Re: GNOME Software Center and YOU!

2013-09-07 Thread Richard Hughes
Hi all,

A progress update: lots of upstreams have already merged AppData files
(50 and counting!) but we're still a long way from having all the core
moduleset modules with AppData files. For some of the more important
modules I've setup a google document here:

This is important for gnome software because even though the core
modules are non-removable, they still show up in the update and detail
view and it would be really good to match the mockups provided by
Allan for 3.10.

Once we've got some more contributions and the editing has settled
down, I'll be pestering the upstream GNOME maintainers to ship the
user-contributed extra data upstream for all distros to use. Feel free
to add extra applications to the google document if your module is not
listed there, or just create an AppData file yourself, commit it
upstream and add a link on the document.

Thanks again!


On 29 August 2013 21:07, Richard Hughes wrote:
 Do you maintain an application that people use? Do you want people to
 be able to install it easily in the GNOME Software Center?

 If both of those are true, please read the newly finalised AppData
 specification [ ]
 and ship one tiny extra file in your tarball for 3.10.

 People will love you for doing it, and I’ll really appreciate it.
 Maybe post 3.10 we can do a GNOME Goal for all the core GNOME modules,
 but of course this applies to GNOME, KDE, XFCE and random standalone

 Any questions, send me email or grab me on IRC. Thanks!

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Software Center and YOU!

2013-08-30 Thread Simon Kågedal Reimer

I made a RELAX NG schema for this format. This can be used for example
to instantly validate your XML using nXML-mode in Emacs. I made this
for fun - I wanted to learn about RELAX NG when this came up - so I
have no idea if it is useful. Also, obviously it is based on my own
interpretations and guesses based on your example and spec. Maybe it
can be a good way to clarify what is intended to be allowed and not,
even if a strict all XML has to be validated! kind of thinking isn't
applied. Attaching file in RELAX NG compact notation.

(I just found now before sending this mail that there is already an
XML Schema for AppStream, so maybe that is more useful. Don't quite
understand what the relation between AppStream and AppData is.)

Simon Kågedal Reimer

On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 10:07 PM, Richard Hughes wrote:
 Do you maintain an application that people use? Do you want people to
 be able to install it easily in the GNOME Software Center?

 If both of those are true, please read the newly finalised AppData
 specification [ ]
 and ship one tiny extra file in your tarball for 3.10.

 People will love you for doing it, and I’ll really appreciate it.
 Maybe post 3.10 we can do a GNOME Goal for all the core GNOME modules,
 but of course this applies to GNOME, KDE, XFCE and random standalone

 Any questions, send me email or grab me on IRC. Thanks!

 desktop-devel-list mailing list
# RELAX NG schema for
# Written by Simon Kågedal Reimer 2013
# Released as Public Domain (CC0 1.0)

start = application

application = 
  element application { 

id = 
  element id {
# Other types?
attribute type { string desktop },

# Other licences?  Worth restricting this at all, or use free content?
licence =  element licence { 
  string CC0 
  | string CC BY 
  | string CC BY-SA 

name =  element name { text }

summary =  element summary { text }

description = 
  element description {
(p | ul | ol)*

p = element p { text }

ul = element ul { Entries }

ol = element ol { Entries }

Entries = element li { text }+

screenshots = element screenshots { screenshot+ }

screenshot = element screenshot 
attribute type { string default }?,# Other types?
attribute width { xsd:integer },
attribute height { xsd:integer },

url = element url 
attribute type { string homepage }?, # Other types?

updatecontact =  element updatecontact { text }
desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Software Center and YOU!

2013-08-30 Thread Richard Hughes
On 30 August 2013 15:08, Simon Kågedal Reimer wrote:
 I made a RELAX NG schema for this format.

Awesome, thanks. Any chance you could write a patch for the spec
document? It's hosted here:
-- probably just adding the file and adding an entry in the FAQ
section is enough.

 Don't quite
 understand what the relation between AppStream and AppData is.)

My AppStream compose tools do something like this:

for each package in distro:
   extract .desktop files
   extract .appdata.xml files
   write appstream.xml file
xmlmerge all the appstream.xml's files together into a master
appstream.xml and optionially gzip it

So really, the data in the AppData is used to make the AppStream data
more complete. AppData is just another data provider just like the
.desktop file.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

GNOME Software Center and YOU!

2013-08-29 Thread Richard Hughes
Do you maintain an application that people use? Do you want people to
be able to install it easily in the GNOME Software Center?

If both of those are true, please read the newly finalised AppData
specification [ ]
and ship one tiny extra file in your tarball for 3.10.

People will love you for doing it, and I’ll really appreciate it.
Maybe post 3.10 we can do a GNOME Goal for all the core GNOME modules,
but of course this applies to GNOME, KDE, XFCE and random standalone

Any questions, send me email or grab me on IRC. Thanks!

desktop-devel-list mailing list