Free-form ANT Task Structure

2003-05-20 Thread Berin Loritsch
I want to write a task that allows me to embed XML configuration
information to set up some integration tests using JUnit as a
I can live with a DOM or JDOM to interpret and transform into my
configuration objects.  The concept is based on some work I originally
did to extend JUnit for testing Avalon components.  The thing is
that I want to change the way the JUnit test runner works so that
I can preload my Avalon container with the proper components,
and I can iterate through all the implementations of a component
with the same test against it.
In order for this to happen properly, I need to pass configuration
information to the container.  The two options I have is to require
the configuration as a separate file, or to allow the configuration
to be embedded in the ANT task.
I would prefer to have the config embedded so that I can work on
things one step at a time.  Otherwise--I have to resort to the
file approach.
What are your thoughts?  Is it too much to ask for free-form
elements as a sub of a task, or do they HAVE to map to objects?

Re: Free-form ANT Task Structure

2003-05-20 Thread Berin Loritsch
peter reilly wrote:
To embed the config information, the easiest
is to map the info to objects.
Ant introspection is very powerfull and easy
to use for normal java data object.
The problem is that it only works when you know in advance
what the configuration elements are going to be.  In this
example, that is not the case.
Alternatively one can use the DynamicConfigurator 
interface. This provides the name of the unknown element
and the name/value of unknown attributes.

That might be something worth pursuing.  Now, can I have
a mixture of DyanimicConfigurator objects and mapped
objects in the *same* task?
Or more importantly as a child of one of the mapped
For example:
  test on-components=foo,bar
include name=**/XYZComp/*Test/
   xyz-comp id=foo/
   zyx-comp id=bar
 arbitrary value=null/
The child of the configuration/ element is completely
free-form, although the rest of the task elements would
map to real objects.
Is there an Task already written that uses the DynamicConfigurator
where I can see how it works with it?

Re: Possible TaskDef donation

2003-03-13 Thread Berin Loritsch
Dominique Devienne wrote:
This is indeed interesting. I do something quite similar for another purpose
(scans a JAR for all classes having a give static method signature, executes
all these methods, gathering the meta-info required, generate a XML file
then stuck into the JAR's META-INF directory).
Something I do is to restrict scanning classes to only those that match a
given patternset to speed things up (you often know which part of your
package tree to look things, or could use a naming convention to find things
faster). This makes the scanning quite a bit faster (we have big JARs).
All this to say that you specific use case if very useful, but the more
generic action all scanning the classes of a JAR and doing something that
ultimately updated the JAR somehow would be even more useful. Allowing to
plug over 'actions' rather than the default 'looking for services' would be
very very useful IMHO.
Easy change to make--I can make it a protected action (the actual
What are your dependencies? BCEL? Do you load the actual classes (so need
dependent classes on the classpath)?
Standard JVM.  I use JarFile to read the JAR contents, and
JarOutputStream to write the new JAR.
I construct a new URLClassLoader that uses the current classloader as
the parent, and loads the input JAR in as well.  I then scan the
contents of the JAR only looking at the .class entries.  I load the
class, and perform my checks on the class itself.
Thanks for sharing this with us. --DD
PS: BTW, I don't think you can edit the JAR in place...

Would be nice though.  I guess we could make it something where you can
use a directory instead of the JAR.  It would alter the scanning code
Do you want me to post what I have?