Re: File plugin threading on iOS

2013-12-11 Thread Michael Gauthier

On 2013-12-10 18:10, Ian Clelland wrote:

On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 4:40 PM, Michael Gauthier m...@silverorange.comwrote:

I quickly updated the File plugin to do the local file uri stuff in
resolveLocalFileSystemURI in the background using [self.commandDelegate

Dev or master?

I made the change in master. Dev looks way awesomer. When do you think 
you will release?

It works and allows my app interface to respond while the FS calls are
resolving. Is this approach crazy or obviously broken in some way?

Probably not crazy -- depending on how you've implemented it :) It's
basically what I'm doing in my branch as well.

Currently, I have CDVFile using that pattern, [self.commandDelegate
runInBackground:], to call the actual implementation method in
CDVLocalFilesystem or CDVAssetLibraryFilesystem. CDVFile passes the
implementation methods a callback function that sends the actual plugin
response when the operation is finished. (Keeping all of the
Cordova-plugin-y bits in CDVFile, and just having the raw file operations
in the file system implementation classes.

You can see an example of what I've done in the implementation of [CDVFile
readAsText:] and in [CDVLocalFilesystem readFileAtURL:start:end:callback:]
in the dev branch.


Using cordova in web workers

2013-12-10 Thread Michael Gauthier
Is it possible to use cordova inside a web worker? I tried importing the 
cordova script but it makes reference to 'window' which is forbidden in 
web-worker context.

It would be useful to be able to call cordova functions from within a 
web worker.


Re: Transitioning to a better File API implementation

2013-12-10 Thread Michael Gauthier
Hmm.. The two directories have different defined roles on iOS and both 
are normal targets for applications to read/write files. Library is for 
cache data or app-specific resources. Documents is for saving/loading 
actual things created by users within apps.


Supporting both should be a goal.


On 2013-12-10 14:39, Ian Clelland wrote:

If you could do that before, it was probably a bug :) (You shouldn't be
able to use getParent on the filesystem root, and the native code was
supposed to be checking for the correct path prefix before allowing access
to any files on the device)

At the moment, it's not possible to do that -- the filesystems should be
properly isolated, and only allow access to correctly formed urls, like

What we *can* do easily, though, is allow a new URL scheme for library
assets; something like filesystem://localhost/library/some-file-here.txt,
and we can have a filesystem handler for those URLs. That'll work if your
use case is just I need access to files in /Library, rather than I need
to get to them via string manipulation.

I've also had some discussions about making /Library the default place for
the persistent filesystem, and leaving /Documents either just for legacy
apps, or making *that* the target of the special URL scheme. That's a
proposal for a different day, though. There are some pretty big
backwards-compatibility issues there.

On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 11:54 AM, Michael Gauthier m...@silverorange.comwrote:


With the new URLs will it be possible to write to both /Documents and
/Library for iOS apps? In the old version, the filesystem root resolved as
/Documents but it was possible to get to /Library by navigating the the
parent dir.


On 2013-11-15 15:19, Ian Clelland wrote:

On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 1:40 PM, purplecabbage

  Considering the magnitude of the changes I would have expected that this

was just a new file plugin. The previous version was based on a spec, and
if we are deviating from it we should probably maintain both, and
even make a recommendation to the w3c.
I hope we at least do a major version update for this if APIs have

Yes, definitely a major version bump, at least so that devs aren't caught
by the URL-format-change.

There aren't any changes to external APIs; I've been very careful to
maintain conformance with the existing tests, except where those tests
been for undocumented implementation details. The only app-visible change
is that URLs returned by the .toURL() method will look like


rather than

file:///var/mobile/Applications/app id/Documents/my/file.jpg

We are still following the spec -- in fact, this brings us closer in line
with the W3C File API spec, on these points: -- The fullPath
of an entry should be the path from the root (of the HTML filesystem, not
the underlying device file system). -- This
a note, rather than a requirement, but a filesystem url scheme is

We're considering extending the spec in one way, which should be
with the spirit of the spec, and backwards-compatible with the previous
API. That is the ability to declare new filesystem types, beyond
temporary and persistent, so that we can access things like device
media and app bundle assets using the same APIs that we use for accessing
user-defined files. If we're happy with the way that works, then we should
definitely propose it for inclusion in the standard (not the specific
filesystems, perhaps, but the mechanism for requesting and interacting


Sent from my iPhone

  On Nov 15, 2013, at 8:36 AM, Ian Clelland


I've created CB-5403 as the über-ticket for this; various bits of it are



Once I have the tests and the JS updated, then platform owners can take
look and see whether they have anything to do to support their own


As general guidelines, I would say:

* If you can intercept filesystem://* URLs in native code, and return
arbitrary responses, then do it! It will let your platform support new
filesystems in the future as we come up with them. Add a couple of


for CB-5403 for your platform and go.

* If you can't do that, but you *can* provide access to things like
through special urls, then try that! You should be able to create a
FileSystem object that uses that URL as its root, and everything should
work. Add a subtask for that, and see what you can do.

* If you can't do that either, and you just want to stick with the


Re: File plugin threading on iOS

2013-12-10 Thread Michael Gauthier
I quickly updated the File plugin to do the local file uri stuff in 
resolveLocalFileSystemURI in the background using [self.commandDelegate 

It works and allows my app interface to respond while the FS calls are 
resolving. Is this approach crazy or obviously broken in some way?


On 10/12/13 12:57 PM, Ian Clelland wrote:

Unfortunately, except in a few cases (accessing asset-library urls and
actually reading and writing files) it is blocking.

Creating, finding, deleting and renaming regular files are all currently
synchronous operations on iOS. Reading and writing contents are async, and
shouldn't block anything.

Once I've pushed up the last changes to the File plugin, it's on my list of
things to tackle.


On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 11:45 AM, Michael Gauthier m...@silverorange.comwrote:

When using the File plugin on iOS I get a lot of THREAD WARNING Plugin
should use a background thread messages. Is the iOS plugin actually using
blocking filesystem calls internally?


Testing multiple iOS versions

2013-11-20 Thread Michael Gauthier

Is there a way to test apps in older versions of iOS using the CLI?

cordova emulate just runs iOS7.

I want to test iOS6.


Re: Testing multiple iOS versions

2013-11-20 Thread Michael Gauthier
Am I crazy, or is that an important missing feature of the CLI? It would 
be useful for Android as well.

On 2013-11-20 17:36, Shazron wrote:

There is no spec for this in the CLI. But for iOS, using the underlying
ios-sim tool which runs the emulator, it is possible.

On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 1:26 PM, Michael Gauthier m...@silverorange.comwrote:

Is there a way to test apps in older versions of iOS using the CLI?

cordova emulate just runs iOS7.

I want to test iOS6.


Re: Media class downloading whole streaming file on iOS before play?

2013-11-13 Thread Michael Gauthier
Can you start playing the local file before it's finished and will it 
play to the end of the file, or just to the length of the buffer when 
playback started?

On 2013-11-13 15:48, Shazron wrote:

Should have read the whole technote ;) AVPlayer *does* provide streaming
support (it was new in iOS 4.0) while AVAudioPlayer does not. It's a whole
new API in a new framework. We never did upgrade since this plugin was
added in the iOS 2.0 days. Not sure if we are rewriting this plugin, but it
using AVPlayer instead would be better.

On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 11:41 AM, Shazron wrote:

AVAudioPlayer does not provide streaming support anyway:

The workaround here is to download the file first using the FileTransfer
API (which has progress callbacks) and then load it using the Media API.

On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 11:31 AM, Michal Mocny mmo...@chromium.orgwrote:

And for what its worth, the exec bright is now async, so its likely that
execution is not actually blocked, but rather safari remote inspector is
not showing output which the app UI thread blocked.

Try to console.log(new Date()) and see if that is actually reporting a
  If we fix this to move the download off-the-ui thread you will need to
update your code to call from the success callback.

On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 2:29 PM, Michal Mocny

Yes, there is a bug that the media download is happening on the main ui
thread.  You should be seeing a native warning message (see about this.

I've not found a bug filed specifically for this yet, so filed here:

On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 1:43 PM, Nick Burka


I’ve been implementing a simple Media playback app. It looks something

mediaPlayer = new Media(


When the JavaScript executes, it takes 20+ seconds between the ‘start’
and ‘end’ logs. Then when I seekTo() on the playing file, it’s


instantaneous. I presume that the Media class is downloading the entire
file on instantiation?

A few other people seem to have the same problem:

Any help would be much appreciated.

Re: Updating plugin code on prepare

2013-10-07 Thread Michael Gauthier

Did this feature land in 3.1.0 or is it targeted for 3.2.0?

On 2013-10-03 11:30, Michal Mocny wrote:

Yeah Braden we've diverged sorry, lets focus.

Big +1 for your proposal to make prepare step do what users expect.


On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 10:20 AM, Braden Shepherdson bra...@chromium.orgwrote:

I agree that the syncing solutions are too complex and confusing.

I return, then, to my original proposal all those emails ago: updating the
native plugin files in platforms/foo when you prepare, to make life easier
for plugin developers. When coupled with the present cordova plugin add
--link, and future cordova watch, I think this makes the plugin developer
flow pretty good, and without making it too magical or harder to
understand. I think it simplifies prepare: on prepare, your native projects
are updated to reflect the state of plugins/ and www/. Right now, only
www/, assets and js-modules get updated, but not native code.

As to Xcode and symlinks and all the rest of the borderline thread
hijacking, I think that regardless of what editor you use, you have to be
editing the right file. Xcode and Eclipse make this harder than it needs to
be, but our job is not to make them suck less.


On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 1:43 PM, Carlos Santana


+1 Anis
corodova-cli/plugman should be building block components to higher level

That we can do better sure, lets provide a few examples using blog pots


maybe videos tutorials vs. trying to support every use case with code.

A watch function could be as simple as using grunt-contrib-watch to a
more complicated environment like rsync/Eclipse

I agree lets put emphasis on documenting use cases and the correct
When to get the best out of using prepare,  merges, and hooks

All I said applies when you have the Web Developer hat.

For people that have the Native Plugin Developer hat then we can do
things first for cordova-contributors than others can choose to use on
their own risk since it could be changing too fast and maybe too narrow





On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 9:18 AM, Anis KADRI


I gave some thought to this problem and I think we should just leave
everything as is. Here's my reasoning:

- Most web developers use a text editor (vim, sublime text, text mate,
notepad++, ) to edit their HTML/CSS/Javascript. I've never seen
anyone use a fully fledged IDE to edit web assets. It would be like
using Microsoft Word to edit a simple .TXT or .MD file
- Other developers, people who write Java or Objective C, etc.. use
Xcode, Eclipse, IntelliJ, ...and I think these people are not good
candidates for cordova-cli.

The original PhoneGap promise (now Apache Cordova) was to make it easy
for Web Developers to write Mobile Apps using web technologies and I
believe that promise is fulfilled with cordova-cli. You have a folder
where you drop in your web assets and you can build/deploy to a device
or simulate.

If people want to use an IDE, then they should be creating native
projects with our create scripts and use plugman to manage their

Our documentation should point our users to the right approach
depending on the use case. For example:

- Building for only one platform ? Building a hybrid app ? Want to use
an IDE (Eclipse, Xcode) ? You should use the create scripts and
plugman to manage plugins

- Building a cross-platform app ? Like managing your project from the
command-line ? Want to use your favo(u)rite text editor ? Use

These double symlinking, backsyncing solutions will be a source of
confusion and issues in my humble opinion. I've said it before but
sometimes by trying to please everyone you end up pleasing no one.

my .02c


On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 8:20 PM, Michal Mocny


On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 2:10 PM, Andrew Grieve


Just tried some symlinks in Xcode 5:
- Copying assets work (due to our custom build step)
- Building works (compiler follows links just fine)
- Editing a fail (big fail. Files open but changes cannot be saved.)

Hmm, changes via xcode to symlinks fail, you mean?  That would be



fix, but perhaps at least its feedback to the user not to make direct


there, when using CLI workflow ;) so may still be a valid change to


For Xcode though, it is an option to change our installation step to


Xcode reference the native files within plugins/ rather than within

Symlinks in Eclipse:
- Copying assets works out-of-the-box
- Build works fine
- Editing seems to work fine (edits saved to symlinked location).

Still though, maybe the best solution would be a combination of the


Have prepare know when an remove+add is necessary?

Yes, I think thats what we are suggesting.

The original email mentioned prepare knowing when remove+add are


which I think is already settled as a good idea.  Not 

cordova emulate ios not working

2013-10-03 Thread Michael Gauthier

Hi Guys,

I upgraded to 3.1.0 and cordova emulate ios no longer works. I filed 


Re: cordova emulate ios not working

2013-10-03 Thread Michael Gauthier

$ ios-sim --version

On 2013-10-03 15:59, Shazron wrote:

what does ios-sim --version show for you?

On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 11:46 AM, Michael Gauthier m...@silverorange.comwrote:

Hi Guys,

I upgraded to 3.1.0 and cordova emulate ios no longer works. I filed


Issue with FileTransfer plugin identifier [PR]

2013-09-26 Thread Michael Gauthier


I opened this issue a couple of days ago:

The issue was the plugin identifiers were changed and the code wasn't 
updated with the new identifiers. I opened two pull requests to fix the 
issue but I can't figure out how to add them the to the Jira Issue.

Can someone take a look and approve/reject them?


Re: Issue with FileTransfer plugin identifier [PR]

2013-09-26 Thread Michael Gauthier


Awesome. I've sent in a signed copy of the CLA.


On 2013-09-26 18:02, Michal Mocny wrote:

Wow, this sounds like the problem I just ran into yesterday, so thanks for
fixing it.  I'm heading out for today so cannot reviewpull your patches,
but to get the ball rolling for tomorrow, make sure you have signed the
ICLA ( since It looks like you have


On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 4:51 PM, Michael Gauthier m...@silverorange.comwrote:


I opened this issue a couple of days ago:**jira/browse/CB-4902

The issue was the plugin identifiers were changed and the code wasn't
updated with the new identifiers. I opened two pull requests to fix the
issue but I can't figure out how to add them the to the Jira Issue.

Can someone take a look and approve/reject them?**cordova-plugin-file/pull/6**cordova-plugin-file-transfer/**pull/7
