questions about document_root

2011-12-07 Thread Rui Hu
I want to modify apache core to implement a function which can achieve
following expectations:

when I request ( curl,
originally apache will get absolute address as $document_root/test.php, but
I want apache to get "$document_root/1000/test.php". Namely, apache will
parse "1000" from the request URI to form absolute address. Then php-cgi
can get this php script to execute.

Previously, I just modified PHP zend to achieve this function. But
considering that other language support would be added to the system such
as Python, therefore, modifying Web Server (apache) is a more convenient

But I'm worried that this modification will result in some unexpected
errors in some modules, and I don't know what's the best place I should
modify. Should I modify the $document_root or $request_uri ?

Really appreciate your help.

Best regards,

Rui Hu

State Key Laboratory of Networking & Switching Technology
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(BUPT)

Re: questions about document_root

2011-12-07 Thread Rui Hu
Thanks for you advice. I just started to learn Apache & PHP.

I looked up the code of PHP and apache2, and found that PHP gets docroot
from environment var "$DOCUMENT_ROOT". However in apache, I cannot find any
code which assign this var.

I googled but got nothing. Can you please show me the detailed process
generating $DOCUMENT_ROOT in $_SERVER from apache to php. Thank you very

2011/12/7 Nick Kew 

> On 7 Dec 2011, at 10:54, Rui Hu wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I want to modify apache core to implement a function which can achieve
> following expectations:
> That's a simple task for a simple module.
> Since you talk of modifying the core, I infer you're not familiar with the
> modular structure.
> If I might indulge in a bit of self-promotion, a startingpoint for this is
> ISBN: 0-13-240967-4
> (also )
> --
> Nick Kew

Best regards,

Rui Hu

State Key Laboratory of Networking & Switching Technology
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(BUPT)

Re: questions about document_root

2011-12-07 Thread Rui Hu
2011/12/8 Rui Hu 

> Is $DOCUMENT_ROOT in php-cgi determined by ap_add_common_vars() in Apache?
> It seems not to me. I commented the line 237 assigning DOCUMENT_ROOT and
> re-compiled apache. php-cgi still works fine. It seems that $DUCUMENT_ROOT
> in php-cgi is not determined by this function.
> I looked up php's code, php-cgi gets DOCUMENT_ROOT in following codes:
> value = lstFset_get(rc->t->vars, "docroot");
> if (value != NULL)
>   php_register_variable("DOCUMENT_ROOT", value, track_vars_array
> It gets docroot from a k-v table and the key is "docroot". In above code,
> rc->t is a  variables of httpTtrans.
> 2011/12/8 Mark Montague 
>> On December 7, 2011 23:23 , Rui Hu  wrote:
>>> I looked up the code of PHP and apache2, and found that PHP gets docroot
>>> from environment var "$DOCUMENT_ROOT". However in apache, I cannot find any
>>> code which assign this var.
>>> I googled but got nothing. Can you please show me the detailed process
>>> generating $DOCUMENT_ROOT in $_SERVER from apache to php. Thank you very
>>> much!
>> If you invoke PHP as a CGI, then Apache HTTP Server sets DOCUMENT_ROOT in
>> the function ap_add_common_vars() which is in the file server/util_script.c
>> See line 237,
>> server/util_script.c?revision=**1100216&view=markup<>
>> --
>>  Mark Montague
> --
> Best regards,
> Rui Hu
> --------
> State Key Laboratory of Networking & Switching Technology
> Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(BUPT)
> MSN:
> -

Best regards,

Rui Hu

State Key Laboratory of Networking & Switching Technology
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(BUPT)

questions about rewrite module

2011-12-19 Thread Rui Hu

I encountered a problem while configured virtual host. My experiment
environment is Apache2+fastcgi+php-cgi.

I want to implement mass virtual hosting using rewrite rules based on
apache rewrite module. That is, for a request url like:, apache will translate it to a absolute file
path like: $DOCUMENT_ROOT/1000/test.php, and then get this script to

And my conf is:
*RewriteEngine On*
*RewriteCond "%{HTTP_HOST}" "!^"*
*RewriteCond "%{HTTP_HOST}" "^([^.]+)\.xyz\.com" [NC]*
*RewriteRule "(.*)" "/%1$1" [PT]*
I use inner redirection in order not to expose this detail to users.
Besides, I succeeded when I use external redirection, namely the [R] tag
instead of [PT] tag.
When I use [PT] tag, apache cannot run expectedly. I request a url :, error message pops out like: The requested
URL /1000/cgi-bin/php.fcgi/1000/test.php was not found on this server.

I don't know if this error results from fastcgi, is it the inappropriate
config in fastcgi or inevitable problem by using it?

Really appreciate your help.


Best regards,

Rui Hu

State Key Laboratory of Networking & Switching Technology
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(BUPT)

Re: questions about rewrite module

2011-12-26 Thread Rui Hu
Thanks for your response. Actually I considered mod_vhost_alias and it
worked well.

I just wanted to try some different ways, and wondered why mod_rewrite
cannot work well with fastcgi. I assume that mod_rewrite is more flexible
in url redirecting than mod_vhost_alias, and I can implement some url
redirecting of more complexity based on this module. That's why I eager to
solve this problem :-).

2011/12/26 Igor Galić 

> - Original Message -
> > hi,
> Hi,
> Questions about how to *use* mod_rewrite -- or any module -- are
> best asked on users@
> > I encountered a problem while configured virtual host. My experiment
> > environment is Apache2+fastcgi+php-cgi.
> >
> >
> > I want to implement mass virtual hosting using rewrite rules based on
> > apache rewrite module. That is, for a request url like:
> > , apache will translate it to a
> > absolute file path like: $DOCUMENT_ROOT/1000/test.php, and then get
> > this script to execute.
> Have you considered using something like mod_vhost_alias?
> > And my conf is:
> >
> > RewriteEngine On
> > RewriteCond "%{HTTP_HOST}" "!^ "
> > RewriteCond "%{HTTP_HOST}" "^([^.]+)\.xyz\.com" [NC]
> > RewriteRule "(.*)" "/%1$1" [PT]
> >
> > I use inner redirection in order not to expose this detail to users.
> > Besides, I succeeded when I use external redirection, namely the [R]
> > tag instead of [PT] tag.
> > When I use [PT] tag, apache cannot run expectedly. I request a url :
> > , error message pops out like: The
> > requested URL /1000/cgi-bin/php.fcgi/1000/test.php was not found on
> > this server.
> >
> >
> > I don't know if this error results from fastcgi, is it the
> > inappropriate config in fastcgi or inevitable problem by using it?
> >
> >
> > Really appreciate your help.
> >
> >
> > Vic
> >
> > --
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Rui Hu
> >
> > State Key Laboratory of Networking & Switching Technology
> > Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(BUPT)
> > MSN:
> >
> -
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Igor Galić
> Tel: +43 (0) 664 886 22 883
> Mail:
> URL:
> GPG: 6880 4155 74BD FD7C B515  2EA5 4B1D 9E08 A097 C9AE

Best regards,

Rui Hu

State Key Laboratory of Networking & Switching Technology
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(BUPT)

one problem processing config file

2012-02-22 Thread Rui Hu

I want to develop a module, which can implement simple function for each
root directory like 1) set error document, 2) set default page, 3) simple
url rewrite rules.

In this function, I can design my own directive and rewrite rule
expressions. But I not sure if those functionalities can be implemented in
one module, should I also modified Apache core?


Best regards,

Rui Hu

State Key Laboratory of Networking & Switching Technology
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(BUPT)

can't compile module with apxs

2012-02-27 Thread Rui Hu

I just tried to write a module which must get core_module's configuration.
So I wrote following code:

#include "http_core.h"

 *core_request_config *reqconf;*
* reqconf = (core_request_config
*)ap_get_module_config(r->request_config, &core_module);*

but I can't compile module with apxs after I added this code line.  Error
message is : "core_reqeust_config & reqconf & core_module undeclared".

Should I add some compile parameters in apxs?


Best regards,

Rui Hu

State Key Laboratory of Networking & Switching Technology
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(BUPT)

About setting r->headers_out structure

2012-02-27 Thread Rui Hu

I wrote a module which adds its own field to the HTTP response header by
setting r->headers_out. But nothing happened, I printed out all response
headers but cannot find the filed I set before. This happens in hook
"fixups". What's wrong with it?


Best regards,

Rui Hu

State Key Laboratory of Networking & Switching Technology
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(BUPT)

Re: can't compile module with apxs

2012-02-28 Thread Rui Hu
Thanks for your advice :-)

Rui Hu

2012/2/27 Nick Kew 

> On Mon, 27 Feb 2012 17:13:52 +0800
> Rui Hu  wrote:
> > Should I add some compile parameters in apxs?
> No, but you should probably have posted to the modules-dev
> list rather than here.
> It's not a compile problem, it's a design problem.
> You're trying to use data that's private to another module.
> That means you lose all API support, and a change in the
> core could break your 'module' at any time (and consequently
> you can't in good faith supply it to any third-parties
> as a module, because it'll prevent them upgrading).
> Your options are:
> 1. Redesign your module not to need core internals.
> 2. Copy the relevant declarations, and live with the consequences.
> 3. Propose a change to the core API to expose whatever you need.
> Your best option is probably the first.
> --
> Nick Kew

Best regards,

Rui Hu

State Key Laboratory of Networking & Switching Technology
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(BUPT)

Re: one problem when calling ap_get_module_config

2012-02-29 Thread Rui Hu

Problem solved. It the problem with internal redirects.

2012/2/29 Nick Kew 

> On 29 Feb 2012, at 10:47, Rui Hu wrote:
> > I use r->request_config to store module data as a substitute for global
> > vars. One type_checker_hook function uses ap_get_module_config at its
> > beginning. But what I got is NULL. Strangely, post_read_request_hook
> > function works fine, whose codes is basically the same.
> Any subrequests or internal redirects involved?  Look carefully at the
> request object itself.
> Or tyops?
> --
> Nick Kew

Best regards,

Rui Hu

State Key Laboratory of Networking & Switching Technology
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(BUPT)