Jacek Prucia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > Is it a goal of the flood project to make a library out of it?  In
> > other words, expose an API that other programs could pass data
> > into and out of, and link to?  Or will XML be the only way to do
> > this?
> It will probably be XML only. If you want other software on top of
> flood, you'll have to wrap it around flood binary (with pipes or
> so).
> > I started doing this with 'ab', and was directed to flood as a
> > more modern effort with more work going into it.  It looks pretty
> > good so far!

> Yeah, but we still have a lot of work to do. Voulnteers and patches welcome :)

Well, I'm primarily interested in seeing flood as a versatile a tool
as possible... which for me means a library that I can use with other
things, and also a simple command line tool ala ab.
I think this would be possible if flood were a library with a few
different executable front ends - ab, flood, gtkflood, etc...

I guess I'll keep quite though, because I doubt I'll have the time to
do this at work.

> > Just out of curiosity, will flood be supplanting 'ab' at some
> > point?
> This is probably best for Aaron or Justin to answer, but IMHO
> no. ApacheBench is a very simple tool. You can hit just one url, no
> config file, etc. It's just fine when it comes to simple
> testing. Flood can hit many url's, has structured config file, and
> besides typical stress tests, it can be used also for 'web
> application regression tests' and 'web capacity planning'. Well...
> sort of... most of the features aren't implemented yet, but we're
> moving forward ;))

Hrm... I see.

David N. Welton
   Consulting: http://www.dedasys.com/
     Personal: http://www.dedasys.com/davidw/
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   Apache Tcl: http://tcl.apache.org/

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