Re: [Proposal] add DTDs to Apache website

2004-02-12 Thread David Crossley
Thanks to everyone who responded. The discussion seems
to have gone quiet, so it is time to summarise.

I am not going to call a Vote on this, rather just do it.
If anyone thinks otherwise then say so.

These are the original set of issues. I have added comments
based on the discussion, and added the new issues that arose.
Issues 6, 7, 13, 14 are where the action is.

 1) The DTDs will still be managed in the Forrest CVS.


 2) The Forrest build system is complex. It would be good to automate
 the publishing of DTD versions, but that may not be possible.

 3) The Forrest website is built using the stable version of
 Forrest (currently v0.5.1). So how will DTDs from the current
 CVS (v0.6-dev) get into the website CVS [3]? Manual copy? See 4).

 4) If some committer changes the DTDs in CVS then they will be
 out-of-sync. Will committers remember to do the manual copy? See 3).

Issues 2, 3, and 4 are solved in one fell swoop by the use
of .htaccess and mod_rewrite magic. See Issue 13 below.

 5) Extra impact on the Apache webserver. Is this a big bandwidth
 consumer? See some estimates in [4].

No comments, so don't worry about it.

 6) What will be the URLs for the DTDs?
 We presume that Forrest will not be a top-level project soon.

This is the big problem. The XML Project is talking about
moving Forrest under the wings of Cocoon.

So we should anticipate that and use cocoon URLs:
or even

See also new issues 12 and 13.

 7) Does the Apache webserver deliver the supporting files using
 the appropriate Content-Type? Is that text/plain? Does it matter?
 We have *.dtd and *.mod and *.pen and *.ent extensions.

Tests proved that there is a problem with some of these
with the default webserver config. Never mind, .htaccess
to the rescue. See Issue 13 below.

Steven posted an RFC which might help us to decide.
See the discussion, there are some outstanding questions:

 8) We have two separate directories in CVS. The /dtd/ and the
 /entity/ directories are parallel. We can probably merge
 everything into /dtd/ and change the Catalogs.

No comments. Merge them, because the entity sets are only
used by DTDs anyway.

 9) We will never know if the Catalog Entity Resolver gets
 broken after an upgrade. Forrest will still work but will
 be slower, doing downloads of the DTD and supporting files
 on each document parse. We can probably add a test document
 in the forrest seed site to detect failure.

Do not use the seed site as a test mechanism. Add some
proper tests. Not sure yet whether JUnit or Anteater.

 10) Cocoon has a copy of the DTDs and stuff in its own CVS
 so that it can build its own documentation via its webapp
 and command-line builds. This can still continue, but needs
 a better solution. Perhaps Forrest can provide later.


 11) Do we need to ask infrastructure@ about this proposal
 or just do it?

No comments, so just do it.

The new issues ...

12) With the last Forrest release, the System Identifiers were
changed to be URIs instead of local paths, e.g.

This was unfortunate because now we need to handle the fact
that people will expect a DTD resource to be there. In the
upcoming Forrest and Cocoon release we will change all
default System Identifiers to be that adopted at Issue 6.

13) We are working on a .htaccess to rewrite the URLs to
deliver the resources via ViewCVS. This still needs some work.
See the previous message in this thread.

14) Test that it works. Yes, it does with XXE. Disable the
Forrest catalog.xcat then change the System Identifier in
one of your xdocs to point to
Does it work with other tools?

15) It was suggested to do the same for XSD and RNG for
the Sitemap. None published yet, so address this later.

16) It was suggested that we need a document to assist
with configuration of local XML Tools. Here is a start:

17) Need to make extra effort to ensure that we adhere
to the proper naming convention for our DTDs and increment
the version numbers for every change.


Re: [Proposal] add DTDs to Apache website

2004-01-16 Thread Roger I Martin PhD

- Original Message - 
From: David Crossley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2004 2:50 AM
Subject: Re: [Proposal] add DTDs to Apache website

 Roger I Martin PhD wrote:
  There are schema definitions at
  C:\apache\cocoon-2.1\src\blocks\databases\samples\xsp\esql.xsd for esql
  for *.xmap
  Are these to be organised with the DTDs of this proposal?

 No, there are no such plans. This proposal is only attempting
 to deal with the set of document DTDs.

 Why would those XSDs need to be on a website?
For the same purpose as DTDs?  Or moved into Cocoon so they can be utilized
by tools?  I was thinking about visualization and editing assistants.

 The sitemap XSD is draft and did not receive ongoing
 community support. It was followed a RELAX NG effort which
 suffered the same fate. So they remain in draft state..


Re: [Proposal] add DTDs to Apache website

2004-01-15 Thread Joerg Heinicke
On 15.01.2004 05:05, David Crossley wrote:

9) We will never know if the Catalog Entity Resolver gets
broken after an upgrade. Forrest will still work but will
be slower, doing downloads of the DTD and supporting files
on each document parse. We can probably add a test document
in the forrest seed site to detect failure.
A really bad argument against the proposal :) Of course a real test is 
the way to go here.

I gather that you mean a good argument. That is why i listed that
issue. It would be a bad thing if Forrest/Cocoon silently started
doing network retrievals like the current Xerces-2.6 web.xml issue.
No, I meant bad argument. Having the whole application as test case is 
 nicht im Sinne des Erfinders - or in English: The application itself 
should just not serve as a test case.

Forrest does now have a build test target which tries to build the
forrest seed site. Are you suggesting that we would be better to
re-instate the JUnit tests that Cocoon used to have? I am no expert,
but i think that we need the test to actually be a part of the
Forrest machinery so that when users create a new project then
they get the test happening too.
I imagined no special type of a test, only there should be a test. I 
don't know how you can control whether Xerces retrieves the DTDs from 
network or not.


Re: [Proposal] add DTDs to Apache website

2004-01-15 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
On 15 Jan 2004, at 05:05, David Crossley wrote:

Joerg Heinicke wrote:
David Crossley wrote:

3) The Forrest website is built using the stable version of
Forrest (currently v0.5.1). So how will DTDs from the current
CVS (v0.6-dev) get into the website CVS [3]? Manual copy? See 4).
4) If some committer changes the DTDs in CVS then they will be
out-of-sync. Will committers remember to do the manual copy? See 3).
I don't see this problem. On the one hand there are the older files  
document 0.10 or 0.11 that won't be touched, on the other hand 0.12  
is it already old too?) which is developed at the moment. You can't  
incompatible changes for one version, otherwise you will break  
thousands of documents out there. So only extensions are possible.
Absolutely. I think that i got a bit mixed up with whatever i was
trying to say in item 4. We need proper version control and we
have a naming convention for that.
Forrest has been careful not to introduce any incompatible changes.
However, i think that we need to be more careful about adding even
new optional stuff. Every change should be a totally new DTD version.
conclusion: the update cycle must not be once per minute, but maybe  
per day or only week. Now what about having a cron job running on the
website server that checks out recent DTD versions? Forcing manual  
that's critical and without much effort automatically doable sounds  
that good.
Good idea. Nicola Ken suggested something similar.
Ok, a little more .htaccess magic:

# First, proxy the content straight out of ViewCVS
ProxyPassReverse /forrest/*checkout*/xml-forrest/src/core/ 

# Now, since ViewCVS is pretty slow, make sure you cache it
CacheEnable mem /forrest/
# for a day
CacheDefaultExpire 86400
  MCacheSize 4096
  MCacheMaxObjectCount 100
  MCacheMinObjectSize 1
  MCacheMaxObjectSize 2048
# and in case your client is a good web citizen, tell the proxies down  
the road
# to avoid calling us since we guarantee the content is fresh for a day
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresDefault access plus 1 day

Stefano, who has been waiting for some 18 months for somebody else to  
come up with the idea of having forrest pregenerating the .htaccess  
file to do some sort of poor-man multichannel or content negotiation,  
but has lost hope so it's time to inject notion in the system.

Re: [Proposal] add DTDs to Apache website

2004-01-15 Thread Juan Jose Pablos
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
htaccess stuf/
Stefano, who has been waiting for some 18 months for somebody else to  
come up with the idea of having forrest pregenerating the .htaccess  
file to do some sort of poor-man multichannel or content negotiation,  
but has lost hope so it's time to inject notion in the system.
Stefano, who forgot to add that request on Jira, bugzilla or something 
similar, because he realized that people is not able to read his mind :-)

Re: [Proposal] add DTDs to Apache website

2004-01-15 Thread Roger I Martin PhD
There are schema definitions at

C:\apache\cocoon-2.1\src\blocks\databases\samples\xsp\esql.xsd for esql
for *.xmap

Are these to be organised with the DTDs of this proposal?

- Original Message - 
From: Stefano Mazzocchi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 10:01 AM
Subject: Re: [Proposal] add DTDs to Apache website

 On 15 Jan 2004, at 05:05, David Crossley wrote:

  Joerg Heinicke wrote:
  David Crossley wrote:
  3) The Forrest website is built using the stable version of
  Forrest (currently v0.5.1). So how will DTDs from the current
  CVS (v0.6-dev) get into the website CVS [3]? Manual copy? See 4).
  4) If some committer changes the DTDs in CVS then they will be
  out-of-sync. Will committers remember to do the manual copy? See 3).
  I don't see this problem. On the one hand there are the older files
  document 0.10 or 0.11 that won't be touched, on the other hand 0.12
  is it already old too?) which is developed at the moment. You can't
  incompatible changes for one version, otherwise you will break
  thousands of documents out there. So only extensions are possible.
  Absolutely. I think that i got a bit mixed up with whatever i was
  trying to say in item 4. We need proper version control and we
  have a naming convention for that.
  Forrest has been careful not to introduce any incompatible changes.
  However, i think that we need to be more careful about adding even
  new optional stuff. Every change should be a totally new DTD version.
  conclusion: the update cycle must not be once per minute, but maybe
  per day or only week. Now what about having a cron job running on the
  website server that checks out recent DTD versions? Forcing manual
  that's critical and without much effort automatically doable sounds
  that good.
  Good idea. Nicola Ken suggested something similar.

 Ok, a little more .htaccess magic:

 # First, proxy the content straight out of ViewCVS
 ProxyPassReverse /forrest/*checkout*/xml-forrest/src/core/

 # Now, since ViewCVS is pretty slow, make sure you cache it
 CacheEnable mem /forrest/

 # for a day
 CacheDefaultExpire 86400
MCacheSize 4096
MCacheMaxObjectCount 100
MCacheMinObjectSize 1
MCacheMaxObjectSize 2048

 # and in case your client is a good web citizen, tell the proxies down
 the road
 # to avoid calling us since we guarantee the content is fresh for a day
 ExpiresActive On
 ExpiresDefault access plus 1 day

 Stefano, who has been waiting for some 18 months for somebody else to
 come up with the idea of having forrest pregenerating the .htaccess
 file to do some sort of poor-man multichannel or content negotiation,
 but has lost hope so it's time to inject notion in the system.

Re: [Proposal] add DTDs to Apache website

2004-01-15 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
On 15 Jan 2004, at 16:15, Juan Jose Pablos wrote:

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
htaccess stuf/
Stefano, who has been waiting for some 18 months for somebody else to 
 come up with the idea of having forrest pregenerating the .htaccess  
file to do some sort of poor-man multichannel or content negotiation, 
 but has lost hope so it's time to inject notion in the system.
Stefano, who forgot to add that request on Jira, bugzilla or something 
similar, because he realized that people is not able to read his mind 
nono, you guys don't get it: it was a social experiment about cross 
pollination between the java/xml world and the httpd world.

Forrest, by generating static stuff, is the closest thing to the 
original HTTPd mindset. All the fancy dynamic stuff didn't catch up 
over httpd, it was simply too painful to write a web application in C 
and there are so many modules that can be useful all over the place.

The rest was modules that glued other languages, but moved away large 
chunks of the community. So much so that nowadays, very few web-app 
power users are also httpd power users, because they isolate 

Since forrest is now slowly taking over all web sites, this 
exposes this project to all sort of different mindsets, I wanted to see 
how long it would take for stronger httpd interaction to surface, but 
it didn't happen.

It's not criticism to the forrest community, not at all. I would say 
it's criticism for those coming from a non-java/non-xml world: they 
failed to provide the input that might have shaped the project in such 
a way that would have pleased them more.

Anyway, since David was ready to propose a massive URL change for DTDs 
I had to say something and the .htaccess magic is the way I would solve 
many forrest issues that are now solved with hacky client-side 

but, at the very end, I don't really care since i think that static 
pregeneration of web sites will (very slowly but constantly) die out: 
all web content will need some form of dynamism.

But you need a bridge over this huge and nasty river.

And this is what forrest is all about in my mind.


Re: [Proposal] add DTDs to Apache website

2004-01-15 Thread Juan Jose Pablos

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
nono, you guys don't get it: it was a social experiment about cross 
pollination between the java/xml world and the httpd world.

Are you talking about forrest?, I did like the idea but I do not know 
what would be posible to do with .htaccess. To tell you the truth, I 
though that was only to do about usernames/passwd.

but, at the very end, I don't really care since i think that static 
pregeneration of web sites will (very slowly but constantly) die out: 
all web content will need some form of dynamism.
Still, there is a need, and possibly a lot of people with same needs.

But you need a bridge over this huge and nasty river.

And this is what forrest is all about in my mind.


Re: [Proposal] add DTDs to Apache website

2004-01-15 Thread David Crossley
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
 David Crossley wrote:
  Dave Brondsema wrote:
  David Crossley wrote:
  6) What will be the URLs for the DTDs?
  We presume that Forrest will not be a top-level project soon.
  The forrest docs and forrest seed site docs (and likely many other
  projects' docs) have doctype lines as follows:
  !DOCTYPE document PUBLIC -//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.2//EN;
  The url is, not
  The Forrest project only has control of the
  space. So it must be there. All material must be in a project's
  website CVS and we do not have access to the top-level site CVS.
 put these two lines in a .htaccess file in site/forrest

Thanks for the suggestion. However there is still the issue
that we do not have a site/forrest/ directory and we do not
have access to the site CVS to manage the .htaccess file.

Can you, or someone else who has such powers, do it for us
when the time comes?

If we go ahead with the online DTDs proposal, then we should
still put the DTDs at and use
the .htaccess trick to solve the problem of the incorrect URLs.

 Stefano, kind of worried that people don't know basic httpd skills

Er, no need for sarcasm. Many thanks for the contribution.


Re: [Proposal] add DTDs to Apache website

2004-01-15 Thread David Crossley
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
 Juan Jose Pablos wrote:
  Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
  htaccess stuf/
  Stefano, who has been waiting for some 18 months for somebody else to 
   come up with the idea of having forrest pregenerating the .htaccess  
  file to do some sort of poor-man multichannel or content negotiation, 
   but has lost hope so it's time to inject notion in the system.
  Stefano, who forgot to add that request on Jira, bugzilla or something 
  similar, because he realized that people is not able to read his mind 
 nono, you guys don't get it: it was a social experiment about cross 
 pollination between the java/xml world and the httpd world.

Please do not discuss new topics inside Proposal threads.
I seem to be the poor sucker that has to pull all this
together and i do not have time to wade through other
(albeit good) stuff when trying to summarise it.
Item 4.


Re: [Proposal] add DTDs to Apache website

2004-01-14 Thread David Crossley
David Crossley wrote:
 7) Does the Apache webserver deliver the supporting files using
 the appropriate Content-Type? Is that text/plain? Does it matter?
 We have *.dtd and *.mod and *.pen and *.ent extensions.

This is what the webserver reports:

*.dtd ... Content-Type: application/xml-dtd

*.mod *.pen ... Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Are those okay?


Re: [Proposal] add DTDs to Apache website

2004-01-14 Thread David Crossley
David Crossley wrote:
 David Crossley wrote:
  Marshall Roch wrote:
   You've convinced me that it's not worth the effort to get
   the DTDs online. See below. (...about configuration notes.)
  It is worth the effort. We get way too many questions from users.
 One of main reasons that we are getting questions, is that people
 try to view an XML doc with their web browser. Lo and behold
 it breaks. Then they blame us.
 I actually wonder if putting the DTDs online will even solve that.
 Are the browsers able to follow relative links from one part of
 the DTD to the next? For example:
 ... document-v12.mod
 ... faq-v12.mod
 ... common-charents-v10.mod
  ISO*.pen (5 separate files)

I tried a test by putting some of the DTDs at

Please try the test doc in that directory faq.xml
using your favourite XML editor and your browser.

For me, Mozilla did not get past the mdash; entity
which is present in the ISOpub.pen entity set.


Re: [Proposal] add DTDs to Apache website

2004-01-14 Thread Steven Noels
On Jan 14, 2004, at 11:46 AM, David Crossley wrote:

David Crossley wrote:
7) Does the Apache webserver deliver the supporting files using
the appropriate Content-Type? Is that text/plain? Does it matter?
We have *.dtd and *.mod and *.pen and *.ent extensions.
This is what the webserver reports:

*.dtd ... Content-Type: application/xml-dtd

*.mod *.pen ... Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Dunnow, indicates otherwise for 
the .mod en .pen in this case:

The media type application/xml-dtd SHOULD be used for external DTD 
subsets or external parameter entities.

How do we easily find out whether rfc 3023 has any official status - it 
appears on the standards track.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: [Proposal] add DTDs to Apache website

2004-01-14 Thread Nicola Ken Barozzi
David Crossley wrote:
2) The Forrest build system is complex. It would be good to automate
the publishing of DTD versions, but that may not be possible.
Could you please explain a bit more? If it's just about placing the 
schema dir, or some of those dirs, in a predefined place, it can be done 
quite easily.

3) The Forrest website is built using the stable version of
Forrest (currently v0.5.1). So how will DTDs from the current
CVS (v0.6-dev) get into the website CVS [3]? Manual copy? See 4).
Aaah, so you want to publish them on the site CVS (I was thinking of 
pushing them to the site, but you are right)...

4) If some committer changes the DTDs in CVS then they will be
out-of-sync. Will committers remember to do the manual copy? See 3).
I can check and make sure that the build system tells the committer to 
do so, or a script that checks every night for consistency can be done.

Nicola Ken Barozzi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

Re: [Proposal] add DTDs to Apache website

2004-01-14 Thread Joerg Heinicke
I'm not CCing Forrest as I'm not subscribed there and they don't 
moderate my mails through.

On 14.01.2004 05:53, David Crossley wrote:

3) The Forrest website is built using the stable version of
Forrest (currently v0.5.1). So how will DTDs from the current
CVS (v0.6-dev) get into the website CVS [3]? Manual copy? See 4).
4) If some committer changes the DTDs in CVS then they will be
out-of-sync. Will committers remember to do the manual copy? See 3).
I don't see this problem. On the one hand there are the older files like 
document 0.10 or 0.11 that won't be touched, on the other hand 0.12 (or 
is it already old too?) which is developed at the moment. You can't make 
incompatible changes for one version, otherwise you will break possibly 
thousands of documents out there. So only extensions are possible. In 
conclusion: the update cycle must not be once per minute, but maybe once 
per day or only week. Now what about having a cron job running on the 
website server that checks out recent DTD versions? Forcing manual work 
that's critical and without much effort automatically doable sounds not 
that good.

9) We will never know if the Catalog Entity Resolver gets
broken after an upgrade. Forrest will still work but will
be slower, doing downloads of the DTD and supporting files
on each document parse. We can probably add a test document
in the forrest seed site to detect failure.
A really bad argument against the proposal :) Of course a real test is 
the way to go here.


Re: [Proposal] add DTDs to Apache website

2004-01-14 Thread David Crossley
Joerg Heinicke wrote:
 David Crossley wrote:
  3) The Forrest website is built using the stable version of
  Forrest (currently v0.5.1). So how will DTDs from the current
  CVS (v0.6-dev) get into the website CVS [3]? Manual copy? See 4).
  4) If some committer changes the DTDs in CVS then they will be
  out-of-sync. Will committers remember to do the manual copy? See 3).
 I don't see this problem. On the one hand there are the older files like 
 document 0.10 or 0.11 that won't be touched, on the other hand 0.12 (or 
 is it already old too?) which is developed at the moment. You can't make 
 incompatible changes for one version, otherwise you will break possibly 
 thousands of documents out there. So only extensions are possible.

Absolutely. I think that i got a bit mixed up with whatever i was
trying to say in item 4. We need proper version control and we
have a naming convention for that.

Forrest has been careful not to introduce any incompatible changes.
However, i think that we need to be more careful about adding even
new optional stuff. Every change should be a totally new DTD version.

 conclusion: the update cycle must not be once per minute, but maybe once 
 per day or only week. Now what about having a cron job running on the 
 website server that checks out recent DTD versions? Forcing manual work 
 that's critical and without much effort automatically doable sounds not 
 that good.

Good idea. Nicola Ken suggested something similar. I think that
we need to be careful how far the automation goes. I mean that
there are DTD versions in the HEAD CVS that are perhaps not yet
ready to go public. Perhaps a deliberate manual process is better,
but have a cronjob that reminds us if there are missing files
on the website.

  9) We will never know if the Catalog Entity Resolver gets
  broken after an upgrade. Forrest will still work but will
  be slower, doing downloads of the DTD and supporting files
  on each document parse. We can probably add a test document
  in the forrest seed site to detect failure.
 A really bad argument against the proposal :) Of course a real test is 
 the way to go here.

I gather that you mean a good argument. That is why i listed that
issue. It would be a bad thing if Forrest/Cocoon silently started
doing network retrievals like the current Xerces-2.6 web.xml issue.

Forrest does now have a build test target which tries to build the
forrest seed site. Are you suggesting that we would be better to
re-instate the JUnit tests that Cocoon used to have? I am no expert,
but i think that we need the test to actually be a part of the
Forrest machinery so that when users create a new project then
they get the test happening too.


Re: [Proposal] add DTDs to Apache website

2004-01-14 Thread David Crossley
Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
 David Crossley wrote:
  2) The Forrest build system is complex. It would be good to automate
  the publishing of DTD versions, but that may not be possible.
 Could you please explain a bit more?

I was mainly hinting that it might need to be a manual task.

 If it's just about placing the 
 schema dir, or some of those dirs, in a predefined place,
 it can be done quite easily.

It is only the /dtd/ and /entity/ dirs. These might also need
to be re-arranged in xml-forrest CVS so that dumb clients can
find all the bits properly.

  3) The Forrest website is built using the stable version of
  Forrest (currently v0.5.1). So how will DTDs from the current
  CVS (v0.6-dev) get into the website CVS [3]? Manual copy? See 4).
 Aaah, so you want to publish them on the site CVS (I was thinking of 
 pushing them to the site, but you are right)...

I am just trying to meet the requirement that all Apache website
content needs to be managed in the project's website CVS.

We also need to get any stable DTD stuff that is still in 0.6-dev
out to the website.

  4) If some committer changes the DTDs in CVS then they will be
  out-of-sync. Will committers remember to do the manual copy? See 3).
 I can check and make sure that the build system tells the committer to 
 do so, or a script that checks every night for consistency can be done.

Either one would be good.
