Re: [users@httpd] Copyright notices in httpd source files

2016-12-29 Thread Nick Kew
Cc: dev list.  Looks like a catch?

On Wed, 2016-12-28 at 17:44 -0500, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> All,
> Is it common to have a copyright notice in httpd C source files?

Not common, but neither is it unusual.  I'd expect it to mean
someone else copyrighted it before contributing it to apache.

> [ mod_proxy_protocol.c ]
> Copyright 2014 Cloudzilla Inc.

If that's in our svn, it should probably have another line
asserting Apache copyright alongside that one.  As in,
for instance, mod_proxy_html.

Nick Kew

Re: The Version Bump fallacy [Was Re: Post 2.4.25]

2016-12-29 Thread Stefan Eissing

> Am 29.12.2016 um 01:40 schrieb Yehuda Katz :
> On Wed, Dec 28, 2016 at 12:35 AM, William A Rowe Jr  
> wrote:
> Our adoption is *broadly* based on the OS distributions
> from vendors, not from people picking up our sources.
> Yes - some integrate directly from source, and others
> use a non-OS distribution.
> I think a significant number of users of nginx add the official nginx yum/apt 
> sources and keep up to date that way 
> (
> This is particularly true because the vendor-supplied version are so old. You 
> can see this in the w3techs data: nginx 1.10.2 came out in October and 
> already makes up 75% of all nginx 1.10 users. nginx 1.11.8 usage has similar 
> trends.
> A possible solution to this would be to start publishing binaries in a 
> package-manager-accessible format.
> I am confident it would see a much higher rate of adoption.

Very good point. Myself using a ppa for my ubuntu server via

deb trusty main

that updates very quickly. It already has 2.4.25. There are other people doing 
this for various distros. The least we could do is document the ones we know, 
talk to people how they see it continue. Offer a https place and visibility on 
Apache servers maybe?

Does that make sense?

> - Y

Stefan Eissing

bytes GmbH
Hafenstrasse 16
48155 Münster

Re: Post 2.4.25

2016-12-29 Thread Reindl Harald

Am 29.12.2016 um 07:08 schrieb William A Rowe Jr:

(Again, it's gmail, /shrug. I can attempt to undecorate but doubt I'm
moving to a local client/mail store again. If anyone has good gmail
formatting tips for their default settings, I'd love a pointer.)

yes, setup thunderbird and gmail with IMAP for mailing-lists so that 
your sent and received mail are as now on the server or setup roundcube 
to access gmail via IMAP/SMTP and configure it to prefer plaintext

or complain loud enough to google that they are fools when they convert 
a plaintext message to html while press reply

Re: HTTP/2 frame prioritization not honored

2016-12-29 Thread Stefan Eissing

> Am 29.12.2016 um 02:07 schrieb Kyriakos Zarifis :
> I am experimenting with contention between lower/higher priority HTTP/2 
> streams, and I think I am noticing that high-priority frames are not given 
> high priority (quickly enough)
> The process is: Download dummy page A, which, after onLoad, Prefetches 8 
> objects (5MB each)  at low priority. While the first few of those are 
> downloaded, click on link to page B (high priority stream), and measure how 
> long it takes to receive.
> The client-server RTT is 20ms, and ideally because of higher prioritization 
> we would want the second HTML to be received at a timeframe as close to that 
> RTT as possible. However, I am noticing that the second HTML is delayed 
> (although not completely HoL-blocked) by objects that are being Prefetched at 
> lower priority.
> This plots the client-side trace (Chrome log): HTML A is stream_id 1, the 8 
> prefetched objects are streams 3-17, and HTML B (the object that is delayed) 
> is stream_id 19.  Dots below the x axis are the GET requests for the 
> respectively colored streams. Dots above the x axis are received DATA frames. 
> GETs for the prefetched objects are sent after onLoad, and that of stream_id 
> 19 is sent when I click on the link, around t=1900.  As this shows, the reply 
> for the high-priority stream (19) arrives ~1.5s later.
> Apache's log shows that it sent the reply to stream_id 19 (HTML B) ~500ms 
> after it got its request. During those 500ms, it wrote another ~350 frames 
> (~5MB) from other streams. So it honors the higher priority in the sense that 
> it interleaves the HTML between the currently written object, but it 
> continues to write many lower-priority frames before it does so, delaying 
> that high-prio HTML. In contrast, when I wait until all prefetched objects 
> are served and then click on the link, the logs shows that the reply is 
> written within a few ms from the request arrival, as expected, and the second 
> page loads observably faster.
> This seems to break any default prioritization or prioritization imposed by 
> the client, and leads to unexpected performance in different 
> prioritization-dependent scenarios that I have tried.
> Has anyone experience this before, and do you know what causes it and what 
> the right way to fix it would be?

Reading your excellent description, there are two main things that can affect 
1. priority dependencies: streams with lower prio, but depending on a high 
level stream, inherit this priority. This would make all preloads *together* 
have the same prio as page B. Last I knew, chrome did no dependencies. Were 
these resources PUSHed by the server?
2. mod_http2 is, in its current implementation, very eager to fill the core 
network buffers. That means a lot of frames have already been pre-packaged for 
sending before page B becomes ready to sent. These are then not pre-empted by 
page B, but will be sent first.

If you are willing to test a github beta of the module, I might find the time 
next week to tweak the behaviour in 2) and you could verify the benefits in 
your setup. I will not promise anything, though.


Re: HTTP/2 frame prioritization not honored

2016-12-29 Thread Kyriakos Zarifis
> 1. priority dependencies: streams with lower prio, but depending on a high
> level stream, inherit this priority. This would make all preloads
> *together* have the same prio as page B. Last I knew, chrome did no
> dependencies. Were these resources PUSHed by the server?

Not PUSHed; they were requested by the browser upon A's onLoad using the '
link rel=”prefetch” ' directive in HTML A's .

Right, I forgot to add this in the description: Chrome's log shows the
priorities/dependencies as follows:
HTML A : stream_id=1, parent_stream=0, weight=256
1st Prefetched image : stream_id=3, parent_stream=0, weight=110
2nd Prefetched image : stream_id=5, parent_stream=3, weight=110
3nd Prefetched image : stream_id=7, parent_stream=5, weight=110
8th Prefetched image : stream_id=17, parent_stream=15, weight=110
HTML B : stream_id=19, parent_stream=0, weight=256

So my understanding was that the dependencies looked reasonable, i.e. the
prefetched objects form a separate lower priority chain starting at the
root and as such should not block anything with higher prio with the same
parent (0). Am I reading this correctly?

> 2. mod_http2 is, in its current implementation, very eager to fill the
> core network buffers. That means a lot of frames have already been
> pre-packaged for sending before page B becomes ready to sent. These are
> then not pre-empted by page B, but will be sent first.
> If you are willing to test a github beta of the module, I might find the
> time next week to tweak the behaviour in 2) and you could verify the
> benefits in your setup. I will not promise anything, though.

This was my (as well as a few Chrome devs') guess, especially considering
that HTML B is not blocked behind the prefetched images (in fact not even
blocked by completing any single one of them: the images are sent serially
and HTML B is correctly interleaved between frames of one of those images -
it just doesn't seem to happen as quickly as it could have (~500ms earlier,
in this particular case) ).

I'd be really interested in repeating the experiment with a tweaked version
of the module. Please feel free to let me know if/how I can help.


> -Stefan

Re: HTTP/2 frame prioritization not honored

2016-12-29 Thread Stefan Eissing

> Am 29.12.2016 um 12:10 schrieb Kyriakos Zarifis :
> 1. priority dependencies: streams with lower prio, but depending on a high 
> level stream, inherit this priority. This would make all preloads *together* 
> have the same prio as page B. Last I knew, chrome did no dependencies. Were 
> these resources PUSHed by the server?
> Not PUSHed; they were requested by the browser upon A's onLoad using the ' 
> link rel=”prefetch” ' directive in HTML A's .
> Right, I forgot to add this in the description: Chrome's log shows the 
> priorities/dependencies as follows:
> HTML A : stream_id=1, parent_stream=0, weight=256
> 1st Prefetched image : stream_id=3, parent_stream=0, weight=110
> 2nd Prefetched image : stream_id=5, parent_stream=3, weight=110
> 3nd Prefetched image : stream_id=7, parent_stream=5, weight=110
> ...
> 8th Prefetched image : stream_id=17, parent_stream=15, weight=110
> HTML B : stream_id=19, parent_stream=0, weight=256
> So my understanding was that the dependencies looked reasonable, i.e. the 
> prefetched objects form a separate lower priority chain starting at the root 
> and as such should not block anything with higher prio with the same parent 
> (0). Am I reading this correctly?

That is different than Firefox is doing things, but it should work. Notice 
though, that the images are chained with weight 110 on stream 0 and HTML B with 
max weight 255. That means the images should get a minim of ~30% of the 
available bandwidth as long as they have data. My reading.

> 2. mod_http2 is, in its current implementation, very eager to fill the core 
> network buffers. That means a lot of frames have already been pre-packaged 
> for sending before page B becomes ready to sent. These are then not 
> pre-empted by page B, but will be sent first.
> If you are willing to test a github beta of the module, I might find the time 
> next week to tweak the behaviour in 2) and you could verify the benefits in 
> your setup. I will not promise anything, though.
> This was my (as well as a few Chrome devs') guess, especially considering 
> that HTML B is not blocked behind the prefetched images (in fact not even 
> blocked by completing any single one of them: the images are sent serially 
> and HTML B is correctly interleaved between frames of one of those images - 
> it just doesn't seem to happen as quickly as it could have (~500ms earlier, 
> in this particular case) ).
> I'd be really interested in repeating the experiment with a tweaked version 
> of the module. Please feel free to let me know if/how I can help.

I see what I can come up with. Thanks!

> Thanks,
> Kyriakos
> -Stefan

Stefan Eissing

bytes GmbH
Hafenstrasse 16
48155 Münster

Re: HTTP/2 frame prioritization not honored

2016-12-29 Thread Kyriakos Zarifis
> That means the images should get a minim of ~30% of the available
> bandwidth as long as they have data. My reading.

Right. Makes sense.

Re: Post 2.4.25

2016-12-29 Thread Jim Jagielski

> On Dec 28, 2016, at 6:28 PM, William A Rowe Jr  wrote:
> Because fixing r->uri is such a priority, trust that I'll be voting every 2.6 
> candidate a -1 until it exists. I don't know why the original httpd founders 
> are so hung up on version number conservation, they are cheap, but we are 
> breaking a key field of a core request structure and no other OSS project 
> would be stupid enough to call that n.m+1.

Who is digging in their heels and blocking new development

So you are admitting that you will "veto" (although you
can't veto a release) any 2.5.* "releases" unless and
until r->uri is "fixed". Which implies, obviously, a
very substantial refactoring. Which implies time. Which
implies that if you also say "no new enhancements in 2.4"
that it will be a long time until anything new and useful
will be added to, or available to, our end-users until
some unknown future time.

And that is acceptable to you?

And no one I know of in any way is "hung up on version
number conservation", and that is moot and strawman anyway.

As fair warning, I fully expect that we will release 2.4.26
within the next 3 months. I also fully expect that some
"new enhancements" from trunk to be backported and be in
that release.

I simply care about continuing to keep Apache httpd relevant
and a continued viable offering for our community. That
means us working on next-gen, of course, but also maintaining
and fostering a community until next-gen exists.

Re: The Version Bump fallacy [Was Re: Post 2.4.25]

2016-12-29 Thread Jim Jagielski
It wasn't the paste that was the problem, but the inability
of other email clients to determine from your email what
parts/sections are quoted from *previous* emails.

> On Dec 28, 2016, at 5:49 PM, William A Rowe Jr  wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> Talk to Google and the OpenOffice Team, that was a paste from OpenOffice Calc.
> I'll be happy to start summarizing as a shared Google sheet.
> Cheers,
> Bill
> On Dec 28, 2016 14:22, "Jim Jagielski"  wrote:
> Bill, I don't know if it's just my Email client or not (doesn't
> look like it) but could you fix your Email client? It's impossible to
> reply and have the quoted parts parsed out correctly. I think
> it's to do w/ your messages being RTF or something.
> Thx!
> Included is an example of how a Reply misses quote levels...
> > On Dec 28, 2016, at 1:34 PM, William A Rowe Jr  wrote:
> >
> > On Wed, Dec 28, 2016 at 9:13 AM, Jim Jagielski  wrote:
> > cPanel too... They are moving to EA4 which is Apache 2.4.
> >
> > If not moved yet, that example wouldn't be helpful, it reinforces my point
> > four years later. But EA itself seems to track pretty closely to the most
> > contemperanious versions, looks like within a month.
> >
> >
> > So the idea that supplemental (ie: 2.4.x->2.4.y) patches don't
> > have the reach or range of larger ones (2.4.x->2.6/3.0) isn't
> > quite accurate.
> >
> > It's entirely accurate. It isn't all-encompassing. We have that data too,
> > let's tear down SecuritySpace's Nov '16 dataset;
> >
> >

Re: The Version Bump fallacy [Was Re: Post 2.4.25]

2016-12-29 Thread Jim Jagielski

> On Dec 28, 2016, at 7:40 PM, Yehuda Katz  wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 28, 2016 at 12:35 AM, William A Rowe Jr  
> wrote:
> Our adoption is *broadly* based on the OS distributions
> from vendors, not from people picking up our sources.
> Yes - some integrate directly from source, and others
> use a non-OS distribution.
> I think a significant number of users of nginx add the official nginx yum/apt 
> sources and keep up to date that way 
> (
> This is particularly true because the vendor-supplied version are so old. You 
> can see this in the w3techs data: nginx 1.10.2 came out in October and 
> already makes up 75% of all nginx 1.10 users. nginx 1.11.8 usage has similar 
> trends.
> A possible solution to this would be to start publishing binaries in a 
> package-manager-accessible format.
> I am confident it would see a much higher rate of adoption.

Good point. +1

Re: [users@httpd] Copyright notices in httpd source files

2016-12-29 Thread Jim Jagielski
I didn't know you guys were working on it. Cool. I had
been working the donation angle for awhile and finally
got approval so wanted to get it in quick! :)

> On Dec 29, 2016, at 3:56 AM, Nick Kew  wrote:
> Cc: dev list.  Looks like a catch?
> On Wed, 2016-12-28 at 17:44 -0500, Christopher Schultz wrote:
>> All,
>> Is it common to have a copyright notice in httpd C source files?
> Not common, but neither is it unusual.  I'd expect it to mean
> someone else copyrighted it before contributing it to apache.
>> [ mod_proxy_protocol.c ]
>> Copyright 2014 Cloudzilla Inc.
> If that's in our svn, it should probably have another line
> asserting Apache copyright alongside that one.  As in,
> for instance, mod_proxy_html.
> -- 
> Nick Kew

Re: The Version Bump fallacy [Was Re: Post 2.4.25]

2016-12-29 Thread William A Rowe Jr
On Thu, Dec 29, 2016 at 8:25 AM, Jim Jagielski  wrote:
> It wasn't the paste that was the problem, but the inability
> of other email clients to determine from your email what
> parts/sections are quoted from *previous* emails.

Yann pointed me in the right direction, I believe it is fixed now.

Thanks for the heads-up!

>> On Dec 28, 2016, at 5:49 PM, William A Rowe Jr  wrote:
>> Hi Jim,
>> Talk to Google and the OpenOffice Team, that was a paste from OpenOffice 
>> Calc.
>> I'll be happy to start summarizing as a shared Google sheet.

Google sheet might still be useful, so I'll maintain that as a general purpose
collection of shared-with-httpd-dev tabs.

Re: Post 2.4.25

2016-12-29 Thread William A Rowe Jr
On Thu, Dec 29, 2016 at 8:23 AM, Jim Jagielski  wrote:
>> On Dec 28, 2016, at 6:28 PM, William A Rowe Jr  wrote:
>> Because fixing r->uri is such a priority, trust that I'll be voting every 
>> 2.6 candidate a -1 until it exists. I don't know why the original httpd 
>> founders are so hung up on version number conservation, they are cheap, but 
>> we are breaking a key field of a core request structure and no other OSS 
>> project would be stupid enough to call that n.m+1.
> Who is digging in their heels and blocking new development
> now?
> So you are admitting that you will "veto" (although you
> can't veto a release) any 2.5.* "releases" unless and
> until r->uri is "fixed".

Wow, Jim, how did you misread my assertion that I'd oppose 2.6 GA
or 3.0 GA release until feature "X", where "X" represents the heavy-lift
of not using filesystem syntax as the uri path except for files, honoring
the URI and HTTP RFC, and therefore requiring some module authors to
re-think how they consumed or changed/assigned r->uri. Modules such
as proxy would actually pass on the *presented* uri (if valid) to the back
end http server - just imagine that. That change I'm expecting we all
want to call out as 3.0 for our developers, even though there are no
directives changed for our users so administration doesn't change.

How did you jump to the conclusion that I'd block an -alpha or -beta
release on the 2.5.x trunk? Usually takes some number of incremental
-alpha/-beta tags to get to GA.

And how did you translate 'vote -1' to veto?

Welcome Daniel Ruggeri and Jacob Champion to the HTTP Server PMC

2016-12-29 Thread Eric Covener
HTTP Server committers Daniel Ruggeri and Jacob Champion were recently
elected to the HTTP Server Project Management Committee (PMC).

A project management committee (PMC) is a committee of the Apache
Software Foundation charged with responsibility and governance for
their top level project. The PMC is the vehicle through which decision
making power and responsibility for oversight is devolved to

Congratulations, thanks, and welcome!

Eric Covener

A new release process?

2016-12-29 Thread David Zuelke
Hi everyone,

Given the several current threads where there's arguing about what and how and 
when to release features, backported or not, I'd like to offer a tale of a 
project that was, more or less, in the same dire spot, and pulled itself out of 
that misery with great success and universal acclaim.

That project is PHP.

Back in 2010, it was stuck at version 5.3.something, there was no standards 
around what feature goes into a minor release, how a feature is even accepted 
for inclusion, how security updates were treated, and so forth.


The tl;dr of this approach is that

- any x.y.z release only introduces bugfixes. These releases are done every 
four weeks, like clockwork. If a fix doesn't make the cut for a release, it'll 
end up in the next one;
- x.y.0 releases, on the other hand, may introduce new features, fixes, and 
deprecations, but no breaking changes;
- x.0.0 releases are the big ones (think PHP 7.0.0 in late 2015). where 
backward compatibility may be changed, etc.

This makes for very predictable update cycles, and for pretty easy updating, as 
it's very very unusual that a x.y.z release breaks existing behavior. At the 
same time, since x.y.0 releases are made roughly once a year, bigger changes do 
not exist in a limbo branch forever, but will see the light of day eventually 
(and, again, after a predictable amount of time). There is a defined roadmap 
with active/security maintenance status and EOL dates for all versions; see

From a user perspective, this change has been fantastic. Once virtually 
stagnant, development of the language itself has been much more active; users 
have a much better idea up front around when fixes or features will land; 
upgrades have become easy as there are clear definitions of what kind of 
changes a version may contain.

But most importantly, the language itself has seen a steady flow of new 
features as a result from this discipline. For features and bigger changes, an 
RFC is written with rationale, analysis, suggestion of implementation, and then 
it can be voted on. Once accepted, it can be committed, reviewed, and merged. 
Even for "outside" contributors, this process is transparent, and the mental 
threshold towards contribution has been lowered greatly, as acceptance of an 
RFC basically means that the feature will go into a new release anywhere 
between within a few months and a year and a bit (depending on when in the 
release cycle it happens).

There are a bunch of technicalities that would need adjusting to fit HTTPD, 
such as release intervals, release management (for PHP, every x.y.* series has 
two managers who jointly coordinate releases), etc, but overall the idea is, 
IMO, worth considering.

As a, more or less, "outside observer", I happen to think that the current 
method of voting on finals, instead of a practice of rolling out RCs (that are 
then left up for testing for at least a week), is fundamentally broken. The 2.4 
changelog in particular is littered with releases that were never officially 
published. For users, that's really confusing. For maintainers, it's painful to 
start over the process each time, and it sometimes leads to months and months 
without a release that contains certain fixes. Then a backport goes wrong 
(still using SVN, in my opinion, does not help there, but that's a whole 
different discussion :)), and a regression is in the latest release until 
someone eventually picks up a fix. 

Much of this, and many of the "what do we backport from trunk" and "I'd like to 
squeeze in a change I've had sitting around locally, please wait with the new 
release, because who knows when the next one after that will be" are, from what 
I can tell, a significant source of discord on this mailing list. All these 
unnecessary distractions that deteriorate personal relationships, while at the 
same time slowing down the pace of the project (several people have already 
pointed out Nginx's rate of innovation in comparison) and raising the threshold 
for contributions, can be fixed. PHP is the perfect example, and I think HTTPD 
would be wise to at least consider following this example.

Happy New Year!


Re: [users@httpd] Copyright notices in httpd source files

2016-12-29 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 12/29/16 3:56 AM, Nick Kew wrote:
> Cc: dev list.  Looks like a catch?

(my reply might be bounced from the dev@ list... I don't think I'm

> On Wed, 2016-12-28 at 17:44 -0500, Christopher Schultz wrote:
>> All,
>> Is it common to have a copyright notice in httpd C source files?
> Not common, but neither is it unusual.  I'd expect it to mean 
> someone else copyrighted it before contributing it to apache.
>> [ mod_proxy_protocol.c ] Copyright 2014 Cloudzilla Inc.
> If that's in our svn, it should probably have another line 
> asserting Apache copyright alongside that one.  As in, for
> instance, mod_proxy_html.

Yep, this is ASF svn. That's why I included the link in my original post

- -chris
Comment: GPGTools -
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Re: A new release process?

2016-12-29 Thread Eric Covener
On Thu, Dec 29, 2016 at 11:16 PM, David Zuelke  wrote:
> As a, more or less, "outside observer", I happen to think that the current 
> method of voting on finals, instead of a practice of rolling out RCs (that 
> are then left up for testing for at least a week), is fundamentally broken. 
> The 2.4 changelog in particular is littered with releases that were never 
> officially published. For users, that's really confusing. For maintainers, 
> it's painful to start over the process each time, and it sometimes leads to 
> months and months without a release that contains certain fixes. Then a 
> backport goes wrong (still using SVN, in my opinion, does not help there, but 
> that's a whole different discussion :)), and a regression is in the latest 
> release until someone eventually picks up a fix.

It seems to me that most "not released" versions are immediately
superseded.  The practice of throwing away the number instead of
calling the initial contents an RC shouldn't contribute meaningfully
to a fix being delayed.

New blood for release managers would be nice, and smaller/more
frequent /more predictable releases would probably help that.

Eric Covener