Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, Java6FileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory, build.xml (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-23 Thread Kev Jackson

FileUtils to select (Martijn's approach is
ridiculously insane enough to have captured my fancy
;) ), it must also take into account whether the
desired classes are available, falling back to the
basic impl. otherwise.

I'm coming round to think that Martijn's approach would be the least 
disruptive to the code base - simply as the delegate approach wouldn't 
mean recoding all tasks to use an interface instead of an 
implementation.  This reduces the effort a lot and would make it less 
likely that errors would creep in.  Definitely my +1 for the delegate 
approach, +0 for the interfaces and factory approach (ie if for some 
reason we can't do the delagate approach, the interfaces should be 


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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, Java6FileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory, build.xml (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-23 Thread Antoine Levy-Lambert
Kev Jackson wrote:

 I'm coming round to think that Martijn's approach would be the least
 disruptive to the code base - simply as the delegate approach wouldn't
 mean recoding all tasks to use an interface instead of an
 implementation.  This reduces the effort a lot and would make it less
 likely that errors would creep in.  Definitely my +1 for the delegate
 approach, +0 for the interfaces and factory approach (ie if for some
 reason we can't do the delagate approach, the interfaces should be

Sounds good.

When you plugin the nio, it would be good if you test the following :

- building under 1.4 or 1.5, running under 1.2

- I am also concerned about users building their own ant distribution
under Java 1.2, then running it under 1.4 and 1.5, and then complaining
that cannot be found.

Similarly, I wonder what happens for a user who would

   1) build ant under JDK 1.2,
2) run ant under JDK 1.4,

and attempt to use the RegexpFactory, for instance through the
replaceregexp/ task ?.

The RegexpFactory does not check whether is present,
only whether java.util.regex.Matcher is present.

Actually, I was wondering whether we are not already forbidding - de
facto and silently - this type of use cases.



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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, Java6FileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory, build.xml (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-21 Thread Martijn Kruithof


Adding setting the property using -D to ANT_OPTS should do.

5 things:

1) I saw you removed public members (constants) from FileUtils (Non 
backward compatible change, keeping everything BC also frustrates me 
sometimes, but still I think it is best not to break parts we do not 
know of.)

2) If the FileUtilsFactory is called from or implemented in 
FileUtils.getFileUtils() / FileUtils.newFileUtils(), every task is going 
to benefit.

3) Again / Still the actual copying has been moved to the ResourceUtils, 
how do we make sure that files addressed as resources also benefit from 
this change.

Regarding the changes in the Copy task:

4) Stringbuffer is not more efficient than concatenation using + in a 
single statement.

-log(Copying  + fileCopyMap.size()
-+  file + (fileCopyMap.size() == 1 ?  : s)
-+  to  + destDir.getAbsolutePath());
+StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(Copying )
+.append( file)
+.append((fileCopyMap.size() == 1 ?  : s))
+.append( to )

Why are you replacing the log statmenent with the StringBuffer.

It is less readable, and equivalent.

5) StringBuffer handling is incorrect for the second part, (you will 
concatenate all to filenames.)


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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, Java6FileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory, build.xml (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-21 Thread Martijn Kruithof

Kev Jackson wrote:

2) If the FileUtilsFactory is called from or implemented in 
FileUtils.getFileUtils() / FileUtils.newFileUtils(), every task is 
going to benefit.

I think the implementation I provided does precisely this, or rather 
it calls from the interface (FileUtilsAdapter) instead of from the 
implementation.  If you mean that the current FileUtils should 
delegate to another implementation using the factory that's different.

I think it would be cleaner to gradually transition all the tasks over 
to an interface (while retaining the FileUtils semi-singleton).  At 
the point where all the tasks are using FileUtilsAdapter, we can 
refactor and remove the parts of FileUtils that are exposed correctly 
in the interface, maintaining bwc that way - the only thing left would 
be a small stub which contains the static methods - that's my view of 
how a transition would work anyway.

I think that using FileUtils to delegate/proxy to a real class would 
be less 'elegant' than using an interface - although I can see the 
immediate advantages of using the approach you mentioned (all tasks 
benefit without actually having to change each class over to the 

In that case I would like some time to think things over, as to provide 
one face, and to have different implementations for currently different 
Classes that support copying, things that support permissions, things 
that support path manipulation, without getting a really big number of 

FileUtils for Java 1.6 on Windows
FileUtils for Java 1.4 on VMS

I had an idea to turn FileUtils into a Facade that delegates different 
actions to different back-ends.

Thanks for your elaborate reaction.

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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, Java6FileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory, build.xml (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-21 Thread Kev Jackson

In that case I would like some time to think things over, as to 
provide one face, and to have different implementations for currently 
different parts.
Classes that support copying, things that support permissions, things 
that support path manipulation, without getting a really big number of 

FileUtils for Java 1.6 on Windows
FileUtils for Java 1.4 on VMS

I had an idea to turn FileUtils into a Facade that delegates different 
actions to different back-ends.

I think I can see where you are going with this, and it's definitely an 
alternative to what I thought to begin with and the direction I was 
heading in the code.  I'm viewing the cleanest split as using an 
interface, from your perspective you think a master FileUtils (class not 
interface) that delegates all the real work to a specialization class.  
I think that your view would provide the quickest benefit - ie it would 
be more easily added to the entire codebase (as there would be no need 
to remove references to FileUtils from all the tasks).

Thanks for your thoughts

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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, Java6FileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory, build.xml (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-21 Thread jm

Ist es nicht schrecklich, dass der menschlichen Klugheit so enge Grenzen 
gesetzt sind und der menschlichen Dummheit überhaupt keine? (Konrad Adenauer)

Isn't it terrible that so close borders are set to the human intelligence and 
the human stupidity at all none?

On Fri, 21 Apr 2006, Kev Jackson wrote:

I'm viewing the cleanest split as using an interface, from your 
perspective you think a master FileUtils (class not interface) that delegates 
all the real work to a specialization class.

Not exactly, I am thinking about delegating to different specialization 
classes. Some aspects depend on java version, some aspects on os version, 
some aspects on availability of 3pp. To be able to handle that I think it 
is better to split functionality up.


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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, Java6FileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory, build.xml (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-21 Thread Kev Jackson

Ist es nicht schrecklich, dass der menschlichen Klugheit so enge 
Grenzen gesetzt sind und der menschlichen Dummheit überhaupt keine? 
(Konrad Adenauer)

Isn't it terrible that so close borders are set to the human 
intelligence and the human stupidity at all none?

This is a nice quote (totally OT I hope :)

On Fri, 21 Apr 2006, Kev Jackson wrote:

I'm viewing the cleanest split as using an interface, from your 
perspective you think a master FileUtils (class not interface) that 
delegates all the real work to a specialization class.

Not exactly, I am thinking about delegating to different 
specialization classes. Some aspects depend on java version, some 
aspects on os version, some aspects on availability of 3pp. To be able 
to handle that I think it is better to split functionality up.

sorry yes in my mail I said class when of course I meant class(es) plural.


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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, Java6FileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory, build.xml (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-21 Thread jm

 Ist es nicht schrecklich, dass der menschlichen Klugheit so enge Grenzen
 gesetzt sind und der menschlichen Dummheit überhaupt keine? (Konrad

 Isn't it terrible that so close borders are set to the human intelligence
 and the human stupidity at all none?

This is a nice quote (totally OT I hope :)

It never is totally off topic, and is definitely including myself.
The sheer fact that it came through is my own stupidity.

(For some reason one of my mail clients puts this signature on top of 
every reply, which I normally kill out when sending things to mailing 

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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, Java6FileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory, build.xml (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-21 Thread Antoine Levy-Lambert
Hello Kevin,

Kev Jackson wrote:
 Ok, this is what I've managed to bash together this morning:

 - NioFileUtils (uses Java1.4 NIO libraries, altered the TRANSFER_SIZE
 as suggested to 32000, currently no way to override that (yet))
 - Java6FileUtils (currently has no implementation, but could be used
 in future for implementing Java6 features (file permisions etc))
 - FileUtils (refactored to imlement interface, still needs to have all
 comments refactored into @see - interface)
 - FileUtilsAdapter (interface of FileUtils)
 - FileUtilsFactory (uses runtime class-loading to select correct
 version, also allows for selection of impl via system property or ant
 property (project.getProperty), as suggested, caches the instance of
 the FileUtilsAdapter on first use.  This assumes that during a build a
 user won't want to swap out FilUtils implementations.)
 - build.xml (contains the selector code for [Nio|Java6]FileUtils)

 Current problems:
 I cannot get the current code to select the implementation based on
 the property I'm specifying - (I'm using and I've also
 tried -D style props).  Any hint as to how this mechanism works in
 general would be appreciated.
Did you try to debug it ? It seems to work well for regular expressions.
 Code is just in util package, it would be nicer in it's own separate
 package - open to suggestions on this.
 Not sure that the selector in the build is working - after bootstrap +
 build, the ant-nodeps.jar doesn't contain the Nio or the
 Java6FileUtils - should they be here?

 Patch attached for consideration and comments.

One issue :

If NIOFileUtils is in the same package as FileUtils, bootstrapping under
JDK 1.2 or 1.3 would not work.
The bootstrap scripts (build.bat, are using primitive
mechanisms (directories) to find out what should be built first.

 Btw, swapping to NIO does help the AppFuse build to get past the
 copying - it now fails on HtmlUnit - which we can't do much about.  So
 (anecdotally anyway), NIO seems to use less memory than traditional IO.

Good news.



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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, Java6FileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory, build.xml (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-21 Thread Antoine Levy-Lambert

Kev Jackson wrote:

 In that case I would like some time to think things over, as to
 provide one face, and to have different implementations for currently
 different parts.
 Classes that support copying, things that support permissions, things
 that support path manipulation, without getting a really big number
 of classes.

 FileUtils for Java 1.6 on Windows
 FileUtils for Java 1.4 on VMS

 I had an idea to turn FileUtils into a Facade that delegates
 different actions to different back-ends.

 I think I can see where you are going with this, and it's definitely
 an alternative to what I thought to begin with and the direction I was
 heading in the code.  I'm viewing the cleanest split as using an
 interface, from your perspective you think a master FileUtils (class
 not interface) that delegates all the real work to a specialization
 class.  I think that your view would provide the quickest benefit - ie
 it would be more easily added to the entire codebase (as there would
 be no need to remove references to FileUtils from all the tasks).

 Thanks for your thoughts

in this case, what we could do would be to create a new package (this is OK for bootstrapping and
and create there a class NIOUtils or something like that with some
static methods, including simply one method which copies one file to the

If anyway ResourceUtils does the work now, ResourceUtils could test
whether running under Java 1.4 or more and call NIOUtils to do the work
happening between lines 364 to 379 of ResourceUtils
(copying files with no filters, no bells and whistles).



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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, Java6FileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory, build.xml (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-21 Thread Matt Benson
--- Antoine Levy-Lambert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One issue :
 If NIOFileUtils is in the same package as FileUtils,
 bootstrapping under
 JDK 1.2 or 1.3 would not work.
 The bootstrap scripts (build.bat, are
 using primitive
 mechanisms (directories) to find out what should be
 built first.

Oh yeah... forgot about this!  :)  Now I see what you
meant here.  We must keep that in mind... the
bootstrap scripts build enough of Ant that it can
build the rest of itself, itself... correct?  Meaning
that whatever mechanism is used to determine which
FileUtils to select (Martijn's approach is
ridiculously insane enough to have captured my fancy
;) ), it must also take into account whether the
desired classes are available, falling back to the
basic impl. otherwise.



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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, Java6FileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory, build.xml (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-21 Thread Matt Benson
--- Antoine Levy-Lambert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If anyway ResourceUtils does the work now,
 ResourceUtils could test
 whether running under Java 1.4 or more and call
 NIOUtils to do the work
 happening between lines 364 to 379 of ResourceUtils
 (copying files with no filters, no bells and

Shouldn't we simply extend nio copy support to
ResourceUtils?  Another version-dependent delegate
could use Channels.newChannel() with the resources'
Input/OutputStreams... assuming that the
implementation is smart enough to call getChannel()
against a FileInputStream, for example.  We could test
this; if it doesn't work we can always code that
ourselves.  Could be overall worthwhile if we would
pick up performance increases on e.g. url streams...



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[patch] NioFileUtils, Java6FileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory, build.xml (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-20 Thread Kev Jackson

Ok, this is what I've managed to bash together this morning:

- NioFileUtils (uses Java1.4 NIO libraries, altered the TRANSFER_SIZE as 
suggested to 32000, currently no way to override that (yet))
- Java6FileUtils (currently has no implementation, but could be used in 
future for implementing Java6 features (file permisions etc))
- FileUtils (refactored to imlement interface, still needs to have all 
comments refactored into @see - interface)

- FileUtilsAdapter (interface of FileUtils)
- FileUtilsFactory (uses runtime class-loading to select correct 
version, also allows for selection of impl via system property or ant 
property (project.getProperty), as suggested, caches the instance of the 
FileUtilsAdapter on first use.  This assumes that during a build a user 
won't want to swap out FilUtils implementations.)

- build.xml (contains the selector code for [Nio|Java6]FileUtils)

Current problems:
I cannot get the current code to select the implementation based on the 
property I'm specifying - (I'm using and I've also tried 
-D style props).  Any hint as to how this mechanism works in general 
would be appreciated.
Code is just in util package, it would be nicer in it's own separate 
package - open to suggestions on this.
Not sure that the selector in the build is working - after bootstrap + 
build, the ant-nodeps.jar doesn't contain the Nio or the Java6FileUtils 
- should they be here?

Patch attached for consideration and comments.

Btw, swapping to NIO does help the AppFuse build to get past the copying 
- it now fails on HtmlUnit - which we can't do much about.  So 
(anecdotally anyway), NIO seems to use less memory than traditional IO.

(revision 395527)
(working copy)
@@ -127,6 +127,14 @@
 public static final String REGEXP_IMPL = ant.regexp.regexpimpl;
+ * property for file utils implementation.
+ * default to classic/original
+ * @since Ant 1.7
+ */
+public static final String FILEUTILS_IMPL = ant.util.fileutilsimpl;
  * property that provides the default value for javac's and

(revision 395527)
(working copy)
@@ -28,25 +28,28 @@
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Vector;
  * Copies a file or directory to a new file
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@
 protected Hashtable completeDirMap = new Hashtable();
 protected Mapper mapperElement = null;
-protected FileUtils fileUtils;
+protected FileUtilsAdapter fileUtils;
 private Vector filterChains = new Vector();
 private Vector filterSets = new Vector();
 private String inputEncoding = null;
@@ -96,7 +99,7 @@
  * Copy task constructor.
 public Copy() {
-fileUtils = FileUtils.getFileUtils();
+fileUtils = FileUtilsFactory.getFileUtils();
 granularity = fileUtils.getFileTimestampGranularity();
@@ -105,7 +108,7 @@
  * @return the fileutils object.