Re: Calc behavior: result of 0 ^ 0

2013-02-09 Thread Guenter Marxen


I've looked in Wikipedia
and for me it seems very reasonable to keep the old behaviour, as 
according to this article many math and other software treats 0^0 = 1 
(see the paragraphs under "Treatment on computers").

According to the German wikipedia Donald Knuth refuses to define 
0^0=undefined but claims = 1 because otherwise many mathematical 
theorema would need special case treatments.

So also mathematicians define 0^0=1. So let 0^0=1 in AOO.

Günter Marxen

Am 10.02.2013 00:43, schrieb Rob Weir:

On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 6:11 PM, Andrea Pescetti  wrote:

A good practical example of backwards-incompatible changes in version 4.0 is
the behavior of Calc while computing 0 ^ 0.

You can find a long issue, with different points of view, about this at:
but in short:
- Obviously, 0 ^ 0 is an illegal operation in mathematics and the result is

Spreadsheets are used by businessmen and not only mathematicians.
Stability is important to them.  Getting different results in
different versions of OpenOffice would be a very scary thing.

- In 3.4.1, "=0 ^ 0" returns 1
- In 4.0, as patched by Pedro (see issue), "=0 ^ 0" would return an error
- According to ODF, valid results are 0, 1, error

In other words, the results we were giving before were entirely valid.

- We gain interoperability since Excel returns an error too

Microsoft has gone decades with treating the year 1900 as a leap year.
   Should we?

- We lose backwards compatibility if someone was relying on the fact that
OpenOffice returns 1 as the result of "=0 ^ 0"

Correct.  The fact is we have returned 1 for this calculation for over
a decade.  Whether mathematicians think it is right or wrong (and they
do not all agree), that is what we did.  So changing it now has the
potential to break real user spreadsheets. So this is a serious

I'm OK with the proposed change, provided we advertise it in the release
notes. I'm not aware of any cases where someone is actively using the fact
that in Calc 0 ^ 0 evaluates to 1, and even if someone did, I would say that
his spreadsheets should not compute 0 ^ 0 at all. A side benefit would be

For what advantage?  Better Microsoft interop?  OK. That is
reasonable.  But I would not support a similar change merely because
it amuses the mathematically curious.

that school students quickly wanting to find out what is the result of 0 ^ 0
would be told the truth (it's an error) instead of being presented with a
numeric result and no warnings. (Then the student would go on and write "= -
2 ^ 2" and have a lot of fun, but this is out of scope here).

We need to take our responsibility as stewards of OpenOffice
seriously.  And that means dealing with the fact that we have millions
of users and many millions of documents out there created with past
versions of OpenOffice.  We can't just change something because one
person feels like it.  Otherwise someone else can just change this
function back at a later date because they feel like it.  (ODF says 0
is also a permitted value.  Maybe someone wants to change to that?)
We need to discuss these kinds of changes.  Changing the behavior of a
Calc function, without prior discussion on the list, is entirely

Maybe this was not clear before, but as I stated in my other note, I
consider all changes that break backwards compatibility of public
API's and interfaces, including spreadsheet formulas, to be
controversial.  They should require Review-then-Commit.

Of course, having this discussion now, even after the code was checked
in, and starting to add info the Release Notes, is good progress.  But
I want to make sure we're all on the same page as to why such changes
are critical to have reviewed.

Is there consensus that this is a reasonable backwards-incompatible change,
or compelling reasons to revert it?

I already gave my concerns for accepting such changes:

1) We need Release notes.

2) We need Test cases

Dennis contributed the first.  It would be great to have a test
document attached to the issue so we can verify that other aspects of
the POWER() and associated ^ operator were not modified as well.  I
can come up with something and attach it to the BZ issue.




Re: Calc behavior: result of 0 ^ 0

2013-02-13 Thread Guenter Marxen


I reply to this mail, because I have some remarks to Andrea's statements 
(see below). But please excuse, if I (as german) perhaps use not always 
the right english words/expressions/definitions.)

But first:

Norbert Thibaud has cleared the mathematical questions and shown, that 
statements like Petros "0^0 = 1 is NOT mathematically correct." are 

0^0 is a "shortcut" or "symbol" for something meaningfull in special 
cases or models.

Mathematic is a set of theories that has (at least) 2 great sectors: 
Theoretical/pure mathematics and applied mathematics which are different 
in methodology.

"Pure" models or theories are based on axioms and definitions. Axioms 
must be "complete" and not "contradictory" but are otherwise "free". 
Definitions have to be reasonable (and helpfull). Statements/proofs (if 
derived correctly out of the axioms) are "true" only in the respective 
model. In other models they make no sense.

As the definition of 0^0 = 1 is _not_ wrong and not unreasonable (false 
is a wrong category in this case), for me the problems reduces to:

Are there more (and "heavier") advantages than disadvantages when 
changing the behaviour in Calc?

The whole line of OOo-versions (I have tested also with StarOffice 7 and 
8, if necessary I can also test with V5.2 but I think it's not worth the 
time to install etc.) defines 0^0=1. So generations of Calc-Spreadsheets 
rely on this even if only a very few may explicitly use this features.

On the other side only one advantage was cited: The compatibilty with 
Excel. For me, the backward-compatibility is worth more. (See also my 
comment to 5) below.)

Am 13.02.2013 01:00, schrieb Andrea Pescetti:

Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:

The objective is to achieve consensus.  I believe it is clear that
there is
no consensus on the proposed change and the proposal fails.

I still have to see some credible arguments here, since most of the
feedback was misplaced. What we learned so far is:

1) Nobody so far exhibited a spreadsheet that would be broken by the new
behavior. Rob has one, which was even published, so I'm sure he can

and Norbert has given another Example where the old definition allows to 
model the correct mathematical behaviour for x^y. And you forget the 
many generations of older spreadsheets.

share it for everybody to have a look. Even better, we have a fantastic
collection of Calc templates at ; seeing one of
those templates break would help.

2) Everybody feels the need to say something about 0 ^ 0, but threads
like this one are not pleasant to read. If you have nothing to say,
please don't say anything. And if you have a lot to say, please limit
yourself to what's strictly needed. Especially, undoing a volunteer's
work without some concrete (in ODF format, in this case!) reasons is
something the project must avoid.

Generally I agree with "must avoid". But I did not see a discussion, if 
this change shouldt be done.

3) Mathematics and the standards are two different worlds. If a standard
is mathematically wrong, change the standard and come back.

That is false: The standard is mathematically correct.

4) We implement a standard, ODF. There 0 ^ 0 can legitimately be
evaluated to 0, 1 or an error.

5) We read another standard, OOXML. There 0 ^ 0 can only be evaluated as
an error; the fact that OpenOffice will evaluate 0 ^ 0 from a XLSX file
to 1 is a bug.

This is false: It is no bug!
If Excel were the standard it would be true. And if, then calc must also 
implement the leap-year bug. (And I think nobody would want to implement 
such an error.)

But true is, that Calc now is not Excel-compatibel in this case which 
leads to the core-question "backwards-comp. vs. Excel comp.".

6) Anyone whose spreadsheets depend on 0 ^ 0 being evaluated to 1 (or to
zero, or to an error for that matter) has entered the dangerous world of
"implementation-defined" behavior: even if you save in a standard format

I'm a little bit confused. Everthing in applications is 
"implementation-defined" what else?

like ODF, your spreadsheet depends on a particular ODF implementation
(e.g., on the specific version of OpenOffice you used).

Also the change would be "implementation-defined" and the behaviour 
would shurely depend on the OOo-Version used.

Based on 5 and 6 I would actually still believe that it's good to
evaluate 0 ^ 0 to error (so that we fix the bug in 5 and we choose the
most strict behavior in 6). But I fully agree with Marcus in saying this
issue is much smaller than the discussion around it, so I can surely
change my opinion if I finally see some real-world spreadsheets impacted
by the change. When we have those, also Pedro will likely see reasons
for reverting the change. In short: provide concrete examples and
everybody will be happy.

Making controverse changes against many good reasons if not somebody 
else proves that it is negative, is no good collabo

Re: Draft blog post: International Mother Language Day 2013 -- Translations requested

2013-02-21 Thread Guenter Marxen

Hi Rob,

as I was several days "out of office", I saw your request only late this 
night. On the web site I saw no german translation, so I post you my 
text inline.

Use it as you like.

Warum der 21. Februar gewählt wurde

Der 21. Februar wurde von der UNESCO zum Internationalen Tag der 
Muttersprache (International Mother Language Day, IMLD) erklärt. Dieser 
Tag hat seinen Ursprung in der internationalen Anerkennung des Tages der 
Bewegung für die Sprache (Language Movement Day), an den seit 1952 in 
Bangladesh (dem früheren Ost-Pakistan) gedacht wird, als Studierende der 
Universität Dhaka während Demonstrationen für die Bengalische Sprache in 
Dhaka von der Polizei und der Armee getötet wurden. Dies war das einzige 
Mal, dass Menschen ihr Leben gaben, um die Freiheit zur Nutzung ihrer 
Muttersprache zu bewahren.

Zu ihrer Erinnerung wurde ein Denkmal mit Namen Shahid Minar ("Märtyrer 
für die Sprache") in der Universität von Dhaka errichtet. Jedes Jahr 
legen mehr als eine Million Menschen dort Blumen nieder. Dies ist ein 
großes Ereignis in Bangladesh, das viele Ausländer besuchen, um zu 
erleben, wie die Bangladeshi diesen tapferen Menschen ihren Respekt 
erweisen. Jede Stadt in Bangladesh besitzt ein Denkmal "Märtyrer für die 
Sprache", an dem die Bewohner Blumen niederlegen. Ein solches Denkmal 
ist auch im Ikebukoro-Park in Tokyo, Japan, errichtet, ebenso in den 
USA, in Großbritannien, in Italien und vielen anderen Ländern.

Denken Sie bitte über Ihre Muttersprache nicht nur am 21. Februar nach.

OpenOffice and Sprachenvielfalt

Heutzutage besteht die Gefahr für Muttersprachen nicht nur in der 
Unterdrückung durch Regierungen. Da wir zunehmend elektronisch 
kommunizieren und arbeiten, ist die Unterstützung von Muttersprachen in 
unserer Software ein kritischer Punkt. Falls eine Sprache in Programmen 
nicht gut unterstützt wird, sind diese Sprache und diese Muttersprachler 
stark benachteiligt. Daher wird bei Apache OpenOffice großer Wert darauf 
gelegt, sprachliche Vielfalt zu unterstützen.

Es gibt mehr als 6000 Sprachen weltweit, aber wenn eine Sprache nicht zu 
einem der wirtschaftlich starken G20-Länder gehört, tendieren 
kommerzielle Software-Hersteller dazu, sie zu ignorieren. Die 
OpenOffice-Gemeinschaft hat eine lang währende Tradition darin, eine 
große Anzahl von Sprachen zu unterstützen einschließlich Sprachen 
kleiner Völker, Minderheitensprachen, gefährdete Sprachen usw. 
Beispielsweise besitzt Süd-Afrika elf offizielle Sprachen. OpenOffice 
ist in alle diese Sprachen übersetzt worden. Indem wir Sprachen 
unterstützen, die ansonsten nicht unterstützt würden, helfen wir, den 
"digitalen Ausschluss" zu reduzieren und unterstützen Entwicklung, 
Ausbildung und Verwaltung dieser Länder.

Als eine von Freiwilligen getragene, nicht Gewinn orientierte 
Organisation hängt Apache OpenOffice von Helfern ab, die OpenOffice 
übersetzen. Mit Ihrer Hilfe können wir Hunderte von Sprachen 
unterstützen. Eine Liste der Sprachen, die wir zur Zeit unterstützen 
(wollen), finden Sie href="";>hier. 
Kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie helfen können.



Günter Marxen

Re: Draft blog post: International Mother Language Day 2013 -- Translations requested

2013-02-22 Thread Guenter Marxen

Am 22.02.2013 15:10, schrieb Rob Weir:

2013/2/21 Guenter Marxen :

Hi Rob,

as I was several days "out of office", I saw your request only late this
night. On the web site I saw no german translation, so I post you my text

Thanks.  I've added it to the post.


Thanks. A little correction:

Instead of
"OpenOffice and Sprachenvielfalt" :

"OpenOffice und Sprachenvielfalt".


Günter Marxen

Re: Draft blog post: International Mother Language Day 2013 -- Translations requested

2013-02-22 Thread Guenter Marxen

Am 22.02.2013 15:59, schrieb Guenter Marxen:

Am 22.02.2013 15:10, schrieb Rob Weir:

Thanks.  I've added it to the post.


Thanks. A little correction:

Sorry for not to have looked precisely enough. I have two little 

In German there is correct either

Warum der 21. Februar gewählt wurde (without question mark)
Warum wurde der 21. Februar gewählt?(with q-mark)


Instead of
"OpenOffice and Sprachenvielfalt" :

"OpenOffice und Sprachenvielfalt".


Günter Marxen

Re: A question about existing practices

2013-03-18 Thread Guenter Marxen


Am 18.03.2013 19:05, schrieb Dave Fisher:

There is no consensus here to eliminate or reset the votes. Some who are more 
in touch with users have stated that it would be harmful. I trust their 

as a longtime "OpenOffice"-user (since StarWriter 2.0), I think that in 
this case, Rob is wrong and resetting the votes would be something like 
an offense to us, the "old" users, who wrote and commented issues or 
voted for issues for many years.

I mainly used Writer, writing long texts with many images and many 
references (f.e. an SO-/OOo-manual, widely spread in the german speaking 
universities) and in times before the turbulences around OOo I made bug 
and enhancement issues and also voted for issues.

Look f.e. at issue 5608 

It was raised in 2002 and the latest comment is dated 2012. (I did not 
find "my votes" and the number of votes in bugzilla, but I think, I 
voted for it in 2004.)
Although the issue is ten years old and nobody worked on it, it remains 
a very important enhancement issue for all, who are writing long texts 
with (many) references. The issue is not at all outdated!

The same is valid for issue 11901 
( and many others.

I always have accepted, that the lack of ressources/developers prevents 
to solve some/many issues "in time", but I could hardly accept, that 
"old" stuff in bugzilla is reset/deleted and hence forgotten. I think, 
that some old users ("issuers") would be frustrated.

Instead of resetting the votes, one could have a list of 'issues with 
many votes', "weight" them (f.e. as proposed by a survey) and then let 
the volunteers/developers decide, if they want to work on their "most 
important" issues in the list.
And perhaps for another ten years nobody is found to work on some or all 
of them! But that does not change the importance of such issues 
(provided that importance is not only measured by age).

Special cases are concerns/issues by "users" like the city of Munich (as 
an "beacon project", Leuchtturmprojekt), which can weight more than 1000 
individual votes.

If the process is transparent, users and "issuers" will understand (and 
be patient).


Günter Marxen

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Re: A question about existing practices

2013-03-19 Thread Guenter Marxen


I have a little bit the impression, that Rob and Jürgen are not 
understanding, what is meant.

There is no demand, that special issues shouldt be resolved asap.
There is no demand, to give a date or release, when the issue is resolved.

There is only the wish, issues not to reset or to delete, that users 
find _important to make their work with OpenOffice easier and better_.

The fact, that a user does not repeat his comments or requests each 
year, does not mean, that he is no longer interrested in the issue.

It was good practice in the "old" community (as far as I know), that 
issues and comments and votes never were reset or deleted. And it would 
be contra-productive to begin with such "customs" in the "new" community.

There is no missunderstanding (at least on my side) about this project, 
the ressources and possibilities and I read (or remember) not any 
comment by others in this thread, that could be interpreted in this sense.

But to mention it here, Rob: There was one developer who "cared" for 
5608 in 2008 (see "down under").

Some further comments inline:

Am 19.03.2013 17:15, schrieb Jürgen Schmidt:

On 3/19/13 5:04 PM, Rob Weir wrote:

On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 11:19 AM, RGB ES  wrote:

2013/3/19 Rob Weir 

On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 9:21 PM, Guenter Marxen

Am 18.03.2013 19:05, schrieb Dave Fisher:

There is no consensus here to eliminate or reset the votes. Some who are
more in touch with users have stated that it would be harmful. I trust



Look f.e. at issue 5608

I suppose it depends on how you define "important".

There is nothing to suppose because I defined it: Working better on 
"...long texts with (many) references".

That's surely far from being 'important for everyone'.

Since issue 5608

was entered, back in 2002, we've fixed 36054 issues in Bugzilla.
(31064 defects, 3839 enhancements and 1151 features). So that many
bugs were fixed, or enhancements/features implemented, while issue
#5608 was not.  I don't know how you define "important", but to me
something that is behind 36,054 other items is as close to unimportant
as I can imagine.

Your arguing is not reasonable, because importance is never defined by 
mere numbers. I accept, that "important" issues are not touched because 
of lack of ressources. But f.e. the second mentioned issue 11901 is a 
great disadvantage and "incompatibility" compared with the leading word 

Remember, what things a developer chooses to code on is also a vote.
They vote with their time.  I count that kind of vote very highly,
since it is backed up by actions.  Those 36054 issues were important
enough for someone to actually invest their time into fixing it.

They "vote" relying on their "preferences" and "likes".

A developer, who never writes long texts with many references may say 
5608 is unimportant and I accept his opinion. But perhaps in short time, 
a new volunteer really understands the issue and likes to work on it.

I don't mean to offend anyone by telling them that their issue is not

I am not extremly touchy. ;-)

Rob, I think you are missing the point here. I agree that the choice of a
I insist: "we cannot do that now" is not the same of "we will not do that
simply because nobody did it before".

RGB ES, you are right. Thanks.

But this is not a case of "we don't have someone right now to work on
it". It is not a case of "not today, but maybe next week".  This is
not a case of "Sorry, we can't fit it in this release, but maybe we'll
do it in the next release."  What this is is a case where no one,
absolutely no one, zero, zip, nada, gar nichts, nobody has cared to
deal with the issue in over a decade.  That screams out UNIMPORTANT.

Strange logic and false. That only screams out, that there was (or 
remained) nobody, who understood the function or who had the time to 
work on it.

But see comment #38 by Mathias Bauer (StarDivision/Sun, 2008), who 
"cared" and targeted 5608 to 3.x. The reason why it was not resolved 
then, seems clear to me.

Remember, there is such thing as false hope. And if ever there was an
example of false hope it is someone hoping for a decade old issue in
Bugzilla that has been passed by by thousands of other issues.

Strange logic. I'm not in a sentimental mood. But resolving enhancement 
issues like 5608 and 11901 would be a valuable improvement for a not so 
tiny group of users (f.e. at universities and alike).

But you are completely right, for the "tiny text writers" these issues 
are "not important", they even do not need Writer. (Are this the target 
users of AOO?)

I believe this thread will not bring any new information and we should

Re: [VOTE] Logo selection for Apache OpenOffice 4.0

2013-06-04 Thread Guenter Marxen



My ranked preferences for the AOO 4.0 logo are:

1st Choice:

  - the gulls from Kevin
  - the fonts, font attributes and "text positions" of the old logo

2nd Choice: None of the above (our current logo)

3rd Choice: Samer Mansour (because of "text  position")

4th Choice: Kevin Grignon A (because of gulls)

5th Choice:


Günter Marxen

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Re: [VOTE][RESULTS] Logo selection for Apache OpenOffice 4.0

2013-06-07 Thread Guenter Marxen

Hi Rob,

you invited all to vote (although only pmc member votes are binding).

You did not report the non-pmc-votes. Are they not worth to be reported 
or was there a complete other (perhaps unwanted) result?

Günter Marxen

Am 06.06.2013 19:11, schrieb Rob Weir:

Here are the binding votes, with names abbreviated as:

CR = Chris Rottensteiner
KGa = Kevin Grignon A
KGb = Kevin Grignon AB
SM = Samer Monsour
none = none of the above

PMC   1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
robweir   CR  KGa KGb SM
reginanoneCR  Logo-39 Logo-28
rgb-esnoneSM  CR  KGa KGb
arist  SM  CR  KGa none
kschenk   Logo-28 Logo-31 KGb CR  none
pescetti  CR  SM  noneKGa KGb
hdu   KGa KGb Logo-11 SM  CR
khirano   noneKGa CR  SM  KGb
mayongl   noneCR  KGa
alg   noneCR  SM  KGb KGa
orw   CR  SM  none
jsc   CR  noneSM  KGa
afCR  SM  KGa none
arielch   none
pjCR  Logo-04

We have 15 ballots, so 8 votes are required to win.

With Instant Runoff Voting we proceed in multiple rounds.  In each
round we tally the votes, see if anyone logo has the majority.  If
none do, then we drop the lowest scoring logo and reallocate the votes
for those who picked the lowest scoring logo to their next ordered
preference.  Ties are broken by "looking forward" to next level

Round 1

CR: 6 votes
none: 6 votes
SM: 1 vote
Logo-28: 1 vote

There is a tie for last place (SM and Logo-28) so we look forward to
2nd place preferences as a tiebreaker and see that SM has 4 votes and
Logo-28 has zero.  So we drop Logo-28 and move to Kay's 2nd preference
(Logo-31) for Round 2.

Round 2

CR: 6 votes
none: 6 votes
SM: 1 vote
Logo-31: 1 vote

Again, no logo has a majority, so we drop the lowest scoring logo.
Again, a tie, so we look forward at next preferences where SM has 4
votes and Logo-31 has zero.  So we drop Logo-31 and move to Kay's next
preference (KGb) for Round 3.

Round 3

CR: 6 votes
none: 6 votes
SM: 1 vote
KGb: 1 vote

Again, no logo has a majority, so we drop the lowest scoring logo.
Again, a tie, so we look forward at next preference where SM has 4
votes and KGb has 1.  So we drop KGb and move to Kay's next preference
(CR) for Round 4.

Round 4

CR: 7 votes
none: 6 votes
SM: 1 vote

Again, no logo has a majority, so we drop the lowest scoring logo, SM,
and reallocate Andrew's vote to his next choice, CR for round 5.

Round 5

CR: 8 votes
none: 6 votes

CR now has the majority and wins.  Note this is intuitively obvious as
well, since 75% of the ballots rated CR higher than none.



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Günter Marxen

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Re: [VOTE][RESULTS] Logo selection for Apache OpenOffice 4.0

2013-06-07 Thread Guenter Marxen

Am 08.06.2013 00:39, schrieb Rob Weir:

On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 5:32 PM, Guenter Marxen

Hi Rob,

you invited all to vote (although only pmc member votes are binding).

You did not report the non-pmc-votes. Are they not worth to be reported or
was there a complete other (perhaps unwanted) result?

I did not tally those votes since they were non-binding.   However,

But they couldt have given good hints for an further improvement of the 
logo. (That could be achieved in very short time (72 hours).)

all votes were echoed to the mailing list and are available in the
archives, if anyone wants to analyze them further.

So to say, we (as users, normal or power users) can spare every effort 
(votes, BZ reports etc.) because they are not (you say) "binding", but 
definetely it means not "worth to consider".

It's the same as in case with the votes in BZ. In your mail of 
2013-03-20 (ID 
you wrote

"... So my approach will be to not use Bugzilla issues at all."

Why shoudt we, users (and supporters) of AOO, do any tests and BZ 
reports if they are not used "at all"?

Perhaps a not so "efficient" technocratic view like yours would be 
better for the product in such cases, although in many (or most) other 
aspects it's adequate.

Günter Marxen

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Re: Article on the Register

2013-06-11 Thread Guenter Marxen


Am 11.06.2013 18:49, schrieb Rob Weir:

Put a new entry there for "News" or "Blog" and have that link to the blog.

+1 (perhaps even News and Blog)


Günter Marxen

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Re: [VOTE][RESULTS] Logo selection for Apache OpenOffice 4.0

2013-06-11 Thread Guenter Marxen

Hi Andrea,

thank you for your reply. Perhaps sometimes or always my mails look 
"argumentative", my concern is not.

If you invite to participate and then "use it not at all", that is not 
motivating for engaged users. But this thread is past. (The next thread 
will come ;-).

Am 11.06.2013 22:11, schrieb Andrea Pescetti:

All indications from the 5000+ survey participants were given to the
designers. Designers converged towards a common design and, if you see
the final pool where we picked the final one from, you'll notice that
they became all very similar to each other, and the final round picked
the adapted version of the most voted logo in the survey. So the
community at large was decisive the logo selection.

That's true and accepted. All "last" logos resembled the old one with 
little differences. Therefore a synthesis of all could have been again a 
little bit better. (Sure it would have taken more time.)

F.e. for me the gulls of Kevin are more "dynamic", fonts etc. of the old 
logo more harmonic.

But this case is finished.

Why shoudt we, users (and supporters) of AOO, do any tests and BZ
reports if they are not used "at all"?

Because all contributions are welcome and we surely don't look too much

See 2. para at the top.

at who reported a bug, we look at the bug. Let's take the Sidebar for
example. As you can see in the Sidebar had 121
bugs reported so far, coming from regular contributors but also from the
public at large, and all have been taken seriously (97% of them have
already been fixed).

As I wrote in other mails, I absolutely accept priorities.

Perhaps a not so "efficient" technocratic view like yours would be
better for the product in such cases, although in many (or most) other
aspects it's adequate.

The project in general does not have a "technocratic" view. But we are
still in a situation where unless one regularly reads this list (and
traffic here is likely too much for someone who only wants to get some
basic updates) it is difficult to stay informed. We have margin for

I read not all mails but most of the mails in "important" (for me) threads.

improvement in internal communication. Maybe we would need something
like an "OpenOffice Weekly News", a summary periodically posted to the
list by someone, so that all contributors can read it to be sure that
they aren't missing anything important...

Perhaps this would increase the information wave and be 
contraproductive. On the other side structured information about this 
would be an advantage for the projekt but time consuming work.

So for now let us argument a (not too) little bit.


Günter Marxen

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Re: Building the PDF Import extension

2013-07-21 Thread Guenter Marxen


Am 21.07.2013 15:43, schrieb Regina Henschel:

Andrea Pescetti schrieb:

where the old extension is expected to work). Do people who use other
operating systems have problems?

This is tracked in issue 122733.

Ariel has build the extension newly. Find it in

I have tested the version aoo-pdf-import-0.0.1-windows-x86.oxt on
Windows7. It works fine.

I have tested it with AOO 4 RC2 under Win 7 Pro x64, installed for all 
users. Tests OK.


Günter Marxen

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Update 3.4.1 -> 4.0.0

2013-07-25 Thread Guenter Marxen


with AOO 3.4.1 DE with system integration under Win 7 Pro x64 I just 
tested the upgrade "mechanisme" to 4.0.

After klicking on "... Update available" (German: "... Update 
verfügbar") at the right in the menue bar and then in the following 
dialog on "Download" ("Herunterladen"), there is shown the web-page

  (1) The prominent headline is "Announcing Apache OpenOffice 3.4"

  (2) There is no "prominent" link to "download AOO 4".

I think unexperienced users are disturbed and perhaps they don't know 
how to go on.

Only after klicking on "Download" in the "menue bar" of this page with 
"Produkte   Download   Support ..." there is the download link for AOO 4 
"Windows (EXE) and Deutsch".

But furthermore I suggest to make the link for "all platforms, 
_languages_..." more prominent for those (like me) who install several 
language packs (and do not check all text on the page).


Günter Marxen

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dead link on

2013-07-29 Thread Guenter Marxen


I checked the new German page and found 
one error: When I click on [Herunterladen] in the "menue bar", I get 
error 404.

The link is
instead of
(see "Ich möchte OpenOffice herunterladen").


Günter Marxen

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first start of AOO 4

2013-07-29 Thread Guenter Marxen


now I have installed "AOO 4 de" with system integration (Win 7 Pro x64) 
without deleting AOO 3.4.1 during install.

During the first start AOO 4 asks if it should install the dictionaries 
of AOO 3.4.1.
Answering yes is OK (dict is installed in AOO4), but when clicking 
[Abbrechen] (Cancel), AOO 4 is aborted too.

Worth an issue?

The Spelling Checker "Duden Korrektor 6.0.0" seems to be incompatibel 
with AOO 4 ("loading component library failed..."). Or has anybody other 


Günter Marxen

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Re: first start of AOO 4

2013-07-30 Thread Guenter Marxen

Hi Jürgen,

Am 30.07.2013 06:15, schrieb Juergen Schmidt:

Am Montag, 29. Juli 2013 um 16:52 schrieb Guenter Marxen:

The Spelling Checker "Duden Korrektor 6.0.0" seems to be incompatibel
with AOO 4 ("loading component library failed..."). Or has anybody other

The Duden corrector is a C++  extension and they become easier incompatible. 
But with the stlport change for AOO 4.0 it is natural that it is incompatible 
and needs at least a recompilation.
Especially for C++ extensions the maintainer should use a max version 
dependency and should ensure if everything works.
Even a compiler upgrade can cause an incompatible change.

many thanks. I'll ask the Duden publisher and report, when an 
AOO4-version is available.

(If I understand it correctly, since AOO 4 there is no longer extension 
compatibility with LO. I'm curious what Duden publisher decides.)


Günter Marxen

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Export of PDF/A-1a faulty ?

2013-08-01 Thread Guenter Marxen


AOO 4 under Win 7 Pro x64.

I've exported a Calc sheet as PDF/A-1a file, looked in Acrobat 8 Pro the 
properties: No security.

I opened the PDF/A file in AOO 4 with aoo-pdf-import 0.1.0, could 
"correct" and save it again as PDF/A-1a file. (In Acrobat "no security" 

Perhaps I do not understand correctly, but I think exporting a PDF/A-1a 
file which can easily be changed is a bug?


Günter Marxen

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Re: Export of PDF/A-1a faulty ?

2013-08-01 Thread Guenter Marxen

Hi Herbert,

Am 01.08.2013 13:38, schrieb Herbert Duerr:

PDF/A is a document format for long term preservation so it has some
constraints to facilitate this. See ISO 19005 for details or [1]
(provided by the Library of Congress) for an overview over these
constraints. Here is the relevant excerpt:

- Encryption is disallowed
- Audio and video content are forbidden
- Javascript and executable file launches are prohibited
- All fonts must be embedded and also must be legally embeddable for
unlimited, universal rendering
- Colorspaces specified in a device-independent manner
- Use of standards-based metadata is mandated


many thanks. Without knowing the details I had in mind, that "archived 
pdf documents" were "revisionssicher".

Are there tools, to produce readable "really protected" pdf documents?

(Adobe gives a warning in Acrobat Pro 8, that third party tools can 
bypass this sort of password protection of pdf files.)


Günter Marxen

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Re: Export of PDF/A-1a faulty ?

2013-08-01 Thread Guenter Marxen

Hi Herbert,

Am 01.08.2013 16:30, schrieb Herbert Duerr:

You probably want the signed PDFs and checking them ensures a PDF has
not been tampered with. AOO doesn't yet support it [1], but there are
third-party tools for signing the PDF or for encrypting the file itself.


many thanks for the infos.


Günter Marxen

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Re: first start of AOO 4

2013-08-04 Thread Guenter Marxen

thank you, Andrea,

if it's already covered in the release notes then I can spare my time 
opening an issue.




Am 03.08.2013 14:32, schrieb Andrea Pescetti:

On 29/07/2013 Guenter Marxen wrote:

During the first start AOO 4 asks if it should install the dictionaries
of AOO 3.4.1.
Answering yes is OK (dict is installed in AOO4), but when clicking
[Abbrechen] (Cancel), AOO 4 is aborted too.
Worth an issue?

Is it similar (albeit much simpler) to what I describe in
i.e., you get an error but you can then restart OpenOffice 4 and
everything works as expected? On that case, this doesn't sound
particularly problematic and it's already covered in the Release Notes.


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Re: [Proposal] Update Icons for AOO 4.1

2013-10-18 Thread Guenter Marxen

Am 18.10.2013 14:51, schrieb Jürgen Schmidt:

we should this discuss on the list only ... I have added a comment
already but my preference would be

1. drop it completely or

plus: ... members of the OpenOffice community.

and perhaps (compare with "Help, Info"):

"Copyright ... The A... S... F..."


Günter Marxen

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Re: AOO on Nexus 7 and the Kim Komando Show

2013-10-22 Thread Guenter Marxen

Am 22.10.2013 22:31, schrieb Louis Suárez-Potts:

@ all (including me, who is lazier than most and even more shameless): please 
bottom post. :-)


Louis, thanks. But I wouldt like a little bit more.

I am very astonished, that on this list with very experienced users 
nearly _nobody_ follows the netiquette when responding.

I think, that nearly everybody uses a mail client which is able to 
handle threats.

It would be much more easy and time saving (for all) to follow a thread 
(and participate), when mails are short and not containing all ever 
given answers.

Don't take it only as criticism or disapproval but as an "enhancement 


Günter Marxen

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regression bug in Writer: Writer freezes - mail merge - page preview

2013-11-03 Thread Guenter Marxen


regression bug in AOO 4.0 (I did not find an issue).

Win 7 Pro x64 German, AOO 4.0.1 German, 4.0.0 de and en(US);
  AOO 3.4.1 de is OK

AOO 4.0.1 freezes (after a little time) when clicking on button preview> if address table is open ( "view data sources").

open a mail-merge document, open the adress-table with , fill in an 

click on button .

After some seconds a (Windows-) message window appears "OpenOffice 4.0.1 
does not function anymore" (German: OpenOffice 4.0.1 funktioniert nicht 
mehr) and "a solution is searched".

After some time the whole OO-window is gray and it can only be closed in 
the message window with a button .

It is the same with 4.0.0 de and en(US). But OO 3.4.1 de is OK (with the 
same files).


Günter Marxen

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Re: regression bug in Writer: Writer freezes - mail merge - page preview

2013-11-03 Thread Guenter Marxen

Thanks, Ariel,

this seams to be the appropriate issue.

@ Liu Ping: Therefor no action on my side is necessary.


Günter Marxen

Am 04.11.2013 05:11, schrieb Ariel Constenla-Haile:

On Mon, Nov 04, 2013 at 02:29:56AM +0100, Guenter Marxen wrote:

regression bug in AOO 4.0 (I did not find an issue).

This looks like


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Re: [API] Priority Problem with AND and OR

2015-10-12 Thread Guenter Marxen


Am 12.10.2015 um 21:40 schrieb Mathias Röllig:

What do you expect?
For logical operations AND is equivalent to * and OR is equivalent to +.

no, that's not true. AND and OR have the same priority, just as * and /
(division). (* and / have a higher priority than + and -.)

AND should have a higher priority than OR, so I would expect in both

Expressions have to be evaluated from left to right with respect to
priority and parenthesis.

"and" and "or" are binary operators. Therfore your examples can be
written as "A or B" where "B = (C and D)". If you write your example as
"A or (C and D)" then it is the same and everyone sees immediatly, how
it is evaluated.

In both cases, the result is TRUE, because
"TRUE or anything" is TRUE, just as "TRUE or (anything)".

"(A or B) and C" is totally different.

On you can create "tables of
truth" (Wahrheitstabellen) for logical expressions like "A or B and C"
and more complex ones.

cases (because TRUE Or () = TRUE):
bResult = TRUE
But you will get

Is there any explanation that AND and OR have (and should have) the same

It is as it is!


Günter Marxen

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