Re: How to log queries in Apache Derby?

2014-02-03 Thread Paul Linehan
Hi Bryan, and thanks for your input.

 I launch derby by issuing the command (from $DERBY_HOME)

 Does it work if you do:
   java -jar $DERBY_HOME/lib/derbyrun.jar 
 -Dderby.language.logStatementText=true server start

No, but this does (at least the server starts - fails on the above command)

java -jar -Dderby.language.logStatementText=true
$DERBY_HOME/lib/derbyrun.jar server start

But again, no joy for the log file(s).

See the output below (end of post) from
linehanp@lg12l9:~/derby/db-derby-$ NetworkServerControl sysinfo

The output from this caused me to look in my own home directory - but
the only thing
it contains is (just like the others)

linehanp@lg12l9:~$ more derby.log

Sat Jan 25 17:21:38 GMT 2014: Shutting down Derby engine


I'm still at a loss to understand where my logfile with my query is?
As mentioned, I have a
file called in $DERBY_HOME/bin and $DERBY_HOME with the line
in it.




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linehanp@lg12l9:~/derby/db-derby-$ NetworkServerControl sysinfo
- Derby Network Server Information 
Version: CSS10100/ - (1458268)  Build: 1458268  DRDA Product
Id: CSS10100
-- listing properties --
-- Java Information --
Java Version:1.7.0_45
Java Vendor: Oracle Corporation
Java home:   /users/ugrad/linehanp/Downloads/software/jdk/jdk1.7.0_45/jre
Java classpath:
OS name: Linux
OS architecture: amd64
OS version:  3.2.0-58-generic
Java user name:  linehanp
Java user home:  /users/ugrad/linehanp
Java user dir:   /users/ugrad/linehanp/derby/db-derby- Java Platform API Specification
java.specification.version: 1.7
java.runtime.version: 1.7.0_45-b18
- Derby Information 
[/users/ugrad/linehanp/derby/db-derby-] - (1458268)
[/users/ugrad/linehanp/derby/db-derby-] - (1458268)
[/users/ugrad/linehanp/derby/db-derby-] - (1458268)
[/users/ugrad/linehanp/derby/db-derby-] - (1458268)

Re: How to log queries in Apache Derby?

2014-02-03 Thread Paul Linehan
Hi Rick (and thanks for your input),

 java -jar $DERBY_HOME/lib/derbyrun.jar server start
 or sometimes

 That command line suggests that the current directory of the JVM is

No - I run ./bin/startNetworkServer from $DERBY_HOME.

I can run it from anywhere because I have $DERBY_HOME/bin in my $PATH.

But, what I normally do (now) is the java -jar command below.

 The file should live in the current directory,
 according to the instructions here:

And indeed it does - I have in $DERBY_HOME
(I have removed it from $DERBY_HOME/bin - seems to have no effect anyway).

To recap - I have tried (from $DERBY_HOME)

java -jar -Dderby.system.home=$DERBY_HOME
$DERBY_HOME/lib/derbyrun.jar server start

with various permutations of -Dderby.language.logStatementText=true
and -Dderby.infolog.append=true

I have used the file - 1 line
derby.language.logStatementText=true (no commas)
on its own, with blank line(s) leading and trailing (that seems to do
something sometimes)
and still no joy for a simple SELECT query which I issue from ij (also
run from $DERBY_HOME).
I run COMMIT after the statement even though it's only a SELECT.

Is there something glaringly obvious that I'm doing incorrectly?




Mob: 00 353 86 864 5772

Re: How to log queries in Apache Derby?

2014-02-03 Thread Paul Linehan
Hi again,

As a further clarification to my last post, the database itself is
called firstdb and
sits in a directory pdata, i.e. $DERBY_HOME/pdata/firstdb

My connection string is  'jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/pdata/firstdb';




Mob: 00 353 86 864 5772

Re: How to log queries in Apache Derby - problem solved!

2014-02-03 Thread Paul Linehan
 First remove / rename all the previously created derby.log files.
 Then start your server.

 Look for a fresh derby.log file (if not the current dir when you start
 networkserver, also check under your home directory) and put the file in *that* directory, then restart...
 You may also consider adding the following:

Hi Myrna,

Apache Derby query logging problem solved!

Create file in $DERBY_HOME


From the $DERBY_HOME run (i.e. start server)

java -jar -Dderby.system.home=$DERBY_HOME
$DERBY_HOME/lib/derbyrun.jar server start

From the $DERBY_HOME run ij.

Connect to your database
i.e. CONNECT 'jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/pdata/firstdb';

Run your query (I then committed - possibly unnecessary)

Exit ij.

cat/more/less derby.log and voilĂ  - my query is there!

Thank you very much - that's great. Now I can log my queries - I can
always play around
with the settings, but I know I can always get back to a working
setup! Yaay! And thanks
to everyone else who contributed.




Mob: 00 353 86 864 5772

Re: Can't open more than one connection to database?

2014-02-01 Thread Paul Linehan
Hi again all,

 I normally connect to derby using either ij or SQuirreL SQL
 or both.

Found it!

Using connect 'jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/pdata/firstdb';

I can use multiple connections - I was using a different connection string

CONNECT 'jdbc:derby:firstdb';

which obviously picks up the embedded driver in some shape or form!

Sorry about the panic!



Mob: 00 353 86 864 5772

How to log queries in Apache Derby?

2014-02-01 Thread Paul Linehan
Hi all,

I am trying to log queries to my Apache Derby server.

My $DERBY_HOME is as follows - Ubuntu Linux 64bit - Java jdk1.7.0_45.
Can access my database through Squirrel and ij.

linehanp@lg12l9:~/derby/db-derby-$ echo $DERBY_HOME

I launch derby by issuing the command (from $DERBY_HOME)

java -jar $DERBY_HOME/lib/derbyrun.jar server start
or sometimes

I created a file called in $DERBY_HOME/bin
in which there is one line

linehanp@lg12l9:~/derby/db-derby-$ more

Restart server.

I run ij from $DERBY_HOME and issue a query.

ij connect 'jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/pdata/firstdb';
ij set schema linehanp;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij select * from analysis;
 Result set deleted.
ij commit;
ij exit;

I've looked everywhere and can't find my logged query

linehanp@lg12l9:~/derby/db-derby-$ find . -name *.log
./pdata/derby.log  == same as ./derby.log below.
./derby.log   a line about shutting down, nothing else
./bin/derby.log  === empty file.
linehanp@lg12l9:~/derby/db-derby-$ cd bin/

Could some kind soul tell me what I'm doing wrong - thanks.

If any other information is required, please don't hesitate to let me know.




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Migrating from MySQL to Apache - having difficulty with Timestamp.

2014-01-23 Thread Paul Linehan
Hi all,

I have the following MySQL statement and I wish to insert the same
data into a Derby table.

INSERT INTO analysis VALUES (6,'-00-00

My Derby table is of the fomat (some columns missing).

DB  |VARCHAR  |NULL|NULL|120   |NULL  |240   |YES

From here,
is *_appears_* that
my data is OK, but I get the error
Error: The string representation of a date/time value is out of range.
SQLState:  22007
ErrorCode: 3

From Squirrel SQL.

Could anybody kindly point out where I'm going wrong?

TIA and rgs,



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Re: Migrating from MySQL to Apache - having difficulty with Timestamp.

2014-01-23 Thread Paul Linehan
Hi Rick,

 Maybe the meaning of that MySQL timestamp is supposed to be equivalent to

Thanks again for your help. My project is a proof of concept -
basically, I have a system
(genomes/genomics related) that uses MySQL. This system is Java/Javascript based
and I'm seeing if the datastore/database side could be swapped out for Derby.

The advantages of this is that there would be no need for a MySQL install, no
admin  (the reaction of most biologists to Unix Eeek, what's that?...)

I've taken enough short cuts for the time being (changed both enum and set
types into VARCHAR...) that I think that changing those dates to null might do
the trick. Obviously, there could be dependencies on these dates that I don't
know about, but having looked at all my (sample) data, no timestamp is
anything other than '-00-00 00:00:00' so null is probably a good idea.

I'll go with that and if the worst comes to the worst, I'll look at
the code gulp...





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Creating tables - migrating from MySQL.

2014-01-21 Thread Paul Linehan
Hi all,

I'm trying to migrate a system (72 tables) from MySQL to Apache.

I've looked at the docco here,
but it isn't readily apparent to me how to create INDEXES within the
CREATE TABLE statement.

I'd rather not have to manually perform this procedure - a sample might help.

CREATE TABLE analysis (
  analysis_id smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  created datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '-00-00 00:00:00',
  logic_name varchar(128) NOT NULL,
  db varchar(120) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (analysis_id),
  UNIQUE KEY logic_name_idx (logic_name),
  KEY db_idx (db)

Tried this through ij and it failed.

What do I have to substitute for PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE KEY and KEY
statement (I'll either use sed/awk/vi/ or Java eventually) - or do I
have to create the PRIMARY KEY
and other KEYs outside of the main CREATE TABLE statement?

I did try doing this automatically using SQuirrel SQL, but there are
(MySQL!!!) some fields called
end I'll try and quote these with double quotes for the time being.

Any help, ideas, references, URLs  appreciated.

TIA and rgs,



Mob: 00 353 86 864 5772

Re: Creating tables - migrating from MySQL.

2014-01-21 Thread Paul Linehan
Hi Bryan,

 I'm trying to migrate a system (72 tables) from MySQL to Apache.

 Have you considered using ddlutils:

Yeah, looks interesting for when I come to settle down and write this
sort of thing,
but what I'm trying to do for the moment is just get it up and running on
an ad-hoc basis.

I do know that this isn't ideal - but for the moment (I have to demo something
on Thursday morning!) it'll suffice. Also found
and will be looking at these too.

Thanks for your interest.




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Re: Creating tables - migrating from MySQL.

2014-01-21 Thread Paul Linehan
2014/1/21 Rick Hillegas

Hi Rick, and thanks for your input.

 You might want to take a look at the optional foreignViews tool, which can
 be useful for data migration projects like yours: You
 can create and populate a Derby table from an external table by following
 the instructions for loading the foreignViews tool and then issuing
 statements like the following:

 -- create the local Derby table
 create table S1.T1 as select * from XYZ_S1.T1 with no data;
 insert into S1.T1 select * from XYZ_S1.T1;

I had a quick look at this - launch it from within ij!

I didn't construct my URL properly and got a suitable error message.

Just wondering - how will this cope with ENUM types? Tinytext? Mediumtext?

In the meantime, I've about 50% of a tool which will get me to where I
want - very
crude, but it should cover the basics - I'll have a couple of weeks
after Thursday
and might be able to thrash out something usable. I will experiment
with what you've
showed me - again after Thursday.

I'm Setting Mediumtext and Longtext to BLOB - hope this is OK?

Thanks again and rgs,




Mob: 00 353 86 864 5772

Re: Biggest Apache Derby database(s).

2014-01-09 Thread Paul Linehan
Hi Rick,

 I would like to know (with references/URLs preferably) what are the
 kinds of sizes that large Derby installs stretch to? Would it go to 1TB?
 More? Less?

 At Sun Microsystems

Straight from the horse's mouth no less! :)

 we ran a stress test on a Derby database which
 successfully grew to 500GB.

 I have no reason to believe that Derby wouldn't scale to 1TB as well.

I perhaps should have mentioned that I'm interested in both the
client-server and embedded - no difference? Though, at the moment,
0.5TB - 1TB would be the absolute max - and performance
would not be the major criterion.




Mob: 00 353 86 864 5772

Biggest Apache Derby database(s).

2014-01-08 Thread Paul Linehan
Hi all,

I would like to know (with references/URLs preferably) what are the
kinds of sizes that large Derby installs stretch to? Would it go to 1TB?
More? Less?

Thanks in advance for any info, pointers and esp. references and URLs.




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Embedded - can it be multi-user?

2011-07-02 Thread Paul Linehan
Hi all,

I've just started to use Derby and really like it. I've come from
a Firebird embedded environment with Java, but the
fact that Derby is written in Java is a decisive factor
in its favour - its feature set is also impressive.

However, there's one thing that's confusing me. First thing I did
was go to the getstartderby.pdf docco and go through the
tutorial. All worked fine, however I was confused by this bit

(End of page 33, start of 34)
Derby's two architectures have caused confusion for some new Derby
users, who mistakenly think that embedded is a single-user
configuration. This is not true. The embedded driver supports multiple
simultaneous connections, performs locking, and provides performance,
integrity, and recoverability. Any application that uses the Getting Started
with Derby embedded driver can open multiple Derby connections and
then provide a means for multiple users to interact with the database
on each connection.
The Derby Network Server is an example of such an application.

Now, I was using the SQuirreL SQL Client to look at my databases
as they were being created, but I couldn't use ij with the database
*_and_* SQuirreL at the same time.

What I'm wondering is, if there's a single app connecting to the database
multiple times, is it up to the app to manage the connections so that
only one connection is active at any one time, or how exactly does that
work? Say in a context where an App Server is connecting to an embedded
Derby database - i.e. no server running - does the App Server have to manage
requests to the database in a queue or how, exactly does the system work?

TIA for any pointers, tips, clues, references, URL's or anything else useful.




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