RE: Apache SSI Help Needed

2009-07-22 Thread Plüm, Rüdiger, VF-Group
Please ask this question on the users list and provide your configuration.

From: Sameer Ravindra Sent: Mittwoch, 22. Juli 2009 06:45
Subject: Apache SSI Help Needed



I am using Server Side Includes in apache it is working fine in "http". 
But when I switch from http to https it's not coming.


I am including header.jsp and footer.jsp using 


Its loading fine when protocol is http. But when I switch from http 
https it's not showing header, footer and no error message.


I configured the mod include according to instructions provided in .

I configured in httpd-ssl.conf ( virtualhost ) also. Is there anything 
I am missing. Please help me out.


I am using Apache2.2 connected to jboss 4.2 using mod jk






Re: [VOTE] Release APR 1.3.7

2009-07-22 Thread Mihai Moldovanu

Jim Jagielski wrote:
Release candidate tarballs in usual location 

[not for distribution]. Vote starts as we speak and will run for
48 hours.

Apr APR 1.3.7 compile and installed without problems .
However i tried to recompile apr-utils ( 1.3.8 ) and on tests fails:
+ ./testall -v -q
teststrmatch:  SUCCESS
testuri :  SUCCESS
testuuid:  SUCCESS
testbuckets :  SUCCESS
testpass:  SUCCESS
testmd4 :  SUCCESS
testmd5 :  SUCCESS
testldap:  SUCCESS
testdbd :  SUCCESS
testdate:  SUCCESS
testmemcache:  SUCCESS
testxml :  SUCCESS
testxlate   :  SUCCESS
testrmm :  SUCCESS
testdbm :  Line 175: expected <0>, but saw <20019>
FAILED 1 of 2
testqueue   :  SUCCESS
testreslist :  SUCCESS
Failed TestsTotal   FailFailed %
testdbm 2  1 50.00%

Mihai Moldovanu
TFM Group Software

Acest document apartine grupului de companii MPI / Pro Tv. Cu toate ca au fost 
luate masuri pentru a controla raspandirea virusilor, acest mesaj, impreuna cu 
orice atasament continut, este destinat numai pentru folosinta persoanei / 
persoanelor carora i se adreseaza si poate contine informatii confidentiale, 
care sunt supuse dreptului de autor sau constituie secret de marca. Daca nu 
sunteti destinatarul acestui mesaj, va notificam ca este strict interzisa orice 
transmitere, copiere sau distribuire a acestuia sau a oricarui atasament 
continut de acesta. Daca ati primit acest mesaj din greseala, va rugam sa ne 
anuntati imediat printr-un e-mail trimis la adresa
This document originates from within the MPI/Pro TV group of companies. Whilst we have taken steps to control the spread of viruses, this message together with any associated files, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is confidential, subject to copyright or constitutes a trade secret. If you are not the intended recipient of this communication you are hereby notified that any dissemination, copying or distribution of this message, or any files associated with this message, is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify us at once Mail to: 

Re: [VOTE] Release APR 1.3.7

2009-07-22 Thread Bojan Smojver
On Wed, 2009-07-22 at 11:35 +0300, Mihai Moldovanu wrote:
> + ./testall -v -q

What happens when you run "make check" from the build directory?

PS. If you look inside test/Makefile, you'll see that LD_LIBRARY_PATH is
adjusted before running the tests, in order to pick up now dynamically
linked DBM stuff. You can try doing the same by hand.


Re: [VOTE] Release APR 1.3.7

2009-07-22 Thread Mihai Moldovanu

Bojan Smojver wrote:

On Wed, 2009-07-22 at 11:35 +0300, Mihai Moldovanu wrote:

+ ./testall -v -q

What happens when you run "make check" from the build directory?

PS. If you look inside test/Makefile, you'll see that LD_LIBRARY_PATH is
adjusted before running the tests, in order to pick up now dynamically
linked DBM stuff. You can try doing the same by hand.


teststrmatch: SUCCESS
testuri : SUCCESS
testuuid: SUCCESS
testbuckets : SUCCESS
testpass: SUCCESS
testmd4 : SUCCESS
testmd5 : SUCCESS
testldap: SUCCESS
testdbd : SUCCESS
testdate: SUCCESS
testmemcache: SUCCESS
testxml : SUCCESS
testxlate   : SUCCESS
testrmm : SUCCESS
testdbm : SUCCESS
testqueue   : SUCCESS
testreslist : SUCCESS
All tests passed.
Loaded pgsql driver OK.
Failed to open pgsql[]
Loaded mysql driver OK.
Failed to open mysql[]
Loaded sqlite3 driver OK.
Opened sqlite3[] OK
 create table 
create table test successful

 insert rows 
insert rows test successful

 invalid op 
invalid op returned 1 (should be nonzero).  Error msg follows
'no such table: apr_dbd_test1'
valid op returned 0 (should be zero; error shouldn't affect subsequent ops)
invalid op test successful

 select random 
ROW 5:  wibble  nothing 5
ROW 1:  asdfgh  bar 1
select random test successful

 select sequential 
ROW 1:  asdfgh  bar 1
ROW 2:  bar foo (null)
ROW 3:  foo (null)  (null)
ROW 4:  qwerty  foo 0
ROW 5:  wibble  nothing 5
ROW 6:  wibble  other   5
select sequential test successful

Transaction 1
6 rows updated
Valid insert returned 1.  Should be nonzero (fail) because transaction 
is bad

Transaction ended (should be rollback) - viewing table
A column of "failed" indicates transaction failed (no rollback)
ROW 1:  asdfgh  bar 1
ROW 2:  bar foo (null)
ROW 3:  foo (null)  (null)
ROW 4:  qwerty  foo 0
ROW 5:  wibble  nothing 5
ROW 6:  wibble  other   5
Transaction 2
6 rows updated
Valid insert returned 0.  Should be zero (OK)
Transaction ended (should be commit) - viewing table
ROW 1:  aaa zzz 3
ROW 2:  asdfgh  success 1
ROW 3:  bar success (null)
ROW 4:  foo success (null)
ROW 5:  qwerty  success 0
ROW 6:  wibble  success 5
ROW 7:  wibble  success 5
transactions test successful

 prepared select 
Selecting rows where col3 <= 3 and bar row where it's unset.
Should show four rows.
ROW 1:  qwerty  success 0
ROW 2:  asdfgh  success 1
ROW 3:  bar success (null)
ROW 4:  aaa zzz 3
prepared select test successful

 prepared query 
Showing table (should now contain row "prepared insert 2")
ROW 1:  aaa zzz 3
ROW 2:  asdfgh  success 1
ROW 3:  bar success (null)
ROW 4:  foo success (null)
ROW 5:  preparedinsert  2
ROW 6:  qwerty  success 0
ROW 7:  wibble  success 5
ROW 8:  wibble  success 5
prepared query test successful

 drop table 
drop table test successful

Acest document apartine grupului de companii MPI / Pro Tv. Cu toate ca au fost 
luate masuri pentru a controla raspandirea virusilor, acest mesaj, impreuna cu 
orice atasament continut, este destinat numai pentru folosinta persoanei / 
persoanelor carora i se adreseaza si poate contine informatii confidentiale, 
care sunt supuse dreptului de autor sau constituie secret de marca. Daca nu 
sunteti destinatarul acestui mesaj, va notificam ca este strict interzisa orice 
transmitere, copiere sau distribuire a acestuia sau a oricarui atasament 
continut de acesta. Daca ati primit acest mesaj din greseala, va rugam sa ne 
anuntati imediat printr-un e-mail trimis la adresa
This document originates from within the MPI/Pro TV group of companies. Whilst we have taken steps to control the spread of viruses, this message together with any associated files, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is confidential, subject to copyright or constitutes a trade secret. If you are not the intended recipient of this communication you are hereby notified that any dissemination, copying or distribution of this message, or any files associated with this message, is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify us at once Mail to: 

Re: [VOTE] httpd 2.2.12 tarballs

2009-07-22 Thread Jim Jagielski

On Jul 20, 2009, at 4:32 PM, Jim Jagielski wrote:

Available from the usual location (
[not for distribution] are the release tarballs for httpd 2.2.12.
Vote starts now and runs for ~48hrs.

(it may take some time for the site to sync).

+1 for:

Solaris 10 (sparc)
Ubuntu 8.10
CentOS 4
OS X 10.5.7

[Fwd: Application Period for Travel Assistance to ApacheCon US 2009 Opens Soon]

2009-07-22 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.

For our communities' attention, this is a few day's heads up before the
applications actually open...

 Original Message 
Subject: Application Period for Travel Assistance to ApacheCon US 2009 Opens
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 19:46:15 +1000
From: Gav... 

The Travel Assistance Committee is taking in applications for those wanting
to attend ApacheCon US 2009 (Oakland) which takes place between the 2nd and
6th November 2009.

The Travel Assistance Committee is looking for people who would like to be
able to attend ApacheCon US 2009 who may need some financial support in
order to get there. There are limited places available, and all applications
will be scored on their individual merit. Applications are open to all open
source developers who feel that their attendance would benefit themselves,
their project(s), the ASF and open source in general.

Financial assistance is available for flights, accommodation, subsistence
and Conference fees either in full or in part, depending on circumstances.
It is intended that all our ApacheCon events are covered, so it may be
prudent for those in Europe and/or Asia to wait until an event closer to
them comes up - you are all welcome to apply for ApacheCon US of course, but
there should be compelling reasons for you to attend an event further away
that your home location for your application to be considered above those
closer to the event location.

More information can be found on the main Apache website at - where you will also find a link to
the online application and details for submitting.

Applications for applying for travel assistance will open on 27th July 2009
and close of the 17th August 2009.

Good luck to all those that will apply.


The Travel Assistance Committee

Re: [VOTE] httpd 2.2.12 tarballs

2009-07-22 Thread Mihai Moldovanu

Jim Jagielski wrote:

Available from the usual location (
[not for distribution] are the release tarballs for httpd 2.2.12.
Vote starts now and runs for ~48hrs.

(it may take some time for the site to sync).

+1 for:
Works as exected on both versions

Mihai Moldovanu
TFM Group Software

Acest document apartine grupului de companii MPI / Pro Tv. Cu toate ca au fost 
luate masuri pentru a controla raspandirea virusilor, acest mesaj, impreuna cu 
orice atasament continut, este destinat numai pentru folosinta persoanei / 
persoanelor carora i se adreseaza si poate contine informatii confidentiale, 
care sunt supuse dreptului de autor sau constituie secret de marca. Daca nu 
sunteti destinatarul acestui mesaj, va notificam ca este strict interzisa orice 
transmitere, copiere sau distribuire a acestuia sau a oricarui atasament 
continut de acesta. Daca ati primit acest mesaj din greseala, va rugam sa ne 
anuntati imediat printr-un e-mail trimis la adresa
This document originates from within the MPI/Pro TV group of companies. Whilst we have taken steps to control the spread of viruses, this message together with any associated files, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is confidential, subject to copyright or constitutes a trade secret. If you are not the intended recipient of this communication you are hereby notified that any dissemination, copying or distribution of this message, or any files associated with this message, is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify us at once Mail to: 

Re: [VOTE] httpd 2.2.12 tarballs

2009-07-22 Thread Jim Jagielski

On Jul 20, 2009, at 4:32 PM, Jim Jagielski wrote:

Available from the usual location (
[not for distribution] are the release tarballs for httpd 2.2.12.
Vote starts now and runs for ~48hrs.

(it may take some time for the site to sync).

I'm going to give it another ~24hrs to allow more people to
chime in :)

Re: [VOTE] httpd 2.2.12 tarballs

2009-07-22 Thread Res

On Wed, 22 Jul 2009, Jim Jagielski wrote:

Solaris 10 (sparc)
Ubuntu 8.10
CentOS 4
OS X 10.5.7

also good on Slackware 12.2


-Beware of programmers who carry screwdrivers

Problems with mod_mbox

2009-07-22 Thread Noah Slater

I just sent the following email to the CouchDB developer list:<>

Preparing these emails is such a chore, I thought I'd post some comments here:

  * The URIs are really horrible.

Is there any way of shortening them?

Perhaps a shorter MID based URI would help, like:

That would make things much more managable via email.

  * With the following list:

If you click to open in a new tab, you get this:<>

Which is just awful, really.

  * As I am forced to not use this feature of my UA, if I just click a link in
the normal way, I am taken to some two-pane display. I would provide a link
here, but I can't because of the way "Ajax" has been used.

A bigger concern is that if I press my browsers back button, I am taken back
to front page of the list, which is totally broken. I know there's a "click
here to get a permalink" hack, but that's not very useful as I'm trying to
browse around and my back button has been broken.

Sorry if I seem like a total arse, I'm just feeling a frustrated! Heh.

Is this project being actively maintained? The last news item was from 2005. If
the project is dead, maybe the ASF should consider ditching it's use for our
mailing lists. It's a royal pain in the arse at the moment.


Noah Slater,