Re: Question to all candidates: financing of development

2010-03-14 Thread Raphael Hertzog
Hi Julien,

On Sat, 13 Mar 2010, Julien Cristau wrote:
 Compare Random Joe Developer is soliciting funding for his debian work
 vs Debian is soliciting funding for Random Joe Developer's debian
 work.  The former is fine IMO, has no risk of being seen as a Debian
 thing, and can be done without involving the DPL or anyone besides
 Random Joe.

In the former case there's no infrastructure if every Random Joe has to
solicit funding individually. It will only work with big donors/sponsors
that can pay a full project alone (because they have a genuine interest in
seeing that project completed). With an infrastructure, smaller donations
can be combined, it will have more visibility (since all developers
promote the same thing, and since all completed projects are showing
that the infrastructure is useful and working).

 Why do you think Debian as a project, or the DPL, should be involved in

I do no think they have to be involved. But if you have an external project
where multiple DD propose projects and promote it (since they want it to
be successful so that their projects are financed), do you really believe
that it would not be seen as a Debian thing?

Raphaël Hertzog

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Re: Question to all candidates: financing of development

2010-03-14 Thread Stefano Zacchiroli
On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 02:04:37PM +1100, Anthony Towns wrote:
 On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 05:01, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
  Some DDs are able to pursue specific Debian projects due to bounties
  they put on the projects (both AJ and Raphael have similar initiatives
  on their homepages, even though I don't know how much they are
  successful in terms of customers).
 Unless you mean some other AJ, that's not right. I mean, technically I
 guess I haven't removed the page for that I had back in 2005, but I

So, the AJ I had in mind was indeed you and the initiative I had in mind
was the AJ market you referenced. In what I wrote there seems to be
just an imprecision of out-of-date-ness: the initiative is not running
anymore. I did remember the-aj-market post, but I had no idea how much
successful it had been (as I noted in the post).

Anyhow, as I believe it was clear from the context, it was not meant to
be a criticism: such initiative are parts of the initiative I believe
are acceptable (a DD which campaigns for supporting his own work).

 One of the challenges of being DPL is working out when to let a few
 violently opposed people block projects and ideas being worked on, and
 when (and how) to put up with the flack, deal with their concerns and
 objections and continue anyway. Anything the leader tries to do will
 fall into one of two camps: no one will care, or someone will be
 opposed and try to make life painful for the people trying to make it

I guess so. My point here is that, in every non-consensual decision
(which in Debian I believe approaches the totality of the decision taken
by the DPL and/or core teams) one should balance the benefits of the
decision, with its consequences on those who disagree with it. My
personal position on this _specific_ issue is that the balance of
benefits and potential disruptures is not worth to try something like
Dunc-Tank again in the near future. At least not within Debian, that is.


Stefano Zacchiroli -o- PhD in Computer Science \ PostDoc @ Univ. Paris 7
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Re: Question to all candidates: financing of development

2010-03-14 Thread Stefano Zacchiroli
On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 09:39:27AM +1100, Anthony Towns wrote:
 But all that aside, GSoC still gets some flames on Debian lists; see
 the thread on -devel from about this time last year, eg:

FWIW, I believe the above flames (which match those I remember having
ever had about GSoC) are in a quite different field than those we had
about Dunc-Tank.

The main criticism to GSoC we had within the project is that it should
not be used to support student which are already involved in Debian as
DDs and/or DMs. That is a criticism I personally share. GSoC is about
getting new blood in the project; hiring students which are already
involved in the project pretty much defeats that purpose.


Stefano Zacchiroli -o- PhD in Computer Science \ PostDoc @ Univ. Paris 7
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Re: Question to all Candidates: Project Funds and donations

2010-03-14 Thread Stefano Zacchiroli
On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 12:02:59AM +0100, Martin Zobel-Helas wrote:
 a) What do you think are valid goals to spend this money on?

I believe the driving principle should be to use money as much as
possible to keep the project running at its best, while keeping an
emergency reserve (e.g. to be sure we can afford impromptu hardware
replacement needs).

Then, all the following are worth goals in which money can be put into

- Sponsor DDs meetings.

  This include helping out with DebConf travel sponsorships (when
  sponsor money are not enough), as DPLs have done in the past.

  DebConf should not be the only sponsored meeting though. For instance,
  I acknowledge that a long week-end of work side-by-side can replace
  several weeks of remote work. If elected DPL, I plan to spot strategic
  areas where we might benefit from an intense hacking session, contact
  the involved people to check they are interested and available in
  meeting, and help out with money and/or specific sponsorship
  campaigns. This is pretty much what the Extremadura region has been
  offering to Debian, and I've always considered that as one of the best
  way to contribute resources to us.

  Note: we should not however sponsor _full_ trips just for the sake of
  it, otherwise even the money we have now can run out quite quickly. We
  should rather apply the DebConf model where, AFAIU it, you decide an
  overall budget and then within its limits you balance how much
  involved people are able to pay by themselves with how much they need
  to be able to attend.

- Sponsor specific resources to enable DDs work at best.

  For instance, DDs working on packages which take huge amount of time
  to build might need specific buildds to speed up their work.
  Similarly, DDs working on huge packages (this time in terms of .deb
  size) might need access to machines with better network connections
  for uploads or better connections tout court. I will encourage DDs
  which feel blocked by resource needs to contact me about such needs.

- Booth / marketing stuff.

  These are of course good places where to invest money, but I notice
  that in the past we have been more lacking organization and manpower
  than money. It is looking better these days, though.

FWIW, I don't believe the discussion raised by Steve on how to spend
Debian money last year did not reach a conclusion. For instance, the
BoF at DebConf9 titled money, money, money has provided a lot of
suggestions, they just need to be put into use.

Last but not least, the project needs to be way more transparent on how
much money flows in and out. Ideally, we should have a public disclosure
of all money that comes in and that goes out (the latter at least easily
accessible to all DDs). That, I believe, would be way more fair both to
donors and to DDs, which vote for the DPL and should be able to review
his/her choices on Debian money, no matter they want to be SPI members
or not.  Note that achieving that is not necessarily easy: it probably
involves more work on the shoulders of various treasurers and we should
be ready to help out with that, if it is a blocker.

 b) How would you think is a valid way to thank (hardware) contributors?

Having a public balance of what comes in, in terms of money, would be a
good start.

For hardware contributions the best way is probably to advertise the
contributor on the web page of the hosted service, as we do for some
services, even though not uniformly. Ideally, we should have a web page
describing our technical infrastructure and who-has-sponsored-what in
such infrastructure.

 c) What qualifies a contributor to become a Debian Partner? What
qualifies a Debian Partner?

In other big non-profit organizations I've been a member of, partnership
programs usually require an yearly subscription fee (possibly in
different classes: silver, gold, platinum, ...). In exchange of that the
partners get listed in a partners page and, in some cases, they also
get the right to voice their opinion in the choices of the
organization. We surely don't want the latter: as I've stated elsewhere
in Debian money shan't drive decisions (and we're open anyhow, anybody
can voice her opinion in our matters). We should have the former: a page
listing partners which are supporting us, and in fact we do have it.

How to organize that in term of donation thresholds and visibility is a
choice that we should better delegate to specific teams, such as -www,
-publicity, -press.


Stefano Zacchiroli -o- PhD in Computer Science \ PostDoc @ Univ. Paris 7
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sempre uno zaino ...| ..: | Je dis tu à tous ceux que j'aime

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Re: Question to all Candidates: Project Funds and donations

2010-03-14 Thread Kalle Kivimaa
Stefano Zacchiroli writes:
 or not.  Note that achieving that is not necessarily easy: it probably
 involves more work on the shoulders of various treasurers and we should
 be ready to help out with that, if it is a blocker.

It isn't that difficult, the only thing that needs to happen is for the
Debian Auditor to do his/her job regularily. Of course, if we want eg.
quarterly reports, then it might add additional burden on the various
treasureres of the organizations holding Debian monies in trust, but a
yearly monies received / spent / balance report isn't that hard.

That said, most of the Debian monies are in SPI, which does a nice
monthly report already.

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Re: Question to all Candidate: In ten years...

2010-03-14 Thread Margarita Manterola
In Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 11:35 PM, Dmitrijs Ledkovs wrote:

 Please finish In ten years I'd like Debian

In ten years I'd like Debian to still be thriving as the Universal OS.
 Things will obviously have changed. But, if we look back to 1993 when
Debian started, a lot of things were different; however, the spirit of
the distrubution remains.  And I think that into the future it could
be like that as well.  Things will change, it's inevitable, it's
expected, it's bound to happen.  But we can always adapt into keeping
Debian current, keeping Debian a great distribution for everybody,
keep working on making the best possible OS.

I'm not sure this matters too much for the DPL election, since the DPL
role lasts only one year, though.


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Re: Question to all Candidates: Heated discussions

2010-03-14 Thread Margarita Manterola
On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 11:40 PM, Dmitrijs Ledkovs wrote:

 Do you think current frequency/amount of heated discussions is
 acceptable for the Debian project?

Even though the mailing lists climate is much better than what it was
5 years ago, I think that it still sometimes gets too aggressive, and
when it does, it reduces the 'fun' factor, thus reducing productivity.

 What would you do to reduce those?

I think that the most important thing is keeping a positive climate.
Appreciating what the other person has said and done before starting
to criticize.  We can't hammer this into people, but we can teach by
example.  Also, when a discussion becomes a flamewar, I think it's
useful to talk privately to the parts involved and ask them to stop
for a moment to see the big picture.

I think that the flamewar problem is rooted in an old concept that
Debian is ok with flamewars.  The only way to get rid of this concept
is getting people that participate in flamewars to understand that
Debian is NOT ok with them.  We could do this with a renewed Code of
Conduct as has been proposed over and over these past years, but I
think that social pressure is much more effective than the Code of
Conduct itself.


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Re: Question to all the candidates: communication

2010-03-14 Thread Margarita Manterola
On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 12:17 AM, Paul Wise wrote:

 Which project and external Debian-related communications media do you
 follow? and contribute to? As well as a general list I'm interested in
 specific lists (for eg #debian, #debian-devel, debian-de...@l.d.o,
 debian-proj...@l.d.o, the Hardware forum on forums.d.n etc).

I generally follow quite a number of lists in Debian, -project,
-devel, -boot, -release, -women, -vote, -mentors, -newmaint, -policy,
-qa, -announce, -devel-announce.  I don't always read all the mails in
the lists, obviously, but I try to keep up with anything important
that is going on.  I'm usually in #debian-devel, #debian-release,
#debian-women, #debian-ar and #debconf-team. I also read Planet
Debian, I have a blog there but it's currently underused.

I'm also subscribed to the -bugs-dist list, although I use it mostly
for searching bugs and related mails.

I don't twitter, and I don't usually read any microblogs, nor do I use
facebook.  I don't plan to change this.

 How do you see those two lists changing if you become DPL?

I do plan to blog more, as well as post Bits from the DPL on -devel-announce.

 Which of these communications media do you feel is important for the
 DPL to read?

I think that it's important that the DPL keeps up with what's going on
in Debian, but it's not possible to read all the Debian lists.  That's
one of the things that I miss the most about DWN: it allowed us to be
updated on anything interesting happening on the mailing lists,
without having to read all of them.  In any case, -devel and -project
are obviously a must. For the rest, I think that anything important
that requires the DPL attention would be CC'd or forwarded to

I've been told that a lot of the DPL's time is spent reading /
replying to lea...@d.o mails.  I've been thinking about this and
pondering whether it would be a good idea to try to direct more of
those mails to RT instead of the leader's inbox, so that DDs can keep
track of what's being done about their requests, as long as they are
not private, of course.

 Please breifly comment on how you see Debian's relationship with some
 of these media.

I'm not sure of what's being asked here. Which of the mentioned media
are these media here?  Because obviously it's not the same
relationship with official Debian lists than with microblogging

 Do you feel any of these media have been misused by Debian people
 (DDs/non-DDs alike)? If so, what action would you take if you become

Again, I'm not sure which are these media in this case.  In any
case, apart from the aggression level discussed in another answer, I
don't think there's a level of misuse that we should worry about.

 Do you feel the general tone and perception of Debian is positive on
 the media that you follow? What action would you take to improve these
 if you become DPL?

For a lot of people outside Debian, Debian is seen as difficult from
the user point of view, and aggressive from the to-be-contributor
point of view.  I do plan to take action on both of this aspects if I
become DPL.  By doing a campaign with the message that Debian is not
harder than other GNU/Linux distributions, and by doing events as the
one commented on another answer for encouraging contributions.


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Re: Question to all Candidates: Heated discussions

2010-03-14 Thread Stefano Zacchiroli
On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 02:40:32AM +, Dmitrijs Ledkovs wrote:
 Do you think current frequency/amount of heated discussions is
 acceptable for the Debian project?  What would you do to reduce those?

Acceptable? No.  Normal? To some extent, yes.

Debian has a history of inflammable mailing lists, and in particular
inflammable -devel. Having been around for a while, I feel that nowadays
mailing list flames are way more bearable in Debian than, say, 5 years
ago. As Marga stated, the main problem of that is that it makes the fun
go away and eventually leads to people taking breaks and, in extreme
cases, resigning due to frustration.

The DPL has no particular power to resolve flames, but it must set a
good example in: not participating in ad hominem discussions, stating
publicly that specific kinds of posts are not acceptable, mailing
privately DDs which post them. Maybe the DPL hat can give a bit more
force to those activity, but ultimately only if a significant amount of
people start doing all these we will see a difference.

At the same time, we should think at the next generation of DDs (we have
been around for long enough to imagine being there ten years from now,
right?). As an Application Manager, I've noticed that there is quite
some margin of coaching in the NM process, in addition to question /
answers and technical skill checks. That is a point where we might
benefit from introducing some good lectures such as the Debian
Community Guidelines (drafter by Enrico Zini), which we've really never
tried. Having applicants read them, discuss them with their AM, and
possibly sign them, will be a small step which we might start benefiting
from a few years from now.


Stefano Zacchiroli -o- PhD in Computer Science \ PostDoc @ Univ. Paris 7
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sempre uno zaino ...| ..: | Je dis tu à tous ceux que j'aime

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Re: Question to all candidates: communication with the project [ Was: communication ]

2010-03-14 Thread Stefano Zacchiroli
On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 11:16:41AM -0600, Raphael Geissert wrote:
 How, how often, and when do you intend to communicate with the project?
 In the past there have been Bits from the DPL emails which have been nice, 
 but during the last couple of years there have also been some press 
 interviews to the DPL and statements made which have come as a surprise to 
 everybody. What do _you_ plan to do?

I've detailed this in my platform (which is in essence what I wrote in
my platform last year, so you might check that in the meantime). In
essence, I intend to provide a constant feed of DPL news in some
informal place (I'm still undecided on the technology: it can be a wiki
page a la wiki.d.o/DeveloperNews, a specific (micro)blogging feed, ...).

The feed will be frozen and sent to d-d-a _monthly_.

I'm very keen of this, at the point that:

1) If ever faced with the dilemma, I'll favor ditching some DPL duties
   and communicating about the others, than the other way around.

2) If I fail to freeze and post twice, I'll be ready to explain my
   failure to the project and ask for suggestions on how and if proceed
   for the rest of the term.

That might seem extreme, and probably is, but the DPL role is ultimately
about representing the project (internally and externally), and that
cannot work properly if the project doesn't know what the DPL is doing.
In fact, it is also possible that the DPL for some time will not be
doing anything (VAC? illness? whatever), but that should be inferrable
from the empty feed of news: no news should really mean no activity.


Stefano Zacchiroli -o- PhD in Computer Science \ PostDoc @ Univ. Paris 7
z...@{,,} --
Dietro un grande uomo c'è ..|  .  |. Et ne m'en veux pas si je te tutoie
sempre uno zaino ...| ..: | Je dis tu à tous ceux que j'aime

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Re: Question to all the candidates: communication

2010-03-14 Thread Stefano Zacchiroli
[ You've just won my prize for the most unexpected -vote question. ]

On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 10:17:06AM +0700, Paul Wise wrote:
 Which project and external Debian-related communications media do you
 follow? and contribute to? As well as a general list I'm interested in
 specific lists (for eg #debian, #debian-devel, debian-de...@l.d.o,
 debian-proj...@l.d.o, the Hardware forum on forums.d.n etc).


So, let's skip the lists specific to tech topics, as most of us I follow
one of them for each of my Debian technical activity and/or packaging
team (e.g. -ocaml-maint, -python, -devscripts [on alioth], etc.)
Regarding lists about the project as a whole I follow daily -devel,
-project, -vote (especially these days :-)), -newmaint, -qa, -private. I
contribute regularly to most of them.

To stay informed with what goes on in the project I follow planet.d.o,
Debian News (which has de facto resurrected DWN, an amazing
achievement!), various announcements ML (d-d-a, -events-eu), and a bunch
of Debian folks on  I post on planet.d.o quite regularly, I'd
say about once per week on average. Recently I've started microblogging
on Finally, I'm on a couple of cross-distro mailing lists
which I found amazing to advertise some of our worth sharing initiatives
(e.g. pushing for our Patch Tagging Guidelines on the
distribut...@freedesktop ML).

On IRC I basically mimic the MLs I follow: #-devel, #-qa, #-python,
#-newmaint, etc. However, I'm mostly idle on IRC and tend to get
activated only by explicit queries or needs of mine.

I don't follow any Debian forum and I'm not on any user support IRC


 How do you see those two lists changing if you become DPL?

As I declared in my platform last year, if elected I intend to step back
from my other Debian activities (which in most case already have
efficient teams even without me). Consequently, I'll decrease my
activities in the corresponding tech communication channels (ML/IRC).

Regarding project-wide ML, I'm already following most of them, but I
believe it would be important to participate in lists which concern our
communication (e.g. a bit more of -events* list, -publicity, and the

 Which of these communications media do you feel is important for the
 DPL to read?

All lists which are somehow project-wide should be followed by the DPL.

With infinite time available, the DPL should also follow all other
lists, but that's clearly impossible. To close the gap between that
optimum and reality, if elected I will be clear about what I regularly
follow and on what, OTOH, I will welcome explicit pings on DPL-relevant
threads (ideally, all the rest).

 Please breifly comment on how you see Debian's relationship with some
 of these media.

Not sure what you're asking here ..., can you be more precise?

 Do you feel any of these media have been misused by Debian people
 (DDs/non-DDs alike)? If so, what action would you take if you become

I don't think countering media abuse is something the DPL should do.
While I'm not sure what is the status for our IRC channels, for mailing
list we have list masters that in case of abuses can already apply
standard countermeasures such as per-person moderation.

I notice however that in most cases, what contributes to make not fun
following some of our medias does not really qualify as abuse. It is
rather a matter of good habits among co-workers and a culture of mutual
respect. We have a separate question on this topic already, I'll
elaborate on the subject there.

 Do you feel the general tone and perception of Debian is positive on
 the media that you follow? What action would you take to improve these
 if you become DPL?

In the above, we've mostly discussed internal communication media, so
the perception of Debian is generally positive as participants _are_
Debian. The needed improvements fallback again to the heated
discussion thread.

The few exceptions to internal communication I've mentioned are the
cross-distro mailing lists. There (to be exact I've in mind the vcs-pkg
and the dis...@freedesktop lists) the climate among all participants
have always been respectful and I don't have specific reasons to believe
the perception of Debian is not positive.


Stefano Zacchiroli -o- PhD in Computer Science \ PostDoc @ Univ. Paris 7
z...@{,,} --
Dietro un grande uomo c'è ..|  .  |. Et ne m'en veux pas si je te tutoie
sempre uno zaino ...| ..: | Je dis tu à tous ceux que j'aime

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Re: Question to all Candidate: In ten years...

2010-03-14 Thread Stefano Zacchiroli
On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 02:35:28AM +, Dmitrijs Ledkovs wrote:
 Please finish In ten years I'd like Debian

I'd like Debian to be *THE* renowned distribution in terms of:

- freeness (a distro which is free the bottom up, not only in the
  software it ships, but also in the infrastructure it builds upon)

- democracy (a distro in which decisions are taken either do-ocratically
  or democratically, by all its members, i.e. where company money does
  not count in decision making)

In fact, we are already quite peculiar in both above two points, but we
are often not seen as such because we are not particularly good at
communicating them. I'd like Debian to fix that way earlier than 10
years from now :-)

Additionally, in ten years I'd like Debian to be:

- the most fun distro to contribute to

- the distro which drives innovation in the dpkg-half of the world
  (assuming the distro world will still be split between dpkg/rpm 10
  years from now ...)

- the center of an ecosystem of derivative distributions where each
  derivative collaborates daily with Debian in a mutual exchange of
  patches that benefit all parties


Stefano Zacchiroli -o- PhD in Computer Science \ PostDoc @ Univ. Paris 7
z...@{,,} --
Dietro un grande uomo c'è ..|  .  |. Et ne m'en veux pas si je te tutoie
sempre uno zaino ...| ..: | Je dis tu à tous ceux que j'aime

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Re: Question to all Candidates: Project Funds and donations

2010-03-14 Thread Stefano Zacchiroli
On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 01:59:18PM +, Kalle Kivimaa wrote:
 It isn't that difficult, the only thing that needs to happen is for the
 Debian Auditor to do his/her job regularily. Of course, if we want eg.
 quarterly reports, then it might add additional burden on the various
 treasureres of the organizations holding Debian monies in trust, but a
 yearly monies received / spent / balance report isn't that hard.

I agree with all this, but yearly is IMO too coarse grained, especially
considering that it is the DPL which ultimately takes money decisions
and that he/she is elected yearly. If we want the report to provide some
form of control/transparency of the DPL choices, it should forcibly be
more frequent.

As I wrote before, one thing is a desiderata, one thing is what you can
get given the available work forces.  Given that you've just stepped
back from the position (which, honestly, I forgot we had), the first
obvious step is now finding a new volunteer for the position.

 That said, most of the Debian monies are in SPI, which does a nice
 monthly report already.

Yes, I'm aware of that being myself a SPI member. My main remarks on
that are:

- it is not easy enough accessible to DDs (I know, it is enough to
  become a SPI member and subscribe to the list, but I still believe it
  should be _easier_, e.g. a directory somewhere with archived .txt
  files accessible to all DDs)

- it is limited to the money we have in the SPI bank account. I'm sure
  most DDs, including yours truly, don't even know exactly how many
  different organizations we've in the world that hold Debian money

- ideally, I believe we should have a public list of our expenses on the
  web or, at the very minimum, make them available to our donors. It is
  just fair to provide something like that for a project that collects

Assuming there is enough work force and interest in the above, if
elected I will push for it.


Stefano Zacchiroli -o- PhD in Computer Science \ PostDoc @ Univ. Paris 7
z...@{,,} --
Dietro un grande uomo c'è ..|  .  |. Et ne m'en veux pas si je te tutoie
sempre uno zaino ...| ..: | Je dis tu à tous ceux que j'aime

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Re: Question to all Candidate: In ten years...

2010-03-14 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 02:35:28AM +, Dmitrijs Ledkovs a écrit :
 Hello =)
 Please finish In ten years I'd like Debian

Dear Dmitrijs,

In ten years I'd like Debian to be mainstream. Our biggest competitor is not
the proprietary operating systems anymore, it is all the closed-source gratis
online applications. Debian, as a universal operating system that provides the
applications on the server and the tools to access them on the terminal, is a
necessary answer to that threat. In 10 years, when people say “I am using
Debian”, I would like that they mean that Debian is powering both ends of the
software chain they use, that they chose it because the software is free,
because they trust our Project, and because we provided easy ways to set up
application servers in local communities.

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: Question to all the candidates: communication

2010-03-14 Thread Paul Wise
On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 11:27 PM, Margarita Manterola wrote:
 On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 12:17 AM, Paul Wise wrote:
 Please breifly comment on how you see Debian's relationship with some
 of these media.

 I'm not sure of what's being asked here. Which of the mentioned media
 are these media here?  Because obviously it's not the same
 relationship with official Debian lists than with microblogging

 Do you feel any of these media have been misused by Debian people
 (DDs/non-DDs alike)? If so, what action would you take if you become

 Again, I'm not sure which are these media in this case.  In any
 case, apart from the aggression level discussed in another answer, I
 don't think there's a level of misuse that we should worry about.

Sorry, I should have been more clear. By these media I meant the
Debian related communications media that you are following currently
or will follow if you become DPL.


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Re: Question to all the candidates: communication

2010-03-14 Thread Paul Wise
On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 4:56 AM, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:

 [ You've just won my prize for the most unexpected -vote question. ]

Thanks, I think :)

 On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 10:17:06AM +0700, Paul Wise wrote:
 Please breifly comment on how you see Debian's relationship with some
 of these media.

 Not sure what you're asking here ..., can you be more precise?

Hmm, not sure what I was thinking of when I wrote that. The
Thailand-induced hangover isn't helping either :) I'll update the
thread if I think of something.


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Re: Question to all Candidates: Project Funds and donations

2010-03-14 Thread Kalle Kivimaa
Stefano Zacchiroli writes:
 As I wrote before, one thing is a desiderata, one thing is what you can
 get given the available work forces.  Given that you've just stepped
 back from the position (which, honestly, I forgot we had), the first
 obvious step is now finding a new volunteer for the position.

I don't think it is too much of a burden for a Debian volunteer to send
out quarterly or even monthly emails and then collate the answers. But
it might be a burden to the trustee organizations. But the only way to
find out is to ask, of course :)

 - it is limited to the money we have in the SPI bank account. I'm sure
   most DDs, including yours truly, don't even know exactly how many
   different organizations we've in the world that hold Debian money

The list of organizations I'm aware of having Debian monies is:

Associação (Brazil)
Associazione Software Libero (Italy)
Debian UK
Debian Switzerland
Linux-Aktivaattori (Finland)
Verein zur Förderung Freier Informationen und Software e.V. (Germany)

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