[OT] Apache on Windows, how many processes?

2010-05-03 Thread Sam Carleton
I know in the *nix world that Apache forks different processes and in
Windows it is threaded.  I was load testing my Windows Apache Module with 50
clients and it never started up a second process, though the thread count
did surpass the 50, it went to 53.  I am assuming the other three threads
where maintenance threads that are not counted in the thread pool.

My question is:  Will Apache on Windows start up more then one worker
process?  If so, what does it take to get that to happen?

Re: internal redirect

2008-12-14 Thread Sam Carleton
On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 6:37 AM, Sorin Manolache  wrote:

> I think the 500 was caused by an infinite loop:

> if (!ap_is_initial_req(r))
>  return DECLINED;
> const char *note = apr_table_get(r->notes, "my_note");
> if (note != 0 && strcmp(note, "should_redirect"))
>  ap_internal_redirect(h, "/invalidClient.html");

I am with you and I see the loop in my code.  I am doing things a
little different, I am setting the note to the redirect uri:

if (!ap_is_initial_req(r))
return DECLINED;

const char * redirection = apr_table_get(r->notes, "promenade_redirect");

if( redirection)   {
ap_internal_redirect( redirection, r);
return OK;
return DECLINED;

The check at the beginning is short circuiting the handler correctly,
but I am still getting a status code of 500.  Any thought?


developing custom authentication module

2008-11-16 Thread Sam Carleton
I am ISV developing a system that is using Apache. All the frontend's
for system I am developing are all custom desktop applications, or web
browsers controls wrapped in my own code. Thus users are not going to
be entering username and password, the username and password used will
be depended on which frontend being used.

It is time for me to implement authentication correctly. I have two
objectives with respect to authentication:

1: Protect my customers from unauthorized users.
2: Protect myself from customers hacking the authorization system to
get access to features in which they have not purchased.

#1 looks straight forward: If my impression is correct, I simply need
to implement my own custom provider to check the custom username and
password the frontends give it.

Q: Is there documentation out there somewhere on how to implementing a
new provider?

#2 looks a lot more tricky. It seems that I will need to deviate from
the normal way Apache's authentication works. For starters, NONE of
the configuration can be in the http.conf, not like it is now with
AuthType, AuthBasicProvider, etc. There is a  directives in
the conf that will have a custom directive for my custom Apache
module. I would like to fully wire up this custom provider within this
directive. To add to the complexity, there are different levels of
authentication: None required, user, admin and there will be different
locations under the  directive for each, again, this all
needs to be wired up in code when the custom directive for my custom
Apache module is called.

Q: Any suggestions on how I might achieve this?


P.S. I do NOT own the book on writing Apache Module in 2.0, just the
older 1.3 book. Would any of this be addressed in that book?

Re: how to append to strings...

2007-11-30 Thread Sam Carleton
On 11/30/07, Arturo 'Buanzo' Busleiman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I don't quite like the bucket brigades stuff (at least for input
> filters), but it's good enough.

I am open to other ideas...

All I am trying to do is read in the text element from some XML via
expat.  The expat parser can break up text elements into multiple
pieces; I am simply looking for the best way to build the string.  The
text is simply a relative path that normally is going to be less then
260 bytes.  What approach would you take to build this string?


Re: how to append to strings...

2007-11-30 Thread Sam Carleton
On Nov 30, 2007 5:25 AM, Arturo 'Buanzo' Busleiman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You might be talking about bucket brigades. You can create a brigade, 
> transform
> each string into a bucket, then insert/append after/before another reference 
> bucket,
> etc.
> This will give you an idea:
> http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/apache/2001/09/20/apache_2.html

That is exactly what I was think about!  I read the article and read
through the apr_buckets.h and am still seeking more info.  Does anyone
know if any of the existing modules use a simply bucket system to
build a string as an example for me?


how to append to strings...

2007-11-29 Thread Sam Carleton
I am rewriting part of my module to use expat, a parse I have used in
years gone by.  I know it, I sort of even like it and my XML is pretty
simple, except... I need to extract one text element.   I know that
even though the text I need is in one continues line in the XML, expat
can and at times will call my handler multiple times for that one
continues string.

The question is:  What is the correct way to append all the pieces of
XML that I am going to get from expat into one string?  I recall
reading somewhere that Apache has a really slick way of being able to
break up a string into pieces so that one can quickly inject something
in the middle without having to move any memory around.  What ever it
is called, I am thinking that is the right solution: build an array of
the strings and use this feature of apache to put them together.

Am I on the right track?  If so, can someone enlighten me as to what
exactly I should be looking up in my "Writing Apache Modules with Perl
and C" book?


Re: Apache 2.0 module skeleton

2007-11-16 Thread Sam Carleton
On Nov 15, 2007 11:05 AM, Joe Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Graf László wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Can somebody give a project skeleton for Apache 2.0 module?
> The tool is apxs.  Google it for more information.  You might even find
> a link that looks like :


> DISCLAIMER : I have not run this on Windows due to myself not being a
> proponent of the said OS.  I cannot verify if this tool actually works
> in this environment.

I am by no means a proponent of said OS, but I am a 13 year veteran of
developing code for said OS and developer of one Apache Module on said
OS.  I can confirm that the apxs tool does most definitely work on
said OS.  Follow the directions and you should be fine, I was;)

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server side includes

2007-04-09 Thread Sam Carleton

As I sit here on hold, I started thinking about my little apache
module again.  I recall reading in "Writing Apache Modules in Perl and
C" how with Perl it is quick and easy to create a server side include
handler, I think that is what it was called.  How would one go about
doing that in a C module?  Are there any examples?

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Re: translate_name and/or map_to_storage hooks

2007-04-04 Thread Sam Carleton

On 4/4/07, Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I missed out on the start of this conversion so really don't know what
you are trying to do

I have one module that does a few different things.

1: create a index html document of images
2: create a page html document of one image (when user clicks on an
image in the index)
3: Handle the image request that are in the HTML of #1 and #2 and send
out all the images.

Right now I have it all written in PHP, there is a index.php for #1
and #2 and an imageHandler.php for #3.  I am trying to understand the
best way to separate this logic within my one module.  Someone else
suggested I look at hooking translate_name.

I found my answer to how to determine the location, so I have been
playing with it since my post and when I set the r->filename =
"images"; and return OK, I get a 403 Forbidden.

why aren't you just using mod_rewrite?

This is going to be packaged software and I would, ideally, like to
keep it all self contained so that end users that decide to start
hacking things, cannot get too far.

Re: concern about memory management

2007-04-03 Thread Sam Carleton

On 4/3/07, Burak Arslan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

afaik, apache does not offer a proper free() function, which might cause
problems with image processing modules(if you're processing multiple images per
connection). so i'd not attempt to hack that library only to get the same
functionality as before. your call, though.

I have not dug deeply into the Apache pools, yet, but...  My
impression was that I could create use sub pools to get the same
effect as free().  My whole sole objective here is to speed up the
image processing, my thought is that by using the Apache pools, the
memory aspect of the process will be faster.

a thanks and C++ new overloading

2007-03-29 Thread Sam Carleton


I want to say thank you for taking the time to help me out with
getting my module up and going.  It is so VERY refreshing to be
developing in such a well thought out and structured environment.  By
day I am working in VB.Net on different small projects where the
project leads attitude is: Get it done, don't make too many new
modules/class because it will be too complex for me (boss) to
understand when you leave.  Having the structure of the apache module
is the complete and total opposite and very very refreshing!  It is
also exposing me a little bit to how to make a module system, which I
will ultimately need to do for the GUI side of my app.  It is all
good, very good!  Thanks for directing me this way!

Last night I did successfully setup a C++ new overload that takes an
apache pool.  (When used correctly, C++ is simply WONDERFUL!) The
question is:  How best to make the code reusable?  What do I mean?
Well, the next version of the GUI is going to be written in C++, there
is going to be a lot of code that can and should be shared between the
module and the GUI.  I just cannot figure out how best to setup the
common code to allocate memory for different locations.  Any


Best way to debug

2007-03-28 Thread Sam Carleton

yea, I tried installing mod_perl and I still got the same problem.  I
finally simply tried nmake install and it worked, despite the perl
error;)  So I was up to 1am working on my new apache module!

I recall beating my head agaisnt the wall last time I tried writing an
apache module, but that was back in the 1.x days, on *NIX, not my
native platform, and without a debugger.  Today on Windows with a
debugger, things are running very smoothly!

I do have a debugging question:  As we all know, when you fire up
httpd, it starts at least one more instance.  If I am not mistaken, on
Windows it is only one more.  When I try to debug in VS6, it attaches
to the first instance of httpd, not the one that I actually want to
debug.  VS6 lacks the ability to debug multiple programs at one time,
so...  I am using VS2005.  This is what I am doing...

1: Compiling on VS6
2: Go to a command window and starting httpd
3: Go to an instances of VS2005 and attaching to both instance of httpd
4: When down debugging, I deattach VS2005 from the httpd
5: Go to the command line and press +

Is there any why to have httpd start up such that it does not start a
second process so that I can simply debug with VS6, skipping steps 2
through 4?  If no, so be it, it would simply be nice;)


On 3/28/07, Issac Goldstand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ick.  The Perl glue likes to take over like that on windows.  Try
running win32\Configure.pl (directly) and passing --disable-perl-glue.
(Or make life easier on yourself by building and installing mod_perl
first - you don't need to use it afterward)

reference out of date?

2007-03-27 Thread Sam Carleton

Many moons ago, around 2001 I believe, I purchased the book "Writing
Apache Modules with Perl and C" by Lincoln Stein and Doug MacEachern.
I have not dug it up yet, but I am guessing that it was written for
Apache 1.x.  For my needs, handling basic requests, will it be out of
