RE: why does the SOAP CheckFaultInterceptor run in the POST_PROTOCOL phase?

2008-11-16 Thread Eoghan Glynn

Hi Dan,

I'm open to correction on the security stuff, but I think we might still be OK 
with the re-ordering approach even in the presence of whitespace, as the WS-Sec 
in-interceptor (at least the WSS4J version anyway) also runs in the 

So as long as the CheckFaultInterceptor runs near the end of this phase (after 
the security interceptor has already validated the signature or whatever), then 
it should be OK to advance the XMLStreamReader over any whitespace preceding 
the first body element. Assuming there's a test that validates the behaviour on 
whitespace, I guess this could be easily checked.

However, there is one other case where a simple re-ordering would still seem 
problematic - if the response is not a fault to begin with, but one of the 
JAX-WS SOAPHandlers throws a ProtocolException and thus changes it to a fault. 
In that case I guess we'd need to check again for a fault after the handler 
chain has been traversed. It might be more straight-forward to just rerun the 
(very simple) CheckFaultInterceptor at at a second point in the call chain, 
instead of splitting the (relatively complex) JAX-WS interceptor into two parts.

Does that make sense to you?


-Original Message-
From: Daniel Kulp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri 14/11/2008 15:26
Cc: Eoghan Glynn
Subject: Re: why does the SOAP CheckFaultInterceptor run in the POST_PROTOCOL 

Actually, I remember why I put it that late.

The CheckFaultOut stuff HAS to occur after anything related to SAAJ/DOM is 
done.When it gets there, the XmlStreamReader sits at the first child of 
the soap:body.   However, that might NOT be an element.   It may be 
whitespace.   However, CheckFaultOut has to advance to the first element to 
see it's a fault.  Thus, that whitespace is lost.   That then invalidates any 
signature that may be on the soap body.  You get signature validation issues.   

Since the JAXWS handler interceptor things builds an SAAJ if there isn't 
already one, the CheckFaultOut cannot run before it or the whitespace is 

What MIGHT work would be to split the JAXWS handler thing into two parts.   
One that runs real early in the phase chain and if there are handlers, add 
the SAAJInInerceptor and it's second part that does the real work.   That 
second part could then safely assume the SAAJ model is there.   


On Friday 14 November 2008 11:39:00 am Eoghan Glynn wrote:
 Thanks for the quick response Dan, some comments inline ...

   Is there any reason why the SOAP CheckFaultInterceptor runs in the
   POST_PROTOCOL phase, as opposed to PRE_PROTOCOL?
  Well, the basic reason is that to check for a fault, it needs to look at
  the first element in the body.  The headers and envelop and such are
  handled in the PROTOCOL phase, thus, it needs to be checked afterword.

 Sure, but it could do that equally well near the end of PRE_PROTOCOL phase,
 say if its configured to run after the MustUnderstandInterceptor.

 Come to think of it though, the ReadHeadersInterceptor runs in the READ
 phase, so we're gauranteed the headers are out of the way by the time
 PRE_PROTOCOL kicks in.

 Also, at least in the 2.0.6.x version I'm looking at, once the
 ReadHeaderInterceptors is done, the SOAP:Envelope element has already
 been stripped off the XMLStreamReader. So the CheckFaultInterceptor is
 nicely tee'd up to read off the Fault element, whether it runs in

 Of course, another option would be to move the JAX-WS handler interceptors
 to the POST_PROTOCOL phase.

   The net result is handleFault() is never called for a client-side
   JAX-WS SOAPHandler, as the CheckFaultInterceptor (which is responbile
   for determining if a fault is present in the incoming message) is
   assigned to a phase that runs *after* the PRE_PROTOCOL phase in which
   the JAX-WS handler chain is traversed. So Handler.handleFault() can
   never be called, as it isn't yet known that the message actually
   contains a fault.
  Which MAY be correct.   I'd need to double check the spec and TCK and
  such. (before committing any change in this area, let me know and I'll
  run the tck on it).   The handleFault may be for handling faults that are
  generated as part of processing the normal message. I'd need to
  double check on that.

 The JAX-WS 2.0/1 specs seems to say little more than: handleFault
 Called for fault message processing ...

 which seems to imply that handleFault should should be called for a fault
 message on both the client-  server-sides.

 Currently in CXF, handleFault is called on a server-side handler for an
 outgoing fault, but handleMessage is called on a client-side handler for
 that same message when inbound. Seems unlikely that this sort of
 inconsistency would actually be intended by the spec. Though stranger
 things have happened, and obviously you were on the spec EG so you'd have
 deeper knowledge of the 

NodeList and XmlSchema

2008-11-16 Thread Benson Margulies
WSCOMMONS-362 notes that NodeList is inherently non-thread-safe.
XmlSchema exposes a few APIs that accept and return NodeList's of
markup content for AppInfo and Documentation. Would anyone object to
changing those, incompatibly, to List (containing Nodes) for 1.4.3? I
might object myself, in which case these changes would have to wait
for a 1.5 or 2.0.

[RESULT][VOTE] David Bosschaert for committer

2008-11-16 Thread Eoghan Glynn

Well I think we can safely declare a result here having received 14 
endorsements (of which 12 were binding PMC-member votes), and no dissenting 

So welcome to the team David!

There's a little bureaucracy required to get things squared away with the ASF, 
Dan should be able to guide you through this. 

For the record, +1 votes were received from:

Ajay Paibir, Benson Margulies, Christian Schneider, Dan Kulp, Eoghan Glynn, 
Freeman Fang, Glen Mazza, Guillaume Nodet, Jeff Genender, Jim Ma, Richard Hall, 
Sergey Beryozkin, Ulhas Bhole, Willem Jiang


-Original Message-
From: Eoghan Glynn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue 11/11/2008 10:57
Subject: [VOTE] David Bosschaert for committer


I'd like to propose David Bosschaert for CXF committership, on the basis of 

- the many quality patches he's submitted for our CXF-based distributed OSGi 
reference implementation

- his community participation especially in driving the re-integration of the 
Felix fork in the CXF sandox with the main Felix codebase

- his promotion of CXF (by extension via the dOSGi RI) in the wider OSGi 

Consider this proposal a +1 from me.

The vote will remain open for at least 72 hours.
