[api-dev] Two little suggestions ad http://codesnippets.services.openoffice.org/snippet.dtd

2005-11-15 Thread Rony G. Flatscher

Hi there,

two short remarks on

  ATTLIST for ELEMENT "snippet":
Starting with OOo 2.0 there are two officially supported
scripting languages missing from the valid values for the "language"
attribute: "BeanShell" and "_javascript_". Due to the availablity of the
scripting framework additional scripting languages are possible, like
"ooRexx" (in beta). Also, "XSL" is now listed as a language on the
snippet site and would be missing from this DTD.
As additional scripting languages can be made available for which
nutshell examples could be supplied, the values for the "language"
attribute should be maintained accordingly. To be able to supply
snippets until the language attribute is updated a value of "Other" may
be helpful together with maybe a new CDATA attribute "otherLanguage"
(or the like) to allow naming the new/unsupported language.

  ATTLIST for ELEMENT "operating-systems"
Same reasoning as with "snippet": there are operating systems
with OOo ported to them that are unlisted, e.g. "OS/2" and
"eComStation", possibly "AIX" and the like. Hence the attribute "name"
should allow for "Other" and possibly add a new CDATA attribute
"other-operating-system" to be able to denote the operating system.
[BTW, shouldn't the ATTLIST denote "operating-systems" (with a trailing
"s" to match the element's name for which the attributre list gets




[api-dev] Documentation URL

2005-11-15 Thread Paolo Lacatena

Hi all,
I find in some documents downloaded from the framework project links like
Where can I find it?

Paolo Lacatena

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Re: [api-dev] Two little suggestions ad http://codesnippe ts.services.openoffice.org/snippet.dtd

2005-11-15 Thread Thomas Schindl
 two short remarks on 
 * ATTLIST for ELEMENT snippet:
   o Starting with OOo 2.0 there are two officially supported
 scripting languages missing from the valid values for the
 language attribute: BeanShell and JavaScript. Due to
 the availablity of the scripting framework additional
 scripting languages are possible, like ooRexx (in beta).
 Also, XSL is now listed as a language on the snippet site
 and would be missing from this DTD.
 As additional scripting languages can be made available for
 which nutshell examples could be supplied, the values for
 the language attribute should be maintained accordingly.
 To be able to supply snippets until the language attribute
 is updated a value of Other may be helpful together with
 maybe a new CDATA attribute otherLanguage (or the like) to
 allow naming the new/unsupported language.

1. Yes you are right, that I forgot to add the XSL-Language to the Snippet-
   DTD when I added XSL-Support to snippet page

2. Not long time we discussed ago about adding new languages and came
   from my point-of-view to the following conclusion:
   a. At the moment we concentrate on the most used languages
   b. We change the snippet-page design from a programming view
  to a problem centric view
   c. We want to port every snippet to every language
   d. We discuss adding new languages

3. Adding new languages
   Only adding them to the snippet-DTD is not enough we also have to
   provide Syntax-Highlighting for those languages which means creating
   VIM-Highlight-File which knows how to highlihgt syntax

 * ATTLIST for ELEMENT operating-systems
   o Same reasoning as with snippet: there are operating
 systems with OOo ported to them that are unlisted, e.g.
 OS/2 and eComStation, possibly AIX and the like. Hence
 the attribute name should allow for Other and possibly
 add a new CDATA attribute other-operating-system to be
 able to denote the operating system.
 [BTW, shouldn't the ATTLIST denote operating-systems (with
 a trailing s to match the element's name for which the
 attributre list gets defined)?]

I'll take a look and add them



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[api-dev] macro graphics handling is wonky

2005-11-15 Thread Douglas Staas
Attached is my newest binder cover Draw file. It prompts the user for a client 
logo and it displays the image in 4 locations. Sometimes all 4 locations are 
updated, sometimes 1, sometimes 2, 3 or ever zero. When less then 4 locations 
are updated, you can save the file, close it, reopen it and magically all 4 
locations show the correct image. What's going on here? I'm running the same 
code with the same input and getting different results. 

... actually, it looks like the attachment is too large for this list. 

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Re: [api-dev] macro graphics handling is wonky

2005-11-15 Thread Douglas Staas
When I put a breakpoint at the line that resets the graphic's URL, step over it 
and switch back to Draw (from the macro editor), the code runs fine. Perhaps I 
need some sort of a refresh in my code? Hopefully this tidbit/hunch shines a 
brighter light on this. Any insights?


 Attached is my newest binder cover Draw file. It prompts the user for a 
 logo and it displays the image in 4 locations. Sometimes all 4 locations are 
 updated, sometimes 1, sometimes 2, 3 or ever zero. When less then 4 locations 
 are updated, you can save the file, close it, reopen it and magically all 4 
 locations show the correct image. What's going on here? I'm running the same 
 code with the same input and getting different results. 
 ... actually, it looks like the attachment is too large for this list. 
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[api-dev] vim.rex already in vim! (Re: [api-dev] Two little suggestions ad http://codesnippets.services.openoffice.org/snippet.dtd

2005-11-15 Thread Rony G. Flatscher

Hi Tom,


  3. Adding new languages
  Only adding them to the snippet-DTD is not enough we also have to
  provide Syntax-Highlighting for those languages which means creating
  VIM-Highlight-File which knows how to highlihgt syntax 

Where can one find examples for such files (e.g. the ones that are used
for Basic and the like)?

If you are running Linux you could search for:
*.vim-Files on my debian it's in: /usr/share/vim/vim64/syntax

The OOBasic(altough not perfect because derived from basic.om) file is
in the cvs and can be found here in cvs where the snippet page resides:

If you want I can send it to you offline. You can also take a look in
the document:


Thank you *very* much for your kind hints! 

As it turns out there is a "vim.rex" supplied with vim already (just
checked it). Although it does not highlight the "Open Objet Rexx"
syntax elements, that's not a problem, as the classic Rexx highlighting
already does quite a nice job.



Re: [api-dev] macro graphics handling is wonky

2005-11-15 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Douglas Staas wrote:

Attached is my newest binder cover Draw file. It prompts the user for a client 
logo and it displays the image in 4 locations. Sometimes all 4 locations are 
updated, sometimes 1, sometimes 2, 3 or ever zero. When less then 4 locations 
are updated, you can save the file, close it, reopen it and magically all 4 
locations show the correct image. What's going on here? I'm running the same code with the same input and getting different results. 

... actually, it looks like the attachment is too large for this list. 

In general, attachements are highly discouraged. Assume that I add a 1MB 
attachemt and send my email. Many people will recieve this one MB 
attachement. The majority do not care to see the attachement. Many of 
the people use a dial-up connection. So, most mailing lists 
automatically remove attachements. The preferred method is for you to 
host the document somewhere and then provide a link to it.

That said, there are many possible reasons for this particular problem. 
Sometimes, I have found that making some very simple rediculous change 
causes the problem to go away. Without looking at the macro, this is 
very difficult to say. I can think of a few things off hand that MIGHT 
cause the problem.

You create the object in such a way that the SAME object (or some shared 
portion is the same) is used in all places. When you save the document, 
only a reference is saved, and on opening, an entirely new copy is 
properly created for each object. I had this really strange problem 
while using arrays and strings. It turned out that I was storing a 
reference to a string each time that I added it to the array . When I 
was finished, every instance had the same value because they all 
referenced the same variable instance. It was very strange indeed.

If possible, create the smallest simplest macro that demonstrates the 
problem, and then if the macro is short, simply add it here. If not, 
then create it in a document such that it can demonstrate the problem 
and then post the document and send a link to the list.

Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document: http://www.pitonyak.org/AndrewMacro.odt
My Book: http://www.hentzenwerke.com/catalog/oome.htm
Info:  http://www.pitonyak.org/oo.php
See Also: http://documentation.openoffice.org/HOW_TO/index.html

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Re: [api-dev] disposing of macros

2005-11-15 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Douglas Staas wrote:

i'm reposting this question:

What is meant by provide for disposal when the document is closed? Where 
could I find this in the documentation?

Well, where did you read this? It is not possible to answer without 
context. No wait, I just ran a GOOGLE search on the exact phrase and 
found this:


Next time, quote enough of the message to provide context.

Here is the entire quote:

Sounds like everything is being loaded into memory and not being released when 
you close your original document. Does your on Open Event macro provide for 
disposal when the document is closed ?

One possible reading of this is that the open document has resources, 
such as graphics, or pointers, or some kind of internal structures. When 
the document is closed, Alex is wondering if all of the document's 
resources are released, deleted, freed, (no longer used). Kind of like 
what might happen if a program opened a file and then left the file 
opened. You could not create and use the file again, because it would 
already be listed as open.

I have no idea where this would be in the documentation, because it 
would depens on the type of resourced that might be causing the problem. 
One possibility might be that your macro uses a GLOBAL variable to hold 
a reference to a dialog. The document closes, but eh global variable 
still exists and can therefore not be referenced again. If this were the 
case, then loading the Basic IDE might cause these resources to be released.

This is, of course, all speculation on my part, espcially since I have 
not seen your macro.

Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document: http://www.pitonyak.org/AndrewMacro.odt
My Book: http://www.hentzenwerke.com/catalog/oome.htm
Info:  http://www.pitonyak.org/oo.php
See Also: http://documentation.openoffice.org/HOW_TO/index.html

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Re: [api-dev] disposing of macros

2005-11-15 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
I was able to extract one attachement from this email, so I took a look 
at it. I noticed a few unusual things.

Consider the OK button. The OK Button is listed as type OK button, NOT 
as a default button. Because of this, when you click on the button, an 
event is automatically fired, that will CLOSE the dialog.

The button also has some events tied to things such as key press and 
mouse click. There are two issues with this. First, you should probably 
just use the when initiating event, which covers both of the cases. 
Second,  when you click on the button, it is supposed to do two distinct 
things. The OK action, because this is an OK button, and use your 
events. Which is done first? Which is done second? The primary problem 
here, is that the OK action changes the state of the dialog. If these 
fire in a multi-threaded way, I have no idea which will be finished 
first and what the result will be. It is likely to be timing related and 
unreliable. Off hand, I reccomend that you use one method or the other. 
In other words, either let the action close the dialog, or perform the 
actions AFTER the dialog has closed if OK was used to close the dialog. 
Using the methods that you  describe, are likely to leave things in an 
unfinished state.

Douglas Staas wrote:

i'm reposting this question:

What is meant by provide for disposal when the document is closed? Where 
could I find this in the documentation?


[api-dev] disposing of macros
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Douglas Staas)
Thu, 10 Nov 2005 20:34:16 +


Re: [api-dev] macro doesn't run
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Douglas Staas)
Thu, 10 Nov 2005 19:16:52 +


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Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document: http://www.pitonyak.org/AndrewMacro.odt
My Book: http://www.hentzenwerke.com/catalog/oome.htm
Info:  http://www.pitonyak.org/oo.php
See Also: http://documentation.openoffice.org/HOW_TO/index.html

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