Re: Review Needed for Publishing Maven Artifacts with Ivy Doc

2010-10-11 Thread Stefan Bodewig
On 2010-10-08, Jean-Louis Boudart wrote:

 At the beggining of the documentation you say In addition you will need a
 minimal POM for your jar.

 Are you planning to maintain dependencies in both ivy.xml / pom.xml

This is intended for projects that don't use Ivy for dependency
management but are looking at Ivy as a solution to publish to the ASF
Maven repository - like Ant itself.


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Re: Review Needed for Publishing Maven Artifacts with Ivy Doc

2010-10-11 Thread Stefan Bodewig
On 2010-10-08, Maarten Coene wrote:

 The ivy:makepom task has been greatly enhanced in Ivy 2.2.0. It is now
 possible to specify a custom pom template containing information about
 the license, SCM, plugins, developers, ...

OK, I'll enhance the page and say you should use the makepom task if you
are already using Ivy.

From what Jean-Louis and you say the deliver task is completely
redundant since publish will take care of everything anyway (for the
usecase of that page).

 Here is how Ivy publishes itself to the Nexus repository.

 ivy:publish organisation=org.apache.ivy


 !-- The standard maven2 artifacts --
 artifact name=ivy ext=pom type=ivy /
 artifact name=ivy ext=jar type=sources classifier=sources
 artifact name=ivy ext=jar type=javadoc classifier=javadoc

 We declare some additional artifacts (like the generated pom and the
 sources/javadocs) inside the ivy:publish task because the ivy.xml doesn't
 contain them.

I didn't know this was possible.  Should add that to the page.

 In addition, the ivysetting-release.xml configures Ivy to
 automatically create a PGP signature of the artifacts. So there is no
 need to declare them any longer as artifact.

and this as well.

Please double-check the changes I'll make to the wiki page in a few
minutes.  I'll go affline for about a week, so there'll be plenty of
time for feedback before the content goes to the main site.


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