Re: Cocoon portal and excel

2004-05-03 Thread Leon Widdershoven
Not specific on coplets, but,

a submit button is embedded in a form. The form has an action target. 
This target should point to
a sitemap component (pipeline). If you're in the pipeline, it's up to 
you to generate your
XML using a generator, extracting information from the request.

As I hear this, it looks like an action which is not matched by a 
pipeline component. You
could look at the HTML sources in your browser to see where you are 
submitting to. If
that's the same action as the URL, the you *could* try method=get in 
your form. Then
the plain URL is reproduced.

Using method=GETduring development is IMHO not that bad anyway, as you 
have more
information readily at hand.

Sorry I can't say more, but doesn't work is not really abundant 
information:) Do sitemap.log or
access.log (cocoon/WEB-INF/logs) or localhost-[date].log (tomcat/logs) 
say anything?


Anna Bikkina wrote:


I am using cocoon as a portal server. In one of my coplets when the user 
submits a form I want the output to be displayed in a excel file. 

When I have the excel operation in a submit button this doesnt work. If I use 
a hyperlink in the page with all information in the url then it works. 

Can anyone tell me how to generate an excel file as output for a coplet. I 
want the excel to be generated and the coplet should remain the same.

Please let me know if there any way of doing this.


Re: [RT] Use of flowscript or the pyramid of contracts (was Re:[RT] Checked exceptions considered harmful)

2004-04-23 Thread Leon Widdershoven

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
Leszek Gawron wrote:

Components are existed before Flow, but Flow is more popular than 
components, the question is why?

flowscript + notepad vs. components + eclipse. and the winner concerning
development lifecycle time is: flowscript.
Flowscript is:
  a) scripted
  b) automatically reloaded by cocoon after changes without container 

See? *this* is what I'm talking about.

Now we made it easier to write flowscript than to write components, now 
we have to focus on making it easier to write components than flowscript.


Chris' magic compiler classloader is the way to go, IMHO.
From a users point of view: YES YES YES. I am now porting an application
from pure flowscript to Java since I got a headache from looking at
the 1000+ lines, 4000+ words flowscript based app. And this was only
the framework for the business logic:)
The reason I did this was actually because I didn't want my WEB-INF classes
with application specific classes. And re-starting each time I test
is also not preferred. I think if the compiler/classloader would have
existed for flowscript I would just use that, as Java is very much simpler
to develop and maintain.
I think though, that some formal properties of a component (what makes
a component a component) should be defined. A bit like the way JavaBeans
are defined: A java bean has ...).

Given a choice, people would like to use eclipse for their business 
logic, I'm sure, give them autocompletion and autoreload and logic will 
start floating from flow to components.

keep in mind that with real blocks any class is a component, so no 
reason to implement the avalon lifecycle if you don't want to.

Re: Modular database component

2004-04-22 Thread Leon Widdershoven
Joerg Heinicke wrote:

On 20.04.2004 07:49, Reinhard Poetz wrote:

Following this I don't see the need for

a. calling DB from within Flowscripts

You mean direct JDBC? Hmm.. I don't like the idea, but here Groovy can
take the role a lot better than Javascript. Note, Groovy has built 
in SQL
support and that is good.

From Antonio's comment I guess he just misread your comment. To 
restate it: Reinhard does not want flow scripts calling DB.

Yes, I don't like the idea too. It's good for prototyping but I 
wouldn't write my applications with direct DB calls from within the 
flow layer. I don't want direct DB calls from within Groovy as Flow 
language *also* because this mixes concerns!!!

Same here. DB should not be called from flow script - neither 
JavaScript nor Groovy nor XYZ. The thing is about page flow.

b. code CRUD in templates (Groovy, JXTemplate, ...) and XSP

I will use this combination for (2) it is more powerful than the 

Also note, JXTG is useful in combination with CForms. It allow you 
to easy
make a dynamic listbox or show a simple list report for users. It is
really useful have JXTG at hand.

I really like JXTG but for now it has *no* direct DB access. You have 
to pass the objects to the pipeline within cocoon.sendPage*() and 
this is good!

Same here again. I wonder why templating languages shall be featured 
up with db access.

What I want to tell all users clearly is that they should avoid 
writing SQL-statements. Integrating SQL in applications is the start 
of a maintainence nightmare and IMHO we should clearly warn them 
using XSP, Groovy or any other templating system requiring you to 
write SQL *into* the code. Once again, I really like e.g. JXTG but it 
should *never* contain SQL statements. IMO the same is true for 
Groovy scripts.

+1 (to avoid writing same here again :) )


For beginning cocoon/flowscript users one should, if not providing 
direct SQL access, provide a well documented and above all
for simple scenarions EASY way. Setting up and integrating either OJB 
and Hibernate do nut fullfill that condition yet.

I also think that requiring Java classes to be pre-generated (and then 
included in the classpath) for even the simplest queries is not
a problem for developers and advanced users, but is to much to ask for a 
user just starting who just wants to display his
address data or something alike. I think it is unclean, classes should 
be put in the application. A way to describe/map the database
using XML (as done by Hibernate and OJB both) should suffice - the rest 
should be done on the fly like with  xsp. That is by far
the easiest. For advanced uses where those classes are extended one 
could think of precompiled classes.

The way to gain acceptance for a superior framework is to make it just 
as easy as using plain SQL IMHO. Nothing beats the
simplicity at present of pure SQL access - for simple apps. Let's not 
make any new framework/component difficult to start
with. Power should be available on demand, complexity postponed (Yes - 
someone told me it's an on demand world nowadays:)


Re: Modular database component

2004-04-20 Thread Leon Widdershoven

Antonio Gallardo wrote:
Reinhard Poetz dijo:

I'm aware of the fact that there are many ways in Cocoon. I think that
we as community should give clear advice what's in our opinion the best
way. If I'm asked I say:
1. Enterprise Level  ---  O/R-mapping, EJB

2. Simple Database Applications  with CRUD (create/update/delete)
 ---  Flowscript and Database Component
With Groovy the (2) will be easier.

3. Publishing---  SQLTransformer

I think (2) can be also be used with O/R mapping tool. Not sure what the
DB component is. In fact (and with my respect to ESQL developers) why
Cocoon will need to build another layer when there is OJB. Remeber OJB
allow you to play at 4 levels:
As a user: Of course you can. The question is whether you'd want to. Using
OJB seems to demand that you set up descriptions of the tables, then
create appropriate classes etc.
For a user, most of whom know a bit about SQL, or can read about it in the
thousands of introductory level books, SQL is much easier, not to say more
Furthermore, creating a query based on form input is just the concatenation
of Strings. How much more easy can it get? As an added bonus, you can
just log the queries in the developer phase and cut-and-paste them in
the command line database tool to see why they would not work. If you
use an added layer that power would either be lost or more difficult
I fully see that OJB is more beatifull. But not all people who wish
to write a simple flowscript app wish to start learning two major
technologies at once; they would fall back on a familiar technology
where possible to decrease the chance of failure.
I think more of providing an easy migration path from CRUD to OJB,
using a MigrateFromCRUDToOJB Wiki page in which a simple CRUD flowscript
is moved to the OJB framework, and a sketch of a situation where OJB
is clearly easier to use that any other way.
I think that, if you are familiar with OJB it is hard to see that things
like hibernate and OJB seem daunting; even the name promisses sleepless
nights. And who on earth needs a bridge or relational mapping for
Select username, password from authentication where username = 'foo';?
If you already have OJB up and running it is logical to use that, but
to start learning OJB just for that???

Re: [RT] Use of flowscript or the pyramid of contracts (was Re: [RT] Checked exceptions considered harmful)

2004-04-20 Thread Leon Widdershoven

But both such cases would be to protect the user, and not to 
force users to a certain development model favoured by the 
developer. The developer may well be right in his opinions, 
but users come from different backgrounds and would not 
understand they be limited because their way is not neat.

I am sorry if this sounds to harsh, but it really *is* hard enough to 
find functions which
do what you want them to do. If you then find out those functions are 
blocked for
some unfathomable (ideologic) reason, you would not be glad.

Well, given the fact that I wrote the bit you're responding to and not
Guido I don't think he'll find it harsh ;-)
Oops -- Sorry Guido:)

I don't see much difference between marking something private vs. not
for normal access by end users? In fact I think the RAD flag would be
a little more liberal than private vs. public since if you needed you
could always flag a script as using non-FOM objects, but if the object
is private you're going to need the source of the Java object to make
the change?
It is not the flag in itself, it is the reason why you would apply
it. private as in Java or C++ is used in general for internal
helper functions. They tend to be very implementation dependent.
A component that really does something also tends to have implementation
specific functions. And I do not think it's bad if they stay hidden
just *because* their contract tends to fluctuate over versions. So
removing them from the namespace is to protect the user.
And in that sense - if a function is private, you'd not want other
objects to play with the component internals -  at all. It may
break the component.
But it really could be that I misunderstood things. I understood
that developers would make only a portion of the interface available
to users, and another portion to developers. That seems quite
artificial. Flagging a function needs to have a clear meaning, one
readily understood by even the simplest of users (e.g. me). Strong
potential to damage your environment, or your objects, as a side effect
is something even I can understand.
Maybe I can give a small example:
You have a component which can transform a given string into a Base64
encoded, MD5 transformed String. An implementer could just provide
the user interface (non-flagged) String convert(String). And hide
the utility functions Byte[] md5(Byte[]), String Base64(Byte[]).
That would be a shame since then everyone needing a Base64 would
have to roll their own (or, in my case, copy-paste from the component
The example is a bit artificial, and the syntax is disturbingly Java
like:) but javascript does just not have the clear expressions to
demonstrate what I want.
On a side note: is it possible to split your javascript file into
multiple files, each holding a class-like thingy and integrate them
in the main flowscript, using e.g. cocoon.load( uri )?

If I read to much in the statement above I am sorry. But I 
strongly feel 
that flow
is a more powerfull  technology than xsp for many 
applications, and that it should be kept simple for users. 
And simple is not a limited set of 
functions, but
a feature rich environment which allows you to do what you 
want without 
to much
Java (a bit like xsp is now),

Personally, I tend to agree.  However, if others feel the need to
restrict the contract more than currently I think there should be some
kind of escape hatch for developers...
The developer writes the code. The developer owns the code. He or
she can do with it what he or she likes. Fortunately, the people
who write code for Cocoon seem to be very user-oriented (apart
from naturally striving to elegant solutions which is I think
quite common to all people who write software), so I'm quite
confident that in the end all restrictions placed by developers
will truly make sense.
I just hope that that sense of the restriction translates into
documentation in the source (yes - I do read the source. Grep and
find are among my best friends:)

Re: Modular database component

2004-04-20 Thread Leon Widdershoven

I will not be sure. Writing SQL code is always larger than using O/R
mapping tools and we already know many developers have problem with SQL.
They don't write optimal SQL queries. See slides 10-14:*checkout*/db-ojb/contrib/ojb-dataccess.pdf
I honestly do not care about the efficiency of my SQL. The database is
by far the fastest component. I do not think OJB can really optimize
a simple SELECT foo, bar from BLA; statement. There's just nothing to optimize!
I do think that when queries get a bit complicated, or when columns or
tables are related, such tools are much preferred to SQL as it is just
to easy to forget to do something. I'm not argueing that.
It's just the very simple stuff I'd like to keep simple. I have spent
somehwat more than an hour now to try to get a mapping for my database
auto-generated using the reverse-db tool of OJB. It just does not give
me my table definitions. So now I search for another tool. All that
takes time. Then comes a learning curve. And only then I can try to
integrate it into my program into what amount to
select fullname, username from auth where username='foo';
I think simple things should not large tools to handle. It only introduces
other bugs.

I think the SQL does not fit well into the OO world. That was told over
and over. The O/R mapping gives you the hability to work with tables as
Objects. As a sample, you can use JXPath and write something like:
That's true. And javascript is not OO so the match is perfect:)
Again, I agree O/R can be really usefull, but it can also be
really overkill. If you start with a good working knowledge or O/R
it's quite logical to use O/R.
But if you're an expert in SQL, why throw that knowledge away?

This is great to use this kind of Objects inside JXTG or in other places.
Once you start using it, you will see there is not way back to plain SQL.

And who on earth needs a bridge or relational mapping for
Select username, password from authentication where username = 'foo';?
If you already have OJB up and running it is logical to use that, but
to start learning OJB just for that???

I wonder if when SQL was a top technology, people had the same arguments
as you against SQL.
Yes, of course. No-one likes to revalue his knowledge like Enron shares.

And it was valid then, less valid now. Like SQL vs O/R nowadays. SQL has
a lot of existing knowledge and tools. O/R is only starting. Books and
tools about/for OJB are more difficult to find than for SQL. Which makes
the technology harder to use - even if it is both better, less error
prone and faster.
And 15 years from now I will probably just as hard say that we should not
go to a situation where the database uses both voice recognition andsemantic 
analysis on a recording or your voice to determine what you want from it,
and give you the results spoken on your cellular phone:)

Re: Modular database component

2004-04-20 Thread Leon Widdershoven

Ugo Cei wrote:
Leon Widdershoven wrote:

I honestly do not care about the efficiency of my SQL. The database is
by far the fastest component. I do not think OJB can really optimize
a simple SELECT foo, bar from BLA; statement. There's just nothing to 

You can always optimize it away. That is, don't do the query at all if 
you have cached the data. Since any serious ORM solution will give you 
declarative and transparent support for caching, this alone is a big win 
in some situations, IMHO.


I stand corrected.


Re: [RT] Use of flowscript or the pyramid of contracts (was Re: [RT] Checked exceptions considered harmful)

2004-04-20 Thread Leon Widdershoven
Guido Casper wrote:

Leon Widdershoven wrote:

Guido Casper wrote:

Yes that might be one reason. Another one IMO is that it's much easier
to (conceptually) come up with a reusable sitemap component (being a
specialized thing) than it is to come up with a reusable flow 


I think that is the true question.
I am writing an application which gets an excel spreadsheet with 
this information must be read into data structures, and compared with 
databaserecords, and then  merged.  I use flow to get the user data.  
I have
tried to write the total application entirely in Javascript (with of 
course HSSF
Java classes). It works, but is not really maintable.
So I wrote a reusable flow component called a Java Package. The main
class gets the uploaded spreadsheet and all flags, and returns errors 
or OK.
It can be called from any flowscript program, the classes can be 
it can be called by Java classes. How much more reusable can you get?

And at the same time I think this is not what flowscript developers call
reusable. What is the characteristic of a reusable flowscript component,
defined in a way a user can understand?
For cocoon components that's easy. Implement a particular interface and
it is a particular kind of component. But flowscript is just much 
more free
on the one side, and in other ways a bit more restricted.

But it is possible :-), like somewhat being proved by CForms (and 
other components as well but CForms is the only one with a dedicated 
flowscript API).

I'm quite excited about the recent discussions about the best 
database interaction layer. It may result in several approaches in 
parallel (which is perfect as there are quite various requirements 
being targeted by db apps/tools) but I feel one (or several) of those 
might evolve into something like a prototype of a reusable flow 
component (or be the base of another layer providing the prototype 
of a reusable flow component :-).


Me too. I do hope that more than one way of doing things will be 
created. There is nothing like darwinism to determine what is really 
Besides, the Object/Relational mapping can also be done in (at least) 
two ways. I even saw a listing of about 9 Java O/R frameworks! Some
free, some not. I think Hibernate and OJB are the most probable early 
adopters, though OJB withJDO has a bit of a disadvantage since the
required libraries cannot -apparently - be bundled with cocoon but must 
be downloaded by sun, which is a bit of a set-back concerning the
samples block.

I however do look forward to an O/R framework with javascript, besides a 
simple SQL engine, of course. I have started playing with
O/R myself as I found it both easier to understand (a single framework 
is an advantage), and found better understandable documentation
on it. It helped that my reverse-db of OJB tool did not work out of the 
box (as a typical user who earns his meager(:) bread with development
I do like non-core (for me) functionality to work out of the box).


OT: [RT] Use of flowscript or the pyramid of contracts

2004-04-19 Thread Leon Widdershoven

I, as a user, do not differentiate between Components and utility
classes and functions. I think that when a cocoon developer hears
Component, (s)he thinks of classes which obey some sort of contract
by implementing an interface.
If I, as a user, think of a component it is a part that does
something and is easily integrated into the flowscript.
And example for Javascript flowscript is of course woody.js. This
integrates fabulously with flowscript.
Unfortunately, the same does not hold for database actions. As
I user, I could not find a way to access databases without
just using the classes from java.sql, though I did manage
to get a Connection from the pool from the manager.
As a *hacker* I used parts of the samples plock (PetStore);
the sample block contains an excellent module, part of the
petstore, to access databases and represent resultsets.
And what I'm wondering is why such a usefull component
for an example is part of -of all things - an example
block in stead of an optional JavaScript/Database block.
I have the feeling that people might be more willing to make
components for flowscript (and the same would probably hold
for other flow languages) if components did not look so
application specific. I use Dababase.js; but the sources
are part of the samples, so I for one have the feeling
it is a totally unsupported module.
In short, I think existing components could be more clearly
presented as components for re-use. I have the feeling there
are quite a lot of usefull components 'out there', but it's
hard to get a list of the available modules for flowscript.
In contrast, it's quite easy to get such a list for xsp, which
is why a lot of people just use xsp even when flowscript would
be better suited.
That was my optinion. I do not own asbestos underware but I
*can* duck.

Re: OT: [RT] Use of flowscript or the pyramid of contracts

2004-04-19 Thread Leon Widdershoven
To me, hibernate is overkill and yet another thing to manage. The
advantage of esql is that it is simple, and has a single layer access
to the database.
Hibernate is more complicated to set up, and then has to be maintained.
If you use plain SQL, only the queries have to be maintained. If you
use hibernate, it also has to be maintained.
For plain old statements like select * from foo where bla=xsp:request.../
it's just overkill to me.
I do think hibernate is very good - for advanced usage. I think it
is a shame that people are forced to either use xsp or use plain
java.sql access to the database in flowscript.
the combination Javascript and SQL is hard enough for beginners -
starting out with yet another component that needs to be
configured is IMHO just too much.
Please note that I do not undervalue Hibernate, or OJB. But they
are both powerfull tools, and powerfull tools tend to be harder
to initialize that simple stuff (sql) for simple work. That this
is not suppurted is the reason that I only use flowscript where
I really need a multi-stage flow. XSP is still better suited
(easier to read, modify and maintain, debug) for simple SQL queries
and updates. A shame as flowscript is more powerfull and better suited
to development.

Antonio Gallardo wrote:
Leszek Gawron dijo:

On Mon, Apr 19, 2004 at 09:01:28AM +0200, Leon Widdershoven wrote:


I, as a user, do not differentiate between Components and utility
classes and functions. I think that when a cocoon developer hears
Component, (s)he thinks of classes which obey some sort of contract
by implementing an interface.
If I, as a user, think of a component it is a part that does
something and is easily integrated into the flowscript.
And example for Javascript flowscript is of course woody.js. This
integrates fabulously with flowscript.
Unfortunately, the same does not hold for database actions. As
I user, I could not find a way to access databases without
just using the classes from java.sql, though I did manage
to get a Connection from the pool from the manager.
As a *hacker* I used parts of the samples plock (PetStore);
the sample block contains an excellent module, part of the
petstore, to access databases and represent resultsets.
And what I'm wondering is why such a usefull component
for an example is part of -of all things - an example
block in stead of an optional JavaScript/Database block.
I have the feeling that people might be more willing to make
components for flowscript (and the same would probably hold
for other flow languages) if components did not look so
application specific. I use Dababase.js; but the sources
are part of the samples, so I for one have the feeling
it is a totally unsupported module.
because it is a totally unsupported module. Long time ago it was
considered a
bad practice to call actions from flow so the new FOM does not have it. It
results in the fact that you are not able to use ESQL if you use a flow
application. ESQL is lost and you do not have any substitute (the
you mention is considered a prototype only). And though all developers say
use O/R tools I started from simple xsps because cocoon itself was to much
me to handle at once. After some prototypes I switched to Hibernate and
never go back to ESQL.

Not using Hibernate. I use OJB. And I agree that there is no way to go back.

but still I recommend to all my friends to start simple with esql.

You are cruel! :-D

We are trying to show people the right things from the beginning:

Last week, we training our new coworker with PHP background. We started to
show the Cocoon world with OJB+JXTG+CForms+Flow. After 2 days of intensive
training (8 hours each day and BTW, I cannot speak anymore) + Carlos the
day after guiding in a sample of a contact DB webapp (cca. 5 tables) in 1
Our coworker, realized how good Cocoon is and the nice approach. I hope to
see the progress this week. while start working real life projects. I am
aware there are even more things to improve in our development approach,
but the current archievement show us we are going in the right path.

As I have written in some previous post: with flowscript you gain a lot of
freedom and make development much simpler but because of lack of database
abstraction language you have to use components with pure JDBC which makes
a lot harder in the business layer!

Looking for SQL support in javascript? ... What about Groovy:

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo

Re: OT: [RT] Use of flowscript or the pyramid of contracts

2004-04-19 Thread Leon Widdershoven
I had a task to write a web interface to a table with 300
columns. The column names were still in flux.
I really did not feel to write 300 elaborate column definitions.
XML is very readable, but it was too verbose for me at the time.
And as you say, it looks a very daunting task and that's what
most starting users probably think. And if they, because of that,
start with xsp and esql (which admittedly is very easy) the
going forth to yet another language and framework can be
inconvenient. Especially when you get paid to write applications,
not learn frameworks:)
But I'm glad to hear that Hibernate is quite easy to start with.
The moment I get some time off I will certainly jump in the
deep and try to survive:)

Leszek Gawron wrote:
On Mon, Apr 19, 2004 at 12:32:38PM +0200, Leon Widdershoven wrote:

To me, hibernate is overkill and yet another thing to manage. The
advantage of esql is that it is simple, and has a single layer access
to the database.
Hibernate is more complicated to set up, and then has to be maintained.
If you use plain SQL, only the queries have to be maintained. If you
use hibernate, it also has to be maintained.
For plain old statements like select * from foo where bla=xsp:request.../
it's just overkill to me.
I do think hibernate is very good - for advanced usage. I think it
is a shame that people are forced to either use xsp or use plain
java.sql access to the database in flowscript.
You are not right. Setting up hibernate and writing first application
consisting of 5 tables took me 1 hour. For two weeks I been gathering strength
to do that because I've been as scared as you are :)

Re: OT: [RT] Use of flowscript or the pyramid of contracts

2004-04-19 Thread Leon Widdershoven

Leszek Gawron wrote:
On Mon, Apr 19, 2004 at 03:24:50PM +0200, Ugo Cei wrote:

Leon Widdershoven wrote:

But I'm glad to hear that Hibernate is quite easy to start with.
The moment I get some time off I will certainly jump in the
deep and try to survive:)
There is a middle ground between a full-fledged O/R mapping layer and 
raw JDBC calls. You could, for instance, try Spring's JDBC template 
classes [1], as they take care of the tedious, repetitive and 
error-prone, like setting up a connection, managing transactions, 
handling errors and properly releasing resources.

An advantage of using Spring is also that it supports Hibernate and JDO 
out-of-the-box, so graduating from JDBC to an O/R persistence layer 
might be easier.

DISCLAIMER: I've never used Spring, just read its documentation and I 
really like what I've seen so far. Might be using it for a future 
project, though.

There is also a library called DbUtils at Jakarta
DISCLAIMER: I've never used DbUtils, just read its documentation :)

DbUtils is a small set of classes designed to make working with JDBC easier.
JDBC resource cleanup code is mundane, error prone work so these classes
abstract out all of the cleanup tasks from your code leaving you with what you
really wanted to do with JDBC in the first place: query and update data. 

I also read the docs for that. As it happens I already had a home grown
mini library to do just that before I saw this. There are quite
a lot Java packages that work more comfortable if you just wrap them
in some exception-catching auto-initialisation classes:)
The original topic was, though, that there is no easy default for database
access within flowscript. And I think a light and advanced recommended
way for database access from within flowscript would do a lot of good. This
is, though, not going to happen if I've followed the discussion right:)

Re: OT: [RT] Use of flowscript or the pyramid of contracts

2004-04-19 Thread Leon Widdershoven
Just curious (also:),

how much work is it to set up for a given database?


leo leonid wrote:
Hi all,
just curious, did ever someone in cocoonland, except me, use the 
SQL-Maps and DAO-Framework from ibatis ( ). This is from 
where Chris borrowed the Petstore sample, that he ported to flow. And 
that was the simple reason why I hit upon these tools, that I use since, 

I never tried something similar before and since, so I can't rate it, or 
even compare it, with the tools you use (Hibernate OJB,..)  so, comments 
would be very appreciated.

For training with these tools, I half backported the petstore flow 
sample, so that it uses flow only for controller things, but leaving all 
business logic under the responsibility of SQL-Maps/DAO. If there is an 
interest, I could finish and contribute this alternative petstore sample.


On Apr 19, 2004, at 1:54 PM, Leon Widdershoven wrote:

I had a task to write a web interface to a table with 300
columns. The column names were still in flux.
I really did not feel to write 300 elaborate column definitions.
XML is very readable, but it was too verbose for me at the time.
And as you say, it looks a very daunting task and that's what
most starting users probably think. And if they, because of that,
start with xsp and esql (which admittedly is very easy) the
going forth to yet another language and framework can be
inconvenient. Especially when you get paid to write applications,
not learn frameworks:)
But I'm glad to hear that Hibernate is quite easy to start with.
The moment I get some time off I will certainly jump in the
deep and try to survive:)

Leszek Gawron wrote:

On Mon, Apr 19, 2004 at 12:32:38PM +0200, Leon Widdershoven wrote:

To me, hibernate is overkill and yet another thing to manage. The
advantage of esql is that it is simple, and has a single layer access
to the database.
Hibernate is more complicated to set up, and then has to be maintained.
If you use plain SQL, only the queries have to be maintained. If you
use hibernate, it also has to be maintained.
For plain old statements like select * from foo where 
it's just overkill to me.

I do think hibernate is very good - for advanced usage. I think it
is a shame that people are forced to either use xsp or use plain
java.sql access to the database in flowscript.
You are not right. Setting up hibernate and writing first application
consisting of 5 tables took me 1 hour. For two weeks I been gathering 
to do that because I've been as scared as you are :)

Re: [RT] Use of flowscript or the pyramid of contracts (was Re: [RT] Checked exceptions considered harmful)

2004-04-19 Thread Leon Widdershoven
Guido Casper wrote:

Yes that might be one reason. Another one IMO is that it's much easier
to (conceptually) come up with a reusable sitemap component (being a
specialized thing) than it is to come up with a reusable flow component.

I think that is the true question.
I am writing an application which gets an excel spreadsheet with 
this information must be read into data structures, and compared with 
databaserecords, and then  merged.  I use flow to get the user data.  I have
tried to write the total application entirely in Javascript (with of 
course HSSF
Java classes). It works, but is not really maintable.
So I wrote a reusable flow component called a Java Package. The main
class gets the uploaded spreadsheet and all flags, and returns errors or OK.
It can be called from any flowscript program, the classes can be configured,
it can be called by Java classes. How much more reusable can you get?

And at the same time I think this is not what flowscript developers call
reusable. What is the characteristic of a reusable flowscript component,
defined in a way a user can understand?
For cocoon components that's easy. Implement a particular interface and
it is a particular kind of component. But flowscript is just much more free
on the one side, and in other ways a bit more restricted.

I think you could slowly move towards enforcing a FOM only access to
Cocoon; maybe start with two levels of access: a default FOM only and a
RAD flag (developer_mode='true') that be configured to say to Cocoon
that a developer wants to allow script X to have access outside of the
FOM model ?
No, please no. It is hard enough to find  components/scripts that do 
what you
want them to do - without reinventing the wheel. It really is not a good 
to artificially limit access to ready-made logic and thus forcing users 
to either
hack the cocoon sources, or to reinvent the wheel.

What you can say is that particular scripts should be considered private 
or protected
to indicate that their contract may change at any time without notice 
and that it
is thus very unwise to build a system based on that. (Yes, like Java).

A protected script also makes sense if it manages a resource which must 
be called
only when particular demands have been met, or which may have side 
effects on the
fllowscript environment.

But both such cases would be to protect the user, and not to force users to
a certain development model favoured by the developer. The developer may
well be right in his opinions, but users come from different backgrounds and
would not understand they be limited because their way is not neat.
I am sorry if this sounds to harsh, but it really *is* hard enough to 
find functions which
do what you want them to do. If you then find out those functions are 
blocked for
some unfathomable (ideologic) reason, you would not be glad.

If I read to much in the statement above I am sorry. But I strongly feel 
that flow
is a more powerfull  technology than xsp for many applications, and that it
should be kept simple for users. And simple is not a limited set of 
functions, but
a feature rich environment which allows you to do what you want without 
to much
Java (a bit like xsp is now),


Re: #{//foo/bar} doesn't work within forEach!

2004-04-18 Thread Leon Widdershoven
Could it be that you are using both Jexl and XPath tags?

Stephan Coboos wrote:


I've tried to retrieve an object within a JXTemplate:


This works fine outside any forEach. If I'am using it inner forEach, 
nothing will be printed out:

jx:forEach var=something items=${myList}



Because // refers to the root, the value should be printed out within 
this context, right? Whats wrong?

Thank you.


Re: [RT] Checked exceptions considered harmful

2004-04-15 Thread Leon Widdershoven

Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
Le 14 avr. 04, à 20:00, Leon Widdershoven a écrit :

...I don't think throws Exception in all declarations is a plus; a 
function which operates on files could have an IOException, a function 
which operates on numbers a NumberException
or something akin; in essence, the root of the expected Exception 
hierarchy (for interfaces and abstratc classes)

I like the idea, similar to what Berin suggests: using base exceptions 
which tell us what the problem is about, without being too specific.


Similar but *not* the same. And it holds only for interfaces. I think the
actual classes should be a bit more specific (not just Exception - that 
doesn't tell anything).

But to give an example, I define a virtual DataSource (not a cocoon/avalon one):

interface DataSource {
// ...
public String getData() throws IOException;
In does not matter why a datasource could not get the data. Whether
a file is not found, could not be read, a netwerk address is not available,
a database does not exist, an SQLException occurred - for this function
it only matters that no input could be obtained.
An implementation should then of course re-wrap the exception to an IO
exception. With an appropriate message (I think cocoon has good exception
messages btw).
I think it is important in such a case to be generic since it is extremely 
hard for software to automatically correct any problem in such a case.
You might want to access a backup data source, but for that you only need to
know that the operation has failed. Not exactly why (it should be in the
logs though). If you/the software knew a file does not exist, could it
automatically create one with the requested data? Normally not - if you
had the data you would not need to ask it.

That is why I think overly specific exceptions are not always the best
way - the exceptions you specify as a library developer should not just
image the exceptions thrown by used functions, but be of use to the calling
developer. And (s)he want's to know whether the action has failed.

Re: GroovyMarkup syntax works!

2004-04-15 Thread Leon Widdershoven
You don't have access to a ServiceManager or ComponentManager (provided 
by cocoon and holding the
configured pools)?

Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

Le 15 avr. 04, à 18:20, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

...You might as well just use DataSource then as this is pretty close 
to all DataSource is. (Or at the least get ConnectionProvider to 
implement DataSource)

There's an implementation in Jakarta Commons dbcp and various JDBC 
drivers come with an implementation of DataSource for you already 
(e.g. Oracle  Axion).

If nothing else just provide a DataSource facade to whatever 
connection pool you use and the groovy.sql.Sql will work fine with 
your pool.

Sounds good, I'll try it!

Re: GroovyMarkup syntax works!

2004-04-15 Thread Leon Widdershoven
of course, I'm working on a static factory class for myself which does 
only that:)

Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

Le 15 avr. 04, à 19:37, Leon Widdershoven a écrit :

You don't have access to a ServiceManager or ComponentManager 
(provided by cocoon and holding the
configured pools)?

Sure - it just needs a little bridge to make the pools or Connections 
available to the scripts.


Re: [RT] Checked exceptions considered harmful

2004-04-14 Thread Leon Widdershoven
Leo Sutic wrote:

meaning: when cleaning out stuff, you shouldn't throw out the real 
valuable parts (even if those were the cause that got you in the mess)

I think you end up with something like:

+ If the thing you are signalling via an Exception could be made
  into a error return value that the client code *really should 
  check for* as opposed to *can check for*, then make it a checked 
  Exception. This ensures that the client code will check for it.

+ If what you are returning is guaranteed to be unrecoverable and
  stop any processing, throw an Error.
+ Else make it a RuntimeException.

The whole point with checked Exceptions was to avoid the case when
lazy programmers didn't properly check for ok return codes.


In stead you are forced to spend 80% of your code handling exceptions. I 
think the thought is
that if you spend all that time write try{}catch(){}finally{} clauses 
you also write someting
in that catch(generally a throw unfortunately, and often a more generic 
one since you don't
waht to throw 3 different exceptions just because you can't (1)Open a 
file for (2) Reading
because the (3)file can not be found. (Did I forget something?)

BTW, I like exceptions - in general - but Java (especially the standard 
libs) make so much use
of them that the effect is more like Oh no - another one in stead of 
Oh yeah - that can happen.


Re: [RT] Checked exceptions considered harmful

2004-04-14 Thread Leon Widdershoven
Berin Loritsch wrote:

Leo Sutic wrote:

From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Berin Loritsch

Really?  I did the exact same thing and got an error during 
compilation. It must be a stricter IDE specific compiler.  I'm not 
sure that we can count on that continuing to be the case forever 

No, but they have to change the Java language spec for it to
   The runtime exception classes (RuntimeException and its 
subclasses) are exempted from compile-time checking

Ok.  You learn something new every day.  So then the compiler that
forced me to check those exceptions was overzealous or in violation
of the Java spec.
Exempted -as far as my english goes - is excused. If you are exempted 
from class you need not go to that class, but if you wanted to
you could. (It's been a long that, school, maybe I got that wrong:)

Does exempted mean compiler is not allowed toor compiler does not 
have to (the latter would be evil of course since it would
leave a degree of freedom in the specs, but I don't think that's 
exacltly unheard of)


Re: [RT] Checked exceptions considered harmful

2004-04-14 Thread Leon Widdershoven
Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

Le 13 avr. 04, à 21:54, Ugo Cei a écrit :

The subject of this RT is the issue of checked vs. unchecked 
exceptions and the horrible things the abuse of checked exceptions 
does to our code base...

Agreed - and I've read some of the stuff you mention, but I have a 
slightly different point of view: I tend to declare throws Exception 
everywhere (or at least in interface declarations), as using unchecked 
exceptions only can be very confusing to programmers sometimes. Using 
the throws clause makes it clear that you expect something to 
eventually happen.

I don't think throws Exception in all declarations is a plus; a function 
which operates on files could have an IOException, a function which 
operates on numbers a NumberException
or something akin; in essence, the root of the expected Exception 
hierarchy (for interfaces and abstratc classes). An 
illegalArgumentException and NullPointerException
need not be declared (and are not declared) since they form part of the 
Contract. You can (and should IMHO) declare as many demands as possible 
*and* convenient
for the user (things that are easily checked) in the contract. If you 
end up with dozens of exceptions in one function, all possible due to 
wrong arguments (or combinations
thereof) I think even the interface could use a function_doesNotCheck() 
throws FewExceptions and function_doesChecks() throws zillions of expetions.

This preference has to do with the way I read interfaces. If I see a 
throws exception, I just let the code die or do a catch all in the hope 
it will survive. If I see something
concrete, I know what can happen and I might know a recovery technique.

This of course has the disadvantage that implementing an interface at a 
later time can be a pain since the newly found exceptions are officially 
not thrown, and
thus need a hack to propagate (a rewrap or something alike). I think 
that is very much a matter of taste.

I must admit I have a background in C++, so I perceive exceptions more 
like errors that as control flow, which probably colours my arguments:(


Re: To make XML on the fly

2004-04-14 Thread Leon Widdershoven
and pay attention to the headings (index, overview, installing/index)

It could also be that yuo want to imitate the Cocoon wiki pages: your 
on top of the screen.

I don't know how that is done, but if that's what you want there *are* 
people who know
how to do that:)


Elvira Nieto Carretero wrote:


I have in mind is fairly close to your last proposal.

Exactly i want to save the path of links that the user of my site web do and
i want to insert a new xml label in my navigation.xml once the user to click
over a link of my menu. do you understand me?
Thanks again.

Best regards

- Original Message - 
From: Antonio Gallardo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 11:11 AM
Subject: Re: To make XML on the fly


Elvira Nieto Carretero dijo:

Hello again

If a pipeline basic is compose by

   map:match pattern=*
 map:generate src=my_xml.xml/
 map:transform src=my_xsl.xsl/
 map:serialize type=html/
how can i to apply a transform (my_xsl.xsl) to xml on the fly?


Can you elaborate more what you have in mind? Because, AFAIK, all the
cocoon tranformations are on the fly. :-D

That is, can i make a xml structure in memory and then to apply it a


transformer my_xsl.xsl?

The generator job is to emit SAX events that are consumed by a
transformer. The tranformer can be of the default type XSLT. In this way,
it can be interpreted as done in memory or on the fly. And this is
what Cocoon is all about.
Another answer to the question can be:

You can also point to another pipeline to generate the XML source. In that
way it is called a dynamic generated XML file.
Is that what you have in mind? If so, see for the cocoon: protocol:

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo


Re: Back button of my navigator

2004-04-13 Thread Leon Widdershoven
I'm no wizard but I think the problem is that browsers cache the page.
The browser should request the page again when Back is pressed.
There is a HTTP1.1 header no-cache which should be set on the page.
I don't really know how to do that - something like
response.setHeader( Cache-Control, no-cache);
response.setHeader(Pragma, no-cache );
a no-store, or must-revalidate header could also be an option but I'm
not at home with those headers.
If there's a wizard around to (s)he might tell you how to set those headers
in the sitemap, xsp or flowscript (I don't know what you use - but the 
is a good option I think; maybe a configuarion of the html serializer?)

Hope this is at least a pointer in the right direction,
Elvira Nieto Carretero wrote:

I use session variable to save the links navigation that the user 
press during his permanence in my web site.
But, if the user press the back button of the navigator, my session 
don't update and the next link that he press appear the step that it 
had to undo when back button of the navigator was pressed.
do you understand me?... i hope yes.
best desires

Re: Back button of my navigator

2004-04-13 Thread Leon Widdershoven
First of all, caching should be implemented by the client (browser). If 
that does not listen
to the cache directive, you are out of luck.

Cache-Control is implemented by all http1.1 conform clients (otherwise 
it's not conform:).
I  think every modern browser is such a client (IE6, Mozilla, Opera, 

Older browsers often, but bot always, use Pragma. That's I think in 
Netscape 4.x and
such. If you need compatibilty with very old browsers you have to look 
up their docs.

Cache-Control also protects you from eager proxies, which can also cache 
data. And
so does Pragma:) Cache-Control is also good for secret, or sensitive 
data, but i think
private is the more correct directive for that (it tells proxies not 
to cache).

For a news site which is updated once an hour you can add an expiration 

That's what I know. I don't usually have a lot to do with that stuff. If 
you have special needs
just look up the http1 and http1.1 specs. Headers can be usefull.



hi leo

let me ask you something:

just adding this action in a map:match and set the parameter Cache-control 
to no-cache can you know serve pages that are not cached from client?

or is somenthing more that i'm missing?



On Tue, 13 Apr 2004, Elvira Nieto Carretero wrote:


Hey, Leo

E U R E K A !


In my country it say Eres un solete, in english it would be something so
you are a sun ;P
Best desires

- Original Message - 
From: Leon Widdershoven [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: Back button of my navigator


Though I'm quite sure the previous information is enough (provided I got
the question right), I think
the following link is usefull:

With special attention to the set-header action and the map:act part:

map:action name=set-header


!-- Lot's of code - see webpage --

  map:match pattern=listing
   map:act type=set-header
   map:parameter name=Pragma value=expires/
   map:parameter name=Expires value=0/
   map:parameter name=Cache-Control value=no-cache/
 map:generate  type=serverpages src=docs/searchresults.xsp/
 map:transform src=stylesheets/listing.xsl
map:parameter name=use-request-parameters value=true/
 map:serialize type=html/

Leon Widdershoven wrote:


I'm no wizard but I think the problem is that browsers cache the page.
The browser should request the page again when Back is pressed.
There is a HTTP1.1 header no-cache which should be set on the page.
I don't really know how to do that - something like
response.setHeader( Cache-Control, no-cache);
response.setHeader(Pragma, no-cache );
a no-store, or must-revalidate header could also be an option but I'm
not at home with those headers.
If there's a wizard around to (s)he might tell you how to set those
in the sitemap, xsp or flowscript (I don't know what you use - but the
is a good option I think; maybe a configuarion of the html serializer?)
Hope this is at least a pointer in the right direction,
Elvira Nieto Carretero wrote:


I use session variable to save the links navigation that the user
press during his permanence in my web site.
But, if the user press the back button of the navigator, my session
don't update and the next link that he press appear the step that it
had to undo when back button of the navigator was pressed.
do you understand me?... i hope yes.

best desires




Woody Renamed?

2004-04-09 Thread Leon Widdershoven

I was thinking to add a bit to the WhatIsFlow (from Bertrand Delacretaz) page 
in the Wiki, to mention how this integrates with Woody, when I remembered I
found a page some time ago that Woody had been renamed to something different.

Is that true, and what is the new name?

Leon Widdershoven

Re: disabling widgets

2004-04-05 Thread Leon Widdershoven

- move to a generator approach.
Do you mean generator-only approach? I think that would limit the options of 
the users quite a bit (and I am one of those). I actually like the pipeline
approach so that you can build your XML tree dynamically; if one would move
to a generator only approach other generator-only functionalities (xsp, though
that appears to be deprecated) can not really be used anymore.

As you notice I am not well enough at home in cocoon core matters to really 
have an opinion, but two months ago when I started using cocoon (and I am 
working full time with cocoon-2.1.4) the fact that the xsp was a generator 
only brought me a lot of trouble so I have a bit of a phobia about that.

Leon Widdershoven

xsp Serverpages generator: Convoluted functionality?

2004-03-22 Thread Leon Widdershoven

  I have a question about the design of the ServerPages generator, which
  transforms xsp pages into (at the end) a SAX stream.
  I think the generator wraps to distinct functions into one function,
  and that it could be usefull to split it into a File-like Reader into
  a SAX stream and a separate Transformer which transforms SAX via a
  compilation to another SAX stream.
In this e-mail I address a problem which is bugging me almost from the 
start. I have looked at the mailing list but could not find such a 
thread. Whether this is because my idea is stupid or not, I do not know. 
I mean no critique, but i *am* curious.

I have noticed that the XSP generator has multiple functions wrapped 
into one:
1. Reading the xsp file (into a DOM tree probably)
2. Transforming this tree into Java
3. Compiling the resulting java file
4. executing this file

After 4) the results is passed further in the pipeline.

I have also noticed that this design results in quite some unnecessary 
trouble for some users, including myself. I try to use the session
authentication data in my xsp pages. But that, naturally, fails since
the session transformer works on the stream that results from the 
serverpages generator. In other words, after the xsp has been compiled.

This means that values from the authentication context cannot be used; 
in effect it means that all logic sheets which do not bind as well to
xsp as esql cannot be used to control the java control flow.

I think this can be done better. It I look at the design concept of the 
sitemap it has generators to load data and transform it into a SAX 
stream, which then is processed by a transformer.

The transformer takes a SAX stream, does it's thing, and returns a SAX 
stream, leaving intact all those tags it can not handle.

At the end the serializer transforms it into the output file which may 
not be a DOM stream.

It I try to map the ServerPages generator into that framework I notice 
it does two separate things:

1. It generates a SAX tree from an xsp file

2. It transforms a SAX tree into a java file, executes that file, and
   returns a SAX tree
Though the naming is quite suggestive, I think the point is clear. I 
think the ServerPages generator should actually be split into two parts. 
That would enable other transformers to handle their tags, after which 
the Java control flow can take that data into account. Such a construct 
would allow non-xsp tags to integrate seamlessly with Java (xsp) programs.

Such a separation of functionality, however, is just so natural that I 
really can't imagine that no-one else thought of that. So I'm actually 
quite curious why such a split has not been done.

I'm also quite curious how the actual implementation of the generator 
works. I have looked at the source code of some xsp tag libraries to get 
other things to work, but I'm a bit scared of the serverpages generator 
- it just has to be complicated. I'm going to look at it anyway in the 
hope that internally the reading of the XML stream and the 
transformation into java is nicely separated, so that I can re-write it 
into two components. If the separation is clean, I think I can do that 
faster than writing my xsl's to handle session-transformed data.

I don't have high hopes, however, so I would really like some comments 
from the people who actually wrote the generator.

Leon Widdershoven