Re: How to Install Spring 4.3.21 on Karaf 4.2.2

2019-01-09 Thread munishgupta.asr
Thanks for the answer JB.

I did as you suggested and used spring-legacy library and able to install
spring-dm and spring-dm.web. it is showing as started successfully. 

spring-dm| 1.2.1| x| Started |
spring-legacy-4.2.2   | Spring DM support
spring-dm-web| 1.2.1| x| Started |
spring-legacy-4.2.2   | Spring DM Web support
spring   | 3.2.18.RELEASE_1 |  | Started |
spring-legacy-4.2.2   | Spring 3.2.x support
spring-web   | 3.2.18.RELEASE_1 |  | Started |
spring-legacy-4.2.2   | Spring 3.2.x Web support

My intention of downgrading spring on KARAF 4.2.2 was to use
OsgiBundleXmlWebApplicationContext class (spring-dm) which is supported upto
KARAF 4 only. but while installing my web module, i again got this
ClassNotFoundException exception for OsgiBundleXmlWebApplicationContext

14:39:48,344 | INFO  | onfig-2-thread-2 | ContextLoader|
183 - org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-web - 3.2.18.RELEASE_1 | Root
WebApplicationContext: initialization started
14:39:48,345 | ERROR | onfig-2-thread-2 | ContextLoader|
183 - org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-web - 3.2.18.RELEASE_1 | Context
initialization failed
org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextException: Failed to load
custom context class [
]; nested exception is java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
 not found by docsconsole [321]

is not it supposed to work now?


Sent from:

Re: How to Install Spring 4.3.21 on Karaf 4.2.2

2019-01-09 Thread munishgupta.asr
did it work?

Sent from:

Re: Refused to execute script from 'URL' because its MIME type ('') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled

2018-10-04 Thread munishgupta.asr
This was identified as our internal code issue and I was able to resolve it.

Thanks JB.


Sent from:

Refused to execute script from 'URL' because its MIME type ('') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled

2018-09-19 Thread munishgupta.asr
Hi All,

After upgrading KARAF to 4.2.0, I am facing this error while loading JSP
pages if it loads any custom JS file.

Refused to execute script from
'https://localhost:8443/dashboard/views/welcome.js' because its MIME type
('') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled

in my JSP page, I am loading this JS file. 

Has anybody faced this problem before and has any idea about how we can fix


Sent from:

Re: issues while using Spring 5.0.4 with latest KARAF 4.2.0

2018-08-07 Thread munishgupta.asr
Hi Guillaume,

I have attached the sample web apps with  JIRA Ticket for your kind
reference. Can you please have a look?


Sent from:

Re: issues while using Spring 5.0.4 with latest KARAF 4.2.0

2018-08-07 Thread munishgupta.asr
Hi Castor,

I have add Gemini Blueprint 3.0.0M1 and downloaded IO, Core and Extender
module. Can you please suggest me if that is enough to replace with
spring-dm for web module. here is my web.xml for now.





Sent from:

Re: issues while using Spring 5.0.4 with latest KARAF 4.2.0

2018-08-07 Thread munishgupta.asr
Hi JB,

As you have asked me for any blocking point t use blueprint instead of
Spring, I am just trying to know that can I refer spring Jar's class files
directly in web.xml and skip blueprint. as of now, it is referring spring dm
provided osgiwebxmlapplicationcontext class but as spring-dm can not be used
with spring 5, is there any way not to use blueprint also and directly use
spring jar files to load xml context for servlets in web.xml?

Not sure if my question is making sense to you, I am little new to this web
part. kindly guide.


Sent from:

Re: issues while using Spring 5.0.4 with latest KARAF 4.2.0

2018-07-24 Thread munishgupta.asr
Hi JB,

I am not sure If i understood your question properly but Here is how I
started using blueprint. Kindly review and suggest. 

Earlier we were using KARAF 4.0.10 and spring 3.1.4 release was getting
installed when spring-dm was installed. Now when I am upgrading to 4.2.0, I
am installing spring feature which is installing spring 5.X.

we are using spring MVC in our web related modules and were using
spring-osgi-web classes to load XMLWebContext in web.xml. it was using
org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener and 

Now when I had faced problem with 4.2.0, i was updated that spring-dm is not
supported was i was recommended to use blueprint. Guillaume mentioned in one
of the reply that i can use aries-blueprint and it has 99% compatibility
with spring-dm. I was able to see aries-blueprint bundles in feature:list
also so I moved in that direction.

Kindly suggest if I had any way here to get my web part working.


Sent from:

Re: issues while using Spring 5.0.4 with latest KARAF 4.2.0

2018-07-23 Thread munishgupta.asr
Thanks Guillaume for providing information. I was trying for last 3 days to
find any reference documentation  which could give me a clue about web

I have created a JIRA Ticket and here is the number (Web.XML Attached)

Meanwhile, can you please suggest me any workaround to get the web APP
running (Spring-MVC) on KARAF 4.2.0 and Spring 5.0.X combination?


Sent from:

Re: issues while using Spring 5.0.4 with latest KARAF 4.2.0

2018-07-23 Thread munishgupta.asr
Hi Lukasz,

second one is not same it is "Apache Aries Blueprint Spring Extender".
Extender word was moving on to next statement in my old post. mentioning
again for clarity. 

75 | Active   |  80 | 0.6.0  | Apache Aries Blueprint Spring 
76 | Active   |  80 | 0.4.0  | Apache Aries Blueprint Spring

Sent from:

Re: issues while using Spring 5.0.4 with latest KARAF 4.2.0

2018-07-22 Thread munishgupta.asr
Thanks Guillaume Nodet-2,

I have installed and started 3 blueprint bundles. 
 75 | Active   |  80 | 0.6.0  | Apache Aries Blueprint Spring 
 76 | Active   |  80 | 0.4.0  | Apache Aries Blueprint Spring
 77 | Active   |  80 | 1.0.1  | Apache Aries Blueprint Web OSGI

first I was not able to see my web application (Spring-MVC) open at all and
it was throwing wiring exceptions to identify org.springframework related

Later I commented spring-dm related entry in web.xml and added new entry for
blueprint context listener. 




// commented





with that, now I am able to see root JSP page opening but on any action, it
is not hitting controller classes. How i need to handle the servlet related
configuration defined in web.XML with aries-blueprint?

Can you please guide? in case if you have any sample programme, that would
be too helpful.
My concern is that I am not finding how to handle change in web.xml
(changing spring-dm related classes to aries-blueprint).

Thanks in Advance

Sent from:

Re: issues while using Spring 5.0.4 with latest KARAF 4.2.0

2018-07-18 Thread munishgupta.asr
Thanks JB for the quick answer.

I will probably check then what exactly this blueprint is and how it works
(replacement of spring-dm).

Thanks again

Sent from:

issues while using Spring 5.0.4 with latest KARAF 4.2.0

2018-07-18 Thread munishgupta.asr
Hi All,

We are using KARAF 4.0.0 for now and trying to upgrade it to 4.2.0 now. We
are also upgrading jetty libraries to latest supported version and upgraded
spring version to 5.0.4 Release.

for using Spring on OSGI, currently we were using 'spring-osgi-web' and
'spring-osgi-core' libraries of 'org.springframework.osgi;  with version as

After upgrade, it seems these libraries are only supported upto Spring
Version 4.0.0 and not further.

Can you please guide me what i should be trying for using Spring 5.0.4 on
latest KARAF 4.2.0?


Sent from:

issues with string attributes as backward slash in getting lost in values after karaf restart

2018-06-21 Thread munishgupta.asr
Hi All, 

We are using karaf 4.0.10 and using DS Annotations to create component and
attribute. I am facing problem with String type attribute. 
for example 
name = "HTTP Proxy Username", 
description = "Username of HTTP Proxy if authentication is
type = AttributeType.STRING 
String http_proxy_userName() default DEFAULT_HTTP_PROXY_USERNAME; 

here, if i give values with a backward slash like (domain\hostname), it is
getting saved properly. if i do restart bundle, still it is fine. 
but in case I do karaf restart, my string value is getting changed. it is
removing backward slash and value is changing to "domainhostname". 

Can you guys please suggest something for this issue?

Sent from:

bootfeature concept with 4.2.0

2018-03-11 Thread munishgupta.asr
Hi All,

with KARAF 4.1.5 when I was trying to compile after upgrading from 4.0.10,
it was not allowing me to compile with bootfeatures as 

but now 4.2.0 it is again not showing any error and packaging is success. in
fact with 4.2.0, if I am giving any junk feature name like 
spring, still it compiles and on pom.xml
it shows a red dot for this plugin saying that 
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration:
org.apache.karaf.tooling:karaf-maven-plugin:4.2.0.M2:assembly (execution:
 assembly, phase: process-resources)

do we have changes in this concept with new version?


Sent from:

Re: KARAF 4.1.5 & pax-logging-service

2018-03-06 Thread munishgupta.asr
Hello JB,

As you suggested and mentioned like that "If so, you should update your
appender to log4j2 style and attach to pax-logging-log4j2".

I was trying to do that but it seems creating custom appenders is very
different here. earlier I was extending fileappenders and providing
configuration parameters in constructor through CFG file. but now it looks
very different. 

is there sample examples to refer about how to create custom file appenders
and attach it with pax-logging-log4j2 as fragment?

or is there any way to still use pax-logging-service with KARAF 4.1.x
onwards as we are OK with log4j1 implementation. 

can you please help? kindly answer.


Sent from:

Re: KARAF 4.1.5 & pax-logging-service

2018-03-05 Thread munishgupta.asr

Yes it looks creating a custom appender is very different with log4j2 and 
not like that with log4j1 where we were using pax-logging-service as 
fragment-host with our custom bundle. 
we don't have AppenderSkeleton class also here. 

how shall i approach it now? do we have any adapter kind of thing here to 
continue using same code or we will have to rewrite our logging module. 


Sent from:

Re: KARAF 4.1.5 & pax-logging-service

2018-03-05 Thread munishgupta.asr

Yes it looks creating a custom appender is very different with log4j2 and
not like that with log4j1 where we were using pax-logging-service as
fragment-host with our custom bundle. 
we don't have AppenderSkeleton class also here.

how shall i approach it now? do we have any adapter kind of thing here to
continue using same code or we will have to rewrite our logging module.


Matt Sicker wrote
> If you have a custom log4j 1 appender, there's limited support in
> log4j-1.2-api which you can add on to the log4j2 stuff, though I'm not
> sure
> how that would interact without some fragment hackery.
> On 2 March 2018 at 03:34, Jean-Baptiste Onofré 

> jb@

>  wrote:
>> Thanks, please let me know if you have any issue.
>> Regards
>> JB
>> On 03/02/2018 10:33 AM, munishgupta.asr wrote:
>> > Thanks JB.
>> >
>> > I will try and get back with results.
>> >
>> > Regards
>> > Munish
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > Sent from:
>> >
>> --
>> Jean-Baptiste Onofré

> jbonofre@

>> Talend -
> -- 
> Matt Sicker 

> boards@


Matt Sicker wrote
> If you have a custom log4j 1 appender, there's limited support in
> log4j-1.2-api which you can add on to the log4j2 stuff, though I'm not
> sure
> how that would interact without some fragment hackery.
> On 2 March 2018 at 03:34, Jean-Baptiste Onofré 

> jb@

>  wrote:
>> Thanks, please let me know if you have any issue.
>> Regards
>> JB
>> On 03/02/2018 10:33 AM, munishgupta.asr wrote:
>> > Thanks JB.
>> >
>> > I will try and get back with results.
>> >
>> > Regards
>> > Munish
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > Sent from:
>> >
>> --
>> Jean-Baptiste Onofré

> jbonofre@

>> Talend -
> -- 
> Matt Sicker 

> boards@


Matt Sicker wrote
> If you have a custom log4j 1 appender, there's limited support in
> log4j-1.2-api which you can add on to the log4j2 stuff, though I'm not
> sure
> how that would interact without some fragment hackery.
> On 2 March 2018 at 03:34, Jean-Baptiste Onofré 

> jb@

>  wrote:
>> Thanks, please let me know if you have any issue.
>> Regards
>> JB
>> On 03/02/2018 10:33 AM, munishgupta.asr wrote:
>> > Thanks JB.
>> >
>> > I will try and get back with results.
>> >
>> > Regards
>> > Munish
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > Sent from:
>> >
>> --
>> Jean-Baptiste Onofré

> jbonofre@

>> Talend -
> -- 
> Matt Sicker 

> boards@


Matt Sicker wrote
> If you have a custom log4j 1 appender, there's limited support in
> log4j-1.2-api which you can add on to the log4j2 stuff, though I'm not
> sure
> how that would interact without some fragment hackery.
> On 2 March 2018 at 03:34, Jean-Baptiste Onofré 

> jb@

>  wrote:
>> Thanks, please let me know if you have any issue.
>> Regards
>> JB
>> On 03/02/2018 10:33 AM, munishgupta.asr wrote:
>> > Thanks JB.
>> >
>> > I will try and get back with results.
>> >
>> > Regards
>> > Munish
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > Sent from:
>> >
>> --
>> Jean-Baptiste Onofré

> jbonofre@

>> Talend -
> -- 
> Matt Sicker 

> boards@


Matt Sicker wrote
> If you have a custom log4j 1 appender, there's limited support in
> log4j-1.2-api which you can add on to the log4j2 stuff, though I'm not
> sure
> how that would interact without some fragment hackery.
> On 2 March 2018 at 03:34, Jean-Baptiste Onofré 

> jb@

>  wrote:
>> Thanks, please let me know if you have any issue.
>> Regards
>> JB
>> On 03/02/2018 10:33 AM, munishgupta.asr wrote:
>> > Thanks JB

Re: KARAF 4.1.5 & pax-logging-service

2018-03-02 Thread munishgupta.asr
Thanks JB.

I will try and get back with results.


Sent from:

Re: KARAF 4.1.5 & pax-logging-service

2018-03-02 Thread munishgupta.asr
Thanks for the quick response.

we are extending the  org.apache.log4j.FileAppender and
for now, my fragment pom file is using service as host bundle. 


So that means I should update my fragment-host to "pax-logging-log4j2" and
updated appender to log4j2 style?

what is the use of pax-logging-logback? Do i need to do anything with that

Sent from:

KARAF 4.1.5 & pax-logging-service

2018-03-02 Thread munishgupta.asr
Hi All,

for our project, we are using KARAF 4.0.9 for now and decided to upgrade it
to 4.1.5.
we have a customer appender which is used as a fragment with
pax-logging-service bundle. 

After upgrading to KARAF 4.1.5, it is failing to find pax-logging-service
and service is not getting downloaded in system folder using maven.  rather
I could see 2 different folders in system path.

have we removed support of pax-logging-service with KARAF 4.1.x onwards.
What shall i use now as fragment-host bundle to get the build generated?



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