'm creating a new directory
structure to better match how I work.

I found it expedient to have at least three instances of the file
manager open - [one for source directory and at least two for
destination (sub)directories].

Is it even possible?

Brief web search was not encouraging. But my search terms may have
been the problem. Suggested search terms?


what you want is a GUI. doing all that at the prompt would be a pain.
There doesn't seem to be anything like the nice WinScp for linux but 
what seems to work is 2 instances of thunar.

you'll need ssh / sshd working first I think to have sftp
I always have ssh and sftp seems to be there.

In one instance of thunar type
navigate to /home/you and make your new directory structure by right 
in the other instance of thunar navigate to the files you want to keep 
and drag them across.
This copies them so you'll need to keep track of what you've done with a 
pencil and paper just to save time.



Re: Distinguish instances of GUI file manager by color

2018-09-26 Thread mick crane

On 2018-09-26 12:58, mick crane wrote:

On 2018-09-26 10:52, Richard Owlett wrote:

I'm setting up a new machine and copying files from the old machine's
home directory. At the same time I'm creating a new directory
structure to better match how I work.

I found it expedient to have at least three instances of the file
manager open - [one for source directory and at least two for
destination (sub)directories].

Is it even possible?

Brief web search was not encouraging. But my search terms may have
been the problem. Suggested search terms?


what you want is a GUI. doing all that at the prompt would be a pain.
There doesn't seem to be anything like the nice WinScp for linux but
what seems to work is 2 instances of thunar.
you'll need ssh / sshd working first I think to have sftp
I always have ssh and sftp seems to be there.

In one instance of thunar type
navigate to /home/you and make your new directory structure by right 

in the other instance of thunar navigate to the files you want to keep
and drag them across.
This copies them so you'll need to keep track of what you've done with
a pencil and paper just to save time.

perhaps better is to copy the whole lot across as above to a temp 
directory on the new machine then with 2 instances of thunar on the new 
machine the files will disappear from the source directory as you drag 
them across so you know what you've done.



Re: utilities

2018-09-25 Thread mick crane

On 2018-09-25 10:08, Thakur Mahashaya wrote:

Please tell me what is the list of standard utilities in
Debian?wget, apt, curl, transport-https, sources.list, man, dd,
sha256sum,..what else?

have a look in /usr/bin  ?



that other OS

2018-11-16 Thread mick crane

I use windows I'm not ashamed to say that.
I noticed tho that there is a new message
"Windows is a service..."
This is that thing where they want people to pay a monthly fee to use 
the OS, like adobe apparently did with their photo suite.

Just saying, prepare for stampede of ex windows users.


Re: that other OS

2018-11-16 Thread mick crane

On 2018-11-16 17:29, Brian wrote:

On Fri 16 Nov 2018 at 12:01:39 -0500, Doug wrote:

On 11/16/2018 11:32 AM, mick crane wrote:
> I use windows I'm not ashamed to say that.
> I noticed tho that there is a new message
> "Windows is a service..."
> This is that thing where they want people to pay a monthly fee to use
> the OS, like adobe apparently did with their photo suite.
> Just saying, prepare for stampede of ex windows users.
Are they going to send an "upgrade" that will stop Windows from 
working if

you don't subscribe?

The original post gave no reliable references; it looks like 

You are now speculating on the speculation.

I almost never use Windows, altho the text reader program that I have 

for years on Windows is far superior to anything available for Linux.

Didn't take long to take an off-topic post even further off-topic and 

a reply to swallow the bait.

well I think it's relevant, I've contributed financially to some 
projects and if I had more I would contribute more but basically I am 
getting loads of excellent software for free


Re: that other OS

2018-11-16 Thread mick crane

On 2018-11-16 17:29, Brian wrote:

On Fri 16 Nov 2018 at 12:01:39 -0500, Doug wrote:

On 11/16/2018 11:32 AM, mick crane wrote:
> I use windows I'm not ashamed to say that.
> I noticed tho that there is a new message
> "Windows is a service..."
> This is that thing where they want people to pay a monthly fee to use
> the OS, like adobe apparently did with their photo suite.
> Just saying, prepare for stampede of ex windows users.
Are they going to send an "upgrade" that will stop Windows from 
working if

you don't subscribe?

The original post gave no reliable references; it looks like 

You are now speculating on the speculation.

I almost never use Windows, altho the text reader program that I have 

for years on Windows is far superior to anything available for Linux.

Didn't take long to take an off-topic post even further off-topic and 

a reply to swallow the bait.

you will have seen this beautiful letter

Re: that other OS

2018-11-16 Thread mick crane

On 2018-11-16 17:01, Doug wrote:

On 11/16/2018 11:32 AM, mick crane wrote:

I use windows I'm not ashamed to say that.
I noticed tho that there is a new message
"Windows is a service..."
This is that thing where they want people to pay a monthly fee to use 
the OS, like adobe apparently did with their photo suite.

Just saying, prepare for stampede of ex windows users.

Are they going to send an "upgrade" that will stop Windows from
working if you don't subscribe?

I almost never use Windows, altho the text reader program that I have
used for years on Windows is far superior to anything available for


notepad++  ?


Re: [OT] scanned files are large in size

2019-01-02 Thread mick crane

On 2019-01-02 10:24, wrote:

On Wed, Jan 02, 2019 at 09:40:33AM +, Joe wrote:

On Wed, 2 Jan 2019 09:59:48 +0100 wrote:

> And next time, try to find a scanner which provides you with a raw
> image. Wrapping images in PDFs is... not elegant.

They do this to cater for multiple pages, whereas in my experience,
most scanning is single-sheet. Even the Simple Scan program on Debian
defaults to pdf, something which cannot be configured.

I get this, and offering that option seems to make sense. But forcing
it (and forcing an image format like JPEG) doesn't make sense. So 

provide the knobs or let the host software do it.

My scanner just transfers the raw image. The scan program is 
for the transformation to the target format, which I can choose. This 

how /I/ want to be treated, as a paying customer.

having a scanner do PDFs is weird, see Obama birth certificate, how do 
you know is a faithful copy ?
A piece of paper with marks on it is an image and should be treated as 



Re: Fwd: Upgrade Problem

2019-01-04 Thread mick crane

On 2019-01-04 21:03, Gene Heskett wrote:

On Friday 04 January 2019 14:34:59 Brian wrote:

On Fri 04 Jan 2019 at 13:49:52 -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Friday 04 January 2019 13:31:05 Nicolas George wrote:
> > deloptes (12019-01-04):
> > >We just pointed out
> > > that you do not have to be a sysadmin to operate a computer.
> >
> > And you are wrong. Operating a computer requires a sysadmin, there
> > is no way around it. If there is no dedicated one, that makes the
> > user the sysadmin. Their choice whether they become competent or
> > not;
> >
> > Regards,
> Another demonstration of TANSTAAFL Nicolas.  Its a law one will obey
> no matter how hard you try to ignore it.

I wish I understood that!

Why not, There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free lunch. If you think the
peanuts are free, check the price of the beer IOW.

What's the price of beer on the Isle of Wight to do with computers ?


Re: Why choose Debian on server

2019-01-05 Thread mick crane

On 2019-01-04 21:11, Gene Heskett wrote:
f course it is printable. Whatever you are doing is unknown.

My copy of FF only prints 1 page, which is the top  3" of the site's
front page, never getting down to any of the text past the headline.

And it works on other sites.

Cheers, Gene Heskett

what I do is drag the mouse over text copy/paste it into a text editor.
Sometimes lose the formatting.



Re: printers

2018-12-13 Thread mick crane

On 2018-12-13 20:42, Michael Stone wrote:

On Thu, Dec 13, 2018 at 07:44:29PM +, mick crane wrote:
I have a debian buster PC that works as a print server. I can send 
files to it from windows

How? Do you have samba and the windows machines print via smb, or are
they printing via ipp?

I have another debian buster PC that I sometimes fiddle about on and 
I'd like to type on that.

"lpr filename"
I don't want the cups sever on it just to print.

You should be able to do that with just the cups-client package and
setting /etc/cups/client.conf to contain "ServerName whatever" where
"whatever" is the hostname or IP of your print server. If that doesn't
work it's likely that the print server isn't set to accept remote
connections (the windows machines wouldn't need that if they're
printing via smb).

It's also possible to make this all magically work via network
broadcasts, but I find it simpler & more reliable to just configure
client.conf in a single print server situaton.

Ok Is no samba, I look cups-client conf, mostly was preamble. Question 
was curious why can't authenticate with xfce GUI System|Print settings



2018-12-13 Thread mick crane

I think I must be getting elderly
I have a debian buster PC that works as a print server. I can send files 
to it from windows and I can print from it by typing

"lpr filename"
I think I set it up with the cups web interface.

I have another debian buster PC that I sometimes fiddle about on and I'd 
like to type on that.

"lpr filename"
I don't want the cups sever on it just to print.

I typed
"lpadmin -U mick -h -d HP_LaserJet_4000_series"
hoping it might do something but says
"Unable to connect to server: No such file or directory"

I attempted to use the GUI from the desktop System/Print Settings where 
I hoped I could put in sensible values but it says it is locked and ask 
for authentication.

I put in the root password but it won't do anything
why might that be then ?



Re: printers

2018-12-13 Thread mick crane

On 2018-12-13 20:43, basti wrote:

On 13.12.18 20:44, mick crane wrote:

I think I must be getting elderly
I have a debian buster PC that works as a print server. I can send 

to it from windows and I can print from it by typing
"lpr filename"
I think I set it up with the cups web interface.

I have another debian buster PC that I sometimes fiddle about on and 

like to type on that.
"lpr filename"
I don't want the cups sever on it just to print

is the cups server runing on IP ?
what does "ss -tulpen | grep 631" say?

yes cups server 107

:~$ ss -tulpen | grep 631
udpUNCONN   00*  ino:17297 sk:1 <->
tcpLISTEN   05*  ino:17288 sk:c <->
tcpLISTEN   05   [::1]:631   
[::]:*  ino:17287 sk:13 v6only:1 <->

I typed
"lpadmin -U mick -h -d HP_LaserJet_4000_series"
hoping it might do something but says
"Unable to connect to server: No such file or directory"

you can install cups-client on this machine an then create a file
/etc/cups/client.conf like:


cups is there likely I haven't set anything up

I attempted to use the GUI from the desktop System/Print Settings 
I hoped I could put in sensible values but it says it is locked and 

for authentication.
I put in the root password but it won't do anything
why might that be then ?

is root in the lpamin group?

this was really my question, sometimes I just don't get these 
permissions. I thought root was access everywhere.



Re: Resolution -- Re: Asserting local repository is trusted (man page problem?)

2018-12-18 Thread mick crane

On 2018-12-18 15:07, Richard Owlett wrote:

On 12/16/2018 01:03 PM, Richard Owlett wrote:

My sources.list has lines of the form
deb trusted=yes file:/media/richard/debian9/dvd1 stable main contrib

When using Synaptic's "Edit->Reload Package Information" the error 
message is:

E: Malformed entry 3 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list (URI parse)
E: The list of sources could not be read.
Go to the repository dialog to correct the problem.
E: _cache->open() failed, please report.

There were three problems -- one mine, two Synaptic's.

Mine was the content of sources.list .
As was pointed out
deb trusted=yes file:/media/richard/debian9/dvd1 stable main contrib
should have been
deb [ trusted=yes ] file:/media/richard/debian9/dvd1 stable main 

The Synaptic problems were:
1. There's a side effect of originally installing system from DVD(s).
   Synaptic when doing "Edit->Reload Package Information" will not
   accept there being any existing reference to DVD(s) in sources.list.
2. Although Synaptic has no problems with processing Packages.gz from
   a DVD it requires it to have been unzipped when reading from a disk.

I've got into trouble for replying to list emails in the past but I 
would advise rather than worrying about understanding everything that 
comes along get something you want the computer to do and worry about 
those bits.


Re: handling lists in perl

2018-12-18 Thread mick crane

On 2018-12-18 13:34, mick crane wrote:
sorry I put 15 twice there just to confuse the issue
should be

not really on the topic but...
I'm not very good at perl (or anything else ) and could maybe sort it 
but perhaps there is an extension that does it.

I have an list of pairs
and an array of unique numbers
(1 21 100 8 15 22 6 12 56 )
I want to see what pairs can be satisfied from the array of numbers, 
send that list to a file and also to another file the left over numbers.


handling lists in perl

2018-12-18 Thread mick crane

not really on the topic but...
I'm not very good at perl (or anything else ) and could maybe sort it 
but perhaps there is an extension that does it.

I have an list of pairs
and an array of unique numbers
(1 21 100 8 15 22 6 12 15 )
I want to see what pairs can be satisfied from the array of numbers, 
send that list to a file and also to another file the left over numbers.



Re: un ban me

2018-12-25 Thread mick crane

On 2018-12-25 21:33, Trep wrote:

channel #debian is where i got banned... of course...


Policy on IRC might be to do a port scan and you can get banned if 
you've not got a firewall, probably nothing personal.



Re: File ownership problem using removeable media

2018-12-23 Thread mick crane

On 2018-12-23 12:51, Richard Owlett wrote:

I use USB drives to transfer files between systems (sneakernet).
All systems have only one user(richard). It was created during 

The drives are either ext2 or ext4 formatted.
All files were in /user/richard on source machine

They _often_ [but not always] are seen as owned by 'root', not
'richard', by the destination system.

Why? I assume it is me in some manner.

What do I have to do to guarantee absolutely that any file/directory
from /home/richard is seen by destination system as owned by

What should I have read?


find /home/richard -type d -exec chmod 750 {} \;
find /home/richard -type f -exec chmod 640 {} \;
chown -R richard /home/richard*;
chgrp -R richard /home/richard*;


Re: File ownership problem using removeable media

2018-12-23 Thread mick crane

On 2018-12-23 14:38, mick crane wrote:

On 2018-12-23 12:51, Richard Owlett wrote:

I use USB drives to transfer files between systems (sneakernet).
All systems have only one user(richard). It was created during 

The drives are either ext2 or ext4 formatted.
All files were in /user/richard on source machine

They _often_ [but not always] are seen as owned by 'root', not
'richard', by the destination system.

Why? I assume it is me in some manner.

What do I have to do to guarantee absolutely that any file/directory
from /home/richard is seen by destination system as owned by

What should I have read?


find /home/richard -type d -exec chmod 750 {} \;
find /home/richard -type f -exec chmod 640 {} \;
chown -R richard /home/richard*;
chgrp -R richard /home/richard*;

[sigh] missed off the slashes

chown -R richard /home/richard/*;
chgrp -R richard /home/richard/*;

Re: About /dev/sr impatience with automatic tray loading

2018-12-11 Thread mick crane

On 2018-12-10 20:02, Thomas Schmitt wrote:


Gene Heskett wrote:

Perhaps that patch could be reverted,

It had its legitimate intentions, 10 years ago.

and a glimpse of the following woes
(The culprits already suffered duely. Hehehe.)

The decisive change is not easy to spot. It's the loss of the function

static int test_unit_ready(Scsi_CD *cd)

with the line

return sr_do_ioctl(cd, );

sr_do_ioctl() has a waiting loop that eats "still undecided" replies 

retries at most 10 times. It still exists in the current kernel

where in line 223 ff. we can see the old timeout of 20 seconds

if (!cgc->quiet)
sr_printk(KERN_INFO, cd,
  "CDROM not ready yet.\n");
if (retries++ < 10) {
/* sleep 2 sec and try again */
goto retry;
} else {
/* 20 secs are enough? */

The replacement for test_unit_ready() is a call to 

which does not call a function with retry loop.

For the purpose of sr_drive_status(), the loop is really inappropriate.
This function shall obtain the drive status and not wait until the
status of the medium is decided.

Regrettably the subsequent correction attempts never reached the doings
of drivers/cdrom/cdrom.c function open_for_data(). By the original
change it lost its loop and never got a new one.

My fix proposal is to create a function with such a loop and to let
open_for_data() use it instead of the call of cdo->drive_status(),
which actually is sr_drive_status().
Currently this call is in line 1068 of

and the timeout made say 2 minutes,
by which time the drive should be able to make up its mind

30 seconds seems to be enough for all normal situations. My longest
experiment result with various drives and media was 18 seconds.
One would have to convince the hypothetical committer why 120 is 

But before commit comes the test and before test comes the recent 

on real iron. I only have code for now and feel fewly talented for the
missing steps.

That I think we can all agree is a PITA.

Oh. I know some more such dumplings.

Have a nice day :)


completely off the topic but I have noticed that people whose first 
language might not be english use
"shall" as apposed to "will" or "should". It seems a little bit old 
fashioned but maybe it isn't.

Like some check list of an experiment approached logically.
Just something I was curious about.

"This function shall obtain the drive status and not wait until the
status of the medium is decided."


Re: printers

2018-12-14 Thread mick crane

On 2018-12-13 22:51, Brian wrote:

On Thu 13 Dec 2018 at 20:32:14 +, Brian wrote:

On Thu 13 Dec 2018 at 19:44:29 +, mick crane wrote:


> I typed
> "lpadmin -U mick -h -d HP_LaserJet_4000_series"
> hoping it might do something but says
> "Unable to connect to server: No such file or directory"

Seems clear enough as an error message.

-U is of no great imortance. Now read the manual carefully and look 

you wrote.

I don't know if previous mail turns up I sent reply via gmail because 

"well I removed the http:// bit and it did something but who know what.
seems that this lpadmin administers the server and I thought would 
inform client.
not working but there is a more urgent problem in that weirdly after 

lpadmin  -h -d HP_LaserJet_4000_series"
php seems to have stopped working on server so no mail server
just displays the text.
there is error in apache2 error log
[php7:error] [pid 5733] [client] PHP Fatal error:  
Uncaught Error: Class 'DOMDocument' not found in 

so I don't know what goes on."

mail server seems happy now after reinstalling some php modules but 
that's enough computer for one day


Re: File ownership problem using removeable media

2018-12-23 Thread mick crane

On 2018-12-23 17:10, wrote:

On Sun, Dec 23, 2018 at 04:41:24PM +, mick crane wrote:


>find /home/richard -type d -exec chmod 750 {} \;
>find /home/richard -type f -exec chmod 640 {} \;
>chown -R richard /home/richard*;
>chgrp -R richard /home/richard*;

[sigh] missed off the slashes

>chown -R richard /home/richard/*;
>chgrp -R richard /home/richard/*;

And you do that after each and every mount?

-- tomás
well no, I didn't read properly and was trying to be helpful without 
understanding what the problem was

what I do is if something isn't automagically mounted is look in
dmesg to see if something looks like that might be it and mount it 
somewhere, changing file permissions if need be.
I sort of understand permissions but I've not really understood what 
"the sticky bit" is.



Re: printers

2018-12-14 Thread mick crane

On 2018-12-13 20:42, Michael Stone wrote:

On Thu, Dec 13, 2018 at 07:44:29PM +, mick crane wrote:
I have a debian buster PC that works as a print server. I can send 
files to it from windows

How? Do you have samba and the windows machines print via smb, or are
they printing via ipp?

I have another debian buster PC that I sometimes fiddle about on and 
I'd like to type on that.

"lpr filename"
I don't want the cups sever on it just to print.

You should be able to do that with just the cups-client package and
setting /etc/cups/client.conf to contain "ServerName whatever" where
"whatever" is the hostname or IP of your print server.

Ok that does it.
would be cool if client.conf already existed with line saying
# put ipaddress of print server here.


sending display to other monitor

2018-12-08 Thread mick crane
I can ssh into a debian PC from windows PC with putty and start a 
program to be displayed on monitor plugged into windows PC with Xming. 
Is possible ssh to debian PC and start program displayed on monitor 
plugged into debian PC ?



Re: sending display to other monitor

2018-12-08 Thread mick crane

On 2018-12-08 16:10, Jason wrote:

On Sat, Dec 08, 2018 at 01:38:21PM +, mick crane wrote:
I can ssh into a debian PC from windows PC with putty and start a 
program to
be displayed on monitor plugged into windows PC with Xming. Is 
possible ssh
to debian PC and start program displayed on monitor plugged into 
debian PC ?

I think this might do what you want: Before starting the program you
want to display on the target device, run


Then run the program. It should display on the machine you ssh'ed into
if I'm not mistaken.


Re: fetchmail

2018-11-19 Thread mick crane

On 2018-11-19 00:33, Nate Bargmann wrote:

I installed the Sid version on this Buster installation and it works
just fine.  I simply downloaded it and installed it manually.  Aptitude
puts it in the Obsolete and Locally Created Packages section.  Shrug.

- Nate

fetchmail for me had a problem with the ssl certificate of gmail which 
keeps changing seemingly depending on which server connect to. Probably 
is fixable but was easier to use getmail.



Re: Upgrade Problem

2019-01-08 Thread mick crane

On 2019-01-07 02:56, John Crawley wrote:

On 06/01/2019 00.26, wrote:

On Friday, January 04, 2019 08:21:30 PM David Wright wrote:

On Fri 04 Jan 2019 at 14:02:27 (-0500), Stephen P. Molnar wrote:

Having babbled for the last two paragraphs, I'll close buy saying 

I will revert to the entire installation on the same partition.

I would advise you to keep your separate /home partition. Except for
dot files/directories, they're independent of the OS. It makes
reinstallation and upgrades a lot easier.

I hink it is really inconvenient to have config information (basically 
the .
files) and what I call "real user data" (that is, documents, photos, 
...) combined in the same directory with the config information 

My solution: I create a separate top level directory (e.g. / 
instead of
/home/) and store all my "real user data" in /, and let 
the OS and
application programs do what they want in /home/.  When I 
upgrade or
move to a new machine, I move (well, copy) the content of / but 
let the

new OS create and fool with a new /home/.

Chime in to agree on that, but I use /data/
It really makes upgrades easier to have all that in its own 

Multi-boots can share it too.

I've tended to make a soft link in /home/me to another disk.



dumb question about SSL

2019-01-11 Thread mick crane

I'm having a bit of bother with my home server thingy.
does apache, roundcube, dovecot, cups.
is buster.
Is problem with roundcube communicating with dovecot or something. 
sending mail times out and the settings webpage isn't working whereas it 
was fine  a week ago.

It occurs to me I don't really understand how SSL works and if problem I 
have might be to do with that not understanding.

You can make a self signed certificate, a public, private pair
Apache says you can make one and Dovecot says you can make one.
So are these SSL pairs separate things or one thing in one place that 
identifies the machine.
What happens if connect to running apache  over encryption then connect 
to running dovecot over webmail with encryption, does it expect 
different keys ?

I'm a bit confused about it.
are the keys particular to the machine ? the domain ? the software ?

I dunno what I've done. I think I made some keys for apache the other 
day to see if I could get ssl working ( is just local so I don't really 
need it, but anyway ) but perhaps I made keys from dovecot documentation 
a year or so ago.

Perhaps there might be an issue that I changed my local domain from 
"local" to "home" in that time. Could that have anything to do with it ?

Should I delete all the ssl directories I can find to see if that helps 



Re: Taming the "lsblk" command

2019-01-09 Thread mick crane

On 2019-01-09 14:14, David Wright wrote:

On Wed 09 Jan 2019 at 13:54:45 (+), Curt wrote:

On 2019-01-09,  wrote:
> On Wednesday, January 09, 2019 03:01:42 AM Richard Hector wrote:
>> On 9/01/19 6:04 PM, Jude DaShiell wrote:
>> > lsblk -l -o name,label | sort | script
>> lsblk -ln -o name,label |sort | 

Re: USB media install has wrong partition

2018-09-16 Thread mick crane

On 2018-09-15 19:33, Thomas Schmitt wrote:

Can't you talk its firmware into BIOS emulating legacy mode ?
You could even use program fdisk to delete partition entry 2 in the ISO
in order to take away the USB boot lure for EFI. Some firmwares are
said to fall back to BIOS emulation automatically.

never really understanding this.
If mount iso as loopback does it show up in fdisk ?



Re: USB media install has wrong partition

2018-09-16 Thread mick crane

On 2018-09-16 08:38, Thomas Schmitt wrote:


i wrote:

> You could even use program fdisk to delete partition entry 2 in the ISO

mick crane wrote:

never really understanding this.
If mount iso as loopback does it show up in fdisk ?

No loopback is needed. fdisk will operate directly on the ISO image 

as it would operate on the USB stick.




Re: booting

2018-09-16 Thread mick crane

On 2018-09-16 12:05, Thakur Mahashaya wrote:

Hello dears!
Tell me, please, when the system is booted over the network, is it
enough to simply Internet via modem? Do I need to install an
additional program on a flash drive? Where is the checksum for the
image that is in the upper right corner of the official site? Thanks
so much.

I think I see.
If there is a checksum you are supposed to download the file and then 
install it locally.
Checksum is made by a program that examines the file and outputs numbers 
which only that file will produce.
To ensure that you download exactly the same file you have the same 
program on your PC which examines the downloaded file and if the numbers 
are the same then file is good.

checksum is produced md5 or sha-2 format
md5sum is available for windows, not sure about sha-2
I think I used Cygwin last time I did that.



Re: booting

2018-09-16 Thread mick crane

On 2018-09-16 12:52, mick crane wrote:

On 2018-09-16 12:05, Thakur Mahashaya wrote:

Hello dears!
Tell me, please, when the system is booted over the network, is it
enough to simply Internet via modem? Do I need to install an
additional program on a flash drive? Where is the checksum for the
image that is in the upper right corner of the official site? Thanks
so much.

I think I see.
If there is a checksum you are supposed to download the file and then
install it locally.
Checksum is made by a program that examines the file and outputs
numbers which only that file will produce.
To ensure that you download exactly the same file you have the same
program on your PC which examines the downloaded file and if the
numbers are the same then file is good.

checksum is produced md5 or sha-2 format
md5sum is available for windows, not sure about sha-2
I think I used Cygwin last time I did that.


Ok in windows there is CertUtil

CertUtil -hashfile downloaded.iso md5

CertUtil -hashfile downloaded.iso sha256


Re: Installing from live, was Re: booting

2018-09-17 Thread mick crane

On 2018-09-17 16:01, Thakur Mahashaya wrote:
Dear David, if you do not complicate, then tell me why the network is 

If unfamiliar perhaps you want to run live to see what software you want


Re: File with weird permissions, impossible to delete

2018-09-11 Thread mick crane

On 2018-09-11 18:45, Pétùr wrote:

Le 11/09/2018 à 19:34, Martin a écrit :

don't get crazy about FS corruption. There is no sign this is the case 
so far. Date and UID's are odd, but valid within ext4. Remove the 
immutable flag (chattr -i), you will be able to alter the files as you 

One hint will be, check if your system time is ok (both, date and 
hwclock!), may be there is a reason for this odd timestamps.

Thanks for the reassuring words.

I deleted the file 

without issue after chattr -i on this file.

However, it didn't work for the index.html file which is considered as 
a folder.

# ls -la .local/share/Trash/expunged/1257950219/
total 16
d-wS--S--T 2 1061270772 2605320832  4096 oct.   7  2412 .
drwx-- 3 petur petur 12288 avril 25 12:21 ..

what about moving everything else in full size somewhere and then rm -rf 
/path_to/fullsize ?


Re: handling lists in perl

2018-12-18 Thread mick crane

On 2018-12-19 00:43, deloptes wrote:

deloptes wrote:

if ( @array =~ /$hash[$key]/) {
print "key $key with value " . $hash{$key} .
" is in the array of values\n";

I checked and it seems the right answer is

my %hash = ( 1=>8,2=>20,6=>100,15=>100 );
my @array = (1, 21, 100, 8, 15, 22, 6, 12, 56);

foreach my $key (keys %hash) {
for (  @array ) {
if ($_ eq $hash{$key} ) {
print "key $key with value " . $hash{$key} .
" is in the array of values\n";

except there is only one 100 in @array it gets me along.
thanks and David too.



Re: handling lists in perl

2018-12-18 Thread mick crane

On 2018-12-19 00:43, deloptes wrote:

deloptes wrote:

if ( @array =~ /$hash[$key]/) {
print "key $key with value " . $hash{$key} .
" is in the array of values\n";

I checked and it seems the right answer is

my %hash = ( 1=>8,2=>20,6=>100,15=>100 );
my @array = (1, 21, 100, 8, 15, 22, 6, 12, 56);

foreach my $key (keys %hash) {
for (  @array ) {
if ($_ eq $hash{$key} ) {
print "key $key with value " . $hash{$key} .
" is in the array of values\n";

much appreciated, cheers.



Re: handling lists in perl

2018-12-19 Thread mick crane

On 2018-12-19 07:17, deloptes wrote:

mick crane wrote:

except there is only one 100 in @array it gets me along.
thanks and David too.

but this one 100 satisfies both 6 and 15 so 6 and 15 match.


yes but there is only one 100, only one key can have it.
I still try to figure out what goes on with the hash pairs
with a longer list of numbers your example seems to pick up on the 
values somehow.
I dunno, unless there is something about using $_ in a loop being 
unreliable ?

I persevere to succeed


Re: handling lists in perl

2018-12-19 Thread mick crane

On 2018-12-19 08:34, deloptes wrote:

mick crane wrote:

yes but there is only one 100, only one key can have it.
I still try to figure out what goes on with the hash pairs
with a longer list of numbers your example seems to pick up on the
values somehow.
I dunno, unless there is something about using $_ in a loop being
unreliable ?
I persevere to succeed


this is what you originally posted, so both 6 and 15 match 100 from the 

when key is 6 it compares 100 with each element from the list and 

100. Same goes for 15.
No idea what you mean!


given a set of *unique* numbers ( there is just one of the numbers in 
the list)
and a list of possible pairings find which pairs you can make from the 
6 can pair with 100 and 15 can pair with 100 but they cannot both be in 
the list of possible pairings because there is only one 100.


Re: handling lists in perl

2018-12-19 Thread mick crane

On 2018-12-19 09:12, mick crane wrote:

On 2018-12-19 08:34, deloptes wrote:

mick crane wrote:

yes but there is only one 100, only one key can have it.
I still try to figure out what goes on with the hash pairs
with a longer list of numbers your example seems to pick up on the
values somehow.
I dunno, unless there is something about using $_ in a loop being
unreliable ?
I persevere to succeed


this is what you originally posted, so both 6 and 15 match 100 from 
the list

when key is 6 it compares 100 with each element from the list and 

100. Same goes for 15.
No idea what you mean!


given a set of *unique* numbers ( there is just one of the numbers in 
the list)
and a list of possible pairings find which pairs you can make from the 

6 can pair with 100 and 15 can pair with 100 but they cannot both be
in the list of possible pairings because there is only one 100.

just to be a bit clearer.
given a list A of *unique* numbers
and a list B of possible pairings find which pairs you can make from the 
list A.

6 can pair with 100 and 15 can pair with 100 but they cannot both be
in the list of possible pairings because there is only one 100.


Re: Enet names

2019-01-26 Thread mick crane

On 2019-01-25 18:19, ghe wrote:

Buster, computer with MAC identified Ethernet ports

Is there a way to relabel Ethernet ports? Without changing things in a
number of config files?

I see on the web that changing udev used to do that, but now there are
at least 2 files to modify.

I'm gently moving to a new ISP, and I'm trying to set up new, virtual 

addresses on my Enet ports. Webmin tells me that enp0s31f6 is too long.
I could do it in /etc/network/interfaces, but Webmin does all that 

painlessly. Without typos.

I'd like to replace the /dev/random names with something understandable
to a mortal.

I was thinking of creating an alias in /dev pointing eth0 at enp0s31f6.
But where to put it? .bashrc would be convenient, but it'd be too late.
In an init file? Is the s.*d word going to do init files forever?

I read the otherday that you can do that in grub

never tried



Re: Can a recipients rights under GNU GPL be revoked?

2019-01-28 Thread mick crane

On 2019-01-28 12:27, wrote:

On Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 10:55:39AM +, mick crane wrote:


I did try to comprehend all of the GPL at one time and found it very
tricky to navigate.

I've been following this thread, and I think the GPL is much simpler
than that:

 (1) use: always
 (2) share (i.e. give to others, distribute, pack up in a bigger 

   you are bound by the GPL, that means you've to make the source
   available to your recipients, give them the same GPL rights)
 (3) modify: as soon as you distribute modified versions, you've to
   make those available under the same terms as the GPL.

Of course, if you own the copyright to the software itself (there's no
such thing as to "own" "the software", viz. this term is so ambiguous
as to be worthless), i.e. you wrote it, you paid someone to write it
under a contract which gives you the copyright, etc., then you're not
that much bound by (3). This is e.g. the basis for such things like
the combined licenses, where the copyright owner has a commercial
variant for those (presumably paying) customers who don't want to
be bound by the terms of the GPL. Ghostscript [1] is a prominent

The trick with (2) is that you, as a "receiver" of the softare, don't
have any rights to distribute it [2]; you are /granted/ those rights
by the issuer /if/ you comply with the terms of the GPL. This is the
implicit contract you're entering, whenever you /distribute/ the
software (or a modified version).

This is the "copyleft" hack contained in the GPL.

That said, I'm not a lawyer. Nor do I play one on TV.

[2] That's by plain and simple copyright law.

-- t

What I intended to mean was if somebody wants to try to alter (rescind) 
the license they would have to get the agreement of all the previous 
authors whose work, released under the GPL, they used in their code.

Which I can't see happening.



Re: Can a recipients rights under GNU GPL be revoked?

2019-01-28 Thread mick crane

On 2019-01-28 15:14, wrote:

On Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 12:55:15PM +, mick crane wrote:


What I intended to mean was if somebody wants to try to alter
(rescind) the license

You'd have to explain what you mean by "rescind" here: the license
to the current version or the one to the future versions. Details
would depend on the license's text. GPLV3 is pretty explicit on

  2. Basic Permissions.

  All rights granted under this License are granted for the term
  of copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the
  stated conditions are met.

Any questions?


they would have to get the agreement of all the previous authors
whose work, released under the GPL, they used in their code.

This is a whole other kettle of fish, and you shouldn't mix it with
the above -- this will result in impenetrable fog.

This concerns the case when a project wants to change the license:
suppose it is "GPLV2 only" and the project leaders would like to
relicense it to "GPLV3". This would run against the "GPLV2 only"
terms, so it is only possible if /all copyright holders/ agree.

In some cases it's easy (as when there's just one copyright holder)
in others (prominent example: the Linux kernel) each contributor
retains the copyright to her own contribution... a change is
practically impossible. But some (admittedly smaller at that time)
projects have managed to pull that off [1].

The normal case is that when the original authors/company would
like to do something like that, they expect a CLA ("Contributor's
licence agreement") from their contributors (but that has to be
done in advance, of course).

Which I can't see happening.

Sometimes it happens (see OSM example below)


Was Smoothwall I think wanted to make proprietary and not release the 
code which resulted in IPCop.

-- t


Re: old never used memorex cd media

2019-04-02 Thread mick crane

On 2019-04-02 23:14, Felix Miata wrote:

99% of users write netinstall images to a a USB stick.

Cite please? If there are 100 users on this list, Gene plus Greg plus 
me would

make 3%. :-D

If this is a poll I use DVDs, there is more space to write on.


Re: text editors

2019-03-27 Thread mick crane

On 2019-03-26 19:27, Wayne Sallee wrote:

I use vim.

Log in as user that will use vim, and run the following command:

cat > .vimrc << "EOF"
set nosi noai
set number

I have line numbers as the default but copy/paste with the mouse also 
copies the numbers so I have to turn it on and off.


Re: text editors

2019-03-27 Thread mick crane

On 2019-03-26 15:48, Teemu Likonen wrote:

mick crane [2019-03-26 07:35:11Z] wrote:

there it is then, although I've so far managed to avoid Emacs since
heard it is more of an operating system than an editor.

There are those who know Emacs, and there are those who know decades 

jokes about Emacs.

Sorry if appeared disrespectful, avoided because seemed daunting. I have 
enough trouble working out what to type as well as how to type it.


Re: text editors

2019-03-26 Thread mick crane

On 2019-03-25 12:29, Teemu Likonen wrote:

mick crane [2019-03-25 04:38:31Z] wrote:

Is there any text editor, preferably in a terminal that has the 

to protect lines in the document, not the document itself ?
I've got 2 blocks of "code" that look similar and I keep editing the
wrong one and then it doesn't work.

GNU Emacs has text properties which can be added to any piece of text.
One of the properties is named "read-only". I made two functions to
handle the situation you described.

Put these function to you Emacs's init file (~/.emacs or

(defun read-only-region (beg end)
  "Makes a region in the current buffer read only, from buffer
position BEG to END. If this function is called interactively use
the current hightlighted region."
  (interactive "r")
  (add-text-properties beg end '(read-only t)))

(defun remove-read-only ()
  "Remove all read only text properties from the current buffer."
  (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(remove-text-properties (point-min) (point-max)
'(read-only t

Select some text in a buffer and execute command "Alt+x
read-only-region". That area becomes read only. To remove all read only
text areas from the current buffer execute command "Alt+x

there it is then, although I've so far managed to avoid Emacs since 
heard it is more of an operating system than an editor.


text editors

2019-03-24 Thread mick crane
Is there any text editor, preferably in a terminal that has the facility 
to protect lines in the document, not the document itself ?
I've got 2 blocks of "code" that look similar and I keep editing the 
wrong one and then it doesn't work.



Re: text editors

2019-03-25 Thread mick crane

On 2019-03-25 05:29, Erik Christiansen wrote:

On 25.03.19 04:38, mick crane wrote:
Is there any text editor, preferably in a terminal that has the 
facility to

protect lines in the document, not the document itself ?
I've got 2 blocks of "code" that look similar and I keep editing the 

one and then it doesn't work.

The only thing I can think of, using vim (haven't used anything else 

30 years), is to turn on folding, and include a warning in a comment on
the first line of the block. Whether folding is on blank lines (simple
paragraph/block folding), or foldmethod=marker, the first line line is
displayed while folded.

Having to unfold the block, with only the warning and a short initial
line of code or block identifier visible, ought to be sufficiently
alerting if the blood level in the caffeine stream is not too high.

Putting the warning in "foldtext" wouldn't work, because then it'd
appear on all folded paragraphs - unless you used foldmethod=manual, 

only folded the troublesome blocks.

In extremis, you could write a vimscript function to do all sorts of
weird stuff on folding, but I think it would be a bit of work to put a
password on unfolding.

:help folding


not heard about folding.
I'm not very good at this.
kind of related I'm having difficulty copy and pasting.
If on windows [sorry] and in putty session for Debian no gui vi, if 
highlight text with mouse then it is automatically saved to windows 
clipboard for pasting but then in putty cannot scroll past bottom of 
If set marks and then yank to other mark text is yanked but is not in 
windows clipboard buffer for pasting.
In visual mode I can highlight all text with go to mark but that is not 
in windows buffer either.
I tried all different commands to try to get text into windows buffer 
but nothing seems to work.


Re: text editors

2019-03-25 Thread mick crane

On 2019-03-25 10:12, Erik Christiansen wrote:

On 25.03.19 07:53, mick crane wrote:

not heard about folding.

It can be very handy. I have around 420 pages of notes in one file. 

present as a one-page contents table with section page counts. While
cursoring down and then across opens a chosen fold, there are several
folding levels to the bottom. Hierarchical groping and digging is an
inefficient constraint suffered by GUIs; it is much quicker to just use
vim's '/' to search for a keyword. Given capitalised headings and
keywords, suffixed with a ':' for the major section on that topic, the
right line in 28532 lines is quickly found, and the required folds
opened automatically.

I'm not very good at this.

Give it 30 years. Experience creeps up on you.

kind of related I'm having difficulty copy and pasting.
If on windows [sorry] and in putty session for Debian no gui vi, if

Commiserations. I'd be sorry too if I had to use windows. (Avoided it
entirely during 30 years in IT - took a fat redundancy package when
windows finally caught up, and retired.

highlight text with mouse then it is automatically saved to windows
clipboard for pasting but then in putty cannot scroll past bottom of 

Sounds like a putty limitation? I'll admit to only ever having copied 

an X11 clipboard, so can't offer relevant experience. I've never used
gvim - plain vim in an xterm works fine with the X11 clipboard, so long
as I remember to turn off autoindent before pasting, to avoid a
stairstep paste. (I have the F12 key mapped to toggle vim's "paste"
attribute, so a single key handles both on and off.)

If set marks and then yank to other mark text is yanked but is not in
windows clipboard buffer for pasting.

Have you checked whether the yank goes into the "* (clipboard) 

Check also the "+ register, in case the windows clipboard is looking
there instead. A post on the vim-use ML might elicit more info related
to your environment. Back in 2011, Gary Johnson had a "Copy and paste
problem" which was fixed for windows with "set clipboard^=unnamed".)

:help 'clipboard'
:help :set^=

I tend to just use a mouse drag to grab text to the X11 clipboard for
pasting into something GUI.

In visual mode I can highlight all text with go to mark but that is 
not in

windows buffer either.
I tried all different commands to try to get text into windows buffer 

nothing seems to work.

Check   " :set clipboard ? "

IIUC, it should include unnamed and unnamedplus for problem-free
communication with the windows clipboard - inferring from a couple of
archive posts from 2011,12. Including unnamedplus isn't good for the
linux clipboard, though.

If all else fails, the vim-use mailing list is a darned sight more
knowledgeable on vim/windows stuff.


tried "set clipboard=unnamed" and that.
":%y *" is supposed to copy to buffer and ":%y +" also says unrecognized 
register or something"

": reg" shows
so I don't know.
obviously buffers are on different machines and maybe putty just buffers 
what's on the screen.

Just wondered why it didn't work.



Re: 'synaptic' removed from buster

2019-04-05 Thread mick crane

On 2019-04-05 07:46, wrote:

On Fri, Apr 05, 2019 at 07:37:05AM +0100, mick crane wrote:


Making you be root to download stuff off the internet never seemed
like a good idea.

And letting "you" (not root) install things in system directories
(/usr/bin et al) seems to be as bad an idea. Remember that little
javascript in your browser made by "Fakebook"? It's running as
you. Do you want it to put its grubby fingers all over your system

No, the installer doesn't want root to "download stuff". It wants
root to put things on /usr/bin, /etc and similar places. Actually
it /needs/ root for that, and this seems to be a Good Thing.

If you want to try out alternatives, you could do (kids: don't try
this at home!):

I repeat: **DON'T DO THIS AT HOME!**

  sudo chmod -R ugo+rwX /


Enjoy your alternative Unix.

-- t

what's the issue with
seeing what's available as you,
checking what you need as root,
downloading as you,
install as root.



Re: 'synaptic' removed from buster

2019-04-05 Thread mick crane

On 2019-04-04 20:57, Greg Wooledge wrote:

On Thu, Apr 04, 2019 at 03:46:52PM -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:

The solution seems simple enough, fix wayland.  This is after all a
multiuser and multitasking OS, why go out of the way, way out of the 

to make it work like win-3.0?

The notion of running a client as user X to talk to a display server
running as user Y seems to directly contradict the Wayland security
model.  As far as I can understand it, given the rather vague Wayland
documentation I've seen so far.

I think the "correct" fix for synaptic would be to redesign it to run 
graphical interface as you, communicating with an auxiliary process 
runs as root which can install and remove packages.  That second 

could be a child of synaptic, or an independent daemon of some kind.
Authentication methods to be determined by whomever does the work.

I would not describe this solution as "simple".  Maybe you had a 

solution in mind.

Making you be root to download stuff off the internet never seemed like 
a good idea.


Re: 'synaptic' removed from buster

2019-04-05 Thread mick crane

On 2019-04-05 10:51, wrote:

On Fri, Apr 05, 2019 at 08:43:32AM +0100, mick crane wrote:

On 2019-04-05 07:46, wrote:
>On Fri, Apr 05, 2019 at 07:37:05AM +0100, mick crane wrote:
>>Making you be root to download stuff off the internet never seemed
>>like a good idea.
>And letting "you" (not root) install things in system directories
>(/usr/bin et al) seems to be as bad an idea [...]


what's the issue with
seeing what's available as you,
checking what you need as root,
downloading as you,
install as root.

Imagine some random javascript (running as you, the "normal" user
starts doing system things (browser sandboxing? nah!). At this point
I'd hope I get asked for my password, to get a chance to stop the
whole shenanigan. But that's just me...

-- t
well normal user isn't supposed to do system things. Sudo makes me 


Re: 'synaptic' removed from buster

2019-04-05 Thread mick crane

On 2019-04-05 12:37, wrote:

On Fri, Apr 05, 2019 at 12:28:18PM +0100, mick crane wrote:


probably I don't understand. What I'm mooting is who knows what
skillful cracker can get hold of your account credentials when
online. If user can't do root stuff on strength of their own
password then any malignant activity would be limited.

It's not about user/root as different /persons/, but as different
/roles/. I want to be able to "do" root on my box (and I want
everyone to have that possibility on their box). But I want to
be aware of /when/ I'm playing the root role.

well su root and then enter root's password always seemed to work.

-- t


Re: 'synaptic' removed from buster

2019-04-05 Thread mick crane

On 2019-04-05 11:27, wrote:

On Fri, Apr 05, 2019 at 11:07:42AM +0100, mick crane wrote:


well normal user isn't supposed to do system things. Sudo makes me

You don't seem to understand sudo.

It lets you control finely under which conditions a normal user
is able to change to root. One posibility (one edit of /etc/sudoers
away) would be "never", if you like that.

Another (imo more sensible) would be: when doing backup, always;
when installing packages, only this or that user, giving her 

or giving root's credentials.

You name it.

-- t
probably I don't understand. What I'm mooting is who knows what skillful 
cracker can get hold of your account credentials when online. If user 
can't do root stuff on strength of their own password then any malignant 
activity would be limited.


Re: 'synaptic' removed from buster

2019-04-05 Thread mick crane

On 2019-04-05 10:06, Gene Heskett wrote:

On Friday 05 April 2019 02:37:05 mick crane wrote:

On 2019-04-04 20:57, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 04, 2019 at 03:46:52PM -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> The solution seems simple enough, fix wayland.  This is after all a
>> multiuser and multitasking OS, why go out of the way, way out of
>> the way
>> to make it work like win-3.0?
> The notion of running a client as user X to talk to a display server
> running as user Y seems to directly contradict the Wayland security
> model.  As far as I can understand it, given the rather vague
> Wayland documentation I've seen so far.
> I think the "correct" fix for synaptic would be to redesign it to
> run the
> graphical interface as you, communicating with an auxiliary process
> that
> runs as root which can install and remove packages.  That second
> process
> could be a child of synaptic, or an independent daemon of some kind.
> Authentication methods to be determined by whomever does the work.
> I would not describe this solution as "simple".  Maybe you had a
> different
> solution in mind.

Making you be root to download stuff off the internet never seemed
like a good idea.


Good point, Mick. But then who owns /var/cache/apt?

I dunno, I asked a similar question when I installed gentoo over a dial 
up modem.

2 weeks on the phone line as root didn't seem sensible.

Cheers, Gene Heskett


Re: 'synaptic' removed from buster

2019-04-05 Thread mick crane

On 2019-04-05 21:13, David Wright wrote:

From this and other posts of yours, you seem to feel very vulnerable
when connected to anywhere outside your system, as if you're under
a man-in-the-middle attack all the time.

Do I come across like that ?
It is probably correct. I think it is because I don't understand all of 
this stuff.
I understand bits here and there, yet it does seem increasingly 
difficult to know what exactly is going on.

A solution is for root to add lines like:

Cmnd_Alias  EMAILQUEUED = /bin/ls -lR /var/spool/exim4/
## who  where   = (as_whom) what

to a file like /etc/sudoers.d/foo so that you (defined as ME) can
run that specific command as Debian-exim (EMAIL) on given hosts.
Now, a bash function can be defined to handle all the typing for
you (as user):

my-q ()
[ -n "$1" ] && printf '%s\n' "Usage: $FUNCNAME
checks the outbound mail queue." 1>&2 && return 1;
ps -p $(pgrep exim4);
sudo -u Debian-exim ls -lR /var/spool/exim4/

$ my-q

thanks for that.




Re: text editors

2019-03-30 Thread mick crane

On 2019-03-29 08:22, Erik Christiansen wrote:

On 29.03.19 17:26, Erik Christiansen wrote:

" Toggle relative line numbering.
function! NList_toggle()
if  == 1
 set nornu" For absolute, elide the 'r'.
 set rnu  " For absolute, elide the 'r'.

Apologies. There's almost always something omitted when pasting from
elsewhere. Let's include the connection to the F1 key:

noremap  :call NList_toggle()

A more meaningful function name would be better, too.
(but important here is only the connection, and the toggling, for the


thanks for these


Re: Swapping Drives - Sanity Check

2019-02-23 Thread mick crane

On 2019-02-23 17:03, wrote:

On Sat, Feb 23, 2019 at 11:21:39AM -0500, wrote:


   * and somewhat similarly (but in a very different context) in a 3 
pin power
plug for an ordinary household outlet (in the US), the ground pin is 
than the power pins so that the ground is connected before power is 

In the second case, the first contact is *protective ground*. It's 

to protect you from a defective device shorting the hot end to its
chassis. The power carrying pins are connected "at the same time" (i.e.
in some random order, and possibly a couple of times, if you chose
your time resolution high enough).

I'm not very good at electricity. As I've had it explained the neutral 
is driven into the ground at the generating station.
The Earth/ground circuit is supposed to be driven into the ground at 
your house, it's purpose to allow enough electrons to flow to trip the 
RCB/fuse in case there is a short in the local device/wiring and also a 
break in the neutral transmission line between you and the generating 


font size printing from terminal

2019-02-28 Thread mick crane

is buster
I can print from command line with
"lp filename"
but not with "lpr filename"
when printing from terminal the font is a bit big and uses too much 
apparently "enscript -FCourier10 filename" for example is supposed to 
work but that sends it to lpr which doesn't.
Can try to get lpr to work as I have in the past or try to get enscript 
to use lp
Or maybe there is another way to change printed font size from terminal 


Re: font size printing from terminal

2019-03-01 Thread mick crane

$ enscript -d filename
lpr: test: unknown printer

sorry that is a typing error, the actual file was called "test".
tried the printer name after "-d" but put this here because shows 
enscript is using lpr


Re: font size printing from terminal

2019-03-01 Thread mick crane

On 2019-03-01 11:42, Brian wrote:

On Fri 01 Mar 2019 at 11:35:18 +, mick crane wrote:

On 2019-03-01 11:15, Curt wrote:

> I believe the lpr that works with cups is the one provided by cups-bsd.
success !
ta ever so much

If installing the cups-bsd package was the solution, why didn't the use
of lpr give a file not found error?

I'd previously installed lpr

Re: font size printing from terminal

2019-03-01 Thread mick crane

On 2019-02-28 18:59, mick crane wrote:

is buster
I can print from command line with
"lp filename"
but not with "lpr filename"
when printing from terminal the font is a bit big and uses too much 

apparently "enscript -FCourier10 filename" for example is supposed to
work but that sends it to lpr which doesn't.
Can try to get lpr to work as I have in the past or try to get
enscript to use lp
Or maybe there is another way to change printed font size from terminal 

I'm not really understanding.
Is "lp" to do with CUPS and "lpr" to do with lpd daemon ?
I have CUPS server on other PC.

on client PC
$ lpstat -t
scheduler is running
system default destination: HP_LaserJet_4000_Series
device for HP_LaserJet_4000_Series: socket://

"lp filename" prints OK

"systemctl start lpd.service"

"lpr filename" (nothing happens)

"enscript filename"
[ 1 page * 1 copy ] sent to printer
(but nothing happens)

enscript filename | lp
[ 1 page * 1 copy ] sent to printer
lp: No file in print request.

$ enscript -d filename
lpr: test: unknown printer

$ enscript -P filename
lpr: test: unknown printer

Do I need to put some sensible values in /etc/printcap to have enscript 
working as at the moment /etc/printcap seems to be defining a local 
printer ?
Or is there some way to tell any printer requests should go to CUPS 
server ?


Re: font size printing from terminal

2019-03-01 Thread mick crane

On 2019-03-01 11:15, Curt wrote:

I believe the lpr that works with cups is the one provided by cups-bsd.

success !
ta ever so much


roundcube installer web helper problem

2019-03-02 Thread mick crane

I'm having a bit of bother configuring roundcube on buster
I've installed roundcube before from sources and has been ok for a few 
years but now is something a bit wrong so I install with apt.

on the installer web page step 2 there is the message
"Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in 
/usr/share/roundcube/installer/config.php on line 205

Log errors
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in 
/usr/share/roundcube/installer/config.php on line 208

Print errors (to the browser)"

I guess that is a real error message.

205 echo $check_debug->show(($value & 1) ? 1 : 0 , array('value' => 1, 
'id' => 'cfgdebug1'));

206 echo 'Log errors';
208 echo $check_debug->show(($value & 4) ? 4 : 0, array('value' => 4, 
'id' => 'cfgdebug4'));

when click create config button there is no text in the code box and 
says cannot write config file which is writable by the www-data and the 
temp and log directories are OK to write to according to installer web 

I guess there should be a number there instead of the ? but I don't know 
what it should be.



Re: roundcube installer web helper problem

2019-03-02 Thread mick crane
well OK I found another copy of the file and those lines are the same so 
I guess it is something it refers to.


Re: Help with video editing with ffmpeg

2019-03-06 Thread mick crane

On 2019-03-06 10:48, Gerardo Ballabio wrote:

I guess my question was too specific. I'll try asking directly on
ffmpeg mailing list.

probably best. I've only used ffmpeg to extract frames.
The syntax can be a bit daunting.
What I'd probably do is extract a frame of concern and see if there is a 
way to adjust curves by eye in Gimp and get/translate numbers from Gimp 
for use in ffmpeg.



Re: roundcube installer web helper problem

2019-03-05 Thread mick crane

this was solved by user on roundcube list

"In apache, having

Header always set X-Frame-Options DENY

Prevents roundcube from loading preview and settings."

well it solves settings tabs in roundcube not working so I guess it is 
the same with the installer help page which I've not bothered to test as 
it's all working now.


Re: font size printing from terminal

2019-03-01 Thread mick crane

On 2019-03-01 11:49, Brian wrote:

on client PC
$ lpstat -t
scheduler is running
system default destination: HP_LaserJet_4000_Series
device for HP_LaserJet_4000_Series: socket://

This is not a connection to the server. socket://... indicates a direct
connection to the printer.

with CUPS server network cable plugged in
"enscript file"
with CUPS server network cable unplugged
"enscript file"
hangs, does not print

"lp filename" prints OK

That's what should happen.

"systemctl start lpd.service"

Eh? You would have to explain. For a start, the service file does not
seem to exist in Debian.

clutching at straws



Re: font size printing from terminal

2019-03-01 Thread mick crane

On 2019-03-01 12:24, Brian wrote:

On Fri 01 Mar 2019 at 12:21:05 +, Brian wrote:

On Fri 01 Mar 2019 at 12:09:16 +, mick crane wrote:

> On 2019-03-01 11:49, Brian wrote:
> > > on client PC
> > > $ lpstat -t
> > > scheduler is running
> > > system default destination: HP_LaserJet_4000_Series
> > > device for HP_LaserJet_4000_Series: socket://
> >
> > This is not a connection to the server. socket://... indicates a direct
> > connection to the printer.
> with CUPS server network cable plugged in
> "enscript file"
> prints
> with CUPS server network cable unplugged
> "enscript file"
> hangs, does not print

Communication with a remote CUPS server is with IPP over port 631.
socket://... is over port 9100.

Just to be clear: cupsd doesn't listen on port 9100.

I'm presuming that the "lpstat -t" result is the CUPS server saying how 
it is connected to the printer


Re: font size printing from terminal

2019-03-01 Thread mick crane

On 2019-03-01 12:16, Brian wrote:

On Fri 01 Mar 2019 at 12:09:16 +, mick crane wrote:

On 2019-03-01 11:49, Brian wrote:

> > "systemctl start lpd.service"
> Eh? You would have to explain. For a start, the service file does not
> seem to exist in Debian.

clutching at straws

Which package is lpd.service in?

sorry I don't know, presume it came with lpr
systemctl didn't complain about unknown service


advice sought for program with GUI

2019-02-28 Thread mick crane

I'm not very good at this stuff, have remembered bits here and there.
Memory seems no so good these days.
I've done pieces of simple calculations on 2D images in the past but 
when I go back and look at them think " now what does that do and what 
did I type to make it work".
I'm thinking that if I do something now I should make a little GUI with 
buttons to click on that are self explanatory.

I know nothing about that.
Is that Gtk or ncurses or something ?
pointers to what's needed appreciated.



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