Re: [Proposal] Development process and a stable trunk

2005-08-29 Thread Ross Gardler

Thorsten Scherler wrote:

On Sun, 2005-08-28 at 14:19 +1000, David Crossley wrote:

Thorsten Scherler wrote:

Before you read this reply, please read again my original reply. 

Did you read it, ok then go ahead and please be not offended that your
name may not be mentioned here or in the other thread but you actually
contributed to views in any form. That is not my intention. I was
focusing on code for views and the common danger of ignoring threads.

First of all, you will need to try very hard to
be able to offend me. You were not.

:) Cheers for telling me this, that is a relief.

I am lucky that you are know me quite well because you help me from the

That is true, but the point I was trying to make about offending people 
is that many people do not know us quite so well. We have to be careful 
not to offend newcomers. Did you see the recent thread on the infra@ 
list about netiquette? It asked if there is a problem here in Apache. 
The only conclusion I drew from it was that too many of us have formed a 
little group within the community who know each other well and so 
cutting remarks are taken in context of that relationship. These remarks 
often alienate newcomers who do not have the background of the older 
community members.

I only raised the issue to keep us aware of the potential problem. I 
think we all know the intention was not to discredit anyone. But even in 
your response you said something about nobody else has committed code. 
That is also not true, nor is it important since discussion is an 
equally valued part of the community. We need to be careful about 
statements that remove the recognition of the community from people who 

There's no need for you to respond, I know you well enough to see it as 
an oversifght. I am raising it as a broader community issue, and I know 
you have the thick skin to cope with any percieved criticism - we all 
know that we write poor emails sometimes, this is a community awareness 
broadcast. Interestingly, when I wrote the original mail it wasn't 
David or myself that I thought may be offended, but some other newer 
members of the community who have also contributed to forrest:views - 
seems my own mail was a problem in the community sense :-((


I agree whole-heartedly with your warning about ignoring
threads and at the same time i am saying that we need to
allow people to particpate in some things and not others.

Yes, I agree but we need to define core components and this core
components should be understood and enhanceable from many active PMC
member. I really do not want to see that we depend on individuals, we
have do depend on the community.

That is as well why I think we should rename whiteboard to incubation.
All components that need more community support should go here. If we
want to follow Stephano's dreamlist we have to be very clear on the
community part of components. 

I have no problem renaming the whiteboard. There is sense in your 
proposal. I would recomend starting a new thread saying you are going to

do it unless someone objects.


If other people helped more with applying patches,
then people like me would be relieved and could help
more with views development. There is one patch
sitting there from a new developer. Who is going to
commit it before i get compelled to jump in?

You are right. That is really a thing that I need working on. Anyway,
like always said, I see views different and by getting into views I
understood that this will change the general parts of the project. That
is why I keep on asking for getting the views integration done.

Just do it (in a branch), I proposed removal of views from whiteboard 
immediately after the 0.7 release. You refused, wanting it to stay in 
whitebaord, you said it wasn't ready. I had the time then, but not now. 
I took that time to build a site using views. That site is now in 
production - in my opinion views is stable enough, it is only 
implementation details that will change.

Don't wait for me (speaking personally) since I am more keen to simplify 
our sitemaps using the locationmap, I think this will make forrest:views 
integration easier. However, I don't know when I will be able to do 
this, other commitments are in the way right now.

Let me give you an example. The xhtml2 change will force us to rewrite
the same pipes that we need to change for the views core integration!

So will the locationmap work :-(

Another point is the integration of the locationmap. Right now it is set
up but there have to be touched a lot of pipes to really use it, again
that are nearly the same like for views. Knowing this made me ask
everybody to get into views.

I'm sorry, it just doesn't owrk that way. Most of us are not here as a 
hobby or a play thing. Most of us use Forrest as part of our jobs. THat 
means we have to focus on the parts that are important to our job 
function. Get views into trunk (you have my +1 for a long time 

Re: [Proposal] Development process and a stable trunk

2005-08-29 Thread Ferdinand Soethe

Thanks everybody for taking the time to respond and giving me a change
to re-think and refine my own thoughts on these issues.

Here are some comments for a start:

- Ignoring of threads (or developments)

  I'm sorry to say this but I'm simply not able to read everything that's
  on this list all the time. And even though this might have to do
  with going kayaking too often in my case :-), I think that with growing
  volume of project and list this will happen to most of us sooner or

  For me prioritizing stuff in this list is a necessity rather
  than a choice. And at the moment I can never tell the relevance of a
  thread to Forrest as a hole.

  I know that it would be nice if all of us could follow all the
  threads, but honestly, is that realistic?

  Also: A lot of people might join the list without the interest or
  the capacity to follow all our discussion from the start. Following
  new developments from when a merger is proposed gives them a good interface to
  cutting-edge forrest development without the bloodloss :-).
- When to branch

  After considering your responses I realize that I need to refine the
  criteria for branching:

  Changes should happen in a branch when they

  - change (not fix) to output
  - require additional or different input
  - change (not add) existing configuration options

  The reason behind this demand is, that all these changes require
  users and developers to adjust their applications or their coding
  work in progress. So in order to do that efficiently they should
  have well defined, finalized and properly documented changes to deal

  In addition I would suggest branching also
  - when the internal workings
of a module are altered in a major way.

  The reason for this being that anybody also working on, extending or
  even debugging such a module does not get in the middle of somebody
  else's major change or has to guesswork about the function of some
  undocumented new piece of code.

- Vote on merging branches

  I have no problem with the lazy consensus model her. What is more
  important to me is that fact that at least some developers not
  involved in the implementation should have looked at (not just 'have
  had a chance to look at') and tried the new functionality.

  Now I know that this is hard because you have to get somebody to do
  this and perhaps even wait for them to do it. But on the other hand
  I expect this to have a couple of useful side effects:

  - Documentation and value of the new developed functionality have to
be properly balanced or nobody will do the testing.

  - The time waiting for a tester is often useful to rethink and
refine the solution and perhaps even improve on the docs.

Ferdinand Soethe

Re: [Proposal] Development process and a stable trunk

2005-08-29 Thread Nicola Ken Barozzi
Ross Gardler wrote:
 We need to decide how to use Jira to create this ToDo list and then
 we need to start actually using it.

I'd concentrate on the actually doing stuff part (not directed to you
Ross, it's a general remark).

After having been on vacation, I now see hundreds of mails with lots of
words and very little content, and even ignoring complete threads like
I'm already doing is proving to be not enough.

If the signal to noise ratio will not improve, we will have more
problems with newcomers, and I will be forced to unsubscribe for lack of

Nicola Ken Barozzi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

Re: [Proposal] Development process and a stable trunk

2005-08-29 Thread Ross Gardler

Ferdinand Soethe wrote:

Thanks everybody for taking the time to respond and giving me a change
to re-think and refine my own thoughts on these issues.

Here are some comments for a start:

- Ignoring of threads (or developments)

  I'm sorry to say this but I'm simply not able to read everything that's
  on this list all the time. And even though this might have to do
  with going kayaking too often in my case :-), I think that with growing
  volume of project and list this will happen to most of us sooner or

  For me prioritizing stuff in this list is a necessity rather
  than a choice. And at the moment I can never tell the relevance of a
  thread to Forrest as a hole.

  I know that it would be nice if all of us could follow all the
  threads, but honestly, is that realistic?

  Also: A lot of people might join the list without the interest or
  the capacity to follow all our discussion from the start. Following
  new developments from when a merger is proposed gives them a good interface to
  cutting-edge forrest development without the bloodloss :-).

I agree with everything said and feel that this is what the conclusion 
of the thread has been.

It is the respopnsbility of the PMC to read *all* commits, not *all* 
mails. We should not *ignore* threads though. I tend to read the first 
post in a thread, if it is a priority for me I read all subsequent posts 
otherwise I skin read the subsequent posts.

I also have filters set up on my mail client that will detect if someone 
types my name. So if someone says I wonder what Ross thinks or Ross, 
how would this fit into plugins or something like that my client flags 
the message for me.

In addition, as you point out well worded subjects are important. I'm 
not sure about prefixing with a branch name since a discussion about 
something in a branch is also a discussion about what will end up in 
core. So it is no less relevant just because it is in a branch.

- When to branch

  After considering your responses I realize that I need to refine the
  criteria for branching:

  Changes should happen in a branch when they

  - change (not fix) to output
  - require additional or different input
  - change (not add) existing configuration option

In earlier threads (linked to in my prevoius mail) we discussed criteria 
for branching. I think the conclusion was that it should be up to the 
individual dev do decide. It isn't really possible to create a set of 
rules - nothing wrong with examples like those above (and below) though.

  The reason behind this demand is, that all these changes require
  users and developers to adjust their applications or their coding
  work in progress. So in order to do that efficiently they should
  have well defined, finalized and properly documented changes to deal

+1, I think Tim expressed this as something like a realeasable trunk 
does not requrie users to jump through any hoops.

  In addition I would suggest branching also
  - when the internal workings

of a module are altered in a major way.

  The reason for this being that anybody also working on, extending or
  even debugging such a module does not get in the middle of somebody
  else's major change or has to guesswork about the function of some
  undocumented new piece of code.

- Vote on merging branches

  I have no problem with the lazy consensus model her. What is more
  important to me is that fact that at least some developers not
  involved in the implementation should have looked at (not just 'have
  had a chance to look at') and tried the new functionality.

Since all PMC members have a responsability for reading *all* commits, 
then (in theory) all developers will ahve watched what was going on in 
the branch anyeay. There should be no need for a separate review cycle 
before merge.

In my opinion the docs + tests we discussed are more important.

  Now I know that this is hard because you have to get somebody to do
  this and perhaps even wait for them to do it. But on the other hand
  I expect this to have a couple of useful side effects:

  - Documentation and value of the new developed functionality have to
be properly balanced or nobody will do the testing.

  - The time waiting for a tester is often useful to rethink and
refine the solution and perhaps even improve on the docs.

Here you are proposing a formal test process before merging. I'm not 
sure how I feel about this. Speaking personally, I don't have the time 
to test *all* of other peopls code, they could wait for me for a long 
time, this will cause problems. I prefer to trust that they have tested 
it sufficiently before commiting and merging.

(longer term I would prefer a proper test suite in Forrest, but that is 
a whole different thing and should not delay progress on your proposal).


Re: [Proposal] Development process and a stable trunk

2005-08-28 Thread Thorsten Scherler
On Sun, 2005-08-28 at 14:19 +1000, David Crossley wrote:
 Thorsten Scherler wrote:
  Before you read this reply, please read again my original reply. 
  Did you read it, ok then go ahead and please be not offended that your
  name may not be mentioned here or in the other thread but you actually
  contributed to views in any form. That is not my intention. I was
  focusing on code for views and the common danger of ignoring threads.
 First of all, you will need to try very hard to
 be able to offend me. You were not.

:) Cheers for telling me this, that is a relief.

I am lucky that you are know me quite well because you help me from the

 I was trying to use myself as an example to show various
 things: that everyone has their own itches to scratch,
 silence does not mean disinterest, that people are actually
 reading your commits and emails but not necessarily
 contributing, people are busy doing other things, we each
 have something that we wish others would work more on,
 there are some fundamental issues that need to be cleared, etc.

I understand, believe me I really do.

The thread was as well only an example of myself.

 I try to use myself as an example so that there is no
 risk of other people getting offended or unnecessarily
 defensive. That backfired today :-)


 I agree whole-heartedly with your warning about ignoring
 threads and at the same time i am saying that we need to
 allow people to particpate in some things and not others.

Yes, I agree but we need to define core components and this core
components should be understood and enhanceable from many active PMC
member. I really do not want to see that we depend on individuals, we
have do depend on the community.

That is as well why I think we should rename whiteboard to incubation.
All components that need more community support should go here. If we
want to follow Stephano's dreamlist we have to be very clear on the
community part of components. 

 By the way, thanks for daring to use views as a case
 to discuss these important issues about how this small
 yet diverse project can operate.

:) You are welcome.

 More below ...
  Ross Gardler wrote:
   David Crossley wrote:
Thorsten Scherler wrote:
   All PMC members should feel responsible for *all* issues of forrest.

We should do whatever we can manage and try to
not ignore anything. 

   background is certainly views where I am the position of *not* ignoring
   this threads but sometimes it seems to me that the rest is doing it.

Well i certainly am not. I try to read everything
and only respond if i think that i need to.
Even started my next project to use views, so
expect more development soon.

I trust you to get on and do the best you can
and i will try to help when i can manage it.
Please don't take silence to mean that nobody cares.
That is not true.
  I should have written *seems*!
 You did already. I was trying to dispel your impression
 that nobody is interested.
 I should have prefaced my comments to explicitly
 say that i was supporting and exploring the issues,
 and that there was no offence.


  I know and it was nothing against somebody en special and least against
  you or Ross! See your response about the comments, I was not aware of it
  myself and you pointed us in the right direction.
  Now if you would have kindly ignored the thread, then we would try to
  find the problem in views. Thx for being an example for *not* ignoring
   Yes, I think these comments are true for most devs. We all have limited 
   time and assume that lazy consensus is in operation most of the time. To 
   be honest, I am a little offended that my input, when it comes, is not 
   recognised (actually I'm not, I know that is not what you meant but it 
   supports my point, others, who do not know your style, may well be 
   offended by comments like those above).
  I wrote:
   The answer is that Diwaker and Cyriaque are the only
   ones beside me that contributed to the code base.
  I was actually thinking about commits or patches that where made to the
  view code base. I should have written committed. 
  I always consider input as very welcome and you are right that this are
  contributions as well.
  I am awe-fully sorry if I have offended somebody with my comments that
  was not my intention. English is not my first language and my choice of
  words seems to cause many confusion lately. I am sorry for that.
 No need. Even in one's native language these issues
 are hard to deal with. Important issues often are.
 Start from the point of trust. We know that you are
 not offending anyone. Feel free to say whatever you need.


Are you sure ;-)


  Anyway right now I wish more input with code examples and was talking
  about that. If somebody recommend some changes to sources then this is
  best done with code examples (aka 

Re: [Proposal] Development process and a stable trunk

2005-08-27 Thread David Crossley
Ross Gardler wrote:
 Ferdinand Soethe wrote:
 What I'd like to see in the future:
 1 Adjust our development process so that the current development
  version (I think this is called 'trunk') is always releasable,
  stable and _well documented_ (meaning complete and correct, not well
  written or suitable for a dummy user).
 2 Develop all major changes and new features in separate branches that
  will only be merged back into trunk when they are stable
  and well documented (not talking refined documentation but good enough
  that a technical writer could work with it) and a good number of 
  not involved in the process have reviewed and tested them.

 Both 1 and 2 are already agreed in principle, we just have to action it 
 by creating the infrastructure and processes, see end of this mail for 

We did discuss this earlier and seemed to be in agreement.

I know that documentation is a good thing, but i don't
see how we can measure it enough to be able to deny
a merge. Perhaps if there is at least some docs then
merge is okay.

 3 Discuss and vote one merging each branch back into trunk.

 -1. We only need to discuss major contributions. You will see in the 
 above linked thread that we are talking about using branches for *all* 
 work that may break existing functionality, however votes should only be 
 taken on major functionality.
 Instead of a vote what should happen is that someone announces they are 
 going to merge into trunk unless someone objects (i.e. lazy consensus)

I agree, but they also need to allow time for
the world to turn a bit so that that we all have
time to raise concerns.

 4 Create a new release whenever such a merger has taken place so that
  new functionalities become quickly available to new users and can be
  stress tested in a production environment without too many changes
  to consider as a source for potential problems.

 -1 for the same reason as above, some branches will be for minor changes 
 in functionality. However, we have already agreed, in principle, to do 
 more frequent releases. I believe the intent of your suggestion here is 
 aligned with that so I agree with the intent.

  This would also make testing of new releases a lot more focussed.

 I would like to go a step further and say we do not merge branches until 
 we have automated tests for the new features and all existing tests pass.

Tests would be good, but as yet we don't have a good enough
testing framework to be so rigorous.

 5 As a supportive measure, clearly mark threads in this list when they
  deal with a particular branch so that people not working on that
  issue can safely ignore it.


Don't use the ignore word. I agree with Thorsten that
that can be damaging to community.

Wouldn't a well-chosen subject title suffice.


Re: [Proposal] Development process and a stable trunk

2005-08-27 Thread Tim Williams
On 8/26/05, Ross Gardler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ferdinand Soethe wrote:
 I have an uncomfortable gut feeling with the current status of our
 pre-release version and I'd like your feedback on these concerns and
 my suggestions to change our process.
 My concerns with the current situation:
 - in the last few month a number of exciting major projects
   (location maps, views, i18n, change of cocoon ...)and a number of
   smaller ones have been developed (which is good!)
 - most of them have not been finished to the point of being releasable
   and (so it seems to me) will not be for considerable time so it
   seems like we won't be able to release quickly without a major clean-up
   effort (which I consider bad).
 - the work-in-progress-state and its (perfectly normal) unfinished
   documentation make it very hard for people to understand the
   development version or work with it at any point in time or
   understand the implications and side effects of each new development.
 What I'd like to see in the future:
 1 Adjust our development process so that the current development
   version (I think this is called 'trunk') is always releasable,
   stable and _well documented_ (meaning complete and correct, not well
   written or suitable for a dummy user).

We've talked about this before and last time the only thing I had
heartburn with was always releasable trunk as it implies an Always
Branch system and I think that's overly rigid and runs counter to our
community goals.  A reasonably stable trunk is a good goal.  Well
documented to the extent possible - if something is still under heavy
development then time shouldn't be wasted documenting yet (beyond that
which would allow other devs to check it out).  Heavy development in
the trunk?  Yes, if it's not causing the trunk to be unstable, then

 2 Develop all major changes and new features in separate branches that
   will only be merged back into trunk when they are stable
   and well documented (not talking refined documentation but good enough
   that a technical writer could work with it) and a good number of committers
   not involved in the process have reviewed and tested them.

Develop all major changes and new features *that may make the trunk
unstable* in separate branches maybe.  As written, I think this would
lead to fracturing in a couple ways.  1) devs wouldn't check-out all
the other branches and new stuff would be sole-developed even more so
than some things are now; 2) bleeding-edge users won't get into
checking out multiple branches to checkout new functionality (i.e. no

 Both 1 and 2 are already agreed in principle, we just have to action it
 by creating the infrastructure and processes, see end of this mail for

I think we agreed to these goals (more or less):
1) a stable trunk (ie. no hoop-jumping to build and run). 
2) a branch for anything that would violate goal #1
3) each branch in #2 should be independent features (so that each can
merge separately)

My take on what's being suggested goes well-beyond this but maybe I'm
reading too much into it.

 3 Discuss and vote one merging each branch back into trunk.
 -1. We only need to discuss major contributions. You will see in the
 above linked thread that we are talking about using branches for *all*
 work that may break existing functionality, however votes should only be
 taken on major functionality.
 Instead of a vote what should happen is that someone announces they are
 going to merge into trunk unless someone objects (i.e. lazy consensus)

 4 Create a new release whenever such a merger has taken place so that
   new functionalities become quickly available to new users and can be
   stress tested in a production environment without too many changes
   to consider as a source for potential problems.
 -1 for the same reason as above, some branches will be for minor changes
 in functionality. However, we have already agreed, in principle, to do
 more frequent releases. I believe the intent of your suggestion here is
 aligned with that so I agree with the intent.
   This would also make testing of new releases a lot more focussed.
 I would like to go a step further and say we do not merge branches until
 we have automated tests for the new features and all existing tests pass.

I don't think we're mature enough for that.  At least, I've not seen a
robust enough test harness around for it.
 5 As a supportive measure, clearly mark threads in this list when they
   deal with a particular branch so that people not working on that
   issue can safely ignore it.

Encouraging such on the project would lead, in my opinion, to a
fractured community.  People naturally tend to prioritize email based
on the subject line, but supporting that through branch prefixes or
the like would lead to several mini-projects.  Heck, people might
even set up email filters to only look at their branch -- not good. 
I think instead we need folks 

Re: [Proposal] Development process and a stable trunk

2005-08-27 Thread Ross Gardler

David Crossley wrote:

Thorsten Scherler wrote:

Ferdinand Soethe wrote:

5 As a supportive measure, clearly mark threads in this list when they
 deal with a particular branch 


so that people not working on that
 issue can safely ignore it.


All PMC members should feel responsible for *all* issues of forrest.

We should do whatever we can manage and try to
not ignore anything. 

background is certainly views where I am the position of *not* ignoring
this threads but sometimes it seems to me that the rest is doing it.

Well i certainly am not. I try to read everything
and only respond if i think that i need to.
Even started my next project to use views, so
expect more development soon.

I trust you to get on and do the best you can
and i will try to help when i can manage it.
Please don't take silence to mean that nobody cares.
That is not true.

Yes, I think these comments are true for most devs. We all have limited 
time and assume that lazy consensus is in operation most of the time. To 
be honest, I am a little offended that my input, when it comes, is not 
recognised (actually I'm not, I know that is not what you meant but it 
supports my point, others, who do not know your style, may well be 
offended by comments like those above).

Most of my time is being taken up with general issues
for the Forrest project, so i don't often have the
time to help. I wish that other people would help more
with that stuff, applying the patches, guiding the
new developers.

+1000  (and a big thank you to David)

That cannot keep on in the future. Let me give you an example why not.
Imaging I have a car accident and dead (very drastic example I have to
admit but it is possible). Now all forrest devs are kindly ignoring the
[views] thread, what is happening then?

We could say the same about things like the
catalog entity resolver. I wonder who else besides
me understands it or enhances it.

Or plugins half way through the 0.7 dev, or the locationmap, or i18n or 
any one of the features within Forrest. Thorsten, you really must 
understand that you are only considering your own baby - it *is* 
important, but no more important than any of the other features being 
introduced. The level of input you get on views is comparable to the 
level of input on other peoples babies. As David said, silence means 
we trust you to do a good job, we speak up when we see a problem or an 
easier way of doing things, otherwise we let you get on with it (and in 
most cases use it with pleasure).

There other things that i want to solve with views
before diving in. Like the unfinished thread about
Defining Views Terminology.

+1000 - there was a proposal some time ago (written by someone not 
currently credited by you as doing any work for views). Your response to 
that was I'm working on a proposal, but so far nothing has been 
forthcoming and we have not had your input on the second thread that 
David started (also not credited with doing any work on views).

[Note, I'm not pointing fingers with these bracketed comments, just 
trying to further illustrate my point of potential offense given by 
these statements]

And i think that moving the core to XHTML2 is more
important at this stage, so i will put my spare
energy there. Don't see that as ignoring views
as i expect that will help.

Actually, I thought forrest:views in core were going to be the first 
version of Forrest wusing XHTML2. So your work on XHTML2 *is* work on 
helping forrest:views move to core.


Re: [Proposal] Development process and a stable trunk

2005-08-27 Thread Ross Gardler

David Crossley wrote:

Ross Gardler wrote:

Ferdinand Soethe wrote:

What I'd like to see in the future:

1 Adjust our development process so that the current development
version (I think this is called 'trunk') is always releasable,
stable and _well documented_ (meaning complete and correct, not well
written or suitable for a dummy user).

2 Develop all major changes and new features in separate branches that
will only be merged back into trunk when they are stable
and well documented (not talking refined documentation but good enough
that a technical writer could work with it) and a good number of 

not involved in the process have reviewed and tested them.

Both 1 and 2 are already agreed in principle, we just have to action it 
by creating the infrastructure and processes, see end of this mail for 

We did discuss this earlier and seemed to be in agreement.

I know that documentation is a good thing, but i don't
see how we can measure it enough to be able to deny
a merge. Perhaps if there is at least some docs then
merge is okay.

+1 - not enough docs could be one reason why someone would object to a 
mere (see below)

3 Discuss and vote one merging each branch back into trunk.

-1. We only need to discuss major contributions. You will see in the 
above linked thread that we are talking about using branches for *all* 
work that may break existing functionality, however votes should only be 
taken on major functionality.

Instead of a vote what should happen is that someone announces they are 
going to merge into trunk unless someone objects (i.e. lazy consensus)

I agree, but they also need to allow time for
the world to turn a bit so that that we all have
time to raise concerns.

+1 - 3 complete revolutions of the planet is the usual on other projects.


This would also make testing of new releases a lot more focussed.

I would like to go a step further and say we do not merge branches until 
we have automated tests for the new features and all existing tests pass.

Tests would be good, but as yet we don't have a good enough
testing framework to be so rigorous.

True, so we need to create one. The absence of one should not prevent us 
from moving forwards with Ferdinands proposal, but it should be 
considered an important addition to the process.

5 As a supportive measure, clearly mark threads in this list when they
deal with a particular branch so that people not working on that
issue can safely ignore it.


Don't use the ignore word. I agree with Thorsten that
that can be damaging to community.

+1 - I had interpreted ignore in the context of lazy consensu, I agree 
nothing should be ignored in the sense of no notice is taken.

Wouldn't a well-chosen subject title suffice.



Re: [Proposal] Development process and a stable trunk

2005-08-27 Thread Ross Gardler

Tim Williams wrote:

On 8/26/05, Ross Gardler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ferdinand Soethe wrote:

I have an uncomfortable gut feeling with the current status of our
pre-release version and I'd like your feedback on these concerns and
my suggestions to change our process.

My concerns with the current situation:

- in the last few month a number of exciting major projects
(location maps, views, i18n, change of cocoon ...)and a number of
smaller ones have been developed (which is good!)

- most of them have not been finished to the point of being releasable
and (so it seems to me) will not be for considerable time so it
seems like we won't be able to release quickly without a major clean-up
effort (which I consider bad).

- the work-in-progress-state and its (perfectly normal) unfinished
documentation make it very hard for people to understand the
development version or work with it at any point in time or
understand the implications and side effects of each new development.

What I'd like to see in the future:

1 Adjust our development process so that the current development
version (I think this is called 'trunk') is always releasable,
stable and _well documented_ (meaning complete and correct, not well
written or suitable for a dummy user).

We've talked about this before and last time the only thing I had
heartburn with was always releasable trunk as it implies an Always
Branch system and I think that's overly rigid and runs counter to our
community goals.  A reasonably stable trunk is a good goal.  Well
documented to the extent possible - if something is still under heavy
development then time shouldn't be wasted documenting yet (beyond that
which would allow other devs to check it out).  Heavy development in
the trunk?  Yes, if it's not causing the trunk to be unstable, then

+1, my recollection of the previous discussion was that a branch is used 
for new functionality or major refactoring. My recollection of always 
releasable is that Forrest devs are using it in production 
environments. This implies that there may be one or two hidden bugs but 
in the main it is releasable.

In addition always releasable should mean that all tests are past 
(when we have them)

2 Develop all major changes and new features in separate branches that
will only be merged back into trunk when they are stable
and well documented (not talking refined documentation but good enough
that a technical writer could work with it) and a good number of committers
not involved in the process have reviewed and tested them.

Develop all major changes and new features *that may make the trunk
unstable* in separate branches maybe.  As written, I think this would
lead to fracturing in a couple ways.  1) devs wouldn't check-out all
the other branches and new stuff would be sole-developed even more so
than some things are now; 2) bleeding-edge users won't get into
checking out multiple branches to checkout new functionality (i.e. no

The reality of most work is that it starts of as a one person operation 
until it becomes usable, occasionally someone else comes along (as you 
did with Loationmaps). SVN does not force users to checkout complete 
branches. They simply run a switch command and that's it. this is a very 
fast operation in most cases.

Having said that, I agree with your concerns. It's difficult to decide 
when not to branch, often a simple change becomes something much more major.

Both 1 and 2 are already agreed in principle, we just have to action it
by creating the infrastructure and processes, see end of this mail for

I think we agreed to these goals (more or less):
1) a stable trunk (ie. no hoop-jumping to build and run). 
2) a branch for anything that would violate goal #1

3) each branch in #2 should be independent features (so that each can
merge separately)

My take on what's being suggested goes well-beyond this but maybe I'm
reading too much into it.

My take, is as you define it. Who knows exactly what Ferdinand meant 
(I'm sure he'll tell us if it is different). What we need to do is 
document it, this thread and the others I linked to in a previous reply 
go a long way to providing this documentation. We just need someone to 
have the time to pull it all together.


This would also make testing of new releases a lot more focussed.

I would like to go a step further and say we do not merge branches until
we have automated tests for the new features and all existing tests pass.

I don't think we're mature enough for that.  At least, I've not seen a
robust enough test harness around for it.

I don't understand how we can not be mature enough. In agile programming 
you write the tests *before* you write the code. We are a long way from 
that, but I don't see why we can't try and catch up a bit.

At the very least we should insist that the minimal testing we do have 
is passed (David as set up an instance of Forrest on our zone, we need 
to make use of this for 

Re: Help with general project issues [was: Re: [Proposal] Development process and a stable trunk

2005-08-27 Thread Ross Gardler

Tim Williams wrote:

On 8/27/05, David Crossley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Most of my time is being taken up with general issues
for the Forrest project, so i don't often have the
time to help. I wish that other people would help more
with that stuff, applying the patches, guiding the
new developers.

What's that stuff?  I'm happy to help beyond just development work
if I know what the issues are.

Basically, most of what David does is the stuff that the rest of us 
largely ignore but is absolutely vital to the survival of the project ;-)

Here are a few thinks that I think David may be referring to (I am sure 
he'll add some more to the list):

- maintenance of the published site
- configuration of a testing environment on our Zone
- maintenance of Jira
  - issues linked to discussions
  - links between issues
- proofing documentation
- ensuring user feedback is reflected in our documentation
- checking license files are correct and complete
- applying bug fixes
- fixing bugs (rather than creating new features)
- running build test before committing changes
- ...


Re: [Proposal] Development process and a stable trunk

2005-08-27 Thread Thorsten Scherler
Before you read this reply, please read again my original reply. 

Did you read it, ok then go ahead and please be not offended that your
name may not be mentioned here or in the other thread but you actually
contributed to views in any form. That is not my intention. I was
focusing on code for views and the common danger of ignoring threads.

On Sat, 2005-08-27 at 14:51 +0100, Ross Gardler wrote:
 David Crossley wrote:
  Thorsten Scherler wrote:
 Ferdinand Soethe wrote:
 5 As a supportive measure, clearly mark threads in this list when they
   deal with a particular branch 
 so that people not working on that
   issue can safely ignore it.
 All PMC members should feel responsible for *all* issues of forrest.
  We should do whatever we can manage and try to
  not ignore anything. 
 background is certainly views where I am the position of *not* ignoring
 this threads but sometimes it seems to me that the rest is doing it.
  Well i certainly am not. I try to read everything
  and only respond if i think that i need to.
  Even started my next project to use views, so
  expect more development soon.
  I trust you to get on and do the best you can
  and i will try to help when i can manage it.
  Please don't take silence to mean that nobody cares.
  That is not true.

I should have written *seems*!

I know and it was nothing against somebody en special and least against
you or Ross! See your response about the comments, I was not aware of it
myself and you pointed us in the right direction.

Now if you would have kindly ignored the thread, then we would try to
find the problem in views. Thx for being an example for *not* ignoring

 Yes, I think these comments are true for most devs. We all have limited 
 time and assume that lazy consensus is in operation most of the time. To 
 be honest, I am a little offended that my input, when it comes, is not 
 recognised (actually I'm not, I know that is not what you meant but it 
 supports my point, others, who do not know your style, may well be 
 offended by comments like those above).

I wrote:
 The answer is that Diwaker and Cyriaque are the only
 ones beside me that contributed to the code base.

I was actually thinking about commits or patches that where made to the
view code base. I should have written committed. 

I always consider input as very welcome and you are right that this are
contributions as well.

I am awe-fully sorry if I have offended somebody with my comments that
was not my intention. English is not my first language and my choice of
words seems to cause many confusion lately. I am sorry for that.

Anyway right now I wish more input with code examples and was talking
about that. If somebody recommend some changes to sources then this is
best done with code examples (aka patches) or commits. Diwaker and
Cyriaque provided patches that extended the views code base and enhanced
the implementation. For example David et. al. as well is committing to
the code base regularly, I did not mentioned everyone because I was
thinking about patches.

  Most of my time is being taken up with general issues
  for the Forrest project, so i don't often have the
  time to help. I wish that other people would help more
  with that stuff, applying the patches, guiding the
  new developers.
 +1000  (and a big thank you to David)

Yes, you, David and Ross, are doing an awesome job. Thanks very much.
Sorry, if I offended you, it was not my intention.

 That cannot keep on in the future. Let me give you an example why not.
 Imaging I have a car accident and dead (very drastic example I have to
 admit but it is possible). Now all forrest devs are kindly ignoring the
 [views] thread, what is happening then?
  We could say the same about things like the
  catalog entity resolver. I wonder who else besides
  me understands it or enhances it.
 Or plugins half way through the 0.7 dev, or the locationmap, or i18n or 
 any one of the features within Forrest. Thorsten, you really must 
 understand that you are only considering your own baby - it *is* 
 important, but no more important than any of the other features being 

No, I actually did not only consider my own baby, that was only an
example. Replace [views] and my person with all your mentioned features
and they main supporter like Ross and plugins, David and catalog entity

My point was that we cannot kindly ignore threads that may are not our
personal focus. 

 The level of input you get on views is comparable to the 
 level of input on other peoples babies. 

Yes, you are right. Maybe because it is replacing/extending skins.

 As David said, silence means 
 we trust you to do a good job, we speak up when we see a problem or an 
 easier way of doing things, otherwise we let you get on with it (and in 
 most cases use it with pleasure).

Yes, again you are right. Sometimes I only wish that code example would
be a bigger 

Re: [Proposal] Development process and a stable trunk

2005-08-26 Thread br_gavmc
Just to sort of answer one part of this at the moment :-

 I have an uncomfortable gut feeling with the current status of our
 pre-release version and I'd like your feedback on these concerns and
 my suggestions to change our process.

 My concerns with the current situation:

 - in the last few month a number of exciting major projects
   (location maps, views, i18n, change of cocoon ...)and a number of
   smaller ones have been developed (which is good!)

 - most of them have not been finished to the point of being releasable
   and (so it seems to me) will not be for considerable time so it
   seems like we won't be able to release quickly without a major clean-up
   effort (which I consider bad).

Along with CSS , I am also working on some parts of i18n, mainly to get it
working to ensure a site with it enabled is still valid. Apart from that
AFAIK it works, only that it is not implemented for the whole site, only
parts of it. David has hinted that this will be some time away before the
rest of it gets implemented, but the base of it will be there and working
and should not get in the way of a release.

(I just need the i18n:textpenny to drop/text and I'll have a patch


Re: [Proposal] Development process and a stable trunk

2005-08-26 Thread Ross Gardler

Ferdinand Soethe wrote:

I have an uncomfortable gut feeling with the current status of our
pre-release version and I'd like your feedback on these concerns and
my suggestions to change our process.

My concerns with the current situation:

- in the last few month a number of exciting major projects
 (location maps, views, i18n, change of cocoon ...)and a number of
 smaller ones have been developed (which is good!)

- most of them have not been finished to the point of being releasable
 and (so it seems to me) will not be for considerable time so it
 seems like we won't be able to release quickly without a major clean-up
 effort (which I consider bad).
- the work-in-progress-state and its (perfectly normal) unfinished

 documentation make it very hard for people to understand the
 development version or work with it at any point in time or
 understand the implications and side effects of each new development.

What I'd like to see in the future:

1 Adjust our development process so that the current development
 version (I think this is called 'trunk') is always releasable,
 stable and _well documented_ (meaning complete and correct, not well
 written or suitable for a dummy user).

2 Develop all major changes and new features in separate branches that
 will only be merged back into trunk when they are stable
 and well documented (not talking refined documentation but good enough
 that a technical writer could work with it) and a good number of committers
 not involved in the process have reviewed and tested them.

Both 1 and 2 are already agreed in principle, we just have to action it 
by creating the infrastructure and processes, see end of this mail for 

3 Discuss and vote one merging each branch back into trunk.

-1. We only need to discuss major contributions. You will see in the 
above linked thread that we are talking about using branches for *all* 
work that may break existing functionality, however votes should only be 
taken on major functionality.

Instead of a vote what should happen is that someone announces they are 
going to merge into trunk unless someone objects (i.e. lazy consensus)

4 Create a new release whenever such a merger has taken place so that
 new functionalities become quickly available to new users and can be
 stress tested in a production environment without too many changes
 to consider as a source for potential problems.

-1 for the same reason as above, some branches will be for minor changes 
in functionality. However, we have already agreed, in principle, to do 
more frequent releases. I believe the intent of your suggestion here is 
aligned with that so I agree with the intent.

 This would also make testing of new releases a lot more focussed.

I would like to go a step further and say we do not merge branches until 
we have automated tests for the new features and all existing tests pass.

5 As a supportive measure, clearly mark threads in this list when they
 deal with a particular branch so that people not working on that
 issue can safely ignore it.


A few weeks ago I started working on summarising the many discussions 
like this that we have recently had. I have never found the time to 
finish it, in fact I hardly got started. I'll copy what I have here, I'd 
encourage someone to take this, put it in SVN and add the other details 
from the threads linked to in this draft and the additional stuff 
suggested above.

--- Pre-draft of Development Process ---

This proposal is a summary of the following recent threads

Project participation and hackability [1] and [2]
Using Jira and branches for Project Management [3]

I also used Cocoons [4] project management wiki page for inspiration.

It is intended to be the starting point not the end game, we should move 
this into a document (any volunteers?) and keep it up to date as we 
learn on the job. Some of the things in here will prove to be 
unworkable, some will be improved. Lets try them and see how it goes.



To define a project management process that will enable Forrest to 
continue to grow without becoming a totally chaotic environemnt.

To create a structure to progect management that is not restricitve to 
the Open Source development process

To define processes that, when followed correctly, will reduce the 
effort required for Forrest developers to participate effectively, that 
is, to not overly burden developers will project management tasks

To create a single point of reference for accepted best practices within 
the Forrest development community


Forrest is growing rapidly in many directions. We have a far larger 
developer base than just a few months ago, we have a code base that is 
expanding in many directions and we have a user base that are applying 
Forrest to an increasingly diverse range of problems.

Re: [Proposal] Development process and a stable trunk

2005-08-26 Thread Thorsten Scherler
On Fri, 2005-08-26 at 07:28 +0200, Ferdinand Soethe wrote:

 5 As a supportive measure, clearly mark threads in this list when they
   deal with a particular branch 


 so that people not working on that
   issue can safely ignore it.


All PMC members should feel responsible for *all* issues of forrest. My
background is certainly views where I am the position of *not* ignoring
this threads but sometimes it seems to me that the rest is doing it.

That cannot keep on in the future. Let me give you an example why not.
Imaging I have a car accident and dead (very drastic example I have to
admit but it is possible). Now all forrest devs are kindly ignoring the
[views] thread, what is happening then?

Luckily there are some other devs that have started using views but
developing them? The answer is that Diwaker and Cyriaque are the only
ones beside me that contributed to the code base. Still I am the only
one that is developing the views core.

IMO views will be one of the major reasons for user to use forrest. We
need more devs that are helping to develop the core and not 
people not working on that issue can safely ignore it.

Thorsten Scherler
Wyona Inc.  -  Open Source Content Management  -  Apache Lenya

Re: [Proposal] Development process and a stable trunk

2005-08-26 Thread David Crossley
Thorsten Scherler wrote:
 Ferdinand Soethe wrote:
  5 As a supportive measure, clearly mark threads in this list when they
deal with a particular branch 
  so that people not working on that
issue can safely ignore it.
 All PMC members should feel responsible for *all* issues of forrest.

We should do whatever we can manage and try to
not ignore anything. 

 background is certainly views where I am the position of *not* ignoring
 this threads but sometimes it seems to me that the rest is doing it.

Well i certainly am not. I try to read everything
and only respond if i think that i need to.
Even started my next project to use views, so
expect more development soon.

I trust you to get on and do the best you can
and i will try to help when i can manage it.
Please don't take silence to mean that nobody cares.
That is not true.

Most of my time is being taken up with general issues
for the Forrest project, so i don't often have the
time to help. I wish that other people would help more
with that stuff, applying the patches, guiding the
new developers.

 That cannot keep on in the future. Let me give you an example why not.
 Imaging I have a car accident and dead (very drastic example I have to
 admit but it is possible). Now all forrest devs are kindly ignoring the
 [views] thread, what is happening then?

We could say the same about things like the
catalog entity resolver. I wonder who else besides
me understands it or enhances it.

 Luckily there are some other devs that have started using views but
 developing them? The answer is that Diwaker and Cyriaque are the only
 ones beside me that contributed to the code base. Still I am the only
 one that is developing the views core.

That happens sometimes.

There other things that i want to solve with views
before diving in. Like the unfinished thread about
Defining Views Terminology.

And i think that moving the core to XHTML2 is more
important at this stage, so i will put my spare
energy there. Don't see that as ignoring views
as i expect that will help.

 IMO views will be one of the major reasons for user to use forrest. We
 need more devs that are helping to develop the core and not 
 people not working on that issue can safely ignore it.

Yes, and that goes for all parts of development.
So i agree that nothing can be safely ignored.

It sounds like Ferdinand's off-hand comment hit
a raw nerve that we know is there. I had a similar one
at Cocoon with the entity resolver and with the docs.
Please don't get dejected. At least we have two new
committers starting to help on views. 
