[dev] how to include the dynamic library (.dll) somewhere in .oxt file

2008-04-16 Thread Makrand Mane

I am building one extension(.oxt) using  netbeans  and  java.

In which task I am using some external libraries (Dlls) .or as third
party .dll files

So  how do I  include  this  external libraries while building .oxt
file  so I can use my .oxt file in any computer

how to include the  dynamic library (.dll) somewhere in .oxt file

 (but i don't want to list it in the oxt's manifest file).

it possible to do this ?

Please help me I stuck on this point from last some days



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Re: [dev] how to include the dynamic library (.dll) somewhere in .oxt file

2008-04-16 Thread Stephan Bergmann

Makrand Mane wrote:


I am building one extension(.oxt) using  netbeans  and  java.

In which task I am using some external libraries (Dlls) .or as third
party .dll files

So  how do I  include  this  external libraries while building .oxt
file  so I can use my .oxt file in any computer

how to include the  dynamic library (.dll) somewhere in .oxt file

 (but i don't want to list it in the oxt's manifest file).

it possible to do this ?

Please help me I stuck on this point from last some days



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[dev] Beijing Conference gotchas ?

2008-04-16 Thread Caolan McNamara
Not sure I'll be at the Beijing conference at this early stage, but
nevertheless as of the 14th Apr according to Chinese Embassy in Ireland


For the purpose to do business or attend a meeting or conference,
single or double entry are required.  The original version of invitation
letter from an authorized Chinese Government Department or
Government-authorized Company, the two-way flight ticket, and hotel
booking confirmation are required.

This seems to suggest, on the face of it, that to attend OOoCon I'd need
an invitation letter from some government approved body ?


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[dev] Re: Installing OOo 2.4.0 and DEV300m5 in parallel on Ubuntu

2008-04-16 Thread NoOp
On 04/02/2008 07:33 PM, Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:
 Michele escribió:
 I would like to install OOo2.4 with the DEV300m5 in parallel on my ubuntu
 box, but I don't know how. They are both called openoffice, so when i try to
 install dpkg *substitutes* one version with the other.
 I have found this command for RPMs in an old setup guide:
 rpm -ivh --install --dbpath /home/user1/office/.rpm --nodeps --prefix
 /home/user1/office/ openoffice*.rpm
 where /home/user1/office/.rpm is the directory where the second installation
 should be.
 Is there an equivalent command for dpkg? is there an alternative method
 Hi Michele,
 explains how to install 2.* in parallel.
 Tonight I finish building DEV300_m5 (which installs in three layers) and 
 I'll see how to update that Wiki page

Those instructions only show RPM and Windows. There are no instructions
for DEB.

DEV300m5-7 install over the existing 2.x install (m3 did not do this).

I've filed a new bug regarding this issue.


Apologies for including the install log in the bug vs adding as an
attachment. I realised that I should have added the log as an attachment
after I hit the submit button.

I've found that the 2.x installs can be moved to a home folder and run
from there once the file ownerships are changed:

sudo chown -R user:usergroup /home/user/OOofoldername

Same for DEV300M7, but in this case you need to move both the
/opt/ooo-dev3 and the /opt/openoffice.org folders to the home target
directory. soffice doesn't seem to want to work, but swriter etc., all
work from the new home folder.

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[dev] Re: Installing OOo 2.4.0 and DEV300m5 in parallel on Ubuntu

2008-04-16 Thread NoOp
On 04/16/2008 05:25 PM, NoOp wrote:
 On 04/16/2008 02:50 PM, Michele wrote:
 Hello NoOp,
 I have followed your instrructions but rather than moving teh
 development version, I have actually moved the stable version into my
 /home so now I can keep up to speed with the various DEV300 versions.
 DEV300m5 had a problem with the desktop integration (the version was
 still called OpenOffice instead of OOoDev) so I had to create the
 menus manually, but it is not a big deal.
 If you have some time I think you should document your method of
 installing parallel versions on the wiki. It most certainly helped me
 get going.
 Ah... you mean the instructions I posted on the Ubuntu user list; glad
 that worked out for you :-) I also have 2.3.1, 2.4.0, and 3.0dev all
 working on the same machine.  I'll try to clean up the instructions so
 that they are more 'debian generic' like (meaning using command line vs
 Nautilus etc) and post back here when done. Then the more experienced
 debian users/developers et al can review  modify if necessary, and then
 put up on the wiki if they wish.

Here you go:

The following is Ubuntu (Gnome) oriented, but can easily be modified for
standard Debian. Sorry, I don't Kubuntu/KDE.

The instructions assume that:
1) you already have a working OOo version (non-Ubuntu) on your system,
2) are familiar with Ubuntu Gnome linux. The following has been tested
on Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy) and Ubuntu 8.04 Beta (Hardy).

I have OOo 2.3.1 installed and I want to keep a working version of 2.3.1
but also install the latest 2.4.x. The instructions on
http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Run_OOo_versions_parallel only
provide information for RPM and Windows. How do I do the same with .deb

In this example I wish to keep 2.3.1 (already installed) and install 2.4.0:

1. First I make a target directory to for OOo 2.3.1 in my /home directory:


sudo mkdir /home/username/OOo2.3.1

2. Then I copy my existing OOo 2.3.1 to that directory:


sudo cp -R /opt/openoffice.org2.3 /home/username/OOo2.3.1

3. Now I need to change the ownership of the files in the target to my
username and usergroup:


sudo chown -R username:usergroup /home/username/OOo2.3.1

4. Now create a user directory and tell OOo where to find it:


sudo mkdir ~/.openoffice2.3.1
cd /home/username/OOo2.3.1/openoffice.org2.3/program
chmod +w chmod +w bootstraprc

Now you can open this file with your text editor and change the line
starting with UserInstallation= as follows:


5. Now run soffice to register and ensure everything works:



or if you've changed directories by some chance:

/home/username/OOo2.3.1/openoffice.org2.3/program ./soffice

Note: you can substitute ./soffice with ./swriter if you feel more
comfortable bringing up an OOo application from the start.

6. With the initialization completed you can delete the
/opt/openoffice2.3 folder and/or better yet, remove/uninstall via the
Synaptic Package Manager or similar.
mark for complete removal the installed 2.3.1 OOo files.

7. Now let's create a menu item so that we don't have to drop to the
terminal and cd to /home/username/OOo2.3.1/openoffice.org2.3/program
each time we wish to run 2.3.1. Again remember this is Ubuntu Gnome:

- right click on Applications and select Edit Menus
- select office and then New Item
- in Name: enter OOo2.3.1 or similar
- in Command select the Browse button and browse to
/home/username/OOo2.3.1/openoffice.org2.3/program - then select
'soffice' or 'swriter' if you are more comfortable with opening in
Writer, then click Open.
I'll leave it up to the reader to figure out how to put a nice OOo icon
in the menu...

8. Now install 2.4.0. Don't forget to also install the
desktop-integration deb
so that you have the full menus in Application|Office. You can now run
both 2.3.1 and 2.4.0 on the same machine *and* at the same time if you wish.

Note: you can substitute 2.3.1 with 2.4.0 above etc. Also if you'd like
to run the standard OOo (2.x) plus your Ubuntu distro OOo (xiamian)
version, just repeat step #6 (uninstall OOo) and then reinstall your (U)OOo:


sudo apt-get install --reinstall openoffice.org ubuntu-desktop

You can then run (U)OOo as usual, and your other OOo
(standard)OOo2.3.1/2.4.0 via the home directory that you installed the
standard OOo version to. You also can run the standard OOo (from the
/home directory) and (U)OOo at the same time.

*None of this* negatates the requirement for OOo to provide a proper OOo
install script that will allow .deb linux users to install to a target
directory rather than the default /opt directory. This option is
available for Windows users via the Custom Install option and should
also be provided to linux users as well; preferably to a home/user
directory. Ideally future OOo versions will also provide the same for

Re: [dev] Re: Installing OOo 2.4.0 and DEV300m5 in parallel on Ubuntu

2008-04-16 Thread Ariel Constenla-Haile

Hi NoOp,

NoOp escribió:

I have OOo 2.3.1 installed and I want to keep a working version of 2.3.1
but also install the latest 2.4.x. The instructions on
http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Run_OOo_versions_parallel only
provide information for RPM and Windows. How do I do the same with .deb

it seems you didn't read very well that wiki page (or didn't pay much 
attention): on the first paragraph it said (past, as now I've changed 
it) Notice that we use an RPM version, but as we are extracting the 
files, it works also for installing in Debian based distributions.

The method worked perfectly on Debian, Ubuntu, and other distros that 
use DEB packages instead of RPM: the package format does not matter 
because it's not beeing installed, but extracted, you only needed to 
install rpm2cio.

Any way now I added explanations for RPM and DEB packages, both for 2.* 
versions and 3-layer-versions.

So now the explanation for DEB packages is reduced to:

#extrat the tarball
tar -zxvf OOo-Dev_DEV300_m7_LinuxIntel_install_en-US_deb.tar.gz

#cd the folder with the debs
cd DEV300_m7_native_packed-1_en-US.9293/DEBS/

# create a temp folder, cd, and extract the files from the debs
for i in ../*.deb; do dpkg-deb -x $i . ; done

# simply move the opt folder to your home dir, renaming it
mv opt ~/OOo_DEV300_m7

The result is a completely self-contained installation (without any 
system/desktop integration, and with its own user directory inside)

IMHO simpler impossible (notice that I tested this installing DEBs 
packages on SuSe and RPMs in Ubuntu; so the package format has no 
influence at all, the result is the same)

3) a wiki enabled person can add the above (or
modified) to the
http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Run_OOo_versions_parallel so
that .deb users can also know how to install/run parallel versions of OOo.

deb user could already do that! (I'm in fact also a deb user ;-) )
Any way, feel free to add/change anything you want in that wiki page.
If you don't have an account, is very simple to get one (IIRC click the 
link Log in / create account at the top-right corner of every wiki page).

And if you don't have wiki skills, OOo Writer can export to Wiki format.


Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina



Aus der Kriegsschule des Lebens
- Was mich nicht umbringt,
macht mich härter.
Nietzsche Götzendämmerung, Sprüche und Pfeile, 8.

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