Re: GNOME Online Accounts 3.34 won't have documents support

2019-01-24 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas via desktop-devel-list
(Hopping on to desktop-devel@ to follow up to this)

Jeremy Bicha wrote on 23/01/2019 8:21 pm:
> A few months ago, I talked with mpt about GNOME Online Accounts being
> added to Ubuntu's version of gnome-initial-setup. I believe his
> opinion was that the app itself should offer the "add a new account"
> feature instead of the Initial Setup or Settings apps.

Yes. This was for two main reasons. First, gnome-initial-setup is pretty
much the worst possible time to expect someone to know which accounts,
if any, are useful to configure. At that point, someone is unlikely to
know even what apps are preinstalled, let alone which of them they’ll
want to use, let alone which of them use GOA. For example, even if
someone knew that Firefox is preinstalled, and knew in advance that
they wanted to use Firefox rather than Chrome or Opera or another
browser, and knew that Firefox integrates with Pocket, so they set up
a Pocket GOA account from gnome-initial-setup … Even if all those stars
aligned, eventually they’d discover that g-i-s had wasted their time,
because Firefox doesn’t integrate with GOA.

The second reason is more relevant to this discussion: It’s not sensible
for any app to be beholden to GOA for its account setup in the first
place. This in turn has many factors:

*   Many of the apps, that Gnome users spend their time using, also run
in other environments where GOA doesn’t exist. So the developer has
to do their own account UI for those platforms anyway.

*   As demonstrated by Michael Gratton in this discussion, app vendors
can’t rely on GOA including the account type and service type they
need in any particular release. This is impractical if they don’t
read desktop-devel-list@ frequently, or if their release schedule
doesn’t happen to coincide with Gnome’s, or if it doesn’t happen to
allow time for suddenly introducing their own account UI because
somewhere someone altered a selection of “default apps”.

*   For some reason that isn’t clear to me, GOA cares what you use each
account for, rather than merely recording which apps the user has
granted access to each account. Why was there such a thing as
“Documents support” in GOA in the first place? This suggests that if
Facebook or Google or Microsoft announced and released a new chat
app XYZ tomorrow, which integrated with their usual account
system, it couldn’t use your Facebook or Google or Microsoft account
stored in GOA, because GOA wouldn’t include “XYZ support”.

*   Even if GOA does contain both the account and the toggle relevant to
a particular app, the app may have settings that are
account-specific, but which GOA does not include (for example,
“which folder should sent messages be filed in” or “which words
should be muted in this timeline”). In those cases the app needs
per-account settings UI anyway, resulting in a weird bifurcation.

*   The combination of those reasons, plus all those apps that use
accounts of types that GOA doesn’t provide in the first place,
reinforces a mental model where GOA is generally not where people
expect to find account UI.

None of that is to say that GOA shouldn’t exist. It has the potential to
save people time. “I set up an account in App A. Now it will be quicker
to use the same account in App B.” Anything more than that is noise.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: taking features away (compact view removed from Nautilus)

2012-07-03 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas
Allan Day wrote on 02/07/12 09:38:
 Jon has been doing some fantastic work on Nautilus recently. It was
 getting very little - if any - developer attention and he has stepped
 up to make dramatic improvements, including addressing long-standing
 complaints. I'm really excited about the next release of Nautilus
 thanks to his work; instead of having no movement whatsoever, we are
 going to have lots of great improvements to talk about.

You are confusing movement with improvements.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: On the Interaction with the design team

2011-06-07 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas
Lapo Calamandrei wrote on 06/06/11 17:20:
 2011/6/6 Dave Neary
 I feel that the current operation of the design team is hurting our
 relationship with Canonical, who also have designers who have, I
 believe, failed to influence design discussions in the same measure as
 the core members of the design team like Lapo, Allan, Jon.

However good or bad Gnome's design processes are, I don't think those
processes have anything to do with the relationship with Canonical. The
reason Canonical designers have not influenced Gnome design discussions
is that we are not instructed to take part, and most of us haven't even
heard of #gnome-design. (To be clear, nobody's telling us *not* to take
part, it's just not part of our jobs.)

That may be a good thing or a bad thing. I can certainly see drawbacks:
for example, I have lost count of the number of times one of my
colleagues has sketched something that assumes the existence of
gnome-about-me, and I've had to say uh, that doesn't exist any more.
Or when they've talked about having a unified settings panel for online
accounts, oblivious to the Web Accounts panel being designed and
implemented upstream as they speak.

  I think
 the lack of documentation of the core design team makes it harder for
 new designers to get involved.

I do agree with this. For most of the Gnome designs I come across, I
think: What stage is this at? Is this supposed to be a draft, or the
final design? What alternatives have been considered so far? What
benefits and disadvantages have been predicted in each? Have any of the
predictions been tested with users? How could I most productively
suggest another alternative? Getting answers to those questions
shouldn't require waiting for the right person to turn up on IRC.

To sum it all up, I believe the current
 dynamic of the design team is doing damage to GNOME as a community.

 Would you elaborate this? Adding some facts please?

For example, I think a lot of the discontent with Gnome Shell could be
calmed if the wireframes of alternatives that were considered were
published, and if user testing results were published too.

 Unfortunatelly IRC is the only tool which work fo us atm (since google
 pulled wave which was nice), we're very open and responsive on the
 channel, I listen to every suggestion I get and answer any question,
 just hang on the channel and see.

An XMPP chat room (as used for Inkscape developer discussion, for
example) has the relevant advantage that history can be easily available
even to people who weren't in the room at the time.

   Also the repositories we are using
 are open and everybody can participate.

Requiring designers to learn git limits the number and type of designers.

 I respect and esteem Matthew
 Paul Thomas which is the only canonical designer I ever interacted
 with on the channel and I think I have zero issues with him, while I'd
 like to see him more activelly involved.

Thank you. The main reason I'm not more actively involved is that when I
get home from work I try to focus on things that aren't software.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: String change in vino

2009-02-09 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas

On Feb 2, 2009, at 12:38 PM, Jonh Wendell wrote:

I have changed one string in vino capplet:
_Configure network automatically to accept connections

This is a check button, when checked, it uses UPnP to forward the port
on the router, in order to make VNC accessible via Internet.

Feel free to suggest other text for this option. As you can see on my
blog, there were several suggestions: 


The other checkboxes in that window are fine, but this one has a common  
problem with checkboxes: the unchecked state isn't obvious.

What does it mean to *not* Configure network automatically to accept  
connections? Why wouldn't you want Vino to do that? If the answer is  
You always would, the checkbox probably shouldn't exist. If the  
answer is You'd want to do X instead, then the checkbox probably  
should be a pair of radio buttons, with the second one mentioning X.

Matthew Paul Thomas

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: quo vadis, docs

2009-02-09 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas

On Feb 9, 2009, at 5:43 PM, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 11:52 AM, Luis Villa wrote:

Amen. I've often felt developers should be required to document their
own UI changes :) Heck, simply asking 'what does this dialog mean'
would be useful a lot of the time...[1]

Luis do you write software ?

Not that its important that you do, but just to clarify the issue;
simply asking what does this dialog mean in the long run usually 

   - Take a screen shot of the dialog

I have good news: Usually taking a screenshot of a dialog for the help 
is a really bad idea, so you don't need to do it. ;-) Often it doesn't 
add any insight to the text, sometimes it gets mistaken for the actual 
interface (as both Novell[1] and Apple[2] have seen), if it's big it 
won't fit inside a usefully small help window, and it makes the help 
much harder to localize.

[1] (6 minutes video, 48 MB)

   - Open the html or whatever the docs are written in
   - take time to format the docs/text/images in a readable way

Yes, that's the hard part.

   - take time to properly describe your feature or functionality

More good news: That's also often unnecessary. A description of a 
feature in checkbox-by-checkbox detail is just as boring to read as it 
is to write. Instead, think: What are the most likely reasons someone 
will have trouble here? And what things are people most likely to be 
looking for under a different name? Answer those questions (without 
phrasing them as questions) in two or three paragraphs each. Do that, and you'll have something more 
readable and more useful than ye olde Gnome Application Manuelle V2.7.

I am going to generalize here and guess that if you are not GTK+,
and you are not epiphany or gimp - then its pretty much safe to
say you are a one man team plus the occasional extra guy, or
a few randomly submitted patches (which often generate more work
for the maintainer than bugs fixed or features implemented) - you can 
hardly find time to update the website when you make a release, much 
less spend time writing user docs.


Maybe so, but that doesn't make a completely out-of-date set of help 
pages any less embarrassing than a completely out-of-date dialog or 
menu or splash screen. You could be relying on the assumption that 
no-one reads the help, so hey, doesn't matter if it's completely wrong 
-- but why take the risk?

Instead, I suggest *not having help* unless you have someone on your 
project team willing and able to keep it up to date. Having the help 
author actively involved in your project makes it more likely that 
they'll ask you (or know the answer to) the questions that make the 
help insightful It also makes it more 
likely that they'll suggest you improve the interface instead, or at 
least embed the help into the application itself where it's much more 
likely to be read And not 
having help until then protects users from the breach of trust that 
would keep them away from the help even after it became accurate Once they’re burned by 
the docs, users typically won’t look there again. Unfortunately, this 
behavior can persist even after developers fix a problem.

Matthew Paul Thomas

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: new module proposal: notification-daemon+libnotify

2008-11-07 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas
Calum Benson wrote on 07/11/08 13:09:
 On 6 Nov 2008, at 17:38, David Zeuthen wrote:
 There is a high probability that one or more of your hard disk will
  malfunction within the next 24 hours

 Your laptop battery is being recalled

 Security updates available

 I'm not sure where we'd display stuff like this except for using icons
 in the notification area.
 Some sort of status icon change with an appropriate tooltip would
 probably be sufficient for things that don't need immediate attention. 
 For things that do, or for which there is no status icon, an alert box
 is often more appropriate anyway.

With my Ubuntu hat on, I'll go a little further than that, and say we
really would rather application developers didn't use status icons *or*
notification bubbles for critical situations like those in David's
examples. (Other distributors may, of course, have different opinions.)

Status icons are often ignored or not noticed, especially when there are
many of them, and notification bubbles work best when they go away by
themselves. So while both of them have a purpose, neither of them are
suitable for things that people really positively need to respond to. If
there is no more pleasant window in which to convey a critical situation
like that, use an alert.

Matthew Paul Thomas
desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Name vs GenericName (again)

2008-07-27 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas
[Sorry for the misthreading; I didn't receive the original.]

On Jul 25, 2008, at 2:52 PM, Vincent Untz wrote:
  + when displaying a menu, use this algorithm:
- if only one item for some value of GenericName, then display this
  item as GenericName
- if two items for GenericName, then display both items with their

 This way, we'll have Movie Player when only totem is installed, and
 Totem Movie Player and VLC Movie Player when totem and vnc are


This would be a clever way of making the menus simpler. However, it
would be quite undesirable in two cases.

One is where someone is having trouble performing a task, and a
friend/relative/workmate is trying to give them phone or chat support.
They may take a very long time to realize that they're actually using
completely different applications. (What do you mean, there's no
'Navigation' menu? You do have Movie Player open, right??)

The other is where an operating system vendor ships version N with
application A, but decides to ship version N+1 with application B
instead. (A might have been abandoned upstream, or B might have
noticably overtaken A in usability.) If the menu gives B the same name
as A had, that would cause rage and confusion for those familiar with A.
(For a real-life example of this, look up what happened when Apple
replaced iMovie with a completely different program also called iMovie.)

Neither of these problems apply for programs with very simple scopes and
interfaces: for example, if a distributor replaced gcalctool with
galculator, it could still be Calculator and no-one would mind. But it
does matter for non-trivial programs, such as a movie player, Web
browser, or advanced text editor.

To address the problem of Gnome programs having non-sequitur names, I
have an alternative suggestion: stop giving them non-sequitur names. I
know this is the sort of non-technical bug that programmers really don't
enjoy fixing, but it's important nonetheless: it would be beneficial for
all distributors, none of whom currently have the marketing budget to
make (for example) Totem sound like a movie player.

This could be done in a couple of ways. First, to avoid the problem
getting worse, those considering new modules for inclusion could
consider whether they have either a strong independent marketing effort
to associate their name with their task (like Firefox and Miro do, to
pick two non-Gnome examples), *or* a name obviously related to their
function (like Gossip and Rhythmbox do). If they have neither, that's a
point against them.

Second, each cycle there could be a vote on which module needs renaming
the most -- which application's name is least helpful in getting people
to use systems that include it. Then it could be a Gnome Goal for that
cycle to brainstorm a better name, rename the project, update its help,
get it a cool new Web site, and make a new release with the new name.

Matthew Paul Thomas

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desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Session Management in 2.24

2008-04-01 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas
Emmanuele Bassi wrote on 25/03/08 17:01:
 On Tue, 2008-03-25 at 11:37 +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is it possible to add a extra task to improve logout dialog GUI? The 
 current dialog in new-gnome-session is exactly the same as gnome-panel.
 Can we do as Ubuntu's own dialog, such as change button layout, show
 button bigger and more striking, add icon and tooltip text for each
 button? If it makes sense, I would like try.
 no, please: don't. I personally loathe that logout dialog, and love
 the default GNOME one, as it's less in your face and flashy.

FWIW, we're intending to change the logout/shutdown process
substantially in future Ubuntu releases, and the current plan (though
this may change) is to get rid of that big dialog. So I agree
Gnome shouldn't use our current dialog as a model. :-)

Matthew Paul Thomas
desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Usability] application names in the application menu

2008-04-01 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas
Le vendredi 28 mars 2008 à 18:30 +0100, daniel g. siegel a écrit :
 recently, i showed some pupils the gnome desktop and what i noticed
 was, that they even didnt know what Cheese meaned, or what program
 would open if he had clicked on it. this wasnt only on cheese, but
 also on epiphany, dasher, and others (some choose their name like
 [name] [small description], e.g. f-spot photo manager, which is
 more understandable, even if the program name doesnt make sense for a
 person, which is new to gnome). They just could figure it out, by
 interpreting the icon.

If a program has a name obviously related to what it does, *or* lots of
marketing, you're fine. But if you're missing both, people will have
trouble working out what the program is for.

Programs that have both an obvious name, and lots of marketing:
Illustrator, Internet Explorer, iMovie, iPhoto, iTunes, Photoshop,
Windows Media Player, Word.

Programs that have lots of marketing, without an obvious name: Access,
Excel, Firefox, Opera, Outlook, Outlook Express, PowerPoint, QuickTime,

Programs that have an obvious name, without lots of marketing:
Calculator, Dictionary, Inkscape, Interface Builder, Notepad,, Photo Booth, Rhythmbox, TextEdit.

Programs that have neither: Banshee, Blam, Bluefish, Brasero, Cheese,
Claws, Dasher, Ekiga, Epiphany, Evolution, Exaile, Gimp, Glade,
Jokosher, Kino, Miro, Muine, Pitivi, Serpentine, Sound Juicer, Straw,
Synaptic, Tomboy.

Matthew Paul Thomas
desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GNOME 2.23 Schedule

2008-03-21 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas
natan yellin wrote on 21/03/08 07:32:
 On 3/20/08, *Federico Mena Quintero* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The problem we've had so far is that someone does a good analysis of
  login time, things get fixed, but then over time things get
  gradually worse.

Mozilla uses Tinderbox to constantly rebuild software, and then tests
each successful build to measure how long it takes to start up (amongst
other things). This lets developers see
performance regressions as soon as they happen. Perhaps something
similar is possible for Gnome.

It would be nice to be able to get a fresh profile
  at any moment, just to see that things didn't get screwed up.

A Guest account, which has a fresh profile on every login, would also
be a useful feature for those cases where I lend my laptop to someone
for a few minutes so they can check their e-mail. (I don't want to have
to set up a new user account for someone who probably won't use that
computer again.)

  Ubuntu's new brainstorm page is pretty cool.  Would you have time
  to implement something similar for GNOME?  I quite like the idea of
  a digg for feature ideas that we could reuse in various places.
 It would be useful, but perhaps it would be better to just get our own
 category over there.

The number of people who use Gnome without it being supplied as part of
their operating system is tiny, so it would likely make little sense for
Gnome to have its own Brainstorm site.

However, Ubuntu is not the only operating system that uses Gnome, and it
would be unreasonable for (for example) people interested in proposing
an idea for Gnome in Opensuse to be pointed to an Ubuntu site.

  If we have our own brainstorm website, a lot of
 the ideas are going to be duplicates and there'll be two places to
 discuss and vote on everything. 

We already have that problem in Ubuntu itself, with at least four
different places to propose ideas (Brainstorm, Launchpad Bugs, Launchpad
Blueprints, and various pages on the Ubuntu wiki).

Ideally there would be a way of linking and syncing feature requests
between Ubuntu and the various other operating systems that use Gnome --
similar to how Launchpad links and syncs the status of bug reports in and other bug trackers. However, the first step would
be to have a semi-standard way of representing feature requests, and
that hasn't happened yet (bug : bug report :: feature request : ???).

Matthew Paul Thomas
desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: HIG says Page Setup not Page Setup...

2008-02-05 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas
On Feb 5, 2008, at 8:41 AM, Shaun McCance wrote:
 To me, the ellipsis indicates that you're going to see a
 dialog that's sitting *between* you and the action you've

   [File-Print...] - [dialog] - [printer whis]
   [File-Save As...] - [dialog] - [icon appears in Nautilus]

A dialog is one way of asking for further input, but not the only way. 
For example, Nautilus's Rename... item correctly has an ellipsis, but 
doesn't use a dialog.

 We specifically exclude this case though:

   [File-Frobnicate] - [really?] - [frobnicate]

(Eventually I think we should abolish this exception. As far as I can 
tell, it exists mainly because of the Save changes before closing? 
alert: changing Close... to Close whenever you saved a document, 
and back to Close... when you next changed it, would be too much of a 
hassle for programmers. This could be avoided, eventually, by 
abolishing the idea of saving, which by itself would make 
confirmation alerts much rarer.)

 For Preferences or Page Setup, the dialog is what you're
 intending to do.

I think the HIG's recommendation of Preferences over Preferences... 
is also a bug.

With the exception of user interface designers, nobody ever intends to 
do a dialog.

Matthew Paul Thomas

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: HIG says Page Setup not Page Setup...

2008-02-04 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas
Luca Ferretti wrote:
 I've just opened bugs against eog, evince, evolution and gedit to remove
 the trailing ellipsis from File-Page Setup menu entry. Bugs are 514352,
 524354, 514355, 514356.
 If you know other applications that need to be fixed, please let me

That's a bug in the HIG, not a bug in the applications. Please report it
against the HIG instead. :-)

Matthew Paul Thomas
desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Web links integration in applications: bugs, translations, help...

2007-11-30 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas
On Nov 28, 2007, at 8:33 AM, Loïc Minier wrote:

 On Tue, Nov 27, 2007, Andre Klapper wrote:
 i love firefox because of explanations that even my parents would
 understand, if they'd touch computers.

The page you are trying to view contains POSTDATA that has expired 
from cache.

 but currently, 30% of non-crasher evolution reports are already 
 can't send mail. please help reports, because of the Submit Bug 
 Report menu item. i have the feeling it will become more. ;-)

 Hehe, I heard from our Firefox maintainer that he receives all kind of
 non-bug reports thanks to the Help  Report a problem menu entry in
 Ubuntu; My wife is gone, My cat is sick etc. :)

I think linking to a bug tracker directly makes sense only if your user 
base is less than about five million (plus or minus a few million). 
Beyond that, the signal-to-noise ratio gets too low to be worth it.

 I guess the problem of receiving can't send mail bug reports might 
 be helped a little by having two different entries in Help; Ubuntu 
 currently has Report a Problem (it's report a bug in French 
 though), and Get help online

Not so helpful if the reason you can't send mail is that you aren't 
online. ;-)

 (this points to the community support portal).

This requires people to choose immediately which source of help is more 
likely to answer their question -- Help Contents or Get Help Online 
-- without having any of the knowledge necessary to make that decision. 
A more humane approach would be to provide a smooth escalation path: 
built-in help - on-line help - support forums or paid support.

That still means you need external URLs, just not in the Help menu 
itself. For example, if you do a search in Yelp and none of the results 
are what you're looking for, the search results page gives you a link 
to try the same search on That link is designed to be 
customizable by distributors, so it can search the distribution's 
knowledge base or support forums instead.

Matthew Paul Thomas

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: gtk_show_help and gtk_show_url

2007-10-26 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas
On Oct 26, 2007, at 10:14 AM, Shaun McCance wrote:

 On Thu, 2007-10-25 at 17:36 -0700, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
 I think that's a valid concern, but an annoying solution. I would
 rather that any updated API for opening a help page in Gnome had two
 compulsory parameters -- one for the page ID, and one for a fallback
 search string if Yelp can't find the page. That way the page-not-found
 error would only ever appear when debugging.

 This is an interesting idea.  But it leaves me with a few questions.

 * Under what circumstances would the application and the help files 
 ever become out of sync?  We release them in the same package, so they 
 should (in theory) always be in sync with each other.

So I guess the answer is in practice. ;-) I've seen the The Uniform 
Resource Identifier ’file://some.long.and.scary.url’ is invalid or does 
not point to an actual file alert several times in Gnome, and I expect 
it to become more frequent as programs use context-sensitive help more 
often and that help becomes more extensive and frequently edited.

 Note that:

 - gnome-doc-utils contains a little-used utility that generates a 
 header file with symbols for each page.

That's good, but I think error recovery baked in to the API will 
inevitably be more robust than error recovery that relies on the use of 
a particular authoring tool ...

 - Both DocBook and Mallard provide a means of putting additional 
 anchors on things.  So when you do some sort of surgery on your 
 document, you really ought to put an auxiliary ID somewhere so that 
 links don't break.

... or error recovery that relies on authors remembering to do optional 

 - In practice, I realize it's common for the help files not to keep up 
 with the application.  But this is not the sort of thing that causes 
 broken IDs.  Also, search strings wouldn't help much, because in these 
 cases, the content just isn't there.

Right, I'm not claiming a search string would fix all problems with 
broken IDs, just two of them: (1) the relevant file has been renamed, 
and (2) the relevant help has been merged into another file.

 * A search string really should be translated if it's pointing to 
 translated help.  But if it's pointing to English help, it shouldn't 
 be translated, even if the application is translated.

 Currently, our application translations are much more complete than 
 our document translations.  So I'd be worried that this would cause a 
 different sort of out-of-syncness: a German search string getting used
 on an English document.

That's an interesting problem, but search results would be more useful 
more often than an error message, regardless of whether that error 
message was localized. (Namely, search results would be more useful 
whenever the topic being searched for contained untranslated words, 
such as proper nouns.)

One approach would be to put (a more human-friendly version of) the 
localized error message at the beginning of the search results. That 
topic wasn’t found. Try these suggestions:

 * In my experience, when you have compulsory parameters that don't 
 usually do anything, most people will just do what they need to shut 
 up the compiler.  So instead of this:

 gtk_help_show (user-guide, printer-configure, anchor,
configure printer);

 They'll do this:

 gtk_help_show (user-guide, printer-configure, anchor, );

 Alternately, they might write very unhelpful help strings, because 
 they're in a hurry to write real code, and don't want to think about 
 help stuff.

I agree -- we've seen this in HTML with img alt=. This case would be 
different, though, in that people wouldn't be any *worse* off with 
search text of  than they were with the error alert (especially if a 
brief explanation was prepended to the search results as I described 
above). Meanwhile, some authors would have been prompted into providing 
useful search strings when they wouldn't have otherwise, making help 
more reliable on average than if the parameter was optional.

Matthew Paul Thomas

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Panel++

2007-09-24 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas
On Sep 24, 2007, at 3:00 PM, Alex Jones wrote:
  What do we want from the next version of GNOME Panel?

  Do we want to evolve it or just replace the dependency on Bonobo for 

  I think that unifying the concept of applets and more heavyweight 
 widgets might be beneficial, unless anyone can think of any good 
 reason why not to. Any GDesklets developers here?

Besides the lack of a global menu bar, which John Stowers mentioned, 
another irritant interaction-wise is inconsistency in behavior between 
panel applets. Some applets do something on a single click, others 
don't, and there's no way to tell which just by looking. Some applets 
do something on a double click, others don't, and there's no way to 
tell which just by looking. Some applets open a menu or menu-like 
control, but they differ in whether they make it look like a menu, and 
if you mouse down on the wrong one you can't slide over to the correct 
one like you can with a normal menu bar.

It would be really neat if the panel could make these behaviors 

Matthew Paul Thomas

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Thoughts on patch for gcalctool bug #448263

2007-06-17 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas
On Jun 18, 2007, at 4:08 AM, Don Scorgie wrote:
 We're currently working on yelp (really, we are working on it!).  It's
 hoped that soon, there will be a mechanism to launch yelp through dbus
 and improved the handling of starting through the command line.  This
 will have an advantage for modules wanting to drop libgnome.  Yelp will
 handle all parsing of uris.  One thing I've been contemplating is how 
 to handle invalid requests (i.e. asking for a non-installed document). 
  If yelp handles it, it simplifies translators lives (as the strings 
 won't occur in every module) and would improve consistency (error 
 message is the same every time).  However, would this look 
 out-of-place (i.e. will the popped up unexpectedly placed)?.

Yes it would ... regardless of where it was placed. People distrust 
computerized help at the best of times. If you want someone to never 
use the help in any Gnome program ever again, putting up an error 
message when they click a Help button is an *excellent* way of doing 
it. ;-)

It's inevitable that occasionally programs will link to help pages that 
don't exist, or that help pages will link to other pages that no longer 
exist. But that's the kind of error that should be displayed only to 
developers, not to other users. Users should be shown relevant search 
results as a fallback instead.

You can achieve this by giving the API for opening a particular help 
document two mandatory arguments (and giving the internal hyperlink 
syntax in Mallard two required attributes): one being the URI of the 
document, the other being relevant search terms for Yelp to fall back 
to if the document doesn't exist.

Matthew Paul Thomas

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposed module: seahorse

2007-01-13 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas
On Jan 12, 2007, at 1:34 AM, Vincent Untz wrote:
 I love seahorse and I want it in. I liked how the maintainers quickly
 replied to our questions, and implemented additional features.

Nate Nielsen has also been very responsive to reports of usability 
glitches, and even submitted Seahorse's worst dialogs to usability@ for 
redesign. Hooray for Seahorse! :-)

Matthew Paul Thomas

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Software installation using gnome

2007-01-07 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas
On Jan 6, 2007, at 12:21 PM, Toby Smithe wrote:

 On Wed, 2007-01-03 at 12:21 -0800, Sri Ramkrishna wrote:

 This is primarily why it's difficult to get commercial applications on
 GNOME.  They have to make packages for every flavor of distributions 
 out there.  We have yet to get a standard in package management.

 Packages could just be installed, with all their dependencies, locally 
 - like they are on Windows. However, this always seemed a waste of 
 space to me: why have more than one copy of a library file installed?

Because the cost of disk space is less than US$0.0005/MB, and dropping. 
Of course there are other reasons for applications to use the same copy 
of a library (such as lower memory consumption and easier security 
updates). But if you are optimizing for disk space consumption rather 
than for the ability of people to install software *at all*, you are 
solving the wrong problem.

Matthew Paul Thomas

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Moving spellcheckers into the Gtk+ stack

2006-12-25 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas
On Dec 19, 2006, at 1:02 AM, Danilo Šegan wrote:

 On Friday at 23:42, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:

 Right, and the reason Epiphany can't *solely* use the language from 
 the locale is that (as I understand it) the locale can refer to only 
 one language. There is no way to say, for example, I prefer reading 
 stuff in Swiss German, but if that's not available, give me Swiss 
 French or France French. It would be good if this list could be set 

 Isn't this provided by LANGUAGE environment variable on GNU systems?

Oh cool, I didn't know about that. Now, anyone want to provide a GUI 
for it? ;-)

Matthew Paul Thomas
desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Moving spellcheckers into the Gtk+ stack

2006-12-15 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas
On Dec 14, 2006, at 10:48 PM, Danilo Šegan wrote:
 On Monday at 11:48, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:

 Ideally Epiphany's language preferences wouldn't be in Epiphany, 
 they'd be in a system-wide preferences tool (as they are for Windows 
 Internet Explorer with the Regional Settings control panel, and for 
 Safari and other Mac browsers with the International preferences 
 pane). The language list it configured would also determine the 
 default for Totem's subtitle/audio language, and for any other 
 application that needs to know your preferred languages (such as an 
 ISV's app that ships with its own translations).

 If I remember correctly, Epiphany uses the language from the locale as
 the default (I have since set my languages in there manually, since
 sr-CS, sr caused some web site to crash, and I wanted to add hr in
 my list as well).

Right, and the reason Epiphany can't *solely* use the language from the 
locale is that (as I understand it) the locale can refer to only one 
language. There is no way to say, for example, I prefer reading stuff 
in Swiss German, but if that's not available, give me Swiss French or 
France French. It would be good if this list could be set system-wide.

Matthew Paul Thomas
desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Nine Months in Six Months

2006-09-09 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas
On Sep 10, 2006, at 8:31 AM, Nickolay V. Shmyrev wrote:
 [Shaun McCance wrote:]

 But now you want all these programmers to assemble their 
 documentation piecemeal as they add features?

 Even if they all had perfect English (which they don't), and even if 
 they were all really good at explaining things (which they aren't), 
 this would still produce bad documentation.  Why?  Because it would 
 only ever produce What's this? documents, and never How do I? 

 I find myself shooting down this idea every single release cycle.

I humbly suggest that as long as you keep shooting it down, you will 
keep having the problem of not enough time to write documentation.

Calling it documentation almost enforces the problem, suggesting that 
you're documenting something that has already been written. But just as 
with the interaction design, and just as with the test suite, you'll 
often get better results if the help for a feature is written before 
the code. The goal of all these disciplines is to maximize the 
proportion of people who use the software successfully, and it makes 
little sense to treat any of them as completely separate from the 

I haven't seen anyone claim that programmers are usually good at 
writing help; it would be surprising if they were. But whenever they're 
not, they should team up with someone who is. Just as they should team 
up with someone good at interaction design, and someone good at 
thinking up test cases. For each module in Gnome (as I said on 
gnome-doc-list last month), you should be able to ask, who is the 
maintainer, who is the interaction designer, who is the QA engineer, 
and who is the help author, and get three or four distinct answers.

 Agree, it's really a problem, but look at usability guys, they all just
 do a review, interface is created by developers. Developers are
 certainly not professional UI designers but HIG shows them the correct
 direction. It's much easier to review something and correct mistakes
 then to write it from scratch.

That is very far from the truth. It is much, much easier to correct 
usability mistakes before the code has been written than after.

As for the HIGs, they mostly specify style for low-level things like 
appropriate window types, controls, spacing, and wording. Not having to 
constantly debate those things can save people a lot of time. But they 
are only a small part of design; they don't address fundamental design 
problems. (The most common such problem: This shouldn't be a separate 
program, it should be a menu item in program X.) No book of guidelines 
can turn a musician into a composer, a surgeon into a medical 
researcher, or a programmer into an interaction designer.

Matthew Paul Thomas

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Baobab

2006-08-12 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas
On Aug 11, 2006, at 2:47 PM, Alan Horkan wrote:

 On Fri, 11 Aug 2006, Chipzz wrote:
 Clueless user Baobab? WTF is Baobab?

 Two words: disk usage.

 It is also a type of tree.

Chipzz was voicing a likely question of someone who hasn't seen Baobab  
before upon encountering Open in Baobab, not being a clueless user  

Brand names should be used for things where competition or standards  
compliance is important (e.g. operating systems, Web browsers, Internet  
protocols, file formats). For something as mundane as a View by Size  
menu item, go for obviousness instead.

 This was discussed recently 

Yes, Chipzz's message is part of that same thread.

 The third item listed by google for the word Baobab is the homepage for
 the Baobab disk usage program:

Are you suggesting that someone be expected to search Google to  
understand menu items in a file manager?

Matthew Paul Thomas

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Tomboy in Desktop

2006-07-27 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas
On Jul 26, 2006, at 9:43 AM, Alex Graveley wrote:
 Here's a status update on recent Tomboy happenings...

 I've applied a patch originally from Novell to use Tango icons and
 removed the possibly legally entangled Tintin icon.

I don't mean to be a nuisance, but since Tomboy is licensed under the  
LGPL, Tango icons may be legally entangled too. 

Matthew Paul Thomas

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposed Orca Migration

2006-07-24 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas
On Jul 25, 2006, at 11:41 AM, Bill Haneman wrote:
 I seem to recall that there was a reason why we didn't use 'startup
 programs' before.  Can't remember what it was... but I seem to 
 remember looking at and rejecting that before.  Maybe because we 
 wanted the ATs to launch first?  Or is there a problem with the 
 'startup programs' API/interface itself?

It might be that the accessibility settings window, because it is 
rarely used, could have at least some accessibility options (large 
text, spoken controls, etc) turned on all the time, to be more 
accessible to people who are trying to turn them on. It would be 
annoying if the Startup Programs window did that.

Matthew Paul Thomas

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: consistency (or lack thereof)

2006-07-21 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas
On Jul 22, 2006, at 9:42 AM, Reinout van Schouwen wrote:
 Ask dobey for the details, but IIRC Novell user testing showed 
 convincingly that a majority of test subjects didn't know/expect that 
 Close would save their changes.

But it *didn't* save their changes, and renaming it to Finish doesn't 
change that. I can close the window using the button in the title bar 
instead, or even using xkill, and my new choice of background doesn't 
revert itself.

Anyway, there are several bigger unfixed problems with this window.

Matthew Paul Thomas

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Mac shipments up 12% [Was: focus!]

2006-07-20 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas
On Jul 21, 2006, at 12:53 AM, Alex Jones wrote:

 On Thu, 2006-07-20 at 08:23 -0400, Luis Villa wrote:

 They've had better software and better hardware than Windows for a
 full five years, and have still not cracked 5% market share, so I
 don't see why you're scared now- they've had good quarters before,  
 and they end up getting lost in the noise.

The current upward sales trend began in Q1 2005. 
-08 (You can mentally add Q3 2006: 1,327,000 units to the end of  
that list.)

But the overall PC market has also been growing, so Apple's market  
share has been pretty static since 2001. (figures from IDC)

(That Daring Fireball article addresses a couple of other points raised  
in this thread. First, Jeff is perhaps an example of people thinking  
that people at conferences I attend are switching to Macs = Mac  
market share is increasing substantially, when it ain't so. Second, it  
agrees with Havoc's music that the Mac user base of today is largely  
similar to the Mac user base of a decade ago.)

 This doesn't mean they suck, but I think it does speak strongly to  
 Havoc's point- just being differentially better will not win big  
 market share; we need to think about how to change the game  
 completely if we're going to 'win' in any meaningful way- i.e., more  
 than 5% market share.

Agreed. Merely having better-in-degree software and hardware is not a  
practical way of achieving 10x10, because it will take until at least  
2010 even to get the software to that stage (let alone to start selling  
it as being better), and the only way you could have hardware that's  
better would be for a company to make it specially targeted at a  
Gnome-based system.

 Take for example. It is quite evident that the aim is  
 to make a free alternative to Microsoft Office. It has barely any  
 unique features of its own.

Look on the bright side: the radically different and highly detailed  
design of Office 2007 will force the OO.o team to do *something*  
different eventually, albeit probably five years later. :-)

 While I was running an idea past IRC last week, somebody mentioned  
 that it would confuse people who are used to the way that other  
 software behaves. This is, IMO, exactly the reason that many people  
 see no benefit to using Linux and GNOME over Windows.

Perhaps you could raise the problem on the usability@ list? Until then,  
here's a vague solution to that vague problem: Differences in behavior  
can be explained by differences in appearance.

 The fact that Ubuntu bundles Firefox (and turns off automatic session
 saving, as Firefox is incompatible with it) kind of saddens me.  
 Session management is one of the benefits of GNOME, yet they sacrifice  
 it in order to bundle something which Windows users are more familiar  

Join the Epiphany team then. :-) We have loads of unimplemented ideas,  
and browser wars are always fun.

Epiphany vs. Firefox, and Abiword+Gnumeric vs., are  
contests parallel to Gnome vs. Windows -- it's not enough to be better,  
you have to be *so* much better as to outweigh the familiarity people  
have coming from Windows (where, if they're using Gnome now, they were  
probably using Firefox and OO.o before). Being saddened won't change  
that battle. But it's not an impossible one: witness Safari vs.  
Internet Explorer for Mac.

Matthew Paul Thomas

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: focus! (was Re: Focusing on innovation re: mono, python et al)

2006-07-18 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas
On Jul 18, 2006, at 9:50 PM, Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay wrote:

 Havoc Pennington wrote:

 My first-order answer is that GNOME thinks of itself as making a
 desktop - even though the _reality_ is that the larger GNOME
 community/ecosystem is doing way more than that, and that the larger
 tech industry is doing still more.

 Would you consider junking the concept of GNOME as a desktop in 
 favor of GNOME as an application development programming context or 
 would think that the slicing should go deeper ? Namely, percolating 
 the idea right down to the level where applications are developed 
 around GNOME core (assuming the segregation of GNOME core and GNOME 

If that happened, the platform developers would likely have less 
interaction with application developers on mailing lists like this one. 
So you'd be more likely to end up like the W3C's HTML Working Group has 
with XHTML 2.0 -- spending huge amounts of time producing an extremely 
elegant platform that's useless for real-world applications.

To ensure usefulness of the platform for as many distributors as 
possible, perhaps it would be better for Gnome to contain *a 
representative sample* of software for various genres (office, artist, 
scientist, gamer), skill levels (cf. iLife vs. Apple's Pro apps, or 
Microsoft Works vs. Office), and hardware types (desktop, PDA, OLPC) -- 
so you can demonstrate that Gnome is a suitable development platform 
for all those audiences, rather than trying yourself to solve all the 
problems of any single audience.

Gnome-wide efforts on things like usability, localization, library 
deprecation, etc would also be less effective if it was reduced to an 
application development programming context.

Matthew Paul Thomas

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: focus! (was Re: Focusing on innovation re: mono, python et al)

2006-07-18 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas
On Jul 18, 2006, at 11:54 PM, Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay wrote:

 Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:

 If that happened, the platform developers would likely have less
 interaction with application developers on mailing lists like this 
 one. So you'd be more likely to end up like the W3C's HTML Working 
 Group has with XHTML 2.0 -- spending huge amounts of time producing 
 an extremely elegant platform that's useless for real-world 

 Why would that happen in the event GNOME decides to remould itself 
 from being a kick-ass *desktop* to being a coherent platform ?

Because I was using platform as shorthand for your application 
development programming context, which apparently excluded 
applications (applications are developed around GNOME core).

I've used only one kick-ass desktop, and that's the one my computers 
sit on.

Matthew Paul Thomas

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: focus! (was Re: Focusing on innovation re: mono, python et al)

2006-07-17 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas
On Jul 18, 2006, at 12:09 AM, Nigel Tao wrote:
 I remember that, some handfuls of months ago, Jeff Waugh [1] proposed
 a Power User Tools suite outside of the traditional Platform /
 Bindings / Desktop (/ Admin).  IIRC he was musing about things like
 Brightside and Devil's Pie, but one option might be to spin out
 Tomboy, Deskbar, and suchlike into that.

 Just one more idea to fling around the zoo.  :-)

 [1] I think it was Jeff, but for some reason my GoogleFu is weak and I
 can't find a reference in the mail archives.

Matthew Paul Thomas

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Killing the splashscreen for 2.16

2006-07-15 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas
On Jul 15, 2006, at 1:05 PM, Ritesh Khadgaray wrote:

 On Fri, 2006-07-14 at 23:26 +0200, Soeren Sandmann wrote:

 I would like to turn off the login splashscreen by default, for the
 following reasons:

 gconftool-2 --set -t boolean /apps/gnome-
 session/options/show_splash_screen False

Since this is d-d-l, I suspect that by I would like to Soeren meant 
I propose that we, not How do I. :-)

(I agree that the splash screen in its current state is more irritating 
than useful.)

Matthew Paul Thomas

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Some feedback

2006-07-06 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas
On Jul 6, 2006, at 1:08 AM, Radu Olaru wrote:

 I did not knew exactly to who should I write, nor did I found any  
 explicit email on the gnome site, so here goes. Did you noticed how  
 are modern desktops evolving? They try to be as dialog-less as  

 Gnome is great in evey way but it has too many dialogs opening at  
 every step. Copying dialog,

All versions of Windows (including Vista), and all versions of Mac OS X  
(including 10.4), use a progress window when copying. 

So which modern desktops are you referring to? :-)

 Package Update progress dialog and so on.

As far as I know, Gnome doesn't have a Package Update program. (Maybe  
you are referring to Synaptic?)

 My suggestion would be to make a small applet responsable of showing  
 every background task's progress and cut down every progress dialog.
 This way the whole desktop will be cleaner and less windows will pop  
 when you least expect. If it's a background job, why displaying it's  
 progress in a window?

Because one of the use cases for progress windows is, Can I turn off  
the computer yet? And another is, Can I eject this CD yet? An applet  
would not be visible enough for either of these cases, because you may  
be glancing at the computer occasionally while doing other work  
relatively far away.

You do have a point in that progress windows are overused. There are  
three common ways to reduce them:
*   If there is a parent window, show progress in the parent window
 instead. (Sound Juicer does this well; Synaptic does not.)
*   If two or more tasks should be queued for best performance (for
 example, copying/moving to the same disk), stack their progress
 into a single progress window. (Evolution does this well; Nautilus
 does not.)
*   If the same kind of long-lasting task (for example, uploads/
 downloads) is often done intermittently, provide a normal window to
 list these activities. (Epiphany does this well; Evolution does

Matthew Paul Thomas

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: opening a program with the middle button

2006-06-09 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas

On Jun 7, 2006, at 9:51 AM, David Prieto wrote:

First thing I do when I switch on my laptop is open evolution to read 
my e-mails, liferea to get my news feeds and epiphany to browse some
forums. Not necessarily when switching it on, but overall I usually 
run these programs together.

You can set these programs to run automatically when you log in, using 
the Startup Programs tab of the Sessions preferences. (This could 
be much more obvious than it is, for example by giving the control 
panel a name better than Sessions.)

You can also add the programs to the panel at the top/bottom of the 
screen by clicking on an empty part of it (if there is one) with the 
right mouse button (if you have one) and choosing Add to Panel 
(Again, this could be much more obvious than it is. For example, it 
should show up when you search the help for how can I start programs 

Matthew Paul Thomas

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Desktop as Nautilus

2006-03-15 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas

On Mar 15, 2006, at 11:58 AM, Calum Benson wrote:

On 15 Mar 2006, at 09:55, Mike Douglas wrote:

The trash applet was a great step forward for usability

I'd somewhat dispute that, personally... no matter where on my panels 
I put the darn thing, nine times out of ten, it couldn't be further 
away from the thing I'm trying to delete if it tried, and dragging 
things that far is a royal pain.  (That doesn't make it any worse than 
the desktop trashcan, certainly... just not notably better IMHO.)


If it's in the bottom right corner of the screen (as it is in Ubuntu's 
default setup, for example), it's several thousand pixels wide and 
several thousand pixels high, making it the easiest thing to drag to in 
the whole of Gnome.

If you can't easily drag from one side of the screen to the other, 
there's something wrong with your mouse acceleration settings.

Matthew Paul Thomas

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: System Monitor Graph Style Suggestions

2006-02-15 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas

On Feb 15, 2006, at 2:24 PM, David Malcolm wrote:

On the subject of Tufte and gnome-system-monitor, I've implemented a
GtkCellRenderer subclass for sparklines and implemented it for the
per-process CPU usage:

That's gorgeous! Well done.

Going much beyond, who is the intended user of gnome-system-monitor, 
and what is its purpose?  Is it simply a GTK replacement for top, or 
is it intended to show something that's meaningful to:

- end-users?
- sysadmins?
- software developers?
(I don't think that top is particularly good for any of the above)

I thought the most common use of it was for closing unresponsive 
programs. Maybe I'm just unlucky. :-)

But if that is a common use, it's a bit awkward, since the list uses 
pretty unrecognizable names for many programs (soffice.bin, eog, esd, 
sol, wtf, bbq), and by default lists many things that aren't programs 
as most people would understand them (bonobo-activation-server, 
dbus-daemon, gam_server, etc etc). Maybe the list of processes could be 
filtered by default somehow, based on whether they were spawned from 
programs that have .desktop entries? Working towards giving the 
underlying executables human-readable names would help, too.

Matthew Paul Thomas

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: New panel logout/shutdown alert - a mini ui review

2006-02-10 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas

On 10 Feb, 2006, at 8:56 PM, Vincent Untz wrote:

Le jeudi 09 février 2006 à 07:46 -0500, Matthias Clasen a écrit :

- The button order in the Shutdown dialog is a bit odd.
  Why is Cancel in the middle between Shutdown and Reboot ?

I tend to agree here. Maybe we should not follow the HIG in this case
since the menu item means: shutdown or reboot?.

Restarting should be much less common than shutting down, so it's fine 
for Restart to be an alternative button to the left of Cancel. (Another 
factor is that Restart is only a shortcut, equivalent to Shut Down + 
start up again.)

If you do need to restart nearly as often as shutting down, either 
you're switching kernels/OSes much more often than the average joe, or 
your OS badly needs fixing. :-)

Matthew Paul Thomas
desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: New panel logout/shutdown alert - a mini ui review

2006-02-10 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas
On 11 Feb, 2006, at 5:57 AM, Alan Horkan wrote:

 On Sat, 11 Feb 2006, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
 Restarting should be much less common than shutting down,
 so it's fine for Restart to be an alternative button to the left of

 but I do not see how this arguement necessarily follows.

 Anything but the following layout would just look too weird:

Mac OS uses the same button ordering as GNOME.
That alert is only ten years old this month, and you're calling it too  
weird? The young are easily hurt by such callous talk, you know.

 [ Cancel ] [ Restart ] [ Shutdown ]

So when I click where the Cancel button is in every other confirmation  
alert in GNOME, the computer should restart? No thanks.

 If you do need to restart nearly as often as shutting down, either
 you're switching kernels/OSes much more often than the average joe,  
 or your OS badly needs fixing. :-)

 My OS does badly need fixing but that is another story ;)

 If you know a better way to boot into a Live CD or partition  
 containing another operating system I'd love to hear it but I quite  
 often use Restart for exactly that purpose. (I had and installation of  
 Mandrake and Redhat awkwardly coexisting on the etc etc etc...

In many fewer words, you're switching kernels/OSes much more often than
the average joe. And proposing an error-causing divergence from the HIG.

Matthew Paul Thomas

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Alt Mouse Modifier (Was: Adaptive mode)

2006-02-07 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas

On 8 Feb, 2006, at 11:39 AM, Rui Miguel Silva Seabra wrote:

On Tue, 2006-02-07 at 16:34 -0600, Shaun McCance wrote:

If you need anything more than Ctrl+letter in your
application, you're pretty much screwed.

? I fail to see the relevance, this is window level, not application
level, feature.

Taking it for a window-level feature prevents it from being used for 
any application-level feature. For example, in a Web browser there are 
all sorts of things you can do with a link: open it in a new window, 
open it in a new background window, open it in a new tab, open it in a 
new background tab, or download the linked item. In Epiphany we would 
like to be able to use (Shift+)Alt+click for one or two of those 
things, like popular Web browsers on other platforms do. But we can't, 
because Metacity has taken it.

I would much prefer that the easy way of moving a window was drag any 
part of the window that isn't for something else, with no modifier key 
necessary. Drag a window's title bar, status bar, an empty part of a 
toolbar, an empty space between controls, and so on. That would provide 
less target area than Alt+drag did (though still *much* more target 
area than on Windows or the Mac), but (1) it would be more obvious, (2) 
it wouldn't need two hands, and (3) it would remove the need for the 
clutter of a title bar and the rest of the window being visually 
distinct elements.

Matthew Paul Thomas

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Fwd: Document font pref [was: Re: asking for approval for bug 160454]]

2006-01-27 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas

On 27 Jan, 2006, at 5:37 PM, Shaun McCance wrote:

My stance is that any application that shows you long blocks of text 
should use the document font setting, unless the text ought to be in a 
fixed width font.


Pages in a help viewer usually shouldn't be long blocks of text in the 
first place. :-) Help viewer windows are also usually much smaller than 
a typical Web browser window (because you want them visible alongside 
the thing they're providing instructions on). And help authors -- 
unlike Web authors -- hardly ever use fonts smaller than the default 
(if this is even possible in DocBook). All these things make it 
appropriate for Yelp to have a smaller default font than Epiphany does.

Other operating environments already do this: in all versions of 
Windows, and all versions of Mac OS since 8.5, the standard font for 
text in the help viewer has been a small sans-serif (often achieved 
with a deluge of font tags), while the default font for the bundled 
Web browser(s) has been a larger serif.

Trying to combine default document font prefs also causes problems with 
ease of configurability. For example, in Windows 98, the text size in 
the Windows help viewer is determined by Internet Explorer's 
preferences; so if you set Internet Explorer's text size to Smallest, 
much of the text in the help viewer becomes unreadable for many 
applications without any way to fix this in the help viewer itself.

An even closer precedent is that of classic Mac OS, where the Internet 
control panel had a Fonts pane quite similar to that in Gnome. But none 
of the major Web browsers paid attention to it, having their own font 
preferences probably partly because it was more discoverable that way. 
The same thing would likely happen for Epiphany and Firefox under 
Gnome: since it would make no sense for the minimum font size pref and 
the standard font size pref (for example) to be set in entirely 
different programs, the browsers would likely continue to have their 
own GUIs for setting their own individual font prefs.

Matthew Paul Thomas

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Adaptive mode (Was: Re: Browser Mode by Default)

2006-01-16 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas

On 17 Jan, 2006, at 6:32 AM, Calum Benson wrote:

On Sat, 2006-01-14 at 09:08 -0500, William Lovaton wrote:

Imagine you are using the List View and you have many folders in it
(let's say your home directory) in a way that real files are not
visible, located well down in the bottommost part of the window.  Now
suppose you want to drag a file from your desktop to your home
directory... there is no easy way to do that because that file won't 
end up in your home directory but in one of the folders located in 
your home directory.  And that's because you are hovering a directory 
no matter where you drop the file.

Ah, yes.  FWIW, the Mac Finder has exactly the same problem, and the
same (non-obvious) solution... you have to drop on the column headers.

Actually, from testing it in 10.3, to move something to folder X you 
can drop something in any part of X's folder window that is not text 
belonging to a subfolder or drop-savvy application. This includes the 
title bar of the window, the column headers, the scrollbars, the space 
between a subfolder's or application's name and its date, the space 
between its date and its size, and so on. Dropping on the window's 
status bar doesn't work, but that seems to be a bug. Nautilus could 
allow all of those, though recognizing a drop on the title bar would 
need help from the window manager, and recognizing a drop in the gap 
between text in adjacent columns would need help from GTK.

Personally I'd like to see a blank row always inserted at the bottom 
of any file manager list view (like on Windows), so there's a 
guaranteed bit of 'background' to drop into.


That should perhaps be done for all list views, not just lists of 
files. People I watch often have trouble recognizing that they've 
scrolled to the end of a list.

Matthew Paul Thomas

desktop-devel-list mailing list