Re: [Design-team] The boot splash - time to think about it again

2012-10-05 Thread Camilo Mesias

I wonder if it's possible to keep track of time whilst booting, I feel
this should be possible even if accurate progress or even the amount
of work to complete is not known.

Maybe then there could be some weighted average of the time taken to boot.

This would allow a time based animation that shows true progress
(elapsed time) with reference to something meaningful (average boot

It's not too hard to think of a visual representation of this,
movement of a logo along a timeline perhaps..?


(excuse my ASCII art attempt!)

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Gnome-shell extension that adds a Fedora logo

2011-04-15 Thread Camilo Mesias

For the record, in Gnome 2 / Fedora 14, wasn't there a Fedora logo on
the main menu? I say this because I had to add a menu to the panel
after a fumbling session by an inexperienced user, which removed the
menu entirely. When I replaced the menu it had a Gnome foot logo on it
instead of the Fedora logo.

If this is true and not my memory playing tricks on me, it might show
a precedent for Fedora overriding some upstream imagery, placing
branding in front of the user by default.

I am slightly worried by the undercurrent that seems to suggest
leaving upstream untouched... I get the impression there is a barrier
to participation in open source that is slowly and surely being
cranked higher (sorry that's a bit off topic here)

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Fedora 15 GNOME Default Wallpaper

2010-12-21 Thread Camilo Mesias
On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 6:07 PM, Bill Nottingham wrote:
 That's an absolutely horrible UI; it would be like asking them at
 boot time what their shell should be, or their mail client, or their
 web browser, or any number of other implementation details that just
 serves to confuse the user and get in the way of them actually logging
 in and doing whatever task they want. It's important to choose good
 defaults, not just punt choices to the user.

Last time I did an install there was a series of questions / intrusive
UI on the first boot, is it so different?

As a user I don't really care what the background is, so long as my
subjective impression doesn't find it offensive. If I find it
offensive it's only a few clicks to replace it.

If I was a Gnome developer I'd probably be keen to see the upstream
presentation preserved; as a user I do find some value in this.

If I was a Fedora design team member I'd probably be keen for users to
have access to the Fedora version of Gnome 3, equally as a user I
would like to have this option.

Isn't it crucial to keeping everyone reasonably happy to let the users
have the option to choose from both alternatives, and wouldn't a first
boot question fit that perfectly?

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Fedora 15 GNOME Default Wallpaper

2010-12-21 Thread Camilo Mesias
Then if it's not sufficiently important to ask a user, it probably
isn't worth deliberating further.

Toss a coin or something? Provide a random default?

I wish there was more focus to package up and present alternative
themes than to provide a single look for each release. I'm thinking
that I get a better experience from choosing and using a WordPress
theme than I do from clicking about on the desktop or visiting or The default WordPress look is fine.
It's taken for granted that users will replace it though. Shouldn't it
be similar for the desktop?

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Fedora 15 GNOME Default Wallpaper

2010-12-21 Thread Camilo Mesias

On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 2:32 PM, twohot wrote:
 No. One default can be better than another.  Even if you take a
 subjective approach and take a poll.  You'll get a clear winner ...
 subjective as the result may appear, you have a more acceptable art.
 It is important to provide a generally accepted winner than a winner
 accepted by a few.

I think the point is that the Fedora background and the Gnome one are
both likely to be technically excellent backgrounds. Users would get
along fine with either. A choice is more likely to be made on
religious grounds and any poll you take will be heavily influenced by
the opinions of the people polled.

If a user choice is really such a horrible UI then someone will have
to decide on a default. The person responsible will risk alienating
some people. The 'losers' will have to swallow their pride and we can
all move on to something that users will actually care about.

 Of COurse! I am using gnome-shell and I see the wallpaper all the
 time.  Maybe you should preview Gnome3 first

I've been using Gnome shell since I first noticed I could, and I love
it. I know it's not perfect. I know not everyone loves it but I am
really looking forward to it being the default :) If it ships then I
will be stunned to hear reviews along the lines of It has Gnome shell
which is so different to the old desktop in so many ways but the thing
that really bugged me was this wallpaper :)

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Fedora 15 GNOME Default Wallpaper

2010-12-21 Thread Camilo Mesias

On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 2:53 PM, Fabian A. Scherschel wrote:
 Oh, come on!
 Asking the user what wallpaper they want on boot is obviously nonsense!
 Should we also ask them what colour icons they want or where the panels
 should be? How about the browser or the default email program? Where does it
 The job of a distribution is too decide on sensible defaults so the user
 doesn't have to. This is ridicolous!

It's not that ridiculous if you think about it. It might be different
to what you are used to from a Linux distro.

I'm thinking of lots of modern websites where the design and
functionality has been changed*. These are leading sites that haven't
got to where they are by alienating users. It is similar to changing
the way the desktop works. As a gentle introduction to the changes,
the user on first login is offered a tour of the new features which
integrates nicely with a chance to change or set the optional bits of
the interface. Actually I think that would work really well with Gnome
3 if only someone had the time, the overall vision and the
responsibility for making sure the users 'bought in' to the new


* and then Facebook's 'New profile'; the second
redesign of Orkut; YouTube's new layout all had interactive tours to
introduce users to the new features (and turn bits of them off if they
didn't like them)
design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Concepts for F14

2010-05-12 Thread Camilo Mesias
I wonder what the 'correct' pronunciation is... it's tempting to read
it as Laugh-lin (joke distribution) :)


design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Concepts for F14

2010-05-12 Thread Camilo Mesias
 It's pronounced: Lock linn

Thanks Frank, perhaps a wiki edit is in order to clarify the 'official' form :)

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] f13 rockets simple sketch

2010-01-14 Thread Camilo Mesias
Are there any notes on how to hack Plymouth animations, it would be
interesting to try to put something together.

Ideally I suppose there could be a common bit of software that could
be part of a screensaver or part of a boot animation / animated login
splash screen.

For rocket imagery I really like some of the shots from Gattaca, where
the rocket flight was an image associated with the aspirations of the
protagonist. The rockets were computer generated and usually appeared
behind some stark geometric architecture or simple coloured

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