Re: Proposal: gnome-main-menu for inclusion in GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Glynn Foster

Steve Frécinaux wrote:
 Martin Ejdestig wrote:
 On Fri, 2006-10-20 at 13:11 -0400, Rodney Dawes wrote:
 The menu thing looks like the Mac menu, but doesn't
 behave anything like the real thing does on Mac OS.
 And the slab thing looks like Windows' start menu but doesn't behave
 anything like the real thing on Windows. Or did I miss something? :)
 Note that I'm not using MacOS, nor am I using Windows.
 I'm perfectly fine with the current gnome-y menu applet and don't want 
 to see it replaced, that's all.

I don't have a huge desire for change either.

We seem to change the menu layout in pretty much every GNOME minor release that
we've created. That's churn every 6 months. What makes you think that slab is
any better? How long has it soaked in a Novell release?

[or is this an excuse to avoid having to maintain code specific to Novell? - a
'yes' answer is fine, I can appreciate that desire...]

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposal: gnome-main-menu for inclusion in GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Toby Smithe
On Mon, 2006-10-23 at 20:46 +1300, Glynn Foster wrote:
 Steve Frécinaux wrote:
  Martin Ejdestig wrote:
  On Fri, 2006-10-20 at 13:11 -0400, Rodney Dawes wrote:
  The menu thing looks like the Mac menu, but doesn't
  behave anything like the real thing does on Mac OS.
  And the slab thing looks like Windows' start menu but doesn't behave
  anything like the real thing on Windows. Or did I miss something? :)
  Note that I'm not using MacOS, nor am I using Windows.
  I'm perfectly fine with the current gnome-y menu applet and don't want 
  to see it replaced, that's all.
 I don't have a huge desire for change either.
 We seem to change the menu layout in pretty much every GNOME minor release 
 we've created. That's churn every 6 months. What makes you think that slab is
 any better? How long has it soaked in a Novell release?

I've just tried using slab for a couple of days. It's very nice looking,
but I don't think it provides anything more than what we have already.
Its search feature ties into Beagle (we have Deskbar), it has
NetworkManager support (we a tray applet), and its menu system leaves a
lot to be desired. If the application you want is a favourite (of
which there can only be so many), it's great. But when you want to
administer your system, or run a different application, it's rather a
different story, and you have to open up a clumsy program that then
stays in memory for the rest of the session. Furthermore, it doesn't
have the lovely Places system.

Until the more applications problem is sorted out, I don't think it
should be the default, as it would be a step backwards in terms of

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposal: gnome-main-menu for inclusion in GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Alan Horkan

On Sun, 22 Oct 2006, Sri Ramkrishna wrote:

 Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 13:48:46 -0700
 From: Sri Ramkrishna [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: [ISO-8859-1] Germ�n Po� Caama�o [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Proposal: gnome-main-menu for inclusion in GNOME 2.18

 I'm in total agreement here.  I've used the slab menu which is included
 in Ubuntu.  For those who want to make useful comments about slab as it
 compares with the other menu setups can apt-get install
 gnome-main-menu on Edgy.

 My personal feeling is that it does seem kind of slow.  I find it hard
 to find applications when using the application browser.

 it's the same as windows.  I understand there was user testing done but
 I would think that this is a big departure from the windows interface

Were there any ergonomics or click tracking tests done on Slab?

 If this was used in GNOME it would be hard for those who use GNOME daily
 (as I do) to switch gears at first to using this interface.  Perhaps
 windows users would appreciate the switch but I think regular GNOME
 users might find it a little hard to change.

My feeling - I do not have testing facilities at my disposal - is that the
old menus have very clear and blocky target areas and slab not so much.
Ergonomics seems the more plausible explanation for experienced users
having difficulties getting up to speed.

 Personally, if it looks like that people like the change I don't mind as
 long as we have a backwards compatible way to use the old menu system.
 Just because you change it doesn't mean you can't continue using the old
 way for those of us who have learned to use GNOME in that way.

 This also creates problems for systems administrators when you change
 UIs as it requires re-training for it's users which costs time and money
 to use the new system unless you can provide a method to let users
 migrate to the new system over time.

I do hope serious consideration will be given to providing a stable
experience for existing users and migration.

It would be nice if proposed modules could be included in odd numbered
releases without first fully accepting it so as to help when it comes to
testing and evaluation, but I suppose Garnome (and Jhbuild?) largely take
care of that.


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposal: gnome-main-menu for inclusion in GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Elijah Newren
On 10/23/06, Alan Horkan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It would be nice if proposed modules could be included in odd numbered
 releases without first fully accepting it so as to help when it comes to
 testing and evaluation

See also;
seems like a good idea in need of someone to kickstart it.

, but I suppose Garnome (and Jhbuild?) largely take care of that.

and often distributors.  jhbuild tends to do it as part of a
meta-proposed metamodule (not included in meta-gnome-desktop, the
default build target), though it tends to be forgotten and not updated
for long periods of time.  GARNOME is probably much more on top of the
ball, as usual.
desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: User Documentation Requirements

2006-10-23 Thread Shaun McCance
On Thu, 2006-10-19 at 18:45 -0500, Shaun McCance wrote:
 I would like to propose requirements on maintainers of
 user-oriented modules (that is, those modules that need
 user documentation).  As a programmer and maintainer,
 I don't think these introduce an undue burden.  And as
 a documentation team member, I think they can help our
 writers significantly.

For those who don't keep archives or have broken threading:

Are there any further thoughts about this?  Since I think
there is constant confusion about requirements, I'd like
to work on the pages here:

What I would like to do is put the requirements into five
pages: common, new modules, applications, platform, and
bindings.  I'd like these pages to reflect everything we
expect of maintainers.  And then we should link to this
page from, well, just about all the maintainer-oriented



desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposal: gnome-main-menu for inclusion in GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Iain *
On 10/20/06, Diego Escalante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 but I was annoyed by how the application and
 configuration browser were ALWAYS running and eating about 100Mb of
 RAM. It's not an issue for me thanks to my Gig of RAM but for someone
 with less RAM it can be a killer problem.
 Is this fixed?.

Looking at my system, both apps are using ~ 9meg. Maybe it has been fixed.

My first impressions - It fits the way I work better, I have lots of
apps installed that I rarely use, and only a handful that I do use
regularly. I've dragged them into the menu as Favourites and its
quicker than hunting through menus for them.

It does highlight how badly some (most?) apps .desktop file
descriptions are screwed up with the tiles looking like

Epiphany Web Brow...
Web Browser

Cowbell Music Orga...
Music Organiser

If the generic description wasn't included in the Name, there'd be a
lot less ... going on.

Clicking on the Hard drive info brings up gnome system monitor, which
doesn't really have anything nice about the hard drive...maybe running
the disk cleanup tool in gnome-utils. The icon of the hard drive could
have a nice little pie chart thingy, like

The Network thingy says
Connected: Lin...
does it need the Connected: bit, if it was left out, I could see
more of my network name

Having Places/Bookmarks would make it very useful.

I like the use of colour to differentiate areas, I think we should do
more of this in GNOME.

And if it's replacing menus, I think it should replace both menus. We
dont want menus to be the new clocks.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposing Tracker for inclusion into GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Jos van den Oever
Hi all,

Today I was demo-ing KDE at the Systems in Munich and the GNOME
presenter across from me in the GNOME booth told me about this
discussion [1]. Since I'm the developer of Strigi [2] it interested me
and I would love to contribute to this discussion. Also, I believe
this discussion is of interest to the KDE developers, since KDE is
also in need of good desktop search tools. Therefor, this mail also
goes to kde-core-devel.

First off, let me say that I'll be going slightly off topic by not
only discussing inclusion of search engines into GNOME but also
cooperation between the current alternatives. Both of these aspects
have been talked about in this thread and I'd like to add to it from
the point of view of yet another desktop search tool.

But first let me introduce Strigi. Strigi is a desktop search tool
that has many similarities and difference to Beagle and Tracker and
which originates from the unfortunate demise of Kat. The goal of
Strigi is quite clear: index user data so that searching for it is
fast. The aim is not to index only plain text but also metadata so
that a user may search for e.g. 'ext:png width:128' to find all files
with a width of 128 pixels

Strigi has a few features that are not in Tracker or Beagle and misses
a number of features that the other programs lack. But the core
functionality of Strigi, indexing data, is something that it shares.
One important distinction has to be made straightaway: the difference
between indexing metadata and storing metadata. Strigi only indexes
metadata. If you think you're disk is full, you can just throw away
the index, because there is no data of value in there. All that's in
there is an index that allows you to find your data quickly.
Personally, I think _storing_ metadata in an indexer is not a good
idea. (I do think that an index on a metadata store is a good idea,
but that's a different matter). This is a large difference with
Tracker which does act as a metadata store of 'first class objects'
whatever that means. Beagle is also mainly an index. (Is any
non-redundant data lost if I delete my Beagle index, Joe?)

So if Tracker and Beagle also index data, what's so special about Strigi?
(sorry for the obligatory boasting coming up)
- It is KISSest of all
- It is fastest of all (for indexing many small files, just parsing is
~100 docs per second, with writing to the index depends on the index
- It can index files in files in files in files in files
- It has and indexer that can output XML and can this be used by other
indexers (Beagle and Tracker) so that indexing code can be shared.
Having a common metadata standard would be nice for this purpose, but
see below)
- It is written in C++
- It has multiple storage backends clearly separated behind an API so
that Strigi can always take advantage of the fastest index around
(currently clucene)
- It can be used for searching even if there is no index, by using the
command line programs 'deepfind' and 'deepgrep' [2]

This is however not a sales talk. Strigi stands on it's own. It's GUI
independent. Currently, it links to clucene or hyperestraier, to
libexpat and some other common libs like libz and libcrypto. It has a
DBus interface and can be called from any language with DBus support.
There's a plugin for GNOME Deskbar in the source code.

So it this is not a sales talk, what is it? It's a call for
standardization. This discussion between competing programs is a great
time to start talking about common functionality. With regards to
desktop search there are many things that can be standardized:
- query language
- metadata names and meaning
- test suites
- DBus APIs
- index formats

I won't discuss index formats because, even though Beagle and Strigi
both use the Lucene index format, this is an implementation detail and
defines performance and disk usage and should not be frozen into a

The query language as used by Beagle and Strigi is very similar (no
coincidence) and is a good start for standardization. The largest
drawback of the language used is the ambiguity of the field

Now that DBus v1 is almost upon is, the barriers between GNOME and KDE
are diminishing. Functionality defined by a DBus API can by
implemented in any language and as such, I think GNOME should choose a
DBus API to use and share with KDE and

Test suites. I'd love there to be a common test suite that says: if
you index this data with these parameters, you should get these
results from this query. Strigi will develop such test naturally.
Being able to share them across projects would mean that programs
would compete on merit and without the usual prejudices and license
and library incompatibilities.
Strigi has a DBus interface for searching, so does Tracker. We should
compare them and find a common interface. Of course the respective
GNOME and KDE developers should decide which DBus API should be used
by their applications. would be a good place to define
these interfaces.

Re: User Documentation Requirements

2006-10-23 Thread Elijah Newren
On 10/23/06, Shaun McCance [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For those who don't keep archives or have broken threading:

 Are there any further thoughts about this?

I already gave my $0.02 about that.  :-)

 Since I think there is constant confusion about requirements,
 I'd like to work on the pages here:

 What I would like to do is put the requirements into five
 pages: common, new modules, applications, platform, and
 bindings.  I'd like these pages to reflect everything we
 expect of maintainers.

I volunteered to do this a little while ago
grep for 'documentation').  Been a little slow at getting back around
to it, though I do have some partial drafts laying around.  I'll
finish them up and get them online, though if you want to beat me to
the punch with an initial outline then go ahead.  New modules hadn't
been included originally, but it looks like Vincent is tackling that
so it shouldn't be hard to incorporate it.

 And then we should link to this page from, well, just about
 all the maintainer-oriented pages. (which happens to be linked to
from the product overview page in bugzilla and the release schedule)
sounds like the most natural place.  Might warrant a separate mention
on the release schedule as well.  And, once it's written up, we should
sound out a big announcement to let people know about it.  Any other
places it belongs?  (Or that a link to MaintainersCorner ought to be
desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposing Tracker for inclusion into GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Murray Cumming
On Mon, 2006-10-23 at 21:21 +0200, Jos van den Oever wrote:
 Today I was demo-ing KDE at the Systems in Munich and the GNOME
 presenter across from me in the GNOME booth told me about this
 discussion [1] 

GNOME are not at Systems. The booth was cancelled. But we have fans

Murray Cumming

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposing Tracker for inclusion into GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Jos van den Oever
The stand is there, it has a big sticker 'GNOME' and some nice people
from Ubuntu took the honeurs thinking that the GNOMEs were absent only
for today. Too bad it got cancelled. In fact, the Ubuntu guy did not
always did a good job of explaining GNOME. One fair attendee came to
the KDE stand saying: so what's this KDE desktop? I came from the
GNOME stand and they were a competitor but now redundant due to a
license change. That was rather funny. I tried to clarify that
neither is redundant and that we're getting closer all the time.
Nevertheless, they put a nice demo system up.

2006/10/23, Murray Cumming [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Mon, 2006-10-23 at 21:21 +0200, Jos van den Oever wrote:
  Today I was demo-ing KDE at the Systems in Munich and the GNOME
  presenter across from me in the GNOME booth told me about this
  discussion [1]

 GNOME are not at Systems. The booth was cancelled. But we have fans

 Murray Cumming

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Notes on the Metacity compositor

2006-10-23 Thread Soeren Sandmann
The metacity GL compositor was intended to:

- move towards the 3D desktop

- be a technology demo with a focus on cool effects

But given those two gaols, compiz is clearly better than the metacity

So I think that if anybody wanted to pick up the metacity compositor,
the focus should probably not be on doing lots of cool effects, but
rather on something that would be nice to use.

Anyway, here are some technical notes on the metacity compositor, if
someone should feel like working on it:

How to make it build and work:

libcm and metacity --enable-compositor should both build and work out
of the box. I recently (today) updated libcm to work with the
latest texture-from-pixmap API. 

If you compile CVS head of libcm and metacity, you should get
something that works, ie., no blue screens etc. It will be a bit slow,
and some of the effects annoying, but it should basically work.

Performance Issues:

Metacity as compositor is slower than compiz on the same
hardware. Some potential reasons:

- libcm does not use multitexturing to draw windows, compiz

  R100 hardware (such as Radeon 7000) has three texturing
  units which is a lot for its time, so on that chip (which is
  one in T42 ThinkPads), compiz will have a pretty big

- When dragging windows around with metacity, applications are
  repainting themselves. That doesn't happen with compiz for
  some reason.

  For this particular operation this is the main source of
  slowdown. I don't know why it happens.

Architectural issues:

- Argb decorations:

  With composite the X server gained a 32 bit visual intended to be
  used for ARGB windows. When such an argb window has an rgb child,
  the X server will do an automatic composite redirection on the

  In a reparenting window manager, the natural way to do decorations
  with an alpha channel (for antialiased rounded corners maybe) is to
  just make the decoration window ARGB. Unfortunately, if the
  application has an RGB window (which is almost always the case), an
  extra redirection will happen, causing slowdowns and extra memory
  use. One fix for this would be to make metacity not reparent when it
  is compositing, another would be to shape the decoration window so
  that it becomes invisible.

- Metacity really needs a wrapper around libX11. There is one in libcm
  called (Ws) that could be extended as necessary.

  Things that can be done cleanly that way:
- async properties
- roundtrip-free error handling
- having signals on windows when events arrive

- Framework for effects

  Current metacity has hooks for some events, such as minimization and
  unminimization. More should be added, but it is not always trivial
  to get right when windows can be closed and disappear without

- Dealing with screens, workspaces and windows

  I think the model has to be that each of these objects knows how to
  paint itself. This is different than what we have now, where the
  compositor is a separate entity that is listeing to what is going
  on, and then painting what it thinks the world looks like.

More generally, I think anybody picking up the metacity compositor
should be prepared to change all parts of metacity to become
compositor-aware, rather than grafting it on as I did.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposing Tracker for inclusion into GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Jamie McCracken
Jos van den Oever wrote:
 Hi all,

Hi Jos, great to have you in on this discussion.

 Strigi has a few features that are not in Tracker or Beagle and misses
 a number of features that the other programs lack. But the core
 functionality of Strigi, indexing data, is something that it shares.
 One important distinction has to be made straightaway: the difference
 between indexing metadata and storing metadata. Strigi only indexes
 metadata. If you think you're disk is full, you can just throw away
 the index, because there is no data of value in there. All that's in
 there is an index that allows you to find your data quickly.
 Personally, I think _storing_ metadata in an indexer is not a good
 idea. (I do think that an index on a metadata store is a good idea,
 but that's a different matter). This is a large difference with
 Tracker which does act as a metadata store of 'first class objects'
 whatever that means. Beagle is also mainly an index. (Is any
 non-redundant data lost if I delete my Beagle index, Joe?)

First to clarify, tracker is not a dedicated indexer (like Beagle and 
Strigi) but is first and foremost a database which has indexing as a 
side feature.

Our metadata store (sqlite) is quite separate from our full text indexer 
(QDBM) which can be deleted if not required - the data there is just as 
expendable as in Strigi's and Beagle's case. No metadata is stored in 
the full text indexer although indexable metadata is of course indexed 
in it.

Tracker can also be run as a stand alone metadata store/server without 
any indexing if desired (with the --disable-indexing command line option)

 So it this is not a sales talk, what is it? It's a call for
 standardization. This discussion between competing programs is a great
 time to start talking about common functionality. With regards to
 desktop search there are many things that can be standardized:
 - query language
 - metadata names and meaning
 - test suites
 - DBus APIs
 - index formats
 I won't discuss index formats because, even though Beagle and Strigi
 both use the Lucene index format, this is an implementation detail and
 defines performance and disk usage and should not be frozen into a
 The query language as used by Beagle and Strigi is very similar (no
 coincidence) and is a good start for standardization. The largest
 drawback of the language used is the ambiguity of the field
 Now that DBus v1 is almost upon is, the barriers between GNOME and KDE
 are diminishing. Functionality defined by a DBus API can by
 implemented in any language and as such, I think GNOME should choose a
 DBus API to use and share with KDE and

yes this is my desire also.

 Test suites. I'd love there to be a common test suite that says: if
 you index this data with these parameters, you should get these
 results from this query. Strigi will develop such test naturally.
 Being able to share them across projects would mean that programs
 would compete on merit and without the usual prejudices and license
 and library incompatibilities.
 Strigi has a DBus interface for searching, so does Tracker. We should
 compare them and find a common interface. Of course the respective
 GNOME and KDE developers should decide which DBus API should be used
 by their applications. would be a good place to define
 these interfaces.

we should have a org.freedesktop.indexer interface that we can all 
share. Implementation specific stuff can then reside in their own unique 

 Metadata naming and meaning. This is something which is rather hard.
 Dublin Core is part of it. It names some types of metadata. I've
 already mailed about this with Jamie in the past . In my opionion, the
 issue should be separated into smaller definitions that say, what
 metadata fields can be extracted from certain filetypes. Indexer
 plugins could then advertise that they implement this functionality.
 The names for the metadata names should also be used when searching
 and there, for convenience, they should be abbreviated as is current
 So, rather a long mail that can be summarized in: please accept an API
 for searching and not a suit of programs (indexer + guis to it) and
 start thinking about standardizing _indexable_ metadata (other
 metadata is a whole different can of worms that I wont touch). This is
 still possible since neither KDE nor GNOME have agreed on a program
 for indexing and by adopting only an API, programs will be forced to
 collaborate to adhere to the API as good as possible, meaning the user

I agree from the indexing point of view but Gnome requires a reference 
implementation to be available - in cases where there have been multiple 
cases, Gnome has always blessed one (EG Epiphany vs Galeon) but that 
does not mean distros use the blessed one  (EG Firefox is more likely to 
be used as the dominant web browser even though I think Epiphany is 
better in a Gnome setting)

The other 

Re: Proposing Tracker for inclusion into GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Shaun McCance
On Mon, 2006-10-23 at 21:21 +0200, Jos van den Oever wrote:
 So it this is not a sales talk, what is it? It's a call for
 standardization. This discussion between competing programs is a great
 time to start talking about common functionality. With regards to
 desktop search there are many things that can be standardized:
 - query language
 - metadata names and meaning
 - test suites
 - DBus APIs
 - index formats

I would also add extension interface for ISDs.  If a developer
creates an application that uses its own file formats (or makes
use of some other applications' formats), then she should be able
to provide an indexer and metadata extractor for those formats.

Analogously, ISDs can install thumbnailers for their file formats,
and both KDE and Gnome can create thumbnails of those files using
the same thumbnailers.  This is awesome.

I realize that a shared indexer extension system is likely more
difficult than a shared thumbnailer extension system.  But if
short of having only One True Indexer, it's the only way we'll
get wide-spread ISD buy-in.


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposing Tracker for inclusion into GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Jamie McCracken
Shaun McCance wrote:
 On Mon, 2006-10-23 at 21:21 +0200, Jos van den Oever wrote:
 So it this is not a sales talk, what is it? It's a call for
 standardization. This discussion between competing programs is a great
 time to start talking about common functionality. With regards to
 desktop search there are many things that can be standardized:
 - query language
 - metadata names and meaning
 - test suites
 - DBus APIs
 - index formats
 I would also add extension interface for ISDs.  If a developer
 creates an application that uses its own file formats (or makes
 use of some other applications' formats), then she should be able
 to provide an indexer and metadata extractor for those formats.
 Analogously, ISDs can install thumbnailers for their file formats,
 and both KDE and Gnome can create thumbnails of those files using
 the same thumbnailers.  This is awesome.
 I realize that a shared indexer extension system is likely more
 difficult than a shared thumbnailer extension system.  But if
 short of having only One True Indexer, it's the only way we'll
 get wide-spread ISD buy-in.

this is doable via dbus. EG we could have a RegisterMetadataExtractor 
method that specifies the mime type of the file to be extracted and the 
path/name of the program that does the extraction.

The custom file type would need to make sure it is registered in the 
shared-mime-info database so that it can be recognised

We would then have to agree on the format of the metadata and naming so 
that it can be imported by all three.

Mr Jamie McCracken

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposing Tracker for inclusion into GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Mariano Suárez-Alvarez
On Mon, 2006-10-23 at 21:26 +0100, Jamie McCracken wrote:

 First to clarify, tracker is not a dedicated indexer (like Beagle and 
 Strigi) but is first and foremost a database which has indexing as a 
 side feature.

Jamie, can you please explain what exactly Tracker is and does? 
I have no idea what ‘first class object database’ means, so please
explain what you mean by that if you need to.


-- m

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposing Tracker for inclusion into GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Jamie McCracken
Mariano Suárez-Alvarez wrote:
 On Mon, 2006-10-23 at 21:26 +0100, Jamie McCracken wrote:
 First to clarify, tracker is not a dedicated indexer (like Beagle and 
 Strigi) but is first and foremost a database which has indexing as a 
 side feature.

 Jamie, can you please explain what exactly Tracker is and does? 
 I have no idea what ‘first class object database’ means, so please
 explain what you mean by that if you need to.

Mr Jamie McCracken

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposing Tracker for inclusion into GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Hubert Figuiere
[ cross-post reduced d-d-l ]

Jamie McCracken wrote:
 Some people might not like that but I think its a practical compromise. 
 With tracker being the only one written in pure C it is therefore the 
 only one that can *ultimately* get into the Gnome platform and be fully 
 integrated (at the moment I am just proposing it for desktop which is 
 just a simple blessing nothing more).

What is the problem with having C++ into the platform? After all C++
does not bring more dependencies, and C++ does not implies C++ APIs.

Is there any written policy or is that just personnal anti-C++ FUDing
like it is pretty common in the Gnome world with mostly misinformed
statement about performance, etc ?

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposing Tracker for inclusion into GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Nick Murtagh
Mariano Suárez-Alvarez wrote:
 I have no idea what ‘first class object database’ means, so please
 explain what you mean by that if you need to.
desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposing Tracker for inclusion into GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Jamie McCracken
Hubert Figuiere wrote:
 [ cross-post reduced d-d-l ]
 Jamie McCracken wrote:
 Some people might not like that but I think its a practical compromise. 
 With tracker being the only one written in pure C it is therefore the 
 only one that can *ultimately* get into the Gnome platform and be fully 
 integrated (at the moment I am just proposing it for desktop which is 
 just a simple blessing nothing more).
 What is the problem with having C++ into the platform? After all C++
 does not bring more dependencies, and C++ does not implies C++ APIs.
 Is there any written policy or is that just personnal anti-C++ FUDing
 like it is pretty common in the Gnome world with mostly misinformed
 statement about performance, etc ?

AFAIK GNOME platform is currently C only.

FWIW, I have nothing against C++ or any other *native* (IE non-VM) 
language being included there.

Mr Jamie McCracken

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposing Tracker for inclusion into GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Jeff Waugh
quote who=Jamie McCracken

  Jamie, can you please explain what exactly Tracker is and does?  I have
  no idea what ‘first class object database’ means, so please explain what
  you mean by that if you need to.


You're proposing the addition of an entirely new technology to GNOME, with
the intention that at some stage it could enter the Platform and be used by
many (if not almost all) applications. You need to be clear, succinct, and
explain *what* it is, what it *does* and *why* it is important.

Think elevator pitch and use cases, rather than essay and hypotheticals.

During this discussion, you've pitched Tracker as an indexer competitive
with Beagle, then as a first class object database possibly in line with
the old Storage ideas, then suggested that the indexer was secondary to the
first class object database. This doesn't really raise confidence in your
ability to define the problem space, let alone solve the problem.

Great technology loses out to poor communication (be it directly social or
marketing) all the time. If you want to ensure your technology doesn't
fall into a coma of irrelevance, you *need* to step up and communicate it


- Jeff

-- 2007: Sydney, Australia
 Ah, now we see the violence inherent in the system. - From Monty
  Python to ESR, by way of Al Viro
desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposing Tracker for inclusion into GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread John Stowers

 Analogously, ISDs can install thumbnailers for their file formats,
 and both KDE and Gnome can create thumbnails of those files using
 the same thumbnailers.  This is awesome.

Back to a technical question...

This reminds me, does Tracker use the freedesktop thumbnail spec like
nautilus does?

If a file does not have a thumbnail, does tracker try to create one
itself, or does it ask the gnome ThumbnailFactory to do so?

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Notes on the Metacity compositor

2006-10-23 Thread Dan Winship
On Mon, 2006-10-23 at 17:54 -0400, Havoc Pennington wrote:
 Owen was showing me FC6 this morning, and it does seem to work out 
 nicely having metacity handle the old video hardware and compiz handle 
 the new, with a simple toggle between them. The only real glitch in it 
 was that compiz uses EWMH-viewports to implement workspaces, which I 
 think is probably a bad choice; the exact same user-visible behavior 
 could be done with the EWMH-workspace implementation

If compiz used workspaces instead of viewports, you wouldn't be able to
have a window wrapped around an edge of the cube and thus partially
visible on two different sides.

No, I'm not claiming that's a *good* reason. :-)

-- Dan

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Notes on the Metacity compositor

2006-10-23 Thread Toby Smithe
On Mon, 2006-10-23 at 18:19 -0400, Dan Winship wrote:
 On Mon, 2006-10-23 at 17:54 -0400, Havoc Pennington wrote:
  Owen was showing me FC6 this morning, and it does seem to work out 
  nicely having metacity handle the old video hardware and compiz handle 
  the new, with a simple toggle between them. The only real glitch in it 
  was that compiz uses EWMH-viewports to implement workspaces, which I 
  think is probably a bad choice; the exact same user-visible behavior 
  could be done with the EWMH-workspace implementation
 If compiz used workspaces instead of viewports, you wouldn't be able to
 have a window wrapped around an edge of the cube and thus partially
 visible on two different sides.
 No, I'm not claiming that's a *good* reason. :-)

That's a great reason! ;-)

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Notes on the Metacity compositor

2006-10-23 Thread Havoc Pennington

Dan Winship wrote:
 On Mon, 2006-10-23 at 17:54 -0400, Havoc Pennington wrote:
 Owen was showing me FC6 this morning, and it does seem to work out 
 nicely having metacity handle the old video hardware and compiz handle 
 the new, with a simple toggle between them. The only real glitch in it 
 was that compiz uses EWMH-viewports to implement workspaces, which I 
 think is probably a bad choice; the exact same user-visible behavior 
 could be done with the EWMH-workspace implementation
 If compiz used workspaces instead of viewports, you wouldn't be able to
 have a window wrapped around an edge of the cube and thus partially
 visible on two different sides.

Just not true, afaik - that's what I mean by the exact same 
user-visible behavior could be done with the EWMH-workspace implementation.

I'm sure it's annoying to change at this point, of course, but it's also 
kind of annoying to go fix up apps and libwnck and gtk and so forth to 
deal with either implementation approach. The good news is that not many 
apps care, probably.


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposing Tracker for inclusion into GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Jeff Waugh
quote who=Jamie McCracken

 As this stage I am simply proposing tracker-search-tool as a replacement
 for the gnome-search-tool as I believe it does a better job with faster
 instant search and search snippets.

That was not entirely clear from previous emails in this thread. In that
case, please explain *what* t-s-t is, what t-s-t *does* and *why* t-s-t is
so important that we should replace working code with it. Those are the
things people need to know, not that you believe it does a better, faster,
fitter, healthier, more productive job.

 It would be fantastic for Gnome 2.18 to have this around the time Vista
 ships and with a common dbus interface for indexing, Beagle too can
 benefit by effectively being in too for those that want more indexing than
 tracker currently provides (I dont plan on indexing as much as Beagle or
 maybe Strigi so there is bound to be room for them too).

So, if Tracker doesn't do indexing as a priority, and doesn't cover similar
ground to Beagle, why are you positioning it as a choice? Why don't we just
use Beagle, which has already shipped with various distributions?

- Jeff

-- 2007: Sydney, Australia
  Love never misses the chance to put the boot in. - Kelly, SLOU
desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposing Tracker for inclusion into GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Jamie McCracken
Jeff Waugh wrote:
 quote who=Jamie McCracken
 As this stage I am simply proposing tracker-search-tool as a replacement
 for the gnome-search-tool as I believe it does a better job with faster
 instant search and search snippets.
 That was not entirely clear from previous emails in this thread. In that
 case, please explain *what* t-s-t is, what t-s-t *does* and *why* t-s-t is
 so important that we should replace working code with it. Those are the
 things people need to know, not that you believe it does a better, faster,
 fitter, healthier, more productive job.

If you read the first email it did state that.

t-s-t uses the same code as g-s-t so it inherits the working code. Its a 
better search tool because it can show search snippets like google as 
well as providing high speed search.

 It would be fantastic for Gnome 2.18 to have this around the time Vista
 ships and with a common dbus interface for indexing, Beagle too can
 benefit by effectively being in too for those that want more indexing than
 tracker currently provides (I dont plan on indexing as much as Beagle or
 maybe Strigi so there is bound to be room for them too).
 So, if Tracker doesn't do indexing as a priority, and doesn't cover similar
 ground to Beagle, why are you positioning it as a choice? Why don't we just
 use Beagle, which has already shipped with various distributions?

Indexing is part of Tracker - its just not the only *part*. Its not a 
matter of priority as such. We will be indexing all the important stuff 
(files, applications, emails and conversations)

As for Beagle, you'll have to ask the Beagle devs why beagle is not ready

I for one cant run beagle well on my 256MB machine until they sort out 
the memory issues so its kinda of a non-starter. Tracker should be able 
to run well on any machine that can run GNOME and thats why it should be 
the default and in the Gnome desktop.

Mr Jamie McCracken

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposing Tracker for inclusion into GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Corey Burger

 Indexing is part of Tracker - its just not the only *part*. Its not a
 matter of priority as such. We will be indexing all the important stuff
 (files, applications, emails and conversations)

Lets talk specifics here. Can you create a page like [1] for Tracker?

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposing Tracker for inclusion into GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Jeff Waugh
quote who=Jamie McCracken

 t-s-t uses the same code as g-s-t so it inherits the working code. Its a
 better search tool because it can show search snippets like google as well
 as providing high speed search.

And it does so by using... Tracker? Which means you're not just proposing
t-s-t, but the Tracker indexer and database? You really need to start being
clear now.

 As for Beagle, you'll have to ask the Beagle devs why beagle is not ready

We have a pretty clear email from Joe about that, and what he needs to do to
rectify the situation. We're not getting much clarity from you, and if you
want us to understand your intentions, you need to fix this.

- Jeff

-- 2007: Sydney, Australia
... Of course, compared with Holly Valance, who has beams of light
 shooting from her nipples, it all seems rather quaint now. - Rove
   McManus on Olivia Newton-John
desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposing Tracker for inclusion into GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Jamie McCracken
Jeff Waugh wrote:
 quote who=Jamie McCracken
 t-s-t uses the same code as g-s-t so it inherits the working code. Its a
 better search tool because it can show search snippets like google as well
 as providing high speed search.
 And it does so by using... Tracker? Which means you're not just proposing
 t-s-t, but the Tracker indexer and database? You really need to start being
 clear now.

yes we are proposing the lot - sorry for any confusion there

 As for Beagle, you'll have to ask the Beagle devs why beagle is not ready
 We have a pretty clear email from Joe about that, and what he needs to do to
 rectify the situation. We're not getting much clarity from you, and if you
 want us to understand your intentions, you need to fix this.

sorry, is anything else still unclear?

Mr Jamie McCracken

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposing Tracker for inclusion into GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Alan Horkan

On Mon, 23 Oct 2006, Jamie McCracken wrote:

 Hubert Figuiere wrote:
  [ cross-post reduced d-d-l ]
  Jamie McCracken wrote:

  Some people might not like that but I think its a practical compromise.
  With tracker being the only one written in pure C it is therefore the
  only one that can *ultimately* get into the Gnome platform and be fully
  integrated (at the moment I am just proposing it for desktop which is
  just a simple blessing nothing more).

What are the chances of a version of Beagle ever using the C Lucene
backend, which as Jos has mentioned is currently faster?

Has the C# Lucene diverged too far away from C Lucene?  I have long
wondered why C# Lucene was developed in the full knowledge that C Lucene
would be preferable to Gnome and now finally seems like an appropriate
time to ask.


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposing Tracker for inclusion into GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Steve Frécinaux
Jamie McCracken wrote:

 I know this is a bit late in the hour but I should be in the nick of 
 time as the new modules proposals deadlines ends in a few hours!

So well, what modules are you proposing ? the Tracker database and indexer ?

Use cases that looks interesting to me wrt tracker and that I'd like to 
see developped:

- using it as a backend for gedit to store its own metadata about files
   (like current line number, syntax highlighting used, etc.)

- common database for pictures (f-spot) or music (rhythmbox, banshee),
   possibly faster than the current backends for those.

I'm not really interested in the indexer aspect of tracker (I don't use 
'search' often and I don't see any other use case)

A side question: is it possible for tracker to track in some way the 
backuped files ? I'm thinking about burned CDs containing pictures, 
since f-spot for instance is not capable of telling me the pics you are 
looking for were burned on the BLAH_2006 photo CD!
desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposing Tracker for inclusion into GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Jeff Waugh
quote who=Jamie McCracken

 sorry, is anything else still unclear?

Go back to my mail, read it again, and start from the beginning. What is it,
what does it do, why is it important? Tell us a story with an elevator pitch
and use cases, not an essay with hypotheticals.

- Jeff

-- 2007: Sydney, Australia
 I tried to make money ass signing, but the bottom fell out of the
market. - Liam Quin
desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Notes on the Metacity compositor

2006-10-23 Thread Dan Winship
On Mon, 2006-10-23 at 18:32 -0400, Havoc Pennington wrote:
 Dan Winship wrote:
  If compiz used workspaces instead of viewports, you wouldn't be able to
  have a window wrapped around an edge of the cube and thus partially
  visible on two different sides.
 Just not true, afaik - that's what I mean by the exact same 
 user-visible behavior could be done with the EWMH-workspace implementation.

Compiz could still display the window on both cube faces, but the EWMH
doesn't provide any way of explaining that state to anyone else, so
other EWMH-based tools like the pager would see the window as being on
only one face at a time (and would show it as being truncated at the
edge of that face). (Admittedly, this problem exists in the viewport
model too, but only on the edge where the left and right sides of the
virtual desktop meet, rather than at every edge.)

 I'm sure it's annoying to change at this point, of course

It's not actually; if you're not going to change compiz's visible
behavior, then you don't need to change its internal representation
either, so the only code that needs to change is to make it set/listen
to the workspace-related EWMH hints rather than the viewport ones.

-- Dan

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposal: gnome-main-menu for inclusion in GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Jim Krehl
 Any chance you could do a release first, so non-{SUSE,CVS} users can try
 it out? :)

Sure.  You can find a tarball of v0.6.3 at


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposing Tracker for inclusion into GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Jamie McCracken
Jeff Waugh wrote:
 quote who=Jamie McCracken
 sorry, is anything else still unclear?
 Go back to my mail, read it again, and start from the beginning. What is it,
 what does it do, why is it important? Tell us a story with an elevator pitch
 and use cases, not an essay with hypotheticals.
 - Jeff

(okay here goes -  now that I have looked up what an elevator pitch 
is! I will try to be brief...)

What is it?

Tracker is a personal search tool and storage system that allows you to 
search and enhance your personal data with the minimum of fuss.

It allows you to find the proverbial needle in your computer's haystack 
as well as providing a one stop solution to the organisation, storage 
and categorisation of your data.

What does it do?

Tracker trawls through your data and organises it so that it can be 
retrieved extremely quickly later on via simple searches.

This organisation puts your data into categories so that application 
like photo managers and music players can instantly find relevant 
content automatically

Tracker enables you to tag your data with keywords which can be used to 
find related information or to group and categorise your data further

Tracker lets you extend your data with additional metadata

Why is it important?

Tracker provides a framework for desktop search which nearly all modern 
platforms provide

Tracker provides fast search and fast indexing whilst using considerably 
less memory than its competitors such that it can be used on almost any 
reasonable machine.

Tracker provides common storage for important data which enhances the 
performance and integration of your desktop

Tracker makes it easy to access the files you want without navigating 
through painful hierarchies as is all too common these days.

Mr Jamie McCracken

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposing Tracker for inclusion into GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Jeff Waugh
quote who=Jamie McCracken

 (okay here goes -  now that I have looked up what an elevator pitch is!
 I will try to be brief...)

This is a pretty airy-fairy description for a developer mailing list. Your
audience is not my Mum, it's the group of people architecting GNOME. You did
not include use cases in your description.

- Jeff

-- 2007: Sydney, Australia
A computer with a bullet in it is just a paperweight, A map with a
  bullet in it is still a map. - Maj. Keith Hauk
desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposal: gnome-main-menu for inclusion in GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Jim Krehl
 When i checked it out of the cvs a couple of months back, i noticed a
 few things. 
 - docpath to search for docs is bad, this in an extension on
 the .desktop file.
 - the default gnome preferences menu is not, if it stays this way not everything will show up.

Thanks for the patches for these, I'll work on integrating them.

 - also for some reason it showed a package manager which seems to be
 integrated with the desktop file and/or rpm. Wrote a patch so if the
 gconf key was empty it wouldn't show.

This has been fixed since in the last month or so.

 So I'd rather see you make a release, get an entry on the bug tracker
 and try to comply to the gnome standard way instead of the suse way.

I've made a release at  I'm not yet
sure how to get it into the bug tracker, but surely it can't be that big
of a deal.  Are there things which do not comply with the gnome
standard way besides what you've already mentioned in this mail?  If
so, could you elaborate a bit?


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Notes on the Metacity compositor

2006-10-23 Thread Havoc Pennington
Dan Winship wrote:
 Compiz could still display the window on both cube faces, but the EWMH
 doesn't provide any way of explaining that state to anyone else, so
 other EWMH-based tools like the pager would see the window as being on
 only one face at a time (and would show it as being truncated at the
 edge of that face). (Admittedly, this problem exists in the viewport
 model too, but only on the edge where the left and right sides of the
 virtual desktop meet, rather than at every edge.)

There's already a workspace geometry provided to the pager, so I bet all 
you'd need to convey to it is a single bool for whether windows overlap 
in this way, and then when drawing the mini-windows on the 
mini-workspaces change the clip region so it always includes all the 
mini-workspaces instead of just one. Or something like that.

Even if this isn't fixed, it seems a like a not-very-bad bug. It's not 
clear to me what I'd expect when a cube is mapped onto a 2D grid anyway ;-)

I don't know exactly how it would all play out, I just think it makes 
life simpler if everyone pretends EWMH didn't have the second gratuitous 
way to implement the same thing (workspaces). The only reason it exists 
AFAIK is that some WM authors wanted to implement 
workspaces-inside-workspaces, which I consider nuts.

I could flip a coin for whether windows should overlap workspaces (no 
strong view), but I do have a strong bias against having two 
slightly-different-but-almost-the-same concepts of workspace, one nested 
inside the other...

Assuming that bias, there's no real point having two ways to implement 
the one concept of workspace, instead you just want a flag for whether 
windows overlap...

GNOME right now basically just pretends EWMH doesn't have the viewport 

Anyway, not trying to push you around just offer historical context ;-)

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposing Tracker for inclusion into GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread John Stowers
On 10/24/06, Jeff Waugh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 quote who=Jamie McCracken

  sorry, is anything else still unclear?

 Go back to my mail, read it again, and start from the beginning. What is it,
 what does it do, why is it important? Tell us a story with an elevator pitch
 and use cases, not an essay with hypotheticals.

OK I am not the developer, but from the perspective of a user of
tracker, here is an elevator pitch;

Tracker helps you find and organize your stuff.

Imagine downloading a mp3 file to have it automatically have it appear
in Rhythmbox, complete with artist and track information. Imagine
shooting a photo on your digital camera, and to have it appear in
f-spot, without having to be imported. Like tagging? tracker lets you
apply tags to files, freeing you from an endless heirarchy of folders.

Tracker not only allows you to search for files based upon whats
inside them, but also by properties which describe them (metadata).
Tracker is smart, by treating files as first class objects it knows
that Photos have widths, while Music files have artists. Tracker knows
that documents have authors and Videos have durations.

Want to find photos taken with you Nikon digital camera? no problem!.
Want to find all Openoffice documents created in december, with more
than 10 pages, containing the word cheese? no problem. Tracker can do

Tracker is;
* Small - 5mb ram, great for low end systems.
* Fast - 100s of searches per second will not slow your computer,
drain your battery or eat your cat.
* Standards compliant - want to write a gnome app in bash? no problem,
tracker has a dbus interface

Tracker is the glue that helps developers connect GNOME together, and
the reason  users will love the GNOME platform.


 - Jeff

 -- 2007: Sydney, Australia

  I tried to make money ass signing, but the bottom fell out of the
 market. - Liam Quin
 desktop-devel-list mailing list

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposing Tracker for inclusion into GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Jamie McCracken
Jeff Waugh wrote:
 quote who=Jamie McCracken
 (okay here goes -  now that I have looked up what an elevator pitch is!
 I will try to be brief...)
 This is a pretty airy-fairy description for a developer mailing list. Your
 audience is not my Mum, it's the group of people architecting GNOME. You did
 not include use cases in your description.

Use Cases:

1) Full desktop search system

2) Extensible metadata server including tags (metadata throughout the 

3) Can be used as the basis for the implementation of the Topaz style 
object model as defined in :

4) Common database for music and photos so that these applications can 
store all their data here which is shareable and searchable by other apps

Mr Jamie McCracken

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposing Tracker for inclusion into GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Jeff Waugh
quote who=Jamie McCracken

  This is a pretty airy-fairy description for a developer mailing list.
  Your audience is not my Mum, it's the group of people architecting
  GNOME. You did not include use cases in your description.
 Use Cases:

Jamie, these are not use cases. Unfortunately, you've got this entirely
backwards: Your pitch should be to developers; your use cases should be
about what users need (often unspoken), and how Tracker satisfies those
needs - these use cases may be from end users or developer users... But to
be effective, they must be described as *use cases*.

I'm asking for a very specific form of description because thus far, there
isn't a lot of knowledge or mindshare of Tracker, and your descriptions have
not made it easy for developers to understand your point of view, or what
Tracker brings to GNOME.

- Jeff

-- 2007: Sydney, Australia
   I don't know whose brain child it was, but it was quite an ugly child.
desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposing Tracker for inclusion into GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Jamie McCracken
Jeff Waugh wrote:
 quote who=Jamie McCracken
 This is a pretty airy-fairy description for a developer mailing list.
 Your audience is not my Mum, it's the group of people architecting
 GNOME. You did not include use cases in your description.
 Use Cases:
 Jamie, these are not use cases. Unfortunately, you've got this entirely
 backwards: Your pitch should be to developers; your use cases should be
 about what users need (often unspoken), and how Tracker satisfies those
 needs - these use cases may be from end users or developer users... But to
 be effective, they must be described as *use cases*.
 I'm asking for a very specific form of description because thus far, there
 isn't a lot of knowledge or mindshare of Tracker, and your descriptions have
 not made it easy for developers to understand your point of view, or what
 Tracker brings to GNOME.

okay thanks for the clarification

I will come up with something tomorrow that hopefully addresses these.

Mr Jamie McCracken

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposing Tracker for inclusion into GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Mon, 2006-10-23 at 23:21 +0100, Jamie McCracken wrote:

 The main reason was I didn't like the way GNOME uses loads of different, 
 inefficient and incompatible means of storing information (think 
 Berkeley DB for EDS, MBox for emails, the zillions of small performance 
 draining XML files used for bookmarks, history, rhythmbox's music 
 database and many other things). So, I wanted to bring together all this 
 stuff under one centralised database and in doing so increase 
 performance, power and memory efficiency of the platform as a whole.

Be very careful with trying to put disparate kinds of data under the
same storage.

Read these articles:

And then consider whether you indeed want to put everything under the
same database.

Global indexers: good.  We need that.

Global metadata: good.  Does anyone but me miss the reliable, fast, and
simple metadata storage that we used in GNOME 1.2?

A database to put everything because databases can store EVERYTHING:


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Notes on the Metacity compositor

2006-10-23 Thread BJörn Lindqvist
On 23 Oct 2006 22:17:32 +0200, Soeren Sandmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 - Framework for effects

   Current metacity has hooks for some events, such as minimization and
   unminimization. More should be added, but it is not always trivial
   to get right when windows can be closed and disappear without

I don't think the hooks are enough. For example, when you minimize a
window, Metacity draws an animation consisting of black rectangles
after the window has been unmapped. I once tried to change it so that
it would look more like the minimize animation in MS Windows. One of
the big differences is that in Windows, the animation is drawn before
the window is unmapped. So Metacity had to be changed so that the
animation was drawn before the window is unmapped. It was nontrivial.
And I think it would be even harder to adapt the hooks so that it
could support animations both before and after the window is unmapped.

That is just one example, but it seems to me that Metacity wasn't
designed with flashy graphical effects in mind. One has to wonder: Is
the effort required to make Metacity's compositing as good as Compiz
greater or smaller than making Compiz as usable and mature as
Metacity? Has anyone analyzed Compiz code and compared?

mvh Björn
desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposing Tracker for inclusion into GNOME 2.18

2006-10-23 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Mon, 2006-10-23 at 22:15 +0100, Nick Murtagh wrote:
 Mariano Suárez-Alvarez wrote:
  I have no idea what ‘first class object database’ means, so please
  explain what you mean by that if you need to.

That's database jargon, and it's completely uninteresting to users.

Think of first-class with the same usage in which you would say the
Scheme language provides first-class functions and environments.  Just
like you can create integers, pass them to functions, and return them
from functions, in Scheme you can also create functions, pass them to
other functions, and return them from functions.  Same thing with
environments [what they are in Scheme's terms is not interesting for
this discussion].  The idea is that an object is first-class if you can
create it, manipulate it, and embed it just like any of the most
fundamental objects in your language.

In GNOME we've been throwing the term first-class objects since GUADEC
2004 in Kristiansand.  The idea is that users have different kinds of
data, roughly grouped as documents, contacts, mails,
appointments, bundles, etc., but it is very difficult to combine
data of different types, or associate that data together.

For example, it's hard to send a contact to someone without explicit
support in the applications.  You may have some luck in dragging a
contact out of your addressbook into your mail program; ideally, the
mail should get a vCard attachment.  On the recipient's side, you can
often add a vCard attachment to your addressbook reasonably easily.
However, mail and contacts are so closely related that the programs that
handle them often have explicit hooks for each other's data.

It's very rare that you can do things like the following.  You get a
vCard attachment.  You want to drag that contact and drop it to your
desktop:  I'll put this contact here so that I'll remember to call him
later.  How would this work?  Do you want the file manager to see that
it is being dragged something of type text/vcard (or whatever the
right MIME type is), and then run some ad-hoc code to render a contact
on your desktop?  Or should it call out to the addressbook to render the
contact?  Or should it just display a generic vCard icon, and hope
that you have the right MIME-to-program associations for when you
double-click the icon later?

I have this stone-age PDA that lets you create notes (a General Magic
DataRover).  Then it lets you create little drawings.  Then you can drag
your drawings into the notes, just like that, and place them anywhere.
You can also drag contacts into the notes.  You can link the notes into
your calendar appointments.  The Right Thing(tm) just happens when you
manipulate these objects into others.  It's hard to define just what
happens in every case, but when you see it happen, it feels very
comfortable and natural.

The idea behind first-class objects is that you get that kind of
flexibility.  I have no idea what the APIs for that PDA looked like.  I
don't know if the notes/drawing/contacts/calendar programs in it were
hardcoded to accept each other's data seamlessly, or if their APIs were
flexible and pluggable enough that you could do this with any kind of

Defining first-class objects is very hard in GNOME's context, because
we are not sure what kinds of objects we want to have, nor what kinds of
actions we want to be able to perform among them.  It would be very
productive to do some archaeology for the DataRover's APIs and history.

Take a look at OpenCroquet as well.  It is mightily pluggable and
flexible, and data of different types just seems to flow smoothly from
program to program.  I'm sure we could use some interesting ideas from


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Old systems research, worthy starting points [Re: Proposing Tracker]

2006-10-23 Thread Jeff Waugh
quote who=Federico Mena Quintero

 Defining first-class objects is very hard in GNOME's context, because we
 are not sure what kinds of objects we want to have, nor what kinds of
 actions we want to be able to perform among them.  It would be very
 productive to do some archaeology for the DataRover's APIs and history.

Palm OS research would be worthwhile for similar reasons. Both are old, but
*fascinating*. [Yeah, maddog gave me a Data Rover too. ;-)]

A great place to start, in terms of worthwhile 'objects' and 'actions' to
consider comes from the mantra: People, Events, Documents, Conversations,
Getting Laid.

- Jeff

-- 2007: Sydney, Australia
  I'm offering you my body, and you're offering me semantics. -
  Caitlin, Clerks
desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Notes on the Metacity compositor

2006-10-23 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Mon, 2006-10-23 at 20:27 -0400, Havoc Pennington wrote:

 Assuming that bias, there's no real point having two ways to implement 
 the one concept of workspace, instead you just want a flag for whether 
 windows overlap...



desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Notes on the Metacity compositor

2006-10-23 Thread Havoc Pennington
BJörn Lindqvist wrote:
 That is just one example, but it seems to me that Metacity wasn't
 designed with flashy graphical effects in mind. One has to wonder: Is
 the effort required to make Metacity's compositing as good as Compiz
 greater or smaller than making Compiz as usable and mature as
 Metacity? Has anyone analyzed Compiz code and compared?


If the goal is no regressions to any metacity details (especially 
handling of bizarre in-house apps using 
motif/tk/plain-Xlib-and-GL/whatever, but also stuff like arcane ICCCM 
details, UI behavior details, a11y, and whatever), then starting from 
metacity is going to be easier. Joel's article applies,

*However* - no regressions is a dumb goal for most GNOME audiences. In 
fact, metacity became popular well before it had fixed all that gunge I 
just mentioned. Because most people never encounter or care about all 
that. (One reason it's hard to get it all fixed - the people who care 
about it are late adopters.)

In the end a good enough window manager just isn't that complicated. I 
was using Metacity for myself maybe a week or two into writing it. 
Looking at the ChangeLog, the first stable release was after 1 year, and 
while I may remember wrongly, I don't think I was working on it 
full-time. Of course, there are hundreds of fixes after that, but it was 
good enough after a year. A WM is not rocket science which is why 
there are so many of them.

So, if the goal is to get the new graphics capabilities, and be 90-95% 
OK on the details, then Compiz is unquestionably the faster route given 
that it's already there and people are working on it. And nobody is 
working on metacity compositing.

If Compiz _didn't_ exist then I wouldn't advocate starting from scratch. 
Some of the tricky bits from metacity could have been kept in a way that 
would avoid regressions, and I don't really agree with suggestions that 
the code could not be refactored. However, it would not have been as fun 
as starting over, or offered a sense of ownership/autonomy, so a 
volunteer developer probably wouldn't ever do this.

It kind of comes down to target audience again. The thin client and 
lots-of-old-UNIX-apps-in-the-enterprise kind of customers aren't going 
to see any value in Compiz, just pain from random regressions.

However, the Fedora/Ubuntu-using GNOME audience, which is probably 
larger, I'd expect to switch to Compiz pretty quickly, at least those of 
them who have an acceptable video card.

The FC6 solution (allow people to toggle metacity/compiz) seems like a 
good way to serve those two audiences, though the more compiz and 
metacity share the same interface to apps and the rest of the desktop 
(gconf keys, EWMH implementation, themes, default 
configuration/keybindings, etc.) the better it will work since 
documentation, apps, control panels, etc. won't have to be different 
across the two.

The hosed audience I'm guessing will be anyone who really needs just one 
or two simple compositing features (maybe a magnifier for a11y), but 
also needs to use some crufty old apps or a thin client setup or old 
video card or other weird cases that metacity already works with. The 
FC6 solution is no good for someone with that requirement set.

Maybe there's some value in making metacity a simple 2D compositor for 
this audience, I don't know.

The caveats for me personally about Compiz are

1) how much time people have spent on metacity, not by me in recent 
memory, but by quality contributors like Elijah; certainly not wasted 
time since metacity has been used by many people for many years, and 
will take a while to vanish yet, but it's always nice to see code live 
longer rather than shorter, and it would have been nice to keep some 
more of that work.

2) I don't think WM changes will bring GNOME to new audiences, it's a 
preaching to the converted kind of feature. With Vista and OS X, perhaps 
Compiz is like metacity was 5 years ago, in that it brings Linux up to a 
minimum standard of basic parity and sanity with the competition. But I 
don't think it creates an edge or killer app.

So if I had a wish it's that Compiz gets nailed down and done as 
quickly as possible, and people move on to things that will create an 
edge for _new_ audiences.

In the end Compiz is nice work and people like it and GNOME should take 

And I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to filing some 
completely unreasonable window manager bug and then raising hell when 
the maintainer rejects my demands ;-)


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