Re: Pipeline components and Object Model issues

2007-08-20 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski

Peter Hunsberger pisze:

On 8/19/07, Grzegorz Kossakowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Same goes for all other SAX events. It's actually one extra get and two puts 
calls on Map. Rather
lightweight, yes?

I don't really have time to dive into all the details of the
discussion, but Map calls themselves are not necessarily
"lightweight".  If the map itself can grow to any large size then a
get or a put isn't necessarily trivial...?

Good point. This map contains references to beans' instances in pipelineScope. Given the fact that 
it will contain one instance per bean configuration this map will be rather small (less than 10 
items). Currently it will contain at the most one item.

Grzegorz Kossakowski
*** My Internet Service Provider breaks my internet connection
*** incessantly so I'll not be able to respond to e-mails 
*** regularly and my work will be somehow irregular.  
*** I'm already trying to switch ISP but it will take handful amount of time. 

Re: Pipeline components and Object Model issues

2007-08-20 Thread Peter Hunsberger
On 8/19/07, Grzegorz Kossakowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Same goes for all other SAX events. It's actually one extra get and two puts 
> calls on Map. Rather
> lightweight, yes?

I don't really have time to dive into all the details of the
discussion, but Map calls themselves are not necessarily
"lightweight".  If the map itself can grow to any large size then a
get or a put isn't necessarily trivial...?

Peter Hunsberger

Re: Pipeline components and Object Model issues

2007-08-20 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski

Joerg Heinicke pisze:

If so performance loss would at the most two times slower.

What does this mean? This sentence makes no sense to me ;)

It was late here when writing this sentence. I meant:
if T is time needed for particular pipeline to execute without ScopeChanger, just ouf of reading 
ScopeChanger's code we can see that if it's enabled new execution time is restricted by < 2*T.

If you take into account components that actually do something the
performance loss could be less noticeable I think.

It's about complexity calculations [1]. 

Joerg, remember that I'm math student so you can be sure that I'm really familiar with complexity 
calculations. ;-)

We used to even proof that certain algorithm belongs certain complexity class or even that problem 
is solvable only in certain (or higher) complexity class... :-)

Your approach is of O(m*n) with 
m = number of SAX events and n = number of components. The environment 
change has to be executed m*n times. With my approach it was only 
O(1*n). Ignore the number of components it's O(m) vs. O(1) - and number 
of SAX events can be huge. That's why it is not lightweight.

But you must remember about the fact that each SAX event is already processed (usually just 
forwarded) so whole pipeline's complexity is already O(nm). ScopeChanger adds only constant factor 
to n*m so complexity class does not change, really.

Auto-proxying only starts in chapter 7.9 [2] :)

Thanks for a link, I'll at it.

You can probably just move the code of ScopeChangerProxy straight to a 
subclass of AbstractAdvisorAutoProxyCreator (which would be coupled to 
Spring as a BeanPostProcessor is, actually it is a BeanPostProcessor as 
well but does the proxying for you) or to a MethodInterceptor.

What's the best choice?

I see. The best lightweight approach is useless if it does not meet the 
requirements ;) Let me thnk about it ...

Joerg, if you find solution dramatically different (and better when it comes to performance) from 
ScopeChanger I'll be happy to stand you a beer as soon as there is an occasion... ;-)

Grzegorz Kossakowski
*** My Internet Service Provider breaks my internet connection
*** incessantly so I'll not be able to respond to e-mails 
*** regularly and my work will be somehow irregular.  
*** I'm already trying to switch ISP but it will take handful amount of time. 

Re: Pipeline components and Object Model issues

2007-08-19 Thread Joerg Heinicke

On 19.08.2007 18:12 Uhr, Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:

But as you say it has to happen for EACH SAX event. I don't think it's 
lightweight. It happens hundreds times even for simple HTML pages - 
per component!

Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought that every pipeline component 
handles (even if it's simple forwarding) every single SAX event, right?


If so performance loss would at the most two times slower.

What does this mean? This sentence makes no sense to me ;)

If you take into account components that actually do something the
performance loss could be less noticeable I think.

It's about complexity calculations [1]. Your approach is of O(m*n) with 
m = number of SAX events and n = number of components. The environment 
change has to be executed m*n times. With my approach it was only 
O(1*n). Ignore the number of components it's O(m) vs. O(1) - and number 
of SAX events can be huge. That's why it is not lightweight.

Why do you go this low-level approach and instead of just implementing 
a MethodInterceptor applied with Spring's AOP. That makes it 
independent from Spring itself since the interceptor can be applied 
differently later.

I'm not Spring specialist, BeanPostProcessor was the first thing I found 
in docs (chapter 3) that fitted my needs. I'll adjust my code tomorrow.

Auto-proxying only starts in chapter 7.9 [2] :)

You can probably just move the code of ScopeChangerProxy straight to a 
subclass of AbstractAdvisorAutoProxyCreator (which would be coupled to 
Spring as a BeanPostProcessor is, actually it is a BeanPostProcessor as 
well but does the proxying for you) or to a MethodInterceptor.

What original transformer writer could expect is that it's current state 
of it's Object Model (wrapper) is visible to the Bar component as it is 
derived from the transformer. As you guessed it, only unwrapped Object 
Model will be visible to the Bar component.

I see. The best lightweight approach is useless if it does not meet the 
requirements ;) Let me thnk about it ...



Re: Pipeline components and Object Model issues

2007-08-19 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski

Joerg Heinicke pisze:

On 19.08.2007 10:03 Uhr, Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:

Same goes for all other SAX events. It's actually one extra get and 
two puts calls on Map. Rather lightweight, yes?

But as you say it has to happen for EACH SAX event. I don't think it's 
lightweight. It happens hundreds times even for simple HTML pages - per 

Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought that every pipeline component handles (even if it's simple 
forwarding) every single SAX event, right? If so performance loss would at the most two times 
slower. If you take into account components that actually do something the performance loss could be 
less noticeable I think.

Why do you go this low-level approach and instead of just implementing a 
MethodInterceptor applied with Spring's AOP. That makes it independent 
from Spring itself since the interceptor can be applied differently later.

I'm not Spring specialist, BeanPostProcessor was the first thing I found in docs (chapter 3) that 
fitted my needs. I'll adjust my code tomorrow.

I wonder if that's a requirement at all. IMO a properly scoped OM *is* 
part of the component setup. So I would not even care if the 
corresponding code has to be touched.

Anyway, I can't see where the simple wrapper approach fails. We'll get 
kind of a hierarchical OM similar to Spring's hierarchical application 
contexts. Creating the wrapped OM can happen in the same AOP/ 
BeanPostProcessor way, but it happens only on setup time and once, not 
for each SAX event by intercepting the setObjectModel() method:

on setObjectModel(parentOM) on component xy
do xy.setObjectModel(new ObjectModelWrapper(parentOM))

The ObjectModelWrapper holds a map of local vars and delegates to the 
parent OM if it can not find a value in its local vars.

Ok, so component (let it be transformer) has wrapped OM puts local variable on wrapper only. Now 
imagine that transformer is BeanFactoryAware that uses some other component (let it be a Foo 
component) to transform some elements. Foo components depends on Bar component, that in turn depends 
on Object Model.

What original transformer writer could expect is that it's current state of it's Object Model 
(wrapper) is visible to the Bar component as it is derived from the transformer. As you guessed it, 
only unwrapped Object Model will be visible to the Bar component.

I hope that you understand now why scope and it's changing is needed.

Grzegorz Kossakowski
*** My Internet Service Provider breaks my internet connection
*** incessantly so I'll not be able to respond to e-mails 
*** regularly and my work will be somehow irregular.  
*** I'm already trying to switch ISP but it will take handful amount of time. 

Re: Pipeline components and Object Model issues

2007-08-19 Thread Joerg Heinicke

On 17.08.2007 2:45 Uhr, Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:

Not entirely true. ObjectModel can be modified during component's 
execution at random times, really. It happens all the time in template 
generator where Object Model is passed almost everywhere and it depends 
on incoming SAX events if OM will be modified. So it's predictable 
during setup phase but not during execution.

What I meant was that this modification of the OM happens in a 
predictable way (though potentially overly complex to predict). You can 
interrupt the processing at let's say the 100th SAX event and you know 
exactly how it looks like. Doing exactly the same on a second request 
there will be no difference.

Thread execution is not predictable at all.

I could agree with you that introduction of scope does not make sense in 
1:1-relationship but since component can make internal requests and if 
we want to provide some environment forwarding/sharing (see 
COCOON-2050[1] and [RT] The big picture of Servlet Service Framework 
e-mail[2] for examples where it could be needed) we will need to obtain 
OM and we should get exactly the same OM component making a request have.

I can't see how the environment changer approach is different than the 
simple wrapper in this regard. Somewhere you have to put the logic for 
environment forwarding/sharing anyway.

Actually this whole problem reminds me of session attributes in 
portlet environment.

 From my purist point of view I would say: just don't even think about 
it! ;)

That was just an idea. In the wrapper approach the difference is just 
about making the parent OM access read-only or also writeable.

It won't take much time until the first user is asking for this 
requirement though I bet ;)


Re: Pipeline components and Object Model issues

2007-08-19 Thread Joerg Heinicke

On 19.08.2007 16:30 Uhr, Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

We could do something similar for sitemap components and 
maybe go further and have convention based autoviring so e.g. a set 
method that takes a ServletRequest automatically get the one from the 
call injetcted.

No auto-wiring in Spring - it's considered to be evil ;) And what you 
call convention-based auto-wiring is supported by Spring anyway, so 
there is no need to do anything. Spring supports auto-wiring by type and 
by name [1]. So if anybody really wants that, he can activate it.

(With exception of the request since it is not available as Spring bean. 
So you have to invent something else anyway.)



Re: Pipeline components and Object Model issues

2007-08-19 Thread Daniel Fagerstrom

Grzegorz Kossakowski skrev:
[Snipping lots of technical details]
I want to create dynamic proxies around pipeline components. Actual 
wrapping would be performed by class implementing BeanPostProcessor 
interface. Taking one perspective one could say that this it's almost 
the way as discussed one paragraph above. However, going with this path 
makes whole pipeline scope completely *orthogonal* to the pipeline and 
its components' code. No existing class will be touched and there is no 
requirement on pipeline components' configuration files. No need for 
custom namespace in XML config, etc.

I feel proud of this solution as it solves non-trivial problem just in 
few lines of code and few config files in transparent way. 8-)

Seem like a neat solution.

Actually there are more that could be done with BeanPostProcessors.

As you know sitemap components has a rather involved life cycle, where 
they first are created by the container and then the setup method is 
called in the pipeline to insert the object model, the parameters and 
some other stuff. Now if these objects already are part of the sitemap 
scope, we could have a special SitemapModelComponent aware 
BeanPostProcessor that just takes the needed objects from the current 
scope and use the for setting up the sitemap component.

What is needed is that the right scope is set before looking up the 
sitemap component from the container. This will only work for prototype 
scoped beans as we must be sure that they actually are created in the 
scope where they are looked up. All Springified sitemap components are 
prototypes, (I don't know how it would work for the Avalon bridge 
handled components).

This far we only have a possible simplification of the setup mechanism. 
But with other BeanPostProcessors we could get the same style of 
interceptor based dependecy injection as in Struts2, where various 
request objects are injected in the action bean based on marker 
interfaces. We could do something similar for sitemap components and 
maybe go further and have convention based autoviring so e.g. a set 
method that takes a ServletRequest automatically get the one from the 
call injetcted.

We could use the same mechanism for a new type of actions that are 
created in prototype scope and get all dependencies injected by Spring 
in the sitemap scope.


Re: Pipeline components and Object Model issues

2007-08-19 Thread Joerg Heinicke

On 19.08.2007 10:03 Uhr, Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:

Same goes for all other SAX events. It's actually one extra get and two 
puts calls on Map. Rather lightweight, yes?

But as you say it has to happen for EACH SAX event. I don't think it's 
lightweight. It happens hundreds times even for simple HTML pages - per 

I want to create dynamic proxies around pipeline components. Actual 
wrapping would be performed by class implementing BeanPostProcessor 

Why do you go this low-level approach and instead of just implementing a 
MethodInterceptor applied with Spring's AOP. That makes it independent 
from Spring itself since the interceptor can be applied differently later.

However, going with this path makes whole pipeline scope completely
*orthogonal* to the pipeline and its components' code.

I wonder if that's a requirement at all. IMO a properly scoped OM *is* 
part of the component setup. So I would not even care if the 
corresponding code has to be touched.

Anyway, I can't see where the simple wrapper approach fails. We'll get 
kind of a hierarchical OM similar to Spring's hierarchical application 
contexts. Creating the wrapped OM can happen in the same AOP/ 
BeanPostProcessor way, but it happens only on setup time and once, not 
for each SAX event by intercepting the setObjectModel() method:

on setObjectModel(parentOM) on component xy
do xy.setObjectModel(new ObjectModelWrapper(parentOM))

The ObjectModelWrapper holds a map of local vars and delegates to the 
parent OM if it can not find a value in its local vars.


Re: Pipeline components and Object Model issues

2007-08-19 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski

Grzegorz Kossakowski pisze:


Joerg Heinicke asked[1] me to provide summary of the issue that Daniel 
raised[2] and outline

possible solutions so we can discuss them.
I think we should do the same for Object Model. I proposed[5] to create 
new Spring scope (or reuse
sitemap scope that must be implemented). Actually, such scope does, 
behind-the-scene, what I
described one paragraph above. It creates new instance (that may inherit 
properties from old one) of
Object Model when entering pipeline components. Then component is safe 
to modify Object Model
according to its needs or even pass it to subsequent, internal requets 
(like calling service) and
can be sure that Object Model contains only data belongs only to the 
current component. What's very
convenient, Spring scope would be completely transparent to the 
components and even almost
transparent to the pipeline's implementation. Pipeline's code would have 
to only inform when scope

is entered and leaved.

On the other hand, there is a subtle difference between threads ran 
simultaneously and pipeline's
components ran simultaneously. In latter case, we are in charge of 
component's management and
execution. That means we know exactly when one or another component is 
executed so we can modify the
same Object Model instance the way that changes to Object Model 
performed in one component will be
not visible in another one. Since switching between components occurs on 
every SAX event we would
have to adjust Object Model on-the-fly for every SAX event and every 
component in a pipeline. This
solution has been proposed[6] by Daniel that gave more detailed 

I've done more research and came to conclusion that we will need to combine ideas of custom scope 
and environment changer. I'm going discuss technical details here.

Implementing custom scope has advantages that were outlined earlier. What I missed before was how 
class implementing org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope interface knows which scope is the 
active one? How it knows if new bean should be created or there is already one in this scope?

In order to keep this information accurate we need to switch scope every time component is switched, 
which means effectively for every SAX event that comes along the pipeline. We already expressed 
concerns about such solution because it may be too heavy but if we only change _scope_ it's really 
lightweight and I expect it to have almost zero impact on performance. The code of such scope 
changer would look like:

public class PipelineComponentScopeChanger implements ContentHandler {
  //This map will contain only one attribute "beans", this map is shared 
between all
  //PipelineScopeChanger instances and PipelineScope class
  private Map scopeAttributesHolder;

  //This map holds beans in this scope
  private Map beansInScope;

  private ContentHandler nextPipelineComponent;

public startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName, 
Attributes atts)  {
  private Map currentBeansInScope = (Map)scopeAttributesHolder.get("beans");
  nextPipelineComponent.startElement(namespaceURI, localName, qName, atts);


Same goes for all other SAX events. It's actually one extra get and two puts calls on Map. Rather 
lightweight, yes?

Then code of PipelineComponentScope would look like:

public class PipelineComponentScope implements Scope {

  private Map scopeAttributesHolder;

public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory objectFactory) {
Map scopedBeans = (Map)scopeAttributesHolder.get("beans");
Object scopedObject = scopedBeans.get(name);
if (scopedObject == null) {
scopedObject = objectFactory.getObject();
scopedBeans.put(name, scopedObject);

return scopedObject;


You may wonder how this scopedAttributesHolder would be injected into these classes. Before 
discussing this issue I would like to give you another remark.

I showed to you that PipelineComponentScopeChanger would implement ContentHandler so you could 
thought that I'm going to follow Daniel suggestion[1] to put this changer between pipeline 
components. Next idea that comes to mind is that we should create this changers in pipeline's code 
because it's a place where we are in control of all components and can insert these changer.

Actually, I'm not going this path, or not literally.

I want to create dynamic proxies around pipeline components. Actual wrapping would be performed by 
class implementing BeanPostProcessor interface. Taking one perspective one could say that this it's 
almost the way as discussed one paragraph above. However, going with this path makes whole pipeline 
scope completely *orthogonal* to the pipeline and its components' code. No existing class will be 
touched and there is no requirement on pipeline components' configuration files. No need for custom 

Re: Pipeline components and Object Model issues

2007-08-16 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski

Joerg Heinicke pisze:

On 14.08.2007 12:26 Uhr, Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:

The problem is that Object Model is a signleton object (more 
precisely, with "call" scope defined in cocoon-servlet-service-impl)

So the problem is not with internal pipelines at all since they are 
scoped anyway? Or does this apply only for servlet service? Do other 
internal protocol still exist at all?

Yes, it's not problem with internal pipelines (internal requests made by servlet:) because they are 
scoped. No,  it's general problem and if servlet service is not used this problem emerges in 
internal requests, also (because scope is not used).

What internal proctol do you have in mind? A cocoon: I guess, so it still exists and it's main 
reason for keeping complicated environment handling and complicated code of sitemap's treeprocessor. 
Since servlet: protocol replaces (or is going to replace) all functionality of cocoon: we need to 
start thinking about deprecating it in a future.

To elaborate on it further, the situation is similar to the situation 
when thread-unsafe component is used in two threads at the same time.

This comparison does not really apply. You don't get corrupted state but 
some last-wins situation in case of conflicts. If two components in a 
pipeline have the same parameter the last one added wins. So the result 
is actually predictable - but unwanted of course.

Not entirely true. ObjectModel can be modified during component's execution at random times, really. 
It happens all the time in template generator where Object Model is passed almost everywhere and it 
depends on incoming SAX events if OM will be modified. So it's predictable during setup phase but 
not during execution.

This fully establish analogy between thread-unsafe components and OM, IMO.

I wonder if that "scope" makes much sense. It's a 1:1-relationship to 
the component anyway. What we need is only a wrapper that delegates 
read-only access to parent object model in case the child could not 
serve the requested value. Maybe we just talk about the same ...

Yes, we talk about the same but I want OM to be casual Spring bean but scoped properly. This way we 
get necessary wrapper but in transparent way so component's can take advantage of Dependency 
Injection when it comes to OM.

I could agree with you that introduction of scope does not make sense in 1:1-relationship but since 
component can make internal requests and if we want to provide some environment forwarding/sharing 
(see COCOON-2050[1] and [RT] The big picture of Servlet Service Framework e-mail[2] for examples 
where it could be needed) we will need to obtain OM and we should get exactly the same OM component 
making a request have.

Actually this whole problem reminds me of session attributes in portlet 
environment. A portlet's session attributes work exactly like written 
above - but all are stored within the global HTTP session though by 
prefixing the session attribute names with a portlet-unique string. And 
I wonder how fast we will observe another requirement: "I know that I 
might break something but I WANT make this attribute globally 
available." This concept is known in portlet session attributes. You can 
enforce writing an attribute straight to the global session. See the 
corresponding methods on PortletSession [1] (actually they call it 
"scope" as well).

From my purist point of view I would say: just don't even think about it! ;)
However, I know that from time to time we have bend the rules and the solution already exists with 
current design. OM can be extended by implementing ObjectModelProvider interface so some entries are 
added to OM during it's creation. Now you can reference to such bean (that should have prototype 
scope for example) in pipeline component and modify it directly bypassing all OM mechanisms. This 
way you lost all protection but you are not limited by any scopes and so on.

But I'll repeat: don't do this and if you insist on doing it don't be surprised if something does 
not work.

How is the object model injected into such a sitemap component? Still 
via setup()?

As I said earlier, OM is just a Spring bean so it's going to be injected using 
Spring's mechanisms.

Grzegorz Kossakowski
*** My Internet Service Provider breaks my internet connection
*** incessantly so I'll not be able to respond to e-mails 
*** regularly and my work will be somehow irregular.  
*** I'm already trying to switch ISP but it will take handful amount of time. 

Re: Pipeline components and Object Model issues

2007-08-16 Thread Joerg Heinicke

On 14.08.2007 12:26 Uhr, Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:

The problem is that Object Model is a signleton object (more precisely, 
with "call" scope defined in cocoon-servlet-service-impl)

So the problem is not with internal pipelines at all since they are 
scoped anyway? Or does this apply only for servlet service? Do other 
internal protocol still exist at all?

To elaborate on it further, the situation is similar to the situation 
when thread-unsafe component is used in two threads at the same time.

This comparison does not really apply. You don't get corrupted state but 
some last-wins situation in case of conflicts. If two components in a 
pipeline have the same parameter the last one added wins. So the result 
is actually predictable - but unwanted of course.

I proposed[5] to create new Spring scope (or reuse sitemap scope that
must be implemented).  Actually, such scope does, behind-the-scene, what I 
described one
paragraph above. It creates new instance (that may inherit properties
from old one) of Object Model when entering pipeline components.

I wonder if that "scope" makes much sense. It's a 1:1-relationship to 
the component anyway. What we need is only a wrapper that delegates 
read-only access to parent object model in case the child could not 
serve the requested value. Maybe we just talk about the same ...

Actually this whole problem reminds me of session attributes in portlet 
environment. A portlet's session attributes work exactly like written 
above - but all are stored within the global HTTP session though by 
prefixing the session attribute names with a portlet-unique string. And 
I wonder how fast we will observe another requirement: "I know that I 
might break something but I WANT make this attribute globally 
available." This concept is known in portlet session attributes. You can 
enforce writing an attribute straight to the global session. See the 
corresponding methods on PortletSession [1] (actually they call it 
"scope" as well).

How is the object model injected into such a sitemap component? Still 
via setup()?



Re: Pipeline components and Object Model issues

2007-08-15 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski

Carsten Ziegeler pisze:

We should first think of the intended behaviour and then think of the
I would expect that the ObjectModel stays the same during one single
request which might end up to be served through a pipeline consisting of
several pipeline components.
If a sub request is started (internal call through one of our protocols)
this gets a new object model which might inherit the values from the
parent or not - this is something we have to decide.

I expressed my view on ObjectModel sharing between subrequests in "[RT] The big picture of Servlet 
Service Framework" mail[1]. It was when I discussed statelessness.

So, technically speaking, we might end up with more than one ObjectModel
per thread when sub requests are involved. The problem now is the
possible sax streaming from a sub request to the parent request where
the ObjectModel has to be changed on-the-fly.

I don't see why we would have to change Object Model on-the-fly if there are two separate intances - 
one for subrequest and one for request. Could you give an example?

While this direct streaming seems to be very cool in terms of
performance, it created so many problems over the past years, that I
think we should forget about this direct streaming. A sub request writes
its content to a temporary buffer (being this a byte array or a
recording of sax streams) and when its finished, the content is streamed
from this buffer. This allows to change the whole execution context only
twice. But it creates a clean separation between the request and makes
implementing things much easier. It also allows to cache sub requests
completly and directly stream from the cache

Although we have to think about subrequests we need to think about components executed in the 
original request. As I stated in my first mail I think we need several Object Model instances even 
if there are no subrequests. It is caused by the fact that components are executed simultaneously 
and my very own opinion is we should not try to change this.

I think if we find solution for this we will get solution for subrequests as 


Grzegorz Kossakowski
*** My Internet Service Provider breaks my internet connection
*** incessantly so I'll not be able to respond to e-mails 
*** regularly and my work will be somehow irregular.  
*** I'm already trying to switch ISP but it will take handful amount of time. 

Re: Pipeline components and Object Model issues

2007-08-15 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
We should first think of the intended behaviour and then think of the
I would expect that the ObjectModel stays the same during one single
request which might end up to be served through a pipeline consisting of
several pipeline components.
If a sub request is started (internal call through one of our protocols)
this gets a new object model which might inherit the values from the
parent or not - this is something we have to decide.

So, technically speaking, we might end up with more than one ObjectModel
per thread when sub requests are involved. The problem now is the
possible sax streaming from a sub request to the parent request where
the ObjectModel has to be changed on-the-fly.
While this direct streaming seems to be very cool in terms of
performance, it created so many problems over the past years, that I
think we should forget about this direct streaming. A sub request writes
its content to a temporary buffer (being this a byte array or a
recording of sax streams) and when its finished, the content is streamed
from this buffer. This allows to change the whole execution context only
twice. But it creates a clean separation between the request and makes
implementing things much easier. It also allows to cache sub requests
completly and directly stream from the cache

Does this make sense?


Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:
> Hello,
> Joerg Heinicke asked[1] me to provide summary of the issue that Daniel
> raised[2] and outline
> possible solutions so we can discuss them.
> The problem is that Object Model is a signleton object (more precisely,
> with "call" scope defined in
> cocoon-servlet-service-impl) and is passed to the components (pipeline
> components) that are executed
> somehow simultaneously. This can lead to the serious problems like one
> with parameters I described
> here[3] and clarified here[4].
> To elaborate on it further, the situation is similar to the situation
> when thread-unsafe component
> is used in two threads at the same time. You know, it may lead to
> corrupted state and so on. What's
> the classical solution for such problem? Creating two separate instances
> of components assigned to
> each thread respectively.
> I think we should do the same for Object Model. I proposed[5] to create
> new Spring scope (or reuse
> sitemap scope that must be implemented). Actually, such scope does,
> behind-the-scene, what I
> described one paragraph above. It creates new instance (that may inherit
> properties from old one) of
> Object Model when entering pipeline components. Then component is safe
> to modify Object Model
> according to its needs or even pass it to subsequent, internal requets
> (like calling service) and
> can be sure that Object Model contains only data belongs only to the
> current component. What's very
> convenient, Spring scope would be completely transparent to the
> components and even almost
> transparent to the pipeline's implementation. Pipeline's code would have
> to only inform when scope
> is entered and leaved.
> On the other hand, there is a subtle difference between threads ran
> simultaneously and pipeline's
> components ran simultaneously. In latter case, we are in charge of
> component's management and
> execution. That means we know exactly when one or another component is
> executed so we can modify the
> same Object Model instance the way that changes to Object Model
> performed in one component will be
> not visible in another one. Since switching between components occurs on
> every SAX event we would
> have to adjust Object Model on-the-fly for every SAX event and every
> component in a pipeline. This
> solution has been proposed[6] by Daniel that gave more detailed
> description.
> Personally speaking, I really dislike Object Model changing on-the-fly
> idea. It seems rather heavy
> and would be hard to understand in the future. I guess that maintenance
> cost of it would be higher
> than of our custom scope.
> Custom scope proved to be working very well in
> cocoon-servlet-service-impl so I think we should use
> similar concept.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]

Carsten Ziegeler

Pipeline components and Object Model issues

2007-08-14 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski


Joerg Heinicke asked[1] me to provide summary of the issue that Daniel 
raised[2] and outline
possible solutions so we can discuss them.

The problem is that Object Model is a signleton object (more precisely, with 
"call" scope defined in
cocoon-servlet-service-impl) and is passed to the components (pipeline 
components) that are executed
somehow simultaneously. This can lead to the serious problems like one with 
parameters I described
here[3] and clarified here[4].

To elaborate on it further, the situation is similar to the situation when 
thread-unsafe component
is used in two threads at the same time. You know, it may lead to corrupted 
state and so on. What's
the classical solution for such problem? Creating two separate instances of 
components assigned to
each thread respectively.

I think we should do the same for Object Model. I proposed[5] to create new 
Spring scope (or reuse
sitemap scope that must be implemented). Actually, such scope does, 
behind-the-scene, what I
described one paragraph above. It creates new instance (that may inherit 
properties from old one) of
Object Model when entering pipeline components. Then component is safe to 
modify Object Model
according to its needs or even pass it to subsequent, internal requets (like 
calling service) and
can be sure that Object Model contains only data belongs only to the current 
component. What's very
convenient, Spring scope would be completely transparent to the components and 
even almost
transparent to the pipeline's implementation. Pipeline's code would have to 
only inform when scope
is entered and leaved.

On the other hand, there is a subtle difference between threads ran 
simultaneously and pipeline's
components ran simultaneously. In latter case, we are in charge of component's 
management and
execution. That means we know exactly when one or another component is executed 
so we can modify the
same Object Model instance the way that changes to Object Model performed in 
one component will be
not visible in another one. Since switching between components occurs on every 
SAX event we would
have to adjust Object Model on-the-fly for every SAX event and every component 
in a pipeline. This
solution has been proposed[6] by Daniel that gave more detailed description.

Personally speaking, I really dislike Object Model changing on-the-fly idea. It 
seems rather heavy
and would be hard to understand in the future. I guess that maintenance cost of 
it would be higher
than of our custom scope.
Custom scope proved to be working very well in cocoon-servlet-service-impl so I 
think we should use
similar concept.



Grzegorz Kossakowski
*** My Internet Service Provider breaks my internet connection
*** incessantly so I'll not be able to respond to e-mails 
*** regularly and my work will be somehow irregular.  
*** I'm already trying to switch ISP but it will take handful amount of time. 