Re: Cocoon 2.2 documentation online!

2007-09-30 Thread Reinhard Poetz

Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Reinhard Poetz wrote:
If you want to test it, change the stylesheet, then install the Daisy 
export plugin into your local Maven repository by running 'mvn install', 

Hmm this step failed with



[INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.

1) org.daisycms:daisy-maven-plugin:jar:1.0.0-alpha-1

the daisy-maven-plugin isn't available at the central Maven repository. Please 
try again with

mvn install -P daisy

(the 'daisy' profile contains a reference to the Maven 2 

Reinhard Pötz   Independent Consultant, Trainer  (IT)-Coach 

{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}


Problem with Cocoon Spring Configurator 1.0.0 and Weblogic 9.2

2007-09-30 Thread Juanjo Vázquez
Hi all,

I´m working in an Cocoon 2.2-RC1 web application with one block. Everything
is ok when i deploy to Tomcat but i´m getting errors when i deploy to
Weblogic 9.2. I have been looking for a workaround  or a solution and it
seems the problem is the blocks are not deployed to the public web directory
in the weblogic domain.

Everything points to the method deployBlockResources in DeploymentUtil
class (cocoon-spring-configuratior-1.0.0.jar) is not working properly in
this environment. I have been debugging the application deployed to weblogic
with these discoveries:

1. Spring loads the jar configurations with zip protocol instead jar
protocol, i.e.

2. In Runtime, the URLConnection class is a 
weblogic.utils.ZipUrlConnection not a JarURLConnection

Can anybody help me with this problem?

Thanks in advance.


Re: Problem with Cocoon Spring Configurator 1.0.0 and Weblogic 9.2

2007-09-30 Thread Daniel Fagerstrom

Juanjo Vázquez skrev:

Hi all,

I´m working in an Cocoon 2.2-RC1 web application with one block. 
Everything is ok when i deploy to Tomcat but i´m getting errors when i 
deploy to Weblogic 9.2. I have been looking for a workaround  or a 
solution and it seems the problem is the blocks are not deployed to the 
public web directory in the weblogic domain.

Everything points to the method deployBlockResources in 
DeploymentUtil class (cocoon-spring-configuratior-1.0.0.jar) is not 
working properly in this environment. I have been debugging the 
application deployed to weblogic with these discoveries:

1. Spring loads the jar configurations with zip protocol instead jar 
protocol, i.e.

2. In Runtime, the URLConnection class is a 
weblogic.utils.ZipUrlConnection not a JarURLConnection

Can anybody help me with this problem?

Some background:

Blocks can contain resources that are intended to be available in e.g. 
sitemaps. These resources are put in a directory called COB-INF at the 
root of the directory structure of a block. The blocks are ordinary jars 
that are put in WEB-INF/lib (during development the blocks can expanded 

The task of DeploymentUtil.deployBlockResources is to search the class 
path for all urls to COB-INF resources. If the url is of the type file: 
the url and the block name is registred. Then the resources in the 
COB-INF directory of the block is available through the blockcontext: 
source. If the url is a jar, the resources in the COB-INF directory are 
extracted to a temp directory in the file system and the url of the 
extracted resources is registred together with the clock name.

For Weblogic it seem like the classloader contains zip: urls for 
resources. A solution would be to extend the 
DeploymentUtil.deployBlockResources method with a case for the zip: 
protocol, it would be similar to the jar: case but a little bit more 
compliacted as the zip protocol doesn't know about mainfest attributes. 
A problem with this is that the ZipUrlConnection is Weblogic specific, 
so the protocol handling code in deployBlockResources would need to be 
extracted to some components.

Another, and much simpler solution if it works, would be to just replace 
zip: with jar: in the url string, create a new url object from the 
patched url string, and use the existing jar handling code.


Re: Springifying CForms

2007-09-30 Thread Giacomo Pati
Hash: SHA1

Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
 I think it is related to the refactoring. Trunk fails to build now with:
 [INFO] Building Javaflow Block Samples
 [INFO]task-segment: [install]
 [INFO] [enforcer:enforce-once {execution: enforce-maven}]
 [INFO] [resources:resources]
 [INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
 [INFO] [compiler:compile]
 [INFO] Compiling 2 source files to

During the refactorings I've found sample classes in the cocoon-forms-impl 
block which I've moved
to the cocoon-forms-sample block which IMHO they belong to. Thus the dependency 
of the
javaflow-sample block was wrong (which you've already found and fixed, thanks 

There could be more samples not migrated to new CForms behaviour wrt pring bean 
vs. Avalon
Component handling but the code in CForms will make it clear if there are such 
old constructs ;-)

- --
Giacomo Pati
Otego AG, Switzerland -
Orixo, the XML business alliance -

Version: GnuPG v2.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


Re: svn commit: r580786 - in /cocoon/whiteboard/osgi/core/cocoon-spring-osgi/cocoon-spring-osgi-impl/src/main: java/org/apache/cocoon/springosgi/config/ java/org/apache/cocoon/springosgi/service/expor

2007-09-30 Thread Joerg Heinicke

On 30.09.2007 17:02 Uhr, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Author: danielf
Date: Sun Sep 30 14:02:24 2007
New Revision: 580786

Log: Spring-OSGi doesn't contain any support for beans with prototype
scope. This is  mainly because there is no direct mapping between the
prototype scope and any OSGi concepts. In OSGi services are either
singletons at global level or at bundle level. The only reasonable
mapping, AFAICS, is to export a factory bean as an OSGi service.

As Cocoon uses prototypes in many places I have extended Spring-OSGi
with support for exporting a factory bean instead of the bean by
setting the attribute factory-export to true. In this case a
SmartFactoryBean is exported and the classes of the contained bean is
put in the org.springframework.osgi.beanclasses property.

The import part is not written yet.

The code contains a lot of copy and modify from Spring-OSGi as some
of the involved classes wasn't really extendible. The idea is to try
to contribute it back to Spring-OSGi.

I don't know if it applies here at all, but in standard Spring to get
access to the factory bean instead of the bean itself you prefix the
bean name with an ampersand. Is it reasonable to go with that approach 
here as well compared to your new attribute factory-export?
