ap_proxy_string_read-apr_bucket_read return value

2006-09-05 Thread Jon Snow


Line 2188 in proxy_util.c has:

   if (APR_SUCCESS != apr_bucket_read(e, (const char **)response, 
return rv;

should this be:

   if (APR_SUCCESS != (rv = apr_bucket_read(e, (const char 
**)response, len, APR_BLOCK_READ))) {
return rv;


mod_proxy_ftp relative directory bug

2006-08-22 Thread Jon Snow


I am running forward proxies using 2.2.0 and 2.2.2. Using diff I have 
determined there are no differences in the mod_proxy_ftp.c files related to 
the following.

When going to an ftp site:


mod_proxy_ftp determines a directory exists through the SIZE command and 
updates the Directory of HREF accordingly. The browser is unsure whether 
the dir2 is a file or directory so it's base_href location stays at:


The relative HREF directories and files returned in the directory listing of 
ftp://ftp.example.com/dir1/dir2 are subsequently relative to ftp://
ftp.example.com/dir1/ and they break in the client browser. This occurs when 
a site provides a URL ending in a directory without a trailing slash to a 
user and the user clicks directly on it. Tested using late IE and Firefox.

In http a redirect would have been returned to the browser with a trailing 
slash once the directory is detected. Should the ftp proxy also return a 
redirect with a trailing slash at the point it has determined a directory 

e.g. ftp://ftp.example.com/dir1/dir2 - 302 ftp://ftp.example.com/dir1/dir2/

Jon Snow

Re: mod_proxy_ftp relative directory bug

2006-08-22 Thread Jon Snow

 What do you mean by 'updates the Directory of HREF accordingly'?
 Are you trying to say mod_proxy_ftp requests a *different* URL from
 the origin server?  If so, it sounds like a bug.

I am saying that the returned directory listing heading has the corrected path 
with the trailing slash but this heading is purely information from a users 
point of view. The proxy at this point knows what the correct path should be 
but does not inform the client either by redirect or adjusting the directory 
listing to have relative paths of the form:


The proxy does request the same URL from the origin server as typed by the 
client then determines through a series of ftp commands whether it is a 
directory or file.

 That correction, in either http or ftp, is the business of the origin
 server, not the proxy.  For a proxy to issue it would be deeply broken.

Problem is the origin server speaks ftp but the client speaks http. The proxy 
needs to intervene on the clients behalf and convert the ftp response to an 
http response that the user can 'web browse'. It is the same as the proxy 
converting the client's http GET request into an assortment of ftp commands 
that the origin server can understand.


On Wednesday 23 August 2006 00:45, Nick Kew wrote:
 On Tuesday 22 August 2006 12:26, Jon Snow wrote:
  When going to an ftp site:
  mod_proxy_ftp determines a directory exists through the SIZE command and
  updates the Directory of HREF accordingly.

 What do you mean by 'updates the Directory of HREF accordingly'?
 Are you trying to say mod_proxy_ftp requests a *different* URL from
 the origin server?  If so, it sounds like a bug.

  The browser is unsure whether
  the dir2 is a file or directory so it's base_href location stays at:

 That's entirely right if the server didn't issue a redirect.

  In http a redirect would have been returned to the browser with a
  trailing slash once the directory is detected. Should the ftp proxy also
  return a redirect with a trailing slash at the point it has determined a
  directory exists?

 That correction, in either http or ftp, is the business of the origin
 server, not the proxy.  For a proxy to issue it would be deeply broken.

Re: mod_proxy_ftp relative directory bug

2006-08-22 Thread Jon Snow

I was thinking along the lines of the following patch. The mod_proxy_ftp 
developer should be able to do a much better job
as I am not a coder. It seems to work alright for anonymous and authenticated 
ftp traversal and is a good proof of concept.
I can supply a patch for 2.2.3 if required but I need to upgrade my test proxy 
first, plus I need sleep now.


--- /dev/httpd-2.2.0/modules/proxy/mod_proxy_ftp.c.dist  2006-08-22 
20:21:33.0 +1000
+++ /dev/httpd-2.2.0/modules/proxy/mod_proxy_ftp.c.new   2006-08-23 
04:39:19.0 +1000
@@ -292,13 +292,15 @@
 apr_status_t rv;

 register int n;
-char *dir, *path, *reldir, *site, *str, *type;
+char *dir, *path, *reldir, *site, *str, *type, *location_header;

 const char *pwd = apr_table_get(r-notes, Directory-PWD);
 const char *readme = apr_table_get(r-notes, Directory-README);
+const char *location = apr_table_get(r-notes, Redirect-REQ);

 proxy_dir_ctx_t *ctx = f-ctx;

 if (!ctx) {
 f-ctx = ctx = apr_pcalloc(p, sizeof(*ctx));
 ctx-in = apr_brigade_create(p, c-bucket_alloc);
@@ -398,24 +400,54 @@
 APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(out, apr_bucket_pool_create(str, strlen(str),

-/* print README */
-if (readme) {
+   /* Do we need a location header ( redirect ) ? */
+   if ( location )
+ {
+ /* Set a temporary redirect */
+  r-status_line = 302 Found;
+ /* Concatenate the domain and url then set the Location header*/
+ location_header = apr_pstrcat(p, site, path, NULL);
+  apr_table_setn(r-headers_out, Location, ap_escape_uri(p, 
+ ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r-server,
+ FTP REDIRECT: %s, ap_escape_uri(p, ap_escape_uri(p, 
+ /* Add the typical redirect content */
+ str = apr_psprintf(p, The document has moved 
a.href=\%s\here\n/a/prepre\n, ap_escape_uri(p, location_header));
+  APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(out, apr_bucket_pool_create(str,
+   strlen(str), p,
+   c-bucket_alloc));
+  /* No need to return a body although we did get a listing */
+  ctx-state = FOOTER;
+ }
+else {
+ /* print README */
+ if (readme) {
 str = apr_psprintf(p, %s\n/pre\n\nhr /\n\npre\n,
ap_escape_html(p, readme));

 APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(out, apr_bucket_pool_create(str,
strlen(str), p,
+  }
+ ctx-state = BODY;
+ }

 /* make sure page intro gets sent out */
 APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(out, apr_bucket_flush_create(c-bucket_alloc));
 if (APR_SUCCESS != (rv = ap_pass_brigade(f-next, out))) {
-return rv;
+ return rv;

-ctx-state = BODY;

 /* loop through each line of directory */
@@ -1481,6 +1513,9 @@
 rc = proxy_ftp_command(apr_pstrcat(p, CWD ,
ftp_escape_globbingchars(p, path), CRLF, NULL),
r, origin, bb, ftpmessage);
+apr_table_set(r-notes, Redirect-REQ, true);
 /* possible results: 250, 421, 500, 501, 502, 530, 550 */
 /* 250 Requested file action okay, completed. */
 /* 421 Service not available, closing control connection. */

Re: High CPU utilization on using Apache as a reverse proxy

2006-08-19 Thread Jon Snow


HP-UX will not be affected by the SSL card issue as it was SUN hardware/driver 
issue that caused the CPU to spin. I would upgrade to the latest apache 
version 2.2.3 to eliminate any bugs that may have already been fixed. There 
were a couple of ssl related ones fixed in 2.0.56 for mod_proxy_http and 


On Saturday 19 August 2006 02:04, pradeep kumar wrote:
 Hi Jon,

 Sorry if i mislead you into assuming that I am using Solaris. I am using
 HP-UX 11iv2. Is HP-UX also affected? In this case also SSL is being used.


Re: High CPU utilization on using Apache as a reverse proxy

2006-08-17 Thread Jon Snow


I can't remember if I posted the results of the SSL issue and high CPU usage. 
We tracked it to a bug in the solaris driver for the Sun daughter card, some 
mutex issue if my memory serves me correctly. Sun confirmed and issued a 
patch a while ago. As discussed in the quoted post I did not believe it was 
an apache issue for the SSL but I showed dumps for a corresponding write 
issue with a forward proxy in an early anticipation it may be related.

This forward proxy problem I had sounds similar to your issue where apache 
appears not to test a return value for a write but it did not utilise large 
CPU. Currently I run 2.2.2 and have observed the same write problem as I did 
with 2.0.53. One main issue I have with this is the download continues while 
the write fails so effectively the active connection is not in sound 
communication with the passive. 

I put the huge memory usage down to the byte range bug as these processes were 
nearly always streaming or FTPing large files. I have not seen this memory 
usage with the version I am running even when I see the write problem.

To clarify your issue are you running SSL and if so are you using hardware 
crypto? I assume you are using solaris, is it patched for crypto re: above 
and what version of solaris are you using?

On Tuesday 15 August 2006 00:47, pradeep kumar wrote:

 I notice there is a 100% CPU utilization which spikes for sometime and then
 goes back to normalcy when Apache is used a reverse proxy. I noticed a mail
 thread which seems to be a similar problem

 One thread of one of the child processes hangs, calling poll() and writev()
 system calls so frequently that it causes 100% CPU util. The thread is
 trying to writev() to a socked which is in CLOSE_WAIT The child process
 ends after time defined by ndd parameter tcp_keepalive_interval and the
 same service time can be seen in access_log. The problem disappears then.



rproxy close_wait high cpu

2005-10-25 Thread Jon Snow


I am running solaris 8 with apache 2.0.53 over openssl 0.9.7 as a reverse 
proxy which terminates and reestablishes SSL to the backend. I run the worker 
mpm with 100 threads per process. The server has minimal load and uses a 
crypto card. The build is pretty minimal and runs in a gateway environment.

I have had alot of issues with processes going into a high cpu state. These 
are always associated with close_wait state connections and nearly all the 
time all the connections are close_wait. Would this suggest something shared 
is affecting all connections/threads in the process?

After trolling through 50Gb of snoop dumps I have found that the latest appear 
associated with an outbound SSL session that does not fully establish. These 
outbound connections receive the server certificate and should send the 
client key/cipher exchange but nothing follows. The client to proxy session 
is normal and the request has been received by the proxy, the proxy does not 
establish SSL properly to the server and as such the proxy does not forward 
the request.

In the mean time the client and server ends time out (120s approx) and send a 
fin which the proxy acks. In both instances the proxy does not return a fin, 
nor does it timeout. At some point the process goes high CPU. This is very 
repeatable on a server with a load of around 10-15 connections per second and 
may occur on average 1-2 times a day. Unfortunately this thing is killing us 
on a highly political service.

While it appears SSL is the cause, apache does not seem to be handling the 
situation very well. It looks like apache knows it has data to send to the 
server and data to return to the client so it does not close it's side of the 
socket. At some point it must go into some sort of loop trying to recover I 

I can't recall truss returning anything on these reverse proxy runaway 
processes but I managed to get a truss of a forward proxy using heaps of 
memory. It looks like apache is not checking the return value on it's write. 
From memory in this instance there was no longer an inside connection but 
apache was still trying to write to one. The forward proxy servers also 
suffer from close_waits when using huge memory but do not suffer from high 
cpu. I am thinking the same kind of issue may exist with the reverse proxy 
where it loops to read/write a closed socket without checking the return 
value resulting in the high cpu.

I have now turned on debug logging for the SSL diag but does anyone have any 
idea what may be going on here with apache and the high cpu? When does the 
connection timer start, before the connection is attempted or after it is 
established? Is there any more info you need?


Forward Proxy stuff

16786:  writev(128, 0x7440C860, 6)  Err#32 EPIPE
16786:  write(6, 0x7440A510, 99)= 99
16786: [ T u e   A p r   1 9   0 8 : 2 7 : 3 1   2 0 0 5 ]   [ i n f o
16786: ]   ( 3 2 ) B r o k e n   p i p e :   c o r e _ o u t p u t _ f
16786: i l t e r :   w r i t i n g   d a t a   t o   t h e   n e t w o
16786: r k\n
16786:  lwp_sigredirect(0, SIGPIPE, 0x) = 0
16786:  poll(0x7440C3C0, 1, 30) = 1
16786:  read(131, C9 nF216 R 08DF303CFE7 F.., 8000)   = 1360
16786:  poll(0x7440C3C0, 1, 30) = 1
16786:  read(131, 11 1 # ; GF9FD + T04 e R.., 8000)   = 1360
16786:  poll(0x7440C3C0, 1, 30) = 1
16786:  read(131, 10 91C f94 I93D2A6CD15 {.., 8000)   = 1360
16786:  poll(0x7440C3C0, 1, 30) = 1
16786:  read(131, AEE8C78F9504B8 VF607918C.., 8000)   = 1360
16786:  poll(0x7440C3C0, 1, 30) = 1
16786:  read(131,  0 r K\0 UB0A0\fF3C8 l93.., 8000)   = 1360
16786:  poll(0x7440C3C0, 1, 30) = 1
16786:  read(131,  \ `1EA4D51BCF % /A7 .F3.., 8000)   = 1360
16786:  signotifywait() = 13
16786:  writev(128, 0x7440C860, 6)  Err#32 EPIPE
16786:  write(6, 0x7440A510, 99)= 99
16786: [ T u e   A p r   1 9   0 8 : 2 7 : 3 2   2 0 0 5 ]   [ i n f o
16786: ]   ( 3 2 ) B r o k e n   p i p e :   c o r e _ o u t p u t _ f
16786: i l t e r :   w r i t i n g   d a t a   t o   t h e   n e t w o
16786: r k\n
16786:  lwp_sigredirect(0, SIGPIPE, 0x) = 0
16786:  poll(0x6DA063C0, 1, 30) = 1
16786:  read(45, 11BE K1501 w01C1 = + Z X.., 8000)= 4080
16786:  signotifywait() = 13
16786:  writev(70, 0x6DA06860, 5)   Err#32 EPIPE
16786:  write(6, 0x6DA04510, 99)= 99
16786: [ T u e   A p r   1 9   0 8 : 2 7 : 3 3   2 0 0 5 ]   [ i n f o
16786: ]   ( 3 2 ) B r o k e n   p i p e :   c o r e _ o u t p u t _ f
16786: i l t e r :   w r i t i n g   d a t a   t o   t h e   n 

Mapping proxy inbound to outbound connections

2005-10-25 Thread Jon Snow


I want to tie together the inbound and outbound connections for a forward or 
reverse proxy session. I figured I would add the source ports to the log 
which would enable me to track the connections through firewall logs etc. 
based on addressing/port combinations. I was looking at writing a module/
filter to do this. Would this be possible and the best way to go or would 
there be an easier way?


mod_proxy_ftp BASE REF

2005-08-09 Thread Jon Snow

Does anyone have any idea why/whether the BASE HREF is required in the 
proxy_ftp html code returned to the client? I would like to remove it as it is 
breaking relative links for my client's browsers that are not using an 
Authorization header. I have not found anywhere in the RFCs where it is 
stipulated as a must for the BASE HREF or that browsers must use the 
authorization header for requests subsequent to the initial authorization 
using the user:password combination in the URL. e.g. ftp://


Re: mod_proxy_ftp BASE REF

2005-08-09 Thread Jon Snow


Thanks. This patch definately will do the trick as I have already applied the 
same to test it. The browser reuses the original user:[EMAIL PROTECTED] syntax 
each subsequent relative URL access. This results in the same behaviour as 
using a squid proxy which does not use a base href. As yourself and Nick 
cannot find a reason for the base href either I feel more confident to patch 
our production systems without breaking anything.

I am unsure whether this would be considered a bug or not though without 
feedback from the original implementor. In my mind it doesn't seem to make 
sense, in normal operation, to rewrite content on a proxy overriding the 
client's view of the world. Any opinions on whether this would be considered 
a bug?


On Tuesday 09 August 2005 20:37, Graham Leggett wrote:
 Jon Snow wrote:
  Does anyone have any idea why/whether the BASE HREF is required in the
  proxy_ftp html code returned to the client? I would like to remove it as
  it is breaking relative links for my client's browsers that are not using
  an Authorization header. I have not found anywhere in the RFCs where it
  is stipulated as a must for the BASE HREF or that browsers must use the
  authorization header for requests subsequent to the initial authorization
  using the user:password combination in the URL. e.g. ftp://

 Also see no reason for the base href. Does this patch do the trick for you?


Index: modules/proxy/mod_proxy_ftp.c
--- modules/proxy/mod_proxy_ftp.c   (revision 231016)
+++ modules/proxy/mod_proxy_ftp.c   (working copy)
@@ -352,11 +352,10 @@
 /* print ftp://host/; */
 str = apr_psprintf(p, DOCTYPE_HTML_3_2
 html\n head\n  title%s%s%s/title\n
-  base href=\%s%s%s\\n /head\n
+ /head\n
  body\n  h2Directory of 
 a href=\/\%s/a/%s,
 site, basedir, ap_escape_html(p, path),
-site, basedir, ap_escape_uri(p, path),
 site, str);

 APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(out, apr_bucket_pool_create(str, strlen(str),

proxy_ftp base href breaks authorization

2005-07-28 Thread Jon Snow

I run a forward proxy using mod_ftp_proxy through a forward proxy heirarchy. 
The proxy in question is the last in the chain and communicates with the 
Internet. Mod_proxy_ftp will successfully return a directory listing after 
authentication to an FTP site using a user:password combination in the URL. 
The listing html code includes a BASE HREF tag in the HEAD section returned 
in the response to the client. This BASE HREF contains the form ftp://
[EMAIL PROTECTED] This overrides the browser base retrieving URL and as there 
is no password included there is a further requirement for an alternate 
method of authentication otherwise the client will need to authenticate for 
every link that is selected. On most browsers I have tested (mozilla, 
firefox, konqueror) this will be done with the Authorization: header and will 
work through the proxy but unfortunately not on my client's IE 6.0 build. 
There is no Authorization header supplied on the initial or subsequent 
requests and so every time a link in the FTP listing is selected the 
authentication process is repeated.

I am assuming at this stage this problem is particular to my client's IE build  
but I am questioning the use of the BASE HREF. I would have thought if a BASE 
HREF is returned it would be of the form ftp://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED] but 
as the browser already knows this as it's base URL there would be no 
requirement for the BASE HREF in the returned html anyway. The current BASE 
HREF without the password is breaking the links when the Authorization header 
is not being used, but whether the header is used or not the BASE HREF URL 
provides no additional information to the browser.

I have removed the BASE part in the proxy module code and this gets around the 
problem as the browser sends the user:password in the URL. This then 
simulates squid behaviour.

Does anyone have any idea why/whether the BASE HREF is required in the 
proxy_ftp html code returned to the client?
