Re: [documentation-dev] Fwd: OO helpfile

2010-03-04 Thread deleeuw3
those companies generously donate their employees' time to OO.o. All 
others are purely

unpaid volunteers.

I definitely agree with the generous donation part.

I want to say something about how special purely unpaid volunteers 
are.  Just to reinforce this very positive statement.

Many people have discovered during this recession that money has 
absolutely no affect on their skills or who they are.

Money says nothing about how intelligent you are, how capable you are, 
and how good you are.  Money just says you have a job and you are 
getting paid to contribute to society.

Having a job and making money doesn't make you a better person.

Truth be known, our society is running at very low capacity.  We have in 
some ways a very inefficient economy.

The biggest resource on this planet is people.  Everyone is intelligent 
and capable.  For a company to restrict its ability to accomplish 
projects only to people it can afford to hire is to severely restrict 
that company's ability to accomplish its projects.  There are huge 
numbers of people who want to be involved to help solve problems and 
complete projects.  To limit a company's ability by only depending on 
people it can pay is to restrict it's ability to move ahead very rapidly.

The other restriction we are overcoming is the ability to organize 
people from a variety of backgrounds to work efficiently together on a 
project.  This project is an example of how resources are beginning to 
develop to organize a variety of people and their talents and direct 
them towards a common goal.  This project is the future.  This project 
begins to tap a huge resource of very capable and talented people.

Now we must find some way to free people from being concerned about 
survival.  We must remove the fear of not having a place to live or food 
to eat.  Make it so people are no longer concerned about their survival 
and instead, can concentrate on giving the best of what they have to 

Science has proven the health costs to society of people from poverty is 
far higher than that of either obesity or smoking.  Over 80 percent of 
the people in jail come from poverty.  It is far more expensive to 
society to sustain poverty than it is to eliminate it.  The costs of the 
social problems arising from poverty are immense.

Let's build a world which runs efficiently for a change.  There are huge 
numbers of untapped resources available.

Let's build a world where everyone is involved.  Let's build a world 
where everyone is able to contribute their talent and abilities to the 
best of their ability without being afraid of not having food to eat or 
a place to live.  Let's look after each other.

Let's build the kind of world we all want to live in.


On 3/3/2010 11:05 PM, Claire Wood wrote:

Thanks for the replies.  It is something that is relevant in the UK, luckily
once I explained the situation, the nice man at the dole office let me off,
but it might not be the same for someone else so maybe a standard letter
when you initially sign up would be a good idea.  Then everyone knows where
they stand.


certainly did and I'm sure anyone else in the UK would find it equally
funny. They wanted me to get a form signed by OOo to say that I was a
volunteer. (You have to declare that you're working voluntarily and not
getting paid so that it doesn't affect your benefits while you're
searching for work.) I had to explain that it couldn't be done because
the person that would need to sign it was probably on the other side of
the world! It served to show that systems in this country need to be
dragged into the 21st century and account for people using the internet.


Hm, are they fine with an e-mail or a fax? I don't know you very well,
so I can't write anything, but if someone asks me for a reference, and I
know him from my work within OOo, I'm happy to write a few lines.
However, of course, no official organization stands behind that, so I
don't know if they would accept it.



This sounds like something the Council might want to handle, with a
boilerplate letter, (assuming I have the facts straight) something like:

Subject: Unpaid volunteers

OO.o employs and pays no one. The few people who do get paid for their work
here are employed by sponsoring companies, such as Oracle; those companies
generously donate their employees' time to OO.o. All others are purely
unpaid volunteers.

(This to go out over the chairman's signature, as email or fax.)

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Re: [documentation-dev] Any way to change size of checkboxes etc in forms?

2010-03-02 Thread deleeuw3
If you are using Adobe LiveCycle Designer (cs3 for me) you can change 
the point size on the checkbox to any size you wish.


On 3/3/2010 4:10 PM, Jean Hollis Weber wrote:
Is there any way to change the size of the checkboxes, option buttons, 
and other symbols used in form controls? I haven't been able to find 
it, but when using a checkbox (etc) in a form with large type in the 
text, the size of the checkbox is very small by comparison.

I hope I'm just missing something...


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Re: [documentation-dev] Any way to change size of checkboxes etc in forms?

2010-03-02 Thread deleeuw3
ok.  although usually i find there are cross-platform similarities in 


On 3/3/2010 5:50 PM, Jean Hollis Weber wrote:
Um... this question was referring to creating forms in OOo Writer. 
We're documenting OOo, so it's pretty irrelevant what an Adobe product 
will do... especially one that doesn't run on Linux.


deleeuw3 wrote:
If you are using Adobe LiveCycle Designer (cs3 for me) you can change 
the point size on the checkbox to any size you wish.


On 3/3/2010 4:10 PM, Jean Hollis Weber wrote:
Is there any way to change the size of the checkboxes, option 
buttons, and other symbols used in form controls? I haven't been 
able to find it, but when using a checkbox (etc) in a form with 
large type in the text, the size of the checkbox is very small by 

I hope I'm just missing something...


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Re: [documentation-dev] Top 25 Technical Writing Blogs

2010-02-23 Thread deleeuw3

Great idea, Claire!

Facebook and Twitter users of may be very interested in 
helping out!


On 2/24/2010 6:24 AM, Claire Wood wrote:


I tried experimenting with one of the wiki pages putting a button on
using AddThis ( and I couldn't get it to work on the
wiki page.  There are users on twitter and I see them all the time.  There
are also 75 groups on facebook all dedicated to  Just think
this is another way to reach out to users.  Can anyone give me some advice
where I should put the free code that is outputted from the site because
I've never seenbody/body  tags in a wiki page and apparently that's
where they should go or somewhere in the template.

An example of the code that is outputted is below.  I just went through the
website to create a button but didn't register an account.

!-- AddThis Button BEGIN --
div class=addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style
a href=;username=xa-4b8427452ad2d093;
span class=addthis_separator|/span
a class=addthis_button_facebook/a
a class=addthis_button_myspace/a
a class=addthis_button_google/a
a class=addthis_button_twitter/a
script type=text/javascript src=;/script

!-- AddThis Button END --



On 10 February 2010 17:44, Andrew Douglas Pitonyakand...@pitonyak.orgwrote:



The problem with social media sites is that they are useless unless the
people are willing and able to be a member. I am on neither facebook nor
twitter, so I have no access to either site. Also, some social networking
sites limit the number of people that can be a direct connection (not sure
of the details, but I have heard of the associated issues).

On 02/10/2010 10:37 AM, Claire Wood wrote:


Hi People

Saw this on Twitter from an agent that I use, thought it might be of
interest if you haven't already seen it.

Is anyone looking at how social media sites such as Twitter are
incorporating into documentation?  I got asked about it at a recent
interview but found it hard to answer.  However since linking with
and Adobe on Twitter I've seen a few ewebinars/seminars and tutorials
passed around.  It's really quite helpful.


Andrew Pitonyak
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Re: [documentation-dev] Introducing myself and need help with wiki

2010-02-04 Thread deleeuw3
It really is unfortunate that MediaWiki tools haven't been optimized for 
translation.  As an information sharing medium, MediaWiki would benefit 
hugely from really good translation tools!

On 2/5/2010 8:50 AM, Clayton wrote:

If it will help you, I can give you the next level of admin rights on
the Wiki.  You would be able to move/copy/delete pages as well as do
some user admin (like ban Spammers).  Just let me know if you want
  this, and what your Wiki ID is.

That would be great! My OOo (wiki) username is paolopoz.

OK, done.  See:
for info on administrators on the OOo Wiki.

for the general Manual of what you can/cannot do as an Admin on MediaWiki.


I think the guidelines are already clear and helpful as they are.
I am a complete ignorant in matter of scripting, but I think it would be
very nice to have an automation that creates the to-be-translated page,
copy in it the content, and adds the basic links (for example the other
languages link in the original page). If you think this is possible
(and useful) I can provide more infos of what I have in mind.

We discussed this here a while back.  Basically as it stands there are
no really robust translation tools for MediaWiki.  There are a few
MediaWiki projects that are working on some ideas for this, but nothing
is really in a state that I'd consider usable on the OOoWiki just yet.
