Problems on HerdDB with 1.23 was [VOTE] Release apache-calcite-1.23.0 (release candidate 0)

2020-05-12 Thread Enrico Olivelli
I am sorry, I have a couple of problems with HerdDB.

1) JOIN order unsorted columns in presence of a WHERE over other columns
This is my case:

CREATE TABLE tblspace1.table1 (k1 string primary key,n1 int,s1 string)
CREATE TABLE tblspace1.table3 (k1 string primary key,n3 int,s3 string)
SELECT t1.k1 as first, t2.k1 as second
FROMtblspace1.table1 t1
 INNER JOIN tblspace1.table3 t2 ON t1.k1=t2.k1
 WHERE t1.n1 + 1 = t2.n3

In this case for table1 and table3 no column is physically sorted (no
column with a collation)

I have this Planner error:
java.lang.AssertionError: cannot merge join: left input is not sorted on
left keys
at GeneratedMetadataHandler_Collation.collations_$(Unknown Source)
at GeneratedMetadataHandler_Collation.collations(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.calcite.plan.RelTraitSet.replaceIfs(
at herddb.sql.CalcitePlanner.runPlanner(
at herddb.sql.CalcitePlanner.translate(

*If I remove the "WHERE" clause then no error is reported.*
we have many  other test cases about JOINs and this one is the only one
that fails

This is the failing test case on HerdDB

We are using the default set of rules Programs.ofRules(Programs.RULE_SET)

I will try to create a reproducer in Calcite core test suite, in order to
understand if it is a bug in HerdDB or in Calcite
but I am reporting the problem as early as possible.
We wanted to create a daily job that tests HerdDB against current Calcite
master but unfortunately we still have not find the time to do it.

2) Changed the data type of sum(N) from BIGINT to INTEGER

I also noted that sometimes the type of sum(N) where N is an INTEGER column
sometimes it is now reported by Calcite as INTEGER and sometimes as
a BIGINT. In 1.22 every time is reported as BIGINT.
So we have another test failing.

SELECT sum(n1), count(*) as cc, k1
FROM tblspace1.tsql
GROUP by k1
ORDER BY sum(n1)

Here sum(n1) is reported now a INTEGER, previously it was a BIGINT. I would
prefer to see it as a BIGINT in order to prevent overflows

Here are the plans:
INFO: Query: SELECT sum(n1), count(*) as cc, k1  FROM tblspace1.tsql GROUP
by k1 ORDER BY sum(n1) -- Logical Plan
LogicalSort(sort0=[$0], dir0=[ASC]): rowcount = 2.0, cumulative cost =
{10.52595367432 rows, 37.0 cpu, 0.0 io}, id = 1038
  LogicalProject(EXPR$0=[$1], CC=[$2], K1=[$0]): rowcount = 2.0, cumulative
cost = {8.52595367432 rows, 13.0 cpu, 0.0 io}, id = 1037
LogicalAggregate(group=[{0}], EXPR$0=[SUM($1)], CC=[COUNT()]): rowcount
= 2.0, cumulative cost = {6.52595367432 rows, 7.0 cpu, 0.0 io}, id =
  LogicalProject(K1=[$0], n1=[$1]): rowcount = 2.0, cumulative cost =
{4.0 rows, 7.0 cpu, 0.0 io}, id = 1034
LogicalTableScan(table=[[tblspace1, tsql]]): rowcount = 2.0,
cumulative cost = {2.0 rows, 3.0 cpu, 0.0 io}, id = 1032

May 12, 2020 11:07:37 AM herddb.sql.CalcitePlanner runPlanner
INFO: Query: SELECT sum(n1), count(*) as cc, k1  FROM tblspace1.tsql GROUP
by k1 ORDER BY sum(n1) -- Best  Plan
EnumerableSort(sort0=[$0], dir0=[ASC]): rowcount = 2.0, cumulative cost =
{5.0 rows, 31.0 cpu, 0.0 io}, id = 1245
  EnumerableProject(EXPR$0=[$1], CC=[1:BIGINT], K1=[$0]): rowcount = 2.0,
cumulative cost = {3.0 rows, 7.0 cpu, 0.0 io}, id = 1244
EnumerableInterpreter: rowcount = 2.0, cumulative cost = {1.0 rows, 1.0
cpu, 0.0 io}, id = 1243
  BindableTableScan(table=[[tblspace1, tsql]], projects=[[0, 1]]):
rowcount = 2.0, cumulative cost = {0.016 rows, 0.024 cpu, 0.0 io}, id = 1055

Within the same test 

[CANCEL] [VOTE] Release apache-calcite-1.23.0 (release candidate 0)

2020-05-12 Thread Haisheng Yuan
The vote for Apache Calcite 1.23.0 release candidate 0 has beed cancelled due 
to regression.

We will fix this and make rc1 available for voting.

Haisheng Yuan

Re: [VOTE] Release apache-calcite-1.23.0 (release candidate 0)

2020-05-12 Thread Anton Haidai

Local Calcite build with tests enabled on Linux: *OK*
Calcite-based system (Zoomdata) test suite: *OK*

+1 (non-binding)

On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 8:59 AM Haisheng Yuan  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have created a build for Apache Calcite 1.23.0, release
> candidate 0.
> Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this release.
> You can read the release notes here:
> The commit to be voted upon:
> Its hash is edc37c0a21344a48b15877788e082c8acdc7b030
> Tag:
> The artifacts to be voted on are located here:
> (revision 39385)
> The hashes of the artifacts are as follows:
> 7482b0bb76e672a15bbe846f2dbdc125bd0f3d8a32abf0ea9159b5db0ab2a2d1182e19b408098ecd68d7cc9ff5d7812ea0b33e4aeac818d191b695d437fa1a94
> *apache-calcite-1.23.0-src.tar.gz
> A staged Maven repository is available for review at:
> Release artifacts are signed with the following key:
> N.B.
> To create the jars and test Apache Calcite: "./gradlew build".
> If you do not have a Java environment available, you can run the tests
> using docker. To do so, install docker and docker-compose, then run
> "docker-compose run test" from the root of the directory.
> Please vote on releasing this package as Apache Calcite 1.23.0.
> The vote is open for the next 72 hours and passes if a majority of at
> least three +1 PMC votes are cast.
> [ ] +1 Release this package as Apache Calcite 1.23.0
> [ ]  0 I don't feel strongly about it, but I'm okay with the release
> [ ] -1 Do not release this package because...
> Here is my vote:
> +1 (binding)
> Thanks,
> Haisheng Yuan

Best regards,

Re: Problems on HerdDB with 1.23 was [VOTE] Release apache-calcite-1.23.0 (release candidate 0)

2020-05-12 Thread Haisheng Yuan
Hi Enrico,

Thanks for reporting issues so quick for calcite-1.23.0-rc0. Appreciate it.
Can you log JIRA for these issues? We will fix them.

Regarding with the first issue, I guess several factors are contributing to the 
1. Trait enforcement is enabled for EnumerableConvention by default in 1.23.0, 
now it can generate mergejoins. We can disable it again if people would like.

2. RelBuilder hasn't been able to handle physical operator's trait well yet, 
especially for Project.

3. Logical operator has been doing some work that it is not expected to do, but 
physical operator should do. Here when creating LogicalProject, it is trying to 
deduce its collation from input MergeJoin. Project is a frequently created 
operator, but profiler shows that RelTraitSet.replaceIfs() take 65% in the 
total runtime of LogicalProject.create(). That is not only inappropriate 
operation, but also time-wasting operation.

4. Transformation rules can match with physical operator. In this case, 
JoinPushExpressionsRule matched with EnumerableMergeJoin, but the rule can't 
deal with physical operator well, because the traits is not properly handled. 
This not only happens on JoinPushExpressionsRule, if you tweak the query, you 
might be able to see similar assertion error when applying rule 
FilterIntoJoinRule. The problem has been there since their inception, but it is 
just disclosed today by HerdDB, does that mean no one use Calcite's default 
rule implementation to match trait aware physical operators, intentionally? Can 
we safely stop matching physical operators in these rules? (ProjectMerge can be 
an exception, some people use it on physical operator for post processing).


On 2020/05/12 09:10:31, Enrico Olivelli  wrote: 
> Haisheng,
> I am sorry, I have a couple of problems with HerdDB.
> 1) JOIN order unsorted columns in presence of a WHERE over other columns
> This is my case:
> CREATE TABLE tblspace1.table1 (k1 string primary key,n1 int,s1 string)
> CREATE TABLE tblspace1.table3 (k1 string primary key,n3 int,s3 string)
> SELECT t1.k1 as first, t2.k1 as second
> FROMtblspace1.table1 t1
>  INNER JOIN tblspace1.table3 t2 ON t1.k1=t2.k1
>  WHERE t1.n1 + 1 = t2.n3
> In this case for table1 and table3 no column is physically sorted (no
> column with a collation)
> I have this Planner error:
> java.lang.AssertionError: cannot merge join: left input is not sorted on
> left keys
> at
> org.apache.calcite.rel.metadata.RelMdCollation.mergeJoin(
> at
> org.apache.calcite.rel.metadata.RelMdCollation.collations(
> at GeneratedMetadataHandler_Collation.collations_$(Unknown Source)
> at GeneratedMetadataHandler_Collation.collations(Unknown Source)
> at
> org.apache.calcite.rel.metadata.RelMetadataQuery.collations(
> at
> org.apache.calcite.rel.metadata.RelMdCollation.project(
> at
> org.apache.calcite.rel.logical.LogicalProject.lambda$create$0(
> at org.apache.calcite.plan.RelTraitSet.replaceIfs(
> at
> org.apache.calcite.rel.logical.LogicalProject.create(
> at
> org.apache.calcite.rel.logical.LogicalProject.create(
> at
> org.apache.calcite.rel.core.RelFactories$ProjectFactoryImpl.createProject(
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptUtil.pushDownJoinConditions(
> at
> org.apache.calcite.rel.rules.JoinPushExpressionsRule.onMatch(
> at
> org.apache.calcite.plan.volcano.VolcanoRuleCall.onMatch(
> at
> org.apache.calcite.plan.volcano.VolcanoPlanner.findBestExp(
> at herddb.sql.CalcitePlanner.runPlanner(
> at herddb.sql.CalcitePlanner.translate(
> *If I remove the "WHERE" clause then no error is reported.*
> we have many  other test cases about JOINs and this one is the only one
> that fails
> This is the failing test case on HerdDB
> We are using the default set of rules Programs.ofRules(Programs.RULE_SET)
> I will try to create a reproducer in Calcite core test suite, in order to
> understand if it is a bug in HerdDB or in Calcite
> but I am reporting the problem as early as possible.
> We wanted to create a daily job that tests HerdDB against current Calcite
> master but unfortunately we still have not find the time to do it.
> 2) Changed the data type of sum(N) from BIGINT to INTEGER
> I also noted that sometime

Re: [CANCEL] [VOTE] Release apache-calcite-1.23.0 (release candidate 0)

2020-05-12 Thread Julian Hyde
Even though the vote is canceled, everyone please continue to test on RC0 
(until an RC1 is available). The earlier you find and report issues, the sooner 
we get to a good release.

> On May 12, 2020, at 6:11 AM, Haisheng Yuan  wrote:
> The vote for Apache Calcite 1.23.0 release candidate 0 has beed cancelled due 
> to regression.
> We will fix this and make rc1 available for voting.
> Best,
> Haisheng Yuan

[DISCUSS] Keep 'master' branch closed after 1.23 release until we address the PR backlog

2020-05-12 Thread Julian Hyde
I noticed that yesterday Haisheng removed the ‘fix in 1.23’ labels from several 
JIRA cases. I support this - we need to get a release out - but I don’t want to 
lose the fact that many of these cases had PRs and were ready to merge to 

We all know that we have a backlog of PRs. There are good contributions that 
are not being merged to master because we have too few reviewers.

I would like to propose a solution. After 1.23 is released, keep the master 
branch closed until we have gone through the backlog of PRs. (Not all PRs, just 
those that were tagged ‘fix for 1.23’. And we don’t have to merge them all - we 
can reject them if not ready.)

Committers who work on Calcite daily will have a strong incentive to work on 
other peoples’ PRs.

If there are other suggestions for addressing this problem, I would like to 
hear them.


Re: [CANCEL] [VOTE] Release apache-calcite-1.23.0 (release candidate 0)

2020-05-12 Thread Rui Wang
Found something that is worth mentioning in this candidate:

1. hyuan.asc [1] is not found on the server. Maybe the step that login
Apache account [2] and filled out the public key fingerprint didn't finish?
2. Verify the artifact by "gpg --verify
apache-calcite-1.23.0-src.tar.gz.asc apache-calcite-1.23.0-src.tar.gz" but
got the following warning:

gpg: Signature made Mon May 11 21:20:56 2020 PDT

gpg:using RSA key ECA9CF33AF2CEC28F3B66A5C3CD22ABAC50DDCEF

gpg: Good signature from "Haisheng Yuan " [unknown]

gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!

gpg:  There is no indication that the signature belongs to the

Primary key fingerprint: ECA9 CF33 AF2C EC28 F3B6  6A5C 3CD2 2ABA C50D DCEF



On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 10:53 AM Julian Hyde  wrote:

> Even though the vote is canceled, everyone please continue to test on RC0
> (until an RC1 is available). The earlier you find and report issues, the
> sooner we get to a good release.
> > On May 12, 2020, at 6:11 AM, Haisheng Yuan  wrote:
> >
> > The vote for Apache Calcite 1.23.0 release candidate 0 has beed
> cancelled due to regression.
> >
> > We will fix this and make rc1 available for voting.
> >
> > Best,
> > Haisheng Yuan

Re: [CANCEL] [VOTE] Release apache-calcite-1.23.0 (release candidate 0)

2020-05-12 Thread Haisheng Yuan
Hi Rui,

Thanks for verifying. will sync hyuan.asc once a day. So that should 
be available in a few hours.
Regarding the warning, need to investigate what went wrong.


On 2020/05/12 22:05:47, Rui Wang  wrote: 
> Found something that is worth mentioning in this candidate:
> 1. hyuan.asc [1] is not found on the server. Maybe the step that login
> Apache account [2] and filled out the public key fingerprint didn't finish?
> 2. Verify the artifact by "gpg --verify
> apache-calcite-1.23.0-src.tar.gz.asc apache-calcite-1.23.0-src.tar.gz" but
> got the following warning:
> gpg: Signature made Mon May 11 21:20:56 2020 PDT
> gpg:using RSA key ECA9CF33AF2CEC28F3B66A5C3CD22ABAC50DDCEF
> gpg: Good signature from "Haisheng Yuan " [unknown]
> gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
> gpg:  There is no indication that the signature belongs to the
> owner.
> Primary key fingerprint: ECA9 CF33 AF2C EC28 F3B6  6A5C 3CD2 2ABA C50D DCEF
> [1]:
> [2]:
> -Rui
> On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 10:53 AM Julian Hyde  wrote:
> > Even though the vote is canceled, everyone please continue to test on RC0
> > (until an RC1 is available). The earlier you find and report issues, the
> > sooner we get to a good release.
> >
> >
> > > On May 12, 2020, at 6:11 AM, Haisheng Yuan  wrote:
> > >
> > > The vote for Apache Calcite 1.23.0 release candidate 0 has beed
> > cancelled due to regression.
> > >
> > > We will fix this and make rc1 available for voting.
> > >
> > > Best,
> > > Haisheng Yuan
> >
> >

Re: [CANCEL] [VOTE] Release apache-calcite-1.23.0 (release candidate 0)

2020-05-12 Thread Stamatis Zampetakis

The warning basically says that Rui hasn't signed Haisheng's key so I guess
it is normal.


On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 12:48 AM Haisheng Yuan  wrote:

> Hi Rui,
> Thanks for verifying. will sync hyuan.asc once a day. So that
> should be available in a few hours.
> Regarding the warning, need to investigate what went wrong.
> Thanks,
> Haisheng
> On 2020/05/12 22:05:47, Rui Wang  wrote:
> > Found something that is worth mentioning in this candidate:
> >
> > 1. hyuan.asc [1] is not found on the server. Maybe the step that login
> > Apache account [2] and filled out the public key fingerprint didn't
> finish?
> > 2. Verify the artifact by "gpg --verify
> > apache-calcite-1.23.0-src.tar.gz.asc apache-calcite-1.23.0-src.tar.gz"
> but
> > got the following warning:
> >
> > gpg: Signature made Mon May 11 21:20:56 2020 PDT
> >
> > gpg:using RSA key
> >
> > gpg: Good signature from "Haisheng Yuan " [unknown]
> >
> > gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
> >
> > gpg:  There is no indication that the signature belongs to the
> > owner.
> >
> > Primary key fingerprint: ECA9 CF33 AF2C EC28 F3B6  6A5C 3CD2 2ABA C50D
> >
> >
> > [1]:
> > [2]:
> >
> > -Rui
> >
> >
> > On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 10:53 AM Julian Hyde  wrote:
> >
> > > Even though the vote is canceled, everyone please continue to test on
> RC0
> > > (until an RC1 is available). The earlier you find and report issues,
> the
> > > sooner we get to a good release.
> > >
> > >
> > > > On May 12, 2020, at 6:11 AM, Haisheng Yuan  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > The vote for Apache Calcite 1.23.0 release candidate 0 has beed
> > > cancelled due to regression.
> > > >
> > > > We will fix this and make rc1 available for voting.
> > > >
> > > > Best,
> > > > Haisheng Yuan
> > >
> > >
> >

[jira] [Created] (CALCITE-3993) Add isDefault() to RelTrait interface

2020-05-12 Thread Haisheng Yuan (Jira)
Haisheng Yuan created CALCITE-3993:

 Summary: Add isDefault() to RelTrait interface
 Key: CALCITE-3993
 Project: Calcite
  Issue Type: Improvement
  Components: core
Reporter: Haisheng Yuan

It is an extremely frequent usage to check whether the distribution is default 
(ANY), the collation is default (EMPTY).

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

[jira] [Created] (CALCITE-3994) RexSimplify reduce concat calls with constant arguments

2020-05-12 Thread Jess Balint (Jira)
Jess Balint created CALCITE-3994:

 Summary: RexSimplify reduce concat calls with constant arguments
 Key: CALCITE-3994
 Project: Calcite
  Issue Type: Improvement
Affects Versions: 1.21.0
Reporter: Jess Balint

would be good to implement support for string concat in RexSimplify

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

[jira] [Created] (CALCITE-3995) Fix NPE when the FROM node is null

2020-05-12 Thread James Kim (Jira)
James Kim created CALCITE-3995:

 Summary: Fix NPE when the FROM node is null
 Key: CALCITE-3995
 Project: Calcite
  Issue Type: Bug
Reporter: James Kim

Fix NPE when the FROM node is null

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

[jira] [Created] (CALCITE-3996) Fix NPE when query syntax is invalid

2020-05-12 Thread James Kim (Jira)
James Kim created CALCITE-3996:

 Summary: Fix NPE when query syntax is invalid
 Key: CALCITE-3996
 Project: Calcite
  Issue Type: Bug
Reporter: James Kim

Fix NPE when query syntax is invalid; when returnType is null in 
inferOperandTypes, do nothing and return.

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

Re: [DISCUSS] Keep 'master' branch closed after 1.23 release until we address the PR backlog

2020-05-12 Thread Chunwei Lei
There're some PRs which have been a long time. I suggest closing some of
them if nobody are working on it.
But I don't figure out why we should keep the master branch closed. To
avoid conflict?


On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 2:22 AM Julian Hyde  wrote:

> I noticed that yesterday Haisheng removed the ‘fix in 1.23’ labels from
> several JIRA cases. I support this - we need to get a release out - but I
> don’t want to lose the fact that many of these cases had PRs and were ready
> to merge to master.
> We all know that we have a backlog of PRs. There are good contributions
> that are not being merged to master because we have too few reviewers.
> I would like to propose a solution. After 1.23 is released, keep the
> master branch closed until we have gone through the backlog of PRs. (Not
> all PRs, just those that were tagged ‘fix for 1.23’. And we don’t have to
> merge them all - we can reject them if not ready.)
> Committers who work on Calcite daily will have a strong incentive to work
> on other peoples’ PRs.
> If there are other suggestions for addressing this problem, I would like
> to hear them.
> Julian