Re: Proposed fix: crazy infinite loop w/ ft:continuation-id

2005-04-01 Thread Vadim Gritsenko
Mark Lundquist wrote:
I tried passing the continuation ID as a hidden form parameter, using 
ft:continuation-id. Until now, I've always put continuation IDs in the 
URI, but in this application I really need to do it this way (and if I 
can get this to work right, I'm going to do it this way again in the 

The problem is that after the continuation is resumed, the response to 
that request is generated by an internal redirect (via sendPage()) of 
the request, which is of course matched against the sitemap, but since 
the request still contains the continuation-id parameter, it hits on 
that matcher and re-invokes the continuation, and it's /dj vu/ all 
over again, forever and ever, amen.

So, (you smugly say :-), I should just move my continuation-id matcher 
to the end of the pipeline, so that it only matches if nothing else did.

Well, the way I have designed the page flow in this app  which I think 
is the Right Way, BTW  absolutely depends on always matching on a 
continuation-id parameter in the flow-originating request, and having 
this in turn work in a sane manner. And there is absolutely no use 
whatsoever for the continuation-id parameter, once the continuation has 
been resumed. I don't think I should have to redesign my page flow to 
something worse, just to work around an onerous constraint on matching 
the continuation-id! :-)

See below for an example scenario, representative of the sort of page 
flow I'm implementing.
But first, the proposed fix:

I've added this method to the oac.environment.Request interface:
public void killContinuation();
In an HttpRequest, this sets a flag which causes 
getParameter(continuation-id) to return null. This is a workaround for 
the lack of a removeParameter() method in HttpServletRequest (the 

Now, over to the flowscript side of CForms... in 
Form.prototype.showForm(), after the call to sendPageAndWait(), I call 

Works like a charm. No more infinitous loopage!
So, my questions:
 Is this a good fix? There isn't some better one that I am missing, is 
No, it's horrible.

 My fix might seem like hacky special-case-ism. But it also seems like 
adding a general removeParameter() method to these wrappers, while 
certainly possible (it'd just be a HashSet), would be overkill to solve 
a general problem that doesn't really exist (after all there is a reason 
that HttpServletRequest has gotten along nicely all this time without 
such a method). But maybe I'm wrong about that, and someone will tell my 
why I really should add this as a removeParameter() method... WDYT?

I've prototyped this in the v2 version of Form, but I'll add it to v1 
and v3 before submitting a patch.

A simple example of why I need this: Suppose we are doing lightweight 
authentication  i.e., using pure flowscript, w/o the AuthFW. This is 
super-simple, but to break it way down in excruciating detail:

1) The user requests a protected resource /foo.
2) The sitemap dispatches to a flowscript controller function that 
handles this request
3) Since this is a protected resource, the controller calls a flowscript 
authorize() function
3) The user isn't logged in, so authorize() invokes a login form (a 
CForms form). (*N.B.:* the browser is /not/ redirected to the login 
page. The address bar shows /foo).
3) The users fills out and submits the form, which is a form action= 
so it requests /foo again, this time with some (additional?) POST 
parameters: userName, password, and continuation-id.
4) The continuation matcher in the sitemap hits, and the continuation is 
5) The login was successful, so the authorize() function returns 
(otherwise, it just loops and reissues the login form, i.e. return == 
Note: flow function can not return. It can do sendPage,redirect - but it can't 
simply return.

6) The caller of of authorize() proceeds and generates the reply to the 
request for /foo.
7) The browser receives the reply and renders the page. The address bar 
shows /foo, the resource that was originally requested.
I see several possible ways of solving your issue without crazy hacks.
 * Move view rendering into the internal-only pipeline. That's how it
   (usually) should be with the flow.
 * If you don't like above, issue a redirect in the step (5) - you'll
   loose continuation ID parameter in the process.
 * Third option. The best approach to implement your login scenario
   is to write custom auth action. If user is authenticated, you
   return a map, sitemap shows the view (nested in the map:act).
   If he is not, you return null and sitemap shows the login form
   (you can use flow and forms there as it is now):
   map:act type=myauth
 map:match pattern=*
   !-- generate page here --
   map:call function=login

Re: Proposed fix: crazy infinite loop w/ ft:continuation-id

2005-04-01 Thread Eric E. Meyer
This is how I work with hidden continuation ids since my form posts.
You can select based upon the request:method - continuing only on POST:
   map:select type=oacl-simple
   map:parameter name=value value={request:method}/
   map:when test=GET
   map:call function=functionName
   map:parameter name=searchType
   value={0} /
   map:when test=POST
Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
Mark Lundquist wrote:
I tried passing the continuation ID as a hidden form parameter, using 
ft:continuation-id. Until now, I've always put continuation IDs in 
the URI, but in this application I really need to do it this way (and 
if I can get this to work right, I'm going to do it this way again in 
the future!).

The problem is that after the continuation is resumed, the response 
to that request is generated by an internal redirect (via sendPage()) 
of the request, which is of course matched against the sitemap, but 
since the request still contains the continuation-id parameter, it 
hits on that matcher and re-invokes the continuation, and it's /dj 
vu/ all over again, forever and ever, amen.

So, (you smugly say :-), I should just move my continuation-id 
matcher to the end of the pipeline, so that it only matches if 
nothing else did.

Well, the way I have designed the page flow in this app  which I 
think is the Right Way, BTW  absolutely depends on always matching 
on a continuation-id parameter in the flow-originating request, and 
having this in turn work in a sane manner. And there is absolutely 
no use whatsoever for the continuation-id parameter, once the 
continuation has been resumed. I don't think I should have to 
redesign my page flow to something worse, just to work around an 
onerous constraint on matching the continuation-id! :-)

See below for an example scenario, representative of the sort of page 
flow I'm implementing.
But first, the proposed fix:

I've added this method to the oac.environment.Request interface:
public void killContinuation();
In an HttpRequest, this sets a flag which causes 
getParameter(continuation-id) to return null. This is a workaround 
for the lack of a removeParameter() method in HttpServletRequest (the 

Now, over to the flowscript side of CForms... in 
Form.prototype.showForm(), after the call to sendPageAndWait(), I 
call cocoon.request.killContinuation().

Works like a charm. No more infinitous loopage!
So, my questions:
 Is this a good fix? There isn't some better one that I am missing, 
is there?

No, it's horrible.

 My fix might seem like hacky special-case-ism. But it also seems 
like adding a general removeParameter() method to these wrappers, 
while certainly possible (it'd just be a HashSet), would be overkill 
to solve a general problem that doesn't really exist (after all there 
is a reason that HttpServletRequest has gotten along nicely all this 
time without such a method). But maybe I'm wrong about that, and 
someone will tell my why I really should add this as a 
removeParameter() method... WDYT?

I've prototyped this in the v2 version of Form, but I'll add it to 
v1 and v3 before submitting a patch.

A simple example of why I need this: Suppose we are doing 
lightweight authentication  i.e., using pure flowscript, w/o the 
AuthFW. This is super-simple, but to break it way down in 
excruciating detail:

1) The user requests a protected resource /foo.
2) The sitemap dispatches to a flowscript controller function that 
handles this request
3) Since this is a protected resource, the controller calls a 
flowscript authorize() function
3) The user isn't logged in, so authorize() invokes a login form (a 
CForms form). (*N.B.:* the browser is /not/ redirected to the login 
page. The address bar shows /foo).
3) The users fills out and submits the form, which is a form 
action= so it requests /foo again, this time with some 
(additional?) POST parameters: userName, password, and continuation-id.
4) The continuation matcher in the sitemap hits, and the continuation 
is resumed.
5) The login was successful, so the authorize() function returns 
(otherwise, it just loops and reissues the login form, i.e. return == 

Note: flow function can not return. It can do sendPage,redirect - but 
it can't simply return.

6) The caller of of authorize() proceeds and generates the reply to 
the request for /foo.
7) The browser receives the reply and renders the page. The address 
bar shows /foo, the resource that was originally requested.

I see several possible ways of solving your issue without crazy hacks.
 * Move view rendering into the internal-only pipeline. That's how it
   (usually) should be with the flow.
 * If you don't like 

Re: Proposed fix: crazy infinite loop w/ ft:continuation-id

2005-04-01 Thread Ben Pope
I saw that approach in the samples, but thought it would be nice to be 
able to navigate the site passing parameters with POST sometimes, so 
instead I came up with this:

map match ...
   map:select type=request-parameter
  map:parameter name=parameter-name value=continuation-id/
 map:when test={request-param:continuation-id}
map:call continuation={request-param:continuation-id}/
map:call function...
If the continuation parameter is not present, the test returns null, and 
goes to otherwise, which calls the form handler.  If the parameter 
exists (regardless of whether GET/POST) it calls the continuation.

Just a thought...
Ben Pope.
Eric E. Meyer wrote:
This is how I work with hidden continuation ids since my form posts.
You can select based upon the request:method - continuing only on POST:
   map:select type=oacl-simple
   map:parameter name=value value={request:method}/
   map:when test=GET
   map:call function=functionName
   map:parameter name=searchType
   value={0} /
   map:when test=POST