RE: Remove auto-resolution of plugin versions from Maven 2.1

2007-04-16 Thread Kevin Menard
Apologies for the delayed response.  I must've missed the message.

I'd have to check with Andrus Adamchik, since he was the guy that had to
keep fixing the POM.  I know for certain that we've been bitten numerous
times by the Geronimo folk though, both transitively and directly.  We
also got bit by the whole surefire/classloader issue, which the
suggestions in this thread would take care of.

For my own stuff, I've had to rely on SNAPSHOT for Selenium and Cargo,
because either the released versions were broken in some way or didn't
support newer releases of external software.  At least in the case of
Selenium, the authors know that they're released version is broken and
their response is to just use SNAPSHOT.  That's the sort of scenario I'd
like to see avoided if possible.


 -Original Message-
 From: John Casey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 5:24 PM
 To: Maven Developers List
 Subject: Re: Remove auto-resolution of plugin versions from Maven 2.1
 I'm interested to know which snapshots bit you guys so hard? 
 Was it a [set of] internal snapshots, or were they snapshots 
 from Maven or some other OSS project that you depend on or 
 use? If we start talking seriously about shorter dev cycles 
 and milestone releases with less of a barrier to release (for 
 alpha quality, for instance)...and start shunning snapshots 
 as an acceptable mechanism for distributing pre-release 
 code...would that have helped you all?
 On 4/12/07, Kevin Menard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I agree.  I am suggesting that it's a little too easy to 
  and that all that wonderful time maven was supposed to save you in 
  preparing releases is trumped by the time it takes to just append 
  -SNAPSHOT to a version number.  Sure, it's people abusing 
 it, but it's 
  easy to abuse and looks like it's officially condoned as proper 
  behavior.  Things get even murkier when transitive dependencies are 
  considered.  So, I'm not suggesting dumping SNAPSHOT wholesale, but 
  making it more difficult to distribute an artifact via 
 SNAPSHOT (maybe 
  require the end user to have to agree to use a new SNAPSHOT 
 each time 
  one is available or something).
  Maybe we'll just have to agree to disagree.  I will say that this 
  matter has bitten the Cayenne team a few times now, and we've come 
  close to dumping maven altogether.  It got to the point 
 where we had 
  to start pinning SNAPSHOTs by timestamp via a guess and 
 check method.  
  Perhaps the plugin Nigel suggested would help matters, though.
   -Original Message-
   From: Brian E. Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 3:10 PM
   To: Maven Developers List
   Subject: RE: Remove auto-resolution of plugin versions from Maven 
Snapshots are a very good thing for internal 
 development. It would 
   be impossible to manage my builds without them. I think 
 that people 
   using snapshots of plugins are a symptom of another 
 problem -- long 
   release cycles. Just because people do bad things with snapshots 
   doesn't mean snapshots should go away.
   It already takes a little effort to get at them, the 
 snapshot repo 
   isn't part of the super-pom, so if you go out of your way to get 
   them, you should understand the consequences. It's like 
 me picking 
   up an unstable version of some jar and then complaining that it 
   broke later and asking the creators to stop releasing unstable 
   versions at all(that are clearly marked as such). People 
 would then 
   just go get the code anyway.
   -Original Message-
   From: Kevin Menard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 1:09 PM
   To: Maven Developers List
   Subject: RE: Remove auto-resolution of plugin versions from Maven 
   My point is that regardless of what the original 
 intention may have 
   been, the current process facilitates laziness via SNAPSHOTs.  
   Without them, incremental builds would be necessary, which would 
   give fixed version numbers with known binaries.
   If the plan is to take actions to help prevent users from having 
   things break on them, this may be easier than the path 
 you outlined.
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RE: Remove auto-resolution of plugin versions from Maven 2.1

2007-04-12 Thread Kevin Menard
A bit of a departure from the discussion, but still related . . .

It may be worthwhile to rethink the whole SNAPSHOT system, too, then.
Way too many plugins and dependencies sit in a SNAPSHOT limbo,
presumably because it's simpler than cutting a release.  And then
SNAPSHOT to SNAPSHOT may break builds.  In this case, the user has
specified precisely the version he needs for his build (perhaps only
SNAPSHOT has a particular bug fix), but he's still just as vulnerable to
having the rug pulled out beneath him.


 -Original Message-
 From: Brian E. Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 11:08 AM
 To: Maven Developers List
 Subject: RE: Remove auto-resolution of plugin versions from Maven 2.1
 John, I think you've hit the nail on the head here. If you 
 look at it this way, your plugins used are no different than 
 dependencies. It's very dangerous to depend on the latest 
 version of some jar from the repo, and likewise plugins. We 
 don't default to grabbing the LATEST dependency, the same 
 should be true for plugins. 
 -Original Message-
 From: John Casey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 11:00 AM
 To: Maven Developers List
 Subject: Re: Remove auto-resolution of plugin versions from Maven 2.1
 One thing I wanted to add:
 To me, it's critical to view your build script (or POM, or 
 whatever binding you have to a build infrastructure) as a 
 piece of the project code. The build - definition, shall we 
 say? - is responsible for modifying your source code into a 
 binary that works the way you would expect, and there are 
 many options for the different steps involved in this 
 process. This complexity means that there is a risk that the 
 build process could introduce unexpected problems that may 
 range from a file being out of place in the resulting binary, 
 to a compiler option turned off that should be on, to using 
 the wrong compiler.
 In other words, your build process is subject to bugs just 
 like your project source code is, and needs to be tested 
 alongside everything else. If you wait until release time to 
 exercise a particular piece of this code, that's not so 
 different from having a piece of code with absolutely no 
 tests make it into your final binary. This is the biggest 
 reason why I feel that locking down the POM at release time 
 is dangerous.
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RE: Remove auto-resolution of plugin versions from Maven 2.1

2007-04-12 Thread Kevin Menard

My point is that regardless of what the original intention may have
been, the current process facilitates laziness via SNAPSHOTs.  Without
them, incremental builds would be necessary, which would give fixed
version numbers with known binaries.

If the plan is to take actions to help prevent users from having things
break on them, this may be easier than the path you outlined.


 -Original Message-
 From: Brian E. Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 12:59 PM
 To: Maven Developers List
 Subject: RE: Remove auto-resolution of plugin versions from Maven 2.1
 Snapshots are not intended to be depended on outside the 
 context of the team working on it. Nothing released can ever 
 had snapshot dependencies (on plugins or dependencies). I 
 think what you are seeing is a symptom of longer release 
 cycles. People need something fixed, they take a snapshot and 
 move on. Unfortunately this is dangerous as you noted. We are 
 working on getting tighter release cycles and I think it's 
 starting to show recently.
 Here's how I deal with instances where I need a snapshot 
 plugin in my corp build:
 1. Checkout the code for the snapshot.
 2. Build it, changing the version to something like 
 2.0-[companyname]-svnrev 3. If I have to patch the source at 
 all, I take the whole thing and put it in my svn. If not, 
 then the svnrev in the release points me back to where I got 
 it in case I need it later.
 4. Deploy it to my repos.
 5. Use this now internally released version in my builds.
 It's a little extra work, especially when you get stuff that 
 has further snapshot dependencies etc, but it is most 
 definitely stable and reproducible. (even if our repo disappears). 
 -Original Message-
 From: Kevin Menard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 12:50 PM
 To: Maven Developers List
 Subject: RE: Remove auto-resolution of plugin versions from Maven 2.1
 A bit of a departure from the discussion, but still related . . .
 It may be worthwhile to rethink the whole SNAPSHOT system, too, then.
 Way too many plugins and dependencies sit in a SNAPSHOT 
 limbo, presumably because it's simpler than cutting a 
 release.  And then SNAPSHOT to SNAPSHOT may break builds.  In 
 this case, the user has specified precisely the version he 
 needs for his build (perhaps only SNAPSHOT has a particular 
 bug fix), but he's still just as vulnerable to having the rug 
 pulled out beneath him.
  -Original Message-
  From: Brian E. Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 11:08 AM
  To: Maven Developers List
  Subject: RE: Remove auto-resolution of plugin versions from 
 Maven 2.1
  John, I think you've hit the nail on the head here. If you 
 look at it 
  this way, your plugins used are no different than 
 dependencies. It's 
  very dangerous to depend on the latest version of some jar from the 
  repo, and likewise plugins. We don't default to grabbing the LATEST 
  dependency, the same should be true for plugins.
  -Original Message-
  From: John Casey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 11:00 AM
  To: Maven Developers List
  Subject: Re: Remove auto-resolution of plugin versions from 
 Maven 2.1
  One thing I wanted to add:
  To me, it's critical to view your build script (or POM, or whatever 
  binding you have to a build infrastructure) as a piece of 
 the project 
  code. The build - definition, shall we say? - is responsible for 
  modifying your source code into a binary that works the way 
 you would 
  expect, and there are many options for the different steps 
 involved in
  this process. This complexity means that there is a risk that the 
  build process could introduce unexpected problems that may 
 range from 
  a file being out of place in the resulting binary, to a compiler 
  option turned off that should be on, to using the wrong compiler.
  In other words, your build process is subject to bugs just 
 like your 
  project source code is, and needs to be tested alongside everything 
  else. If you wait until release time to exercise a 
 particular piece of
  this code, that's not so different from having a piece of code with 
  absolutely no tests make it into your final binary. This is the 
  biggest reason why I feel that locking down the POM at 
 release time is
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RE: Remove auto-resolution of plugin versions from Maven 2.1

2007-04-12 Thread Kevin Menard
I agree.  I am suggesting that it's a little too easy to use SNAPSHOTs
and that all that wonderful time maven was supposed to save you in
preparing releases is trumped by the time it takes to just append
-SNAPSHOT to a version number.  Sure, it's people abusing it, but it's
easy to abuse and looks like it's officially condoned as proper
behavior.  Things get even murkier when transitive dependencies are
considered.  So, I'm not suggesting dumping SNAPSHOT wholesale, but
making it more difficult to distribute an artifact via SNAPSHOT (maybe
require the end user to have to agree to use a new SNAPSHOT each time
one is available or something).

Maybe we'll just have to agree to disagree.  I will say that this matter
has bitten the Cayenne team a few times now, and we've come close to
dumping maven altogether.  It got to the point where we had to start
pinning SNAPSHOTs by timestamp via a guess and check method.  Perhaps
the plugin Nigel suggested would help matters, though.


 -Original Message-
 From: Brian E. Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 3:10 PM
 To: Maven Developers List
 Subject: RE: Remove auto-resolution of plugin versions from Maven 2.1
  Snapshots are a very good thing for internal development. It 
 would be impossible to manage my builds without them. I think 
 that people using snapshots of plugins are a symptom of 
 another problem -- long release cycles. Just because people 
 do bad things with snapshots doesn't mean snapshots should go away. 
 It already takes a little effort to get at them, the snapshot 
 repo isn't part of the super-pom, so if you go out of your 
 way to get them, you should understand the consequences. It's 
 like me picking up an unstable version of some jar and then 
 complaining that it broke later and asking the creators to 
 stop releasing unstable versions at all(that are clearly 
 marked as such). People would then just go get the code anyway.
 -Original Message-
 From: Kevin Menard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 1:09 PM
 To: Maven Developers List
 Subject: RE: Remove auto-resolution of plugin versions from Maven 2.1
 My point is that regardless of what the original intention 
 may have been, the current process facilitates laziness via 
 SNAPSHOTs.  Without them, incremental builds would be 
 necessary, which would give fixed version numbers with known binaries.
 If the plan is to take actions to help prevent users from 
 having things break on them, this may be easier than the path 
 you outlined.
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Sandbox question

2007-04-05 Thread Kevin Menard
Hi all,

I have an immature jython plugin I've been working on that has largely
been used internally.  It looks like something that the sandbox could be
useful for, but I'm debating the merits of just hosting it myself.  I
guess what would help me is understand what the sandbox provides.  Is it
just an SVN area?  Where would plugin docs, site, etc. be hosted?  Is
there some sort of graduation path up to a fully supported plugin?


Kevin Menard
Servprise International, Inc.
800.832.3823 x308 

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RE: Sandbox question

2007-04-05 Thread Kevin Menard
Hi Brian,

Thanks for the info.  I am already an ASF committer (Cayenne project),
but other than the initial message sent to the committers list regarding
the sandbox, I couldn't find much more on it.

I take it I can can just add my contribution to ?

Is there a standard place to put the site  docs or just my p.a.o
account?  Re: JIRA, how is that handled?  It looks like all the maven
JIRA items are hosted by codehaus . . .

Thanks again,

 -Original Message-
 From: Brian E. Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2007 9:47 AM
 To: Maven Developers List
 Subject: RE: Sandbox question
 Hi Kevin,
 The sandbox was created to give existing Apache committers a 
 place to create plugins that may potentially be brought up to 
 full released plugins. The benefits to putting them here are 
 that the infrastructure with all the other plugins will be 
 shared (Jira, Svn,Site etc) and it's the first place people 
 look for plugins. If you aren't already an Apache committer, 
 then an option would be to try the mojo project on codehaus 
 ( This is where we host plugins 
 that don't meet Apache licenses, or are developed by 
 non-apache committers (or they choose to put it there for 
 other reasons). The barriers to entry are lower in mojo, but 
 you still need to be active for a while and submit plugins 
 and patches via jira until you get voted in with full commit rights.
 Hosting a plugin yourself can certainly be easier in the 
 short term, but you will get more exposure and potential 
 users and developers on either of the 2 communities I 
 mentioned. It's also easier to get your builds onto the 
 central repository so people can easily use them.
 Hope that helps.
 -Original Message-
 From: Kevin Menard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2007 8:05 AM
 Subject: Sandbox question
 Hi all,
 I have an immature jython plugin I've been working on that 
 has largely been used internally.  It looks like something 
 that the sandbox could be useful for, but I'm debating the 
 merits of just hosting it myself.  I guess what would help me 
 is understand what the sandbox provides.  Is it just an SVN 
 area?  Where would plugin docs, site, etc. be hosted?  Is 
 there some sort of graduation path up to a fully supported plugin?
 Kevin Menard
 Servprise International, Inc.
 800.832.3823 x308 
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