Re: Proposal - preserve freedom of choice of init systems - Linux IS about CHOICE

2014-03-02 Thread Thomas Bushnell, BSG
Yes, by all means we should ignore the fake personas, Mr. Natural Linux,
whoever you are.

On Sun, Mar 2, 2014 at 7:25 PM, Natural Linux naturalli...@dcemail.comwrote:

 Matthias Urlichs, Why should we believe you or the bullshit excuses given
 in the article?

 The fact is, last year none of this crap was needed.
 Now it suddenly is.
 Furthermore gnome stole libgtk from the gimp project recently
 and then they made an incompatable libgtk 3.0.

 And now they're requiring all these bullshit daemons, and systemd.

 This is a political coup. We are being lead by the nose.
 Notice the arguments from the gnome and systemd people are always the same
 across all forums, for years.

 It is for your own good
 You must join the modern era
 They know better than us and we must join.
 Over and over again for the past year or two.

 I think these are the same people.
 Fake personas, or directed by their employers.

 They should be thrown out, we should recongise them for what they are.

 Real, traditional linux includes
 sysv or bsd style init (or openrc).
 libgtk2 (not 3).
 gnome2 (not 3).

 And no systemd.

 We should also take heed of Snowden's documents which show that
 the United States government, which is an evil force that
 blows up and burns alive little girls and boys in afghanistan
 iraq and elsewhere, had and has a program to subvert technology
 and software projects everywhere.

 Systemd and its shills are likely part of this.
 They should be thrown out of our community distributions.
 Pretty much anything by redhat is harmful nowadays.
 And anyone associated.

 Washington DC's Largest FREE Email service. --- A 
 Washington Online Community Member ---

Re: Draft GR: Simplification of license and copyright requirements for the Debian packages.

2010-02-07 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Mon, 2010-02-08 at 00:35 +0900, Charles Plessy wrote:
 3) Is there a benefit of allowing non-free files to be distributed together
 with the source of the Debian system ?

Have you considered the harm?  It means that users can no longer assume
that whatever is in the source packages can be distributed by them under
the DFSG.  Especially since your proposal is all about making copyright
information harder to locate, you are making things far harder.


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Re: Draft vote on constitutional issues

2009-05-13 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Wed, 2009-05-13 at 10:53 +0200, Giacomo A. Catenazzi wrote:
 DFSG is a guideline and a target: we must no go far as the nearest point
 we reached, but it still a guideline.
 - we never had a full DFSG Debian (also when DFSG was written)
 - we have RC also on stable releases. What should we do in such cases?
Block all dDbian website, all mirrors, etc. because it is clearly against
our foundations? No.

The Social Contract does not leave vague how we use the DFSG.  It could
say that we take the DFSG as a guideline, or as a target, but it does
not.  It does not say that we try to abide by it, or that we weigh it
against other things; it says that we *do* abide by it, 100%.  I wonder,
how could it be written even more strongly?  I have the feeling that if
it said we will never intentionally include non-free software in
Debian, no matter what the circumstances you would still start telling
us that this is a mere statement of goals and intentions, but not
anything actually binding.

Of *course* there will be bugs.  We cannot promise not to make mistakes.
The argument is *not* about whether non-free things get in
unintentionally.  We can't make a promise never to make a mistake.  But
we can promise not to intentionally include non-free software, and it is
this promise which we have now broken twice.

Note that the Social Contract does *not* say that we treat non-free
things as bugs just like other bugs.  We make no promise about other
bugs, except the general one to prioritize the interests of the free
software community and our users, both of which involve fixing bugs.
But section one doesn't just say it's a goal, or a priority, but says
that it is actually a *promise* not just to try hard, but *never* to
release non-free software as part of Debian.

 Where to put the line? This is the main problem: we have different 
 and our foundation documents (and related discussions) doesn't provide us
 a true (and clear) interpretation.

I think there is nothing unclear about it.  We have a perfectly clear
firm promise, and we have some people who do not want a firm clear
promise, and are willing to pretend that the social contract doesn't say
100% free software.


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Re: Draft vote on constitutional issues

2009-05-12 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Tue, 2009-05-12 at 17:06 +0200, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
 I think this is the core of the disagreement. I do not call it a
 temporary override of a foundation document; I call it a temporary
 practical consensus between the needs of our users and the needs of
 the free software community.

I don't understand.

Either Social Contract section one and the DFSG prohibit the
distribution of a non-free blob in the release, or they do not.

If they prohibit it, then it is an override to distribute
notwithstanding the prohibition.

If they do not prohibit it, then no resolution is necessary.

You seem to say an inconsistent thing: that they do prohibit it, and we
can avoid that prohibition by calling it a practical consensus instead
of an override.  Surely, however, it is the effect that matters, and
not the label you give it.


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Re: Firmware

2009-05-01 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Fri, 2009-05-01 at 13:58 +0200, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
 On Fri, May 01, 2009 at 11:48:58AM +0200, Luk Claes wrote:
  What do people think of a new vote regarding the status of firmware?
  One of the options can probably be Peter Palfrader's proposal [1].
 I'm very much in favor of having this vote early in the release cycle,
 and I was pondering about proposing it myself. Ideally, my goal would
 have been to have a vote on the issue in general, without any
 release-specific option. Peter's option is the main option I would
 like to see in, what else did you have in mind?

Absolutely I'm in favor of having the decision now, calmly.

My fear is that it won't matter what we do; the partisans of semi-free
Debian will not get everything they want (simply because nobody ever
does), and then will scream as the release is near that we must again
have special exceptions.  I hope I can be proved wrong.


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Re: Results of the Lenny release GR

2009-01-12 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Sun, 2009-01-11 at 10:32 +0100, Joerg Jaspert wrote:
  So, I think you made a mistake, a very serious one, and when asked about it,
  your explanation is completely unsatisfactory.  How do we solve this?
  Currently, the only solution I see is that we ask the developers what they
  think, and hold another vote.  Do you have any other idea in mind?
 How about accepting that the project wants to release, and not want to
 have yet another vote by someone who just doesnt like the outcome of the
 last? Please hurt another project, not Debian, we had enough of this

It is true that the project wants to release.  It is not true that the
project wants to release on just any terms whatsoever.


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Re: Results of the Lenny release GR

2009-01-12 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Sun, 2009-01-11 at 11:35 +0100, Joerg Jaspert wrote:
   Do you have any other idea in mind?
  Btw, Joerg, that goes for you too.  If you have something constructive to 
  this would be a good time.
 How about you going elsewhere until Lenny is released, then coming back
 as soon as that happens and start working on what is left to fix then?
 (Not right before a release, right after a release for a change.)

Sure, how about a deal.  Lenny will be the *last* release with this
non-DFSG stuff, and we'll go away for this one.  I thought that was the
deal last time, but it turns out that just this once is repeated in
Debian about as often as copyright extension bills in the US Congress.


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Re: Results of the Lenny release GR

2009-01-12 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Sun, 2009-01-11 at 10:44 -0700, Bdale Garbee wrote:
 That's why I think the main outcome of this ballot was an assertion of
 desire by the voters that we release Lenny.

Actually, I ranked #1 first, and yet, I have a desire that we release
Lenny.  However, I don't want a bad release, I want a good one.  That
means we don't release until it's ready--which in my view includes DFSG
bugs just as much as other RC bugs.

The option that won the vote does not say release Lenny no matter
what, it says, release Lenny, not looking to carefully at DFSG
problems in firmware blobs, more or less.  It was a carefully worded
option, and it won; it is a mistake to substitute for it something like
release Lenny no matter what, and then to proceed to ignore the clear
statement of the winning option that *only* firmware blobs get the
special treatment.


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Re: Results of the Lenny release GR

2009-01-12 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Sun, 2009-01-11 at 21:07 +0100, Frank Küster wrote:
 Robert Millan wrote:
   4- Bugs which are trivial to fix, such as #459705 (just remove a text 
  #483217 (only affects optional functionality that could be removed
  according to the maintainer) 
 Of course it could be removed, and it's technically trivial. The
 question is whether it is worth the disadvantages to our users, when we
 still expect (or hope or something in between) that the files will be
 released under a DFSG-free license once we manage to attract enough
 attention from Donald.

What concrete strategies would you suggest to attract attention from
Donald?  I'll bet you that quite likely we will remove this from
Debian is about the most effective strategy we have.  It may not work,
but I suspect if it doesn't, then there is nothing we could do that
would work.

If *nothing* would work, is it your position that we should ignore the
DFSG problem here forever?


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Re: First call for votes for the Lenny release GR

2009-01-03 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Fri, 2009-01-02 at 16:59 -0800, Steve Langasek wrote:
  When you say he was asserting a power that was not his, what exactly are
  you saying?  I'm having trouble understanding.  It is unquestionably the
  Secretary's job to prepare the ballot and announce the results; this
  requires the Secretary to determine which options require a 3:1
  supermajority.  How do you suppose he should go about this task, other
  than to do his best job?
 There is no plain English reading of A Foundation Document requires a 3:1
 majority for its supersession that implies the secretary should apply a 3:1
 majority requirement to resolutions which aren't even intended to override
 the Foundation Documents, let alone amend them.

Um, it seems to me that's exactly what it says.  The question is not
whether the resolution intends to override a foundation document, it's
whether it actually does so.  

 Nor is it anything short of absurd for the Secretary to declare that a
 resolution amends a Foundation Document when the actual resolution says
 nothing of the sort, and the resolution proposer explicitly rejects this

So if I propose a resolution that says, say, No uploads made on Tuesday
shall be removed from the archive for violations of the DFSG and then I
reject the interpretation that this is a supercession of the DFSG,
you're saying that such a resolution only requires a simple majority?

You seem to be saying that what is determinative is the resolution
proposer's statement.  I find this implausible in the extreme.  The
Secretary is at least an official who we can hope will be neutral; the
resolution proposer is, by definition, not neutral.


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Re: First call for votes for the Lenny release GR

2009-01-01 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Wed, 2008-12-31 at 12:01 -0800, Steve Langasek wrote:
 While I understand the desire to add additional checks and balances in
 response to figures exercising power in ways we don't approve of, I think
 the fundamental problem with this latest vote was that the Secretary was
 asserting a power that was *not* his under the letter of the constitution.
 Splitting up the constitutional powers doesn't really prevent the Secretary
 from acting counter to the constitution or counter to project consensus, if
 they're inclined to do that.

When you say he was asserting a power that was not his, what exactly are
you saying?  I'm having trouble understanding.  It is unquestionably the
Secretary's job to prepare the ballot and announce the results; this
requires the Secretary to determine which options require a 3:1
supermajority.  How do you suppose he should go about this task, other
than to do his best job?

 I hope that our next Secretary will recognize the importance of not imposing
 his personal (and contentious) beliefs on the voting process.  If they don't
 recognize this, then I guess it's inevitable that we amend the constitution
 to limit the Secretary's power.

I am distressed that you have this attitude about Manoj's performance,
when it is your own decisions as release manager that have also been
called into question recently.  Would you apply the same standards to


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Re: Results for General Resolution: Lenny and resolving DFSG violations

2008-12-29 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Mon, 2008-12-29 at 23:27 +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
 Whatever his motives, I think Ted's demonstrably done more to further the
 cause of free software than most developers, both by making Linux more
 and more usable for over 15 years now, and for helping other developers
 work together better, such as by organising the kernel summit.
 I'm all for having a 100% free system, and then some, but if it comes
 down to a choice between supporting absolute freeness without exception,
 and working with folks like Ted, I'm more interested in the latter.

I'm not against working with Ted.  I completely second your remarks
above.  I simply don't think that people should have a vote in Debian if
they are not committed to following Debian's foundation documents in
their Debian work.  I do not know if Ted is such a person or not, but I
do know that he doesn't share the goal expressed in the Social Contract;
he's said as much.  If he's willing to put that aside in his Debian
work, then that's sufficient for me, and AFAICT, that's exactly what he

My concern is that not everyone is like Ted.  They may share his views
about the Social Contract, but rather than put them aside and abide by
it in their Debian work, they just ignore the bits they don't like.


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Re: Results for General Resolution: Lenny and resolving DFSG violations

2008-12-28 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Sun, 2008-12-28 at 09:05 +0100, Andreas Barth wrote:
 What this voting seems to show is that clearly a majority doesn't want to
 stop the release of Lenny. What it also shows however is that the mixing up
 of the other options on this ballot and the way the supermajority
 requirements were set is problematic, and probably supporters of any other
 option than 1 (and perhaps also except 6) can claim that they would've won
 if the majority requirements were set in a way they consider more

It is problematic?  Are you saying that the 2/3 requirement for changes
to the foundation documents should not apply if a majority thinks


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Re: Results for General Resolution: Lenny and resolving DFSG violations

2008-12-28 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Mon, 2008-12-29 at 11:54 +1100, Ben Finney wrote:
 Some members do not agree that the supermajority-required ballot
 options actually required changes to the foundation documents, which
 is not a comment on how those people think supermajority requirements
 should be assigned.

 I can only conclude that we really do need to see a vote (as proposed
 earlier) on how the SC and DFSG should affect the Debian project. The
 outcome of that vote would help me, at least, to understand what the
 project thinks the relationship is between our actions and the
 foundation documents.

Well, the only way your first paragraph can make sense is if the second
is almost right.  If people think that the foundation documents can be
sidestepped by a mere majority vote, then they think that they simply
don't *really* apply, and so a decision not to follow them is not
tantamount to an amendment of them.  

But I disagree that we need a vote.  We already have the foundation
documents, and they already apply.  If people want to amend them into
mere suggestions (perhaps the way the Bush administration regarded US
law), they are welcome to suggest that vote.


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Re: Results for General Resolution: Lenny and resolving DFSG violations

2008-12-28 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Sun, 2008-12-28 at 20:45 -0500, Theodore Tso wrote:
 On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 12:48:24AM +, Simon Huggins wrote:
  I wonder how many DDs were ashamed to vote the titled Reaffirm the
  social contract lower than the choices that chose to release.
 I'm not ashamed at all; I joined before the 1.1 revision to the Debian
 Social Contract, which I objected to them, and I still object to now.
 If there was a GR which chainged the Debian Social contract which
 relaxed the first clause to only include __software__ running on the
 Host CPU, I would enthusiastically vote for such a measure.

Can you please define host CPU for us?


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Re: Results for General Resolution: Lenny and resolving DFSG violations

2008-12-28 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Mon, 2008-12-29 at 15:02 +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
 For example, having non-free in the archive and the BTS (and potentially
 buildds and elsewhere) is implied by point (3) (ie, supporting Debian
 users who choose to use non-free software to the best of our ability),
 and potentially using non-free software ourselves (such as qmail or pgp
 in the past) may be implied by point (2) (using the best available tools
 and techniques to do the best job we can). I would personally prefer
 for the project to have the freedom to decide those sorts of things
 on a day-to-day basis through regular decision making (maintainers,
 list debate, DPL, ftpmaster, RM, tech-ctte, simple majority vote), but
 I don't know if the rest of the project will buy that these days. I'm
 fairly sure some people won't, at any rate.

I would prefer this.  But I am afraid of it, and so I would vote against
it.  I am afraid that there are folks in the project who really don't
care if Debian is 100% free--even as a goal.  I think that Ted Tso is
even one of them.

My fear is that if we say, It is a goal that Debian be 100% free, and
leave it up to the ordinary process of people doing their work, then
people who oppose that goal, who think it is a foolish goal, or an
unworthy one, will simply obstruct it.  

It is this which bothered me about the release team's methodology
vis-a-vis this issue this time around.  Not that I thought they were
deliberately obstructing our goals--I have no reason to think they were
doing anything but making a pragmatic decision as best as they could at
the time--but because I can't know for sure.  And, then when the
controversy erupted, there were people expressing views that I *do*
think are simply contrary to our goals, lauding the release team for
ostensibly obstructing the social contract's absolutism.

I wish we could have in the world of GNU/Linux one, just one,
please--just one--distribution which really took free software as of
cardinal importance.  Debian has promised to be that, while living up to
the promise only in fits and starts.  That's ok with me.  But I'm afraid
that if we stopped the promise, and simply decided it would be our goal,
the folks who are against the promise will be against the goal, and will
see this as permission to simply *never* work toward the goal, and to
obstruct others who do.

 Since it's worded as a pledge, it might make sense that if it (or
 something like it) is ever adopted, that existing developers membership
 being dependent on them agreeing to the pledge. That didn't happen with
 the previous SC change, but it seems strange to claim to have a social
 contract when a significant number of members don't actually support
 it 100%.

In my opinion, developers who are unwilling to abide by the Social
Contract in their Debian work should resign.  But they don't, and this
is what has me afraid.


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Re: Bug reports of DFSG violations are tagged ???lenny-ignore????

2008-10-23 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Thu, 2008-10-23 at 18:13 +0100, Neil McGovern wrote:
 Perhaps I'm mis-reading the above. Which bit of the foundation documents
 do you think would need overriding for the tech-ctte to rule on which
 fix to take?

One might think that this is the situation: two alternative fixes for
the DFSG problem, and a dispute about which one is better.  But
actually, that's not the situation.

We have instead an easy trivial fix, all but complete.  (Really, just
disabling the hardware, or the accelerations, depending on the case.)
And maintainers saying that this is an unacceptable fix--and no actual
alternative fix sitting around.

I think everyone would regard the fix preferred by the maintainers as
superior--there is no technical dispute.  The dispute is *not* between
the two fixes.  It is between these two approaches:

1) Install easy fix now; install fancy fix when it's ready, thus
complying with the DFSG at all times;

2) Install no fix now; install fancy fix when it's ready, thus violating
the DFSG in the meanwhile.

This is not a dispute about technical means or which is the best
solution to a technical problem; it is a dispute about whether we are
actually supposed to be doing our best to comply with the DFSG at all


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Re: Bug reports of DFSG violations are tagged ???lenny-ignore????

2008-10-21 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Tue, 2008-10-21 at 15:22 +, Anthony Towns wrote:
 Thomas: your continued inaction and unwillingness to code an acceptable
 solution to this issue, in spite of being aware of the problem since
 at least 2004 -- over four years ago! -- means we will continue to do
 releases with non-free software.

I am *happy* to code an acceptable solution, but I regard not support
the hardware for installation as acceptable.  

I ask simply that the project's standards be *applied*, or that at the
very least, we have a resolution as we did before.  And yes, I would
likely vote against it, as I did before.  But in a democratic system,
people generally are well advised to accept the result of past votes
gracefully and work towards the next one.  That's what I did; my vote
did not carry the day last time, and I have not objected about that
decision since.  But I *do* object to the apparent new rule that the
ftpmasters and release engineers are now empowered to ignore DFSG
violations without any review by anyone else.

And now we have people saying, hey, let's exempt firmware from the
DFSG! again, even though we have a GR on topic which decided that, no,
firmware counts.

 Hey, you've had four years; we're just going to keep releasing until
 you fix the bug.
 Hint: you're not being held hostage by anyone, seriously. You know how
 you can tell? Two words: Stockholm syndrome.

So I can upload an NMU right now that fixes the problem?  That will be


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Re: [DRAFT] resolving DFSG violations

2008-10-21 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Tue, 2008-10-21 at 20:24 +0200, Pierre Habouzit wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 05:52:28PM +, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
  This is the part I am not comfortable with. I do not think the
   delegates have the powers to decide when enough progress has been made
   to violate a foundation document in our release.  Just like an
   individual developer does not have a right to decide to violate the
   DFSG in their work, I think the release team, which prepares the
   release, can do so unilaterally either (I did not vote for Bush).
 And you're comfortable with ftp-master ruling DFSG-iness through NEW
 then ? I don't really see the difference.

I can't speak for Manoj, but for my own part, I have not seen any
evidence that ftp-master is letting things through NEW which are in
clear violation of the DFSG, so it doesn't come up.

 FWIW you can query all the lenny-ignore bugs on the BTS, there arent a
 lot, and check if you agree. Unlike Bush (and the reference is quite
 offensive, really) we don't hide such matters, and we never said we're
 not open to discussion.
 BUt yeah, tagging bugs lenny-ignore is part of the RM tasks, and we're
 delegated for that (among other things).

So far, the release team has shown no awareness in this thread that
ignoring a technical RC bug is entirely different from ignoring a
violation of the core documents of the project.  Nobody is talking about
technical bugs, and it would be helpful if y'all stopped bringing them


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Re: Bug reports of DFSG violations are tagged ???lenny-ignore????

2008-10-21 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Tue, 2008-10-21 at 21:21 +0200, Frans Pop wrote:
 Thomas Bushnell BSG wrote:
  I am *happy* to code an acceptable solution, but I regard not support
  the hardware for installation as acceptable.
 I'm very glad that history has shown most developers disagree with you.
  So I can upload an NMU right now that fixes the problem?
 No, it's not OK. See [EMAIL PROTECTED] for a good 
 description of an approach that would be welcome.

I see.  So the previous statement that nobody is standing in the way
of a fix is simply not so.  People certainly are standing in the way.


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Re: Bug reports of DFSG violations are tagged ???lenny-ignore????

2008-10-21 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Tue, 2008-10-21 at 14:59 -0500, William Pitcock wrote:
 If we waited for a release to be 100% perfect, it will likely take
 several more years. The good news is that the amount of inline firmware
 in the kernel is decreasing. So, eventually, all non-DFSG
 redistributable firmware can belong in firmware-nonfree.

Do we have an ironclad commitment to not add any additional non-DFSG
firmware, period, no matter what?  I would accept a compromise which
guaranteed an increasing slope.  But not a back-and-forth thing.  Your
reply focuses on regression issues, so is that really sufficient?  We
guarantee that, say, there will always be *less* non-DFSG firmware in
each release, and we guarantee that there will never be *new* non-DFSG

 If the NMU involves removing support for hardware, then no, the NMU's
 solution would be in my opinion unacceptable, and hopefully enough
 people agree that it would be rejected.

Thought so.  So the claim that nobody is standing in the way was
simply false.  People are standing in the way of a simple fix for a
simple bug, and insisting on a more complex fix.  I agree completely
that the more complex fix is better, but it is simply not true that
nobody is standing in the way of a fix.  Rather, they have declared that
only one sort of fix is tolerable, and mostly refused to discuss the


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Re: Bug reports of DFSG violations are tagged ???lenny-ignore????

2008-10-21 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Tue, 2008-10-21 at 22:47 +0200, Frans Pop wrote:
 On Tuesday 21 October 2008, Thomas Bushnell BSG wrote:
  I see.  So the previous statement that nobody is standing in the way
  of a fix is simply not so.  People certainly are standing in the way.
 That's nonsense. Uncoordinated NMUs are never acceptable for packages that 
 are in general actively maintained (which the kernel is), especially not 
 when it concerns controversial or technically complex changes [1].
 Doing so would be a violation of basic NMU policy.

The claim was, hey, nobody is stopping anyone from fixing it, if it's
not fixed, it's lame for people to complain, they should have fixed it.

But, in fact, fixes are not welcome from the team.  They have raised a
major roadblock, allowing only one kind of fix which requires a lot of
work, and rejecting anything simpler.

Yes, certainly the team has the right to make such roadblocks if they
think it best, in principle.  But then that's what's happening: they are
standing in the way of implementing a quicker simpler fix.

You can either blame people for not uploading their own fix or prohibit
them from doing so, but you can't do both at the same time.


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Re: Bug reports of DFSG violations are tagged ???lenny-ignore????

2008-10-21 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Tue, 2008-10-21 at 16:00 -0500, William Pitcock wrote:
 Unfortunately, those who contribute to Debian must be dedicated to
 ensuring future releases of Debian support the latest available hardware
 at time of release. 

No matter what our principles are?  Wow.  Why are we not equally
committed to supporting the latest proprietary codecs?  


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Re: Bug reports of DFSG violations are tagged ???lenny-ignore????

2008-10-21 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Tue, 2008-10-21 at 23:28 +0300, Kalle Kivimaa wrote:
 Would it be a good compromise between SCs #1, #3 and #4 if we made an
 exhaustive list of non-free bits in main, and make it our goal that the
 list gets smaller between each release and not to add anything to
 that list?

I would be entirely happy with that.  But I have just been told by
William Pitcock that apparently we are required somehow to support new
hardware with non-free software too.  So it's not a decreasing list,
it's an accordion list with no real commitment to the DFSG at all.


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Re: [DRAFT] resolving DFSG violations

2008-10-21 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Tue, 2008-10-21 at 22:31 +0200, Aurelien Jarno wrote:
 I knew I haven't quote enough parts of DFSG:
 5. Works that do not meet our free software standards
 We acknowledge that some of our users require the use of works that do
 not conform to the Debian Free Software Guidelines. We have created
 contrib and non-free areas in our archive for these works. The packages
 in these areas are not part of the Debian system, although they have
 been configured for use with Debian. We encourage CD manufacturers to
 read the licenses of the packages in these areas and determine if they
 can distribute the packages on their CDs. Thus, although non-free works
 are not a part of Debian, we support their use and provide
 infrastructure for non-free packages (such as our bug tracking system
 and mailing lists).

Right.  We don't put them in Debian.  If the kernel team would do what
#5 says, I'd be happy, but so far, they are refusing.

 And remember: We will be guided by the needs of our users and the free
 software community. We will place their interests first in our priorities.

Right.  Nothing here says that the needs of our users take priority
over the free software community.  

But it *does* say that releasing in a quick way takes a back seat.


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Re: Bug reports of DFSG violations are tagged ???lenny-ignore????

2008-10-21 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Tue, 2008-10-21 at 23:23 +0200, Frans Pop wrote:
 On Tuesday 21 October 2008, you wrote:
  But, in fact, fixes are not welcome from the team.  They have raised a
  major roadblock, allowing only one kind of fix which requires a lot of
  work, and rejecting anything simpler.
 Ever hear of the Technical Committee?

This is a technical dispute?  Whether your packages need to comply with
the DFSG?

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Re: Bug reports of DFSG violations are tagged ???lenny-ignore????

2008-10-21 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Tue, 2008-10-21 at 16:27 -0500, William Pitcock wrote:
 On Tue, 2008-10-21 at 14:20 -0700, Thomas Bushnell BSG wrote:
  On Tue, 2008-10-21 at 23:28 +0300, Kalle Kivimaa wrote:
   Would it be a good compromise between SCs #1, #3 and #4 if we made an
   exhaustive list of non-free bits in main, and make it our goal that the
   list gets smaller between each release and not to add anything to
   that list?
  I would be entirely happy with that.  But I have just been told by
  William Pitcock that apparently we are required somehow to support new
  hardware with non-free software too.  So it's not a decreasing list,
  it's an accordion list with no real commitment to the DFSG at all.
 Do not put words into my mouth. I simply stated that user experience is
 an important factor, and that if free drivers (*FREE*) which depend on
 non-free firmware are available, and the firmware is inline, then it
 should not block Lenny's release.

Huh?  So you would be willing to agree to a rule that we never add
anything new to the list of non-free bits?  


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Re: Bug reports of DFSG violations are tagged ???lenny-ignore????

2008-10-21 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Tue, 2008-10-21 at 17:06 -0500, William Pitcock wrote:
 I worded that rather badly. You should imply within acceptable terms of
 the DFSG here... in this case, putting stuff in the nonfree firmware
 package in non-free is an acceptable solution.

Of course; that's an excellent solution.  Right now, the failure to have
that solution implemented is being used as an excuse for violating SC#1.


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Re: Bug reports of DFSG violations are tagged ???lenny-ignore????

2008-10-21 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Tue, 2008-10-21 at 18:45 -0500, Ean Schuessler wrote:
 I guess the question is, staying in the arena of 100% Free, what if
 DRM technologies become pervasive in the United States and Europe and
 it literally becomes illegal to have a computer without some
 proprietary software in it? What if it becomes impossible to develop
 on a computer, legally, without compromising? Would it still be better
 to have a computer that is 99.9% free? Keep in mind that I'm asking
 this in the scenario where providing the last 0.01% as Free Software
 would be illegal.

If that happens, we will have to make some difficult choices.  But we
are nowhere near that now.  For example, I vote, as a matter of
principle.  But if I lived in various extreme situations, I would not
vote, for example, if I were in a one-party state with no real
elections.  And then *that* principle might well be one I would
compromise on if the state in question enforced serious criminal
penalties on non-voters.  And so it goes.


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Re: Bug reports of DFSG violations are tagged ‘lenny-ignore’?

2008-10-20 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Mon, 2008-10-20 at 11:43 -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
 Actually, I think we need a GR on the lines of
 |  General Resolution: Handling source-less firmware in the Linux kernel
 To get a special dispensation for lenny.

I think this would be insane.  It smacks of the nonsense of the US
Congress extending copyright over and over again, always for a limited
term, but such that the terms just never actually expire.

I object to a second round of this.  I was ok with it once, as a
compromise, but the understanding I had then was that it was a one-time
thing, to give time to actually *fix* the problem.

The kernel team should *fix the bug* and not just sit on their hands.
We should not release until it's fixed.

But the continued dishonesty of holding out one set of principles and 
guarantees, while granting ourselves exceptions on every release, is not 
tolerable to me.

 I do not think that willfully violating the social contract is a
  decision for a few delegates to make -- we, as a project, should
  acknowledge the need for and make a special exception to release Debian
  with known non-free bits in it.

We did that once.  With the understanding that we wouldn't do it
again--or at least, that was my understanding--it was proffered as a
special case, a one-time thing, because of the urgency of the case.  

Moreover, at the time, there was an amendment proposed to make it as
long as required and it got fewer votes than the one-time thing.
Pretty clearly, we *already decided* this issue, and we need no vote.
We need the relevant maintainers to be told your unwillingness to fix
this means we will not be able to release.

I object very strongly to the feeling that I am being held hostage by
developers who will not fix the bug, and then protest emergency! we
must release! no delay! we'll do it next time! and then sit on their
hands again for another go-round.  The solution is to refuse to play
along, and to say, hey, you had two years; we're just going to wait
until you fix the bug.


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Re: Bug reports of DFSG violations are tagged ???lenny-ignore????

2008-10-20 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Mon, 2008-10-20 at 19:11 +0100, Mark Brown wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 10:55:00AM -0700, Thomas Bushnell BSG wrote:
  I object to a second round of this.  I was ok with it once, as a
  compromise, but the understanding I had then was that it was a one-time
  thing, to give time to actually *fix* the problem.
 Note that there is currently active upstream work to allow us to address
 these issues - some of the patches are present in 2.6.27, others are
 still in flight.  This is a vast step forward on where we were with etch
 if we do decide to go down the route of releasing with exceptions again.

I think we have no need to go down that route.  We do not have to
support the hardware at all. That is an option.  The fact that the
kernel maintainers would prefer a fancier thing is not the point.

We can simply not ship support for that hardware *at all*.  That's
perfectly acceptable to me--even as a user of such hardware.

A patch to fix the bug--which is the inclusion of non-free things in
main--can be quickly and easily implemented.  I'm oh-so-sorry if a
fancier fix is not available--but there has been plenty of time.  I'm
not willing to see another release with non-free blobs in the kernel,
especially since it is really quite trivial to remove them.

  We need the relevant maintainers to be told your unwillingness to fix
  this means we will not be able to release.
 I don't think that's a particularly constructive approach to take,
 especially not in a volunteer project.

I think that it is singularly non-constructive to see the maintainers of
packages regard compliance with our foundational documents as wishlist
items, and the release team regard such things as anything other than


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Re: Bug reports of DFSG violations are tagged ???lenny-ignore????

2008-10-20 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Mon, 2008-10-20 at 22:26 +0100, Mark Brown wrote:
 No, really.  The kernel team are volunteers.  Ordering them to do things
 doesn't help at all; one could equally well send the same message to
 everyone working on Debian (or, indeed, the wider community) since they
 could also step up to the plate and help fix this issue.

Of course.  These are RC bugs.  I would be happy to upload an NMU that
fixed the RC issue by removing support for the relevant hardware, and
dropping blobs from the source.  I don't think it's a very challenging
task, but I'm happy to do so.  Will that be ok?

 If they were actively stopping people working on these issues then that
 would be different but I have not seen them doing this.

Great, so since there won't be any active attempts to stop, I can just
go ahead with the work, right?


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Re: Technical committee resolution

2008-03-16 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG

On Sun, 2008-03-16 at 04:29 -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
 All this replacement in favour of a better person sounds very
  nasty, mean, and likely to be highly subjective to me, and most
  organizations do not often throw people out while they are still
  performing their duties.

Of course it's subjective.  So what?  The question is whether good
decisions are made, not whether we can always find clear objective
criteria for them.  Debian has often been hampered by a refusal to make
good subjective decisions, because of the hamstringing character of
those who insist on deductive proofs before steps can be taken.

My question was specifically about whether you would support an
amendment that allowed throwing people out when they were *not* doing
their duties.  Would you?

 The creiteria can be more than just voting on issues -- look for
  number of emails on threads on a issue raised, number of emails sent to
  the bug report, number of fact finding or research or survey or
  report mails in that mix.

Quite right: that's why I suggested that if someone has failed to vote
or contribute twice, they should be replaceable at the option of the
DPL.  If someone fails to vote that's clear; if someone fails to
contribute (you mention a number of relevant factors) it's harder to
quantify and so I suggested any two of DPL, Project Secretary, or Tech
Ctte Chair could certify that a member had failed to contribute to a


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Re: Technical committee resolution

2008-03-16 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG

On Mon, 2008-03-17 at 00:13 +0100, Andreas Barth wrote:
 * Thomas Bushnell BSG ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [080316 21:01]:
  On Sun, 2008-03-16 at 04:29 -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
   The creiteria can be more than just voting on issues -- look for
number of emails on threads on a issue raised, number of emails sent to
the bug report, number of fact finding or research or survey or
report mails in that mix.
  Quite right: that's why I suggested that if someone has failed to vote
  or contribute twice, they should be replaceable at the option of the
 I would prefer if people would fix their release goal / critical bugs
 instead of preparing complex arguments how to change the tech ctte at
 places where it is not broken.

I see; so there are no members of the technical committee who have
failed twice to vote?


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Re: Technical committee resolution

2008-03-16 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG

On Mon, 2008-03-17 at 00:33 +0100, Andreas Barth wrote:
  I see; so there are no members of the technical committee who have
  failed twice to vote?
 I'm not sure how not voting twice in a row makes someone a less
 important contributor by definition.

I see; so what number do you think would be wise?  Two was just a
starting point; I'm not wedded to that.  How many votes or conversations
should a member be able to miss before it is clear he or she is not
participating reliably enough?

What do you think about the three-month suggestion?  If that's a bad
time limit, what would be a better one?

 But I would really prefer if you would fix your own packages instead of
 relaying on our BSPers.

I'm not sure how this is relevant to the tech ctte.  Can you explain it?

Maybe we should have BSPers for the tech-ctte, so that if the committee
is too busy in a particular week other people can step in and do that


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Re: Technical committee resolution

2008-03-16 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG

On Mon, 2008-03-17 at 00:33 +0100, Andreas Barth wrote:
 But I would really prefer if you would fix your own packages instead of
 relaying on our BSPers.

Actually, I'm very good about uploading fixes for RC bugs promptly.  The
bugs I think you are referring to were marked severity important.
Perhaps the bugs were tagged incorrectly?  I must have missed the change
in the release goals to require GCC 4.3 when it came out.  If the bug
had been tagged serious I would have uploaded the fix as soon as


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Re: On RC/RG bugs…

2008-03-16 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG

On Mon, 2008-03-17 at 02:46 +0100, Cyril Brulebois wrote:
 On 17/03/2008, Thomas Bushnell BSG wrote:
  Actually, I'm very good about uploading fixes for RC bugs promptly.
  The bugs I think you are referring to were marked severity
  important.  Perhaps the bugs were tagged incorrectly?
 Severity != tag. And the severity is correct.

I thought all RC bugs were supposed to have severity serious or
higher.  Has that been changed?  Sorry, I used the word tagged
imprecisely; I meant labelled.

  I must have missed the change in the release goals to require GCC 4.3
  when it came out.  If the bug had been tagged serious I would have
  uploaded the fix as soon as possible.
 You don't read debian-devel-announce, do you?

Of course I do.  What I said was that I must have missed the

And what exactly does this have to do with the technical committee?


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Re: On RC/RG bugs…

2008-03-16 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG

On Mon, 2008-03-17 at 03:12 +0100, Cyril Brulebois wrote:
 On 17/03/2008, Thomas Bushnell BSG wrote:
  I thought all RC bugs were supposed to have severity serious or
  higher.  Has that been changed?
 RC != RG.

Ah, well then there is no need to berate me for failing to fix the bug
immediately.  I'm grateful for those NMUers who helped me out, but there
was no particular urgency to the bug.  

   You don't read debian-devel-announce, do you?
  Of course I do.  What I said was that I must have missed the
 Then please refer (again) to e.g.:

As soon as the NMU was uploaded I checked the release goals and verified
it myself, thanks.  


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Re: On RC/RG bugs…

2008-03-16 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG

On Mon, 2008-03-17 at 03:12 +0100, Cyril Brulebois wrote:
  And what exactly does this have to do with the technical committee?
 No idea. It looks like it all started with
 [EMAIL PROTECTED], and since you're still
 wondering about RC/RG bugs, I'm answering these questions.

It would be a shame to think that the subject was brought up only to
distract attention from the actual topic relevant for debian-vote.  I
remain sure that this cannot have been Andreas' goal, but what the
connect is that he must have had in mind does elude me.

Andreas, can you explain the relevance to the tech-ctte discussion?


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Re: Technical committee resolution

2008-03-15 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG

On Sat, 2008-03-15 at 00:41 -0700, Steve Langasek wrote:

  Oh, and we need a way to deal with the structural problem of questions
  which get posed to tech-ctte and simply never answered at all.  Suppose
  the tech-ctte fails to answer a question in, oh, three months, the
  entire membership is removable at the discretion of the DPL?
 How do you define answering a question? I think we should try to get any
 question resolved in  3 months, but I don't think replacing the committee
 when this fails to happen is going to improve anything.

The analogy has been made to the judiciary.  A panel of judges works on
a majority rule basis, as a rule, and issues an order for every case
giving its disposition.  The Wikipedia arbitrators similarly have a
clear and published process, with clear and published statements about
the current progress of cases, and give clear and published decisions.

That's what I mean.


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Re: Technical committee resolution

2008-03-14 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG

On Thu, 2008-03-13 at 23:46 -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
 Anthony Towns [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Neither is the argument I'm making. The argument I'm making is that
  because it's likely there are better ways of doing things than the way
  we're doing things now (ie, though foo is the way we've always done
  things, there probably exists some bar that is better than foo), we
  should look at new ways of doing things in the hopes that we'll find one
  of them that's better that we can then incorporate into our traditions.
 One of the amazing things about humans that distinguishes them from, say,
 lumps of rock is that humans are capable of learning and exploring new
 ideas and trying new things.  Hence, it turns out that a group of people
 can look at new ways of doing things without changing the people.

Unfortunately, it seems to me that currently the project has no way of
dealing with people who refuse to look at new ways of doing things.

It is true that drop the oldest person is randomish.  What we have now
is *equally* random; it presumes that the person already on the
committee is a better member than anyone else that could be found.

I suggest that the best way to have good people on the committee is to
have some process by which one person or group of people get to decide
that it's time to replace person X with person Y, and not simply wait
around for person X to resign.

This is, fundamentally, what distinguishes a democracy from an


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Re: Technical committee resolution

2008-03-14 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG

On Fri, 2008-03-14 at 11:40 -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
 I do not presume to be omniscient. But I believe lack of time,
   which is reflected in lack of contribution to the debate on a topic,
   and, even worse, lack of participation in the voting effort, is
   definitely a root cause, and with associated indicators.

Would you support a resolution which said that if a tech-ctte member
failed to contribute, or failed to vote for, say, any two questions,
they would be replaceable at the discretion of the DPL?

We would need a way to measure contribution.  Perhaps any two of the
DPL, tech-ctte chair, and project secretary could declare that a member
had failed to contribute.

Oh, and we need a way to deal with the structural problem of questions
which get posed to tech-ctte and simply never answered at all.  Suppose
the tech-ctte fails to answer a question in, oh, three months, the
entire membership is removable at the discretion of the DPL?


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Re: Re:%20Re: Debian Maintainers GR Proposal

2007-06-25 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Mon, 2007-06-25 at 12:53 +0200, Benjamin BAYART wrote:
 Le Sun, Jun 24, 2007 at 09:50:37PM -0700, Thomas Bushnell BSG:
   Yes. So, the right solution if I want to help is:
   - first I spend a lot of time proving that I'm skilled enough to read
 crazy licenses in a language that is not mine
  No, you only have to do this if you want to package software and upload
  it into the archive without review.
 If you read back to the DM proposal, it is clearly stated that a DM is
 not allowed to upload a NEW package. So, the approach is not wanting to
 packageupload anything but a given package.

That doesn't change the question about licensing.  No DD can upload a NEW 
package without independent licensing review; but even an upgrade can involve 
license changes, and a DD must be competent to evaluate them.


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Re: Re:%20Re: Debian Maintainers GR Proposal

2007-06-24 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG

 Yes. So, the right solution if I want to help is:
 - first I spend a lot of time proving that I'm skilled enough to read
   crazy licenses in a language that is not mine

No, you only have to do this if you want to package software and upload
it into the archive without review.

 - then I spend another lot of time proving I'm skilled enough to package
   complex stuff unrelated to my current skills (say python stuff, which
   I know nothing about, or trying to have a library not breaking
   everything in an upgrade)

No, you only have to do this if you want to package software and upload
it into the archive without review.

 - then I am granted the right to help fixing the bug I found a few
   months ago

No, you don't have to do that to help fix the bug.  To help fix the bug,
all you have to do is post a patch on the bug log. If you think the
patch is being neglected, ask about it on debian-qa.


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Re: A question to the Debian community ... (Was: Question for Sam Hocevar Gay Nigger Association of America)

2007-05-10 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
On Thu, 2007-05-10 at 15:47 +0100, MJ Ray wrote:
 Sven Luther [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The DAMs, who did not follow their own procedure [...]
 I contacted Sven Luther directly with an offer to start a GR to rescind
 the decision and optionally do some other stuff.  I've seen no reply.
 The offer stands and now the problem resurfaces, I will do something
 to resolve this one way or the other instead of letting this problem
 (endless mailing list noise) continue.  In the absence of feedback from
 Sven, I'll just make a guess at what's best.
 Any objections, comments or advice?

I object.  Starting more GRs will magnify the problem once more.

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Re: Call for votes for GR: Re-affirm support to the Debian Project Leader

2006-10-08 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Matthias Urlichs [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Sat, 07 Oct 2006 23:53:35 +, Debian Project Secretary wrote:

 [   ] Choice 1: Re-affirm DPL, wish success to unofficial Dunc Tank
 [   ] Choice 2: Re-affirm DPL, do not endorse nor support his other projects
 [   ] Choice 1: Recall the project leader

 Okay... now what the hell should happen if these ballots both succeed?

We would know that Debian developers are insane.  The ballots cannot
both succeed unless sufficient people vote to Re-affirm the DPL *and*
vote to recall him.


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Re: [AMENDMENT]: Release Etch now, with source-less but legal and freely licensed firmware

2006-10-04 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Anthony Towns writes:

 I believe that distributing firmware written in chunks of hex is in
 compliance with the GPL, and repetition of your arguments isn't going
 to change that belief.

Do you really think that the GPL contains an exception for firmware
blobs?  Or that the GPL doesn't mean what it says when it refers to
all source?


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Re: Proposal: Recall the Project Leader

2006-09-23 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG

 How is the DPL empowered to take that decision when it is so obviously
 against some developers' opinions?

Are you seriously saying that a minority of developers have a vote
power over the actions of the DPL?

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Re: The Sourceless software in the kernel source GR

2006-09-21 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Manoj Srivastava [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I don't care about just the proposers opinion, I want to
  ensure that what the proposer is telling me is what the people and
  the sponsors also agreed to.  I suppose we could have a lengthy email
  exchange, and assume that the sponsors are still paying attention to
  every mail in the deluge that is -vote; or we can have an up front
  process that does not depend on a culture of heroes for success.

As I said, I have no problem with your new process, which certainly
has the virtues of clarity and lack-of-ambiguity. (Or are those just a
single virtue? Whatever.)


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Re: The Sourceless software in the kernel source GR

2006-09-20 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Manoj Srivastava [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Seems like I'm damned if I do, and damned if I don't.

It seems to me as if what happened was:

You thought the preamble was rationale and not part of the
resolution proper; but the proposer said no, that was an important
part of the resolution proper.

What's wrong with the proposer's word winning there?  You just modify
the draft ballot and say thanks for making it clear, and you can, if
you wish and are concerned that shenanigans are afoot, ask the
seconders whether they wish to keep their second in force.

But, that said, I don't object to a clearer procedure if it's easy
enough to follow, and the one you just posted seems reasonably easy to


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Re: The Sourceless software in the kernel source GR

2006-09-20 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Manoj Srivastava [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 What is an issue is that a sloppy proposal mail may have
  mislead the sponsors to believe that a preamble was an introductory
  section, or vice versa. Hard to know unless the proposors and ponsors
  are clear about their intent.

Right, so when you disambiguate (either way), especially if your
understanding differs from the proposer, it makes sense to check back
with the sponsors.  I don't see why that couldn't have been done in
this case.

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Re: Proposal: Source code is important for all works in Debian, and required for programmatic ones

2006-09-19 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Hash: SHA1

I second this proposal.

Don Armstrong [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Because there appears to be some residual confusion[1][2][3] about
 what I actually proposed and its content, here is the proposal as it
 currently stands. The proposal is only the content between BEGIN


 The Free Software movement is about enabling users to modify the works
 that they use on their computer; about giving users the same
 information that copyright holders and upstream developers have. As
 such, a critical part of the Free Software movement is the
 availability of source (that is, the form of the work that a copyright
 holder or developer would use to actually modify the work) to users.
 This makes sure that users are not held hostage by the whims (or lack
 of interest or financial incentive) of upstreams and copyright

 Different types of works have different forms of source. For some
 works, the preferred form for modification may not actually be
 digitally transferable.[1] For others, the form that originally was
 preferred may have been destroyed at some point in time, and is no
 longer available to anyone. However, to the greatest extent
 possible,[2] the availability of source code to users is a critical
 aspect of having the freedom to modify the software that is running
 upon ones computer.

 Recognizing this, the Debian Project:

   A. Reaffirms that programmatic works distributed in the Debian
  system (IE, in main) must be 100% Free Software, regardless of
  whether the work is designed to run on the CPU, a subsidiary
  processing unit, or by some other form of execution. That is,
  works must include the form that the copyright holder or upstream
  developer would actually use for modification.

   B. Strongly recommends that all non-programmatic works distribute
  the form that the copyright holder or upstream developer would
  actually use for modification. Such forms need not be distributed
  in the orig.tar.gz (unless required by license) but should be
  made available on upstream websites and/or using Debian project

   C. Reaffirms its continued support of users whose hardware (or
  software) requires works which are not freely licensed or whose
  source is not available by making such works available in
  non-free and providing project resources to the extent that
  Debian is capable of doing so.

   D. Requests that vendors of hardware, even those whose firmware is
  not loaded by the operating system, provide the prefered form for
  modification so that purchasers of their hardware can
  exercise their freedom to modify the functioning of their

 1: Consider film negatives, or magnetic tape in the case of audio

 2: Here it must be emphasized that we refer to technically possible
or possible for some party as opposed to legally possible for
Debian. We also assume digital distribution, and do not attempt to
require the distribution of physical objects.


 If necessary, consider this an amendment under A.1.2; seconders, you
 may object to the changes under A.1.5. (If you decide to re-second
 this proposal, please only second the part between the === lines.)

 I've also attached the suggested content for the v.d.o webpages for
 this option in the interest of completeness.

 Don Armstrong

 CNN/Reuters: News reports have filtered out early this morning that US
 forces have swooped on an Iraqi Primary School and detained 6th Grade 
 teacher Mohammed Al-Hazar. Sources indicate that, when arrested,
 Al-Hazar was in possession of a ruler, a protractor, a set square and
 a calculator. US President George W Bush argued that this was clear
 and overwhelming evidence that Iraq indeed possessed weapons of maths 
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.8+


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2006-09-12 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG

I want to issue a somewhat blanket apology; I'm trying to get better,
but I do so only in fits and starts.

In my posts about the controversial etch/drivers/freeness issue, I
crossed the line more than once into unhelpful and unreflective
posts.  I am sorry, and if you were hurt or offended by them, please
accept my apology.

My convictions are strong and well-rooted, but it is not appropriate
to post as much as I have done in reiterating the same things, nor was
it ok for me to be flippant and rude in some of my messages.

I hope only to be able to do better in the future.


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Re: Firmware Social Contract: GR proposal

2006-09-08 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Fri, Sep 08, 2006 at 12:01:37AM -0700, Thomas Bushnell BSG wrote:

 One of the people hinting at this has been Steve, who basically said
 to me recently that for some packages, they would get booted from the
 release for violating the DFSG, and for other packages, we just wink
 and nod.

 Now we have it flat out: Steve thinks perhaps we will simply never
 bring the kernel packages into compliance with the DFSG.

 I demand that you retract this slanderous remark.  It may be the case that
 the kernel packages are never brought into compliance with the DFSG *as
 currently written*, or *as you would like them to be interpreted*, but I
 would not be spending my time on this discussion if I didn't think it
 mattered to bring the kernel packages in line with the DFSG.

What I meant was simply never bring the kernel packages into
compliance with the current DFSG.  I apologize for the ambiguity.


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Re: kernel firmwares: GR proposal

2006-09-07 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marco d'Itri) writes:

 On Sep 07, Thomas Bushnell BSG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The widely accepted custom was to interpret the DFSG this way, yes.
  This is what matters.
 What is your evidence of this?  
 My experience of 9 years in Debian, which can be verified by browsing
 the list archives.

I have not been the only one to be upset about the firmware situation
every time it has been brought up, as can be verified by browsing the
list archives.  I can see that the controversy is old, but certainly
not that your interpretation was widely accepted.


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Re: Firmware Social Contract: GR proposal

2006-09-07 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Anthony Towns [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Wed, Sep 06, 2006 at 10:21:18AM -0700, Thomas Bushnell BSG wrote:
 We could have met those expectations of the d-i and kernel teams had
 taken the issue seriously before now.  Their failure to do so does not
 translate to an emergency on my or Debian's part.

 The failure to do this is no more the responsibility of the d-i or
 kernel teams than it is yours or mine. They are volunteers, just as you
 or I are, and they have no more responsibility to work on anything they
 choose not to do so, than you are personally responsible for ensuring
 Debian meets its commitment of providing a non-free area in its archive
 and supporting users who need the software there.

I agree completely.  

So does this work for me too?  Can I go and stash non-free stuff in my
packages, and if others complain, simply raise a stink and insist that
nobody has the right to order me to remove it?


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Re: Firmware Social Contract: GR proposal

2006-09-06 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Josselin Mouette [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Le mardi 05 septembre 2006 à 19:07 -0700, Thomas Bushnell BSG a écrit :
 For me the key question is whether the d-i team is actually doing the
 work or not.  Are they?  If the answer is yes, then I might vote for
 a delay.  If the answer is no, then I see no reason that a delay
 will change things.

 As Joey's analysis shows, this would lead to a delay of at least 6
 months. Given that we're already frozen, I don't think this is something
 we can afford if we want etch to be consistent.

My question is this:

If we make the exception, will the d-i team start the work, or
instead, will we simply be here again in eighteen months?


Re: Firmware Social Contract: GR proposal

2006-09-06 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Marco d'Itri [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 As usual you forget that we also have that other commitment to our
 users, and that we used to pride ourselves in providing the best free OS.

There is an absolute ranking in Debian, that *first* we must provide
100% free software, and *second* we do whatever we can to help our
users consistent with the first.

Suggesting the reverse would be a massive change of course for Debian
as a whole.


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Re: Firmware Social Contract: GR proposal

2006-09-06 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Anthony Towns writes:

 As best I can see, our users expect us to release etch soon rather than
 either of the approaches to fixing that that have been mooted so far
 (drop drivers or delay etch), and I don't believe we can fairly say
 we're putting the needs of our users (or free software) first if we
 don't meet those expectations.

We could have met those expectations of the d-i and kernel teams had
taken the issue seriously before now.  Their failure to do so does not
translate to an emergency on my or Debian's part.


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Re: kernel firmwares: GR proposal

2006-09-06 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marco d'Itri) writes:

 On Sep 06, Thomas Bushnell BSG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  No, it's a contentious issue because some people are trying hard to
  change the values of Debian replacing what was a compromise widely
  accepted by everybody in Debian and most people outside Debian with
  mindlessly following their idea of the DFSG.
 I'm sorry, when did Debian accept that compromise?
 When the DFSG was created.

Oh, come on.  The DFSG says that firmware counts as free?  Where?  

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Re: kernel firmwares: GR proposal

2006-09-06 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marco d'Itri) writes:

 The widely accepted custom was to interpret the DFSG this way, yes.
 This is what matters.

What is your evidence of this?  

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Re: kernel firmwares: GR proposal

2006-09-05 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Russ Allbery [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Not for some reason, for some very obvious reasons.  They're not adequate
 as an immediate solution to this problem because separating the firmware
 from the packages that currently contain it is hard and needs development
 and because d-i currently can't (as I understand these threads) cope with
 that split.

Right.  And the problem is that the d-i team seems to say to
themselves, as long as we never do the work, we can badger the rest
of Debian into sacrificing the Project's principles, and the work will
never be necessary.

The solution requires a little stick to go with the carrot:

I'm sorry, but the fact that you dithered for eighteen months does
not mean the Project must now sacrifice its principles so that you can
dither some more.


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Re: kernel firmwares: GR proposal

2006-09-05 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Marco d'Itri [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 No, it's a contentious issue because some people are trying hard to
 change the values of Debian replacing what was a compromise widely
 accepted by everybody in Debian and most people outside Debian with
 mindlessly following their idea of the DFSG.

I'm sorry, when did Debian accept that compromise?

I must have missed the GR.


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Re: Firmware Social Contract: GR proposal

2006-09-05 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Anthony Towns writes:

 We'll fail to meet it for firmware and logos in etch, including our own
 logo, and to the best of my knowledge, we're yet to consider addressing
 the license of documents like the Debian Manifesto, or the Debian

What?  Are you declaring now that we will release etch in violation of
the Social Contract?

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Re: Firmware Social Contract: GR proposal

2006-09-05 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Josselin Mouette [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Following the social contract change, we have been able to remove most
 of non-free stuff from the distribution, especially documentation. It
 wasn't easy and we couldn't make it in time for sarge, but we can make
 it in time for etch. For etch, we have the remaining firmware issue. And
 just because we can't meet our expectations for firmwares, we should
 abandon them all?

For me the key question is whether the d-i team is actually doing the
work or not.  Are they?  If the answer is yes, then I might vote for
a delay.  If the answer is no, then I see no reason that a delay
will change things.

 First, it is a fact that we are going to release etch with non-free
 firmwares. There is no decision to make here, it is too late. Those
 polls are only a means to legitimate this fact in a political way, by
 making it looking as a decision.

Really?  I'm flabbergasted.  So I can just put whatever nonfree code I
want into a package, and boom, it gets into etch?  Because our
principles do not control our actions?


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Re: Firmware Social Contract: GR proposal

2006-09-05 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Anthony Towns writes:

 No. Ceasing to make commitments we can't keep doesn't mean we should
 stop meeting the commitments we can. Which is why the bullet points you
 didn't quote were in the proposal.

What do you mean that we can't keep the commitment to make the
kernel free software?

We just stop shipping the relevant drivers.

It's *trivial*.  If we wanted to keep our commitment, we could do so.
Very easily.


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Re: kernel firmwares: GR proposal

2006-09-05 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Russ Allbery [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Point 2.1.1 of the Debian Constitution is relevant here.  Under the Debian
 Constitution, you have no grounds for expecting the d-i team to work on
 this on your preferred time scale.  If you want to get work done that
 other people have not completed as fast as you would like, I suggest
 investigating how you can do that work yourself.

I am entirely happy for the d-i team to never do the work.  But that
does not mean that the kernel team should therefore be allowed to go
ahead and ship non-free programs in their packages.

And I am entirely happy to do the work to make the kernel packages
free, but I have the feeling that this isn't what's desired.

Point 2.1.1 does not mean that a developer can say nyaa nyaa nyaa,
i'm shipping nonfree code and you can't stop me, because you can't
order me to remove it, because of point 2.1.1.

I see the task as make Debian conform to the Social Contract.  I see
there are two ways to accomplish this task:

1) Make the installer able to load the firmware from somewhere other
   than the normal packages, and split the firmware out accordingly,
2) Drop the relevant drivers from the kernel packages.

I would prefer option (1), but I am content with option (2).

I regard the following pseudo-option as unacceptible:

PO) Release in intentional violation of the Social Contract.

If option (1) is too hard to do for the release, then option (2) must
be chosen by default, and yes, I am happy to do the work for option
(2) if that's necessary.

But my unwillingness to do the work for option (1) does not somehow
mean that (PO) must be chosen.

Well, if our principles mean much at all, that is.


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Re: kernel firmwares: GR proposal

2006-08-31 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Sven Luther [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 It seems to me that this GR is unacceptable in this form because it
 does not give an adequate definition of firmware, and people seem to
 mean many different things by it.

 Well, in this case, firmware is clearly the firmware blobs actually into the
 kernel without sources. This GR speaks only about the linux kernel, and is
 not really generic like Steve's, and clearly mentions earlier the firmware as
 being either program or register dumps.

So how do I know whether something is firmware instead of just
ordinary sourceless code?

Or is this supposed to be a blanket exemption for any non-source code
in the kernel, of whatever sort?

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Re: kernel firmwares: GR proposal

2006-08-31 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Raphael Hertzog [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 So I don't think it's a 3:1 issue. We're not changing our goals, only
 clarifying the timeline and acknowledging that the etch timeframe is too
 short for us to reach this goal.

I don't believe it.  We already clarified the timeline, and created a
perfectly clear exception for sarge.  We have a precedent that making
such exceptions requires a 3:1 vote, as well.


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Re: kernel firmwares: GR proposal

2006-08-31 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Sven Luther [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 So how do I know whether something is firmware instead of just
 ordinary sourceless code?

 Ah, well, i would say that the definition you search here are :

   hexdump sourceless blobs which are uploaded to a peripheral device.

So you would say that it is logically impossible to have source for

 Comon sense and good faith should do just fine, but the above, hinted at in
 the overview, should help out, no ? 

No, it doesn't.  You've now given *another* definition of firmware,
different from all the previous ones, and problematic in its own
special way.


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Re: kernel firmwares: GR proposal

2006-08-31 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Sven Luther [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 No. The sourceless firmware blobs mentioned in this GR, are identified as
 those programs or register dumps or fpga config files, which are uploaded to a
 peripheral processor, and are part of a linux kernel driver in some way,
 usually an array of chars or some other binary embedded in a variable kind of
 things. We could also here include the main processor micro-code, since
 altough it runs on the same processor, it is not running in the same layer of
 the processor as the one running normal code.

Ah, another definition.  It's clear from your we could also here
that you aren't sure whether certain things should count as firmware
or not.  Do you see now why I might want some specificity before we
have a vote?  

Since it's you who wants this GR, may I suggest that you'll need to
figure out just what you want the GR to say?  I can't tell you what
you want your own proposal to say. 

 Does this satisfy you as a definition ? 

It is a little closer to a resolution that could even be plausibly
voted on.  (It certainly doesn't satisfy me if you mean that I would
vote for it.)  What satisfies me is simply compliance with our
existing standards.  But that discussion should happen after the
secretary announces a discussion period.

Right now I'm concerned that we don't get disastrously vague
resolutions into voting.

 If the above is enough, maybe we could add this or a nicer rewording of it to
 the GR ? 

The above includes things like maybe we could include and usually
and the like.  It may be a step closer, but it isn't there until you
decide what you actually want.


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Re: kernel firmwares: GR proposal

2006-08-31 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Sven Luther [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Nope, i am not sure we have such microcode in the kernel tree. It certainly
 fits the same category as the rest of the stuff, and i think the above
 identifies perfectly which firmware blobs we are speakign about.

Huh?  Microcode for the main processor doesn't fit anything like the
rest of the stuff.  The rest of the stuff you described as:

1) Programs or register dumps or fpga config files
2) Which are uploaded to a peripheral processor
3) And are part of a linux kernel driver.

Now of course that's not a definition of firmware; it's just a
definition of what you want to grant a Social Contract exception to.

Microcode for the main processor does not match (2) or (3).  So no,
there is no obvious likeness between microcode for the main processor
and the rest of the stuff.

 Use the above as guidelines to classify any such blobs you find, it is
 decidable enough, so i think there is no doubt on this.

I can already see that if we had used your definition, and main
processor microcode turned out to be present in Linux, you would start
insisting that it meets your definition, and I would insist that it
does not.  Claiming there is no doubt is hardly likely then.

 Bah. Remember, common sense and good faith :)

We have now at least *eight* different definitions that have been
bandied about.  Good faith maybe, but common sense is that you people
are not yet really sure *what* you are talking about, and I tend to

 Maybe we could clarify this one a bit, but i think it is pretty clear what is
 involved here, and in particular it doesn't suffer from the
 firmware-are-not-programs syndrom, and thus description is less important.

It isn't the least bit clear to me.  The fact that a request for
clarity has been met by vague we all know what we are talking about
and now eight inconsistent definitions suggest that it isn't clear to
anyone what it is really about.


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Re: Firmware proposals

2006-08-31 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Jacob Hallen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 My personal experience is that the larger the company, the smaller the 
 interest in change will be and they will only change when outside pressure 
 forces them to. This leads me to believe that the quickest way to a future 
 where we can distribute free firmware is by getting many users and that is 
 best accomplished by for the time being erring on the lax side - considering 
 unknown firmware to be data.

The DFSG requires the full source for *all* such things, without
reference to whether they are programs or data.


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Re: kernel firmwares: GR proposal

2006-08-31 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Sven Luther [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Microcode for the main processor does not match (2) or (3).  So no,
 there is no obvious likeness between microcode for the main processor
 and the rest of the stuff.

 Microcode does run in a lower level of the cpu than the main code, as thus you
 could see it as a program (actually a set of small programs probably), which
 are uploaded to the main cpu in order to make it work as expected. 

Of course it's a program uploaded to the main cpu to work as
expected.  Do you think that this definition fits your description as
being on a peripheral processor and part of a device driver??

Are you now saying that anything uploaded to the main cpu should be
excluded from the DFSG?  Wow.

 So, please come up with an actual case of the above definition not being
 enough for classification, and once you find something such, we will adapt the
 definition to clarify its classification.

Debian will remain 100% Free Software is the classification I like.
I am of the opinion that there *is no* principled classification
beyond this one which is anything other than we don't really want
100% Free Software.


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Re: kernel firmwares: GR proposal

2006-08-30 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Frederik Schueler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 1. We affirm that our Priorities are our users and the free software
 community (Social Contract #4);
 2. We acknowledge that there is a lot of progress in the kernel firmware
 issue; however, it is not yet finally sorted out;
 3. We give priority to the timely release of Etch over sorting every bit
 out; for this reason, we will deliver firmware in udebs as long as it is
 necessary for installation (like all udebs), and firmware included in
 the kernel itself as part of Debian Etch, without further conditions.

It seems to me that this GR is unacceptable in this form because it
does not give an adequate definition of firmware, and people seem to
mean many different things by it.

Further, because this amounts to a decision to disregard the SC, it
should require a 3:1 majority.


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Re: calling firmware code data is not being honest with ourselves, includes counterproposal and RFC on a possible Amendment

2006-08-30 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
David Nusinow [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Wed, Aug 30, 2006 at 10:41:00PM -0700, Thomas Bushnell BSG wrote:
 David Nusinow [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Would you, or someone else, mind pointing out some examples of firmware
  with source? Preferrably with some of the breadth you refer to above? I
  understand firmware in concept, but beyond seeing it as a binary blob I've
  not really come seriously in to contact with it. If I'm going to vote on
  this issue, I'd really like to actually understand what I'm going to be
  voting on.
 I think it's widely in agreement that hardware manufacturers have
 assemblers and other tools they use for building firmware.

 So we don't have any firmware with source?

I have no idea.  I have heard people in this discussion *define*
firmware in terms of the absence of source.


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Re: Proposal: The DFSG do not require source code for data, including firmware

2006-08-29 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 If it's the latter, I maintain that this is precisely the subject matter of
 the proposed GR; we obviously *don't* have agreement in Debian over what
 should or should not be considered a program, so I think that's begging
 the question.

However, your proposed amendment declares that firmware should not
be considered a program.

Can you please tell me what firmware is?  I've seen a half dozen
definitions tossed around recently, and I haven't a fig of a clue
which one you mean:

1) A program which runs on a peripheral processor
2) A program which is distributed by the hardware manufacturer
3) A program which is controlled by the hardware manufacturer
4) A program which runs out of NVRAM or ROM instead of RAM
5) A program which, if you change it, voids the warranty for the
   hardware on which it runs,
6) A program which is necessary to support a piece of device hardware
   and for which we don't happen to have source

I can't properly evaluate or think about this amendment while this
rather crucial element remains unresolved.

Also, it would seem very bizarre to say a program which ... is not
really a program, so can you find a wording in which you don't define
firmware as a particular sort of program, only to then declare that
programs of that sort aren't really programs at all?

 Yes, these are reasonable definitions of both program and firmware.

What is the definition of firmware which you are using?


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Re: Proposal: The DFSG do not require source code for data, including firmware

2006-08-28 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG

I think it is ludicrous to pretend that firmware is not a program.

Suppose we had in our possession the source code and an assembler for
it.  Surely then it would be obviously a program.  


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Re: Proposal: The DFSG do not require source code for data, including firmware

2006-08-28 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 4. determines that for the purposes of DFSG #2, device firmware
 shall also not be considered a program.

I am bothered that there is never a definition of firmware here.  It
seems to me that if you gave one, it would be something like:
firmware is a program which runs on a secondary CPU inside the


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Re: Proposal: The DFSG do not require source code for data, including firmware

2006-08-28 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 As you and I discussed previously on IRC, I don't agree with this amendment.
 The premise of my proposal is that we are *not* granting an exception nor
 redefining any terms, we are merely recognizing a latent definition of
 programs that has guided Debian since its inception in spite of standing
 in contrast to the dictionary definition of the word.  

In other words, Debian has been redefining the word from day one,
dishonestly using the word program to mean something much narrower.

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Re: Proposal: The DFSG do not require source code for data, including firmware

2006-08-28 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Sven Luther [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Notice that the bios or other firmware used on most machines today is also
 refered as firmware. The original definition is, i believe, any kind of code
 provided by the vendor of said device, and on which he has full control, so
 firmware was non-free by definition originally.

How does the vendor of a device have full control over what firmware
I choose to load into it?

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Re: Proposal: The DFSG do not require source code for data, including firmware

2006-08-28 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Sven Luther [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 In cases like hte NLSU thingy, the firmware goes to include the whole linux +
 userland stack on top of whatever they use for booting, since it is held in
 the flash of the board.

Wow.  I thought that doesn't run on the main CPU was entirely
indefensible.  It hadn't occurred to me that there is a definition
which is even *worse*: runs out of NVRAM instead of DRAM.


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Re: Proposal: The DFSG do not require source code for data, including firmware

2006-08-28 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Sven Luther [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The idea is that the firmware is all the software and other softwarish
 information which the vendor provides to make use of the board he sells you.

I see.  If I buy a standard-issue Dell computer, then Windows is
firmware, right?  (Dell does provide it, for the purpose of making
full use of the computer.)

 He has full control of it, in the sense that it is often binary
 only, and that he produces it, and not some third party (like the
 operating system vendor).  Also, i believe that modifying the
 firmware, like you propose, usually voids the waranty.

Oh, so because the OEM can't modify Windows it's not firmware.  But if
I buy a Dell PC that comes with Red Hat installed, it *is* something
Dell can modify, so then it is firmware?

   all software support part that comes from the hardware vendor, to enable or
   drive or whatever the hardware he sells you, and which is not part of the
   operating system.

Um, this is not a definition.  The whole point of a definition is to
describe what is firmware and what is the operating system.  When
I suggest that there is no good principled definition, you can't
counter by definining firmware as essentially whatever is not part of
the operating system.

Pretend I don't have any idea what this word firmware is or
operating system.  I'm familiar with programming and all that, just
not with these words.  Can you explain the distinction in a
noncircular way?


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Re: GR proposal - Restricted-media amendments to the DFSG

2006-04-06 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Josselin Mouette [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 At the end of DFSG #2, the following text should be added:
 The license may restrict distribution to some kinds of media if
 it is still possible to distribute the source code and compiled
 code together on at least one machine-readable medium.

I'm made uncomfortable by this, because it would tolerate licenses
which restricted distribution to cassette tape.


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Re: GR proposal - Restricted-media amendments to the DFSG

2006-04-06 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Josselin Mouette [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Le jeudi 06 avril 2006 à 09:50 -0700, Thomas Bushnell BSG a écrit :
 Josselin Mouette [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  At the end of DFSG #2, the following text should be added:
  The license may restrict distribution to some kinds of media if
  it is still possible to distribute the source code and compiled
  code together on at least one machine-readable medium.
 I'm made uncomfortable by this, because it would tolerate licenses
 which restricted distribution to cassette tape.

 How does it differ from the GFDL requirements?

The GFDL says you must provide a machine-readable copy.  It does not
restrict the use of other media.  Perhaps it is just your sloppiness
in wording, but the words you wrote allow a license which says you
may only distribute this on cassette.  The GFDL *permits*
distribution on cassette, and even treats it as machine-readable, but
it does *not* require distribution on cassette.

It allows the distributor to choose their choice of machine-readable
format, and that's suitable for Debian.  Your wording would permit
licenses which do *not* allow the distributor to choose their choice
of machine-readable format.


Re: Question to all candidates: What to change?

2006-03-18 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Jeroen van Wolffelaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Sat, Mar 11, 2006 at 01:20:19PM +, Neil McGovern wrote:
 If you were elected tomorrow as DPL, and could only pick one thing about
 Debian to change, what would it be?

 Make our mailinglists an enjoyable place for technical discussions.

What concrete steps would you undertake to make this a reality?  How
would being DPL enable you to do this better?


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Question to Candidates

2006-03-11 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
James Troup [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 But I never personally replied to Joey's mail about the next point
 release explicitly saying that fixing sudo was a pre-depends, and I
 apologise for that.

You're not a DPL candidate, and if this question is relevant at all,
it's relevant to DPL candidates.  So don't think it's a personal
question, though I would appreciate hearing your thoughts on the
matter also.

Especially however, I want to hear what the candidates think.

I would appreciate the work done by others in Debian more if there
were some kind of rule, principle, or guideline that if a question is
not given a serious and thoughtful response, allowing for delays and
vacations and whatnot, that any debian developer has the right to go
ahead and do something themselves.

We already have this rule in the case of NMUs to fix release critical
bugs.  We also have a procedure for replacing developers who go
totally MIA, and an informal procedure for hijacking packages from
vaguely-MIA maintainers.

But I feel frustrated when I ask a developer a question, and hear
nothing back for ages and ages.  (And I admit that there have been
times when I have myself been guilty of this same problem.)  However,
if there is an RC bug in a package, and the maintainer has not
responded, eventually it's allowed for me to just NMU the package

How about extending this to other areas of the project?  One
difficulty, of course, is that NMUs are massively documented, and
fairly easily reversed.  Other changes are not so, which may make this
too hard, in practice, to accomplish.

What about a related idea, in which everyone has some sort of
obligation to respond to emails?  I appreciate James' apology above
for not responding to a message from Joey (or whatever the details
are; it's not something that particularly concerns *me* in this

I have experienced that an email to debian-release nearly always gets
a response.  I appreciate this, and it means that I can make progress,
or at least feel like I can.  When I have a release-relevant question,
I get an answer, even if I write an over-hasty question, or whatnot.
Moreover, since it's a public mailing list, it doesn't matter if the
official release managers are overloaded: generally there is someone
else who can answer if they don't.  And if a question is missed or
overlooked, it's fine to repeat it and ask again.

What about some sort of general expectation that other developers do
the same thing?  I would find interactions with ftpmaster more, hrm,
comfortable? pleasant? if I could rely on getting some kind of
response back.  However, when I mail ftpmaster, my recollection is
that most of the time the work implied by my question happens, or
there is a good reason for it not to, but I almost never have any
interaction with the person who did it (except in the case of NEW
queue processing, where I do hear back).  That's only one example, but
perhaps there are others.


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Re: Who would you expel from Debian?

2006-03-11 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Ted Walther [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I think the other DPL candidates, especially Steve McIntyre who has been
 pussy-footing around this issue, should stand forward and say clearly
 where they stand on the issue of expelling developers; what is a just
 case for expulsion?  Be really clear and specific.  Give concrete

I think you get to demand answers from other DPL candidates only when
you have been forthcoming with the questions asked of you.

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Re: Question to all candidates: What to change?

2006-03-11 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Anthony Towns writes:

 If I could pick /anything/, it'd be to make Debian suddenly 100% fun
 for everyone involved.

Yeah, I'm with you!

Can you outline perhaps some of the things you think that keep it from
being 100% fun, and what the DPL can do to help them?

I'm interested here both in answers of the form when people do X
that's not fun for others which show perceptiveness of reality, and
also some which show perceptiveness of the unfunness complaints that
we hear, whether you think they're well-founded or not.

Oh, and all candidates should feel free to reply.


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Re: Question to all candidates: What to change?

2006-03-11 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Anthony Towns writes:

 If I can only pick the things that're directly achievable, I'll just
 go with getting the momentum back -- ie, doing cool things quickly and
 regularly, no matter what they are.

What are some of the organizational or institutional factors which you
think keep us from doing these?  How can the DPL help them?

And other candidates should feel free to reply.


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Re: A new practical problem with invariant sections?

2006-02-13 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Craig Sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 the GPL says you must include the full machine-readable/editable source
 code, so if you can't do that in a given medium (say, a chip with 1KB
 capacity) then GPL software is not free in any medium.

Of course, but that isn't an imposition on changes.

If a GPL'd program comes with a bunch of Japanese text, then I could
always remove that text if I must transmit the program on ASCII.  I
might have a weaker less useful program, but I can at least do
something.  I might also translate the Japanese into English and
distribute that instead.  I have many options.

By contrast, if there is an invariant section written in Japanese, I
cannot remove it, I cannot distribute a translation instead, I must
instead simply not transmit the document *at all* if I am stuck with
an ASCII-only medium.


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Re: A new practical problem with invariant sections?

2006-02-13 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Craig Sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 why are you obsessing with a convenience issue and pretending that it
 has ANY BEARING AT ALL on freedom issues?  it doesn't.

I think if you'll look at the header you'll see that this is about a
new practical problem.  If you aren't interested in the practical
problems, then you don't need to worry about them.  Those of us who
are interested in them should be able to discuss them, right?

We have also been told by some that the DFSG should be interpreted only to
require permission to make useful modifications.  If that is correct,
then it immediately becomes relevant whether a given modification is
useful, and whether that modification is prohibited.


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Re: A new practical problem with invariant sections?

2006-02-13 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Craig Sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 bullshit. freedom, as used by Debian, is explicitly defined in the
 DFSG. the DFSG has a number of clauses detailing what we consider
 free and what we don't consider free. convenience is NOT one of those
 clauses, and never was. in fact, convenience is implicitly discarded as
 a criteria by the existence of the patch clause, which explicitly states
 that the major inconvenience of modification-by-patch-only is free.

Modifiability *is* one of those clauses, and a rule that says you
cannot modify this essay is in violation of that clause.

The *reason* why some care about this clause is for reasons to
do with convenience, practicality, or expense, or perhaps other
things.  It is Anton's apparent conviction that the DFSG only demands
modifiability when it is necessary for convenience's or practicality's
sake.  This is not *my* view.  But it is interesting that *even* if we
adopt Anton's view, in which suddenly convenience and practicality
matter, we can think of reasons why the modifications in question
would be useful.

But let there be no mistake.  My view (and, I think, Manoj's view), is
that the freedom to modify a manual by removing invariant sections
is one of the freedom's protected by the DFSG, and it is so whether it
is practically important to be able to do so or not.

Use of the word bullshit constitutes a violation of the policy for
this mailing list.


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Re: The Curious Case Of The Mountainous Molehill

2006-02-13 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Craig Sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Mon, Feb 13, 2006 at 01:42:44PM -0700, Hubert Chan wrote:
 3a only says that a binary has to be *accompanied* with the source code.
 Hence it can be on a separate medium.  So you can distribute your 1KB
 chip, stapled to a CD-ROM that contains the source, and still comply
 with the terms of the GPL.

 you can do the same with GFDL documents. e.g. the stupid coffee cup
 example so popular with you zealots - if you can't fit the invariant
 sections on the cup itself, then print it on paper and include it in the
 box. problem solved.

Of course you can distribute it.  What you cannot do is *modify* it in
a particular way (or rather, any way at all).  The DFSG requires the
right to *modify*.


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Re: A new practical problem with invariant sections?

2006-02-13 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Craig Sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 once again: you *can* modify an invariant section by patching it. the
 GFDL does not say you can not modify at all, it says you can not
 delete or change these small secondary sections, but you can add your
 own comments to them. 

A patched version of the manual, which omits the invariant section,
cannot be distributed.  

 no, you can not steal credit for someone else's
 work, or gag someone by removing their words, nor can you put your own
 words in their mouth. you do have the freedom to add your own words
 commenting on theirs.  i.e. modification-by-patch is allowed.

This is true, but it is irrelevant.  The DFSG does not only say that I
can add my words to the original; it requires that the license
preserve my ability to modify it.

Of course, the license can require attributions of credit and notice
that a change was made; the GPL requires these and causes no

 for a document, that is more than adequate. hell, it's good enough for
 actual software according to the DFSG.

It doesn't matter whether it's adequate in your opinion; the DFSG
demands modifiability.

 oh, and once again (because i *KNOW* you'll try to obfuscate the crucial
 fact about invariant sections, you do it every time the argument gets to

That's certainly true; nobody has challenged that.

However, the DFSG does not just say that the primary parts of the work
need to be modifiable; it says that the whole thing must be.

 Use of the word bullshit constitutes a violation of the policy for
 this mailing list.

 your offensive presence is a violation of policy, but hey - i'll let
 that slide.

Whether my presence is a violation of policy is irrelevant to the
question of your use of the word bullshit.


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Re: A new practical problem with invariant sections?

2006-02-12 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Craig Sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 don't be an idiot. you only have to keep the invariant sections if you
 are DISTRIBUTING a copy. you can do whatever you want with your own

Right, so you can't *distribute* a copy on an ASCII-only medium, even
of the English translation of a Japanese manual, if the Japanese

Oh, never mind.  Craig is not listening, he's just vomiting words out
his mouth.  Sorry.


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Re: A new practical problem with invariant sections?

2006-02-12 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Craig Sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 there's nothing in the GFDL that prevents you from doing that. the
 capabilities of your medium are beyond the ability of the GFDL (or any
 license) to control.

This is hardly true.  The GFDL says you must transmit the original
Japanese text in the case in question, and so if you cannot do so in a
given medium, then you cannot use that medium to transmit the text.

 no, it's lying arseholes like you who aren't listening. like every other
 argument against the GFDL and every other alleged proof that the GFDL
 is non-free, this is a mere CONVENIENCE ISSUE, not a FREEDOM ISSUE. the
 DFSG does not require convenience, it only requires freedom.

Ah, once Craig insisted to me that he would never ever read my email
messages.  Either that was a lie, or heeys'changed his mind.

Regardless, more's the pity.

I hope that Craig, if he reads this, will not read any more of them.


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Re: Amendment to GR on GFDL, and the changes to the Social Contract

2006-02-11 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Nick Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Certainly looks like you think that there is some absolute way to
 determine that the license is not DFSG-compliant to me. If there
 isn't, then the if in the first part of your sentence is never
 satisfied, and the rest is completely hypothetical.

Wrong.  Stating a hypothetical does not imply that I have some
absolute way to determine whether the antecedent is satisfied.

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Re: DFSG4 and combined works

2006-02-11 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Anton Zinoviev [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Fri, Feb 10, 2006 at 02:30:43PM -0800, Thomas Bushnell BSG wrote:
 Anton Zinoviev [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On Fri, Feb 10, 2006 at 11:55:11AM -0800, Thomas Bushnell BSG wrote:
  But that isn't my point.  My point is that you can't include the
  GFDL'd material in any free program.  (Or, by doing so, you render the
  program non-free.)  This is not controversial; even the FSF agrees.
  This won't be true if you use dual licensing.  I showed one way to
  achieve this in
 However, the resulting program is *not* a free program!
 I cannot include GFDL'd text in a BSD-licensed program without
 *changing the license to require the GFDL's terms*.  

 I suppose we are talking about different things.  Notice that the
 procedure I proposed places all pieces taken from the manual inside
 comments.  The binary of GDB doesn't depend on the comments and thats
 why you can choose the BSD license for it.

I'm talking about *doc strings*.  Doc strings do not live inside the

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Re: DFSG4 and combined works

2006-02-11 Thread Thomas Bushnell BSG
Anton Zinoviev [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 If you want your binary to use pieces from the manual for help
 strings, then your binary has to read these pieces from auxiliary file
 which would be (speaking in the terms of GFDL) an opaque copy and
 would be covered under GFDL.

Likely not.  In all likelihood the result would be a single combined
work.  Technical obfuscations do not defeat copyright law or software

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