Re: [GSoC] status reports?

2005-09-02 Thread Heh
Hi Antonio, 
neither "heh" nor "forms-xul" exists under,
I can't create the directory by my own, would someone help?


On 9/1/05, Antonio Gallardo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Heh wrote:
> >>Please, check out the sources into :
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> Sorry. I believe you have access to :
> Please try:
> or
> If any of them works, then please fill a new bugzilla report with an
> attachment.
> Best Regards,
> Antonio Gallardo

Re: [GSoC] status reports?

2005-09-02 Thread Heh
I reported a bug and attached the code zooloon-preview.tar.gz:

Thanks for the suggestion!


On 9/2/05, Andrew Savory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Heh,
> On 2 Sep 2005, at 07:51, Heh wrote:
> > Anyway I put my code at:
> >
> >
> >
> > Please download from there. I'll figure out what's wrong with svn
> > access tomorrow.
> As Antonio points out, the best way of distributing your code is to
> add it to Cocoon's Bugzilla, as an attachment. This is the way
> everyone in the community without SVN access is encouraged to work
> with Cocoon, as it means the code is never lost (in case your server
> goes down with the thousands of Cocooners downloading it!), and that
> we get a reminder it is there from Bugzilla.
> You can find Bugzilla at ... it
> would be a really good idea for you to use it.
> Thanks,
> Andrew.
> --
> Andrew Savory, Managing Director, Luminas Limited
> Tel: +44 (0)870 741 6658  Fax: +44 (0)700 598 1135
> Web:
> Orixo alliance:

[GSoC] Zooloon Preview

2005-09-02 Thread Heh
Hi Cocooners,

I made up a code name for my GSoC project: Zooloon, which is XUL/Zool + Cocoon.

This preview version mainly features:
- full ajax support, xul widgets can talk to cocoon now! 
- how to populate xul widget: with both static rdf data and
dynamically generated rdf data by cocoon.
- Using cocoon continuation handle XUL data post.
A zoolized Car Selector example is made to show these techniques.

The code is available to download from:

The ground work is set, more functionalities can be added on.
To-do list:
1. ajax.js: handle multiple request at the same time
2. rdf.js:  in-memory rdf data processing
3. improve xml2rdf.xsl
4. add drag-n-drop to xul widget
5. make zooloon toolbar configurable
6. Add more Zool examples.
7. Documentation.
and more...

GSoC due day is the Zooloon's birthday, I'll continue to grow this
baby. Special thanks to Google Summer of Code Program, my metors:
Antonio Gallardo, Joerg Heinicke, and all Apache Cocoon community!
Without your support, this would not happen.

more updates are coming, stay tuned...


Re: [GSoC] status reports?

2005-09-01 Thread Heh
I still got the same error.
Anyway I put my code at:

Please download from there. I'll figure out what's wrong with svn
access tomorrow.


On 9/1/05, Antonio Gallardo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Heh wrote:
> >>Please, check out the sources into :
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> Sorry. I believe you have access to :
> Please try:
> or
> If any of them works, then please fill a new bugzilla report with an
> attachment.
> Best Regards,
> Antonio Gallardo

Re: [GSoC] status reports?

2005-09-01 Thread Heh
> Please, check out the sources into :

Hi Antonio,
I tried to commit to the location above, but failed:

svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: CHECKOUT of '/repos/asf/!svn/ver/226495/cocoon/whiteboard':
authorization failed (
I'll provide a link for you to download my code. 


Re: [GSoC] status reports?

2005-08-23 Thread Heh
Since last discussion, I've been working on how to use rdf data source
and xul template to
populate XUL widgets, how to connect to cocoon using XMLHttpRequest
and update widgets through js scripts. So far I am able to create
simple examples to demonstrate those techniques (will be detailed in


(1) XUL template
XUL template is hard to work with, it's a black box, no error
reporting, all silient failures. You never know if the failures come
from incorrectly formatted rdf file, or rdf file not loaded at all, or
the template predicates unmatched, or the illegal template actions? I
googled around, there seems no useful supporting tools for XUL
tempate, and for a few times this top-ranked rants about xul template
showed up:
it recommeded to use mozilla JSLib to control the behavior of XUl
widgets, I was thinking about that, what do u think?
(by the way, what's Apache's policy regarding including other
free/open source code?)

(2) CForms Browser Update mechanism
how to extend this beautiful BU mechanism to handle XUL widgets?
Currently the examples  I've been working on are all standalone, which
means that the xul file is delivered on cocoon as it is by
, not through pipeline, pieces of js scripts have been
written to handle the widget behaviors. While the BU mechanism is tied
to the cforms widgets (correct me if i am wrong),  to utilize the BU
or the ajax support, the xul widgets has to be transformed to the
cform widgets to be recognized by the system, i tried to modify these
but no luck, I don't know to handle those fields with atributes like
"onchange", also the set of xul widgets are asymmetric to the cform

(3) Project release
when the due day is up, what's the procedure to release the project? 


this GSoC project is just a beginning, that's for fure. During these
days, I learned a lot, also
found out there are lots of things worthy to do,   the momentum has
been built, I don't want to lose it.
This project is about XUL and CForms, going forward I think it's more
nature to continue to work on the cocoon XUL support as a separate new
block, the reason is, just briefly put here, the CForms is designed to
hand UI on the backend, while XUL is on the frond end,
to mix them up is like to put one interface on another, it's just too much.
This is just my own opion based on what I've learned from working on
this project. Open for
discussion of course.


On 8/21/05, Bertrand Delacretaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> With ten days left to finish the GSoC projects, I think it would be
> good for our three students to provide a short status report here.
> Think "3P":
> Progress:
> What have you accomplished and how does it compare to the project's
> goals.
> Problems:
> Is anything preventing you from reaching the project goals, and if yes
> can we do something about it.
> Perspectives:
> What are your plans until the September 1st "pencils down"

Re: GSoC project - cform XUL status request

2005-07-27 Thread Heh
On 7/26/05, Antonio Gallardo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Good. Please also review the AJAX suport for CForms that Sylvain wrote 3
> months ago:

After reading the above post and this thread of discussions, I
realized that I went to the wrong direction, I need to re-think the
whole thing.
My initial thought is sort of like what Sylvain mentioned in the
beginning of his email, I tended to divide the problem from outside
in, yet complicate the problem. A better way, as shown in that post,
is to analyze the problem in an inside-out way, so more elegant and
general solutions could be reached.
This post is indeed very helpful, I appreciate all the info you guys provided.


Re: GSoC project - cform XUL status request

2005-07-26 Thread Heh

In your previous email, you mentioned something like: 

"The really interesting part with XUL is to use it as rich client, i.e. to
avoid rendering the complete page on each request, but only the parts that
need to be rendered."

Are you talking about some sort of "one-screen form handling" feature like this:

the above is implemented in flash though, I think we can achieve
similar effects in XUL.
I like this feature, it could be used in other situations like
checkout. Should I include this feature into my project? Antonio? I am
not sure how much work is needed to implement this feature.


On 7/26/05, Joerg Heinicke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There is no form processing built into XUL. You have to implement it
> yourself using XMLHttpRequest. That was what my mails regards the
> proposal on the list was about. You can read it in the archives. Also
> there is not much sense about handling XUL exactly like HTML. XUL has
> its own templating mechanism.
> Joerg

Re: GSoC project - cform XUL status request

2005-07-26 Thread Heh
Hi Antonio,

a basic set of XUL form widgets are able to be rendered through the
publishing pipeline, by add new XSLT transformers based on forms field
stying and forms page stying. A few bugs need to be fixed, also not
all form attributes are considered, some other issues like XUL form
elements positioning need to match up with the original html form. So
the XUL form display part is finishing up, at least the bone is there.

Next is the XUL form processing. My understanding is that XUL is
inherently a "form", that's what a User Interface is supposed to do.
But a html form is an add-on to the HTML document,  so compared to
HTML forms, XUL has no equivalent to the  tag (maybe because
it's already a form), and if a XUL application is to behave like an
HTML form, then form submission scripts need to be added to each XUL
form. I am thinking about how to use XMLHttpRequest object to
implement XUL form submission functionality. Any suggestions are
welcome here, it's the design issue, what aspects should I consider?

I try to put up a minimum set of working functions as soon as
possible, get some feedback, and gradually add more or refine. By
participating this project, I am also interested in knowing how FOSS
works from the point of view of Software Engineering, what's the
differences between FOSS development and proprietary software
development in terms of software engineering? one thing I learned so
far is that everything seems to be open here, open design, open
communication, open vote, etc.

This is a big topic, so I'll start with the testing part, does there
really exist alpha and beta test in FOSS development? How cocooners
conduct unit testing, regression testing( or say best practices, what
kind of testing tools are you using)? If I have some code ready, what
should I do next to efficiently and effectively get any feedback from
the community?
Thanks in advance.


Re: [GSoC] we need CLAs for GSoC people

2005-07-12 Thread Heh

I faxed the signed CLA today. When can I receive access to the SVN?


On 7/11/05, Robert Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I faxed mine tonight.
> Robert

First Strand of Silk

2005-07-10 Thread Heh
Hi all,

my name is He Huang, another lucky SoCer. In some English-speaking
situations where more than two males are involved, my first name
sometimes causes confusion. So please call me Heh instead of He to
improve the signal/noise ratio.

My job in this summer is to become a silkworm, enable part of the
Cocoon, CForm,  to produce silk with one more color - XUL, in an
interactive and efficient way.

This is more than exciting. Before diving into the Cocoon,  I walked
around this giant Cocoon, figuring out how to make my first strand of
silk, after all it's a cocoon!

I used the most fresh one, version 2.1.7. After going through pretty
easy (in terms of number of commands) building and starting processes
on RedHat Linux 9, I browsed various samples of pre-made silk, being
impressed by the rich set of colors and textures, I started to think
that I'm gonna finacially secure not only myself but also lots of
other people, if I can make and sell more threads of this kind of
high-tech silk. This is fantastic!

Following some illustrations, I wrote three files: silk.xml, silk.xslt
and sitemap.xmap, and dropped them into a directory named "silk". Next
step is to deploy these files into Cocoon,
since this version of Cocoon includes a servlet engine Jetty, I don't
need any more help from my cute little pet Tomcat,  so I placed the
silk directory straight under $COCOON-ROOT/build/webapp, the web
application context directory,
then pointed to:
and expected to pull out a strand of silk saying "Hello, this is my
first strand of silk".

Crap! I got some a whole page of message instead:
"Resource not found
No pipeline matched request: silk
org.apache.cocoon.ResourceNotFoundException: No pipeline matched request: silk
What's wrong? The files should be fine since they were all tested,  I
only changed a few text words. This must be some configuration
problem, searched all the docs, no luck. What
about mount?  the root sitemap.xmap clearly mounts everything
including "silk". Struggled a bit, came back to the root sitemap.xmap,
carefully read this file line by line, some comments caught my
"  http://blah/something/ and http://blah/something
effectively locate different web resources and the act of mapping
them to the same system resources is your concern, not Cocoon's. "

quickly I pointed to:

I got my first strand of silk!

Well, this should be documented for newbies like me, or it would be
more user-friendly for
Cocoon to automatically identify and add the missing ending slash,
even if typing URL
without ending slash is "considered a bad practice".

Nagged a bunch, this is my only signal, sorry.

Now I am really in good mode to call my GF, and tell her that this
world will only become better and peaceful if all you ladies wear
nothing but Apache-Cocoon-Made high-tech silk!

The question I left for your guys is: How can I become a productive silkworm?


P.S. I will sign the CLA soon.