Building webapp resources

2005-02-14 Thread Mark Lowe

My appologies for asking aquestion not directly related to the
development of cocoon but I need some authoritive input on an issue.

I'm working on a project where my predecesors deemed it nessesary to
have individual build processes for each sub directory/module in the
webapp. The build process does nothing more than merge various sitemap
fragments into a a single sitemap file. There's little to be gained
and the rationalisation could/should take place by using the sitemap
heirarchy rather than merging like this.

Now my question is what views do you have regarding this sort of
nonesense. To my mind while MVC might be maintained in terms of the
where all the code is and how it interacts, the practical implications
are that a site builder/editor cant work on the resources without
building the project. I'd like to confirm that cocoon developers
consider it good practice to have the web app resources as relativly
static and inituitive for site builders/editors to work on non java
stuff without getting bogged down in crack induced sub builds.

Again I know this isn't a cocoon dev question but your input will be


Re: [2.2] Dynamic xconf try to open non-existing files (bug?)

2005-02-14 Thread Reinhard Poetz
Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
I would prefer generating gump.xml from block.xml. It will be easier to
develop and deploy (external) blocks if all info about them is contained
within the block. Also it is better to have a block.xml format that not
is dependent on gump's format as it allow us to put all info that we
want to have about blocks in that file.
IIRC we went for the gump solution as we where concerned about the lack
of robustness in generating the gump.xml on demand. Also the gump format
was close enough for our needs back then. But now I think that the
centralized gump.xml is in the way for a smooth evolution towards "real"
blocks. The robustness issue can maybe be handled in other ways, e.g.
compile time checks of the block.xml, so that no one happens to check in
a faulty block.xml that kills the compilation.
Thinking further about it: could not the blocks be own Gump sub projects
that depends on Cocoon core? If that is possible it would only be
necessary to have a list of the blocks that we want to have checked by
Gump, no need for a centralized list containing all block dependencies.
I think we should really start and move all blocks out of the core
(for 2.2 - 2.1.x should stay as is) and then it would make sense for 
me to have
an own gump descriptor for each block. 

I think part of the work concerning design and implementation of 
compiling blocks based on a blocks descriptor is allready done by 
Reinhard in and 
Reinhard, needs to be done to achive that?
see my other mail - if nobody objects I will setup the block-builder in Cocoon 
2.2 over the weekend. Then we can decide if we like it or not.

I also agree that it's better to generate the gump descriptor from the 
block descriptor than vice versa. If we go this road, there is only 
one issue to solve: how does Cocoon know which blocks are available? 
Just scanning the src/blocks directory isn't enough. Blocks can be 
anywhere in the file system. The current build system is able to 
include blocks from any location.

That's the task for Reinhard's block deployer, but as it AFAIU is 
targeted more for real blocks than for the current ones, it might be 
overly ambitious to start using it now. 
The design of the block deployer could cover the blocks that we have now too. 
But the implementation isn't far enough.

In the mean time, replacing the with a list of paths to the blocks that one want to 
use might be enough.

We also need to decide where we should put the blocks in the SVN, we 
could follow Reinhard's approach in the block-builder and moving the 
trunk/src/blocks/ directory to the top level and inserting a trunk 

However IMO we should as a service to our users and ourselves, be a 
little bit more explicit in how much trust one can put in the various 
blocks and have something like:

Where everything goes to unsupported-blocks and promotion to core and 
supported is based on votes. OTH, moving the blocks out of trunk and 
indicating community support level are different concerns so we could do 
one at a time and I think moving out the blocks should have highest 

What about
I like the structure but which one of the three directories would be the 
appropriate one for the templating block?

Reinhard Pötz   Independant Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach 

{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}

Re: [RT] Moving blocks out of the core

2005-02-14 Thread Reinhard Poetz
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
The more I think about it, I come to the conclusion that moving the 
blocks out of the core seems to be a good way to procede.
(Moving files with SVN is easy and the history etc. is preserved).
(Of course we should only move things for 2.2 - 2.1.x should be left 

Now one benefit of course is that our core gets smaller, but that's not 
really a reason to move things.

But if we move the blocks, we *have to* think about a simple but working 
solution for configuration and dependencies.

What do you think about the following idea:
- Each block has the same structure as it has now, so we just move things.
- We don't care which build system is used to build a block.
- The result of a block build is a war file (cocoon block archive)
- We change *our* blocks to use maven
- We provide a simple deploy tool (ant task, maven plugin whatever) that 
takes a cocoon block archive and simply extracts it's content into the 
webapp directory (libs go to WEB-INF/lib etc.) - No hot deployment for now.
- We require that each block has a configuration file for components 
that is in the xconf directory and this file is named "BLOCKNAME.xconf".
- The component configuration file includes all "*.xconf" files of the 
blocks required - no auto configuration for now.
- Each block has an own gump descriptor and we could use this descriptor 
to add the dependencies to the xconf.
- We provide a simple possibility that builds all available blocks (like 
we do today) and deploys them into the webapp. This ensures that apart 
from checking out, building a full cocoon (or a version with selected 
blocks) is still as easy as it is today.

I think these are minimal changes that can be done very quickly.
Using own blocks is simple as well: build an archive and use the deploy 
Look at, which 
provides nearly everything you describe above. Additionally it resolves 
dependencies between blocks which makes it possible to work on a single block 
without taking care of other, non-related blocks.

The only prerequisite is a descriptor file like block.xml that consists of
 - general meta information (author, license, ...)
 - required blocks
 - required libraries
block.xml is versioned by a doctype like 
This information isn't useful right now  but will help the future 
Block*Deployer* to indentify if a block and a Cocoon core version fit together.

If nobody objects I would setup the BlockBuilder for Cocoon 2.2 and for the 
portal block (+ all blocks it depends on) over the next weekend. Afterwards we 
can evaluate if _we_ like it or not.

Until  now I've hesitated to propose using the BlockBuilder because I've thought 
that it requires a fully useable deployment tool. But if we follow Carsten's 
idea of a simple deployment tool (unpacking) this isn't a problem any more.

Reinhard Pötz   Independant Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach 

{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}

Re: [RT] Moving blocks out of the core

2005-02-14 Thread Reinhard Poetz
Ralph Goers wrote:
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
The more I think about it, I come to the conclusion that moving the 
blocks out of the core seems to be a good way to procede.
(Moving files with SVN is easy and the history etc. is preserved).
(Of course we should only move things for 2.2 - 2.1.x should be left 

Now one benefit of course is that our core gets smaller, but that's 
not really a reason to move things.

What exactly does this mean?  That the cocoon download does not contain 
any blocks? 
It's too early for this step. This requires a working distribution mechanism 
(see the BlockDeployer -->

 If users have to now selectively download blocks in
addition to the cocoon core I think you'll just end up with a bunch of 
frustrated users.  If, on the other hand, the core consisted of little 
more than what is needed to build the webapp and downloaded all the jars 
for the blocks then you'd have something.
I propose having a very small distribution (Cocoon core + core blocks which are 
IMO CocoonForms, Templating and JavaFlow) and a complete distribution with all 
blocks included.

Reinhard Pötz   Independant Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach 

{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}

Re: Real blocks - What have we reached so far?

2005-02-14 Thread Reinhard Poetz
Pier Fumagalli wrote:
On 13 Feb 2005, at 15:39, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
There is one question we have to ask ourselves: what is the target 
release for real blocks? I think we agreed that it is *not* 2.2, so 
I'm not sure if we should introduce the blocks.xml in 2.2. I see the 
potential danger that this is a signal to introduce blocks in 2.2 
already and then this might delay a first release of 2.2 for a long time.

Nah, I wouldn't feel they're an appropriate target for 2.2. 
That is Carsten's and my opinion too.
there's still a _lot_ to think about the structure of "real" blocks and 
how that impacts cocoon
can you elaborate on "a _lot_"? I'm Just curious to get a sense of the to be 
expected workload :-)

Reinhard Pötz   Independant Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach 

{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}

Re: Adding the sitemap path to Cocoon's Request object

2005-02-14 Thread Reinhard Poetz
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
Gianugo Rabellino wrote:
On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 09:29:08 +0100, Carsten Ziegeler
Gianugo Rabellino wrote:
I am very bad in naming
stuff, but I would say that something like getSitemapPath() could do 

Hmm, did you have a look at the Request interface in 2.2:
String getSitemapPath();
Is this what you're looking for :)

D'OH! OK, I'm going to write 200 times "every committer is supposed to
check out 2.2 as well" as a punishment.
So, let's change the question: what's wrong in backporting this
functionality to 2.1?
:) My opinion is we shouldn't change contracts in maintenance releases.
As backporting would change the request interface, I think we shouldn't 
do it. If we change contracts inbetween, we could imho just skip the 
versioning schema and simply use month/year as the release version :)
But that's just my opinion about it.
Reinhard Pötz   Independant Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach 

{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}

cocoon-reload bug

2005-02-14 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
latest checkout from 2.2, turn "allow-reload" true in web.xml and when I 
hit a page with 'cocoon-reload=true' I get an IllegalStateException:

  The cocoon-ehcache-4 Cache is not alive.
which goes away as soon as I reload it.
I can't be the only one hitting this how do you guys develop on 
cocoon without reloading?


Re: Status new Cocoon documentation

2005-02-14 Thread David Crossley
Reinhard Poetz wrote:
> Last week Upayavira and I spent some time to overhaul the structure of the 
> two
> document repositories:
> -
> -
> We think that it covers all Cocoon relevant topics and is a good starting 
> point
> to evaluate and move over all existing documents. As this will be a lot of 
> work
> we need all the help we can get.
> Check out what 
> you
> have to do actually.
> Apart from helping to move over docs into our new repositories, my next 
> steps
> are to:
> 1. finish my work on forrest repositories (comment and metadata part)
> 2. make the two repositories (currently they are in
>http://svn.a.o/r/a(cocoon/whiteboard/doc-repos) the official doc 
>of Cocoon 2.2 and move them over to the appropriate places (I will call 
>for a
>vote on this very soon)

Here is one thing that i cannot grasp yet:
How will the automatically generated "Sitemap Component Documentation"
(i.e. the old /userdocs/) fit in with these static repositories?
Currently we need to run 'build docs' to prepare them, then do 'forrest'.


> 3. call for help on [EMAIL PROTECTED] (writing docs)
> 4. work the online editor for docs (Jeremy, thanks again for your work on 
> how
>to access SVN using webdav!!!)
> -- 
> Reinhard P?tz   Independant Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach
> {Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}

Re: svn commit: r151736 - in cocoon/trunk: ./ lib/ lib/optional/ src/blocks/javaflow/ src/blocks/javaflow/WEB-INF/xconf/ src/blocks/javaflow/java/org/apache/cocoon/components/flow/java/ src/blocks/javaflow/samples/ src/blocks/paranoid/java/org/apache/cocoon/servlet/ src/webapp/WEB-INF/ src/webapp/WEB-INF/compile/ src/webapp/WEB-INF/compile/org/ src/webapp/WEB-INF/compile/org/apache/cocoon/components/flow/java/ src/webapp/WEB-INF/compile/org/apache/cocoon/forms/flow/java/ src/webapp/WEB-INF/compile/org/apache/cocoon/samples/flow/java/ src/webapp/WEB-INF/src/

2005-02-14 Thread Torsten Curdt
cocoon/trunk/lib/optional/commons-javaflow-0.1-dev.jar   (with props)
cocoon/trunk/lib/optional/commons-jci-0.1-dev.jar   (with props)

Snapshot jars should have timestamp in the file name, as we agreed (and
for SVN snapshots, imho, revision number).
Sorry, I am a lazy bastard ;-)
...will fix that on the next upgrade.
I think using a revision number makes
the most sense. We should use this approach
for all snapshot jars that come from svn.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [2.2] Proxies for pooled components

2005-02-14 Thread Sylvain Wallez
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
Sylvain Wallez wrote:
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
Sylvain Wallez wrote:
First question, but not the one you expected ;-)

:( ;)
Can you explain what these proxies are for exactly? Is it to avoid 
lookup/release at each usage? If yes, how/when are the components 
actually put back in the pool (sorry, not much time to look at the 
code ATM)?

Oh, sure, totally forgot about it: yes, the proxies manage the 
lookup/release. When you look up a pooled component, you get a 
proxy. The first time, you invoke a method on this proxy, the real 
component is looked up inside proxy and then used. The component is 
stored locally in the proxy and the proxy uses a thread local 
variable. So if different threads use the same proxy, they get 
different instances. If there were two lookups, two proxies are 
created and each proxy has its own thread local.

And what if there are several lookups for the same role within the 
same thread? Is the same component used? 
No no, it is not - these are different components.
> That may lead to strange behaviours
with stateful components (and if they are pooled, it's because they 
are stateful), as the state will be shared between the different 
usage locations of the component, which are very likely to not know 
each other.

As these are different components, I don't see a problem here.
This is certainly an interesting feature, but I'm not sure it will be 
usable with that many components.

WDYT? Do you have some uses cases?
Sure: developing an own thread safe component that uses other 
components. With proxies you can simply lookup all components in the 
service() method and use them.
Without proxies you can lookup other thread safe components in 
service() but pooled components have to be looked up each time they're 

I see. So there's a different proxy returned at each call to lookup(), 
and that proxy has its own ThreadLocal to track actual components. IIRC, 
Hivemind provides this. Don't know about Spring, but it certainly could 
be done with a custom BeanFactory.

So this simplifies component development. And as I indicated, it also 
opens the road for constructor/setter based injection as injected 
components need to be thread safe.

I remember of some people having some OutOfMemoryError exceptions when 
using some RequestLifeCycle components in complicated pipelines 
involving many subrequests, because the RLC components weren't released 
even if they actually were no more useful. Automatic pool management may 
lead to the same kind of problems, don't you think?

Or what we need is that the proxy tracks some methods that indicate end 
of use of the proxied component that can then go back to the pool before 
the end of the request (e.g. connection.close() or 

But all this will complexify a lot the small CoreManager and I'm 
wondering if this is a good idea to write yet another dependency 
injection container when some widely used ones already exist. Ask Ugo, 
which one he prefers ;-)

Usually pooled components are not thread safe, proxied pooled 
components are.

Yup. Cool.
Sylvain Wallez  Anyware Technologies
{ XML, Java, Cocoon, OpenSource }*{ Training, Consulting, Projects }

Re: [2.2] Proxies for pooled components

2005-02-14 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Sylvain Wallez wrote:
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
Sylvain Wallez wrote:
First question, but not the one you expected ;-)

:( ;)
Can you explain what these proxies are for exactly? Is it to avoid 
lookup/release at each usage? If yes, how/when are the components 
actually put back in the pool (sorry, not much time to look at the 
code ATM)?

Oh, sure, totally forgot about it: yes, the proxies manage the 
lookup/release. When you look up a pooled component, you get a proxy. 
The first time, you invoke a method on this proxy, the real component 
is looked up inside proxy and then used. The component is stored 
locally in the proxy and the proxy uses a thread local variable. So if 
different threads use the same proxy, they get different instances. If 
there were two lookups, two proxies are created and each proxy has its 
own thread local.

And what if there are several lookups for the same role within the same 
thread? Is the same component used? 
No no, it is not - these are different components.
> That may lead to strange behaviours
with stateful components (and if they are pooled, it's because they are 
stateful), as the state will be shared between the different usage 
locations of the component, which are very likely to not know each other.

As these are different components, I don't see a problem here.
This is certainly an interesting feature, but I'm not sure it will be 
usable with that many components.

WDYT? Do you have some uses cases?
Sure: developing an own thread safe component that uses other 
components. With proxies you can simply lookup all components in the 
service() method and use them.
Without proxies you can lookup other thread safe components in service() 
but pooled components have to be looked up each time they're used.
So this simplifies component development. And as I indicated, it also 
opens the road for constructor/setter based injection as injected 
components need to be thread safe. Usually pooled components are not 
thread safe, proxied pooled components are.

Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, S&N AG

Re: [2.2] Proxies for pooled components

2005-02-14 Thread Sylvain Wallez
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
Sylvain Wallez wrote:
First question, but not the one you expected ;-)
:( ;)
Can you explain what these proxies are for exactly? Is it to avoid 
lookup/release at each usage? If yes, how/when are the components 
actually put back in the pool (sorry, not much time to look at the 
code ATM)?

Oh, sure, totally forgot about it: yes, the proxies manage the 
lookup/release. When you look up a pooled component, you get a proxy. 
The first time, you invoke a method on this proxy, the real component 
is looked up inside proxy and then used. The component is stored 
locally in the proxy and the proxy uses a thread local variable. So if 
different threads use the same proxy, they get different instances. If 
there were two lookups, two proxies are created and each proxy has its 
own thread local.

And what if there are several lookups for the same role within the same 
thread? Is the same component used? That may lead to strange behaviours 
with stateful components (and if they are pooled, it's because they are 
stateful), as the state will be shared between the different usage 
locations of the component, which are very likely to not know each other.

This is certainly an interesting feature, but I'm not sure it will be 
usable with that many components.

WDYT? Do you have some uses cases?
Sylvain Wallez  Anyware Technologies
{ XML, Java, Cocoon, OpenSource }*{ Training, Consulting, Projects }

Re: CForms: ScriptableWidget?

2005-02-14 Thread Sylvain Wallez
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
I'm wondering if we need the ScriptableWidget class? We recently 
decided to not support the syntactic sugar flow could provide. I can't 
find any reference where this class is used. So can we just delete it?

It's used in Form.js for form.model. The trick (or hack, or 
inconsistency) is that
in Form.js defines a JS class named "Widget" (see 

This class will go away with form.model.
Sylvain Wallez  Anyware Technologies
{ XML, Java, Cocoon, OpenSource }*{ Training, Consulting, Projects }

Re: [RT] Moving blocks out of the core

2005-02-14 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz
Le 14 févr. 05, à 11:14, Carsten Ziegeler a écrit :
...I think these are minimal changes that can be done very quickly...
Then big +1, having a smaller core is also important for the 
*perception* of Cocoon being the lean and mean tool that it is.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

DO NOT REPLY [Bug 33569] New: - Five Star Alliance -- Search and Book the World's Finest Hotels

2005-02-14 Thread bugzilla

   Summary: Five Star Alliance --
Search and Book the World's Finest Hotels
   Product: Cocoon 2
   Version: Current SVN 2.2
  Platform: All
OS/Version: All
Status: NEW
  Severity: enhancement
  Priority: P2
 Component: Documentation

Title: Five Star Alliance -- Search and Book the World's Finest Hotels

Description: Online Luxury Hotel Reservation Service

Quoin built a sophisticated ecommerce site for Five Star Alliance, an online
service to search and book luxury hotel travel. We collaborated with the client
to produce a site that exhibits extraordinary performance and a user-friendly
design. The prominent features of the site include intuitve tools for searching
luxury hotels by name, location, features, and amenities. A "Virtual Travel
Agent" is also available to guide users through a step-by-step process for
finding a hotel..

Our project team worked with the client to implement a range of techniques for
search engine optimization, including generating metadata from dynamic page
content, creating search results pages which can be cached, and using simple
static URIs to support page indexing. A key part of the system architecture was
integration with a third-party information service, which required use of an
XML-based API for requesting hotel information, rates, and reservations.

The 15-week project demonstrated our capability to provide on-time delivery of a
fixed-cost project. Quoin continues to implement enhancements and give ongoing
support for this system.

Technologies: J2EE, Apache Cocoon, CForms, JUnit, CSS, Javascript, XHTML,
PostgresSQL, Apache Ant, CVS, Quoin Delivery Process

Please contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Configure bugmail:
--- You are receiving this mail because: ---
You are the assignee for the bug, or are watching the assignee.

Re: [OT] Personal news

2005-02-14 Thread Reinhard Poetz
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
Sylvain Wallez wrote:
Reinhard Poetz wrote:
As some of you have asked me off-list about my job and my plans I 
want to answer in public. In October last year I quit my job at my 
former company (a SAP consulting company where I worked as freelancer 
about 20 hours a week) and I decided to concentrate 100 % on 
training, consulting and coaching services around web applications 
(especially Cocoon and J2EE), software engineering and incorporating 
open source.
There are some further plans but they need more time before they are 
ready to be announced in public :-)

This (my current work _and_ my future plans) also means that I can 
dedicate much more time to the Cocoon project. Look at to find out more about my 
current plans. I'm trying to keep this document up to date.

If you want to find out more about my work or me, have a look at my 
new website (it's running on Cocoon 2.2) and my weblog 

I wish you the best for this job, and I'm happy that it will allow you 
to get more involved in Cocoon!
Not a job in the meaning of working for an employer but as independant 
consultant/trainer/coach :-)

Same here!
Thank you all!
Reinhard Pötz   Independant Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach 

{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}

Re: [OT] Personal news

2005-02-14 Thread Reinhard Poetz
Gianugo Rabellino wrote:
On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 09:43:21 +0100, Bertrand Delacretaz
Le 14 févr. 05, à 09:40, Sylvain Wallez a écrit :
...Subscribed? I can't find the RSS feed. Reinhard?
hmmm...Monday over there hey?
Look under "All channels that you can subscribe. [RSS]"

It has to be monday over here as well. This is my source of the
snippet, nothing I can really use:
All channels that you can subscribe. [RSS]
And, meanwhile, all my best wishes as well Reinhard :-)
Really strange. Maybe a Xalan bug because a stylesheet rewrites all links. 
Anyway, should be the link you're looking 
for. has a list with all available channels.
Reinhard Pötz   Independant Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach 

{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}

CForms: ScriptableWidget?

2005-02-14 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
I'm wondering if we need the ScriptableWidget class? We recently decided 
to not support the syntactic sugar flow could provide. I can't find any 
reference where this class is used. So can we just delete it?

Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, S&N AG

Re: [RT] Moving blocks out of the core

2005-02-14 Thread Reinhard Poetz
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
The more I think about it, I come to the conclusion that moving the 
blocks out of the core seems to be a good way to procede.
(Moving files with SVN is easy and the history etc. is preserved).
(Of course we should only move things for 2.2 - 2.1.x should be left 

Now one benefit of course is that our core gets smaller, but that's not 
really a reason to move things.

But if we move the blocks, we *have to* think about a simple but working 
solution for configuration and dependencies.

What do you think about the following idea:
- Each block has the same structure as it has now, so we just move things.
- We don't care which build system is used to build a block.
- The result of a block build is a war file (cocoon block archive)
- We change *our* blocks to use maven
- We provide a simple deploy tool (ant task, maven plugin whatever) that 
takes a cocoon block archive and simply extracts it's content into the 
webapp directory (libs go to WEB-INF/lib etc.) - No hot deployment for now.
- We require that each block has a configuration file for components 
that is in the xconf directory and this file is named "BLOCKNAME.xconf".
- The component configuration file includes all "*.xconf" files of the 
blocks required - no auto configuration for now.
- Each block has an own gump descriptor and we could use this descriptor 
to add the dependencies to the xconf.
- We provide a simple possibility that builds all available blocks (like 
we do today) and deploys them into the webapp. This ensures that apart 
from checking out, building a full cocoon (or a version with selected 
blocks) is still as easy as it is today.

I think these are minimal changes that can be done very quickly.
Using own blocks is simple as well: build an archive and use the deploy 

I'm going to comment on this tomorrow.
Reinhard Pötz   Independant Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach 

{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}

DO NOT REPLY [Bug 33545] - [Enh] Make StatusGenerator show Cocoon version information

2005-02-14 Thread bugzilla

--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2005-02-14 17:38 ---
In the case of the libraries it is harder. Not all jars have in MANIFEST.MF the
version number. Also is important to note that the user can use saxon. The
question here is if JAXP allow us to retrieve the name and version of the
current Java XSLT Procesor. The same apply to Xerces.

Configure bugmail:
--- You are receiving this mail because: ---
You are the assignee for the bug, or are watching the assignee.
You are on the CC list for the bug, or are watching someone who is.

Re: [RT] Moving blocks out of the core

2005-02-14 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
The more I think about it, I come to the conclusion that moving the 
blocks out of the core seems to be a good way to procede.
(Moving files with SVN is easy and the history etc. is preserved).
(Of course we should only move things for 2.2 - 2.1.x should be left 

Now one benefit of course is that our core gets smaller, but that's not 
really a reason to move things.

But if we move the blocks, we *have to* think about a simple but working 
solution for configuration and dependencies.

What do you think about the following idea:
- Each block has the same structure as it has now, so we just move things.
- We don't care which build system is used to build a block.
- The result of a block build is a war file (cocoon block archive)
- We change *our* blocks to use maven
- We provide a simple deploy tool (ant task, maven plugin whatever) that 
takes a cocoon block archive and simply extracts it's content into the 
webapp directory (libs go to WEB-INF/lib etc.) - No hot deployment for now.
- We require that each block has a configuration file for components 
that is in the xconf directory and this file is named "BLOCKNAME.xconf".
- The component configuration file includes all "*.xconf" files of the 
blocks required - no auto configuration for now.
- Each block has an own gump descriptor and we could use this descriptor 
to add the dependencies to the xconf.
- We provide a simple possibility that builds all available blocks (like 
we do today) and deploys them into the webapp. This ensures that apart 
from checking out, building a full cocoon (or a version with selected 
blocks) is still as easy as it is today.

I think these are minimal changes that can be done very quickly.
Using own blocks is simple as well: build an archive and use the deploy 

Re: [RT] Moving blocks out of the core

2005-02-14 Thread Gregor J. Rothfuss
Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
And hopefully people that develops external blocks e.g. Stefano with 
Linotype and maybe the Forrest and Lenya communities will be active in 
geting the requirements right.
we'll try ;) we don't have our build system split into blocks yet 
though. one thing i noticed yesterday that would be useful for lenya if 
the test helper classes were available as a jar (we probably will start 
using ContainerTestCase and SitemapComponentTestCase)

i like the rest of the ideas.
Gregor J. Rothfuss
COO, Wyona   Content Management Solutions
Apache Lenya

Re: [RT] Moving blocks out of the core

2005-02-14 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Ralph Goers wrote:
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
The more I think about it, I come to the conclusion that moving the 
blocks out of the core seems to be a good way to procede.
(Moving files with SVN is easy and the history etc. is preserved).
(Of course we should only move things for 2.2 - 2.1.x should be left 

Now one benefit of course is that our core gets smaller, but that's 
not really a reason to move things.

What exactly does this mean?  That the cocoon download does not contain 
any blocks?  If users have to now selectively download blocks in 
addition to the cocoon core I think you'll just end up with a bunch of 
frustrated users.  If, on the other hand, the core consisted of little 
more than what is needed to build the webapp and downloaded all the jars 
for the blocks then you'd have something.

This RT is not about the release; it's just about a structure that might 
help us in building Cocoon and to prepare everything for the great real 
blocks. So, when it comes to a release we have to decide what the 
release will look like. We could e.g. provide two release: a minimal 
Cocoon - just the core, and a full Cocoon containing in addition all 
stable blocks etc. But imho this is a different issue.

Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, S&N AG

[ann] Open Source CMS Daisy 1.2 released

2005-02-14 Thread Steven Noels
Adding onto the Valentine's Day festivities, Outerthought released 
Daisy 1.2 today. Daisy is an Open Source content management system, 
composed of a standalone, ReST-accessible repository server, and a 
powerful, Cocoon-based Wiki-on-steroids editing and publishing 

New in this release are:
In the Daisy Wiki:
* an easy-to-use graphical site navigation tree editor to define site 
hierarchies and navigation
* user self-registration with password and account reminder
* a general document commenting facility with public and private 
* enhanced support for human-readable website URLs

In the repository:
* comprehensive support for arbitrary-sized document parts (or 
"BLOBs"), with streaming support both on front- and backend (making 
Daisy capable of hosting media libraries)
* generalized database access layer to easily run Daisy on top of any 
standards-conforming relational database engine
* improved full-text indexing support for MS Office document formats

And of course, many other minor feature enhancements, issue fixes and 
performance improvements have been implemented as well.

For the next release (summer 2005), planned features are:
* publish-only website publishing for easy publication of non-editable 
Daisy sites (using the Wiki as a powerful editing application)
* Daisy Books: management and production of manuals and paper 
* more sophisticated repository versioning and querying
* support for facetted classification and navigation using Daisy's 
metadata support
* furthermore, we expect to upgrade Daisy's internals to reflect the 
current state of the art in component containers and messaging 

Daisy is available under the Apache License 2.0 from, with commercial support services available 


Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java & XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: [RT] Moving blocks out of the core

2005-02-14 Thread Ralph Goers
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
The more I think about it, I come to the conclusion that moving the 
blocks out of the core seems to be a good way to procede.
(Moving files with SVN is easy and the history etc. is preserved).
(Of course we should only move things for 2.2 - 2.1.x should be left 

Now one benefit of course is that our core gets smaller, but that's 
not really a reason to move things.

What exactly does this mean?  That the cocoon download does not contain 
any blocks?  If users have to now selectively download blocks in 
addition to the cocoon core I think you'll just end up with a bunch of 
frustrated users.  If, on the other hand, the core consisted of little 
more than what is needed to build the webapp and downloaded all the jars 
for the blocks then you'd have something.


Re: Real blocks - What have we reached so far?

2005-02-14 Thread Vadim Gritsenko
Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
It seem like Vadim have started the work in among other places 
o.a.c.components.treeprocessor.sitemap.SitemapLanguage, what is the 
current state Vadim?

You are probably referring to the changes for VPCs. Status as well as code 
is here:
Status is "simple example works, more work in TODOs"

Re: [2.2] Proxies for pooled components

2005-02-14 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Sylvain Wallez wrote:
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

First question, but not the one you expected ;-)
:( ;)
Can you explain what these proxies are for exactly? Is it to avoid 
lookup/release at each usage? If yes, how/when are the components 
actually put back in the pool (sorry, not much time to look at the code 

Oh, sure, totally forgot about it: yes, the proxies manage the 
lookup/release. When you look up a pooled component, you get a proxy. 
The first time, you invoke a method on this proxy, the real component is 
looked up inside proxy and then used. The component is stored locally in 
the proxy and the proxy uses a thread local variable. So if different 
threads use the same proxy, they get different instances. If there were 
two lookups, two proxies are created and each proxy has its own thread 
Everything is cleaned up by the end of the request.

Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, S&N AG

Re: [vote] Removing ScriptableWidget in CForms

2005-02-14 Thread Leszek Gawron
Sylvain Wallez wrote:
Hi all,
When removing all restrictions on the FOM (cocoon.request, 
cocoon.session, etc) compared to it's Java equivalent, we also decided 
to simply use a standard Rhino wrappper around the regular Java objects, 
and abandon the specific wrappers that provide more confusion than real 
added value.

Such specific JS wrappers also exist in CForms through the "form.model" 
construct which uses ScriptableWidget. Regular Rhino wrappers are also 
available using form.lookupWidget().

So I'd like to remove "form.model" so that we only have the regular 
wrappers, in the same way that we decided for the FOM: issue a 
deprecation warning 2.1.7 and remove in 2.2.

Please cast your votes.
Here's my +1.
+1. form.model was not exposed in javascript event handlers and this 
usually led to confusion.

Leszek Gawron MobileBox

RE: Dependencies

2005-02-14 Thread eric . jacob
I wrote a wiki page on that topic shortly after it was discussed on the
user mailing list.

Hope this help.


PS: Sorry for my bad English.

> -Original Message-
> From: Stefano Mazzocchi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2005 7:27 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Dependencies
> Ralph Goers wrote:
> > I believe what you are suggesting would require that the Cocoon
build be
> > converted to use Maven.  While I personally would welcome that, this
> > been discussed before and for some reason several committers won't
> > support that. Sorry.
> I was the one pushing back for that.
> Since then I've taken a deep review of Maven and I like some of the
> archiectural concepts.
> So, saying "no way" is a little bit too much. I would welcome if
> somebody tried and did it and it worked.
> But I have no energy/time/will/itch-to-scratch to do it myself.
> Hope this helps clarifying my position.
> --
> Stefano.

Re: [RT] Moving blocks out of the core

2005-02-14 Thread Daniel Fagerstrom
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
The more I think about it, I come to the conclusion that moving the 
blocks out of the core seems to be a good way to procede.
(Moving files with SVN is easy and the history etc. is preserved).
(Of course we should only move things for 2.2 - 2.1.x should be left 

Now one benefit of course is that our core gets smaller, but that's 
not really a reason to move things.

But if we move the blocks, we *have to* think about a simple but 
working solution for configuration and dependencies.
And hopefully people that develops external blocks e.g. Stefano with 
Linotype and maybe the Forrest and Lenya communities will be active in 
geting the requirements right.

What do you think about the following idea:
- Each block has the same structure as it has now, so we just move 
Yes, some handling of tags and branches of the invidual blocks are 
needed though.

- We don't care which build system is used to build a block.
- The result of a block build is a war file (cocoon block archive)
- We change *our* blocks to use maven
+0, seem like a separate concern to me, or will it simplify things?
- We provide a simple deploy tool (ant task, maven plugin whatever) 
that takes a cocoon block archive and simply extracts it's content 
into the webapp directory (libs go to WEB-INF/lib etc.) - No hot 
deployment for now.
- We require that each block has a configuration file for components 
that is in the xconf directory and this file is named "BLOCKNAME.xconf".
- The component configuration file includes all "*.xconf" files of the 
blocks required - no auto configuration for now.
- Each block has an own gump descriptor and we could use this 
descriptor to add the dependencies to the xconf.
Would prefer if it was synchronized with Reinhard's work, but its as 
always up to the implementor to decide wats worthwhile.

- We provide a simple possibility that builds all available blocks 
(like we do today) and deploys them into the webapp. This ensures that 
apart from checking out, building a full cocoon (or a version with 
selected blocks) is still as easy as it is today.
I think these are minimal changes that can be done very quickly.
Please go ahead, IMO this is far more important than everything else on 
our todo lists. I think this will lead to all kinds of positive things 
for making development more scalable, community groth, decreasing 
percieved complexity, make it easier to decrease real complexity ;) etc.

Using own blocks is simple as well: build an archive and use the 
deploy task.


Re: [2.2] Proxies for pooled components

2005-02-14 Thread Sylvain Wallez
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
I just finished the work on creating proxies for pooled components. 
Now this is a feature that was missing in Avalon since it's creation.

Why? In theory the client code for components should not need to know 
if the component it uses are thread safe or pooled. In fact if you're 
developing a thread safe component, you need to know if the components 
you're using are thread safe or not. In the first case, you can simply 
look them up in service(), in the latter you have to lookup the 
component (and release it) each time you use the component.

So, finally I added the creation of proxies to our core. This is 
transparent to the client code and from a user POV you don't have to 
change anything. Now you can simply look up all components in 
service() and everything should work fine - the code isn't tested that 
much, but seems to work. Enabling it will hopefully find all open issues.

I guess that one of the first replies to this mail will be someone 
stepping up and telling that pooled components are bad anyway and we 
should use a factory approach for pooled components (this would also 
reduce configuration time) etc. I'm not against doing that, but pooled 
components are realitity *today* and it's really annoying while 
implementing own thread safe components to take care of this issues. 
With proxies these problems go away.

First question, but not the one you expected ;-)
Can you explain what these proxies are for exactly? Is it to avoid 
lookup/release at each usage? If yes, how/when are the components 
actually put back in the pool (sorry, not much time to look at the code 

Sylvain Wallez  Anyware Technologies
{ XML, Java, Cocoon, OpenSource }*{ Training, Consulting, Projects }

Re: Real blocks - What have we reached so far?

2005-02-14 Thread Pier Fumagalli
On 13 Feb 2005, at 15:39, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
There is one question we have to ask ourselves: what is the target 
release for real blocks? I think we agreed that it is *not* 2.2, so 
I'm not sure if we should introduce the blocks.xml in 2.2. I see the 
potential danger that this is a signal to introduce blocks in 2.2 
already and then this might delay a first release of 2.2 for a long 
Nah, I wouldn't feel they're an appropriate target for 2.2. IMVHO 
there's still a _lot_ to think about the structure of "real" blocks and 
how that impacts cocoon

Being (probably) the only user of the kernel ATM, there are still 
several issues that personally I feel must be fixed, in the core of the 
idea of blocks themselves... I can't yet quite put my finger on what's 
wrong, but definitely there is something in the current code I don't 
like, something structurally flawed...

But that's only my 0.02 £...

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

DO NOT REPLY [Bug 33556] New: - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException using string(.) .

2005-02-14 Thread bugzilla

   Summary: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException using string(.) .
   Product: Cocoon 2
   Version: 2.1.6
  Platform: PC
OS/Version: Linux
  Severity: normal
  Priority: P2
 Component: general components

When using string(.) in dynamicaly generated xsl, it raise a

using document(.) is not working neither, even if when giving full cocoon:/ uri,
it work well.

platform is newly installed debian sarge.

Cocoon 2.1.6  installed on debian Tomcat 4.1.31-2

Cocoon policy in tomcat : 
grant {

Sitemap : 








conf_to_xsl.xsl"; version="1.0"



























An Error Occurred

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1

org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Error executing pipeline.:
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1

cause: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1

full exception chain stacktrace[hide]

org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Error executing pipeline.:
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1

[RT] Moving blocks out of the core

2005-02-14 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
The more I think about it, I come to the conclusion that moving the 
blocks out of the core seems to be a good way to procede.
(Moving files with SVN is easy and the history etc. is preserved).
(Of course we should only move things for 2.2 - 2.1.x should be left 

Now one benefit of course is that our core gets smaller, but that's not 
really a reason to move things.

But if we move the blocks, we *have to* think about a simple but working 
solution for configuration and dependencies.

What do you think about the following idea:
- Each block has the same structure as it has now, so we just move things.
- We don't care which build system is used to build a block.
- The result of a block build is a war file (cocoon block archive)
- We change *our* blocks to use maven
- We provide a simple deploy tool (ant task, maven plugin whatever) that 
takes a cocoon block archive and simply extracts it's content into the 
webapp directory (libs go to WEB-INF/lib etc.) - No hot deployment for now.
- We require that each block has a configuration file for components 
that is in the xconf directory and this file is named "BLOCKNAME.xconf".
- The component configuration file includes all "*.xconf" files of the 
blocks required - no auto configuration for now.
- Each block has an own gump descriptor and we could use this descriptor 
to add the dependencies to the xconf.
- We provide a simple possibility that builds all available blocks (like 
we do today) and deploys them into the webapp. This ensures that apart 
from checking out, building a full cocoon (or a version with selected 
blocks) is still as easy as it is today.

I think these are minimal changes that can be done very quickly.
Using own blocks is simple as well: build an archive and use the deploy 

Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, S&N AG

DO NOT REPLY [Bug 33545] - [Enh] Make StatusGenerator show Cocoon version information

2005-02-14 Thread bugzilla

--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2005-02-14 11:03 ---
First of all, sorry, I overlooked that the Cocoon version had been added
December 22nd. I was accidentally trying with the 2.1.6 release which did not
yet have it in.

But it's true, besides the Cocoon version (which is quite important and basic
info if you look at a server from the outside) it would make sense to know the
versions of libraries. I have mentioned Xerces and Xalan for their prominent
role, but I still wonder if we could just use the Classloader to iterate all JAR
files and expose version information from the Manifest (if it is in there).

Configure bugmail:
--- You are receiving this mail because: ---
You are the assignee for the bug, or are watching the assignee.
You are on the CC list for the bug, or are watching someone who is.

Re: Adding the sitemap path to Cocoon's Request object

2005-02-14 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Gianugo Rabellino wrote:
On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 09:29:08 +0100, Carsten Ziegeler
Gianugo Rabellino wrote:
I am very bad in naming
stuff, but I would say that something like getSitemapPath() could do the
Hmm, did you have a look at the Request interface in 2.2:
String getSitemapPath();
Is this what you're looking for :)

D'OH! OK, I'm going to write 200 times "every committer is supposed to
check out 2.2 as well" as a punishment.
So, let's change the question: what's wrong in backporting this
functionality to 2.1?
:) My opinion is we shouldn't change contracts in maintenance releases. 
As backporting would change the request interface, I think we shouldn't 
do it. If we change contracts inbetween, we could imho just skip the 
versioning schema and simply use month/year as the release version :)
But that's just my opinion about it.

Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, S&N AG

[2.2] Proxies for pooled components

2005-02-14 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
I just finished the work on creating proxies for pooled components. Now 
this is a feature that was missing in Avalon since it's creation.

Why? In theory the client code for components should not need to know if 
the component it uses are thread safe or pooled. In fact if you're 
developing a thread safe component, you need to know if the components 
you're using are thread safe or not. In the first case, you can simply 
look them up in service(), in the latter you have to lookup the 
component (and release it) each time you use the component.

So, finally I added the creation of proxies to our core. This is 
transparent to the client code and from a user POV you don't have to 
change anything. Now you can simply look up all components in service() 
and everything should work fine - the code isn't tested that much, but 
seems to work. Enabling it will hopefully find all open issues.

I guess that one of the first replies to this mail will be someone 
stepping up and telling that pooled components are bad anyway and we 
should use a factory approach for pooled components (this would also 
reduce configuration time) etc. I'm not against doing that, but pooled 
components are realitity *today* and it's really annoying while 
implementing own thread safe components to take care of this issues. 
With proxies these problems go away.

Additionally, proxies for pooled components open the road for 
setter/construction based injection, perhaps we will use that in the 

Of course, there is one drawback with proxied components: performance. I 
 haven't done any tests there, but imho it's more important to have a 
working implementation than to have a buggy one that is a little bit faster.
Anyways, it is possible to avoid creating proxies for pooled components 
if you think it's useful for your component. By specifing the
attribute "model" with the value "non-thread-safe-pooled", no proxy is 
created and the old behaviour is used:

A further optimization is that all sitemap components (generators, 
transformers, serializers, readers and pipelines) are used "the old way" 
: no proxy is created for them as they are dynamically assembled on each 

Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, S&N AG

Re: [OT] Personal news

2005-02-14 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz
Le 14 févr. 05, à 09:56, Gianugo Rabellino a écrit :
...It has to be monday over here as well. This is my source of the
snippet, nothing I can really use:
All channels that you can subscribe. [RSS]
Funny, here it is channels that you can 
subscribe. [RSS]

So a link to

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [OT] Personal news

2005-02-14 Thread Gianugo Rabellino
On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 09:43:21 +0100, Bertrand Delacretaz
> Le 14 févr. 05, à 09:40, Sylvain Wallez a écrit :
> > ...Subscribed? I can't find the RSS feed. Reinhard?
> hmmm...Monday over there hey?
> Look under "All channels that you can subscribe. [RSS]"
> at

It has to be monday over here as well. This is my source of the
snippet, nothing I can really use:

All channels that you can subscribe. [RSS]

And, meanwhile, all my best wishes as well Reinhard :-)

Gianugo Rabellino
Pro-netics s.r.l. -
Orixo, the XML business alliance:
(blogging at

Re: Dependencies

2005-02-14 Thread Mark Lowe
I pretty much use maven.xml much like a build.xml and have hadn't any
real issues, you don't even need to use the ant tags namespace.

Its not a question of maven, the problem I'm trying to get around is a
checkout and build style build with no additional hoops to jump
through. I know you guys seem to think that cocoon is in someway a
better kettle of fish to struts, but checkout struts out of cvs and
build "look no hoops!!!". The "don't let you friends commit to
projects" or something to that effect I noticed on this list was
frankly laughable.

Ant or maven cocoon needs building from source, rather than describe
this as a bug with cocoon, you say its nothing to do with you and just
define another hoop.

Ant or maven the first step would be to have the dependencies for a
release builds available on a maven style repository. Then the src of
cocoon could be compiled against that, at the very least when the
ant/maven file downloads the source it could be just the source and
not a bunch of jar files in CVS.

I'll investigate further and see if I can get some time to submit each
of the dependencies to ibiblio. Basically I want to get the
hoop-jumping down to pointing to the cocoon source and build (a
project with a standard directory struture).


On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 00:46:58 +, Paul Russell
> On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 19:26:44 -0500, Stefano Mazzocchi
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ralph Goers wrote:
> > > I believe what you are suggesting would require that the Cocoon build be
> > > converted to use Maven.  While I personally would welcome that, this has
> > > been discussed before and for some reason several committers won't
> > > support that. Sorry.
> > I was the one pushing back for that. Since then I've taken a deep
> > review of Maven and I like some of the archiectural concepts.
> > So, saying "no way" is a little bit too much. I would welcome if
> > somebody tried and did it and it worked.
> I would tend to agree - I've used maven a little recently, despite
> initially disliking it, and I have to say, it works. There are
> significant chunks of it I still don't like (personally, I think it
> needs significant re-design -- I'd prefer to see it built on top of a
> proper plug-in architecture like Hivemind), but it does do the job
> well, providing you use it for what it's designed for: building one
> thing at a time. Try and use it the way you'd use Ant, and you're in
> for a bumpy ride. Personally, I've started about 5 projects internally
> using Maven in as many months, and none using raw Ant during the same
> period.
> > But I have no energy/time/will/itch-to-scratch to do it myself.
> Same problem here :(
> Paul

Re: Adding the sitemap path to Cocoon's Request object

2005-02-14 Thread Gianugo Rabellino
On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 09:29:08 +0100, Carsten Ziegeler
> Gianugo Rabellino wrote:
>  > 
> > I am very bad in naming
> > stuff, but I would say that something like getSitemapPath() could do the
> > trick.
> Hmm, did you have a look at the Request interface in 2.2:
>  String getSitemapPath();
> Is this what you're looking for :)

D'OH! OK, I'm going to write 200 times "every committer is supposed to
check out 2.2 as well" as a punishment.

So, let's change the question: what's wrong in backporting this
functionality to 2.1?

Gianugo Rabellino
Pro-netics s.r.l. -
Orixo, the XML business alliance:
(blogging at

Re: [OT] Personal news

2005-02-14 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz
Le 14 févr. 05, à 09:40, Sylvain Wallez a écrit :
...Subscribed? I can't find the RSS feed. Reinhard?
hmmm...Monday over there hey?
Look under "All channels that you can subscribe. [RSS]"
-Bertrand ;-)

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [OT] Personal news

2005-02-14 Thread Sylvain Wallez
Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
Le 13 févr. 05, à 17:43, Reinhard Poetz a écrit :

...If you want to find out more about my work or me, have a look at 
my new website (it's running on Cocoon 2.2) and my weblog 

Subscribed, thanks for the news!

Subscribed? I can't find the RSS feed. Reinhard?
Sylvain Wallez  Anyware Technologies
{ XML, Java, Cocoon, OpenSource }*{ Training, Consulting, Projects }

Re: Adding the sitemap path to Cocoon's Request object

2005-02-14 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Gianugo Rabellino wrote:
I am very bad in naming 
stuff, but I would say that something like getSitemapPath() could do the 
Hmm, did you have a look at the Request interface in 2.2:
 * Returns the path to the sitemap of the requested resource as 
 * by the sitemap.
 * For example, if your webapp is mounted at "webapp" and the HTTP 
 * is for "webapp/foo", this method returns "webapp/". 
Consequently, if the
 * request is for "foo", this method returns the empty string.
 * @return a String containing the path to the sitemap
 * @since 2.2
String getSitemapPath();

Is this what you're looking for :)
Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, S&N AG