Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-03 Thread Ezkovich Glen

On Jan 3, 2006, at 9:06 AM, Peter Hunsberger wrote:

On 1/3/06, Giacomo Pati [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm with Sylvain's and Gianugo's oppinion. I also see users getting
confused with multiple choices of how to write a component. I'd  
say in

this area we need a revolution instead of an evolution.

I really don't get this objection; if I see a class that allows
constructor injection OR can be initialized via some other sequence
I'm going to think gee, that's nice, I can do everything in one shot
instead of having to call the service manager (or whatever) .  All
that's required to make sure that's clear is about 2 lines of Javadoc
on the constructor and if that's missing and someone does try to
initialize the class both ways you can probably make sure it either
blows up or handles things gracefully.

We use constructor injection in some of our code.  It's clean, it's
simple, it's easy to write.  Sometimes we support multiple methods of
initializing the code. It's pretty darn clear what's going on to any
user of the code. As a Cocoon user I really think that any objection
to this proposal based on it might be confusing to users is bogus...

I agree. This is a minor simplification directed towards developers.  
If they can't figure out when and when not to use this then they need  
to learn. The fact that this buys you very little is a different  
concern. Sometimes we spend a bit more then we should for little  
luxuries, but we're willing to eat bread and water as a result. Just  
make sure Carsten is the one who suffers for this luxury ;)

Glen Ezkovich
HardBop Consulting
glen at

A Proverb for Paranoids:
If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to  
worry about answers.

- Thomas Pynchon Gravity's Rainbow

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-02 Thread Ezkovich Glen

On Dec 30, 2005, at 4:05 PM, Berin Loritsch wrote:

Seriously, I agree that writing less code is good, but not at the  
price of too black magic implying weaker contracts.

Agreed.  To achieve the goal of less code would require major  
overhauls of the entire system.

Yes. I think Cocoon could be greatly simplified knowing what we know  
now. This would be a worthwhile endeavor but not one that should be  
undertaken at the cost of slowing advancement. Remember Netscape.

Glen Ezkovich
HardBop Consulting
glen at

A Proverb for Paranoids:
If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to  
worry about answers.

- Thomas Pynchon Gravity's Rainbow

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2005-12-30 Thread Ezkovich Glen

On Dec 30, 2005, at 12:09 PM, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Aren't you tired of implementing a service/dispose combo for each of
your components over and over again? Now, actually, I am. Big time.

If you look at several of our components, they do something like this:

class MyComponent implements SOMETHING, ThreadSafe, Disposable,
Serviceable {
protected ClassA compA;
protected ClassB compB;
protected ServiceManager m;

public void service(ServiceManager m) {
  this.m = m;
  compA = (ClassA)m.lookup(ClassA.ROLE);
  compB = (ClassB)m.lookup(ClassB.ROLE);
public void dispose() {
  if ( m != null ) {

Way too much code me thinks. So what about:

Come on! how many components do you write a day that 10 lines and 184  
characters is too much? Sure less code and fewer interfaces are good  
things in general and I don't mind switching to constructor injection  
but give me a better reason than you want to write less code.

class MyComponent implements SOMETHING, ThreadSafe {
  protected final ClassA compA;
  protected final ClassB compB;

  public MyComponent(ClassA a, ClassB b) {
compA = a;
compB = b;

We could simply add constructor injection: if the implementation does
not provide a default constructor, the available constructor is called
using reflection and the components are injected on construction of  

object - no need to configure something in any xml configuration file.
Implementing this is easy - I did this already years ago for Fortress.

But I think it can even get easier:
1. Let's just assume that every component is ThreadSafe - unless
otherwise stated - no need to declare the interface anymore. I think
apart from the interpreter most components are threadsafe or poolable

I don't like assumptions like this. I see deadlocks in your future.

2. Let's remove support for pooled components - yes, seriously.  

with the pool sizes is really annoying. We have a working factory
approach for sitemap components, so why not simply use it overall? And
rewriting the remaining pooled components shouldn't be that hard.  
(I now

that we are proxying pooled components to simplify the lookup, but you
still have to configure pool sizes).

I make extensive use of the factory pattern and in some instances my  
factories use pools. Just because you use factories does not mean you  
can eliminate pooling. Now if you'd like to implement self monitoring  
pooling that tunes itself I think we'll all be happy.

My final idea is to use even more magic (but it might be too much  

class MyComponent implements SOMETHING {
  protected final ClassA component_A;
  protected final ClassB component_B;
When the component is instantiated all instance variables prefixed  
component_ are setup using some injection mechanism - or perhaps  


Now, in the end I really want to write less code :)

sounds lazy to me, but then again I don't want to write any code I  
just want to think of something and have it work. :-)

Glen Ezkovich
HardBop Consulting
glen at

A Proverb for Paranoids:
If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to  
worry about answers.

- Thomas Pynchon Gravity's Rainbow

Re: Planning 2.2

2005-11-22 Thread Ezkovich Glen

On Nov 22, 2005, at 1:18 AM, Reinhard Poetz wrote:

Glen Ezkovich wrote:

On Nov 21, 2005, at 12:16 AM, Reinhard Poetz wrote:

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Now as 2.1.8 is out, we should think about a 2.2 release. I  
think  for a

2.2 release we should at least finish the following things:
- Finish the maven2 build
- Sync everything with 2.1.x (apply changes that were only  
applied to

2.1.x if appropriate)
- Separate samples from blocks
- Remove author tags
While imho the first two items on the list are a simple must, I   
think we
should really do the other ones as well. If we don't aim to do   
them for
2.2 we'll simply never do them. And it's really not that hard  
to  do it.
And finally, we should make a stable forms block (and perhaps   
others as


Aren't we aiming at a 2.2M1 release? If yes, the only must is a   
working build system IMHO.
I'm a bit confused, is this the only difference between 2.1 and  
2.2  or are the other changes complete and ready to roll? These  
changes  amount to a refactoring. What distinguishes 2.2 from 2.1.8?

not at all :-)

- ECM++
- Virtual sitemap components
- blocks (sitemap blocks, exposing blocks)
- per sitemap reloading classloader (for dev)
- reworked property management
- Spring integration (Spring block)
- possible to listen to sitemap events
- refactoring of Javaflow (uses now the commons-javaflow project which
  was started by Thorsten)
- introduction of CTemplate (refactoring of JXTemplate in 2.1.x)

... and maybe some other things

This is what I thought. I was in effect questioning wether these new  
features are ready to go. My concern is the documentation for these  
new changes and features. An admittedly quick perusal of SVN didn't  
reveal much at all. Even a M1 release requires a bit of documentation  
so that the changes and new things get tested.

We also have the plan that Cocoon 3.0 will be based on blocks that  
run in a shielded classloader. Currently OSGi ist our best bet (and  
I'm quite optimistic that it will fit our needs).

I'm hoping to see this by the end of next year. As long as I have  
nothing to do with it it should be doable. Seems like everything I  
touch these days falls behind schedule. :(

Glen Ezkovich
HardBop Consulting
glen at

A Proverb for Paranoids:
If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to  
worry about answers.

- Thomas Pynchon Gravity's Rainbow

Re: Planning 2.2

2005-11-22 Thread Ezkovich Glen

On Nov 22, 2005, at 5:12 PM, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

Ezkovich Glen wrote:

On Nov 22, 2005, at 1:18 AM, Reinhard Poetz wrote:

Glen Ezkovich wrote:


This is what I thought. I was in effect questioning wether these  
new  features are ready to go. My concern is the documentation  
for these  new changes and features. An admittedly quick perusal  
of SVN didn't  reveal much at all. Even a M1 release requires a  
bit of documentation  so that the changes and new things get tested.
First it is an M1 so it is not like that everything have to be  
completely finished and polished. Second it is a little bit of a  
chicken and egg problem, as long as we don't start to release the  
new features, they will feel like a moving target that not is  
worthwhile to use and document yet.

A, where software with market share differs from software without  
and why cocoon's documentation needs so much work. Documentation is  
an integral part of a release. It should be developed along side the  
source code not months after the release.

And as long as no one use it and document it we who develop the  
new stuff doesn't have any presure to stabilize it and stop  
changing the interfaces.
By releasing an M1 we focus the community on 2.2 and hopefully  
make the things you asking for, happen.
Also, while some of the above improvements still are experimental  
(blocks, virtual sitemap components ...), much of it isn't. ECM++,  
reloading classloader, refactored JXTemplate, ... really  
simplifies use of Cocoon, so we should make it available for a  
larger audience ASAP.


I agree. But if you release today, then no one except those that have  
touched those things or followed the developer list will know what  
those features are much less how to use them.

Point me in the right direction, give me a tentative release date and  
I will write up some documentation. Best offer I can give you today.

Glen Ezkovich
HardBop Consulting
glen at

A Proverb for Paranoids:
If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to  
worry about answers.

- Thomas Pynchon Gravity's Rainbow

Re: [VOTE] Naming rule for HTML IDs generated by CForms

2005-11-07 Thread Ezkovich Glen

On Nov 7, 2005, at 3:26 AM, Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Jorg Heymans wrote:

Sylvain Wallez wrote:

The initial proposal *structurally* prevents name

all crispy clear now.

It was clear then. As always there are trade offs. In this case Its  
between possible naming conflicts and a CSS incompatibility (bad  
practices aside) in 90% of users browsers. Which error will be easier  
to detect? Which is most likely to affect users?

Phew! Sometimes, when there's a lot of background, producing a  
clear explanation is not an easy task ;-)
Now I'm glad I finally was able to do it, and will make sure this  
is written in the docs, to avoid the same effort later in the  
future :-)

as opposed to sooner in the future? ;-)


Sylvain WallezAnyware Technologies
Apache Software Foundation Member Research  Technology Director

Glen Ezkovich
HardBop Consulting
glen at

A Proverb for Paranoids:
If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to  
worry about answers.

- Thomas Pynchon Gravity's Rainbow

Re: [VOTE] Naming rule for HTML IDs generated by CForms

2005-11-06 Thread Ezkovich Glen

On Nov 6, 2005, at 4:13 PM, Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Jean-Baptiste Quenot wrote:

* Sylvain Wallez:

The  main  point  being  that   this  rule  *must*  ensure  that
generated IDs  can never conflict  with widget full  names (e.g.  would potentially  conflict with  a bar-input
widget sibling of bar).

Then why don't  you use a « reserved » keyword  inbetween, such as
« bar-___reserved_cforms_input___ »?

Because I'm concerned by the length of these generated IDs that  
will clutter up the page.

I understand this concern but in general I think distinguishing  
between auto generated names (ids) and author generated names is a  
good idea. A convention for auto generated names is to begin them  
with _. In this case it can conflick with auto-generated widget  
names. A simple convention for naming in this case could be simply to  
use something along the lines of or, since this  
likely will step on some widget names, (ag for auto- 
generated).  A concern here is that root of the ID is somewhat  
obscured. An alternative naming would be along the lines of While not following the more general convention it  
comes close. (I'm sure someone will confuse it for a column name ;-).)

While there remains clutter it is significantly reduced to 3  
characters per id. A minimal amount considering the clarity it brings.

Glen Ezkovich
HardBop Consulting
glen at

A Proverb for Paranoids:
If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to  
worry about answers.

- Thomas Pynchon Gravity's Rainbow