Re: Add new comfiguration paeametr to httpd.conf

2009-08-06 Thread h iroshan
yes, dynamic load balancing module for Apache -Tomcat integration but still
it has  some problems. Any way I need user to set some parameters from
httpd.conf . I dont know how to do it?. Can any body help me?.


Add new comfiguration paeametr to httpd.conf

2009-08-06 Thread h iroshan
Hi all,
I have developed a new Apache module. I want to put some parameter at
httpd.conf . How can I add new a parameter for httpd.conf?.


process creation in side a module

2009-07-16 Thread h iroshan
Hi All,

I tried to open TCP socket in side a new apache module the socket should
live for ever. I used  new apr thread to create this socket . But Thread is
terminate after the execute of my hook function and the socket  also close
with it. Then I uses a new process to create live tcp socket insted of
thread. its working nicly. Is there is any draw back ,if we  create new
process in side a module?.

Best Regards,

Re: Add a new property for proxy_worker in mod_proxy.h

2009-07-09 Thread h iroshan
Hi All,
Actualy I think my qustion was not very clear. I need to add a new variable
to the proxy_worker struct as follow. I added a variable MyValue and  compile
the mod_proxy_balancer with apxs tool. Mosule compiled without any error.
But cannot start the server it logs [Fri Jul 10 04:16:54 2009] [notice]
child pid 15651 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) in error.log please help
me to solve this

struct proxy_worker {
  int id; /* scoreboard id */
apr_interval_time_t retry;  /* retry interval */
int lbfactor;   /* initial load balancing factor */
const char  *name;
const char  *scheme;/* scheme to use ajp|http|https */
const char  *hostname;  /* remote backend address */

int MyValue ;


Thank You ,

Re: Add a new property for proxy_worker in mod_proxy.h

2009-07-09 Thread h iroshan
Sorry for my first mail. By mistakenly half typed mail was sent to the
mailing list.

Actually I need to add another property variable for proxy_worker.  I did it
as follow
struct proxy_worker {
int id; /* scoreboard id */
apr_interval_time_t retry;  /* retry interval */
int lbfactor;   /* initial load balancing factor */
const char  *name;
const char  *scheme;/* scheme to use ajp|http|https */
const char  *hostname;  /* remote backend address */

int MyValue


But when load balancer manager with newly added property it never load. How
can I add a new property value for proxy_worker definition.

Please Help me


Add a new property for proxy_worker in mod_proxy.h

2009-07-09 Thread h iroshan
Hi All,

I need to add another property variable for proxy_worker.  I did it as

struct proxy_worker {
int id; /* scoreboard id */
apr_interval_time_t retry;  /* retry interval */
int lbfactor;   /* initial load balancing factor */
const char  *name;
const char  *scheme;/* scheme to use ajp|http|https */
const char  *hostname;  /* remote backend address */

int MyValue


new Hook doesn't work

2009-07-08 Thread h iroshan
Hi All,

I created a new hook for some additional task in mod_proxy_balancer .I
clearly followed the steps at . I register my Hook as

 static  void  ap_proxy_balancer_register_hook(apr_pool_t *p)
  //additional code goes here
proxy_hook_my_request(proxy_balancer_my_request, NULL, NULL,


By using  apxs tool this module and mod_proxy module can compile without any
error. When my server runs,  the proxy_balancer_my_request function never
execute and all the other hooks execute there functions without any problem.
Even there is no any error message in error log also. I want to know why
this proxy_balancer_my_reques function never execute?

Please Help me

Re: Creating a new thread inside a module

2009-07-04 Thread h iroshan
Hi All,

I am still unable to create a new thread inside the balancer_init function.
Here the way that I tried. But in this way  new thread was created and it
terminate after the balancer_init function finish its context. I want run
this new thread for ever until the server stop. Please help me to solve this

static int balancer_init(apr_pool_t *p, apr_pool_t *plog,
 apr_pool_t *ptemp, server_rec *s)
  apr_status_t rv;
  apr_thread_t *tp;
  apr_threadattr_t *thd_attr;

  rv =apr_thread_create(&tp, thd_attr, doit, ptemp, p);

//do some thing here

return 0;

here is the function passes for creation new thread

static void* APR_THREAD_FUNC doit(apr_thread_t *thread, void *data)
   //do some thing here


Re: Creating a new thread inside a module

2009-07-01 Thread h iroshan
Hi William and Mladen,

Thanks both of you but i am still struggling  with my thread creation. I
create my background thread inside  the balancer_init method at
mod_proxy_balancer module. But after finished the execution of balancer_init
method my thread also terminate automatically please help me


Re: Creating a new thread inside a module

2009-06-29 Thread h iroshan
Hi Mladen Turk,

Thank you  very much. I roughly gone throug the mod_watchdog. I create my
background thread inside  the balancer_init method at mod_proxy_balancer
module. But after finished the execution of balancer_init method my thread
also terminate automatically. Do you or  any body have idea to avoid this. I
need to run my background thread until the server stop by user.

Best Regards,


Re: Creating a new thread inside a module

2009-06-29 Thread h iroshan
Hi All
Actually I need *to* modify *Apache* and *run* one custom background *thread
*. In addition, my custom modules have *to* be able *to* access the shared
memory and it should be done through the background *thread*. Did anybody do
this before? Is *there* an example I can use  as a starting point?

please help me.

Best Regards,
Under graduate
Sri Lanka.

Re: Creating a new thread inside a module

2009-06-29 Thread h iroshan
Hi Mladen Turk,

Thank you .In Apache 2.2.x trunk there is no such a module mod_watchdog. Is
this is from later version?. Can I compile this in DSO mode  with

Help me


> Take a look at trunk's mod_watchdog.
> It should compile with 2.2 without a problem.
> However it requires to be statically compiled so it
> can survive the child death.
> If that's not feasible, hack it ;)
> Regards
> --
> ^(TM)

Creating a new thread inside a module

2009-06-29 Thread h iroshan
Hi All,

I want to open a port to communicate my Apache hhtpd (2.2) with small
software run on a separate machine .Without affecting the httpd how can i
create a new thread to listen to that software.

Also I want to start this thread when the mod_proxy_balancer is initialize
its balancer members(balancer_init).

please helpp me,

thank you,

Under graduate-UCSC
Ari Lanka

Re: build mod_proxy by source

2009-06-22 Thread h iroshan
hi Kevac Marko,

apxs -c -o mod_proxy.c proxy_util.c

above command not generate . Please help me


Re: build mod_proxy by source

2009-06-22 Thread h iroshan
hi Kevac Marko,

Thank you very much.

build mod_proxy by source

2009-06-22 Thread h iroshan
Hi All,

I need to build mod_proxy by source rather than enable in the
configuration.  I dont know how to build it by apxs as it has two dependent
files (proxy_util.c and mod_proxy.c) .Please help me to over come this

Best Regards,

Under Graduate-UCSC
Sri Lanka

Re: mod_proxy_balancer dynamic change properties

2009-06-17 Thread h iroshan
Hi jean-frederic clere,

Thanks lot, Is there any technical documentation for these modules,Such as


Re: mod_proxy_balancer dynamic change properties

2009-06-17 Thread h iroshan
Hi kevac Marko,

Thank you very much .I just want to do the same thing  here. My workers are
Tomcat and I am going to change lbfactor  according to there Memory
usage.Can we use normal socket connection to retrieve information from the
workers or is there any simple way to communicate with worker node?.

Currently I am doing ,when the balancer init the workers ,I initialise
another thread with socket server wich is listining  for the Worker node.
Worker node also have Socket client it send there Memeory usage to  the
Server Side. But I know thuis is not the way to do that.

I want to do this in a satnderd way please help me..

Thank you,

4th year under graduate in computer science
University Of Colombo
Sri Lanka

Re: mod_proxy_balancer dynamic change properties

2009-06-16 Thread h iroshan
 Hi RĂ¼diger,

thanks lot ,

I  already followed the source code of the mod_cluster. Its uses another
shared memory implementation called slotmem rather than using scorebord.
Are you sure is it possible to change this scorebord lbfactor property
dynamically and it will affect the request distribution according to that
dynamically updated lbfactor value.Please help me.

4th year under graduate in computer science
University Of Colombo
Sri Lanka

Re: mod_proxy_balancer dynamic change properties

2009-06-16 Thread h iroshan
Hi RĂ¼diger and all,

Actually I want to know  ,can't we done it by changing the source code of
mode proxy balancer.Because properties of the mod_proxy_balancer gets from
the config. After first time set values for the scoreboard properties by
config file , mod_proxy_balancer uses this scoreboard lbfactor value.
lbfactor value never updated again and again

So is it possible to update scoreboard lbfactor by source code periodically
in order to provide  dyanamic load balancing mechanism to this module.

please help me

4th year under graduate in computer science
University Of Colombo
Sri Lanka

mod_proxy_balancer dynamic change properties

2009-06-16 Thread h iroshan
Hi All,

I want to know whether the mod_proxy_balancer can dynamically change there
propertis during the run time. For ex- can we change lbfactor's values for
workers periodically according to there work load.

If it is ok, is it possible to do that by updating theworkers  lbfactor
values in the scoreboard.
Please help me.

4th year under graduate in computer science
University Of Colombo
Sri Lanka

load balancing with Apache for Tomcat workers

2009-04-09 Thread h iroshan
Hi All,

I want  to configure mod_proxy_balancer  to distribute load among two back
end Tomcat workers. How can I find more information relevant to this.

Best Regards,


2009-04-07 Thread h iroshan
hi all,

please can I know is there any technical documentation for
mod_proxy_balancer module.

Best Regards,
H. Iroshan

Re: Apache 2.2 architecture

2009-03-22 Thread h iroshan
Dear All,

Actually I need to know the complete functionality of mod_proxy_balancer.
Is there any technical documentation on this module.

Thanks and Best Regards

H . Iroshan

Apache 2.2 architecture

2009-03-21 Thread h iroshan
Hi All,

I am interesting to study the source code of Apache HTTP 2.2 . Can I find
any detailed technical documentation or Architecture of Apache 2.2.

Thank you and Best Regards,
H. Iroshan