Re: apache test suite

2003-09-24 Thread David N. Welton

I wrote a test suite in Tcl for the Rivet project that works pretty
well.  It's fairly minimalistic, but it works and doesn't require much
setup.  It would certainly require some adaptation to make it work
with your own system.  It is aimed at Rivet, not Apache, although I
think it's reasonably flexible...

David N. Welton
Free Software:
   Apache Tcl:

Re: library-ization

2002-10-17 Thread David N. Welton
Aaron Bannert [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Sun, Oct 13, 2002 at 09:21:23AM -0700, David N. Welton wrote:
  And I would like an HTTP tester library.  I think that if done in
  this way, it would be versatile enough to replace ab, and it would
  also give people the freedom to experiment with other front ends.
  Like someting in Tk, gtk, or whatever...
 Ah, but that is precisely why we use XML input to control the
 behaviour of flood, so that someone can come along and write
 whatever fancy GUI app they wish and couple it only to our XMl
 There is another reason why we chose XML that gives us greater
 flexibility than a library interface could ever give -- platform
 transparency. Since flood processes need not all run on the same
 machine, it is not a requirement that all machines where flood are
 running be of the same operating system or architecture. This also
 means that the GUI need not be on the same machine where the actual
 flood process is invoked.  Try doing that with a library.

It would be no problem if it were at the right level.

 One thing that might be useful would be if something like tcl were
 embedded in flood. 

And that's where you need an API.  Maybe the right approach is to not
have Flood be a library, but to have an API that lets you control a
lot of it, ala Apache.

I think I prefer the library approach personally, because it would let
one create different front ends, which would let flood be *the* apache
benchmark tool.

David N. Welton
Free Software:
   Apache Tcl:

Re: library-ization

2002-10-09 Thread David N. Welton
Jacek Prucia [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Is it a goal of the flood project to make a library out of it?  In
  other words, expose an API that other programs could pass data
  into and out of, and link to?  Or will XML be the only way to do
 It will probably be XML only. If you want other software on top of
 flood, you'll have to wrap it around flood binary (with pipes or
  I started doing this with 'ab', and was directed to flood as a
  more modern effort with more work going into it.  It looks pretty
  good so far!

 Yeah, but we still have a lot of work to do. Voulnteers and patches welcome :)

Well, I'm primarily interested in seeing flood as a versatile a tool
as possible... which for me means a library that I can use with other
things, and also a simple command line tool ala ab.
I think this would be possible if flood were a library with a few
different executable front ends - ab, flood, gtkflood, etc...

I guess I'll keep quite though, because I doubt I'll have the time to
do this at work.

  Just out of curiosity, will flood be supplanting 'ab' at some
 This is probably best for Aaron or Justin to answer, but IMHO
 no. ApacheBench is a very simple tool. You can hit just one url, no
 config file, etc. It's just fine when it comes to simple
 testing. Flood can hit many url's, has structured config file, and
 besides typical stress tests, it can be used also for 'web
 application regression tests' and 'web capacity planning'. Well...
 sort of... most of the features aren't implemented yet, but we're
 moving forward ;))

Hrm... I see.

David N. Welton
Free Software:
   Apache Tcl:


2002-10-03 Thread David N. Welton

Just a few quick questions:

Is it a goal of the flood project to make a library out of it?  In
other words, expose an API that other programs could pass data into
and out of, and link to?  Or will XML be the only way to do this?

I started doing this with 'ab', and was directed to flood as a more
modern effort with more work going into it.  It looks pretty good so

Just out of curiosity, will flood be supplanting 'ab' at some point?

David N. Welton
Free Software:
   Apache Tcl:

'ab' apache benchmark improvements

2002-09-09 Thread David N. Welton

[ 3rd time's the charm for this posting? ]

[ Please CC replies to me. ]

I have been hacking at the Apache Benchmark source code, and I am
starting to think that it needs an overhaul, and some extending.

One of the big things that I would like to see would be to library-ize
it, in order to break out pieces, and expose the functionality to
other programs (gui's, for instance, or people who want to put the
pieces together in different ways than the current program...).  I
have an initial version of this done, but I'm not really happy with it

Fix up the documentation: the man page doesn't correspond to what it
actually does.

Name change?  Searching for anything on ab is just about impossible,
and 'apache benchmark' isn't much better.  ' ab - Apache HTTP server
benchmarking tool' at least gets you the man pages, but nothing in the
bug database.  A new name might be helpful for these things.

Fix up the output formats: there is a disparate variety of output
formats.  There ought to be a good way to make this a bit more
regular.  Maybe an internal XML data format that can then be
translated into other things (along with, say, the regular old text
output for quick'n'dirty uses).

Other issues?

Yes, this is a lot of stuff, and I don't know if I will have the time
anytime soon, but I thought I'd ask and see what the response is:-)
Maybe I can get what I do have to a good point - I think it's a step
in the right direction.

David N. Welton
Free Software:
   Apache Tcl:

2.0, chdir, content generation

2002-04-04 Thread David N. Welton

[ please CC responses ]

Question for you guys:

I'm working on a module for 2.0, which generates content (with Tcl).
In 1.3, prior to setting things in motion, I did a


to have everything running in the right place.  In 2.0, because of the
threading, this doesn't strike me as being such a good idea.

What might be an effective strategy for running a script in a known
place on the filesystem?  Put a mutex on everything?  Yuck...

Thoughts?  Ideas?

Thankyou for your time,
David N. Welton
Free Software:
   Apache Tcl:

Re: Sun Workshop C compilation patch

2001-02-20 Thread David N. Welton

A mod_dtcl user sent me this.  Why are these included but not used?

--- apache_multipart_buffer.c~  Mon Feb 19 19:37:57 2001
+++ apache_multipart_buffer.c   Mon Feb 19 19:38:55 2001
@@ -182,7 +182,6 @@
  /* finds a boundary */
  int find_boundary(multipart_buffer *self, char *boundary)
-int len, bound_len = strlen(boundary);
  char *line;

  /* loop thru lines */

David N. Welton
Free Software:
   Apache Tcl:

Blank cookies

2000-12-28 Thread David N. Welton

If I set a cookie like:

Cookie bop; foo=bar;doo=wah; shoo=be ;d=bee;dot=dow

The current code doesn't handle it.  I know it may be incorrect
but... what's the saying... be liberal with what you accept and
conservative with what you output (bad paraphrasing).


--- download/httpd-apreq/c/apache_cookie.c  Sat Dec 23 02:24:20 2000
+++ workshop/mod_dtcl/apache_cookie.c   Thu Dec 28 18:09:50 2000
@@ -169,6 +169,11 @@
else {
c-values = ap_make_array(r-pool, 4, sizeof(char *));
+   if (!*pair) {
+   ApacheCookieAdd(c, );
+   }
while (*pair  (val = ap_getword(r-pool, pair, ''))) {
ap_unescape_url((char *)val);
ApacheCookieAdd(c, val);

David N. Welton
Free Software:
   Apache Tcl: