Re: Proposal: Replace all references to master/slave in GNOME modules

2019-05-01 Thread Richard Hughes via desktop-devel-list
On Wed, 1 May 2019 at 12:38, Michael Gratton  wrote:
> They have also been successful in getting other projects to use more
> inclusive language. For example, MongoDB initially refused to stop
> using the term "master", but then relented after Python did so.

That's misrepresenting it *AGAIN*. Both stopped using master along
with slave. The main developer branch is still called master in both

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposal: Replace all references to master/slave in GNOME modules

2019-05-01 Thread Richard Hughes via desktop-devel-list
On Wed, 1 May 2019 at 06:23, Tristan Van Berkom via desktop-devel-list
> Proposing that we replace references to master/slave relationships with
> other terminology and proposing that we eliminate the usage of both
> words entirely are two entirely different proposals, this is a proposal
> of the latter which appears to be masquerading as the former.

This nails my thinking completely. I've already removed all references
to master/slave in my other projects (fwupd and LVFS), but renaming
the master branch which has no connection with any kind of slave is
just a completely different proposal.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposal: Replace all references to master/slave in GNOME modules

2019-04-25 Thread Richard Hughes via desktop-devel-list
On Thu, 25 Apr 2019 at 06:21,  wrote:
> This should go without saying, but master branches are not a reference
> to slavery, rather to canonicity. The master branch is the canonical
> branch, the primary copy.

This is very much my thinking too. I'd agree with this proposal if
every branch forked from master was called slave/hughsie/whatever but
in this case the master is clearly referring to the canonical version
that the others are derived from. The word "master" isn't a bad word,
and doesn't always mean the opposite of slave.

I was hesitant to reply to this conversation as a middle-aged, middle
income white man but felt like I had to say something. I'll go get my
flame proof suit...

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: App menu retirement: progress update

2018-11-01 Thread Richard Hughes via desktop-devel-list
On Wed, 31 Oct 2018 at 17:09, Allan Day  wrote:
> gnome-multi-writer

Removed in master.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

GNOME Mastodon Instance?

2018-10-09 Thread Richard Hughes via desktop-devel-list
Hi all,

Now that Google+ is declared officially dead, I wondered if GNOME
would consider hosting a Mastodon instance. There's a bug already
-- but I guess this needs someone to drive this and actually do the
work. I know I would trust a GNOME instance more than a random server,
both from a privacy point of view and security/moderation point of
view. It seems a shame to loose all the useful geeky connections with
people in the Open Source community, as people scatter to Twitter,
Facebook and all the other non-free places. Maybe now is the perfect
time to promote Mastodon and GNOME?

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: No app menu changes for GNOME 3.30, please!

2018-07-27 Thread Richard Hughes via desktop-devel-list
On Tue, 24 Jul 2018 at 17:32,  wrote:
>  From the lack of objections to Allan's original proposal, it's clear
> that we have consensus on removing the app menus, so I suggest we
> should feel free to delete our app menus in master after branching for
> 3.30.

I'm currently on PTO for another week (stuck up a mountain with no
internet access) -- but I can certainly do this when I get back. There
are commits on top of the app-menu removal already so it's not just a
case of just reverting a patch.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Meson feedback as a user

2017-11-27 Thread Richard Hughes
On 24 November 2017 at 14:49, Emmanuele Bassi  wrote:
>  - Drop the "enable" from --enable-foo boolean options; Meson has
> boolean values, so -Denable-foo=true would read as redundant, and
> -Denable-foo=false would read as contradictory. Use -Dfoo=true or
> -Dfoo=false instead

I'm guilt of this, I'll fix up my projects, but before I do is there
any list of best practices? e.g. should it be

* -Dgtk_doc=true, -Dgtkdoc=true or -Ddocs=true?
* -Dintrospection=true or -Dgobject_introspection=true?
* -Dman=true or -Dman_pages=true
* -Dconsolekit=false or -DConsoleKit=false


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Include GNOME Usage in the future releases

2017-10-16 Thread Richard Hughes
On 16 October 2017 at 19:17, Andreas Nilsson  wrote:
> .Power

If we put the power statistics here I can finally let gnome-power-manager die.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Application name strings consistency

2017-09-04 Thread Richard Hughes
On 4 September 2017 at 14:13, Allan Day  wrote:
>> But names also need to sufficiently identify the named item. Ending up
>> with 5 "Clocks" and 4 "Maps" in gnome-software isn't really the best user
>> experience.
> I don't see that issue.

That's because I blacklist all the MATE and LXDE programs when running in GNOME.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GitLab migration status and roadmap

2017-08-14 Thread Richard Hughes
On 14 August 2017 at 10:02, Jens Georg  wrote:
> I'm currently massively underwhelmed by the overall performance and
> snappiness of the web interface, even for a small project with not that
> much commit history.

Right; I also found that when sitting In London browsing -- is the machine hosting the
GitLab instance a proper server in a datacenter somewhere or is the
demo being run from a test machine under someones desk? I don't want
people's first reaction to be "this is kinda slow".

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: 3.25.90 will probably be delayed

2017-08-13 Thread Richard Hughes
On 13 August 2017 at 15:35,   wrote:
> Now if I can get a new colord tarball, I think this might work.

I can do this tomorrow, today I have family things to sort today.
Thanks to everybody offering PRs for the colord issues, I've merged
all of them and I think we're in good shape now.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Too many broken modules

2017-07-31 Thread Richard Hughes
On 31 July 2017 at 12:36, Arun Raghavan  wrote:
> Is there some place we can look at logs of the current build?

Same here, fwupd builds fine here, and also in Travis...

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposal to deploy GitLab on

2017-05-16 Thread Richard Hughes
On 16 May 2017 at 15:23, Carlos Soriano  wrote:
> Glad to hear that. Could you mention what projects relevant for GNOME
> (either part of GNOME already or not) that you are maintainer of would
> benefit of a transition to GitLab?

Of immediate benefit would be gnome-software as we have lots of
different teams from lots of different companies all working together.
I'd ideally want the same workflow for my other projects, which would
probably include odrs-web, gnome-color-manager, gnome-packagekit, and

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposal to deploy GitLab on

2017-05-16 Thread Richard Hughes
On 16 May 2017 at 14:22, Allan Day  wrote:
> The outcome of this evaluation process is that we are recommending that
> GNOME sets up its own GitLab instance, as a replacement for Bugzilla and
> cgit.

This is great news. Over the last few years I've started most of my
new projects on GitHub and then had to begrudgingly move them to for the translator teams and so that other people can do
drive-by fixes. GitLab would make this unnecessary and make it easier
for me to work with other people easily on reviews and PRs without all
the bugzilla spam. Certainly a huge +1 from me.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: For projects switching to Meson *only*

2017-04-28 Thread Richard Hughes
On 28 April 2017 at 01:00, Peter Hutterer  wrote:
> I will, but I'll keep the two parallel for at least a release or two.

I tried doing this in my projects last cycle and was a bit of a
disaster. Pretty much any committer that added files or changed how
the project was built, broke one of the two systems. Asking people to
test two quite different build systems before sending patches is
raising the bar a little too high and adding confusion. IMHO, etc.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Gnome Flatpak build system, descriptions and questions

2016-08-25 Thread Richard Hughes
On 25 August 2016 at 16:29, Alexander Larsson  wrote:
> However, it would
> make more sense for each individual application developers to maintain
> the manifest in the applications git repo.

I think this is a very good idea indeed; I was confused about the
"centralization" aspect of the builder files. Isn't this just some
globbing, if we all agree to put the manifest in the same place in the
git tree?

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: gnome-software and external plugins

2016-05-22 Thread Richard Hughes
On 22 May 2016 at 18:30, Michael Catanzaro  wrote:
> GNOME Shell extensions have this same problem. Firefox did better, but
> in the end it too had to give up; you've probably heard all its
> extensions need to be rewritten now.

Right; in one sense plugins let us prototype some new things easily
(that are headed upstream) and it also lets us support some of the
"enterprise" funk that big companies are asking us for in RHEL.
Compiling a plugin is a one line gcc command rather than building half
of GNOME in jhbuild which makes it easier to get started.

> It's not that external plugins in general are bad, it's that allowing
> them access to your application's internals is bad.

100% agree. To compile an out of tree plugin you have to define the
restrict the API that plugins can use; I've been carefully splitting
out functionality into -private.h headers recently that plugins have
no business meddling with and I'm quite happy with the minimal API
surface I'm presenting so far. I guess my statement about out-of-tree
plugins being a bad idea in the introduction perhaps isn't strong
enough, I can certainly ramp up this if you think it would help. From
my point of view if I break your external plugin due to an API change
in the core you should have pushed your changes upstream sooner.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Including content ratings in games

2016-03-10 Thread Richard Hughes
On 9 March 2016 at 18:30, Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek  wrote:
> So "Cartoon Violence" can be merged with "Fantasy Violence",

I don't think these are the same at all. If you look at the age
differences reported here
you can see the different types of violence are treated differently.
You're probably right in that Fantasy isn't well defined, and we
should fix that.

> "Realistic depictions of bloodshed" and "Depictions of bloodshed and the 
> mutilation of body parts"
> can be replaced with "Depictions of bloodshed or mutilation of body parts".

I don't think mutilation can be equated with bloodshed. I always think
back to games like Doom where you see "splatter" but not much more.

> I think you can drop "Humor" totally, it's legal in most jurisdictions after 
> all.

I'm not really concentrating on the legality in a specific country,
more about suitability. I'm not sure I'd want my 3 year old repeating
profanity from a video game just yet.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Including content ratings in games

2016-03-09 Thread Richard Hughes
On 9 March 2016 at 15:59, Simon McVittie  wrote:
> Here's an earlier attempt at the same thing, which if I remember
> correctly was led by Miriam Ruiz of the Debian games team:
> .

Useful, thanks.

> Debian publishes Appstream metadata now, so there's nothing that would
> stop us from publishing content ratings there.

Right, I'll contact Miriam and see if I can re-use/share some of the work there.

> This seems like something that doesn't need to be GNOME-specific, and
> indeed probably shouldn't be, particularly if you want random game
> upstreams to be adding this information.

Right, it's not GNOME-specific at all, but we'll be the one (again)
pushing the feature forwards first.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Including content ratings in games

2016-03-09 Thread Richard Hughes

Sorry for the potentially off-topic posting. I've been working on a
new content rating system called OARS. I wrote up some notes on my
blog[1] but I've been asked to post to this list by multiple people.

The content rating system I'm going to be proposing has aspects of
privacy and has the potential to cause all kind of politics, and I
thought here might be a useful place to discuss this as gnome-software
should have the information for all games in GNOME 3.22. We've not yet
talked with the designers about how (or if...) this is going to be
shown in the GNOME Software UI. Unless some consensus is reached and
applications actually add the missing data there would be no point
doing anything any further.

I'm kinda hoping the people on this list might have a more balanced
view of child protection and privacy than the internet at large,
cough, reddit. It's probably also worth stating that I think this kind
of content rating should be informational-only, i.e. we're never going
to be stopping people installing applications.

I've uploaded my prototype generator here: and I'd appreciate any feedback on
that. Some of the categories may be difficult to translate or may need
further (or better) examples, and so any comments on or off-list are
very welcome. Also, don't actually add anything to AppData files yet,
as the categories are nowhere close to being finalised. Thanks!


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Enabling builddir != srcdir by default in jhbuild

2016-02-28 Thread Richard Hughes
On 28 February 2016 at 14:33, Emmanuele Bassi  wrote:
> What do maintainers think?

Makes sense to me. The quicker we catch a destdir/srcdir issue the
easier it is to fix.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Software and fwupd

2015-04-21 Thread Richard Hughes
On 21 April 2015 at 10:33, Bastien Nocera  wrote:
> It's a D-Bus service, can't it be a run-time dependency?

It could be, if we copy the fu-enums.[c|h] files.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

GNOME Software and fwupd

2015-04-20 Thread Richard Hughes
I've just merged a patch to gnome-software which adds an optional (but
default enabled) dependency on fwupd[1]. The fwupd project just
provides a DBus interface for applying low-level firmware to various
types of devices.

I don't know if this makes sense for the continuous integration
server. I don't know if it makes sense to enable by default.
Installing firmware on more devices would be awesome (and make them
more secure) but it is Yet Another Dep.

Comments welcome,


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Reminder: three weeks until UI freeze

2015-01-27 Thread Richard Hughes
On 27 January 2015 at 07:40, Trịnh Anh Ngọc  wrote:
> Gnome Color Manager |

All committed, thanks. In general, if anyone has patches that need my
+1 before pushing, please ping me on IRC -- I don't even pretend to
read all my bugmail these days. Thanks!

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GNOME MultiWriter

2015-01-09 Thread Richard Hughes
On 9 January 2015 at 15:07, Olav Vitters  wrote:
> Could you make a homepage on the wiki like the other apps? It's not
> urgent, just nicer to have that to point to in the package.

Good catch, thanks. I've created the page and updated all the project

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GNOME MultiWriter

2015-01-09 Thread Richard Hughes
On 9 January 2015 at 13:17, Alberto Ruiz  wrote:
> Did we ever have a GNOME app to specifically write an ISO to a single USB
> drive?

GNOME Disks handles this case well (using the same mechanism that
g-m-w does) -- Just right click on the ISO file and choose a device.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

GNOME MultiWriter

2015-01-09 Thread Richard Hughes
For once, not an email from me about AppData... :)

GNOME MultiWriter can be used to write an ISO file to multiple USB
devices at once. Supported drive sizes are between 1Gb and 32Gb. This
application may be useful for QA testing, to create a GNOME Live image
for a code sprint or to create hundreds of LiveUSB drives for a trade

I've just released GNOME MultiWriter 3.15.2, which is the first
release that makes it pretty much feature complete for me. With this
release I've now moved the source to and will do future
releases to If you see something obviously broken and
you have GNOME commit access, please just jump in and fix it without
asking, or by grabbing me on IRC. Thanks.

Comments welcome,

desktop-devel-list mailing list

GNOME AppData status page

2014-12-18 Thread Richard Hughes
Hi all,

I've uploaded a page with the AppStream metadata for Fedora 22 --
quite a few GNOME applications are missing easy-to-add things like
desktop keywords and some are missing HiDPI icons. It's awesome so
many GNOME apps are shipping AppData and I'm hugely grateful for that,
so we're really polishing things up now.

The page is here (warning 964k HTML page!), and is updated nightly:

I'd appreciate it if you could have a look there and check your
application is green. If there are any false-positives or missing
applications then please let me know. I'm going to fix up the
applications I maintain now. Thanks!

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: RFC: GSound, a GObject library for playing system sounds

2014-12-04 Thread Richard Hughes
On 4 December 2014 at 11:45, Emmanuele Bassi  wrote:
> I'm not overly on board with shoving even more API inside GDK just to
> keep the number of libraries down.

Right; but from a 40,000ft view, having to depend on a new *set* of
libraries just to do a *BING* sound probably means our "platform"
story isn't awesome.

> has anybody done an assessment of the similarities between DirectSound
> and canberra? how do these API map to each other? can we do a layer
> that is the minimal intersection between the two (and whatever MacOS
> has) and still be useful?

That is a good question and one I'm not qualified to answer. Anyone?

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: RFC: GSound, a GObject library for playing system sounds

2014-12-04 Thread Richard Hughes
On 15 November 2014 at 06:37, Tristan Brindle  wrote:
> As far as I’m concerned it’s ready to be used, so please go ahead and try it 
> out!

I've done this, and it's indeed much nicer than using libcanberra
directly. With my maintainer hat on, I'm not super happy about
depending on yet-another-helper-library. Surely by pushing all your
awesome code into GDK or GTK we would get all this awesome new
functionality for free in the toolkit? This would also mean the
GTK/win32 crowd could contribute a DirectSound version so that it
works on Win32/MinGW too.

I had a small talk with Matthias this morning on IRC (the GTK
maintainer) and he's 100% okay with the idea of pushing this up into
Gdk/GTK. I think if you were to do this, the number of API users would
be two orders of magnitudes higher than as a separate library that may
or may not exist in the users distribution or embedded target.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Applications in GNOME without AppData

2014-10-13 Thread Richard Hughes
On 13 October 2014 17:02, Daniel Mustieles García
> If these are the only remaining modules to close the goal, the wiki page is
> really out-of-date.

Yes, it needs some review.

> Apart from these, all the red modules in the page have their corresponding
> Appdata file? It's ok to mark them as done, to avoid confussions?

If anyone wants to check a specific module you can use the Fedora 22
logs here:

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Applications in GNOME without AppData

2014-10-12 Thread Richard Hughes
Hi all,

Lots of GNOME applications now ship AppData files (95.6%!), and huge
thanks to everyone that's written or shipped one already. We do have a
few GNOME modules we possibly care about with no upstream attention.
These include:

* accerciser [1]
* gnome-screenshot [2]
* gconf-editor [3]
* xchat-gnome [4]

Is anyone interested in writing and/or committing a file upstream and
taking some screenshots? For some modules it means branching for 3-14
as it would mean adding new strings. It would be great to be the first
desktop with 100% AppData coverage. Thanks!


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Goals

2014-09-24 Thread Richard Hughes
On 24 September 2014 09:31, Martyn Russell  wrote:
> I took a look at the GNOME goals just to see where Tracker was with
> them, we're actually implementing most of the new unproposed goals
> already and I had no idea.

Much the same as my modules; the burden of keeping the wiki up to date
is kinda high. It would be great if we could auto-generate the GNOME
goal status table so that it stays up to date.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re:'s crypto infrastructure

2014-07-08 Thread Richard Hughes
On 8 July 2014 13:24, Ray Strode  wrote:
> 1) tarballs would be generated with a standardized set of autotools,
> instead of whatever the maintainer happens to have installed

I think the opposite is true as well, in that some software needs
other frameworks in place to do "distcheck" rather than "check" -- for
instance colord needs a running colord daemon to test against. Other
software needs X.

Workaroundable, and I totally think something better than scp'ing
tarballs would be good.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Icon theme changes

2014-04-28 Thread Richard Hughes
On 26 April 2014 15:04, Matthias Clasen  wrote:
> This will affect both jhbuild modulesets and distro packages

Just for 3.13.x, right?

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: gnome-software/packagekit support for arch linux

2014-03-27 Thread Richard Hughes
On 27 March 2014 02:46, Sriram Ramkrishna  wrote:
> Unfortunately, none of them will be able to enjoy GNOME Software, due
> to the fact that there is no active development of a pacman backend
> for packagekit.  Arch Linux users are missing out on a major part of
> the GNOME eco-system.

There are two problem here. One is that indeed, the PackageKit arch
backend is under-maintained, and doesn't support the newer features
that gnome-software uses so heavily (e.g. the new filter enums). The
second is that arch does not generate AppStream metadata, so even if
the PackageKit backend worked well enough, there would be no rich
content (long translated descriptions, screenshots, ratings, etc) to
show. If anyone from arch wants to make this work, please grab me on
#PackageKit on freenode and we can talk in more detail.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: missing tarballs

2014-03-25 Thread Richard Hughes
On 25 March 2014 13:31, Giovanni Campagna  wrote:
> There are no commits since .92, is a release needed?


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: UI Freeze Blockers

2014-02-14 Thread Richard Hughes
On 14 February 2014 10:43, Allan Day  wrote:
>  * 720946 gnome-control-center: Details panel - 'Install Updates'
> button is not working
>  * 723760 gnome-software: Automatic star ratings [there's a
> contingency plan in here too]
>  * 710109 gnome-software: Nicer standalone package installation

These three are mine I guess. I'll get hacking today.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: gnome-settings-daemon & wayland

2014-02-14 Thread Richard Hughes
On 13 February 2014 19:40, Rui Tiago Cação Matos  wrote:
> while others might just need small fixes like the color or xrandr
> plugins.

The color plugin works well now (tested!), and the xrandr plugin
worked okay when I tested it about 3 months ago.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: libgsystem as a shared library

2014-02-05 Thread Richard Hughes
On 5 February 2014 11:52, Colin Walters  wrote:
> GSConsole
> gsystem-log.h (systemd journal via a GLib-like API, also acts as a "soft"
> dependency)

Yes, that sounds awesome, but if libgsystem is going to be an "egg"
replacement I would say it's better to just copy and paste the source
files into modules; having an external library indicates some kind of
API and ABI promises, and you don't want to be proxying stuff in glib
for the next decade.

> Second, it contains "backported" API.  An example of this is "GSSubprocess",
> which is now in GLib.  But a lot of my code (and NetworkManager) has to run
> on EL7 for example, which is just GLib 2.36. So it makes sense to have a
> "common backport" area.

As a shared library I'm not sure this argument holds, as a git
submodule it makes a lot of sense. I think putting stuff like this in
glib and surrounding them with I_KNOW_THIS_API_IS_UNSTABLE guards for
an unstable cycle makes a lot of sense while the API is still being
worked on and the early adopters are willing to release tarballs at a
moments notice.

> Third, it will contain APIs like the local allocation macros that I don't
> think should go into GLib.  (Although this is admittedly debatable)

I think they would be awesome in glib itself, and certainly would
encourage developers to start using them.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: libgsystem as a shared library

2014-02-05 Thread Richard Hughes
On 5 February 2014 09:23, Colin Walters  wrote:
> My libgsystem ( ) library is now
> copied into sufficient number of modules that I'm considering making it a
> real shared library.

Cool, I've never really been a fan of submodules, and I'm much more
likely to use it in my projects as a shared library. One little point
tho, how come this can't be installed into GLib proper? I know it's
Unix only, but we've got plenty of other API that's unix specific in
the -unix.h headers. Less shared libraries better, etc.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Fix wrong FSF's address in in source files

2014-01-29 Thread Richard Hughes
On 29 January 2014 15:03, Andika Triwidada  wrote:
> Do you think all those hundreds modules need to be addressed one by one
> manually?

I'm only talking for myself now, but I'd be surprised if any
maintainer is going to say no to those patches. If I were you, I'd
just commit the changes, and apologise to any maintainers that

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Fix wrong FSF's address in in source files

2014-01-29 Thread Richard Hughes
On 29 January 2014 09:55, Daniel Mustieles García
> gnome-control-center
> gnome-desktop
> gnome-software

Fine with me, thanks.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: 3.12 feature: GNOME Software

2013-09-24 Thread Richard Hughes
On 24 September 2013 15:29, Olav Vitters  wrote:
> Is there anything a distribution should do? I noticed you wanted
> something changed in the Fedora build system. Did I have that right and
> do we need similar changes in other distributions?

Well. The issue is more how we describe things like input methods.
I've got a nice set of files
that are headed upstream, but I've kinda fudged the AppStream side of
things. I'll have to add to the official spec so we can be
interoperable between distros. Actually running the build and compose
steps on the distro servers (rather than running it myself once a week
or so) and that's something I'll be pushing for after F20 is out of
the door.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

3.12 feature: GNOME Software

2013-09-24 Thread Richard Hughes
Matthias started with a mail about Wayland, it seems a good idea to do
the same for GNOME Software:

In 3.10,

 - We have a "technical preview" that includes desktop categories,
featured applications, and long descriptions for some apps. Installing
and removing are performed using the system PackageKit instance and
updates are performed using offline updates where available. To say so
myself it's impressive this much works after working on it for just a
couple of months, but a lot is still pretty hacky.

- Most of the time, gnome-software starts quickly, but sometimes
taking 10+ seconds on some PackageKit backends

- On some distributions, we have basic fonts previews in the addon category

- On some distributions, we have input methods in the addon category

For 3.12,

- We need to start the application in *all* circumstances in less than
1 second. No flicker, no loading bar.

- All GNOME modules need to have validated AppData[1] so we can show a
consistent details page for all core applications

- We need ratings, comments and screenshots in all GNOME (and
non-GNOME important applications, e.g. GIMP, Inkscape, etc).

- We probably need better categories than the menu-spec gives us.

- We need to properly work on the shared AppStream specification for
fonts and input methods so we can share this between distributions.

- We need to do something more sane about fonts, something like the
new mockup[2]

- We need to support packaging systems like Glick and Listaller so we
can install test applications per-user.

- We want to centralize all the update parts, possibly in a split
app/daemon model which Matthias has been playing with.

- We want to show Firefox webapps and things in the Chrome store.
Epiphany web applications are in the same category too. If you're an
expert here, we'd love some help.

- We need to start thinking about allowing donations for applications,
be it a centralised model where everyone gives to, or a
decentralised model where random developers get money from PayPal or
bitcoins from random people.

If you're interested on working on any of these bits, please either
grab me on IRC (hughsie) or file a bug in bugzilla with details of
what you want to work on. Bugzilla [3] already has quite a few open
bugs about missing functionality, so feel free to pile on there with

And for all those who've already committed validated translated
AppData files for your modules; thanks. For those who haven't done it
yet; get busy. ;)


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Opening the 3.12 cycle

2013-09-23 Thread Richard Hughes
On 23 September 2013 14:46, Frederic Peters  wrote:
> This could also come after a review of the appdata schema, for things
> like screenshot translations.

The screenshots are translatable now, you just use a <_screenshot>
link and change any en_US in the URL to your country code if a
screenshot exists. I don't think we want to make this compulsory, it's
quite a high bar to set.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Software Center and YOU!

2013-09-07 Thread Richard Hughes
Hi all,

A progress update: lots of upstreams have already merged AppData files
(50 and counting!) but we're still a long way from having all the core
moduleset modules with AppData files. For some of the more important
modules I've setup a google document here:

This is important for gnome software because even though the core
modules are non-removable, they still show up in the update and detail
view and it would be really good to match the mockups provided by
Allan for 3.10.

Once we've got some more contributions and the editing has settled
down, I'll be pestering the upstream GNOME maintainers to ship the
user-contributed extra data upstream for all distros to use. Feel free
to add extra applications to the google document if your module is not
listed there, or just create an AppData file yourself, commit it
upstream and add a link on the document.

Thanks again!


On 29 August 2013 21:07, Richard Hughes  wrote:
> Do you maintain an application that people use? Do you want people to
> be able to install it easily in the GNOME Software Center?
> If both of those are true, please read the newly finalised AppData
> specification [ ]
> and ship one tiny extra file in your tarball for 3.10.
> People will love you for doing it, and I’ll really appreciate it.
> Maybe post 3.10 we can do a GNOME Goal for all the core GNOME modules,
> but of course this applies to GNOME, KDE, XFCE and random standalone
> apps.
> Any questions, send me email or grab me on IRC. Thanks!
> Richard
desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Software Center and YOU!

2013-08-30 Thread Richard Hughes
On 30 August 2013 15:08, Simon Kågedal Reimer  wrote:
> I made a RELAX NG schema for this format.

Awesome, thanks. Any chance you could write a patch for the spec
document? It's hosted here:
-- probably just adding the file and adding an entry in the FAQ
section is enough.

> Don't quite
> understand what the relation between AppStream and AppData is.)

My AppStream compose tools do something like this:

for each package in distro:
   extract .desktop files
   extract .appdata.xml files
   write appstream.xml file
xmlmerge all the appstream.xml's files together into a master
appstream.xml and optionially gzip it

So really, the data in the AppData is used to make the AppStream data
more complete. AppData is just another data provider just like the
.desktop file.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

GNOME Software Center and YOU!

2013-08-29 Thread Richard Hughes
Do you maintain an application that people use? Do you want people to
be able to install it easily in the GNOME Software Center?

If both of those are true, please read the newly finalised AppData
specification [ ]
and ship one tiny extra file in your tarball for 3.10.

People will love you for doing it, and I’ll really appreciate it.
Maybe post 3.10 we can do a GNOME Goal for all the core GNOME modules,
but of course this applies to GNOME, KDE, XFCE and random standalone

Any questions, send me email or grab me on IRC. Thanks!

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: AppData proposal

2013-08-21 Thread Richard Hughes
On 21 August 2013 15:21, Shaun McCance  wrote:
> That's why itstool uses ITS.
>   version="1.0">
>selector="/application/name | /application/summary |
>   /application/description"/>

So where does that ITS snippet live? On each project or somewhere central?

> Here's the rub: When you have an element that can occur multiple times,
> it becomes difficult to reliably figure out which ones to show.


> You first have to figure out which are the source elements, then which
> translated elements correspond to which source elements. It's just very
> unpleasant to deal with repeated translated elements when they're used
> in a document-like markup, as opposed to an informational markup.

Dude, you outclass me completely when talking about XML stuff, so I'm
really open for your input. It sounds like what you'd like is:

* An untranslated file
* itstool with the snippet used for translations

Any help welcome on what I should put in the specification document. Thanks.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: AppData proposal

2013-08-21 Thread Richard Hughes
On 21 August 2013 15:00, Jasper St. Pierre  wrote:
>> There are cases where you'd want a different name in an software
>> center to the search term in the shell..
> Which case? I think any app that does that is broken.

TrackerGUI wants to be "Search" in the menu, but probably ought to be
"Tracker" in the software center. Similar for "Videos" -> "Totem".

> I also feel like the system of "describing this application" has to be done
> in a common format by one of other OS vendors. Have we looked into what
> Ubuntu, OS X, iOS, Android, and Windows do for this? Is it an XML-based
> format we can share?

I don't think it's worth the pain of interoperability just to share 2
or 3 fields, but I'm open for ideas if anyone has any more details of
something suitable.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: AppData proposal

2013-08-21 Thread Richard Hughes
On 21 August 2013 14:35, Colin Walters  wrote:
> I think it'd really help a lot if we had a model where we figure out how
> to generate some of it from a canonical source.  For example, if we're
> now going to say that AppData is canonical, we should generate
> the .desktop file content from that.

That's a good idea, but I'm not sure if AppData wants to be a superset
of the desktop specification. I think it's related, but orthognal.
There are cases where you'd want a different name in an software
center to the search term in the shell, and other cases like that.
Taking that into account, I don't think it would share much at all,
and the additional dep of a tool to go from XML->desktop would
probably be too much for some projects.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: AppData proposal

2013-08-21 Thread Richard Hughes
On 21 August 2013 13:47, Shaun McCance  wrote:
> If you use itstool, you don't have to mangle your input XML.

I discounted itstool as I didn't want *all* the elements translated.

> Regardless,
> you really ought to specify at what level you expect to see translatable
> elements repeated. Do you really want this:

>   Yelp is a help viewer.
>   Yelp ist ein Hilfe-Viewer.
>   It's really cool.
>   Es ist echt toll.

This, I guess, although I'm open for ideas.

> DOAP's concept of a project is pretty loose, and doesn't necessarily
> have to correspond to a tarball or a repository. There's no reason a
> package can't have one DOAP file for each application.


> One reason not to is that doing the kind of rich markup you have in the 
> description element
> is a pain in RDF.

RIght, this is/was a major factor.

> I went to the AppStream wiki page but didn't see a schema. Do you have
> more info yet?

I think this might help;

Thanks for any help,

desktop-devel-list mailing list

AppData proposal

2013-08-21 Thread Richard Hughes
Hi all,

I've written up a specification that I would like to get feedback on.
It's had a few iterations now, and soon I'd like to propose a GNOME
Goal on adding the required files to at least all the apps in our core

The proposal is

All comments welcome, thanks.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: About clutter-gtk and his lack of accessibility support

2013-02-15 Thread Richard Hughes
On 14 February 2013 19:08, Matthias Clasen  wrote:
> gnome-color-manager-3.7.5-1.fc19.x86_64

This is using it for only one thing; the 3D gamut graph widget. Is
there a more supported way to define a custom GTK widget that lets me
embed a clutter actor? I'm using mash to render the 3D gamut model if
that matters.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Preserved Window Placement

2012-10-28 Thread Richard Hughes
On 26 October 2012 15:07, Havoc Pennington  wrote:
> This could be even higher-level in fact. All the app "must" do is specify
> which windows are "the same" from invocation to invocation. That is the
> fundamental problem (what is the "key" we are saving the window state
> underneath).  gtk_window_set_state_key() ? At that point GTK+ (in
> cooperation with the desktop e.g. WM, if you like) can do the actual saving.

I was wondering if we could do something using GtkApplication. It
seems a shame to reimplement this in every app when most apps have
just one window...

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Requiring systemd for the gnome-settings-daemon power plugin

2012-10-19 Thread Richard Hughes
On 19 October 2012 14:27, Sebastien Bacher  wrote:
> ..otherwise I will suggest we stop making GNOME available since Ubuntu
> doesn't have the requirements to run > 3.8...

I'm sure I was talking to several people that managed to get
systemd/logind working just fine on Ubuntu. Can't the GNOME remix just
use systemd and the main spin just use upstart?

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GNOME and high-DPI screens

2012-07-05 Thread Richard Hughes
On 4 July 2012 10:52, Olav Vitters  wrote:
> Best to give developers high DPI screens (not kidding).

>From my experience working with hardware, I could not agree more. 10 x
$500 screens sent to a few GTK developers would result in several
hundred-man hours of work done on the high DPI issue, most likely at
weekends and after work. If any manufacturer wants to make this stuff
work, spending a few thousand dollars on several hundred man hours of
work is a no brainer. Anyone from Dell or HP listening? :)

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Redesign Gnote as Notes?

2012-05-21 Thread Richard Hughes
On 21 May 2012 14:08, Will Thompson  wrote:
> That would be Casey Harkins:
> works with both
> Gnote and Tomboy.

Nirvana. Beer tokens to Casey. Thanks dude.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Redesign Gnote as Notes?

2012-05-21 Thread Richard Hughes
On 21 May 2012 13:48, Matthias Clasen  wrote:
> Thanks for considering the new design. I would really love to see
> gnote move towards that, so that the many happy gnote users can remain
> happy in GNOME 3.

Yes, I'm a heavy gnotes user and would also appreciate the gnotes
codebase being transformed into notes. On a related topic, I'll buy
the person who makes my notes searchable from the shell several beers.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Feature proposal: Braille Translator for Print Documents

2011-10-22 Thread Richard Hughes
On 21 October 2011 17:25, Piñeiro  wrote:
> This proposal would include a need to make liblouisxml a required
> external dependency. However, we do not think this will pose a hardship
> to distros as liblouisxml is "liblouisxml is considered stable and in
> maintenance mode." [5]

I think liblouisxml is probably fine.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Feature proposal: Alternative input system based on low-cost webcam

2011-10-22 Thread Richard Hughes
On 21 October 2011 17:28, Piñeiro  wrote:
>  * Repositories: right now it is on sourceforge. This shouldn't be a
> blocker thought.

I'm pretty sure it needs to be on

>  * Look and feel: some people could not agree with current interface
> [2]. This shouldn't be a blocker thought.
> This feature proposal would include the proposal of wxWidgets
> as a external dependency.

wxWidgets applications differ lots from "native" applications. I
really don't think depending on wxWidgets is a good idea.

> In addition to wxwidgets, eViacam has also dependencies with opencv and
> libv4l1, that should be included as external dependencies.

Shouldn't eViacam should be ported to libv4l2?

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GNOME user survey 2011 (v6)

2011-10-18 Thread Richard Hughes
On 18 October 2011 16:52, Olav Vitters  wrote:
> Such actions just confirms that the effort was not an honest intention
> to gather feedback. Just to confirm own thoughts.

I don't think many of us on this list thought the intention of the
survey was to highlight areas needing improvement in GNOME. I think
it's best if we just let the "Real Users" comment on phoronix without
it getting into a huge troll-fest. That way there's no distraction for
us developers and designers who are working on GNOME 3.3.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Full screen color management

2011-09-06 Thread Richard Hughes
On 6 September 2011 14:27, Bastien Nocera  wrote:
> Given that we now use a Clutter based sink in Totem, Cheese and Empathy,
> does this mean that we could drop per-application
> brightness/contrast/etc. tweaks, if they were to be done desktop-wide?

Well, color-management and "tweaking" is kinda orthognal in that the
former is interested in precise color matching and the second is about
making things look a little better to a certain person.

The end-goal for color management is to not need to tweak stuff, and
for the film to come with an embedded profile (or at least a hint,
like "I'm a PAL DVD") and the screen to be calibrated, which means
that the colors just look as close to ideal as possible.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Full screen color management

2011-09-06 Thread Richard Hughes
On 6 September 2011 13:40, Emmanuele Bassi  wrote:
> oh, you wanted *actual* proper feedback? ;-)

Yes! :-)

> how is the shader approach structured?

Well, at the moment the test code is a fragment shader which is
attached to each actor using clutter_actor_set_shader (which I notice
is now deprecated). I was going to wrap all the color stuff up in a
GcmIccEffect and just add an effect to each actor. The question then
becomes what to do with an actor that straddles two outputs in a
multhead setup. Logically it makes sense to cut the actor up and use
the correct screen profile on each part (using a 1bit bitmask or a
uniform xoffset in the shader perhaps?) but it might be simpler just
to choose the output profile that the actor most covers.

As for masking out areas that already have color correction, I'm not
sure. I'm tempted to just opt-out whole actors at the moment, although
from a mutter point of view that means you don't get color corrected
toolbars and that kind of thing. This can be quite a gradual thing, we
don't have to do everything at once as long as we've got an good
opt-out story for the Pixars and Dreamworks of this world.


p.s. the test code I'm using is
although this will change quite a lot in the next few weeks.
desktop-devel-list mailing list

Full screen color management

2011-09-06 Thread Richard Hughes
GNOME 3.2 is polishing up nicely, but some of us have twitchy fingers
and are looking forward to 3.4.

One of my goals is to complete the desktop color management work, and
bring OSX-style full screen color management to the GNOME desktop.
This means doing full screen color management on the GPU, probably
using a GLSL shader. If hardware shaders are not supported, then we
can fall back to just uploading the VCGT gamma ramps like we're doing
in 3.2.

So, what does FSCM actually bring us? On newer LED hardware you have a
much larger gamut (range of colors) and so artwork designed for a
1990's style CRT gamut is going to make all the colors painful and
give everyone headaches. It allows us to make dual monitors look the
same, and even allows us to make the colors more accurate on shitty
TFT panels. It means we can have full screen movies with the right
colors without everything looking either overly saturated or washed

It also means that we have to think about;

* Word processing applications can just ignore color management
completely and just output everything as sRGB which gets converted to
something sane (which doesn't make your eyes bleed) by mutter.

* Full screen power applications that care, e.g. blender, can opt-out
the whole window and get to do all the color management stuff

* Games running full screen just get to tell the compositor to
naff-off and let the game use all the texture memory (each loaded
color profile is currently stored as 16x16x16 which is ~3Mb).

* Mixed content applications like Firefox only opt out regions of the
window, e.g. when browsing Flickr, and only one image is color managed
and the rest of the page is sRGB.

This is basically what OSX allows you to do. I appreciate bringing
this to Linux/GNOME is no mean feat, but all of the groundwork was
done for 3.2. I also want to do something that's easy to use, so
rather than having blender do some archane thing with some random
library we just tell it to use
gtk_window_enable_color_management(window, FALSE); or the alternative
in Qt.

So, basically, is this something we want? I've got some PoC patches
for mutter but they are just hacks that show we can do FSCM without
hurting UI latency or without burning loads more power. If this is
something we want, then we have to decide on the integration points
for GTK and mutter and how do do the opt-out of windows and regions.

Ideas and feedback welcome. Thanks.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: TARBALLS DUE: GNOME 3.1.90 beta release, and freezes

2011-08-28 Thread Richard Hughes
On 28 August 2011 08:18, Frederic Peters  wrote:
> We pushed it back to make it rock, so we count on you to deliver your
> tarballs on time, this is before Monday 23:59 UTC. Thanks!

Monday is a bank holiday in the UK, so I have to work on my day off or
will early morning Tuesday be acceptable? I don't mind the former if
it's a hard requirement. :-)

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GNOME user survey 2011 (v4)

2011-08-19 Thread Richard Hughes
On 19 August 2011 20:26, Felipe Contreras  wrote:
> ...To me GNOME is hitting
> everything in the room as it's going forward, and saying; I'm fine, I
> know where I'm going...

To me, the sun is shining through the windows of a freshly redecorated room.

If you have specific problems with GNOME, file bugs and discuss things
with maintainers and designers. It'll be way more effective at
changing things than writing a survey.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GNOME user survey 2011 (v4)

2011-08-19 Thread Richard Hughes
On 19 August 2011 18:42, Felipe Contreras  wrote:
> Sure, I just wanted to make things clear. In fact, if they cared about
> user feedback, there would be some numbers available somewhere, and I
> wouldn't have to do this.

We're not asking you to do anything. Please just run the poll on your
personal blog and stop getting aggressive with developers on this
mailing list.


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GNOME user survey 2011 (v4)

2011-08-19 Thread Richard Hughes
On 19 August 2011 14:13, Felipe Contreras  wrote:
> Is there anyone in the universe able to create a user survey worthy of
> GNOME? Can you convince him of doing so?

Do your survey with the questions you want, and come to your own
conclusions. Blog about them if you want. You could even convince a
distribution to include a popup with a link, although I think that's

Just don't tell people that it's from the GNOME project, in any way
authorized or blessed by the ruling cabal[1] or developers. I'm pretty
sure the majority of the people actually working on GNOME 3.2 don't
want a survey at all.

Sorry to be blunt.


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Formal complaint concerning the use of the name "System Settings" by GNOME

2011-08-10 Thread Richard Hughes
On 4 August 2011 07:27, George Spelvin  wrote:
> I think what is needed is a series of more specific alternate names in
> a .desktop file, with more levels than the current GenericName and Name.

I think the KDE system settings desktop file just needs an addition of:


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GNOME user survey 2011

2011-08-01 Thread Richard Hughes
On 1 August 2011 11:20, Christophe Fergeau  wrote:
> Once again, I think things will go this way, we run the poll, maybe 1%
> of gnome users answer, N% of these respondants answer X, and then
> we'll get people saying "N% of GNOME users want X, upstream ignore
> their users!"

To upstream maintainers, even a "user survey" telling us to do X, Y or
Z is probably going to be ignored. Users don't know what they want[1].


[1] A very popular request in gnome-power-manager is a command to be
executed when the brightness keys are pressed, which allows vendors to
hook up custom notifications, and people using odd proprietary drivers
to execute crazy stuff like nvclock or radeontool to actually poke
semi-random numbers into hardware registers using a setuid script.
This means we then have n*n*n hardware interactions, on the assumption
that the hardware already has n*n ways of notifying userspace
[hw+changed, changed, hw, neither].
What the user really wants is brightness control to "just work", which
involves making the xorg driver vendors implement either XBACKLIGHT or
the drm driver just to add a standard sysfs backlight class device,
which means that no hacky code is required at all. It's really hard to
write a kernel or xserver patch, but it means that stuff just works,
and gives us a platform we can realistically support.
desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: new jhbuild features: jhbuild sysdeps and partial_build = True

2011-07-29 Thread Richard Hughes
On 29 July 2011 05:53, John Stowers  wrote:
> This doesn't currently work on non-packagekit system, such as Ubuntu. I 
> created

You can use PackageKit on Ubuntu, it works fine. It's just not
installed by default, which is unfortunate.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: On the Interaction with the design team

2011-06-01 Thread Richard Hughes
On 1 June 2011 12:57, Matthias Clasen  wrote:
> Basically, mailing lists don't work for many kinds of productive discussion.

Agreed. In my recent discussions with the dudes in #gnome-design there
was a flurry of messages, perhaps as many as 200 back-and-forth
discussions per hour. In that same hour, we iterated about 20
screenshots and quite a few designers piled in with suggestions.

You just can't get that kind of latency and interest level with a mailing list.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: gnome-power-manager 3.0.2

2011-05-23 Thread Richard Hughes
On 23 May 2011 10:18, Richard Hughes  wrote:
>   (4.81M)

I've noticed that mails are being now sent automatically to
ftp-release-list -- are we still supposed to send mail manually to
gnome-announce-list? It seems somewhat redundant to do it twice.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Reminder: new uploads will have .tar.xz and .tar.bz2 (May 25th)

2011-05-21 Thread Richard Hughes
On 21 May 2011 14:34, Olav Vitters  wrote:
> As from May 25 (once GNOME 3.0.2 stable has been released), new tarballs
> on will be uploaded as:
>  - .tar.xz
>  - .tar.bz2
> Meaning: no more .tar.gz for *new* uploads.

So does this mean for the release on Monday we should now change
AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE to be "no-dist-gzip dist-xz" ?

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: 3.2 features: color management

2011-05-20 Thread Richard Hughes
On 20 May 2011 13:38, Richard Hughes  wrote:
> When I've pushed some of the initial code into gnome-control-center
> and gnome-settings-daemon I'll post some screenshots of what it looks
> like.

Okay, I've pushed the code to g-s-d and g-c-c just now. Thanks to
Bastien and Matthias for the super-quick reviews!

You can see a screenshot here:

If you're testing the new code, be sure to grab colord from git
master, as Bastien wanted me (correctly) to push some of the helper
code down into libcolord. Also, don't try to calibrate just yet, it's
known broken. When I've untangled gnome-color-manager the gcm-prefs
binary will be deleted, and a gcm-calibrate binary will show up for
g-c-c to use.

If you've got comments about the UI, please either grab one of the
guys in #gnome-design, or one of the gnome-color-manager developers in


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: 3.2 features: login screen

2011-05-20 Thread Richard Hughes
On 20 May 2011 14:44, Luca Ferretti  wrote:
> Now serious, I repeat. We still have to define what GNOME OS will be. So
> I suggest to use 3.2 timeframe to clean up applications and libraries
> instead starting to work on "downstream" stuff. Do you?

I thought 3.0 was all about getting our platform in order, and 3.2 was
all about defining the OS properly. I don't think that was written
down anywhere, but that was the vibe I was getting.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: 3.2 features: color management

2011-05-20 Thread Richard Hughes
On 20 May 2011 14:31, Luca Ferretti  wrote:
> "In GNOME 3.2, colord is an approved external dependancy and many GNOME
> applications should use this to make a 100% color managed desktop."
> Ehmm.. "is"? really?

I sent an email to DDL prior to the release of 3.0 that colord would
be a dep for gnome-color-manager in GNOME 3.2. Nobody at all
complained. I've repeatedly asked people to package it, and since LGM
it's been appearing in other distros slowly. It's not on
ThreePointTwoExternalDependencies wiki page as I can't see that one
exists yet.

The quieten everybody down, colord compiles just fine on the BSD's and
on Solaris, although without xrandr, udev and sane integration, it
doesn't really do anything interesting at all. :-)

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: 3.2 features: color management

2011-05-20 Thread Richard Hughes
On 20 May 2011 13:24, Matthias Clasen  wrote:
> Over the past week, Richard and I have spent a lot of time in
> #gnome-design, discussing the goals and design for a 'color'
> control-center panel. This was hard; color management is a very
> technical topic.

I just wanted to thank all the people in #gnome-design for their
patience and support - color is indeed hard for mere mortals to

When I've pushed some of the initial code into gnome-control-center
and gnome-settings-daemon I'll post some screenshots of what it looks

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: systemd as external dependency

2011-05-19 Thread Richard Hughes
On 19 May 2011 07:10, Jasper Lievisse Adriaanse  wrote:
> There are at two OpenBSD developers working full time on GNOME. Yes, full 
> time.

What do they do? It's only recently upower has been ported to anything
other than Linux, which means that OpenBSD must have been running with
something like GNOME 2.28 until very recently. From a personal point
of view, it's a PITA to get of the Solaris or *BSD guys to contribute

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Feature Proposal: Backup

2011-05-11 Thread Richard Hughes
On 10 May 2011 20:10, Bastien Nocera  wrote:
> You'd need to ask Richard. I think the only reason it's not builtin to
> the control-center is because it didn't go through design, but I might
> be wrong.

Well, I got shafted in GNOME 3, as I was told I shouldn't have
installed a panel in the control panel without getting approval, and
then the package got dropped by default in Fedora as it didn't fit in
the design guidelines and we were already past the UI freeze. I guess
I'm just a little bitter in retrospect.

At the moment I've removed both the "Working spaces" and "Rendering
intent" tabs as they didn't make much sense. I really want to better
emphasize the need for a color managed workflow (where each input,
display and output devices) have assigned profiles rather than split
up the color profile assignment into the separate display, printer and
unknown-type current panels and perhaps the current UI doesn't reflect
that very well. 3.2

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Fix gsettings path to use /org/gnome instead /apps

2011-03-25 Thread Richard Hughes
On 25 March 2011 13:37, Luca Ferretti  wrote:
> Yes, freeze exception granted, feel free to change :)

I've pushed updates to gnome-3-0 for gnome-power-manager,
gnome-packagekit and gnome-color-manager.


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Fix gsettings path to use /org/gnome instead /apps

2011-03-25 Thread Richard Hughes
On 24 March 2011 22:41, Luca Ferretti  wrote:
> [3] actually it misses a patch for org.gnome.packagekit.gschema.xml

I've made this change in gnome-packagekit in git master, let me know
if we get a freeze exception for this and I'll cherry-pick into


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GNOME 3.2 ideas and plans

2011-03-23 Thread Richard Hughes
On 23 March 2011 11:08, Allan Day  wrote:
> Software aside, we really need that new version of the HIG that we've
> been talking about (Calum has been taking this forward recently)!

In related news, I have no idea what the HIG is supposed to be for
3.0. Some control center panels have gray labels without the colon,
some have black labels with the colon. Some are right aligned, some
are left aligned.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who's quite confused.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: install-module / /

2011-03-02 Thread Richard Hughes
On 2 March 2011 11:30, Frederic Crozat  wrote:
> I'd say let's stick to .bz2 only for now.

Makes sense to me. Fedora certainly uses .bz2 in preference to .gz.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: gnome-control-center network panel

2011-02-22 Thread Richard Hughes
On 22 February 2011 20:54, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort  wrote:
> Are there tarballs for NM 0.9 already? And if not, do you know the plans for 
> the
> 0.9 release?

No idea, sorry. CCing Dan Williams (maintainer).

desktop-devel-list mailing list

gnome-control-center network panel

2011-02-22 Thread Richard Hughes
If you're using the network panel in gnome-control-center, you need to
be _running_ the 0.9 version of NetworkManager daemon. If you're
compiling with JHBuild, then you're probably compiling against 0.9
already, but have a running 0.8 daemon and so the control panel will
be very bare. The API is quite different, and so a dialog is shown
warning the hapless user. Ideally distros like rawhide should be
shipping 0.9 pre-releases.

In the next few days I'll be adding the editing screens for static
IPs, and also adding the VPN code to actually populate the GUI.
Apologies for missing the UI freeze, but it's a very small part of the
UI. Hopefully we can get the network icon in the status area ported in
time for 3.0 too. Thanks,

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Heads up: gnome-color-manager will need colord for GNOME 3.2

2011-02-07 Thread Richard Hughes
For GNOME 3.2, I would like gnome-color-manager to depend on a new
project called colord (also written by myself).

colord is a project which aims to be a simple system activated daemon
that maps devices to color profiles. colord will be used by CUPS to
color manage printers, and connects to various other system devices

See for more details.

Tarballs can be found here:

Although the code for colord support (colord branch in
gnome-color-manager) is 95% functional, it's had zero testing, and so
I'm intending to ship a colord-less gnome-color-manager for 3.0. This
means color managed printing will have to wait until 3.2 as colord is
a prerequisite of that. The CUPS code for colord support (icc branch
in cups) isn't quite finished either, so it makes no sense to push
this into 3.0 at this stage

I know I'm announcing this very ahead of the required time, but I
wanted distros to start looking at colord and for super keen
distro-people to report any packaging problems early.

Feedback / questions welcomed. Thanks.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Metacity towards GNOME 3.0

2010-12-02 Thread Richard Hughes
On 2 December 2010 09:13, Rodrigo Moya  wrote:
> We have been moving all desktop-wide settings to
> gsettings-desktop-schemas, so I guess it makes sense to have them there,
> under org.gnome.window-manager (or something similar), and just have
> metacity and mutter depend on it

Yes, this is what I've done in gnome-power-manager,
gnome-settings-daemon and the control center, as they share keys.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

glade3 is the recommended way to edit GtkBuilder files?

2010-11-03 Thread Richard Hughes
I can't get glade3 to build with jhbuild. It segfaults for me on
Fedora 14, in various different places doing different things.

It's also missing several of the new widgets added to GTK in the last
few years, e.g. GtkInfoBar and GtkComboBoxText. Is it still the
recommended way we create and edit GtkBuilder files?

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Session DBus protocol

2010-10-27 Thread Richard Hughes
On 26 October 2010 03:57, Ryan Lortie  wrote:
> In short, I actually have absolutely no complaints about how it works
> now.  Please disregard. :)

Cool, one less API break :-)

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Session DBus protocol

2010-10-25 Thread Richard Hughes
On 25 October 2010 21:01, Ryan Lortie  wrote:
> I am interested in adding support to GtkApplication.

In porting gnome-power-manager to GDBus, there was a lot of overlap
between the new GtkApplication stuff, and the gnome-session
functionality. It would certainly make sense to tie this together.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: G/tkApplication

2010-10-19 Thread Richard Hughes
On 19 October 2010 00:44, Ryan Lortie  wrote:
> The upshot, though, is probably that quite some application that were
> making use of the old GApplication have stopped working.

So... what versions of gtk+ and glib should GNOME 2.91.1 tarballs be
targeted against?

Can I just skip 2.91.1 tarballs and just ask people to compile
everything from git master?

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Applets and GNOME 3

2010-09-28 Thread Richard Hughes
On 28 September 2010 12:58, Juanjo Marin
> I thought we were going to distribute gnome panel and applets for some
> cycles before dropping them out.

If that's the plan, then we need some kind of time limit, and we need
to build the old libraries with gtk3 [world of pain].

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Applets and GNOME 3

2010-09-28 Thread Richard Hughes
Okay, we all know applets are a naughty word with GNOME 3. What do we
do with them - delete them from git master? Would this be a
precondition on an project getting the badge of "GNOME 3" ?

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GApplication is going away

2010-09-03 Thread Richard Hughes
On 3 September 2010 07:20, Ryan Lortie  wrote:
>  totem, gnome-color-manager, eog, nautilus

gnome-color-manager on gnome-2-32 only references GtkApplication in
NEWS, and so is a false positive.

You know, for the next release when somebody says "Hey, I've merged
cool-new-feature, please update your modules to use it" I'm going to
be much more cautious than I was in 2-32. I've been burnt four times
in one cycle (GtkApplication, symbolic-icons, GTK 3.0,

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: 2.91 tarballs?

2010-08-09 Thread Richard Hughes
On 9 August 2010 18:36, Matthias Clasen  wrote:
> I have no problem with changing GTK+ to the 2.91 track

Okay, as I'm not happy changing 90 to be an odd number (:-) I'll use
2.91.1. Thanks.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: 2.91 tarballs?

2010-08-09 Thread Richard Hughes
On 9 August 2010 14:15, Vincent Untz  wrote:
> You can release 2.90.x (not sure why you'd want 2.91 before 2.90 ;-)).
> Some modules already have such versions.

90 is an even number, and thus 'stable', surely?

desktop-devel-list mailing list

2.91 tarballs?

2010-08-09 Thread Richard Hughes
For GNOME 2.32 I'm branching my modules from 2.30 and backporting easy
stuff from git master. 90% of my development effort is going towards
GNOME 3, which is happening on git master. Git master in most of my
modules depends on stuff like gtkapplication, gsettings, gdbus and the
new control center.

Should I release a 2.91.1 tarball soon which contains all the juicy
stuff as well as a 2.31.7 tarball which is ready for the release?
2.91.1 seems obvious from a "this is GNOME 3 beta" perspective, but I
would rather have some release team approval before I bump up the
minor version like that in git master.

If the answer is yes, then some other common GNOME modules that
provide libraries people need to use might also want to follow suit,
for instance gnome-desktop and gnome-control-center. At the moment,
it's a bit of mish-mash of versioning for post 2.32 versions.


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