Re: Apache log modules

2010-11-28 Thread Andrej van der Zee
Hi Sorin,

Thanks for your reply.

 request_rec-connection-id is a long int that is unique. It is built
 from the process_id and thread_id of the apache thread that serves the

Will this be unique for MPM worker across control processes / worker threads?

 However, a client may open several connections to the server
 during the same transaction, so I guess this does not help you much.

My assumption is that both client and server have KeepAlive enabled.
In that case, should there generally not be just one connection

 There's a module called unique_id. It creates a string that is stored
 in the req-subprocess_env and can be logged with %{UNIQUE_ID}e. It
 encodes the request timestamp, the connection-id, the _server_ IP and
 a random number. It does not encode the client IP or port. However, if
 you combine it with the client-IP and client port that you can log as
 well in the same log line, you could, probably, extract what you want
 after some log-postprocessing.

So I can decode the unique ID and extract the connection ID from it? I
guess so...

 Different clients behind a NAT router will use different ports.
 However, based solely on ports, you won't be able to distinguish
 between two different clients on one hand or one client that makes
 several connections on the other hand. A method that is used by some
 of my colleagues in order to distinguish between different clients
 (but I don't know much about it, so I can't tell you more) is to
 analyse the TCP header of the packet in order to extract the TCP
 sequence numbers.

That sounds interesting but as far as I can see this information is
not available in the application layer. Hard to imagine, but are there
any tricks to get this information in Apache modules? Or are your
colleagues using sniffers such as tcpdump?

Thank you,

Apache log modules

2010-11-25 Thread Andrej van der Zee

I am looking for a way to deduct the concept of a transaction from
the Apache log. What I mean is that I want to group HTTP requests that
are sent by one particular client, for example when a user clicks a
link in the browser. Then I want to be able to group all the HTTP
requests that are the result of that one click (only taking account
for requests that are going to our servers).

Assuming that both client and server have the KeepAlive enabled, I
though that maybe a custom Apache log-module could write the
connection ID (if such a thing exists) to the log in order to
distinguish different clients. Moreover, assuming that users wait for
at least 1 second between clicks, I should be able to deduct
transactions by grouping them on timestamps that fall within a second.

The scheme with the connection ID, can it work, or am I misjudging
something completely? Are there alternatives?

Thank you,

Re: Apache log modules

2010-11-25 Thread Andrej van der Zee
Hi Ted,

 This is much better done at the application level.

I am aware of that, but that is not an option unfortunately.


Re: Apache log modules

2010-11-25 Thread Andrej van der Zee

 My condolences.  I have felt your pain.

Thanks ;)

I just read the documentation of mod_log_config 2.3 and some
logging-options have been added, to my pleasant surprise! I was
thinking I could use:

%a = client's IP address
%{remote}p = client's port

Would this pair uniquely identify one client connection, also for
clients behind one NAT router?

Then, in combination with the option %k this *might* be a solution to
follow users (of course, with some restrictions):

%k = Number of keepalive requests handled on this connection.
Interesting if KeepAlive is being used, so that, for example, a '1'
means the first keepalive request after the initial one, '2' the
second, etc...; otherwise this is always 0 (indicating the initial

Would this be feasible? Any comments?

Thank you,

Re: *** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (!prev) in cleanup function

2010-04-22 Thread Andrej van der Zee
Hi Bronto,

Thank you for the tip :) You are funny!


*** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (!prev) in cleanup function

2010-04-21 Thread Andrej van der Zee

I have a question about apr_pool_cleanup_register for a child's pool.
I register a cleanup function that is called when the pool is
destroyed. In the cleanup function, I join a background thread that
first writes some log to a database:

static void mbrace_child_init(apr_pool_t *pool, server_rec *s)
apr_pool_cleanup_register(pool, 0, mbrace_bgthread_cleanup,

static apr_status_t mbrace_bgthread_cleanup(void*)

But, when it connects to the database in the background thread, it
sometimes ends up in the error below. I do not fully understand why,
but are there any restrictions to what I can do in the cleanup

When running gdb on the generated core-dump, you can see that it
happens on line 134.

125 APR_DECLARE(void) apr_allocator_destroy(apr_allocator_t *allocator)
126 {
127 apr_uint32_t index;
128 apr_memnode_t *node, **ref;
130 for (index = 0; index  MAX_INDEX; index++) {
131 ref = allocator-free[index];
132 while ((node = *ref) != NULL) {
133 *ref = node-next;
134 free(node);    here it happens!!
135 }
136 }
138 free(allocator);
139 }

Hopefully somebody can push me in the right direction.

Thank you,

*** glibc detected *** /usr/local/httpd-2.2.15/bin/httpd: double free
or corruption (!prev): 0x09461298 ***
=== Backtrace: =
=== Memory map: 
08048000-080c7000 r-xp  fe:00 1171716
080c7000-080c8000 r--p 0007e000 fe:00 1171716
080c8000-080cb000 rw-p 0007f000 fe:00 1171716
080cb000-080ce000 rw-p 080cb000 00:00 0
09254000-09479000 rw-p 09254000 00:00 0  [heap]
b6465000-b6466000 ---p b6465000 00:00 0

mod_proxy_balancer and HTTP response header

2010-04-11 Thread Andrej van der Zee

I am looking for way to examine the HTTP response generated by
BalanceMember in my module that runs on the load balancer. I would
like to read a custom HTTP response header that is added by the
application, but I would like to read it on the load-balancer. I tried
to read it in the ap_hook_log_transaction, but the header is not
there. I am not sure about the internals of mod_proxy_balancer, but I
guess the hook does not contain the request_rec of the response from
the actual application running on BalanceMember? I was hoping somebody
could clarify this?

Thank you,

Re: LD_PRELOAD for modules

2010-03-27 Thread Andrej van der Zee
Hi William,


Saving on ink aren't you ;) Thanks for the advise, I will give it a go soon.

Just one question you might be able to answer. From the documentation
it looks like LoadFile is used to add additional code. In my case, I
need to override existing functionality. For example, if mod_php is
already linked in with the MySQL client library, I want my own
modified client library to be used instead, like LD_PRELOAD does for
binaries. From the documentation it is not clear, but can I do this
with LoadFie? Any hints/tips?

Thanks alot!

Re: LD_PRELOAD for modules

2010-03-27 Thread Andrej van der Zee

 When mod_php is loaded into httpd, it's mysql dependencies/symbols will get
 resolved against the mysql client you have already LoadFile'd into httpd.

Thanks that is could news, so the libraries in LoadFile directives are
loaded first.


Re: LD_PRELOAD for modules

2010-03-27 Thread Andrej van der Zee

Maybe a bit off-topic for this mailing list, but I need to do the same
preload-trick for CGI applications written in C++. I was thinking
about a wrapper bash-script that usese LD_PRELOAD in addition to a
rewrite rule in Apache directive. I have some problems with the
wrapper script:


Obviously this does not work because I need to redirect stdin to
cpp-appl.cgi and return whatever cpp-appl.cgi through stdout. Don't
know how to do this. I am sure I am not the first one to do this, but
can't find any useful examples. I was hoping you could help me out?

Thank you,

Re: LD_PRELOAD for modules

2010-03-27 Thread Andrej van der Zee
Hi Sorin,

 In the Debian package of apache there's /etc/apache2/envvars. I'm not
 sure if this file appears in an out-of-the-box compilation of apache2.
 Anyway, /usr/sbin/apache2ctl looks for it and loads it before
 launching the server.

 The server in launched in the environment that is set in envvars.

 So you could try writing

 export LD_PRELOAD=...

 in envvars.

 I do not know if this has an effect on how apache2 spawns the CGI
 applications but you might give it a try.

Thank you for putting me back on track! I found the solution I think.
From the Apache documentation:

SetEnv directive
Syntax: SetEnv env-variable value
Context: server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess
Override: FileInfo
Status: Base
Module: mod_env
Compatibility: SetEnv is only available in Apache 1.1 and later.
Directory and .htaccess context is available in Apache 1.3.7 and

Sets an environment variable, which is then passed on to CGI scripts
and SSI pages. Example:

SetEnv SPECIAL_PATH /foo/bin

LD_PRELOAD for modules

2010-03-26 Thread Andrej van der Zee

I want to override a library that is linked with an Apache module,
i.e. I want to use my modified version of the MySQL client library for
example for mod_php. I would like to do this without relinking or even
modifying the mod_php lib. I was hoping that I could use something
like LD_PRELOAD to force my modified MySQL client library. Is there a
way to do this?

Thank you,

detect disconnect in CGI

2009-10-23 Thread Andrej van der Zee

I am using mod_cgi using Cgicc with C++ on Linux. I need a way to detect
disconnects from the client. I think I have a way to do this, but I wanted
to make sure if there is no easier way.

I am writing a space back to the client every second as part if a custom
HTTP response header. When the connection drops, this results in a sigpipe.
I am using non-parsed-headers to make sure the spaces are really flushed to
the client and not buffered by Apache.

Is there a better way to do this?

Thank you,


2009-07-26 Thread Andrej van der Zee

I have an Apache module for mpm-prefork that runs a background thread.
The thread is initialized in ap_hook_child_init() which works just
fine. But, I have to finish the thread neatly when the process exits.
How can I force this? I could not find any hook-method that is called
before the process is exited. How can I force the thread to be cleanup
up neatly, preferably without breaking into the Apache core?

Thank you,

Re: ap_hook_child_init

2009-07-26 Thread Andrej van der Zee

 Register a cleanup on the pool passed to your child_init function.

Yes of course, thank you.


Re: segmentation fault in worker.c

2009-07-08 Thread Andrej van der Zee

 I guess you are hit by this:

Indeed so it was!


segmentation fault in worker.c

2009-07-07 Thread Andrej van der Zee

I compiled httpd-2.2.11 with ./configure --with-included-apr
--enable-ssl --disable-cgi --disable-cgid --with-mpm=prefork
--enable-status. HTTP requests seem to be processed fine from a users
point of view, but I get many segfaults in my apache log when I
seriously increase the workload. Here a trace from gdb:

Core was generated by `/usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd -k start'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
[New process 9935]
#0  apr_pollset_add (pollset=0x0, descriptor=0xbf8225dc) at
150 if (pollset-flags  APR_POLLSET_NOCOPY) {
(gdb) print pollset
$1 = (apr_pollset_t *) 0x0
(gdb) bt
#0  apr_pollset_add (pollset=0x0, descriptor=0xbf8225dc) at
#1  0x080c2c41 in child_main (child_num_arg=value optimized out) at
#2  0x080c30f3 in make_child (s=0x9c849a8, slot=138) at prefork.c:746
#3  0x080c3ef8 in ap_mpm_run (_pconf=0x9c7d0a8, plog=0x9cbb1a0,
s=0x9c849a8) at prefork.c:881
#4  0x0806e808 in main (argc=164081968, argv=0xbf822904) at main.c:740

When I compiled with mpm-worker, I did not get into these problems.
These are my mpm-prefork settings:
IfModule mpm_prefork_module
ServerLimit  512
StartServers  100
MinSpareServers   25
MaxSpareServers  75
MaxClients  256
MaxRequestsPerChild   0

When I start about 4000 user sessions in a few seconds this happens,
not with lower values. Changing KeepAllive to On/Off does not change

I was hoping this rings a bell, otherwise I could provide you with
more information on your request, provided someone is kind enough to
pick this up ;)

Thank you,

load for each child separately

2009-03-26 Thread Andrej van der Zee

If I am correct, on Linux all childs in MPM prefork share the same which is loaded in the parent process. Is there a way to
load separately for each forked child? Can I force such a
thing in httpd.conf or maybe in the child_init() hook in a module?


Re: child_init for threads?

2009-03-19 Thread Andrej van der Zee

 Note that there is a difference between the apr_thread_data_*() methods and
 the apr_threadkey_private_*() methods. The apr_thread_data_*() methods
 actually associate your data with the thread-pool. Since each new apr
 thread has it's own private thread-pool everything should work fine.

 The apr_threadkey_private_*() methods use the underlying thread libraries
 TLS routines.

 While apr_thread_data_* may work for you, true TLS is only supplied by
 apr_threadkey_private_* routines.

Thanks, that's clear! In my case the apr-thread based suffices, I
hope. But I realize now that it is difficult or impossible to get the
apr_thread_t data from the current thread in an Apache module (for
threaded MPMs). Is this possible to do this somehow? For example, does
this work:

apr_os_thread_t os_thd = apr_os_thread_current ();
apr_thread_t *apr_thd;
apr_status_t apr_os_thread_put(apr_thd, os_thd, r-pool);

And what would this do in an MPM prefork?

Or maybe there is some better technique?

Thank you!

Re: child_init for threads?

2009-03-19 Thread Andrej van der Zee

 apr_os_thread_t os_thd = apr_os_thread_current ();
 apr_thread_t *apr_thd;
 apr_status_t apr_os_thread_put(apr_thd, os_thd, r-pool);

Okay, this clearly doesn't work. I misunderstood the documentation,
but the sources don't lie. Anyway, how can I get the apr_thread_t for
the current thread in a module for MPM worker?


MaxRequestsPerChild for MPM worker threads?

2009-03-19 Thread Andrej van der Zee

Is there a way to let a MPM worker thread exit after serving X requests? I
need to do some tests that requires checking if my custom hook
ap_hook_thread_exit() is called properly. I found a directive to have one
thread per child that gets me in the right direction (ThreadsPerChild 1).
Now I need one to set the maximum number of requests served by a thread to
get a fast thread_exit(). I tried MaxRequestsPerChild but it does not seem
to do what I want. BTW, I start apache like /usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd -X

What option(s) could I use to force worker threads to exit after serving few

Thank you,

Re: child_init for threads?

2009-03-18 Thread Andrej van der Zee


 Yes. create_connection() is the first hook run as part of request
 processing, a delay in create_connection() will result in a delay in HTTP

That's too bad. I guess I have to hack this into the MPM then.

One more question, what would be the way to store thread-specific data
that is to be re-used across HTTP requests? Is there an example where
this is done before?

Thank you,

Re: child_init for threads?

2009-03-18 Thread Andrej van der Zee

Thanks, that helps!

Since I am developing my modules in C++, I think I should be using this one:

apr_status_t apr_thread_data_set(   void *   data,
const char *key,
apr_status_t(*)(void *) cleanup,
apr_thread_t *  thread  

If I understand correctly, I can pass my own cleanup function (calling
delete to free memory) which is called automatically when the thread
is destroyed by the APR framework. Would that be the way, or am I
still misunderstanding something?

Thank you,

child_init for threads?

2009-03-17 Thread Andrej van der Zee

I was wondering if there is an analogue hook like child_init() for
threads that I can use for doing some time-consuming
thread-initialisation that should not slow down an HTTP request
handler. More specific, I want to initialise some per-thread variables
that come from a database. Does the APR offer something like this, or
is there a way to hack this into my module, without changing the APR?

Thank you,

start httpd with one child for debugging

2009-03-17 Thread Andrej van der Zee

I believe I read some while ago that it is possible to start httpd
with only one child (a special for debugging httpd). I am not able to
find this option anymore. Does such an option really exist?

Thank you,

Re: hook before receiving HTTP request

2009-03-16 Thread Andrej van der Zee

    do any setup required just before processing, but after accepting


 (Assuming) ap_hook_create_request will be called when creating a request_rec
 * for each request on a connection (multiple request on a connection with
 KeepAlive enabled).

 Is that what you are looking for?

Well, I saw those hooks too, but I think it is not exactly what I
want. I need to hook into my module EVERY time before receiving a
request. I need to do some general initialization before every HTTP
request, but I do not want to disturb the request processing itself,
in terms of performance loss. But I guess it is not there so I will
start looking for another solution.


hook before receiving HTTP request

2009-03-16 Thread Andrej van der Zee

I am looking for a hook function that I can call to initialize some
structures before it accepts a connections. Similar like
ap_log_transaction() is called after the HTTP reply is sent to the
client, I need a hook that is called before a HTTP request is
received. Is it there?

Thank you,

post_config on reload

2009-03-13 Thread Andrej van der Zee

I found this piece of code for dealing with the post_config issue (it is
called twice, while I need to initialise my stuff only once):

  void *data;
  const char *userdata_key = post_config_only_once_key;
  apr_pool_userdata_get(data, userdata_key, s-process-pool);
  if (!data) {
apr_pool_userdata_set((const void *)1, userdata_key,
apr_pool_cleanup_null, s-process-pool);
return OK;
  } else {
 // do initialize

I was wondering if there is a solution for detecting a post_config
invocation on behalf of apachctl restart instead of a clean start (in case
of a restart, I do not want to initialise my stuff again).

Thank you,

Re: custom background thread and module sharing a data structure

2009-03-13 Thread Andrej van der Zee
Hi Saju,

For the worker mpm, both cross thread and cross process protection will be
 needed. apr_proc_mutex.h family supplies cross-process protection,
 apr_thread_mutex.h provides cross thread protection.

 You locking method would be a wrapper method that first obtains a process
 level lock, and then inside that lock it obtains a thread level lock.

In my specific case, do I really need thread-level locking in addition to
process-level locking? Since I am running a background thread that is
started in post_config(), worker-threads in the mpm worker model are running
in a different process then my background thread anyway. So I guess
process-level locking should suffice, or am I overlooking something?

Thank you,

Re: post_config on reload

2009-03-13 Thread Andrej van der Zee

Do not do this -  a restart should be a restart, not a half of a restart.
  You should be reinitializing whatever you do on a restart as well as a
 start.  That's the whole point.

 I have one phrase that should illustrate why : memory leak.

 For example, if your extension creates another thread or spawns another
 process and that other thread/process doesn't clean up on a restart and
 contains a memory leak, what good is restart to you? Restart has suddenly
 become pointless.

 It is good etiquette to honour the concept of a restart.

Okay, point taken. My extension indeed creates a thread. How can I know that
a user issues a restart? In other words, where can I kill my thread?


Re: custom background thread and module sharing a data structure

2009-03-13 Thread Andrej van der Zee

Thanks for your comments. See below...

Worker mpm is a multithreaded, multiprocess mpm. Multiple child processes
 host multiple worker threads that run your module code.

 If your module services 2 concurrent requests in 2 different threads in the
 same process and both the threads need to access critical code at the same
 time, you will have to use thread locking to prevent race conditions.

Yes, I understand the concept of mpm worker. My point was slightly
different: When I start a background thread in the post_config()-hook, it is
created in the address space of the server, and not of the processes that
run worker threads for handling HTTP requests. Therefore, threads that
handle HTTP requests always execute in a different process than the
background thread, and thus thread-based locking is not necessary for
sharing inter-process data.

re: Using non APR locking mechanisms - sure they will work as long as you
 are using compatible mechanisms (like if apr_threads is based on pthreads,
 the alternate locking mechanism should work with pthreads).

That's good news!


Re: custom background thread and module sharing a data structure

2009-03-13 Thread Andrej van der Zee

 My point is that within a single process, multiple threads can service
 requests that can end up firing your module code. If you only do process
 locking you can still have more than 1 thread executing your module code at
 the same time.

 Just a process level lock will *not* guarantee that only a single thread is
 executing your code within the process holding the lock. A inter thread lock
 is needed to synchronize multiple threads within that processes from
 stomping on a shared resource.

Yeah you are right, two thread in the same process in the mpm worker model
still execute the same code to access the shared inter-process resource. So
I guess I need to add the thread-based mutexes within a APR_HAS_THREADS
define, like in some other modules I have seen. Thanks for clearing this up!


Re: custom background thread and module sharing a data structure

2009-03-12 Thread Andrej van der Zee

Thanks for the info.

For the worker mpm, both cross thread and cross process protection will be
 needed. apr_proc_mutex.h family supplies cross-process protection,
 apr_thread_mutex.h provides cross thread protection.

 You locking method would be a wrapper method that first obtains a process
 level lock, and then inside that lock it obtains a thread level lock.

Is there anything against using the interprocess- and thread-library from
C++ boost and use those instead the ones provided by the APR-library? What I
need to do is start a background thread and share some data with a custom
module. Although C++ boost is cross-platform, for now my primary target is
Linux only.

Your opinion is appreciated!


Re: custom background thread and module sharing a data structure

2009-03-11 Thread Andrej van der Zee

 Yes, I did this. I will send you a commented source file sometimes
 today or early tomorrow (Central European Time), I don't really have
 time now.

Great, I will be waiting for that!


custom background thread and module sharing a data structure

2009-03-10 Thread Andrej van der Zee

I need to modify Apache and run one custom background thread. In addition,
my custom modules have to be able to share a data structure with this
background thread. Did anybody do this before? Is there an example I can use
as a starting point?

Thank you,

Andrej van der Zee
2-40-19 Koenji-minami
Suginami-ku, Tokyo
166-0003 JAPAN
Mobile: +81-(0)80-65251092
Phone/Fax: +81-(0)3-3318-3155

process initialisation in prefork-MPM

2008-12-22 Thread Andrej van der Zee

I need to initialise some structures for each process (in prefork MPM)
when it is created, and need to be able to access these structures in
ap_hook_post_read_request and ap_hook_log_transaction handlers. I
would like to initialise the structures before the first HTTP request
is being served by the process. How should I do this?

Thank you,

Andrej van der Zee
2-40-19 Koenji-minami
Suginami-ku, Tokyo
166-0003 JAPAN
Mobile: +81-(0)80-65251092
Phone/Fax: +81-(0)3-3318-3155

Re: process initialisation in prefork-MPM

2008-12-22 Thread Andrej van der Zee

 You hook child_init (ap_hook_child_init) and store your data in global
 variables that are accessed by post_read_request and log_transaction.

Easy enough.

Re: process initialisation in prefork-MPM

2008-12-22 Thread Andrej van der Zee

 You hook child_init (ap_hook_child_init) and store your data in global
 variables that are accessed by post_read_request and log_transaction.

BTW, in a worker-MPM, is child_init executed for every created
worker-thread? Or is it per process?
Thank you,

connection speed / data transfer time

2008-11-25 Thread Andrej van der Zee

I was wondering if it is possible to get the connection speed in an
Apache module. Actually, I can get to the actual bytes transferred
to/from the client, so the transfer time would also do.

Thank you,

Re: connection speed / data transfer time

2008-11-25 Thread Andrej van der Zee
Hi Ray,

Thanks for your reply.

 see mog_logio for the actual bytes transferred
 and mod_status or others for examples of the time

I need the duration of network transfer per HTTP request and response,
but I cannot find this information in mod_status. Are there any
specific points in the source code that I can use for determining the
transfer times (that is a beginning and end of request/response
transfer)? Preferably in module hooks, but the APR is also fine.

Thank you!

Re: mod_dbd and prepared statements (httpd-2.2.9)

2008-10-19 Thread Andrej van der Zee
Hi Tom,

Thanks a lot for your help! Everything works as expected...


Re: mod_dbd and prepared statements (httpd-2.2.9)

2008-10-18 Thread Andrej van der Zee

I did not find a solution, I just stopped using prepared statements
altogether. But I tried to isolate the problem just now, and found somehow
that I cannot use FLOAT in prepared statement somehow (when I tried INT
columns it even segfaults). Below the source code of a mini-module to
illustrate this. This is the table I created in MySQL:


And this is what appears in the MySQL log:

PrepareINSERT INTO simple_table (duration) VALUES (?)
ExecuteINSERT INTO simple_table (duration) VALUES ('')

If you want to reproduce it, dont forget to put this in httpd.conf:
LoadModule prep_stmt_module   modules/
PrepStmt on

-  Complete mini-module -

#include httpd.h
#include http_config.h
#include http_core.h
#include http_log.h
#include http_protocol.h
#include http_connection.h
#include apr_file_info.h
#include apr_file_io.h
#include apr_dbd.h
#include mod_dbd.h

module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA prep_stmt_module;

static int prep_stmt_write(request_rec *r);

typedef struct prep_stmt_config
  int prep_stmt_on;
} prep_stmt_config;

static const char * prep_stmt_config_set_prep_stmt_on(cmd_parms *cmd, void
*dummy, int flag)
ap_dbd_prepare(cmd-server, INSERT INTO simple_table (duration) VALUES
(%f), insert_row);

  prep_stmt_config *cfg = ap_get_module_config(cmd-server-module_config,
  cfg-prep_stmt_on = flag;
  return NULL;

static int prep_stmt_write(request_rec *r)
prep_stmt_config *cfg = ap_get_module_config(r-server-module_config,
if (!cfg-prep_stmt_on)
return DECLINED;

ap_dbd_t * dbd = ap_dbd_acquire(r);

apr_dbd_prepared_t *prepared = apr_hash_get(dbd-prepared, insert_row,
if (!prepared) {
ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r-server,
DBD Log: Failed to get prepared statement:
return DECLINED;

int rv, nrows;
if (rv = apr_dbd_pvquery(dbd-driver, r-pool, dbd-handle, nrows,
prepared, 10.2, NULL)) {
const char *errmsg = apr_dbd_error(dbd-driver, dbd-handle, rv);
ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r-server,
DBD Log: Failed to execute prepared statement:
return DECLINED;

static const command_rec prep_stmt_cmds[] = {
AP_INIT_FLAG(PrepStmt, prep_stmt_config_set_prep_stmt_on,
{ NULL }

static void prep_stmt_register_hooks(apr_pool_t *p)
ap_hook_log_transaction(prep_stmt_write, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);

static void * prep_stmt_create_config(apr_pool_t *pool, server_rec *s)
  prep_stmt_config *cfg = apr_pcalloc(pool, sizeof(prep_stmt_config));
  return cfg;

module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA prep_stmt_module =
STANDARD20_MODULE_STUFF,/* stuff that needs to be declared in every
2.0 mod */
NULL,   /* create per-directory config structure*/
NULL,   /* merge per-directory config
prep_stmt_create_config,   /* create per-server
config structure   */
NULL,   /* merge per-server config
structures   */
prep_stmt_cmds,   /* command
apr_table_t  */
prep_stmt_register_hooks  /* register
hooks   */

mpm worker and mod_cgi

2008-10-16 Thread Andrej van der Zee

I am compiling mod_cgi with apxs outside the httpd-2.2.9 source tree.
When I choose --with-mpm=prefork this works fine, but when I use
--with-mpm=worker it seems not to use the implementation in the module
at all (the cgi_handler hook method is never called, but CGI
applications seem to work fine). In both cases I configure httpd with
--disable-cgi. Am I doing something wrong, or is there something
special about CGI for the worker mpm?

Thank you,


2008-10-09 Thread Andrej van der Zee

I was wondering what the purpose is of the macros
mod_authn_dbd APR_RETRIEVE_OPTIONAL_FN is used to get a hold on the
functions ap_dbd_acquire and ap_dbd_prepare declared in in mod_dbd
with APR_DECLARE_OPTIONAL_FN. I could also directly invoke these
functions as they are declared in the header file mod_dbd.h and let
the loading of the module fail with an unresolved symbol if mod_dbd is
not loaded. What is the benefit for using those macros?



2008-10-09 Thread Andrej van der Zee

 Without them, it became impossible to build plugable frameworks without
 linking one module to another.

Yes of course, that would be necessary if you compile your module
outside the httpd source tree with apxs I guess.

Thanks a lot,

Re: number of bytes/packets sent/received

2008-10-09 Thread Andrej van der Zee
Thanks for your reply!

 Giving it a second thought, the problem looks complicated. Such
 filter-based counters would count the traffic of _one_ apache process.
 When you increment the counter, you have to protect it from concurrent
 access by other threads running in the same apache child process.
 Then, before the apache child process exits, you need to add the
 counter to a global counter shared among apache child processes (which
 has to be protected against race conditions as well). It's really
 hairy. Don't do it in apache.

I forgot to mention, but I need the number of packets / bytes per HTTP
request and log it to a database with other information. So I guess
that would take case of all the hairy stuff. I think I will give it a
go as you recommend with an input and output filter that only counts
the bytes and just passes on the data, unless somebody comes with a
better idea (what about the content-length for example, can I trust
this?). I understood from your email that the headers are counted with
it (I never wrote a filter before) and that's exactly what I need.


Re: number of bytes/packets sent/received

2008-10-09 Thread Andrej van der Zee
Hi Dave,

 Would mod_logio be at all helpful?

 I haven't looked into it, but the source might give you some ideas. You
 may even have a direct solution if you use a module that logs directly
 to a database. I must admit that I don't know offhand if such a module

You really made it easy for me huh? Thanks alot.


Re: number of bytes/packets sent/received

2008-10-09 Thread Andrej van der Zee

 No, the Content-Length doesn't include the size of the headers.

Yes of course, but you could add the length of all r-headers_in. I
just wondered if the content-type reflects the actual size, for
example if the request is compressed.

 While I was typing the message, Dave Ingram's message arrived. I think
 the solution he proposes is much better.

Yes, thanks alot for your time anyway.


Re: number of bytes/packets sent/received

2008-10-09 Thread Andrej van der Zee

 A quick search reveals that there are some modules out there that do log
 to databases, but I don't know how well-maintained they are (mod_log_sql
 only mentions Apache 2.0, for example) or how much work they would be to
 use (an O'Reilly page
 suggests that Apache's default mod_log_config needs to be rebuilt).

Since Apache 2.1 there is mod_dbd that makes it pretty easy to log to
a MySQL, sqlite2/3 and Postgres database. It also takes care of
connection pooling.


mod_dbd/apr_dbd and Commands out of sync

2008-10-03 Thread Andrej van der Zee

I am using mod_dbd for the first time and get into trouble when I
execute the following in sequence:

1) do an INSERT
2) do a SELECT
3) do another INSERT

On 3) I get the error Commands out of sync; you can't run this
command now. This is what MySQL sais:

If you get Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now in
your client code, you are calling client functions in the wrong order.

This can happen, for example, if you are using mysql_use_result() and
try to execute a new query before you have called mysql_free_result().
It can also happen if you try to execute two queries that return data
without calling mysql_use_result() or mysql_store_result() in between.

I went through all the apr_dbd_XXX functions in
apr-util/include/apr_dbd.h but could not find any way to free a result
after 2). How should I deal with this issue?


Re: mod_dbd/apr_dbd and Commands out of sync

2008-10-03 Thread Andrej van der Zee

When I execute two SELECT statements after each other I do not get the
Comamnd out of sync error anymore if I iterate through all the rows
in the apr_dbd_results_t, but I do get all emty values and column
names for the 2nd SELECT.

 Can you please post your code ?

Below the code. The second SELECT has 5 rows all with empty fields.

Thanks alot!

apr_dbd_results_t *dbd_results = NULL;
int dbd_rv;
char *stmt = (char*) apr_psprintf(r-pool, SELECT request_type_id
FROM request_type WHERE name = '%s', req_cfg-tid);
if (dbd_rv = apr_dbd_select(dbd-driver, r-pool, dbd-handle,
dbd_results, stmt, 0)) {
   const char *errmsg = apr_dbd_error(dbd-driver, dbd-handle, dbd_rv);
   ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r-server, Perfmon: Failed
to execute statement '%s': %s, stmt, errmsg);
   return DECLINED;

apr_dbd_row_t *dbd_row = NULL;
const char *request_type_id = NULL;
for (rv = apr_dbd_get_row(dbd-driver, r-pool, dbd_results, dbd_row, -1);
   rv != -1;
   rv = apr_dbd_get_row(dbd-driver, r-pool, dbd_results, dbd_row, -1)) {
   request_type_id = apr_dbd_get_entry(dbd-driver, dbd_row, 0);

apr_dbd_results_t *dbd_results2 = NULL;
apr_dbd_row_t *dbd_row2 = NULL;
if (dbd_rv = apr_dbd_select(dbd-driver, r-pool, dbd-handle,
dbd_results2, SELECT * FROM request_type, 0)) {
   const char *errmsg = apr_dbd_error(dbd-driver, dbd-handle, dbd_rv);
   ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r-server, Perfmon: Failed
to execute statement '%s': %s, stmt, errmsg);
   return DECLINED;

// Here I get all empty strings for the name!
ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r-server, Perfmon: name col:
,  apr_dbd_get_name(dbd-driver, dbd_results2, 0));
for (rv = apr_dbd_get_row(dbd-driver, r-pool, dbd_results2, dbd_row2, -1);
   rv != -1;
   rv = apr_dbd_get_row(dbd-driver, r-pool, dbd_results2, dbd_row2, -1)) {
   const char *request_type_id = apr_dbd_get_entry(dbd-driver, dbd_row2, 0);
   // Here I get 5 rows with an empty request_type_id!
   ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r-server, Perfmon: : ,

Re: mod_dbd/apr_dbd and Commands out of sync

2008-10-03 Thread Andrej van der Zee
Hi Jerome,

Thanks for your answer.

I just went through the sources of apr_dbd and saw that I have to loop
through all the rows in a apr_dbd_results_t before mysql_free_result()
is called through apr_pool_cleanup_run(). In my code I am sure the
result is exactly one, but unfortunately I have to write a loop

Nevertheless, it works now...


Re: mod_dbd/apr_dbd and Commands out of sync

2008-10-03 Thread Andrej van der Zee

I still have another open issue with mod_dbd I was hoping you could
help me with. When I execute the query SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() I
always get an empty string as a result. I do receive one row, but
nothing in it. Is this a mod_dbd issue you think, or a mysql issue?


writing to database in Apache module

2008-10-02 Thread Andrej van der Zee

I wrote my first Apache module that gathers performance data of each
request. Currently, I write the information to a log file in the
log_transaction hook function. I would like to write this to a MySQL
database instead. What is the recommended way to do this?


Andrej van der Zee
2-40-19 Koenji-minami
Suginami-ku, Tokyo
166-0003 JAPAN
Mobile: 0031-(0)80-65251092
Phone/Fax: 0031-(0)3-3318-3155

Access configuration variable in other modules

2008-09-13 Thread Andrej van der Zee

I am writing my first Apache module for monitoring resource usage of
embedded interpreters and CGI applications on Linux (I am also adapting
mod_cgi and the apr-library). The problem is that my own module has some
server-level configuration options that I can initialize and use in my own
module, but I don't know how to access them in *another* module (i.e.
mod_cgi). What is the way to do this? Any examples of this in the modules
that come with the sources?


Access configuration variable in other modules

2008-09-13 Thread Andrej van der Zee

I am writing my first Apache module for monitoring resource usage of
embedded interpreters and CGI applications on Linux (I am also adapting
mod_cgi and the apr-library). The problem is that my own module has some
server-level configuration options that I can initialize and use in my own
module, but I don't know how to access them in *another* module (i.e.
mod_cgi). What is the way to do this? Any examples of this in the modules
that come with the sources?


Re: Access configuration variable in other modules

2008-09-13 Thread Andrej van der Zee
Thanks, that seems satisfactory!

Though, it seems to imply that I have to export my own module in a header
file and include it in mod_cgi. In other words, I have to add my module to
the httpd build system.  So I copied my module to the modules/generator
directory. But I am not sure what the good way is to incorporate my module
in the build httpd system; just typing make does not compile my module.
Which build-files should I modify to accomplish this?


On Sat, Sep 13, 2008 at 8:25 PM, Kevac Marko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Catch the example:

cache_module = ap_find_linked_module(mod_cache.c);
if (!cache_module) {
ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, s, ERRTAG %s: 
Can't find mod_cache module., __func__);

conf_cache =
(cache_server_conf *)ap_get_module_config(
s-module_config, cache_module);
if (!conf_cache) {
ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, s, ERRTAG %s: 
Can't acquire mod_cache server configuration

 On 9/13/08, Andrej van der Zee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I am writing my first Apache module for monitoring resource usage of
   embedded interpreters and CGI applications on Linux (I am also adapting
   mod_cgi and the apr-library). The problem is that my own module has some
   server-level configuration options that I can initialize and use in my
   module, but I don't know how to access them in *another* module (i.e.
   mod_cgi). What is the way to do this? Any examples of this in the
   that come with the sources?

 С уважением, Кевац Марко
 Sincerely yours, Kevac Marko

Andrej van der Zee
2-40-19 Koenji-minami
Suginami-ku, Tokyo
166-0003 JAPAN
Mobile: 0031-(0)80-65251092
Phone/Fax: 0031-(0)3-3318-3155

Re: Apache modification questions

2008-09-10 Thread Andrej van der Zee

  A post doesn't normally have anything in the
 QUERY_STRING.  Rather a POSTed form has the stuff
 being sent in the request body, which is read from
 STDIN by a script.  QUERY_STRING is still available
 for use.  Consider this form:

 form method=post action=myscript.cgi
 input name=emailaddress

  The emailaddress input would NOT appear
 in QUERY_STRING, but rather would appear to
 the script as STDIN, or to another module as
 the request body.  You can still do:

 form method=post action=myscript.cgi?id=reallyunique
 input name=emailaddress

U yeah you are right, I am not thinking.


apr_open_file and apr_write_file in post_read_request and log_transaction

2008-09-09 Thread Andrej van der Zee

I am new to Apache modules and I am trying to open a file in the hook
post_read_request and write to the file in log_transaction. The file
is supposed to be only valid for the duration of the request and is
named with a unique identifier (created by mod_unique_id). The
apr_file_t is carried, with other data, in the configuration vector
(request_config) between the different hooks. In post_read_reqeust I
open it like this (req_cfg is the configuration vector

req_cfg-log_file = NULL;
req_cfg-filepath = (char*) apr_pstrcat(r-pool, path_name,
unique_id, NULL);
apr_int32_t flags = APR_WRITE | APR_CREATE | APR_EXCL | APR_APPEND;
rv = apr_file_open(req_cfg-log_file, req_cfg-filepath, flags,
APR_OS_DEFAULT, r-pool);
if (rv != APR_SUCCESS || req_cfg-log_file == NULL) {
   ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, NULL, Failed to create
resource log file: %s,
   return DECLINED;

After this I am able to write to the file in this hook function. But,
when I try to write to the file in the hook log_transaction like this:

char *msg = (char*) apr_psprintf(r-pool, %s, some msg);
len = strlen(msg);
apr_file_write(req_cfg-log_file, msg, len);

Then I get a segfault because req_cfg-log_file is NULL. Here the
output from gdb:

Core was generated by `/usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd -k start'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
[New process 16759]
#0  apr_file_write (thefile=0x0, buf=0x81841d0, nbytes=0xbf8e5d94) at
151 if (thefile-buffered) {
(gdb) print thefile
$1 = (apr_file_t *) 0x0
(gdb) Quit

Because the file is opened with r-pool (with r request_rec) in
post_read_request I expect it to be open in the hook log_transaction.
So I guess I am wrong? Is it closed by the cleanup handlers? And if
so, what is the way to make sure it is still open?


Re: Apache modification questions

2008-09-05 Thread Andrej van der Zee
Thanks for your comments.

Until I get the book, can you tell if a module's hook function can
execute in the same thread as the CGI application that serves the

Also, I am unable to find the apache2 API for building modules. I
found some documentation for developers on the apache2 website, but
the link for Autogenerated Apache 2 code documentation is not

Thank you,

Andrej van der Zee
2-40-19 Koenji-minami
Suginami-ku, Tokyo
166-0003 JAPAN
Mobile: 0031-(0)80-65251092
Phone/Fax: 0031-(0)3-3318-3155

Re: Apache modification questions

2008-09-05 Thread Andrej van der Zee

Thanks for your comments.

 child_init is not the appropriate hook for your purpose. Use
 ap_hook_fixups for getting the ID and ap_hook_log_transaction for

In ap_hook_fixups, is it possible to get the thread/process ID of the
CGI application serving the request? Moreover, is this thread/process
already created? Or maybe the hook function is executed in the same
thread/process as the CGI application?

 Every module has a register_hooks function. There, you call the two
 ap_hook functions above in order to hook your callbacks to the fixups
 and log_transaction events. Next you implement the two callbacks and
 that's it.

That's clear.


Andrej van der Zee
2-40-19 Koenji-minami
Suginami-ku, Tokyo
166-0003 JAPAN
Mobile: 0031-(0)80-65251092
Phone/Fax: 0031-(0)3-3318-3155

Re: Apache modification questions

2008-09-05 Thread Andrej van der Zee

 A CGI script is run by the code of a module, mod_perl, mod_php5, etc.
 In their register_hooks function they register their handler, which is
 a script interpreter basically. The handler callback is invoked in the
 same thread that did the rest of the request processing (URL parsing,
 authentication, fixups, etc). However, I don't know if the handler
 callback (of mod_perl, mod_php5, etc), which can be seen as a sort of
 third-party black box, spawns new processes/threads in which they
 parse the script, compile, etc. I guess they do not spawn new
 threads/processes but you have to read their docs or their sources in
 order to be sure. If they do not spawn new threads/processes, then the
 CGI is executed in the same thread as fixups and the rest of the
 request processing.

Thanks that makes sense.

If understood correctly, this means that I can add my own module to
the chain of request processors that executes in the same thread as
the hook function in mod_php5/mod_perl that executes CGI scripts.
Though, if the module's hook function spawns a new process/thread for
handling the CGI script is dependent on the module.

Does anybody know if the hook functions of such modules usually
spawning a new thread/process? My guess is that at least for compiled
CGI application written in C/C++ a new process is forked in the hook


Andrej van der Zee
2-40-19 Koenji-minami
Suginami-ku, Tokyo
166-0003 JAPAN
Mobile: 0031-(0)80-65251092
Phone/Fax: 0031-(0)3-3318-3155

Apache modification questions

2008-09-04 Thread Andrej van der Zee

I am about to modify Apache with some custom logging for GET/POST
requests (and more). It is for the purpose of research. If possible, I
would like to get some guidance in how to implement my ideas. I will

Every GET/POST request to Apache will carry a request identifier.
Adding the identifier to the request is the responsibility of the
developer of the web page. In Apache (NOT the CGI application)  I
would like to extract the identifier from the request and write it to
a log together with timestamp, request serve time and some specific
information about the thread/process that handles the request. The CGI
application serving the request should be untouched! I have two issues
I would like to get some comments about, if possible:

1) What is the recommended way to carry the GET/POST request
identifier (inserted by the developer of the web page) from the client
to Apache? Add a custom HTTP header? Or should I do it in GET/POST
variables? Any other alternatives?
2) I do need to attach to the thread/process handling the request to
extract information just after starting and just before ending. Can I
do this in an Apache module? I found the ap_hook_child_init() function
but no similar exit()-function. Moreover, I need to access the request
identifier and log to a file. Can all this be done in an Apache

Hope you can help!


Andrej van der Zee
2-40-19 Koenji-minami
Suginami-ku, Tokyo
166-0003 JAPAN
Mobile: 0031-(0)80-65251092
Phone/Fax: 0031-(0)3-3318-3155