RE: Compiling Apache modules for windows

2002-10-29 Thread Igor Leturia
Hi Günter,

A couple of weeks ago I asked in the Apache developpers' list if anyone
could compile a third party module (mod_replace) for Windows, and you
were very kind and did it. These two weeks I've been trying the module,
which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. After much investigating, I
realized that the replace filter works with pages that are under 32 KB,
and doesnt't work if they're bigger. I've been looking in the
mod_replace sources and I've seen that there's a constant declared at
the beginning which says #define START_SIZE (32 * 1024). I think
that's the key, because after that it makes a malloc with that size.

For my purposes, I would need it to be at least 200 KB, but for general
purposes (for including that module in your third party modules page), I
think it should be at least 500 KB. I've made the changes in the source
code and I send it attached, would you be so kind as to recompile it?

Thanks in advance,

Igor Leturia

-Jatorrizko mezua-
Nondik: Günter Knauf [mailto:eflash;]
Bidalia: Ostirala, 2002.eko urriak 11 20:01

Hi Igor,
   I'm interested in a third party module for Apache that I 
found in the
 internet, but there's only the source code of it (a .c file), not the
 .so file. I'm a windows user, and I read in the Apache website's faq
if that's the module you found:
then you can get a binary here:

 that only a limited number of the developers have the capability to
 build the InstallShield package for windows. Is building 
the .so very
 complicated? What would I need? Is there a doc that explains it?

Description: mod_replacec

Re: Compiling Apache modules for windows

2002-10-15 Thread Igor Leturia

  Hi all!

  Günter sent me a binary version of mod_replace. I started trying it
and I couldn't get it to work. At last I found that there is an error in
the example configuration file. Instead of being 'Replace colour color
text/html', it should be 'Replace colour color text/html'. At least
this is the only way it worked for me. I say this in case anyone is

  Now I've got some questions. I've been able to make replacements in
the files if they have .html extension, but not in the rest (.js, etc.).
In the example cfg you sent me, this is what you said (with my
correction already done):

Replace colour color text/html
AddOutputFilter REPLACE html

  I've tried writing js instead of html in the second line, but I
don't know what to write in the first line instead of text/html. I've
tried lots of things but none work. What should I do to apply the
replacements to all the files served, independent of their extension? I
tried *, but it doesn't work.

  Another question: do you know how should I write the httpd.conf to
make the replacements to files proxied from another server? I wrote
this, but it doesn't work:

Location /someloc
  Replace colour color text/html
  AddOutputFilter REPLACE html
  ProxyPass http://someserver/someloc
  ProxyPassReverse http://someserver/someloc

  I've tried different orders of the lines, but none worked.

  Thanks in advance,

Igor Leturia

RE: Compiling Apache modules for windows

2002-10-15 Thread Juan Rivera


You have to put the replace entries like this:

Proxy /someloc

Replace colour color text/html

SetOutputFilter REPLACE


ProxyPass /someloc http://Server/someloc
ProxyPassReverse /someloc http://Server/someloc

Best regards,

Juan C. Rivera
Citrix Systems, Inc.

-Original Message-
From: Igor Leturia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 6:06 AM
Subject: Re: Compiling Apache modules for windows

  Hi all!

  Günter sent me a binary version of mod_replace. I started trying it
and I couldn't get it to work. At last I found that there is an error in
the example configuration file. Instead of being 'Replace colour color
text/html', it should be 'Replace colour color text/html'. At least
this is the only way it worked for me. I say this in case anyone is

  Now I've got some questions. I've been able to make replacements in
the files if they have .html extension, but not in the rest (.js, etc.).
In the example cfg you sent me, this is what you said (with my
correction already done):

Replace colour color text/html
AddOutputFilter REPLACE html

  I've tried writing js instead of html in the second line, but I
don't know what to write in the first line instead of text/html. I've
tried lots of things but none work. What should I do to apply the
replacements to all the files served, independent of their extension? I
tried *, but it doesn't work.

  Another question: do you know how should I write the httpd.conf to
make the replacements to files proxied from another server? I wrote
this, but it doesn't work:

Location /someloc
  Replace colour color text/html
  AddOutputFilter REPLACE html
  ProxyPass http://someserver/someloc
  ProxyPassReverse http://someserver/someloc

  I've tried different orders of the lines, but none worked.

  Thanks in advance,

Igor Leturia

Re: Compiling Apache modules for windows

2002-10-11 Thread Günter Knauf

Hi Igor,
please send me the source or a link where I can find it; and I'll give it a try...
in addition you can take a look on my site where you can find a bunch of other module 
binaries for Win32:


   I'm interested in a third party module for Apache that I found in the
 internet, but there's only the source code of it (a .c file), not the
 .so file. I'm a windows user, and I read in the Apache website's faq
 that only a limited number of the developers have the capability to
 build the InstallShield package for windows. Is building the .so very
 complicated? What would I need? Is there a doc that explains it? If you
 think it would be impossible for a newbie, is there a way for any of you
 to compile the module for me?

   By the way, I think the module is very interesting not only for me,
 but for many people. It is called mod_replace, and it can make
 replacements in the content of the pages served. I think this would be a
 very useful feature for Apache. Maybe it can be included in the Apache
 distribution in a near future, after the necessary testings, releases,
 betas, etc.?

   Thanks in advance,

 Igor Leturia

Re: Compiling Apache modules for windows

2002-10-11 Thread Günter Knauf

Hi Igor,
   I'm interested in a third party module for Apache that I found in the
 internet, but there's only the source code of it (a .c file), not the
 .so file. I'm a windows user, and I read in the Apache website's faq
if that's the module you found:
then you can get a binary here:

 that only a limited number of the developers have the capability to
 build the InstallShield package for windows. Is building the .so very
 complicated? What would I need? Is there a doc that explains it?
